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Grain legumes play an important role in community livelihood and in the national economy in Kenya. Unfortunately, in many African countries, production doesn't satisfy the demand in grains due to various constrains. Understanding farmers practices and behavior in the management of grain legume pests is a crucial step in the development of sustainable management strategies. A total of 216 farmers were surveyed in eight districts of eastern Kenya to evaluate farmers' knowledge and perceptions of grain legume pests; to examine current pest management practices, and to identify other production constraints. Grain legumes are grown by a wide age-group of farmers, with both genders equally represented. Chemical control remains the main pest management strategy, and, to ensure pesticide effectiveness, farmers also use increased application rates, chemical alternation, frequent application and mixtures of chemicals. While farmers used other control measures, they showed only limited interest in biological control. The majority of the farmers had experience in grain legume farming and were able to identify the major pests, which were the legume flower thrips Megalurothrips sjostedti Trybom, the cowpea aphid Aphis craccivora Koch and the legume pod borer Maruca vitrata Fabricius. Our survey revealed that education and proximity to extension services contributed significantly to farmers' knowledge of grain legume pests, suggesting the need to provide continuous training and capacity building on integrated pest management in grain legume farming. The study also suggests integration of other pest management strategies such as the use of early maturing varieties, biopesticides and biofertilizer to reduce the use of chemical for sustainable pest management.  相似文献   

Widespread use of highly toxic pesticides primarily for agricultural purpose has generated increasing concerns about the negative impact of pesticides on human health and the environment. Integrated pest management (IPM) usually seeks to minimize the use of pesticides and can be utilized to solve pest problems while minimizing risks to people and the environment. A total of 220 vegetable farmers in Nakhon Ratchasima Province of Thailand was interviewed with the objective of investigating the factors determining their adoption or non-adoption of IPM practices. The findings demonstrated that farmers had different uncompromising reasons for determining the use of IPM for their insect pest management. Higher costs of insecticides (91%), adverse effects of insecticides on human health and the environment (80%), and a greater risk of insect pests developing resistance to insecticides (28%) were the primary reasons for the adoption of IPM by vegetable growers in the study area. The reasons for the rejection of IPM practice were unsuitability of IPM for a large farm (52%), implementation difficulties (80%) and a greater belief in synthetic insecticides and their efficacy for target pest control (39%). A comparison between the IPM and the non-IPM farmers showed a significant difference (P < 0.01) in farmers' knowledge of pest management, which influenced IPM adoption or non-adoption. The IPM farmers had greater knowledge about identifying natural enemies and their beneficial role in controlling insect pests, about plant extracts and their efficacy in controlling insect pests and about sticky traps and their efficacy in monitoring natural enemies and controlling insect pests. For example, 24% of IPM farmers had knowledge of natural enemies whereas it was only 4% for the non-IPM farmers. A logistic regression model was fitted which showed that lower cost of pest management, better knowledge on IPM after training and availability of extension services were the factors which influenced farmers' adoption of IPM practice. The non-IPM farmers rejected adoption of IPM due to the common belief that natural enemies would not be effective in controlling insect pests and yields of vegetables would not be increased by practicing IPM.  相似文献   

Surveys were undertaken in six districts of southwestern Ethiopia from July to October 2003 to investigate farmers’ perceptions and management practices of insect pests on traditionally stored sorghum. The survey involved 138 randomly selected farmers who were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Storage insect pests were perceived as the major insect pests of sorghum. The majority of the farmers estimated sorghum yield losses of up to 50% due to insect damage during storage. High temperature and lack of storage hygiene were cited as the major factors resulting in insect infestation of stored sorghum. Infestations of stored sorghum insect pests were common on different forms of sorghum, which stored in various types of farm storage. Farmers classified sorghum varieties according to the level of resistance to stored sorghum insect pests. Only about 32% of the farmers had access to chemical insecticides for the control of stored sorghum insect pests, while the majority of them used cultural practices and locally available plant materials as storage protectants.  相似文献   

张瑾  肖强 《中国茶叶》2020,(1):12-14
作为一种茶树重要的半翅目类害虫,红蜡蚧在我国多数产茶省均有分布,以其成虫和若虫刺吸汁液为害茶树并能诱发茶煤病,影响茶树生长、茶叶品质和产量。本文介绍了红蜡蚧的形态特征、发生特点和防治方法,以方便茶农识别和防治。  相似文献   

Ugandan farmers were interviewed in order to investigate their knowledge, perceptions and ability to manage pests in agroforestry generally and on Alnus species particularly. Farmers’ ability to recognise pest problems on Alnus species was significantly influenced by their length of experience in cultivating the species, but not their age, sex or formal education. Most farmers (77%) were aware of pest problems on Alnus species. However, identification of pest problems was based largely on damage type rather than causal agents. Whereas farmers had good knowledge of vertebrate pests of Alnus, insects and diseases that infest the tree species were unknown to most farmers. Apis mellifera damage on Alnus was the most frequently described damage, but its cause was either unknown or misdiagnosed. Most farmers did not control insect and disease infestations on Alnus because they did not know the causal agents and/or appropriate control measures. Farmers were generally more knowledgeable on insect and disease infestations on crops than on multipurpose tree species (MPTS) and most of them (98%) perceived that crops suffer more damage from such pests than do MPTS. However, farmers’ ability to manage insect pests and diseases seemed weak on both crops and MPTS. Most farmers suggested the use of pesticides to combat pests, but they mentioned only one insecticide, permethrin and one fungicide, mancozeb. More alarming were the suggestions by a few farmers on the use of mancozeb against aphids, and permethrin to combat crop wilt and dieback. Farmers need to be educated about diagnosis, basic ecology and management strategies for both crop and tree pests to ensure sustainable pest control in agroforestry.  相似文献   

水稻有害生物生态调控的理论与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄志农  张玉烛 《作物研究》2006,20(4):297-307
针对水稻重大病虫害防治问题和农药污染造成的生态问题,从生态学观点出发,阐述了有害生物生态调控的形成及其理论基础。为了农业的可持续发展,在生产实践中研究和探讨了有害生物生态调控的多项技术措施及其控害效果。结果表明:经济作物与高产优质水稻连作种植模式及其农田景观多样性耕作制,可显著的影响与它关联的害虫及其天敌在种群数量上的变动,并促使田间生物群落发生变化,从而导致水稻主要害虫种群对稻田生态环境的非适应性减少,而蜘蛛等天敌种群则适应性增加,生物多样性指数提高。与此同时,在水稻高产栽培中坚持合理施肥控制施氮量,利用水稻品种多样性混合间栽。开展稻鸭生态种养,应用频振式杀虫灯等措施,都能显著减少稻田主要病虫的发生和危害。实现有害生物的可持续治理。  相似文献   

广西芒果病虫害发生情况和防治现状调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为准确了解当前广西芒果病虫害的防治现状及存在的问题,本研究通过网络平台、会议交流、实地调查等形式进行调研并统计分析,以期为芒果病虫害的绿色防控提供基础数据。广西芒果产区经营方式主要以家庭农场经营为主,占70.83%;种植品种主要包括‘台农’、‘桂7’、‘金煌’、‘热农1号’、‘贵妃’、‘桂10’和‘金兴’等,且71.58%的果园同时种有2个或2个以上品种。总体上芒果病害的发生为害程度较虫害严重,以芒果细菌性黑斑病和炭疽病最为严重。芒果病虫害使用最普遍的防治方法为施用化学药剂,且98.95%的种植户单次用药选择2种或2种以上混配使用,其中单次选用2~3种药剂混配的占55.32%。对于选择药剂的方式,不同种植年限的种植户不同,总体上,44.34%的种植户依靠自己经验或邻居介绍,36.79%依靠农药店推荐,18.87%按农技人员指导用药。药剂成本的投入在200~1000元/667 m 2不等,但是药剂投入与产量并没有成正比关系。  相似文献   

It is commonly said that'resistance to change' is a basic factor preventing farmers from adopting new techniques, but such a statement depends on an external judgement as to the suitability of the technique studied for the farmer. In a recent survey, farmers were asked to give their reasons for not taking up recommended techniques for grassland farming, and these reasons are examined. In some cases it is clear that the farmer has no good reason for not using the technique except that he dislikes it, and differences between techniques in this respect are discussed.  相似文献   

Vegetable farmers’ knowledge and perceptions of pests, diseases and pest management practices were investigated by interviewing 112 growers in Botswana between April and June 2004. Most of the farmers grew brassicae crops, Swiss chard and tomato, and considered arthropod pest problems as the major constraint to vegetable production. Bagrada hilaris Burm., Plutella xylostella L. and Brevicoryne barassicae L. were the most serious pests on brassicas, with red spidermites (Tetranychus spp.) being the most serious pests on tomato. Ninety-eight percent of farmers relied heavily on the use of synthetic pesticides to control these pests. Their decision to apply pesticides was mostly on noticing the presence of a pest or disease. An integrated pest management programme is needed to reduce over reliance on pesticides.  相似文献   

随着栽培面积、规模的扩大和病虫害管理水平的滞后,地道性中药材雷公藤目前正遭受病虫害的严重危害。2009、2010年对福建省泰宁县雷公藤病虫害进行调查表明,雷公藤叶部病虫害主要表现为危害种类不断增加,复合危害现象普遍,不同藤龄、不同生境的雷公藤上发生水平也各不相同。防治观念淡薄,生产措施不当,管理水平偏低,病虫害的危害潜能较大以及气候异常等是导致叶部病虫害成灾的主要因素。因此,应在边防治边研究的基础上,逐步建立健全预测预报体系,采取有效的无公害病虫害防治技术,确保雷公藤产业的健康发展。  相似文献   

茶叶斑蛾属鳞翅目斑蛾科,以幼虫咀食茶树叶片为害,是茶树叶部害虫之一。本文主要从茶叶斑蛾的分布与为害、形态特征、生活习性3个方面对其进行介绍,并提出防治措施,以期为广大茶农或技术员提供更直观的害虫识别与科学防控方法。  相似文献   

Despite the considerable progress made in different farming systems in Southern Africa, effective crop protection services remain a major constraint in their agricultural production systems. Factors responsible for these limitations include the following: the low government priorities still accorded crop protection services; the scarcity or complete lack of trained experienced professional and technical crop protection personnel; the fact that techniques for pest and disease control either are not available to small-scale farmers, or, where available, are not appropriate to the local situation; the inadequacy or lack of cooperation and communication between scientists, extension workers and farmers. A rigorous research, extension and training programme with an efficient infrastructure is advocated. In order to set priorities for appropriate integrated pest management (IPM), a standardized survey of pests of important food crops as well as losses suffered by small-scale farmers in each country of the region is imperative. The crop protection services can also be strengthened through the establishment of a Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC) Crop Protection Collaborative Network to coordinate crop protection activities, as described below.  相似文献   

Maize is an important seasonal crop and year-round food staple in Africa. On-farm storage is therefore needed, but it suffers from storage pests. To study the effectiveness and economics of a new storage method, hermetic bags, a randomized controlled trial was organized in Kenya with 300 farmers in the treatment group using hermetic bags and 300 in the control group using conventional farmer practices. A subsample of 224 farmers was visited three times during the 2012–2013 major storage season: at baseline and after two and four months. Grain samples were taken and insect infestation, damage and weight loss observed. Results show that hermetic bags were highly effective in controlling storage insect pests: after four months, grain damage was 14% in the control and only 4% in the treatment; weight loss due to insect pests was 1.7% among control farmers, but only 0.4% in the treatment group. Economic analysis shows that hermetic bags become potentially profitable, under basic price and loss assumptions, if farmers use hermetic bags for storage for at least four months per season, and if the bags last for at least four seasons.  相似文献   

2014年采用大区试验示范,研究了水稻病虫防控节药增效技术在江华瑶族自治县(南方水稻黑条矮缩病重发区)及醴陵市(机插秧稻区)的适用性。结果表明,在南方水稻黑条矮缩病及机插秧稻区,水稻病虫防控节药增效技术能有效控制南方水稻黑条矮缩病、纹枯病、稻纵卷叶螟、二化螟及稻飞虱的危害,对其防效分别达95.70%~100.00%、60.36%~84.84%、80.73%~90.41%、95.77%和74.31%~82.06%。此外,该技术的用药量比常规施药技术减少55.62%~78.25%,种稻效益增加209.73~289.35元/667 m2。  相似文献   

A computer-based interactive model that can aid farmers in the control of summer pests on winter oilseed rape is described. The model uses details on the growth characteristics of oilseed rape, together with predictions of the damage caused by the pests, to determine whether a spray application is required. The model was validated using field trials in 1986 and 1987. These trials showed that the model performed very well when compared with other popular types of advice available. Economic comparison of the model with current ADAS (MAFF) advice showed that the model performed as well or better. The model also had the advantage that it used the economics of the situation, as well as the size of the pest population, in calculating advice.  相似文献   

While research on biological control of crop pests is quite popular, it seldom targets motivations of farmers for adopting this practice. A survey of 283 rice farmers was conducted in Mazandaran province of northern Iran to study farmers' motivations for biological control adoption as an alternative control method of Asiatic rice borer [Chilo suppressalis (Walker)] and explain potential differences in motivations among different groups of farmers. Face to face interviews were used to address farmers' motivations based on a list of motivation statements found in previous studies and modified by extension officers and farmers who had adopted biological control in the study area. Factor analysis of a motivation list with 15 items revealed four main groups of factors explaining the adoption of biological control by rice farmers; these were ‘health maintenance’, ‘economic benefit’, ‘social acceptance’, and ‘environmental protection’. Men gave high scores to motivations related to ‘economic benefit’ and ‘social acceptance’, whereas women preferred mostly motivations related to ‘health maintenance’. Well-educated farmers (e.g., some college education) preferred motivations for ‘health maintenance’ more than farmers with lower education or no education at all. Participation in extension programs was associated with preference of non-economic motivations of biological control adoption, while membership in local associations (such as rural cooperatives or producers' groups) encouraged motivations related to ‘social acceptance’. Farmers who used family labor force in their fields or farmers who perceived pesticides as harmful substances showed strong motivations primarily for ‘health maintenance’ along with ‘environmental protection’. Small area of land under cultivation and low annual farm income were strongly linked with motivations for ‘economic benefit’. Besides economic motivations, policies for the promotion of biological control adoption should embrace a wide set of farmers' motivations when developing new and properly tailored extension programs.  相似文献   

介绍了品种选择、播种时期、育苗方式、肥水管理、栽插方式等水稻高质高效栽培技术,并从农业防治、物理防治、生物防治3个方面重点阐述了水稻病虫害绿色防控技术,为水稻种植人员提供参考。  相似文献   

Control of invertebrate pests in broad-acre agriculture largely relies on the application of broad-spectrum pesticides, however resistance problems and environmental concerns are driving a search for alternatives including more selective products. Here we explore the feasibility of using novel chemical groupings in the control of problematic pests that attack germinating pastures and grain crops in Australia. A modified laboratory bioassay is described for testing the response of several invertebrate pests to pesticides that have contact and systemic/translaminar properties. Two contact pesticides (fenitrothion and gamma-cyhalothrin) and three pesticides with strong systemic/translaminar properties (lambda-cyhalothrin, abamectin and diafenthiuron) showed promise for control of the collembolan Sminthurus viridis and four mite pests (Halotydeus destructor, Balaustium medicagoense, Penthaleus falcatus and Bryobia sp.). No single pesticide emerged as the most efficacious against all these pests, highlighting the need for correct pest identification before making control recommendations. Incorporating these new chemical options into pest control programs may help to control emerging pests and counter pesticide resistance issues. Selective pesticides in particular are likely to be compatible with integrated control programs that promote the establishment and maintenance of beneficial natural enemies.  相似文献   

稻米质量安全控制技术研究与示范   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过2004~2006年3年的攻关研究与示范,在调查湖南重金属污染及分布状况的基础上,将湖南农田镉污染划分为6级;筛选了一批稻米重金属低积累的水稻品种资源,研究了镉向水稻中的迁移特征和控制技术,组装了稻田控制重金属吸收与积累的综合技术;进行了水稻直播栽培技术和施肥技术的研究,形成了水稻“节氮增苗”栽培技术;在应用和完善灯光杀虫、稻田养鸭和天敌保护利用等技术的基础上,形成水稻病虫害生态控制技术。2004~2006年在湘阴县浩河口镇兴隆村进行大面积示范。取得了良好的减氮减药增效、大幅度增加天敌数量和降低稻米农药残留的效果,初步建成绿色稻米生产基地。  相似文献   

The Kenyan horticultural industry faces a new challenge following invasion by the quarantine Liriomyza leafminer species Liriomyza huidobrensis, Liriomyza sativae and Liriomyza trifolii which have recently become pests of economic importance. Controlling Liriomyza leafminers poses serious difficulties due to their biology and quarantine status. This paper examines farmers’ awareness of the pests and difficulties faced in controlling them. (1) A questionnaire survey showed that snow pea farmers in Kenya rely mainly on pesticides for control of invasive Liriomyza leafminers; (2) Sixty five percent of respondents perceived pesticides to be ineffective; (3) As a result, 74% of respondents increased the frequency of pesticide applications, 61% increased dose rates and 58% used broad-spectrum insecticides to avert damage by the pests; (4) Snow pea farmers who signed contracts with exporters and whose production practices were monitored for compliance with Good Agricultural Practices (GlobalGAP) used fewer control strategies; (5) These findings imply that the pest status of Liriomyza leafminers is likely to increase and snow pea production will significantly decrease in Central areas of Kenya unless an integrated leafminer management strategy is developed and farmers educated on methods of identifying them in their early stages of attack and use appropriate chemicals and application methods.  相似文献   

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