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研究探讨在日粮中添加功能性脂肪酸对公猪精液品质的影响。试验一,选取长白公猪18头,随机分成2组,每组9头公猪。两组均饲喂猪场种公猪配方饲料,试验组在种公日猪粮中额外添加功能性脂肪粉(速生元)30g·头-1·天-1,对照组不做处理。试验二,选取健康长白公猪配种公猪3头,连续观察8周精子质量后饲喂速生元30g/头/天,继续饲喂4周观察饲喂后对精子质量的影响。结果发现,试验一:添加功能性脂肪酸后精液量比对照组提高了12.09%,精子密度提高了9.03%,精子活力提高了10%;试验二,通过前后的对照发现,添加功能性脂肪粉可缓解精液品质下降的趋势。  相似文献   

多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)主要分为ω-3 PUFA和ω-6 PUFA,是精子质膜脂质的主要成分,对精子抗氧化、提高精子质膜流动性、维持精子结构完整性及睾酮合成等具有重要作用。不同类型PUFA对精液品质的作用有所不同,ω-6 PUFA中的花生四烯酸(AA)能够促进睾酮的分泌,但精浆中过量的AA可能诱导氧化应激;亚油酸(LA)同样可提高体内睾酮水平,共轭亚油酸(CLA)可降低精子的氧化应激;动物体内少量的二十二碳五烯酸(DPA)不仅能参与精子的运输过程,还能提高精子的抗氧化能力。ω-3 PUFA中的α-亚麻酸(ALA)具有抗氧化作用并能刺激睾酮的合成,二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)作用与ALA相似,可提高精子的抗氧化能力,同时可促进睾酮合成;二十碳五烯酸(EPA)对精子结构及睾酮合成具有调节作用。适当的ω-6/ω-3 PUFA比例对精子的活力、质膜结构、脂质组成和顶体反应均具有重要的调节作用。PUFA对精子的作用可因添加的方式、类型、ω-6/ω-3PUFA的比例及动物种类的不同而有所不同。近年来,PUFA对动物精液品质作用的相关研究取得了较大进展,但其提高精液品质的作用机制仍需进一步深入探讨。作者综述了在饲粮或精液稀释液中添加不同类型的ω-3 PUFA、ω-6 PUFA及ω-6/ω-3 PUFA比例对精子的影响,以期为深入了解PUFA在动物精液生产中的应用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The objective was to assess the influence of polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on the quality of fresh, cooled, and frozen-thawed stallion semen. Ten stallions received their normal diet (control group) or normal diet plus 150 mL of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) linseed-based oil (PUFA group). Semen was collected every 15 days during 60 days. Stallions were reversed across the treatments after a sixty-day interval. Semen was evaluated at 2, 6, 12, and 24 hours after cooling and 24 hours after freezing. Motility (MOT), vigor, membrane viability, morphology, acrosome integrity, and osmotic tolerance test (OTT) were evaluated. In the frozen-thawed semen, sperm dynamic characteristics were analyzed by computer-assisted sperm analysis and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARs) determined. The effects of treatment, time, semen type, and their interactions were submitted to PROCMIX (SAS) and means compared by the Tukey test. There was no treatment effect on the quality of fresh and cooled semen. However, frozen-thawed semen MOT, vigor, and OTT were superior (P < .05) in control compared to PUFA group. An interactive effect of sample day by treatment was observed, such that, TBARs increased over time (P = .002) in the PUFA group after 15, 30, 45, and 60 days from the beginning of supplementation. Thus, sperm may become more susceptible to the reactive oxygen species, probably due to the incorporation of polyunsaturated fat in the cell membrane. The addition of PUFA-enriched oil may be an alternative for improving frozen-thawed semen quality by increasing its MOT and resistance to osmotic changes to which sperm cells are submitted during the freezing process.  相似文献   

Abstract— In an open, uncontrolled study, 10 dogs with atopy were given evening primrose oil (EPO) (5ml/10kg/day) over a period of 9 weeks. During the first three weeks pruritus, scaling and oedema worsened but erythema and coat condition tended to improve. Subsequently all these parameters tended to improve. The effect on oedema was significant (p < 0.05). Eight of these dogs and two others were then given a 4:1 mixture of EPO and marine fish oil for 9 weeks. Although further reductions in scale and improvements in coat condition were marked in some animals, no significant changes occurred. Alterations in the plasma phospholipid essential fatty acid levels reflected the compositions of the two supplements. These findings suggest that EPO can ameliorate of atopy in dogs. This mirrors observations obtained in studies of human atopic eczema. Résumé— Dans une étude ouverte, sans lot témoin, 10 chiens souffrant d'atopie ont reçu de l'huile d'onagre (5 ml/10 kg/jour) pendant une période de 9 semaines. Pendant les 3 premières semaines, le prurit, le squamosis et l'oedème se sont aggravés mais, l'érythème et l'aspect du poil tendaient à s'améliorer. Enfin tous ces parametres tendaient à s'améliorer. L'effet sur l'érythème a été significatif (p < 0.05). Huit de ces chiens et deux autres ont alors reçu un mélange (4:1) d'huile d'onagre et d'huile de poisson de mer pendant 9 semaines. Bien qu'ultérieurement la diminution du squamosis et l'amélioration de l'état de la fourrure aient été manifestes chez certains animaux, il n'y eut pas de changement significatif. Les modifications des taux d'acides gras essentiels des phospholipides plasmatiques ont reflété la composition des deux supplémentations. Ces observations suggèrent que l'huile d'onagre peut apporter une amélioration de l'atopie canine. Cela reflète certains résultats observés lors d'études sur l'eczéma atopique de l'homme. Zusammenfassung— In einer offenen, nicht kontrollierten Untersuchung wurde 10 Hunden mit Atopie Nachtkerzenöl (EPO) in einer Dosierung von 5 ml/10 kg/Tag über einen Zeitraum von 9 Wochen verabreicht. Während der ersten 3 Wochen verschlimmerten sich Pruritus, Schuppenbildung und Ödeme, während Erytheme und Fellzustand eher eine Tendenz zur Besserung zeigten. Danach besserten sich alle diese Parameter. Die Wirkung auf Erytheme war signifikant (p < 0.05). Acht dieser Hunde und zwei andere erhielten 9 Wochen lang Nachtkerzenöl und Seefischöl in einer Mischung von 4:1 im Anschlufl an diese Untersuchung. Obwohl eine weitere Verminderung der Schuppenbildung und eine Vorbesserung der Fellqualität bei einigen Tieren festgestellt wurden, waren diese Veränderungen nicht signifikant. Die Veränderungen der essentiellen phospholipiden Fettsäuren im Plasma spiegeln die Zusammensetzung der beiden verabreichten Öle wieder. Diese Befunde weisen darauf hin, daß die Atopie des Hundes durch EPO gebessert werden kann. Dies entspricht auch Beobachtungen bei Untersuchungen des atopischen Exzems des Menschen.  相似文献   

Abstract— In an open, uncontrolled study, 10 dogs with atopy were given evening primrose oil (EPO) (5ml/10kg/day) over a period of 9 weeks. During the first three weeks pruritus, scaling and oedema worsened but erythema and coat condition tended to improve. Subsequently all these parameters tended to improve. The effect on oedema was significant (p < 0.05). Eight of these dogs and two others were then given a 4:1 mixture of EPO and marine fish oil for 9 weeks. Although further reductions in scale and improvements in coat condition were marked in some animals, no significant changes occurred. Alterations in the plasma phospholipid essential fatty acid levels reflected the compositions of the two supplements. These findings suggest that EPO can ameliorate of atopy in dogs. This mirrors observations obtained in studies of human atopic eczema. Résumé— Dans une étude ouverte, sans lot témoin, 10 chiens souffrant d'atopie ont reçu de l'huile d'onagre (5 ml/10 kg/jour) pendant une période de 9 semaines. Pendant les 3 premières semaines, le prurit, le squamosis et l'oedème se sont aggravés mais, l'érythème et l'aspect du poil tendaient à s'améliorer. Enfin tous ces parametres tendaient à s'améliorer. L'effet sur l'érythème a été significatif (p < 0.05). Huit de ces chiens et deux autres ont alors reçu un mélange (4:1) d'huile d'onagre et d'huile de poisson de mer pendant 9 semaines. Bien qu'ultérieurement la diminution du squamosis et l'amélioration de l'état de la fourrure aient été manifestes chez certains animaux, il n'y eut pas de changement significatif. Les modifications des taux d'acides gras essentiels des phospholipides plasmatiques ont reflété la composition des deux supplémentations. Ces observations suggèrent que l'huile d'onagre peut apporter une amélioration de l'atopie canine. Cela reflète certains résultats observés lors d'études sur l'eczéma atopique de l'homme. Zusammenfassung— In einer offenen, nicht kontrollierten Untersuchung wurde 10 Hunden mit Atopie Nachtkerzenöl (EPO) in einer Dosierung von 5 ml/10 kg/Tag über einen Zeitraum von 9 Wochen verabreicht. Während der ersten 3 Wochen verschlimmerten sich Pruritus, Schuppenbildung und Ödeme, während Erytheme und Fellzustand eher eine Tendenz zur Besserung zeigten. Danach besserten sich alle diese Parameter. Die Wirkung auf Erytheme war signifikant (p < 0.05). Acht dieser Hunde und zwei andere erhielten 9 Wochen lang Nachtkerzenöl und Seefischöl in einer Mischung von 4:1 im Anschlufl an diese Untersuchung. Obwohl eine weitere Verminderung der Schuppenbildung und eine Vorbesserung der Fellqualität bei einigen Tieren festgestellt wurden, waren diese Veränderungen nicht signifikant. Die Veränderungen der essentiellen phospholipiden Fettsäuren im Plasma spiegeln die Zusammensetzung der beiden verabreichten Öle wieder. Diese Befunde weisen darauf hin, daß die Atopie des Hundes durch EPO gebessert werden kann. Dies entspricht auch Beobachtungen bei Untersuchungen des atopischen Exzems des Menschen.  相似文献   

随着畜牧业的发展,精液检测已从常规的目测逐渐发展成多指标联合检测,目前可用于反映精子质量的指标包括精子密度、活力、活率、动态特征、顶体膜完整性、顶体状态与获能的能力、线粒体活性、受精能力等。犬精子质量的评估,对于人工授精技术和体外受精技术的应用具有重要意义。通过分析诸多精液指标及其相互关联,确定实验室检测的要点,以期为犬精液质量的实验室检测提供参考依据。  相似文献   

目的研究陇东绒山羊细管精液冷冻时,通过在葡萄糖一柠檬酸盐稀释液中添加TCM199,观察其对陇东绒山羊细管冷冻精冷冻效果的影响。方法选用4个试验组和对照组进行对比试验,试验组是在稀释液基础上分别添加TCM199标准液,含量为0.5%、1%、3%、5%(V/V)。结果表明:添加19/6的TCM199标准液的试验组(B)效果较好,其冷冻解冻后精子活力高于对照组和其它试验组,但差异不显著(P〉0.05),质膜完整率试验组和对照组相比差异不显著(P〉0.05),在精子穿卵活力试验中(SPA),试验组和对照组相比差异不显著(P〉0.05)。但在细管解冻后不同时间段活力测定试验中,解冻后5h、8h、12h,试验组(B)和对照组活力差异显著(P〈0.05),且随着时间延长呈下降趋势。因此制作陇东绒山羊精液细管冷冻时,添加1%TCM199标准液具有比较好的效果。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of chilled dog semen processed with extenders containing various concentrations of N‐acetyl‐L‐cysteine (NAC). Ejaculates from five dogs were collected, pooled and evaluated for concentration, motility, rapid steady forward movement (RSF‐movement), viability, acrosomal integrity and by the hypo‐osmotic swelling test (HOST). In addition, superoxide anion (O2‐?) production, hydroxyl radicals (OH?) and total reactive oxygen species (tROS) were determined. The pool was divided into five aliquots, which were diluted to a final concentration of 66.66 × 106 spermatozoa/ml with Tris‐glucose‐egg yolk extender containing one of the following concentrations of NAC (0, 0.5, 1, 2.5 or 5 mm ). The semen aliquots were chilled and preserved at 4°C. Semen quality was evaluated after rewarming at 72 h. Sperm motility was significantly higher with the 0.5 mm concentration compared with the control group (p = 0.001). Rapid steady forward movement was higher with the 0.5 and 1 mm concentrations compared with the control and 5 mm group (p < 0.001). Viability and HOST percentages were not significantly altered. Compared with the control, the 5 mm concentration showed significantly reduced percentages of spermatozoa with normal acrosomes (p = 0.049). None of the ROS values at 72 h were significantly affected by the presence of NAC in semen extenders, although all NAC concentrations showed lower O2‐? and OH? values compared with the control. Only the concentrations of 1 and 5 mm inhibited the significant increase of tROS values after 72 h, compared with the fresh semen value. In conclusion, NAC supplementation of semen extenders is beneficial to semen motility of canine spermatozoa during chilling with the 0.5 mm concentration being the most effective, although no significant ROS inhibition was observed at 72 h.  相似文献   

Recent discoveries have shown that the chances of a dog developing a behavioral disorder may depend upon a number of factors including nutrition. The current pilot study was designed to provide an assessment of the efficacy of a dietary supplement containing omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and zinc on some common behavioral disorders in a population of Iranian domestic dogs. In total, 48 dogs including 6 dogs without any behavior disorder (control group) and 42 dogs with at least 1 common behavioral disorder, namely excessive activity, inappropriate elimination, fearfulness, destructiveness, and aggression toward unfamiliar people and dogs (test group), were given daily oral dose of gelatin capsules of fish oil supplements containing 330 mg eicosapentaenoic acid and 480 mg docosahexaenoic acid. Moreover, all dogs received 12-15 mg/kg of magnesium citrate and 5 mg/kg of zinc sulfate. Data were obtained using a questionnaire that dog owners were invited to fill out 2 times before (Days 0 and 42) and 2 times after the supplement treatment period (Days 84 and 126). The questionnaire asked owners whether their dog had exhibited any of the 6 common behavioral disorders on a 5-point Likert-like scale ranging from 0 (never or very rarely) to 4 (very often). The results showed no significant changes for any of the evaluated behavior disorders scale in the control group. In dogs with behavior disorders, results showed a significant reduction in the median score for the severity of fearfulness (P?=?.0083), destructiveness (P?=?.002), and inappropriate elimination (P < .001). In addition, there were no significant differences in the median score for the severity of excessive activity (P = .162), aggression toward dogs (P = .281), and aggression toward unfamiliar people (P = .09) during the course of the study. Results of the study reported here support the hypothesis that a combination of omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and zinc may improve some of the behavioral disorders.  相似文献   

Abstract— The physiology of essential fatty acid metabolism in the cat is reviewed. Emphasis is placed on those aspects of the n:6 and n:3 fatty acids, their metabolites and interactions, which relate primarily to the skin. The functional roles, if known, of the fatty acids are discussed. Recent clinical research into the use of essential fatty acid supplements in the management of feline dermatoses is presented. Current indications for the therapeutic supplementation with essential fatty acids are summarised.  相似文献   

为探讨在冷冻稀释液中添加谷胱甘肽(GSH)对犬精液冷冻保存效果的影响,采用按摩法采集5只杂种土犬的精液,离心去精清后,在冷冻液中分别加入0.5、1.0、1.5、2.0、2.5 mmol/L的GSH,制成0.25 mL的冻精进行冷冻保存,以不添加GSH的处理组作为对照组。解冻后在含有5% CO2的空气、37 ℃、相对饱和湿度条件下孵育10 h,分别在孵育0、2、4、6、8、10 h时检查精子活力。结果显示:冻融后0 h,0.5、1.0 mmol/L GSH处理组的精子活力较高,分别为0.36和0.38,均显著(P<0.05)高于对照组和2.0、2.5 mmol/L处理组,且两者之间差异不显著(P>0.05);1.0 mmol/L处理组的精子顶体完整率最高,为85.10%,显著(P<0.05)高于对照组,同时,其精子畸形率最低,为23.00%,显著(P<0.05)低于对照组。冻融后体外孵育2、4 h时,0.5、1.0 mmol/L处理组的精子活力均较高,其中,0.5 mmol/L处理组在体外孵育4 h时,其精子活力仍可达到0.30;孵育6 h时,1.0 mmol/L处理组精子活力最高,显著(P<0.05)高于对照组和2.0、2.5 mmol/L处理组;孵育8 h时,各GSH处理组的精子活力均显著(P<0.05)高于对照组;在孵育至10 h时,各GSH处理组的精子活力较其他孵育时间均有较大幅度的下降,未检测到对照组中有呈直线运动的精子。综上提示,在犬精液冷冻液中添加0.5~1.0 mmol/L的GSH能够显著提高冻融后的精子质量和体外存活时间。  相似文献   

This study assessed the effect of oral supplementation with the primary antioxidants and fatty acids involved in spermatogenesis (L-carnitine, selenium, vitamin E, omega-3, and omega-6) on the seminal quality in fresh, cooled, and frozen semen of stallions (n = 8), using a randomized design. The animals were divided into Group I (n = 4) and Group II (n = 4) for a 30-week experiment. The two groups alternated between nutraceutical supplementation and a placebo over the course of the experiment. Semen collections were performed in two sets: once in the middle of the experiment, before the two groups switched treatments, and once at the end. The volume, appearance, sperm concentration, spermatozoa kinetics, and membrane integrity of fresh semen were evaluated. The spermatozoa kinetics and membrane integrity of cooled (for 24, 36, and 48 hours) and frozen semen were also evaluated. No differences were observed in volume, appearance, and sperm concentration between treatment and control. However, compared with placebo, nutraceutical supplementation increased (P < .05) total motility, trajectory speed, as well as plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity in spermatozoa from fresh semen. In cooled semen, nutraceutical treatment also increased (P < .05) total motility, speed, and membrane integrity of spermatozoa compared with the control. In frozen semen, supplementation increased (P < .05) spermatozoa progressive motility and plasma membrane integrity. Our results suggest a positive, synergistic effect of the antioxidant L-carnitine and selenium on spermatozoa kinetics. Similarly, the increase in plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity could be attributed to higher concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids (a key cell-membrane component), combined with the prevention of excess lipid peroxidation by antioxidants. In conclusion, supplementation with nutraceuticals containing fatty acids and antioxidants improved the quality of fresh, cooled, and frozen stallion semen. Therefore, nutraceutical use should increase the success of artificial insemination with cooled and cryopreserved semen.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to investigate the effects of vitamin B12 supplementation on standard bovine semen quality parameters and anti‐oxidative enzyme activities. Vitamin B12 was supplemented at concentrations of 1.25, 2.5, 3.75 and 5.0 mg/ml to bovine semen cryoprotective medium. The results indicated that the motility and straight line velocity, curvilinear velocity, mean coefficient, velocity of the average path values of sperm supplemented with 2.50 mg/ml vitamin B12 were significantly higher than that of other groups (p < 0.05). No significant difference was observed for linearity index, lateral head displacement values and the percentage of grade A spermatozoa between the extenders containing 2.50 and 3.75 mg/ml vitamin B12 (p > 0.05). The percentages of acrosome‐intact and plasma membrane‐intact spermatozoa were significantly improved (p < 0.05) by supplementing with 2.50 mg/ml vitamin B12. The results of biochemical assay revealed that vitamin B12 supplementation did not cause significant changes in superoxide dismutase levels compared with control (p > 0.05). However, the catalase levels were higher in the treatment supplemented with vitamin B12 at 2.50 mg/ml, when compared with other groups (p < 0.05). The extender supplemented with vitamin B12 significantly decreased glutathione peroxidase activity compared with the control (p < 0.05). The supplementation of 3.75 mg/ml vitamin B12 caused the highest value of glutathione reductase activity, compared with other groups (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the extender supplemented with vitamin B12 could reduce the oxidative stress provoked by freezing‐thawing and improve bovine semen quality. Further studies are required to obtain more concrete results on the determination of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant capacities of vitamin B12 in cryopreserved bovine semen.  相似文献   

Abstract— In 1956 Sinclair suggested that abnormalities of EFA metabolism might be the basis of many of the unsolved diseases which particularly affect Western societies, notably cardiovascular and inflammatory disorders and cancer. Dismissed as a crank for about 25 years, Sinclair is now being recognised as a percipient pioneer. Recent evidence for the roles of EFAs in cancer, vascular disease, diabetic complications and inflammatory disorders such as atopic eczema and arthritis is discussed.
Resumen  En 1956, Sinclair sugirió que la causa de algunos enfermedades que afectaban al mundo occidental podría ser abnormalidades del metabolismo de los EFA, en particular, enfermedades cardiovasculares, inflamatorias y cancer. Por un periodo de 25 años sus teorías fueron rechazadas, sin embargo hoy se le cdrisidera un pionero en la materia. El reciente descubrimiento del papel de los EFA en cancer, enfermedades cardiovasculares, complicaciones de la diabetes y disórdenes inflamatorios (como arthritis y eczema), se discute en éste artículo.  相似文献   

以葡3-3稀释液(葡萄糖-柠檬酸盐-卵黄)为基础,添加富含多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA),且含较高比例DHA和EPA的深海鱼油作为冷冻绵羊精液的新型添加剂,进而研究PUFA对绵羊精子冷冻-解冻过程优良的保护作用.研究结果表明,绵羊精液冷冻稀释液中添加3%PUFA的处理组,同时添加1%VE(V/V)作为抗氧化剂,经冷冻-解冻对精子的损害较小,解冻后活率和顶体完整率分别比对照组1(0)显著提高6%和10%(P<0.05),精清中LDH酶(乳酸脱氢酶)活力和GOT酶(谷-草转氨酶)活力比对照组1(0)显著降低65%和15%(P<0.05).  相似文献   

稀释液中添加维生素E对绵羊冷冻精液品质的影响   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
采用两步稀释法 ,在绵羊冷冻精液中添加维生素E ,精液稀释平衡后精子活率 ,试验组 (0 .6 35 )高于对照组(0 .5 75 ) ,但无显著性差异 (P >0 .0 5 ) ;而解冻后 ,试验组活率 (0 .4 35 )极显著高于对照组 (0 .36 5 ) (P <0 .0 1) ;精子顶体总异常率 ,试验组 (33.72 % )极显著低于对照组 (4 4 .35 % ) (P <0 .0 1) ,其中试验组顶体膨胀率和脱落率与对照组分别为 1.2 8% ,2 3.0 8%与 2 .6 8% ,2 8.96 %。添加维生素E可以降低冷冻对精子顶体的损害程度 ,提高精液品质。试验也证明在解冻后保存 1h内 ,精子活率呈现缓慢下降的趋势 ,但 1h后活率急剧下降 ,因而 ,绵羊冻精颗粒解冻后应在 1h内输精完毕  相似文献   

饲喂油菜籽对放牧牦牛乳生产性能和乳脂肪酸的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本试验主要目的是研究饲喂经高温高压处理的油菜籽对放牧牦牛乳生产性能和乳脂肪酸的影响.选择15头母牦牛,随机分为3组:对照组(N组,放牧);低饲喂量组(L组,放牧加饲喂油菜籽100 g/yak·d)和高饲喂量组(H组,放牧加饲喂油菜籽200 g/yak·d).结果表明:(1)与对照组相比,饲喂100 g/yak·d油菜籽对牦牛的乳生产性能和乳脂肪酸没有影响,饲喂200 g/yak·d油菜籽能显著提高乳产量以及各乳成分的产量(P<0.05);(2)棕榈酸(C16:0)、硬脂酸(C18:0)和油酸(c-9-C18:1)是放牧牦牛乳脂中含量较高的3种脂肪酸,饲喂油菜籽显著提高乳脂中硬脂酸(C18:0)的含量(P<0.05);(3)N、L和H组中共轭亚油酸(conjugated linoleic acid,CLA)含量分别是1.23%,1.15%和1.18%,饲喂油菜籽对各组CLA的含量和脱饱和酶指数无显著影响,牦牛乳中c-9,t-11-CLA的含量较高,平均为总CLA含量的98.60%.  相似文献   

Fenbendazole (FBZ) is an anthelmintic recently approved to treat and control nematode infections in growing turkeys. When administered to growing turkeys there are no detrimental side effects. However, when we used FBZ to treat nematodes in mature breeder toms, we observed a decrease in semen quality and a subsequent precipitous decline in fertility to less than 20% within 6 wk of administration. An experiment was designed to determine the impact of FBZ administration on aspects of spermatogenesis and semen quality. We discovered that although sperm viability and concentration was not significantly affected by FBZ, this drug significantly reduced sperm mobility. However, normal mobility resumed within 6 wk after FBZ administration. Fenbendazole binds to tubulin and interferes with microtubule assembly. Based on testes histology and the immunocytochemical localization of tubulin in spermatids and mature sperm, FBZ had no affect on any aspect of spermatogenesis. We suggest that FBZ may be affecting sperm mobility by some molecular alteration of the sperm tail axoneme or midpiece, both of which are tubulin-containing structures. If a breeding flock of toms become infected with nematode parasites, a flock manager has the following options: do not treat the toms, find an alternative to FBZ, treat the toms with FBZ and increase the sperm number and frequency of artificial inseminations, or treat the toms with FBZ and secure semen from an uninfected tom flock.  相似文献   

为研究亚油酸底物葵花籽油对山羊瘤胃消化代谢和瘤胃液脂肪酸组成的影响,以5只装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的雌性成年徐淮白山羊为试验动物,采用自身对照设计,对照期和试验期(添喂葵花籽油7 mL/d)各15 d,低精料日粮常规饲养。每期结束后采集瘤胃液进行分析。结果表明,添喂葵花籽油后,瘤胃液pH无显著变化;而氨氮(NH3-N)水平和TVFA显著升高(P〈0.05);乙、丙酸含量显著增加(P〈0.05),而乙、丙、丁酸比例(C2+C4)/C3比值和微生物粗蛋白(MCP)均无明显变化;(C18∶1)和c9,t11-CLA(P〈0.05)浓度均明显升高。表明在山羊日粮中添加一定量的葵花籽油,可在不改变瘤胃发酵类型和不影响瘤胃微生物本身的情况下促进瘤胃消化代谢,调节瘤胃液脂肪酸组成。  相似文献   

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