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The concentration of African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) was assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in relation to symptom severity among resistant, moderately resistant and susceptible cassava genotypes. Resistant genotype NR 8083 had significantly lower symptom severity scores ( P  < 0·05) than the susceptible genotype TMS 91934, but the two genotypes contained similar levels of virus concentration. The moderately resistant genotypes TMS 30572 and NR 8082 expressed significantly lower symptom severities ( P  < 0·05) than the susceptible genotypes TMS 91934 and TME 117, but they contained significantly higher virus concentrations ( P  < 0·05) than TMS 91934 and similar virus concentration as in TME 117. However, two other resistant genotypes, TME 1 and TME 8, had low symptom severity scores and virus concentrations. There was significant interaction ( P  ≤ 0·05) between cropping season and virus concentration in all the genotypes except TMS 30572. The resistant and moderately resistant genotypes that had high virus concentrations sustained storage root yield losses. The severity of symptoms expressed was not necessarily a reflection of the virus concentration in some of the genotypes. In addition to the use of symptom severity scores to group genotypes into resistant classes, it is recommended that virus concentration should also be considered. Genotypes displaying mild symptoms, but with high levels of virus accumulation, could be an important source of inoculum in the spread of ACMV by the whitefly vectors. This suggests that each genotype should be tested for virus accumulation prior to its release to the farmers.  相似文献   

A viral complex causing golden mosaic and leaf distortion (rugosity) in tomato plants was obtained from viruliferous whiteflies, and named TGV-Ub1. This complex was sap-transmitted from tomato to Nicotiana benthamiana . PCR amplification using universal begomovirus primers yielded two distinct fragments for DNA-A, suggesting that the TGV-Ub1 complex comprised at least two distinct viruses. Clones corresponding to full-length viral genomes were obtained from tomato plants infected with TGV-Ub1. Comparisons of the complete sequences of clones pUb1-49 (DNA-A), pUb1-62 and pUb1-81 (both DNA-B) indicated that they constitute novel western hemisphere begomoviruses. Clones pUb1-49 and pUB1-81 have identical common regions, thus representing the cognate DNA-A and -B of a novel begomovirus, named Tomato rugose mosaic virus (ToRMV). Clone pUb1-62 has a distinct common region from ToRMV and all other geminiviruses. A cognate DNA-A for pUb1-62 was not found. Clones containing 1·8 copies of the genomic components were constructed. Infectivity assays of these clones in tomato and N. benthamiana demonstrated that the clones corresponding to ToRMV systemically infected both hosts. Symptoms were analogous to those observed when using the pure isolates obtained in this study. The combination of pUb1-49 and -62 did not result in systemic infection, indicating that these components do not form a viable virus. ToRMV was sap-transmitted from N. benthamiana to N. benthamiana , and by grafting to Solanum tuberosum and Datura stramonium . ToRMV-A and ToRMV-B were detected in plants of Nicandra physaloides and Phaseolus vulgaris , respectively, growing in nearby tomato fields, in association with distinct DNA components.  相似文献   

Two potyvirus isolates, one from germplasm of yard-long bean (Vigna unguiculata ssp.sesquipedalis) introduced into the Netherlands, and another one from soybean plants (Glycine max) in Indonesia, were compared with two virus isolates of blackeye cowpea mosaic virus (BICMV) from the USA and a Moroccan isolate of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CAMV). It is proposed that all five isolates be now considered BICMV on the basis of host ranges, symptoms and serology. From our results, and a reassessment of the literature it is suggested to drop the name CAMV in favour of BICMV.Samenvatting Twee potyvirussen, de een in Nederland ingevoerd met genenmateriaal vanVigna unguiculata ssp.sesquipedalis en de ander uit planten van sojaboon (Glycine max) in Indonesië, werden vergeleken met twee isolaten van blackeye cowpea mosiac virus (BICMV) en een Marokkaans isolaat van cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CAMV). Op grond van waardplantenreeksen, symptomen en serologie stellen de auteurs voor om alle vijf isolaten te beschouwen als BICMV. Gebaseerd op de verkregen resultaten en een kritische beschouwing van de literatuur wordt de aanbeveling gedaan om de naam CAMV te laten vallen ten gunste van BICMV.  相似文献   

侵染扶桑的烟草花叶病毒分离物鉴定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从表现叶斑驳症状的扶桑病株上获得一病毒分离物,电镜下可见约300 nm×18 nm的杆状粒子,其与烟草花叶病毒抗血清呈明显的阳性反应,dsRNA约为6.4 kbp。根据烟草花叶病毒(tobacco.mosaic virus,TMV)的RNA序列设计引物,进行RT-PCR检测,扩增出约800 bp的预期特异片段。将PCR产物连接pMD18-T载体,转化大肠杆菌DH5α,得到了含有目的片段的重组子。序列分析表明,与周雪平等报道的序列(GenBank AJ011933.1)同源性达99%。通过生物学、病毒粒子观察、血清学以及分子生物学实验结果,确定该病毒分离物为TMV。  相似文献   

Cassava common mosaic disease (CCMD) has been reported in all regions where cassava is grown in the Americas and the causal agent, Cassava common mosaic virus (CsCMV), has been identified as a mechanically transmitted potexvirus (Alphaflexiviridae). In Argentina, cassava is grown mainly in the northeast (NEA) region that shares borders with Brazil and Paraguay. Increasing incidences of CCMD were observed during the years 2014 to 2016 associated with severe leaf mosaic symptoms and yield reductions where the occurrence of CsCMV was confirmed by RT‐PCR and sequencing. In this work, the virus has been successfully purified and a double‐antibody sandwich (DAS‐) ELISA test has been developed from an Argentinean isolate of CsCMV to extend the diagnostics of the disease. A collection of 726 samples was screened and CsCMV was detected with 100% prevalence in the NEA region. Additional co‐infecting viruses were detected in some plants (64.4%); in these, CCMD symptoms correlated with CsCMV only, although more severe symptoms could be observed in mixed infected plants. Sequence analysis of the conserved RdRp domain showed a wider diversity of CsCMV isolates. Interestingly, a separate phylogenetic cluster was formed by isolates from the NEA region that only shared 77.1% to 80.3% nucleotide identity with the other clusters. These results indicate the presence of mixed strains occurring in the NEA region and suggest the presence of geographically distinct strains of CsCMV in South America.  相似文献   

本研究利用小RNA深度测序技术在河北卢龙大豆叶片上检测到6株大豆花叶病毒(soybean mosaic virus, SMV), 命名为SMV-Gm1~SMV-Gm6。根据小RNA深度测序结果和参考基因组序列设计引物克隆了SMV河北分离物的基因组序列。测序结果经拼接后获得了6个SMV基因组全长序列, 大小分别为9 588 nt(SMV-Gm1、SMV-Gm3和SMV-Gm5)和9 584 nt(SMV-Gm2、SMV-Gm4和SMV-Gm6)。开放阅读框位于基因组第132位至第9 332位核苷酸, 编码一个多聚蛋白(分子量约为350 kD)。BLAST比对和系统发育分析发现, SMV-Gm1、SMV-Gm3和SMV-Gm5与江苏SMV分离物(登录号:MH919386)的基因组核苷酸序列相似性最高, 为98.06%~98.07%, 且遗传距离较近, 并与江苏、浙江和山西SMV分离物聚为一小簇;SMV-Gm2、SMV-Gm4和SMV-Gm6与韩国SMV分离物(登录号:FJ640954)的基因组核苷酸序列相似性最高, 为98.48%~98.51%, 且遗传距离较近。  相似文献   

以来自甘肃的南瓜果实样品中提取的总RNA为模板进行RT-PCR扩增,序列测定和分析结果表明:扩增片段包含CGMMV的外壳蛋白基因和3’非编码区,证明南瓜果实中存在黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒,将其印基因序列与来自国内不同地区的其他CGMMV分离物进行序列比对,发现国内各分离物间的同源率高,有很近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

Distribution of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in shoot meristem tissue of CMV-inoculated tobacco was successively analyzed with immunohistochemical microscopy and in situ hybridization. CMV signals were detected in the tissue at 7 days postinoculation (dpi), but then they decreased and disappeared after 14dpi. Detailed observation confirmed CMV invasion of shoot apical meristem at 6–8dpi. Short interfering RNA corresponding to CMV RNAs was first detected at 7dpi and was detected up to 24dpi. These results suggest that the shoot meristem tissue is infected with CMV but subsequently recovers from the infection by RNA silencing.  相似文献   

To detect Japanese yam mosaic virus (JYMV) and Yam mild mosaic virus (YMMV) in yam plants in Japan, we developed a duplex RT-PCR assay consisting of a tube-capture procedure followed by one-step RT-PCR with two primer pairs. A 241-bp fragment of the coat protein region of JYMV and a 174-bp fragment of the nuclear inclusion protein b region of YMMV were amplified, thus identifying the two viruses from yam plants cultivated in Yamaguchi Prefecture in 2007. All water yam plants examined were infected with YMMV alone. All the Japanese yam and Chinese yam plants were infected with either JYMV alone or both JYMV and YMMV, suggesting that YMMV and JYMV are prevalent among field-grown yam plants.  相似文献   

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