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The dynamical and physical properties of asteroids offer one of the few constraints on the formation, evolution, and migration of the giant planets. Trojan asteroids share a planet's semimajor axis but lead or follow it by about 60 degrees near the two triangular Lagrangian points of gravitational equilibrium. Here we report the discovery of a high-inclination Neptune Trojan, 2005 TN(53). This discovery demonstrates that the Neptune Trojan population occupies a thick disk, which is indicative of "freeze-in" capture instead of in situ or collisional formation. The Neptune Trojans appear to have a population that is several times larger than the Jupiter Trojans. Our color measurements show that Neptune Trojans have statistically indistinguishable slightly red colors, which suggests that they had a common formation and evolutionary history and are distinct from the classical Kuiper Belt objects.  相似文献   

Shorter-wavelength surface-emitting laser sources are important for a variety of fields, including photonics, information processing, and biology. We report on the creation of a current-driven blue-violet photonic-crystal surface-emitting laser. We have developed a fabrication method, named "air holes retained over growth," in order to construct a two-dimensional gallium nitride (GaN)/air photonic-crystal structure. The resulting periodic structure has a photonic-crystal band-edge effect sufficient for the successful operation of a current-injection surface-emitting laser. This represents an important step in the development of laser sources that could be focused to a size much less than the wavelength and be integrated two-dimensionally at such short wavelengths.  相似文献   

Carbon structures with three-dimensional periodicity at optical wavelengths   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Porous carbons that are three-dimensionally periodic on the scale of optical wavelengths were made by a synthesis route resembling the geological formation of natural opal. Porous silica opal crystals were sintered to form an intersphere interface through which the silica was removed after infiltration with carbon or a carbon precursor. The resulting porous carbons had different structures depending on synthesis conditions. Both diamond and glassy carbon inverse opals resulted from volume filling. Graphite inverse opals, comprising 40-angstrom-thick layers of graphite sheets tiled on spherical surfaces, were produced by surface templating. The carbon inverse opals provide examples of both dielectric and metallic optical photonic crystals. They strongly diffract light and may provide a route toward photonic band-gap materials.  相似文献   

An artificial crystal structure has been fabricated exhibiting a full three-dimensional photonic bandgap effect at optical communication wavelengths. The photonic crystal was constructed by stacking 0.7-micrometer period semiconductor stripes with the accuracy of 30 nanometers by advanced wafer-fusion technique. A bandgap effect of more than 40 decibels (which corresponds to 99.99% reflection) was successfully achieved. The result encourages us to create an ultra-small optical integrated circuit including a three-dimensional photonic crystal waveguide with a sharp bend.  相似文献   

Nanofabricated photonic materials offer opportunities for crafting the propagation and dispersion of light in matter. We demonstrate an experimental realization of a two-dimensional negative-index material in the blue-green region of the visible spectrum, substantiated by direct geometric visualization of negative refraction. Negative indices were achieved with the use of an ultrathin Au-Si3N4-Ag waveguide sustaining a surface plasmon polariton mode with antiparallel group and phase velocities. All-angle negative refraction was observed at the interface between this bimetal waveguide and a conventional Ag-Si3N4-Ag slot waveguide. The results may enable the development of practical negative-index optical designs in the visible regime.  相似文献   

We present spatial coherence measurements of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light generated through the process of high-harmonic up-conversion of a femtosecond laser. With a phase-matched hollow-fiber geometry, the generated beam was found to exhibit essentially full spatial coherence. The coherence of this laser-like EUV source was shown by recording Gabor holograms of small objects. This work demonstrates the capability to perform EUV holography with a tabletop experimental setup. Such an EUV source, with low divergence and high spatial coherence, can be used for experiments involving high-precision metrology, inspection of optical components for EUV lithography, and microscopy and holography with nanometer resolution. Furthermore, the short time duration of the EUV radiation (a few femtoseconds) will enable EUV microscopy and holography to be performed with ultrahigh time resolution.  相似文献   

Kerr RA 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1989,245(4925):1450-1451
Any time the view of a planet leaps from a fuzzy dot accompanied by two pinpoints of light to the riveting details of swirling clouds, rings, cratered moonlets, and even individual dust particles, planetary science is going to be in for some upheaval. Voyager 2's encounter with Neptune was no exception. Something as seemingly innocuous as an hour or two shift in the new length of a Neptunian day is giving meteorologists and physicists fits. And Neptune's canted, complex magnetic field found by Voyager knocks into a cocked hat most ideas about why a similar field at Uranus was unique. But there were more reassuring discoveries as well. Here are samplings of both sorts of findings.  相似文献   

Prinn RG 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1973,182(4117):1132-1135
It is proposed that the visible cloud deck on Venus is composed of droplets of sulfuric acid. These are formed by the very rapid photooxidation of carbonyl sulfide in the upper atmosphere. The clouds are best described as an extensive haze since the predicted particulate scale height probably exceeds the gas scale height within the layer. The predicted mixing ratio for water is 10(-6) (lower limit), and for both carbonyl sulfide and sulfur dioxide it is 10(-7) (upper limit); these are in good agreement with observations. Gaps in the layer are not possible unless the planetary scale dynamics produce cloud turnover times of less than a few days. Under these conditions the water mixing ratio could approach 10(-4) and the formation of a thin hydrochloric acid haze at high altitude above the main cloud is possible.  相似文献   

Thermal structure measurements obtained by the two VEGA balloons show the Venus middle cloud layer to be generally adiabatic. Temperatures measured by the two balloons at locations roughly symmetric about the equator differed by about 6.5 kelvins at a given pressure. The VEGA-2 temperatures were about 2.5 kelvins cooler and those of VEGA-1 about 4 kelvins warmer than temperatures measured by the Pioneer Venus Large Probe at these levels. Data taken by the VEGA-2 lander as it passed through the middle cloud agreed with those of the VEGA-2 balloon. Study of individual frames of the balloon data suggests the presence of multiple discrete air masses that are internally adiabatic but lie on slightly different adiabats. These adiabats, for a given balloon, can differ in temperature by as much as 1 kelvin at a given pressure.  相似文献   

苏显  陈捷 《广东农业科学》2013,40(1):198-200
目前种猪养殖信息系统使用成本高、对技术素养的要求高、人性化设计不够等特点造成信息系统难普及,降低种猪养殖的效益.为简化用户的使用条件,降低成本,提高效益,采用以B/S结构为基础,按照4A标准的网络服务,构建按需付费的种猪信息云服务平台,用户无需懂得高深的计算机、网络和数据库技术,无需投人大量资金购买设备和聘用人员维护系统,只需支付使用费用即可使用服务平台,实现种猪全生命周期标准化、规范化管理和日常运营智能化管理.  相似文献   

With reference to arguments that weather modification technology is sufficiently advanced for the federal government to finance cloud-seeding operations as a means of alleviating water shortages, an analysis of the Whitetop rain stimulation experiment was performed. The average 24-hour precipitation in six concentric regions up to 180 miles from the center of the target on 102 days of cloud seeding was less than that on the 96 experimental days without seeding. For distances less than 30 miles, the apparent loss of rain due to seeding was 32 percent. With the increase in distance, this apparent loss decreased to a minimum of 9 percent for gages between 120 and 150 miles from the center. However, the 48 gages at distances between 150 and 180 miles showed a 22 percent apparent loss of rain due to seeding. The estimated average loss of rain within the whole region of about 100,000 square miles was 21 percent of what would have fallen without seeding. When a 5-year experiment, expected to produce a 5 to 10-percent increase, shows a 20-percent decrease in rainfall, the relevant technology does not appear reliable enough for practical use.  相似文献   

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