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Evaluation of crop water stress index for LEPA irrigated corn   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study was designed to evaluate the crop water stress index (CWSI) for low-energy precision application (LEPA) irrigated corn (Zea mays L.) grown on slowly-permeable Pullman clay loam soil (fine, mixed, Torrertic Paleustoll) during the 1992 growing season at Bushland, Tex. The effects of six different irrigation levels (100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%, and 0% replenishment of soil water depleted from the 1.5-m soil profile depth) on corn yields and the resulting CWSI were investigated. Irrigations were applied in 25 mm increments to maintain the soil water in the 100% treatment within 60–80% of the “plant extractable soil water” using LEPA technology, which wets alternate furrows only. The 1992 growing season was slightly wetter than normal. Thus, irrigation water use was less than normal, but the corn dry matter and grain yield were still significantly increased by irrigation. The yield, water use, and water use efficiency of fully irrigated corn were 1.246 kg/m2, 786 mm, and 1.34 kg/m3, respectively. CWSI was calculated from measurements of infrared canopy temperatures, ambient air temperatures, and vapor pressure deficit values for the six irrigation levels. A “non-water-stressed baseline” equation for corn was developed using the diurnal infrared canopy temperature measurements as T cT a = 1.06–2.56 VPD, where T c was the canopy temperature (°C), Ta was the air temperature (°C) and VPD was the vapor pressure deficit (kPa). Trends in CWSI values were consistent with the soil water contents induced by the deficit irrigations. Both the dry matter and grain yields decreased with increased soil water deficit. Minimal yield reductions were observed at a threshold CWSI value of 0.33 or less for corn. The CWSI was useful for evaluating crop water stress in corn and should be a valuable tool to assist irrigation decision making together with soil water measurements and/or evapotranspiration models. Received: 19 May 1998  相似文献   

Summary The onset of water stress within a crop is defined as the time at which the rate of water loss declines below that of a well watered crop in the same locality. The relation to the onset of water stress and soil water status of several readily measured plant parameters was investigated in crops of wheat and soybeans over three years. Evapotranspiration ET was monitored with weighing lysimeters. A noticeable decline in the rate of ET for both wheat and soybeans was detected once 20% to 30% of the total plant available water PAW remained in the 1 m deep lysimeter soil profile. Extension growth of wheat declined when PAW was 33% and 34% in two years of measurement. In soybeans, the decline in the rate of leaf extension coincided with the decline in the rate of ET. Midmorning measurement of exposed leaf water potential L, covered leaf water potential CL and covered plant leaf water potential CP yielded similar results for both wheat and soybeans. Day-to-day variability was least in CP and most in L. Values of CP, L and CL decreased rapidly with PAW < 30%. Daily values of leaf diffusive conductance were variable but there was a general decline in conductance with PAW < 30%. It is suggested that CL may be the easiest and most reliable parameter to monitor as a means of detecting the onset of stress. The results indicated that PAW levels in the root zone of 50% for wheat and 30% for soybean probably do not affect extension growth or plant water status parameters and can thus be used as criteria for irrigation scheduling.Seconded from the Water Research Commission, Pretoria; present address: CSIRO, Division of Irrigation Research, Griffith, N SW 2680, Australia  相似文献   

Crop water stress index relationships with crop productivity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Field experiments between 1983 and 1987 were used to study the effect of crop development on crop water stress index (CWSI) parameters and the relationship of CWSI with the yield of cotton and grain sorghum. The absolute slopes of nonstressed baselines (NSBL) generally increased until canopy cover reached 70% (Table 1). NSBL derived from data collected when canopy temperature exceeded 27.4 °C had greater absolute slopes and higher R 2-values than NSBL that included all diurnal measurements (Table 1). Average CWSI values of cotton and grain sorghum grown under varying soil water regimes were negatively correlated with yield. Grain sorghum yield was more sensitive to CWSI values than was cotton lint yield (Figs. 1 and 2). Multiyear data analysis indicated that yields from cotton that experienced a completely stressed condition during part of each day during the boll setting period would be 40% of those from completely nonstressed cotton (Fig. 3). Negative values of CWSI computed for cotton growing under non-water stressed conditions were associated with uncertainties in calculations of aerodynamic resistance (r aand in estimating canopy resistance at potential evapotranspiration (r cp).  相似文献   

A reexamination of the crop water stress index   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Summary Hand-held infrared radiometers, developed during the past decade, have extended the measurement of plant canopy temperatures from individual leaves to entire plant canopies. Canopy temperatures are determined by the water status of the plants and by ambient meteorological conditions. The crop water stress index (CWSI) combines these factors and yields a measure of plant water stress. Two forms of the index have been proposed, an empirical approach as reported by Idso et al. (1981), and a theoretical approach reported by Jackson et al. (1981). Because it is simple and requires only three variables to be measured, the empirical approach has received much attention in the literature. It has, however received some criticism concerning its inability to account for temperature changes due to radiation and windspeed. The theoretical method is more complicated in that it requires these two additional variables to be measured, and the evaluation of an aerodynamic resistance, but it will account for differences in radiation and windspeed. This report reexamines the theoretical approach and proposes a method for estimating an aerodynamic resistance applicable to a plant canopy. A brief history of plant temperature measurements is given and the theoretical basis for the CWSI reviewed.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to develop the relationship between canopy-air temperature difference and vapour pressure deficit for no stress condition of wheat crop (baseline equations), which was used to quantify crop water stress index (CWSI) to schedule irrigation in winter wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L.). The randomized block design (RBD) was used to design the experimental layout with five levels of irrigation treatments based on the percentage depletion of available soil water (ASW) in the root zone. The maximum allowable depletion (MAD) of the available soil water (ASW) of 10, 40 and 60 per cent, fully wetted (no stress) and no irrigation (fully stressed) were maintained in the crop experiments. The lower (non-stressed) and upper (fully stressed) baselines were determined empirically from the canopy and ambient air temperature data obtained using infrared thermometry and vapour pressure deficit (VPD) under fully watered and maximum water stress crop, respectively. The canopy-air temperature difference and VPD resulted linear relationships and the slope (m) and intercept (c) for lower baseline of pre-heading and post-heading stages of wheat crop were found m = −1.7466, c = −1.2646 and m = −1.1141, c = −2.0827, respectively. The CWSI was determined by using the developed empirical equations for three irrigation schedules of different MAD of ASW. The established CWSI values can be used for monitoring plant water status and planning irrigation scheduling for wheat crop.  相似文献   

We studied the suitability of empirical crop water stress index (CWSI) averaged over daylight hours (CWSId) for continuous monitoring of water status in apple trees. The relationships between a midday CWSI (CWSIm) and the CWSId and stem water potential (ψ stem), and soil water deficit (SWD) were investigated. The treatments were: (1) non-stressed where the soil water was close to field capacity and (2) mildly stressed where SWD fluctuated between 0 and a maximum allowable depletion (MAD of 50 %). The linear relationship between canopy and air temperature difference (ΔT) and air vapor pressure deficit (VPD) averaged over daylight hours resulted in a non-water-stressed baseline (NWSBL) with higher correlation (?T = ?0.97 VPD – 0.46, R 2 = 0.78, p < 0.001) compared with the conventional midday approach (?T = ?0.59 VPD – 0.67, R 2 = 0.51, p < 0.001). Wind speed and solar radiation showed no significant effect on the daylight NWSBL. There was no statistically meaningful relationship between midday ψ stem and CWSIm. The CWSId agreed well with SWD (R 2 = 0.70, p < 0.001), while the correlation between SWD and CWSIm was substantially weaker (R 2 = 0.38, p = 0.033). The CWSId exhibited high sensitivity to mild variations in the soil water content, suggesting it as a promising indicator of water availability in the root zone. The CWSId is stable under transitional weather conditions as it reflects the daily activity of an apple crop.  相似文献   

Research was conducted in northern Colorado in 2011 to estimate the crop water stress index (CWSI) and actual transpiration (T a) of maize under a range of irrigation regimes. The main goal was to obtain these parameters with minimum instrumentation and measurements. The results confirmed that empirical baselines required for CWSI calculation are transferable within regions with similar climatic conditions, eliminating the need to develop them for each irrigation scheme. This means that maize CWSI can be determined using only two instruments: an infrared thermometer and an air temperature/relative humidity sensor. Reference evapotranspiration data obtained from a modified atmometer were similar to those estimated at a standard weather station, suggesting that maize T a can be calculated based on CWSI and by adding one additional instrument: a modified atmometer. Estimated CWSI during four hourly periods centered on solar noon was largest during the 2 h after solar noon. Hence, this time window is recommended for once-a-day data acquisition if the goal is to capture maximum stress level. Maize T a based on CWSI during the first hourly period (10:00–11:00) was closest to T a estimates from a widely used crop coefficient model. Thus, this time window is recommended if the goal is to monitor maize water use. Average CWSI over the 2 h after solar noon and during the study period (early August to late September, 2011) was 0.19, 0.57, and 0.20 for plots under full, low-frequency deficit, and high-frequency deficit irrigation regimes, respectively. During the same period (50 days), total maize T a based on the 10:00–11:00 CWSI was 218, 141, and 208 mm for the same treatments, respectively. These values were within 3 % of the results of the crop coefficient approach.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess crop water stress index (CWSI) of bermudagrass used widely on the recreational sites of the Mediterranean Region and to study the possibilities of utilization of infrared thermometry to schedule irrigation of bermudagrass. Four different irrigation treatments were examined: 100% (I1), 75% (I2), 50% (I3), and 25% (I4) of the evaporation measured in a Class A pan. In addition, a non-irrigated treatment was set up to determine CWSI values. The status of soil water content and pressure was monitored using a neutron probe and tensiometers. Meanwhile the canopy temperature of bermudagrass was measured with the infrared thermometry. The empirical method was used to compute the CWSI values. In this study, the visual quality of bermudagrass was monitored seasonally using a color scale. The best visual quality was obtained from I1 and I2 treatments. Average seasonal CWSI values were determined as 0.086, 0.102, 0.165, and 0.394 for I1, I2, I3, and I4 irrigation treatments, respectively, and 0.899 for non-irrigated plot. An empirical non-linear equation, Qave=1+⌊6[1+(4.853 CWSIave)2.27]−0.559Qave=1+6[1+(4.853 CWSIave)2.27]0.559, was deduced by fitting to measured data to find a relation between quality and average seasonal CWSI values. It was concluded that the CWSI could be used as a criterion for irrigation timing of bermudagrass. An acceptable color quality could be sustained seasonally if the CWSI value can be kept about 0.10.  相似文献   

The use of digital infrared thermography and thermometry to investigate early crop water stress offers a producer improved management tools to avoid yield declines or to deal with variability in crop water status. This study used canopy temperature data to investigate whether an empirical crop water stress index could be used to monitor spatial and temporal crop water stress. Different irrigation treatment amounts (100%, 67%, 33%, and 0% of full replenishment of soil water to field capacity to a depth of 1.5 m) were applied by a center pivot system to soybean (Glycine max L.) in 2004 and 2005, and to cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in 2007 and 2008. Canopy temperature data from infrared thermography were used to benchmark the relationship between an empirical crop water stress index (CWSIe) and leaf water potential (ΨL) across a block of eight treatment plots (of two replications). There was a significant negative linear correlation between midday ΨL measurements and the CWSIe after soil water differences due to irrigation treatments were well established and during the absence of heavy rainfall. Average seasonal CWSIe values calculated for each plot from temperature measurements made by infrared thermometer thermocouples mounted on a center pivot lateral were inversely related to crop water use with r2 values >0.89 and 0.55 for soybean and cotton, respectively. There was also a significant inverse relationship between the CWSIe and soybean yields in 2004 (r2 = 0.88) and 2005 (r2 = 0.83), and cotton in 2007 (r2 = 0.78). The correlations were not significant in 2008 for cotton. Contour plots of the CWSIe may be used as maps to indicate the spatial variability of within-field crop water stress. These maps may be useful for irrigation scheduling or identifying areas within a field where water stress may impact crop water use and yield.  相似文献   

Application of a new method to evaluate crop water stress index   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Optimum water management and irrigation require timely detection of crop water condition. Usually crop water condition can be indicated by crop water stress index (CWSI), which can be estimated based on the measurements of either soil water or plant status. Estimation of CWSI by canopy temperature is one of them and has the potential to be widely applied because of its quick response and remotely measurable features. To calculate CWSI, the conventional canopy-temperature-based model (Jackson’s model) requires the measurement or estimation of the canopy temperature, the maximum canopy temperature (T cu), and the minimum canopy temperature (T cl). Because extensive measurements are necessary to estimate T cu and T cl, its application is limited. In this study, by introducing the temperature of an imitation leaf (a leaf without transpiration, T p) and based on the principles of energy balance, we studied the possibility to replace T cu by T p and reduce the included parameters for CWSI calculation. Field experiments were carried out in a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) field in Luancheng area, Hebei Province, the main production area of winter wheat in China. Six irrigation treatments were established and soil water content, leaf water potential, soil evaporation rate, plant transpiration rate, biomass, yield, and regular meteorological variables of each treatment were measured. Results indicate that the values of T cu agree with the values of T p with a regression coefficient r=0.988. While the values of CWSI estimated by the use of T p are in agreement with CWSI by Jackson’s method, with a regression coefficient r=0.999. Furthermore, CWSI estimated by the use of T p has good relations with soil water content and leaf water potential, showing that the estimated CWSI by T p is a good indicator of soil water and plant status. Therefore, it is concluded that T cu can be replaced by T p and the included parameters for CWSI calculation can be significantly reduced by this replacement.  相似文献   

Summary A coupled soil-vegetation energy balance model which treats the canopy foliage as one layer and the soil surface as another layer was validated againt a set of field data and compared with a single-layer model of a vegetation canopy. The two-layer model was used to predict the effect of increases in soil surface temperature (T s ) due to the drying of the soil surface, on the vegetation temperature (T v ). In the absence of any change in stomatal resistance the impact of soil surface drying on the Crop Water Stress Index (CSWI) calculated from T v was predicted. Field data came from a wheat crop growing on a frequently irrigated plot (W) and a plot left un watered (D) until the soil water depletion reached 100 mm. Vegetation and soil surface temperatures were measured by infrared thermometers from tillering to physiological maturity, with meteorological variables recorded simultaneously. Stomatal resistances were measured with a diffusion porometer intensively over five days when the leaf area index was between 5 and 8. The T v predicted by the single-layer and the two-layer models accounted for 87% and 88% of the variance of measured values respectively, and both regression lines were close to the 11 relationship. Study of the effect of T s on the CWSI with the two-layer model indicated that the CWSI was sensitive to changes in T s . The overestimation of crop water stress calculated from the CWSI was predicted to be greater at low leaf area indices and high levels of stomatal resistance. The implications for this bias when using the CWSI for irrigation scheduling are discussed.List of Symbols C Sensible heat flux from the soil-vegetation system (W m–2) - c l shade Mean stomatal conductance of the shaded leaf area (m s–1) - c l sun Mean stomatal conductance of the sunlit leaf area (m s–1) - c max Maximum stomatal conductance (m s–1) - c 0 Minimum stomatal conductance (m s–1) - C p Specific heat at constant pressure (J kg–1 °C–1) - C s Sensible heat flux from the soil (W m–2) - C v Sensible heat flux from the vegetation (W m–2) - c v Bulk stomatal conductance of the vegetation (m s–1) - CWSI Crop Water Stress Index (dimensionless) - e a Vapor pressure at the reference height (kPa) - e b Vapor pressure at the virtual source/sink height of heat exchange (kPa) - e 0 * Saturated vapor pressure at T 0 (kPa) - e s Vapor pressure at the soil surface (kPa) - e v * Saturated vapor pressure at T v (kPa) - G Soil heat flux (Wm–2) - GLAI Green leaf area index (dimensionless) - GLAIshade Green shaded leaf area index (dimensionless) - GLAIsun Green sunlit leaf area index (dimensionless) - k Extinction coefficient for photosynthetically active radiation (dimensionless) - k 1 Damping exponent for Eq. A 5 (m2 W–1) - LAI Leaf area index (dimensionless) - LE Latent heat flux from the soil-vegetation system (W m–2) - LE s Latent heat flux from the soil (W m–2) - LE v Latent heat flux from the vegetation (W m–2) - p a Density of air (kg m–3) - PARa Photosynthetically active radiation above the canopy (W m–2) - PARu Photosynthetically active radiation under the canopy (W m–2) - r a Aerodynamic resistance (s m–1) - r b Heat exchange resistance between the vegetation and the adjacent air boundary layer (s m–1) - r c Bulk stomatal resistance of the vegetation (s m–1) - R n Net radiation above the canopy (W m–2) - R s Net radiation flux at the soil surface (W m–2) - r st Mean stomatal resistance of leaves in the canopy (s m–1) - R v Net radiation absorbed by the vegetation (W m–2) - r w Heat exchange resistance between the soil surface and the boundary layer (s m–1) - S Photosynthetically active radiation on the shaded leaves (W m–2) - S d Diffuse photosynthetically active radiation (W m –2) - S 0 Photosynthetically active radiation on a surface perpendicular to the beams (W m–2) - T a Air temperature at the reference height (°C) - T b Temperature at the virtual source/sink height of heat exchange (°C) - T 0 Aerodynamic temperature (°C) - T s Soil surface temperature (°C) - T v Vegetation temperature (°C) - w 0 Single scattering albedo (dimensionless) - Psychrometric constant (kPa °C) - 0 Cosine of solar zenith angle (dimensionless)  相似文献   

Summary In a previous experiment, evaporation from soybeans (Glycine max L.) in two weighing lysimeters with different soil types was found to differ by up to 30%. This occurred despite good canopy development and maintenance of well watered conditions. The present experiment sought to repeat the previous observation and to define its cause. Soybeans were sown in and around the two weighing lysimeters on 9 December 1987 and were well watered through the entire season. The lysimeters, L1 and L2 contained undisturbed blocks of Hanwood loam and Mundiwa clay loam soils, respectively, both Rhodoxeralfs. Crop growth, radiant energy interception, soil heat flux, canopy temperature and root growth were monitored through the season. Plant growth in L2 was slower than in L1 such that by 46 days from sowing (DFS), L1 plants had one leaf more on average than those in L2 and by 76 DFS plants in L2 were about 0.1 m shorter than those in either L1 or in the area immediately surrounding it. The ratio of L2 to L1 daily evaporation was 0.76 during the period 75 to 84 DFS; this being very similar to the effect observed previoulsy. The crop canopy in a 100 m2 area centred around L2 was reduced in height by removing the top 0.15 m at 85 DFS. This treatment caused the L2L1 evaporation ratio to increase to 1.07. The effect of reducing the height of plants surrounding L2 was to increase net radiant energy intercepted in the canopy of the L2 plants and to change the turbulent transfer processes over the L2 canopy. Shading from the taller surrounding plants was estimated to have reduced evaporation by 4% while increased aerodynamic resistance above the L2 canopy as the result of the height discontinuity accounted for a further 20% reduction. This study highlights limitations in the application of one dimensional energy balance theory to non-ideal canopy configurations and to the care needed to ensure plant growth within lysimeters is the same as the surrounds.Visiting scientist  相似文献   

Accurate estimates of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) water requirements are needed for water conservation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the FAO-56 crop coefficients for peanut grown under various levels of water stress in a humid climate. Two experiments were conducted in three automated rainout shelters located at the University of Georgia Griffin Campus in Griffin, Georgia, USA in 2006 and 2007. Irrigation was applied when the modeled soil water content in the effective root zone dropped below a specific threshold of the available water content (AWC). The irrigation treatments corresponded to irrigation thresholds (IT) of 40, 60 and 90% of AWC. The soil water balance was used to compute observed evapotranspiration (ET cm) from measured soil water content at six different soil depths. The length of the four developmental stages was different than the values listed in FAO-56. The 2-year average absolute relative error of K cini was 8, 19 and 6% for 40, 60 and 90% IT, respectively. For the 90% IT, the FAO-56 K cmid and K cend were almost identical to the 2-year averages of the observed K cmid and K cend, respectively. The findings of this study confirmed that the FAO-56 procedure was reasonably accurate for estimating peanut ET under water stress in a humid climate.  相似文献   

Summary Different soils are known to affect the amount and distribution of both available water and roots. Optimising irrigation water use, especially when shallow water-tables are present requires accurate knowledge of the root zone dynamics. This study was conducted to determine the effect of two soil types on root growth, soil water extraction patterns, and contributions of a water-table to crop evaporation (E). Two weighing lysimeters (L1 and L2) with undisturbed blocks of soil were used. The soil in L1 had higher hydraulic conductivity and lower bulk density than that in L2. Well watered conditions were maintained by irrigation for the first 110 days from sowing (DFS). Root length density (RLD) was calculated from observations made in clear acrylic tubes installed into the sides of the lysimeters. Volumetric soil water contents were measured with a neutron probe. A water-table (EC = 0.01 S m-1) was established 1 m below the soil surface 18 DFS. RLD values were greater in L1 than L2 at any depth. In L1, maximum RLD values (3 × 104 m m-3) were measured immediately above the water-table at physiological maturity (133 DFS). In L2, maximum RLD values (1.5 × 104 m m-3) were measured at 0.42 m on 120 DFS and few roots were present above the water-table. From 71 to 74 DFS, 55 and 64% of E was extracted from above 0.2 m for L1 and L2, respectively. In L2, extraction was essentially limited to the upper 0.4 m, while L1 extraction was to 0.8 m depth. Around 100 DFS the water-table contributed 29% (L1) and 7% (L2) of the water evaporated. This proportion increased rapidly as the upper soil layers dried following the last substantial irrigation 106 DFS. Over the whole season the water-table contributed 24% in L1 and 6.5% in L2 of total E.  相似文献   

Regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) strategies, often applied in tree crops, require precise monitoring methods of water stress. Crop water stress index (CWSI), based on canopy temperature measurements, has shown to be a good indicator of water deficits in field crops but has seldom been used in trees. CWSI was measured on a continuous basis in a Central California mature pistachio orchard, under full and deficit irrigation. Two treatments—control, returning the full evapotranspiration (ETc) and RDI—irrigated with 40% ETc during stage 2 of fruit grow (shell hardening). During stage 2, the canopy temperature—measured continuously with infrared thermometers (IRT)—of the RDI treatment was consistently higher than the control during the hours of active transpiration; the difference decreasing after irrigation. The non-water-stressed baseline (NWSB), obtained from clear-sky days canopy–air temperature differential and vapour pressure deficit (VPD) in the control treatment, showed a marked diurnal variation in the intercept, mainly explained by the variation in solar radiation. In contrast, the NWSB slope remained practically constant along the day. Diurnal evolution of calculated CWSI was stable and near zero in the control, but showed a clear rising diurnal trend in the RDI treatment, increasing as water stress increased around midday. The seasonal evolution of the CWSI detected large treatment differences throughout the RDI stress period. While the CWSI in the well-irrigated treatment rarely exceeded 0.2 throughout the season, RDI reached values of 0.8–0.9 near the end of the stress period. The CWSI responded to irrigation events along the whole season, and clearly detected mild water stress, suggesting extreme sensitivity to variations in tree water status. It correlated well with midday leaf water potential (LWP), but was more sensitive than LWP at mild stress levels. We conclude that the CWSI, obtained from continuous nadir-view measurements with IRTs, is a good and very sensitive indicator of water stress in pistachio. We recommend the use of canopy temperature measurements taken from 1200 to 1500 h, together with the following equation for the NWSB: (T c − T a) = −1.33·VPD + 2.44. Measurements of canopy temperature with VPD < 2 kPa are likely to generate significant errors in the CWSI calculation and should be avoided.  相似文献   

Summary A new model for transpiration of a soybean crop is formulated and solved numerically: the model specifically includes the water stored in the plant. It describes the changes in the daily course of transpiration, stomatal behaviour, leaf water potential and leaf temperature as water deficits develop. The calculated values of leaf water potential (Fig. 3) and transpiration (Fig. 5) compared well with measured values observed during the development of water deficits in a soybean crop growing on a grey cracking clay soil.  相似文献   

Cover cropping is a common agro-environmental tool for soil and groundwater protection. In water limited environments, knowledge about additional water extraction by cover crop plants compared to a bare soil is required for a sustainable management strategy. Estimates obtained by the FAO dual crop coefficient method, compared to water balance-based data of actual evapotranspiration, were used to assess the risk of soil water depletion by four cover crop species (phacelia, hairy vetch, rye, mustard) compared to a fallow control. A water stress compensation function was developed for this model to account for additional water uptake from deeper soil layers under dry conditions. The average deviation of modelled cumulative evapotranspiration from the measured values was 1.4% under wet conditions in 2004 and 6.7% under dry conditions in 2005. Water stress compensation was suggested for rye and mustard, improving substantially the model estimates. Dry conditions during full cover crop growth resulted in water losses exceeding fallow by a maximum of +15.8% for rye, while no substantially higher water losses to the atmosphere were found in case of evenly distributed rainfall during the plant vegetation period with evaporation and transpiration concentrated in the upper soil layer. Generally the potential of cover crop induced water storage depletion was limited due to the low evaporative demand when plants achieved maximum growth. These results in a transpiration efficiency being highest for phacelia (5.1 g m−2 mm−1) and vetch (5.4 g m−2 mm−1) and substantially lower for rye (2.9 g m−2 mm−1) and mustard (2.8 g m−2 mm−1). Taking into account total evapotranspiration losses, mustard performed substantially better. The integration of stress compensation into the FAO crop coefficient approach provided reliable estimates of water losses under dry conditions. Cover crop species reducing the high evaporation potential from a bare soil surface in late summer by a fast canopy coverage during early development stages were considered most suitable in a sustainable cover crop management for water limited environments.  相似文献   

Irrigation scheduling requires an operational means to quantify plant water stress. Remote sensing may offer quick measurements with regional coverage that cannot be achieved by current ground-based sampling techniques. This study explored the relation between variability in fine-resolution measurements of canopy temperature and crop water stress in cotton fields in Central Arizona, USA. By using both measurements and simulation models, this analysis compared the standard deviation of the canopy temperature to the more complex and data intensive crop water stress index (CWSI). For low water stress, field was used to quantify water deficit with some confidence. For moderately stressed crops, the was very sensitive to variations in plant water stress and had a linear relation with field-scale CWSI. For highly stressed crops, the estimation of water stress from is not recommended. For all applications of one must account for variations in irrigation uniformity, field root zone water holding capacity, meteorological conditions and spatial resolution of T c data. These sensitivities limit the operational application of for irrigation scheduling. On the other hand, was most sensitive to water stress in the range in which most irrigation decisions are made, thus, with some consideration of daily meteorological conditions, could provide a relative measure of temporal variations in root zone water availability. For large irrigation districts, this may be an economical option for minimizing water use and maximizing crop yield.
M. P. González-DugoEmail: Phone: +34-957-016030Fax: +34-957-016043

Water and fertilizer applications should be limited due to scarce resources and environmental protection aspects. An analysis of crop yield production and profit maximization was conducted to determine the optimal water and nitrogen allocation. In this analysis based on crop production and cost functions, a series of equations for determination of applied water and nitrogen for three conditions of maximum yield (wm and Nm, respectively), maximum profit under limited land (wl and Nl, respectively) and maximum profit under limited water (ww and Nw, respectively) were derived. The associated crop production function was determined from the results of a corn experiment with four levels of nitrogen fertilization and varying amounts of applied water via a line source of sprinkler irrigation. The previously derived equations were also applied to the experimental field data and finally the optimum amounts of applied water and nitrogen were determined at different conditions (wm, wl, and ww for water and Nm, Nl, and Nw for nitrogen, respectively). At present market value (15.55 Rls/m3 for water and 652 Rls/kg for nitrogen) the amounts of wm, wl, and ww were 1.0, 0.99, and 0.74 m, respectively, and the amounts of Nm, Nl, and Nw were 212, 212, and 206 kg N/ha, respectively. Because of the low price of nitrogen, the optimum amounts of nitrogen at three mentioned conditions were similar. But if the price of nitrogen and water are increased (i.e. 50000 Rls/kg N and 100 Rls/m3 water), then the amounts of applied nitrogen and water at the mentioned three conditions would be 212, 67, and 61 kg N/ha, and 1.00, 0.93, 0.84 m, respectively. When water is limiting, the optimum amount of applied water would not be different by changing the water price, however, it may be increased by a little amount when the nitrogen price is increased.  相似文献   

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