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The performance of laboratory X‐ray computed tomography (XCT) for the non‐destructive imaging of root wood was evaluated. Lateral roots of oriental cherry (Prunus serrulata var. spontanea) and Japanese zelkova (Zelkova serrata) were severed in spring and maintained in soil for 6 months. Without sectioning, XCT revealed the phloem, xylem and vascular cambium structures in the root wood. A virtual transverse section showed a ring of woundwood covering the severed, lateral root of the two trees. Different levels of X‐ray absorption were evident around the cut surfaces of P. serrulata; however, they were rarely detected in Z. serrata. More adventitious roots were observed on Z. serrata than on P. serrulata. Distinct white spots in the rays were only detected in Z. serrata. These results suggest that XCT has potential applications in forest pathology, providing virtual sections of wound closure, wood density distribution, organ redifferentiation, and mineral deposition in root wood.  相似文献   

榉树秋季转色期叶色变化的生理生化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

对江苏省句容市、溧阳市和安徽省马鞍山市、芜湖市等地选优的30个单株家系子代进行苗期试验测定,结果表明家系间种子发芽性状有明显差异。变差为1%~39%,70%以上家系发芽率高于对照。1年生苗高家系间生长差异显著,变幅92.88~137.52 cm,统计置信度达99%,广义遗传力(h2)为0.5968。各家系苗高均优于对照。初选生长优的D27、D5、D28、D7、D29、D2、D23、D15、D1、D26的10个家系,苗高比对照增加28.61%~48.06%;遗传增益达17.07%~28.68%。其中D27、D5、D28等3个家系苗高比供试群体均值(μ)高10.64%~19.40%,选择效果明显。经留床苗测定与移植试验测定,2年生供试家系高生长仍有显著差异。各家系苗均高于对照,其中D7、D1、D27、D5、D29、D28、D23、D15、D26等9个家系苗高超过对照20%以上,与当年生苗期测定结果相似。选择这些家系苗高分别优于对照17.8%~28.06%和20.25%~28.12%,可获得8.810%~15.55%、14.92%~20.71%的遗传增益。其中D7、D1、D27等3个家系最佳,选择潜力显著。  相似文献   

  • ? Within the alpine treeline ecotone tree growth is increasingly restricted by extreme climate conditions. Although intra-annual stem growth recorded by dendrometers can be linked to climate, stem diameter increments in slow-growing subalpine trees are masked by changes in tree water status.
  • ? We tested the hypothesis that intra-annual radial stem growth in Pinus cembra is influenced by different climate variables along the treeline ecotone in the Austrian Alps. Dendrometer traces were compared with dynamics of xylem cell development to date onset of cambial activity and radial stem growth in spring.
  • ? Daily fluctuations in stem radius reflected changes in tree water status throughout the treeline ecotone. Extracted daily radial increments were significantly correlated with air temperature at the timberline and treeline only, where budburst, cambial activity and enlargement of first tracheids also occurred quite similarly. A close relationship was detected between radial increment and number of enlarging tracheids throughout the treeline ecotone.
  • ? We conclude that (i) the relationship between climate and radial stem growth within the treeline ecotone is dependent on a close coupling to atmospheric climate conditions and (ii) initiation of cambial activity and radial growth in spring can be distinguished from stem re-hydration by histological analysis.
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    This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between radial variations in shrinkage and drying behavior of larch disks during radio-frequency/vacuum (RF/V) drying. Despite considerable variations in shrinkage both within and between logs, some trends were observable for each log. Actual radial shrinkage was much larger than free radial shrinkage with a ratio of tangential shrinkage ( T) to radial shrinkage ( R) ranging from 1.27 to 1.62. If the T/ R ratio of larch was about 2.5, the relative displacement was theoretically estimated to be 1.6 to 1.65, showing good agreement with the experimental results. The results showed that the formation of V-cracking was closely related to the actual differential shrinkage, which is the difference between the estimated tangential shrinkage and actual radial shrinkage after drying.  相似文献   

    The kinetics of color changes in keyaki (Zelkova serrata Makino) and sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) wood during heat treatment were examined. The color of wood specimens treated at 90, 120, 150, and 180 °C was measured by an imaging spectrophotometer and expressed using CIELAB color parameters. At any treatment temperature, values for L* and $ \Updelta E_{ab}^{*} $ decreased and increased in both wood species, respectively, with increased treatment time. Changes in a* and b* varied depending on wood species and treatment temperature. The color changes were successfully analyzed using the kinetic approach applying time–temperature superposition method. This approach elucidated and accurately predicted color changes during heat treatment.  相似文献   

    通过田间试验,研究了不施肥处理(CK)、风干鸡粪(CM)、有机无机复合肥(OIC)和生态有机肥(BIO)处理对定植大果榉土壤碱解氮和有机质含量,土壤微生物量碳氮含量以及大果榉地上部生长指标(株高、胸径和叶面积)增长率的影响。结果表明:与CK相比CM、OIC和BIO处理均增加了土壤碱解氮和有机质含量,显著提高土壤微生物量碳、氮的含量,其中BIO处理的土壤微生物量碳氮含量最高;与CM和OIC处理相比,BIO处理初期土壤碱解氮含量相对较低,而有机质含量在整个观测期均表现出较高水平;各施肥处理均显著提高了大果榉株高、胸径和叶面积增长率,其中BIO和OIC处理效果较好。  相似文献   

    The effect of radial increment core diameter (comparing the effects of 12, 8 and 4 mm diameters, with sampling from chips used as a control) on the measurement of tracheid mean length and the percentage of broken tracheids was examined for mature wood of Norway spruce. Two methods of measuring tracheid length were used: image analysis, in which arithmetic mean length (AML) was calculated for unbroken tracheids, and the Kajaani FS-200, in which AML was calculated for all tracheids, regardless of damage. In addition to AML, length weighted mean length (LWML) was calculated for the Kajaani. Almost 70 % of all tracheids remained undamaged when the 12 mm increment core was used. This was 18 % units less than for chips. Proportion of broken tracheids increased as core diameter decreased, and for the 4 mm increment core 30 per cent of all tracheids remained undamaged. All increment core diameters tested gave LWML values that were significantly lower than the control. For AML by Kajaani, all mean values were about 50 percent lower than corresponding LWML or image analysis values, thus showing the direct influence of broken tracheids. However, only the 4 and 8 mm increment cores differed significantly from the control. For unbroken tracheids measured by image analysis, the 4 mm increment core gave a significantly lower value than the control, thus showing the indirect influence of broken tracheids. Values obtained from the 8 and 12 :mm increment cores did not differ significantly from the control.  相似文献   

    以湖南省6个红榉种源(天然种群)为研究对象,对其木材基本密度和径向全干干缩率等物理性质进行测定分析。结果表明:不同红榉种源间木材基本密度的差异达极显著,而种源内木材基本密度比较稳定,变异较小;不同种源间木材径向全干干缩率不存在显著差异,但种源内不同个体间的差异显著。红榉木材基本密度与径向全干干缩率相关性不显著。这2个性状基本上相互独立遗传,且两者与各地理气候因子相关性也不显著。  相似文献   

    枣树蒸腾速率变化与气象因子的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
    为了提高水分利用率,以7年生壶瓶枣为材料,利用热扩散式茎流仪,结合对土壤和气象因子的同步检测,动态地研究枣树单木整株的蒸腾耗水规律.结果表明,枣树蒸腾速率的日变化呈单峰曲线,13:00达到最大值,夜间枣树树干也有微弱的茎流,其大小在0~18.64 g/(株·h).枣树在晴天、多云天、阴雨天的平均蒸腾速率分别为436.4...  相似文献   

    Growth response of conifers is species-specific and depends on site and climate conditions.Studies on daily radial stem growth use different analytical approaches to determine species reactions to environmental conditions.These results contribute to improve forecasts of tree growth under a changing climate.During 2013 and2014,radial stem growth of 33 mature Cedrus libani individuals growing under different climatic conditions in Turkey and Germany was monitored hourly using high precision point dendrometers.Stem radius increments(SRI) were extracted from dendrometer readings.The annual course of SRI showed site-specific patterns with mean daily values ranging between 9.9 and 29.3 μm over the growing season.Correlation and principal component analyses indicated that humidity and low temperatures during the growing season favored SRI.Multiple regression analyses demonstrated that precipitation and relative air humidity were the most important factors influencing daily SRI.Climate-growth relationships were further evaluated using the regression tree method.Precipitation was the most significant factor on daily SRI for all sites.The close coupling of SRI to relative air humidity and precipitation underlines the importance of stem water status for radial stem growth of C.libani which is native to regions with summer drought.It further explains the superior growth of C.libani in Germany.  相似文献   

    The likelihood of detecting decay present in Norway spruce trees when taking bore core samples at breast height or at stump height was analyzed in two stands. The actual numbers of decayed trees were obtained after the trees were felled. More than 80% of the decay extending to breast height level was detected by taking core samples at that level. However, these core samples revealed only 40–70% of the actual amount of decay present at stump height. At stump height a higher portion of the total amount of decay present was revealed. Heterobasidion annosum was detected in 69 and 77% of the decayed trees in the two stands.

    Misjudgements occurred mainly where either (i) decay was present at stump height but not at breast height or (ii) when the decay column had a lateral position. At breast height the probability of finding lateral rot columns was higher than at stump height.  相似文献   

    以3种秋季不同叶色榉树的叶片为材料,测定叶片内叶绿素、类胡萝卜素、花青素以及可溶性糖的含量,比较不同秋叶颜色榉树的叶片之间差异性,分析各指标间的相关性,探讨其与叶色变化的关系。结果表明,榉树秋叶呈红色主要与叶片含较多花青素有关,秋叶呈黄色、桔黄色主要与叶片含较多类胡萝卜素有关。3种叶色榉树的叶片色素含量与可溶性糖相关性较小,分析与叶片中的蛋白质和矿质元素有关。  相似文献   

    为探明白桦树干导管特征的分布情况,由髓心向树皮逐年轮测定10株解析木树干不同高度的导管直径、管孔密度和导管组织比量。结果表明:随树干高度增加,导管直径减小,管孔密度和导管组织比量增加。由髓心向树皮,导管直径先迅速增加,在达到某一年龄后(伐根处20 a,胸径处15 a,枝下高处10 a)趋于平稳;管孔密度在伐根处基本以线性递减,在胸径处和枝下高处是先迅速减少,然后分别在15 a和10 a后趋于平稳;导管组织比量略有降低。这些结果表明白桦导管特征在树干内的分布具有空间差异。  相似文献   

    To evaluate the effects of pruning on stem radial growth increment and leaf and twig biomass production, an experiment with four pruning intensities (0, 50, 75 and 90%) on ten locally important tree species (Ailanthus triphysa, Albizia odoratissima, Artocarpus hirsutus, Bombax malabarica, Bridelia crenulata, Erythrina indica, Grewia tiliifolia, Macaranga peltata, Terminalia paniculata and Xylia xylocarpa ), was carried out. The results did not support the contention that a certain level of pruning promotes stem growth in trees. Instead, all species have a level of pruning that reduces annual increment in stem diameter. In Ailanthus triphysa and Artocarpus hirsutus trees subjected to different pruning intensities showed a decline in the annual increment in stem diameter while in other species diameter increment reduced when the pruning intensity was 75% and 90%. Response to pruning in terms of biomass production also varied from species to species. In Erythrina indica, Macaranga peltata and Terminalia paniculata annual foliage and branch production in pruned trees was significantly more than that of the un-pruned trees. However, in Ailanthus triphysa, Albizia odoratissima, Artocarpus hirsutus, Bridelia crenulata, Grewia tiliifolia and Xylia xylocarpa pruned trees produced comparatively more amount of foliage and branches produced annually than that by the un-pruned trees when the pruning was carried out once in 2 years. Based on these observations it is recommended that trees of Erythrina indica, Macaranga peltata and Terminalia paniculata may be pruned at 50% level annually while the trees of Ailanthus triphysa, Albizia odoratissima, Artocarpus hirsutus, Bridelia crenulata, Grewia tiliifolia and Xylia xylocarpa may be pruned at the same pruning intensity once in 2 years.  相似文献   

    Both the stoichiometric characteristics and leaf functional traits can reflect the adaptability of plants to changes in the external living environment. In particular, for varying aged forest plants, the study of stoichiometric characteristics and leaf functional traits can reflect the plant’s life history strategy and its resource investment and allocation methods. In this paper, the 1.5-year-old, 5-year-old, 15-year-old and 20-year-old Casta -nopsis hystrix were selected as the research objects to investigate the trends of stoichiometry and leaf functional traits, and their synergistic changes were verified. The results showed that with the increase of age, the stability of C. hystrix stoichiometry gradually increased, and the functional traits also tended to invest in security. However, there was no synergistic change between the two, which might be attributed to the different sensitivity of the C. hystrix leaf to the environment at the life history level of 1.5-year-old to 20-year-old.  相似文献   

    The study evaluated the sensitivity of larch (Larix decidua Mill.) of 20 provenances growing in the Polish lower mountain region to different climatic elements. The provenances were grown on an experimental plot located in the Polish Carpathians. Analysis of the year-to-year tree-ring width of larch of particular provenances has been undertaken. The larch populations examined were subjected to high stresses induced by the local climatic conditions. The tested larch populations were characterised by a similar sensitivity to the various climatic elements occurring during the development of the annual ring in the current and the previous year. The most limiting element of the climate, which had the strongest influence on the variation in the radial growth of larch, is air temperature. Precipitation and sunshine played an important, but slightly less significant role. A similar influence on the changes of the tree-ring width of larches of all provenances was exerted by the solar conditions in September and pluvial conditions in November of the previous year as well as thermal, pluvial and solar conditions in March and July in addition to the thermal conditions in August of the year in which the tree ring was formed. The consequence was the strong uniformity of the incremental rhythm, which is illustrated by the standardised chronologies of tree-ring widths. However, the larches of particular provenances indicated different sensitivity to the temperature in September of the previous year and to the precipitation in August of the year of tree-ring formation. It was reflected in the short-term rhythm of the changes in the tree-ring widths.  相似文献   

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