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应用稳定同位素技术研究崂山湾夏季鱼类群落的摄食生态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张波  袁伟  戴芳群 《水产学报》2016,40(4):585-594
崂山湾是黄海沿岸众多海湾之一,也是当前增殖放流的重要水域,研究该区域鱼类群落结构及其食物网结构,有着非常重要的生态意义和实用价值。本研究根据2014年6月和8月在崂山湾海域进行的底拖网调查,分析该海域夏季鱼类群落的优势种组成,并通过测定稳定同位素对其摄食生态进行研究。结果表明,崂山湾夏季鱼类群落的优势鱼种共有10种,包括六丝矛尾鳅虎鱼、中华栉孔鳅虎鱼、红狼牙鳅虎鱼、皮氏叫姑鱼、白姑鱼、小黄鱼、绿鳍鱼、短吻红舌鳎、斑鲨和赤鼻棱鳀;夏季崂山湾不同月份鱼类群落的优势种组成差异较大。各优势鱼种间δ13C值存在显著差异,结合胃含物分析结果表明6月鱼类群落食物的主要来源均为底层饵料,而8月鱼类群落的食物来源则更广泛。崂山湾夏季2个月鱼类群落的优势鱼种间的δ15N值均存在显著差异,最大分别相差4.61‰和3.70‰。崂山湾6月鱼类群落的优势种包括了中营养级鱼类和高营养级鱼类,鱼类群落的平均营养级为3.90,主要是底栖动物食性鱼类;而8月鱼类群落的优势种包括了低营养级鱼类和中营养级鱼类,鱼类群落的平均营养级为3.37,包括浮游动物食性和底栖动物食性2种食性类型,以底栖动物食性鱼类为主。线性回归分析表明崂山湾夏季10种优势鱼种除皮氏叫姑鱼、斑鲨、短吻红舌鳎和绿鳍鱼的营养级与体长无线性相关外,其余优势鱼种的营养级均与体长呈显著的正相关。这主要由于它们随着体长的增加,摄食高营养级的饵料增加,低营养级的饵料减少,自身的营养级也随之升高。  相似文献   

Microbial phytase (Natuphos 5000G) was supplemented into barley, canola meal, wheat and wheat middlings at 500 FTU kg–1 diet to test the effectiveness of the phytase on digestibility of crude protein (CP), gross energy (GE) and minerals for rainbow trout. A total of 180 rainbow trout (initial mean body weight 223.8 ± 17.9 g) were stocked into ten 40-L fibreglass digestibility tanks with 18 fish per tank. Duplicate tanks were assigned to a reference diet and a single tank was assigned randomly to each of the eight diets made from these four ingredients supplemented with and without phytase. The collection of faeces lasted for 2 weeks. Faeces collected in each week represented a replicate and they were analysed separately. The mean apparent digestibility coefficients (average of four ingredients) in phytase supplemented and nonsupplemented ingredients were: CP, 97.3% and 96.5%; GE, 62.8% and 53.1%; calcium (Ca), 38.3% and –5.3%; magnesium (Mg), 72.4% and 50.3%; manganese (Mn), 31.0% and –4.2%; total-phosphorus (total-P), 71.1% and 47.6%; phytate-phosphorus (phytate-P), 87.5% and 22.3%; copper (Cu), 38.3% and 26.4%; potassium (K), 97.1% and 97.0%; sulphur (S), 90.2% and 88.6%; zinc (Zn), 12.3% and –16.6%. A two-tailed t -test indicated that phytase supplementation significantly ( P  < 0.05) improved the digestibility of Ca, Mg, Mn, total-P, phytate-P, and GE. The efficacy of phytase on nutrient digestibility also depended on the type of ingredient as measured in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary protein level on the apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) of meat and bone meal and rapeseed meal for Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus L. was examined. Three reference diets were formulated to contain 240 (RD24), 350 (RD35) and 450 (RD45) g kg?1 crude protein, and chromic oxide was added at 10 g kg?1 in the reference diets as an inert indicator. Six test diets were formulated by mixing one of the reference diets with each test ingredient at a ratio of 70:30. Fish (initial body weight 101.0 ± 0.6 g) were fed reference diets for 3 days and then fed test diets in the following 4 days cyclically for 4 weeks. Faeces of fish fed each reference diet or test diet was collected from the third day of each diet conversion. Dietary protein level significantly affected the ADC of protein and energy of reference diets, test diets and test ingredients. The ADC of protein and energy of meat and bone meal and rapeseed meal was the highest when these ingredients were mixed with diet RD35. The scope of variation in the ADC of protein and energy of meat and bone meal was 8% (from 69.9% to 78.3%) and 8% (from 70.2% to 78.0%), and the scope of variation in the ADC of protein and energy of rapeseed meal was 4% (from 79.8% to 83.3%) and 5% (from 56.0% to 60.7%) when the dietary protein level was increased from 300 to 480 g kg?1. This indicates that the ADC of protein and energy of meat and bone meal and rapeseed meal for Nile tilapia varied considerably at different dietary protein levels.  相似文献   

基于稳定同位素方法的珊瑚礁鱼类营养层次研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
以珊瑚礁生态系统中的鱼类作为研究对象,对2006年9月至2007年8月期间在徐闻珊瑚礁海区采集到的鱼类样本分类鉴定后,运用稳定碳氮同位素方法进行鱼类营养层次的分析。结果表明,δ13C值和δ15N值的跨度都很大,δ13C值的范围为–20.98‰~–9.05‰,相差11.93‰;δ15N值的范围为11.66‰~18.15‰,差值达6.49‰。与其他海区相比,δ13C值和δ15N值显得更为富集。由δ15N值计算出来的营养层次表明,徐闻珊瑚礁鱼类分布在两端(杂食性鱼类与高级肉食性鱼类)的只占少数,绝大多数居于中间的层次(低级肉食性鱼类与中级肉食性鱼类)。在134种鱼类中,种类数最多的是以条尾鲱鲤、少鳞代表的低级肉食性鱼类,有70种,占鱼类总数的52%;其次是以细鳞鯻、龙头鱼为代表的中级肉食性鱼类,有47种,占鱼类总数的35%;鰶以斑、前鳞骨鲻为代表的杂食性鱼类和以宽尾斜齿鲨、杂食豆齿鳗为代表的高级肉食性鱼类各有11种、6种,分别占鱼类总种类数的8%和5%。在此基础上选取54种鱼类进行稳定同位素方法与胃含物法分析结果对比,发现约85%的鱼种采用两种方法测定的结果在0.5个营养级的误差范围内一致,只有少数鱼种的差值大于0.5个营养级。由此可见稳定同位素分析法与传统的胃含物分析法所得的结果有很好的一致性,稳定同位素分析法是一种研究海洋食物网营养层次的有效方法。  相似文献   

研究了7个蛋白质水平(32%、34%、36%、38%、40%、42%和44%)饲料对3个规格(Ⅰ:0.6-4.0 g;Ⅱ:4.0-10.0 g;Ⅲ:10.0-18.0 g)的凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)蛋白质表观消化率、肝胰脏蛋白酶和淀粉酶活性的影响。规格Ⅰ对虾投喂36%的饲料组具有最大蛋白质表观消化率(85.61%),规格Ⅱ和规格Ⅲ均在40%饲料组达到最大蛋白质表观消化率(分别为84.19%和84.67%)且显著高于其他组。规格Ⅰ40%饲料组具有最高的蛋白酶活力(26.67 U·mg-1)且显著高于44%饲料组,32%饲料组淀粉酶活力显著高于其他组,38%-44%饲料组淀粉酶活性无显著性差异;规格Ⅱ36%饲料组具有最高的蛋白酶活力(25.84 U·mg-1),但各组之间差异不显著,32%-38%饲料组的淀粉酶活力显著高于40%-44%饲料组;规格Ⅲ44%饲料组蛋白酶活力显著高于32%饲料组,42%、44%饲料组淀粉酶活力均显著高于32%饲料组。  相似文献   

应用同位素分析黑龙江中游主要鱼类营养层次   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年5月—2011年10月对黑龙江中游采集的32种鱼类和6种底栖无脊椎动物,运用稳定碳、氮同位素方法进行水生态营养层次的分析。结果显示,鱼类δ13C值为-32.00‰~-17.32‰,相差14.68‰;δ15N值为7.58‰~14.78‰,差值达6.80‰,跨度都很大。底栖无脊椎动物δ13C值和δ15N值的跨度不大,δ13C值为-29.64‰~-26.10‰,相差3.54‰;δ15N值为7.09‰~9.91‰,相差2.82‰。通过δ15N值计算出黑龙江中游32种主要鱼类和6种底栖无脊椎动物食物网营养层次,其中肉食性鱼类鳇(Huso dauricus)占据了黑龙江中游鱼类中最高的营养位置。通过分析初步建立了水体食物网连续营养谱,并结合底栖无脊椎动物同位素数据勾勒出黑龙江中游食物网营养结构图。  相似文献   

Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), lipid, phosphorus (P), essential amino acids (EAA), non‐essential amino acids (NEAA) and fatty acids were determined for white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). A probiotic (Bacillus sp.) was used at 0% (diet 1), 0.5% (diet 2), 1.0% (diet 3), 3.0% (diet 4) and 5.0% (diet 5) inclusion rates in experiment diets. Apparent digestibility coefficients was determined using 0.01% Y2O3 as an indicator. A total of 300 shrimp (initial mean body weight 11.5±0.6 g) were randomly stocked into fifteen 500‐L outdoor concrete tanks. Faeces were collected from three replicate groups of shrimp three times a day. The ADCs of five diets were: DM, 66.1–69.6%; CP, 80.4–84.7%; lipid, 82.2–84.9%; P, 25.4–28.5%; EAA, 82.0–85.4%; NEAA, 81.5–85.1%; saturated fatty acids (SFA), 79.6–82.4%; monounsaturates (MUFA), 81.6–84.2% and polyunsaturates (PUFA)+highly unsaturates (HUFA), 83.4–86.6%. Apparent digestibility coefficients of DM, CP, lipid, P, amino acids and fatty acids in diet 1 were significantly lower than in other diets (P<0.05). Apparent digestibility coefficient of P in diets increased as probiotic increased. Apparent digestibility coefficient of lipid in diet 3 was the highest, but the difference was not significant among diets. In general, ADCs of most amino acids and fatty acids were over 80% in all diets, and PUFA+HUFA>MUFA>SFA. The results showed that ADCs of diets supplemented with 10, 30 and 50 g probiotic kg?1 basal diet were higher than in other diets except lipid, and the difference was significant.  相似文献   

Apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, crude protein, lipid and energy, and amino acids availability in white fish meal, brown fish meal, meat meal, fermented soybean meal, soybean meal and rapeseed meal were determined for loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) (12.05 ± 0.21 g), using a reference diet with 5 g kg?1 chromic oxide and test diets that contained 700 g kg?1 reference diet, by weight, and 300 g kg?1 of the test feed ingredients. The juvenile loach was held in 300‐l tanks at a density of 30 fish per tank. White fish meal, brown fish meal, meat meal and fermented soybean meal had highest apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) of dry matter, crude protein and gross energy among ingredients tested, ranged from 50.4% to 60.9% for dry matter, from 64.6% to 88.4% for crude protein and from 57.9% to 79.0% for gross energy. The apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter ranged from 61.0% to 66.9% for animal products and 50.4% to 60.7% for plant products. For crude protein, apparent digestibility coefficients of protein exceeding 80% were observed for white fish meal, brown fish meal, meat meal and fermented soybean meal, and the apparent digestibility coefficients of protein in rapeseed meal were the lowest among all the treatments. Lipids from both animal and plant feedstuffs were poorly digested by loach, ranging from 64.0% to 77.6%. The apparent digestibility coefficients of energy were similar to those of dry matter and protein, and the highest and lowest ADCs of energy were found in WFM and RM, respectively. The loach used dietary phosphorus from the animal feedstuffs more efficiently than from plant feedstuffs (soybean meal and rapeseed meal), with ADC‐values ranging from 42.3% to 53.1% and from 25.1% to 32.7%, respectively. For the animal products, the availabilities of amino acids in white fish meal and brown fish meal were higher than that in meat meal, expect for Met, Asp, Pro, Gly, and Cys. Among all the plant products, the availabilities of amino acids in fermented soybean meal were higher than in soybean meal and rapeseed meal, and thus had a greater potential to be used as a dietary replacement of fish meal in loach diets.  相似文献   

Feed chemical composition only provides information about nutrient content of a diet, but not its bioavailability. The aims were to determine mineral bioaccessibility and protein digestibility of three different fish feed, using in vitro methods and to correlate them with feed mineral retention and apparent protein digestibility measured by juvenile Piaractus mesopotamicus model, considering elliptical joint confidence region (EJCR) of weighted least‐squares analysis. For in vivo assays, juvenile P. mesopotamicus were randomly stocked into conical tanks and fed during 38 days with a commercial diet, an experimental diet, or the same experimental diet added with phytase (0.2 g/kg). Total body mineral retention (mineral bioavailability indicator) and apparent protein digestibility of different diets were measured. For in vitro methods, mineral dialysability (mineral bioaccessibility indicator) and protein digestibility of the same diets were determined. No significant difference in morphometric and haematological markers were detected between diets. For iron, zinc and phosphorous bioavailability, and protein digestibility, weighted least‐squares analysis showed the optimal point (1, 0) was included in EJCR, indicating in vivo and in vitro methods were comparable and correlated satisfactorily. In vitro methods were able to reproduce accurately the results obtained from traditional in vivo assays using juvenile P. mesopotamicus model.  相似文献   

The study was conducted in Cam Ranh, Vietnam, in 1000‐L tanks supplied with recirculated and biofiltered saltwater (33‰ and 28.4 °C) to evaluate the potential use of lizard fish (Saurida undosquamis) or blue crab (Portunus pelagicus) acid silage protein for juvenile cobia (23–25 g). Six isoenergetic test moist diets (4915–5125 kcal kg?1), using either raw fish diet, fish silage diet (FSD), raw crab diet, crab silage diet (CSD), mixed raw fish/raw crab diet or mixed fish/crab silage diet (MSD), as part of the protein sources in the steam‐cooked diets, were fed to satiety to triplicate groups of 20 fish each for a 6‐week growth trial. Y2O3 was added as an inert indicator to determine the apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) for macro nutrients and gross energy. Weight gain (185–286%) and specific daily growth rate (2.5–3.2% per day) were significantly higher in cobia fed the raw‐based diets and FSD than in fish fed CSD and MSD (34–90 and 0.7–1.5% per day). Feed conversion ratios (FCR) were significantly higher in the groups fed CSD and MSD diets (2.1–6.5) than the groups fed the other diets (1.0–1.2), resulting in significantly lower protein productive values (0.1–0.2) in the groups fed CSD and MSD than in the other groups (0.3–0.4). The FCR results were confirmed by significantly lower ADC values in fish fed CSD and MSD than those in fish fed the other diets. We thus conclude that the present raw‐based diets were better utilized by juvenile cobia than silage‐based diets, particularly the diet made from crab silage.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of extrusion processing on apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) of dry matter, crude protein, crude fat, energy and minerals in soya bean meal (SBM), barley, corn gluten meal and whole wheat, using rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss as the test species. In addition, availabilities of amino acids were also determined in SBM. Feed ingredients were preconditioned at 89–93 °C and then extruded using a Wenger X‐85 extruder. Nonextruded ingredients were used as is, meaning that they were not preconditioned. The extruded and nonextruded ingredients were mixed with a casein–gelatin reference diet at 3 : 7 ratio prior to determination of ADC values. A total of 135 trout (initial mean body weight 223.4 ± 12.7 g) were stocked into nine 140‐L fibreglass digestibility tanks with 15 fish per tank. Individual tanks were assigned randomly to each of eight diets made from the four ingredients (extruded and nonextruded) plus the reference diet. After faeces were collected in the first week, the diets were switched among tanks, and faeces were collected again after 5‐day acclimation period in the second week. Yttrium oxide was used as the inert marker. Results showed that extrusion processing significantly improved ADCs of dry matter, crude fat and gross energy, and reduced ADCs of crude protein, phosphorus, copper, iron and zinc. Results also showed that the effects of extrusion processing on chemical composition and ADCs of nutrients depended on the ingredients. It is recommended that trace minerals such as copper, iron and zinc be supplemented by an additional 10–20% when rainbow trout diets are extruded because of their reduced bioavailability in plant meal‐based feed ingredients.  相似文献   

芽孢杆菌对斑节对虾饲料表观消化率的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
研究了斑节对虾(Penaeus monodon)饲料中添加不同剂量的芽孢杆菌制剂(Bacillus sp.,109 CFU/g)对饲料干物质、粗蛋白、脂肪、磷、氨基酸和脂肪酸的表观消化率的影响.饲料1(对照组)、饲料2、饲料3、饲料4、饲料5和饲料6中芽孢杆菌制剂的添加量分别为0、1.0 g/kg、2.0 g/kg、3.0 g/kg、4.0 g/kg和5.0 g/kg饲料.养殖实验在室外水泥池进行,每池养虾40尾,每组实验设3个重复.以Y2O3为指示剂,添加量为0.01%,连续收集粪便20 d.6个实验组中,对饲料中各营养素的表观消化率分别为:干物质,74.35%~77.89%;粗蛋白,87.29%~89.01%;脂肪,86.46%~89.67%;磷,35.83%~44.17%;必需氨基酸,93.01%~94.04%;非必需氨基酸,91.05%~92.42%;饱和脂肪酸,86.88%~89.95%;单不饱和脂肪酸,90.39%~93.40%;多不饱和脂肪酸 高不饱和脂肪酸,87.97%~91.32%.对照组的脂肪表观消化率高于饲料2、饲料5和饲料6组,但低于饲料3和饲料4组.饲料3组的脂肪和部分脂肪酸的表观消化率最高.对照组的干物质、粗蛋白、氨基酸和磷的表观消化率最低,芽孢杆菌添加量在1.0~3.0 g/kg饲料范围内,随着芽孢杆菌添加量的增加,表观消化率逐渐上升,饲料4组的表观消化率最高,与其他组相比差异显著(P<0.05),添加量超过3.0 g/kg的各组,随着芽孢杆菌添加量的增加,表观消化率又逐渐下降.实验结果表明,在饲料中添加适量的芽孢杆菌可以显著的提高干物质、粗蛋白、氨基酸和磷的表观消化率.  相似文献   

An 8‐week experiment was conducted to examine the effect of partial replacement of fish meal (FM) by a mixture of soybean meal (SBM) and rapeseed meal (RM) in practical diets of juvenile Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis of initial body weight of 1.54±0.12 g (means±SD, n=90). Five isonitrogenous diets were formulated to contain 35% protein and 5% lipid. Soybean meal and RM mix (1:1 ratio) were included at five levels of 0 (control), 15%, 30%, 45% and 60%, replacing 0, 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% FM respectively. When FM was replaced by 15% of SBM and RM, crab showed the highest growth, feed utilization and moulting frequency (MF). Fish meal replaced by SBM and RM did not significantly influence crude protein, lipid and moisture contents of whole body crab, but ash content was the lowest for crab fed the diet with FM replaced by 15% of SBM and RM. Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) of dry matter, crude protein and energy tended to decline with increasing inclusion levels of dietary SBM and RM. In general, ADCs of lipid were high (over 90%) and showed no significant differences among the treatments (P>0.05). Based on these observations above, these results indicated that about 40% of FM can be replaced with a mixture of SBM and RM (1:1 ratio) in the diet of E. sinensis without adverse growth performance, compared with the FM‐based diet. However, 20% of FM replaced by SBM and RM produced the best growth performance and feed utilization.  相似文献   

蛋白能量比对中华绒螯蟹蛋白酶活力和饲料消化率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
于1999年6~7月收集中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)粪便,用酸不溶灰分法测定中华绒螯蟹对饲料的消化率,同时测定其胃、肠、肝胰脏蛋白酶活力。结果表明,蛋白质能量比(P/E)28.93mg/kJ水平对中华绒螯蟹胃、肝胰脏蛋白酶活性明显高于P/E27.30mg/KJ和30.31mg/KJ水平饲料蛋白南、脂肪、能量和总表观消化率分别为82.57%、77.59%、83.94%和96.9  相似文献   

基于稳定碳氮同位素的莱州湾4种鳀鲱科鱼类营养级研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为研究莱州湾4种鳀鲱科鱼类营养级, 根据2011年夏季(8)和秋季(10)莱州湾底拖网调查取得的样品, 测定了130 尾样品的稳定碳氮同位素值。结果表明所有样品的δ13C值范围为–21.97‰~–11.67‰, δ15N值范围为8.54‰~15.95‰。单因素方差分析结果表明, 各种类间稳定碳氮同位素比值差异显著(P<0.05)。青鳞小沙丁鱼(Sardinella zunasi)和斑(Konosirus punctatus)δ15N值随叉长变化而有显著变化(P<0.05), 但黄鲫(Setipinna taty)和赤鼻棱鳀(Thrissa kammalensis)δ15N值随叉长的变化不明显(P>0.05)。青鳞小沙丁鱼营养级范围为2.80~4.88, 平均营养级为3.52±0.46; 营养级范围为2.71~4.29, 平均营养级为3.34±0.33; 赤鼻棱鳀的营养级范围为3.38~4.42, 平均营养级为3.97±0.28; 黄鲫的营养级范围为3.28~4.13, 平均营养级为3.76±0.23。根据稳定碳氮同位素结果, 可以得出以下结论: (1)的稳定碳同位素值范围较宽(–20.92~–11.67), 几乎涵盖了其余3种鱼类的稳定碳同位素范围(−21.97~−16.68), 表明斑栖息水层分布较广, 和传统的中上层鱼类有明显差异; (2)营养级随叉长增加而降低, 青鳞小沙丁鱼营养级随叉长增加而增加, 黄鲫和赤鼻棱鳀营养级随叉长变化不明显; (3)与胃含物分析方法相比, 赤鼻棱鳀营养级偏高0.7左右, 可能与赤鼻棱鳀摄食较多底层虾类有关, 其他3种鱼类稳定同位素测定结果略高, 但基本相当。本研究结果可为认识莱州湾渔业生物的营养关系以及构建食物网提供依据。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios were determined in the baleen plates of 17 common minke whales Balaenoptera acutorostrata from the north-western Pacific Ocean off Japan, as well as prey species (krill Euphausia pacifica , Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus and Pacific saury Cololabis saira ) collected in the stomach contents, to investigate the trophic relationship between the minke whales and their prey. A few δ15N-depleted peaks occurred along the length of baleen plates for 10 males irrespective of stomach content (anchovies and sauries). Similar δ15N-depleted peaks were also found for one female and two immature individuals. It was likely that these δ15N-depleted peaks formed in early summer. The stable nitrogen isotope ratio (δ15N) values in Pacific saury (9.3 ± 1.4‰) did not differ significantly from that in Japanese anchovy (8.8 ± 0.9‰). In contrast, δ15N in krill (7.2 ± 0.5‰ in July and 8.0 ± 0.2‰ in September) were significantly lower than in the Pacific saury. Thus, these peaks may reflect the dietary change from krill to fishes in the feeding migration of the whales. Growth rate of the baleen plate was estimated to be 129 mm/y, and it appeared that a dietary record of about 1.4 years remained in the baleen plate. For two immature whales, the maximum value of δ15N occurred at the tip of baleen. This δ15N enrichment may possibly be useful for discriminating weanlings and older whales.  相似文献   

采用由30%待测蛋白源饲料原料和70%基础饲料组成的试验饲料,以三氧化二钇(Y_2O_3)作外源指示剂,添加量为0.05%,以平均体重(34.38±1.06)g的团头鲂(Megalobrama amblycephala)幼鱼作研究对象,在30℃和25℃两种水温条件下比较研究其对鱼粉(FM)、豆粕(SBM)、菜粕(RSM)、棉粕(CSM)、酵母浸粉(YEF)、肉骨粉(MBM)和花生粕(PNM)7种蛋白源饲料原料的干物质(DM)、粗蛋白(CP)、总能(GE)、总氨基酸(TAA)及必需氨基酸(EAA)的表观消化率。结果显示:水温30℃时,酵母浸粉的干物质、总能、粗蛋白和必需氨基酸的表观消化率最高;水温25℃时,原料干物质和总能的表观消化率最高的为鱼粉,粗蛋白、必需氨基酸和总氨基酸的表观消化率最高的为豆粕。在两个水温下,原料干物质、粗蛋白、总氨基酸和必需氨基酸的表观消化率最低的均是肉骨粉,总能的表观消化率最低的是棉粕。在30℃时团头鲂对蛋白源饲料原料各营养成分的表观消化率高于25℃时,且酵母浸粉在两个水温下各营养成分的消化率差异显著(P0.05)。在30℃时,酵母浸粉的各养分表观消化率较高,但其氨基酸平衡性较差,需适量添加蛋氨酸,满足团头鲂对氨基酸的需求;在25℃时,豆粕和鱼粉各养分表观消化率较高,可作为团头鲂饲料的优质蛋白源饲料原料。肉骨粉在两个水温下均表现出最低表观消化率,需搭配其他饲料适量使用。  相似文献   

The ability of Holothuria scabra to digest nutrients, such as organic matter (OM), protein and carbohydrate from animal and plant feed ingredients was investigated. Four test feeds prepared by mixing sand with single ingredients from animal sources (shrimp and mussel) and plant sources (diatom and seaweed) were fed to H. scabra to estimate apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC). The total assimilated nutrient (TAN) increased with ADC, whereas ingestion rate (IR) varied slightly among the feeds suggesting that ADC might be a good indicator of nutrient availability to H. scabra. The ADCOM of shrimp and mussel was significantly higher than that diatom and seaweed: 86.2%, 77.1%, 55.1% and 32.3% respectively. ADCprotein was similar for shrimp (88.7%), mussel (84.8%) and diatom (75.2%), but significantly lower in seaweed (34.4%). ADCcarbohydrate was similar in mussel (58.5%) and diatom (58.3%) as well as in seaweed (31.6) and shrimp (28.0%). ADCprotein was relatively higher than ADCcarbohydrate suggesting that H. scabra generally digests more protein than carbohydrate. Furthermore, results indicated that nutrients from animal‐based feeds are more efficiently digested by H. scabra; thus, animal ingredients rich in easily digestible protein could potentially provide an efficiently balanced diet for H. scabra fed with diatom containing high easily digestible carbohydrate.  相似文献   

李聪  成永旭  管勤壮  奚业文  李嘉尧 《水产学报》2018,42(11):1778-1786
为改善克氏原螯虾在稻—虾共作模式下对稻田中丰富自然资源的利用效率,本研究通过在饲料中添加碳源(麸皮、葡萄糖)调节饲料"碳/氮"(C/N)分别为8,12,16三个组别进行投喂,利用稳定性同位素技术分析各组克氏原螯虾的食性。结果显示,(1)不同C/N投喂组中不同规格成虾肌肉中的δ13C和δ15N值均较本底显著降低,成虾肌肉的δ13C值随投喂饲料C/N的增加而下降,B组不同规格成虾肌肉的δ15N值均较其他两组高。同一C/N投喂处理组中,1级小规格成虾肌肉的δ13C和δ15N值均为最高。(2)通过食性分析,组A中不同规格的克氏原螯虾的第一食物来源均为饲料,占比38.03%~44.17%,组B中饲料仍为不同规格克氏原螯虾的第一食物来源,但是占比下降为22.13%~25.35%,组C中1级小规格成虾中有机碎屑为第一食物来源,占19.93%,2级中规格成虾及3级大规格成虾的第一食物来源饲料进一步下降为18.85%和19.40%,组B及组C中浮游动物、藻类、喜旱莲子草等天然饵料食物来源占比均较组A显著增加。研究表明,通过优化C/N的投喂模式,可以提高克氏原螯虾对于稻田天然饵料的利用率,避免饲料的过度使用和浪费,有利于实现对稻田资源的合理利用。  相似文献   

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