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Plankton hauls were conducted on five surveys from November 1998 to November 1999 to study the spatial distribution of eggs and larvae of European hake off Catalonia (NW Mediterranean Sea). Also CTD casts to record hydrographic parameters were carried out on a closely spaced station grid. Merluccius merluccius eggs and larvae appeared mainly in late spring, summer and autumn surveys and were very scarce in winter. Strong differences in terms of egg and larval densities were observed between the two November surveys, which could be attributed to the anomalous hydrographic situation during November 1998. M. merluccius egg and larvae were mainly distributed over the continental shelf, with peak abundances between the 100 m isobath and the edge of the shelf. On the evidence of larval size frequency distributions in the different sampling sectors and the closely overlapping distribution patterns for the eggs and the adult spawning stock, drifting of hake eggs and larvae was not a major factor. The larval distribution extended only slightly further offshore than the egg distribution. Using the hydrographic information and the larval distribution data, an attempt was made to relate the different seasonal productivity levels over the spawning period and the distribution of the larvae.  相似文献   

Spring and fall chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and hatchery spring chinook in the Tucannon River, Washington, USA are listed as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Restoration and management of both species can be facilitated by understanding how biotic and abiotic factors affect their smolt trap efficiency. In this paper, we examine the effects of the rate of water flow, water temperature, the level of staff gauge, debris load, and Secchi disk readings on their weekly smolt trap efficiency from 1998 to 2003 using a generalized linear model (GLM) with a binomial response (link function – logit). The nonlinear relationships between the smolt trap efficiency and abiotic variables are also analyzed using a generalized additive model (GAM) with a binomial response (link function – logit). Both GLM and GAM analyses showed that the trap efficiency varied among years for fall chinook, steelhead, and wild spring chinook, but not for hatchery spring chinook, and that the level of staff gauge and the rate of water flow were the most important factors altering trap efficiency. The partial residuals from GAM analyses were used to determine the optimal number of sampled fish with a known efficiency and to detect possibly misleading results from GLM analyses.  相似文献   

基于遥感和GIS(Geographic information system)技术,利用2000~2015年的底拖网调查数据和海表温度、叶绿素a浓度以及海水温度梯度等遥感数据,在定性分析黄海中南部越冬鳀(Engraulis japonicus)资源密度分布与环境因子关系的基础上,利用时空和环境因子构建GAM (Generalized additive model)模型进行定量分析。结果显示,时空因子(年、下网时间、经度和纬度)和环境因子对越冬鳀资源密度的总偏差解释率为44.76%,其中,时空因子对其的影响均显著,以空间因子影响最大,对总偏差的解释率为35.4%;环境因子中,水深、海表温度和温度梯度对其影响显著,而叶绿素a浓度影响不显著;越冬鳀分布的最适海表温度、叶绿素a浓度和海表温度梯度范围分别为7~11℃、1.2~2.3 mg/m3和0.7~2.5℃。研究结果对环境变动下的渔业管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Modeling the relationships between environmental factors and the distribution at sea of species of conservation interest can be useful in predicting their occurrence from a local to a regional scale. This information is essential for planning management and conservation initiatives. In this study, generalized additive models (GAMs) were applied to investigate the influence of environmental, temporal and spatial variables on the catch rates of the twaite shad Alosa fallax (Lacepède) by the pelagic trawl fishery in the north‐central Adriatic Sea. Presence/absence and abundance [catch per unit effort (CPUE)] data between 2006 and 2012 were separately modeled, and the two models were then validated using a test data set. The most important factor influencing the presence and abundance of adult twaite shads was the spatial predictor (latitude × longitude). Two areas of major shads aggregations were observed, the most important of which being located near the estuaries of three main river systems of northern Italy. The twaite shad presence was also significantly affected by season, the largest and lowest occurrences being observed in autumn and spring, respectively. Among the environmental variables tested, only sea surface temperature was included in both models. Alosa fallax showed a wide thermal tolerance (6–27°C) with preference for temperature around 23°C. The model developed from the abundance data showed a moderate predictive power, whereas the accuracy of the presence/absence model was rather low. Some conclusions on the ecological requirements of A. fallax at sea arising from this study are useful to orient future monitoring and research programs and to develop effective conservation actions.  相似文献   

The relationships between environmental factors and fluctuations in Octopus vulgaris landings in the northern Alboran Sea are studied from 1987 to 2007. Landings during this period show both a long term decrease and a strong inter-annual variability. An exploratory phase revealed that local coastal temperatures and those averaged for the whole Alboran Sea during the previous year were the main factors controlling such variability. Warm anomalies have a detrimental effect on the octopus landings on the following year and this suggests that the decreasing trend in octopus landings could be partially linked to the long term warming observed in the Western Mediterranean. It is not yet clear which are the specific mechanisms linking warm anomalies to landing decrease. Nevertheless some hypotheses are proposed and a statistical model is developed for attempting to predict octopus landings one year ahead.  相似文献   

Effects of maternal age–size and condition on oocyte dry weight were analysed for Merluccius hubbsi. Samples of mature females were collected in the Patagonian spawning area during 10 research surveys carried out between 2000 and 2005. Dry weight of 50 hydrated oocytes ranged from 0.80 to 1.90 mg. Relationships of this variable with total length and age were best described by a logarithmic model during the spawning peak. At the beginning and at the end of the reproductive season no significant relationship between these variables was observed, but a decrease in egg dry weight was detected during the spawning period. In general, young spawners (≤5-year-old) showed more variability in egg dry weight, which was associated with a reproductive season shorter than that of old females. Relative condition factor did not shows a significant relationship with oocyte dry weight, and mean values of this index were similar for different months of the spawning seasons analysed.  相似文献   

  1. The European eel, Anguilla anguilla, is a catadromous and migratory species of commercial importance. Its complex life cycle results in its exposure to many risk factors, which have resulted in stock declines across all life stages since the 1970s.
  2. The temporal recruitment dynamics of juvenile eels (glass eels and elvers) were investigated in a small Mediterranean estuary (Sardinia, Italy). The composition of the population and the monthly and seasonal variations in the abundances of juvenile eels was assessed over 78 sampling events (from February 2017 to February 2018). Furthermore, the effects of abiotic variables on the abundances of glass eels and elvers were investigated using generalized additive models (GAMs).
  3. Glass eels had the greatest abundance during the winter months, whereas elvers had the greatest abundance during spring. Modelling revealed that the abundance of glass eels was mostly explained by the combined effects of water temperature (12.3–14.5 °C), tidal coefficient (40–110 cm), moon phase, season, and river mouth condition, whereas the abundance of elvers was associated with water temperature (14–21 °C), dissolved oxygen content (>7 mg/L), and season. These results suggest that the annual recruitment of juvenile eels occurs throughout the year, with clear seasonal migration dynamics.
  4. The use of multiple statistical approaches allowed us to identify the importance of several environmental variables in regulating the recruitment dynamics, providing useful information for conserving eel stocks through the restoration of the natural flow regime and the connectivity between freshwater habitats and the sea.

The effectiveness of separator grates in reducing bycatches in the small-mesh otter trawl fishery for silver hake on the Scotian Shelf was examined in three experiments aboard a research and two commercial vessels. Different grate bar orientations, bar spacings, grate insertion angles, and guiding mechanisms were tested. The size selection and escapement levels resulting from these grate configurations are described. A grate with vertical bars spaced 40 mm apart inserted at 45–60°, and with a funnel or panel forward of the grate to direct fish to its base, released 85–98% by weight of pollock and haddock, and 48–70% of other species, while retaining 95% of silver hake. Commercial bycatches contained more small haddock than did experimental catches, and it is projected that commercial use of this grate would release 75–80% by weight of haddock encountered, and only 50% by number. Other grate configurations tested displayed poorer species selection characteristics.  相似文献   

根据2016—2020年浙江南部鱼类资源调查数据,运用广义加性模型研究浙江南部各季节鱼类资源与环境因子的关系,并基于2020年环境数据探究鱼类资源时空分布特征。结果显示,春季、夏季、秋季和冬季最佳模型的偏差解释率分别为47.9%、68.0%、56.6%和45.6%,交叉验证回归线的斜率平均值为0.74~1.02,模型拟合能力和预测能力良好。水温、盐度和叶绿素是影响浙江南部海域鱼类资源密度的主要因子,在不同季节对鱼类资源密度有不同的影响机制。水温在夏季和秋季对鱼类资源密度影响极显著(P<0.01),秋季,水温和资源密度之间存在显著负相关(r= –0.225, P<0.05);盐度在不同季节对鱼类资源密度的影响也存在差异,秋季,鱼类资源密度随着盐度的增加而增加,冬季则呈先增加后减小的变化趋势,且在盐度为31.5时达到最大值;除冬季外,其他季节叶绿素浓度与鱼类资源密度均显著相关(P<0.05)。研究表明,2020年春季、夏季鱼类资源密度相对较高,秋季和冬季鱼类资源密度则相对偏低。空间上,春季,温台渔场的鱼类资源密度明显高于鱼山渔场;夏季,温台渔场和鱼山渔场鱼类资源均较为集中,主要分布在27.8°~28.4°N、121.7°~122.9°E以及28.9°N、122°E海域附近。  相似文献   

Most of the monthly catches and CPUE of 13 studied commercial species in the coastal waters of the north-western Mediterranean were significantly positively correlated with run-off of local rivers (Rhône and Muga) and the wind mixing index during the spawning season, with time lags of less than a year (transfer function analyses). Rhône and Ebre interannual fluctuations in run-off were synchronous and were related to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), river run-offs being negatively correlated to high NAO episodes. The fluctuations of river discharges and the wind mixing index were cyclic but not related. The results showed that enhanced hydroclimatic conditions in the NW Mediterranean were favourable for the productivity of the fish and invertebrate stocks, and suggest the presence of linkage between recruitment of Mediterranean species and local (river discharges, wind conditions) and global (NAO) environmental conditions.  相似文献   

A population dynamics model was used to simulate variations in the standing stock of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, to assess the marketable production in Thau Lagoon (France) and to evaluate the sensitivity of this production to environmental conditions. The model is based on a continuous equation of the oyster abundance as a function of individual growth rate, inter-individual growth variability and mortality rate. The growth model depends on water temperature, particulate organic matter concentration and total individual mass. Inter-individual growth variability was introduced into the general population dynamics equation by a diffusion coefficient K that was set to 0.05. The population dynamics model took into account the two culture methods (i.e. “collées” and “pignes” oysters) and rearing strategies of oyster farmers by using timetables of seeding and harvesting obtained through interviews of oyster farmers. Distributions of standing stocks were obtained through assessments conducted in the lagoon in March 2000, October 2000 and March 2001 and were used to calibrate the model. The model estimated the total marketable production at ca. 17,900 t between March 2000 and March 2001. The major part of the production (ca. 70%) was in spring. Seventy percent of the annual production came from “collées” oysters. Sensitivity analyses showed that the key parameters are those related to harvesting. The model was used to evaluate the effects of different environmental conditions (e.g. a decrease in the oyster growth rate, a harvesting closure due a toxic algae bloom, a massive summer mortality due to an anoxic crisis) on short- and long-term variations in the standing stock and the production for both culture methods. A decrease in the growth rate of ca. 20% resulted in losses of 18% in the first year of production for both culture methods. Long-term simulations showed that the production of “pignes” oysters was more affected than that of the “collées” oysters (reductions of 26% and 4%, respectively). Simulated scenarios included a 2-month long harvesting closure (i.e. November and December) or a massive summer mortality (i.e. 45% and 20% for “collées” and “pignes” oysters, respectively). No long-term effect was predicted for either event, although losses of ca. 10% were estimated in the first year of production for both culture techniques. The model can be a useful tool for predicting marketable production of oysters as a function of rearing strategy and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal trends of sailfish catch rates in the southwestern and equatorial Atlantic Ocean in relation to environmental variables were investigated using generalized additive models and fishery‐dependent data. Two generalized additive models were fit: (i) ‘spatio‐temporal’, including only latitude, longitude, month, and year; and (ii) ‘oceanographic’, including sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll‐a concentration, wind velocity, bottom depth, and depth of mixed layer and year. The spatio‐temporal model explained more (average ~40%) of the variability in catch rates than the oceanographic model (average ~30%). Modeled catch rate predictions showed that sailfish tend to aggregate off the southeast coast of Brazil during the peak of the spawning season (November to February). Sailfish also seem to aggregate for feeding in two different areas, one located in the mid‐west Atlantic to the south of ~15°S and another area off the north coast of Brazil. The oceanographic model revealed that wind velocity and chlorophyll‐a concentration were the most important variables describing catch rate variability. The results presented herein may help to understand sailfish movements in the Atlantic Ocean and the relationship of these movements with environmental effects.  相似文献   

印度洋金枪鱼延绳钓渔业是我国远洋渔业的重要组成部分,海洋不同深度的水温影响到长鳍金枪鱼 (Thunnus alalunga) 延绳钓渔获率。文章利用2008—2017年延绳钓生产作业数据,并结合Argo浮标水温数据,采用广义加性模型 (Generalized additive model, GAM) 分析长鳍金枪鱼空间分布与不同深度水温之间的关系。结果表明,海表面 (0 m)、200和400 m 3个水层的温度显著影响长鳍金枪鱼的空间分布,最优的GAM模型对渔获率 (单位捕捞努力量渔获量,Catch per unit effort, CPUE) 的方差解释率为53.3%,模型拟合的决定系数为0.527。长鳍金枪鱼渔获率与所选取的3个水层温度均呈非线性关系,高渔获区集中分布于17~30 ℃的表层海域,17~20 ℃的200 m层海域,9~15 ℃的400 m层海域,以及他们的交集海线。文章初步得出了南印度洋长鳍金枪鱼空间分布与水深断面温度的关系,可为指导长鳍金枪鱼的合理生产提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

The seasonal distribution of Morocco dentex (Dentex maroccanus) was investigated in relation to ocean environmental conditions in the NE Mediterranean Sea. Data were collected during a 2‐yr period (1996–1997) of quasi‐synoptic seasonal sampling using demersal trawl surveys. The study revealed evidence for the existence of environmental relationships and temporal habitat associations of Morocco dentex. The sea‐bottom salinity, the water depth (through its interaction with bottom salinity) and the spatial location appeared to be key determinants of distribution. There was a strong consistency in the pattern and significance of the observed relationships across all seasons. The present results provided direct support for a preferential seasonal aggregation of Morocco dentex in specific geographic and bathymetric regions of the study area. In all four seasons, these favourable regions were found to be relatively stable and distinct, had the highest catch‐per‐unit‐effort index, and were located over shallower grounds (50–70 m) having bottom salinity around 39.1. The current findings also indicated that, throughout the year, the species was confined below the thermocline and avoided the deeper waters (>80 m). Morocco dentex ecological preferences for certain sea‐bottom salinities, water depth zones and hydrographic regimes were suggested to contribute to the processes governing differential settlement to preferred grounds.  相似文献   

  1. Mediterranean fin whales aggregating in the Pelagos Sanctuary in summer to feed are exposed to vessel collision risk, particularly from high-speed ferries.
  2. This study developed models to predict summer fin whale distribution using a generalized additive model (GAM) and MaxEnt, with the aim of providing a tool to identify potential high whale–ferry collision risk areas along ferry routes within the Pelagos Sanctuary during summertime.
  3. Models were trained using sightings data collected in the summer months of 2009–2018 on board ferries crossing the central area of the Pelagos Sanctuary. Environmental predictors were bathymetry and mean sea surface chlorophyll concentration of the annual spring bloom period.
  4. The predictive ability of GAM and MaxEnt was assessed using existing knowledge of summer fin whale distribution in the region. GAM (deviance explained = 20.2%) predictions matched documented distributions more closely than that of MaxEnt, with highest predicted fin whale occurrence in deep offshore waters (>2000 m) encompassing the central north-western and western regions, and in the south-eastern region, consistent with known fin whale habitats within the Pelagos Sanctuary. Inter-annual variability was evident, influencing collision risk areas.
  5. Collision risk was estimated as a function of the overlap between the predicted probability of fin whale occurrence and ferry density estimated from Automated Identification System data. Ferry routes that cross the northern and eastern regions of the Pelagos Sanctuary presented relatively higher collision risk.
  6. Areas with changes in risk intensity between the years were temporally and spatially dynamic: some appeared intermittently throughout the study period while others persisted over consecutive years or recurred in different years.
  7. Due to the vastness of the Pelagos Sanctuary, vessel speed reduction maybe a more practical measure to manage collision risk than re-routing shipping lanes. A combination of Seasonal Management Areas and Dynamic Management Areas approaches could be adopted for high-risk areas.

Abstract Temporal variation in production of the Chrysophrys auratus (Forster) fishery of Northern Spencer Gulf, South Australia, between 1984 and 2009 was investigated using commercial fishery statistics and estimates of age and size structures from market sampling. Fishery production was divisible into two periods, i.e. from 1984 to early 2000s and the middle to late 2000s. During the former, cycles in production were relatable to variable fishable biomass. Age structures that displayed considerable differences in age class strength reflected interannual variation in juvenile recruitment, which resulted in high variability in the strength of year classes entering the fishery. Periodic strong year classes were the major influence on fishable biomass as they passed through the population over numerous years. For the latter period, fishery statistics were conflicting as catches and effort were relatively low, whilst the estimates of catch per unit effort (CPUE) were consistently high. These statistics reflect a considerable change to the structure of the fishery that involved a reduction in number of fishers and fishing effort. The fishery statistics may indicate hyperstability, with CPUE estimates remaining high despite declining biomass because of the aggregative behaviour of the fish and the efficiency of remaining fishers.  相似文献   

The early life history of the black anglerfish, Lophius budegassa was investigated by otolith (lapilli) increment analysis. Samples of demersal juvenile L. budegassa ranging from 54 to 196 mm total length were collected during bottom trawl surveys in the central Adriatic Sea. By counting increments presumed to be deposited daily in the lapillar otoliths, 88 specimens of L. budegassa were successfully aged. Age estimates of juveniles ranged between 79 and 204 days, indicating that probably the pelagic phase of this species is relatively short and settlement occurs at less than 3 months of life. The analysis of check marks in the core area of lapilli enabled us to determine the period of endogenous feeding, which would last between 15 and 24 days after hatching. Back-calculated hatching dates and, consequently, the spawning season of L. budegassa in the Adriatic Sea was spread over a long period, lasting at least from February to June. The length at age relationship gave an estimate of mean growth rate of approximately 0.8–1.02 mm/day, indicating a faster growth rate of 0+ juveniles L. budegassa than previously thought. The implications of these findings on age estimates discrepancies between previous ageing studies on L. budegassa carried out using different calcified structure (sagittae or illicia) are discussed.  相似文献   

The diversity and distribution of the early stages of carangid fishes were investigated in relation to environmental conditions off the Catalan Coast (NW Mediterranean). Data were obtained during four oceanographic cruises conducted in spring–summer 2003 and 2004. A total of 4743 larvae from seven species and five genera were identified. Most were thermophilic species very abundant in the warm waters of the south and eastern Mediterranean. The presence of larvae and juveniles of Caranx crysos, Caranx rhonchus, Seriola dumerili and Trachinotus ovatus in the northwestern Mediterranean is reported for the first time. Except for Trachurus trachurus, which spawns in winter–spring, all species reproduce in spring–summer with a temporal succession in their spawning peaks. On average, the spatial patterns of different species (except T. trachurus) showed common features: a clear preference for spawning in coastal areas, high abundance of larvae in the south warmer zone in relation to the surface productive waters of Ebro river runoff and relatively high larval concentrations south of the thermal front and its associated anticyclonic eddy. The presence of larvae of thermophilic species of carangids in the northwestern Mediterranean indicates successful reproduction and establishment of these species in the cold part of the basin.  相似文献   

Ecological modelling tools are applied worldwide to support the ecosystem‐based approach of marine resources (EAM). In the last decades, numerous applications were attempted in the Mediterranean Sea, mainly using the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) tool. These models were used to analyse a variety of complex environmental problems. Many applications analysed the ecosystem impacts of fishing and assessed management options. Other studies dealt with the accumulation of pollution through the food web, the impact of aquaculture or the ecosystem effects of climate change. They contributed to the scientific aspects of an ecosystem‐based approach in the region because they integrated human activities within an ecosystem context and evaluated their impact on the marine food web, including environmental factors. These studies also gathered a significant amount of information at an ecosystem level. Thus, in the second part of this review, we used this information to quantify structural and functional traits of Mediterranean marine ecosystems at regional scales as the illustration of further potentialities of EwE for an EAM. Results highlighted differential traits between ecosystem types and a few between basins, which illustrate the environmental heterogeneity of the Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, our analysis evidenced the importance of top predators and small pelagic fish in Mediterranean ecosystems, in addition to the structural role of benthos and plankton organisms. The impact of fishing was high and of a similar intensity in the western, central and eastern regions and showed differences between ecosystem types. The keystone role of species was more prominent in protected environments.  相似文献   

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