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Mineral deposits on the martian surface can elucidate ancient environmental conditions on the planet. Opaline silica deposits (as much as 91 weight percent SiO2) have been found in association with volcanic materials by the Mars rover Spirit. The deposits are present both as light-toned soils and as bedrock. We interpret these materials to have formed under hydrothermal conditions and therefore to be strong indicators of a former aqueous environment. This discovery is important for understanding the past habitability of Mars because hydrothermal environments on Earth support thriving microbial ecosystems.  相似文献   

We report a detection of methane in the martian atmosphere by the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer onboard the Mars Express spacecraft. The global average methane mixing ratio is found to be 10 +/- 5 parts per billion by volume (ppbv). However, the mixing ratio varies between 0 and 30 ppbv over the planet. The source of methane could be either biogenic or nonbiogenic, including past or present subsurface microorganisms, hydrothermal activity, or cometary impacts.  相似文献   

The system IrX(CO)[P(C(6)H(5))(3)](2) in benzene solution adds mo lecular oxygen reversibly if X is chlorine and irreversibly if X is iodine. The crystal structure of the complex IrIO(2)(CO)[P(C(6)H(5))(3)](2) * CH(2)Cl(2) is reported here and compared with a previous study of the structure of IrClO(2)(CO)[P(C(6)H(5))(3)](2). The O-O bond length is 1.47 +/- 0.02 angstroms in the irreversibly oxygenated iodo-compound and 1.30 +/- 0.03 angstroms in the reversibly oxygenated chloro compound.  相似文献   

Dust devils on Mars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Columnar, cone-shaped, and funnel-shaped clouds rising 1 to 6 kilometers above the surface of Mars have been identified in Viking Orbiter images. They are interpreted as dust devils, confirming predictions of their occurrence on Mars and giving evidence of a specific form of dust entrainment.  相似文献   

The equatorial sinuous channels on Mars detected by Mariner 9 point to a past epoch of higher pressures and abundant liquid water. Advective instability of the martian atmosphere permits two stable climates-one close to present conditions, the other at a pressure of the order of 1 bar depending on the quantity of buried volatiles. Variations in the obliquity of Mars, the luminosity of the sun, and the albedo of the polar caps each appear capable of driving the instability between a current ice age and more clement conditions. Obliquity driving alone implies that epochs of much higher and of much lower pressure must have characterized martian history. Climatic change on Mars may have important meteorological, geological, and biological implications.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the Martian wave of darkening might be a frostheaving phenomenon has been examined. Consideration of the water-vapor sorption characteristics of a silicate mineral surface at temperatures below freezing leads to the conclusion that, without strongly deliquescent salts to attract and retain liquid water in the Martian soil, frost-heaving phenomena are not to be expected on Mars. On the other hand frost-heaving phenomena involving the freezing and thawing of ammonia may be common in the soils of Jupiter.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1993,261(5127):1392


Forbidden emission from singly ionized oxygen at wavelengths of 3726 and 3729 angstroms has been detected in the inner Jovian magnetosphere. The emission is present between approximately 4 and approximately 7 to 8 Jovian radii from the planet and appears concentrated in the magnetic equator. The line intensity ratio indicates the same plasma characteristics as those derived from observations of forbidden sulfur emission.  相似文献   

Previously unrecognized insolation variations on Mars are a consequence of periodic variations in eccentricity, first established by the theory of Brouwer and Van Woerkom (1950). Such annual insolation variations, characterized by both 95,000-year and 2,000,000-year periodicities, may actually be recorded in newly discovered layered deposits in the polar regions of Mars. An additional north-south variation in seasonal insolation, but not average annual insolation, exists with 51,000-year and 2,000,000-year periodicities.  相似文献   

The evidence for volcanism on Mars is commonly accepted, but none has been documented in the Valles Marineris equatorial rift system. A recent survey of the troughs in this valley revealed dark patches that are interpreted to be volcanic vents. The configuration and association of these patches with tectonic structures suggest that they are of internal origin; their albedo and color ratios indicate a mafic composition; and their stratigraphic position, crispness of morphologic detail, and low albedo imply that they are young, perhaps even recent.  相似文献   

Distinct atmospheric conditions suggest that dark, ephemeral, filamentary lineations on the martian surface may be formed during the passage of intense atmospheric vortices.  相似文献   

Polar wandering during the past 10(8) years may be recorded by unique quasi-circular structures in the polar regions of Mars. Polar wandering on Mars is likely if deep convection is involved in the origin of the very large constructional volcanic features located near the equator. The magnitude of the nonhydrostatic low order components of the gravity field and their correlation with the equatorial volcanic features may be additional evidence of deep convection and associated polar wandering.  相似文献   

Mars was most active during its first billion years. The core, mantle, and crust formed within approximately 50 million years of solar system formation. A magnetic dynamo in a convecting fluid core magnetized the crust, and the global field shielded a more massive early atmosphere against solar wind stripping. The Tharsis province became a focus for volcanism, deformation, and outgassing of water and carbon dioxide in quantities possibly sufficient to induce episodes of climate warming. Surficial and near-surface water contributed to regionally extensive erosion, sediment transport, and chemical alteration. Deep hydrothermal circulation accelerated crustal cooling, preserved variations in crustal thickness, and modified patterns of crustal magnetization.  相似文献   

High-resolution altimetric data define the detailed topography of the northern lowlands of Mars, and a range of data is consistent with the hypothesis that a lowland-encircling geologic contact represents the ancient shoreline of a large standing body of water present in middle Mars history. The contact altitude is close to an equipotential line, the topography is smoother at all scales below the contact than above it, the volume enclosed by this contact is within the range of estimates of available water on Mars, and a series of extensive terraces parallel the contact in many places.  相似文献   

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