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介绍了目前地区跨系统图书馆馆际合作的现状,对跨系统图书馆合作的优势进行分析,对合作存在的问题与不足进行详细阐述,最后得出地区跨系统图书馆合作体系的建立,并不仅仅是在资源上的互通有无,它是置于法制化轨道的图书馆事业的进一步发展,只有在对社会大环境的充分认识、对高新技术的应用、对市场机制及相关观念转变的基础之上,切实做好比较、研究工作,才能逐步探索出有益于中国跨系统图书馆合作可持续发展的有效建构模式。  相似文献   

A selective advantage against infectious disease associated with increased heterozygosity at the human major histocompatibility complex [human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I and class II] is believed to play a major role in maintaining the extraordinary allelic diversity of these genes. Maximum HLA heterozygosity of class I loci (A, B, and C) delayed acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) onset among patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus-type 1 (HIV-1), whereas individuals who were homozygous for one or more loci progressed rapidly to AIDS and death. The HLA class I alleles B*35 and Cw*04 were consistently associated with rapid development of AIDS-defining conditions in Caucasians. The extended survival of 28 to 40 percent of HIV-1-infected Caucasian patients who avoided AIDS for ten or more years can be attributed to their being fully heterozygous at HLA class I loci, to their lacking the AIDS-associated alleles B*35 and Cw*04, or to both.  相似文献   

比较优势是地区经济分工的基础,对资源合理配置、产业结构优化调整发挥着重要的指导作用。作者实证分析了南京市农村产业比较优势状况,并结合加入WTO后比较优势与劣势的可能变化,提出了南京市农村产业结构调整的总体思路与方向。  相似文献   

阐述了玉州区所处的地理位置及农业发展现状,发展品牌农业的必要性及意义。面对市场经济的挑战,针对创品牌存在的障碍,提出:关键是要围绕效益农业的发展,重视农业品牌的创建工作,把打造农业品牌作为农业产业化经营的环节来抓,制定一些切实可行的政策措施,以品牌促规模,以品牌拓市场,以品牌求效益。  相似文献   

中国与欧盟互为彼此重要农产品贸易伙伴。根据UN COMTRADE数据库中2000-2013年数据,利用显示性比较优势指数、综合贸易互补性指数、修正的出口相似性指数和贸易强度指数,对中欧农产品贸易的比较优势和增长前景进行了研究。结果表明,中欧各自具有出口比较优势的农产品类别及其出口比较优势均存在较大差异;中国农产品出口与欧盟农产品进口存在较强互补性且还在进一步增强,欧盟农产品出口与中国农产品进口的互补性则较弱;中欧对世界市场出口农产品结构的相似程度不高且还在进一步下降;中欧农产品出口市场结构具有一定相似性,但双方在相同出口市场上的出口农产品结构却存在较大差异;中欧在大多数类别农产品上均存在着紧密的贸易联系。最后,提出促进中国农产品对欧盟出口持续平稳增长的政策建议。  相似文献   

Avian advantage     
Zuk M 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1995,267(5197):548-549

Field studies of releases and recaptures of diurnal moths painted with yellow to resemble the edible tiger swallowtail and of black moths that resemble a toxic species of swallowtail produced these results: (i) A greater proportion of the black moths were recaptured; (ii) daily trapping for a week after each release showed that the black moths survived longer than the yellow-painted moths; (iii) an analysis of wing injuries shows that most attacks can be attributed to birds and that the yellow-painted moths were attacked more often, more vigorously, or more persistently than the black moths. These results are interpreted as showing a greater predation pressure on the yellow-painted than on the black moths and, therefore, as confirming the Batesian theory of mimicry.  相似文献   

Pitch memory: an advantage for the left-handed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In an auditory or musical task, subjects made pitch recognition judgments when the tones to be compared were separated by a sequence of interpolated tones. The left-handed subjects performed significantly better than the right-handed and also had a significantly higher variance. Further analysis showed that the superior performance was attributable largely to the left-handed subjects with mixed hand preference.  相似文献   

奶业已成为国民经济中新的增长点。本文分析荔浦县的奶业现状,并针对制约荔浦县奶业发展的因素,提出5条对策。  相似文献   

Gamboa GJ 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1978,199(4336):1463-1465
Foundress associations and high frequencies of conspecific nest usurpation are most common where densities of Polistes metricus are high. Here nest usurpation occurs primarily in single-foundress colonies resulting in multiple-foundress colonies having significantly greater productivities than single-foundress colonies. This is not true at low densities. Conspecific pressures and not predation or parasitism provide an advantage to cooperating wasp foundresses in P. metricus.  相似文献   

Selective advantage of the sickle-cell trait   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The competitive advantage of sanctioning institutions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding the fundamental patterns and determinants of human cooperation and the maintenance of social order in human societies is a challenge across disciplines. The existing empirical evidence for the higher levels of cooperation when altruistic punishment is present versus when it is absent systematically ignores the institutional competition inherent in human societies. Whether punishment would be deliberately adopted and would similarly enhance cooperation when directly competing with nonpunishment institutions is highly controversial in light of recent findings on the detrimental effects of punishment. We show experimentally that a sanctioning institution is the undisputed winner in a competition with a sanction-free institution. Despite initial aversion, the entire population migrates successively to the sanctioning institution and strongly cooperates, whereas the sanction-free society becomes fully depopulated. The findings demonstrate the competitive advantage of sanctioning institutions and exemplify the emergence and manifestation of social order driven by institutional selection.  相似文献   

本文在大量数据的基础上测算了1980—2003年期间中国部分农产品的显性比较优势指数及其比较竞争力。测算结果表明中国在可食用蔬菜、茶叶等农产品上仍然具有比较优势,但是24年来中国农产品的显性比较优势指数呈现下降趋势。  相似文献   

管道防腐层大修和增设阴保站的利弊   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
针对管道防腐层老化的问题,提出了进行大修和增设阴保站两种方案,并分别对这两种方案进行了经济对比分析。防腐层大修费用高,施工质量难以保证。在资金紧张时,采用加强管道防腐层检漏和补漏、进行局部维修和增设阴保站的方法以延长防腐层大修周期和使用寿命,可以获得最佳经济效益,提出了增设7个阴保站,使防腐层绝缘电阻率降至200 Ω·m~2以下时,再进行防腐层大修的建议。  相似文献   

为了满足当前市场上的新型需求,我们希望在国内创立区块链相互保险平台。本相互 保险平台靠借贷、风投、天使投资筹资建立,每个会员都有独立账户,都是一个分布式节点,所有 交易数据由工作人员打包成链,供客户查询。加入会员缴纳费用形成资金池交予资产管理公司 进行稳健投资,资金池运作情况显示在区块链上,对所有会员公开,数据不可篡改,资金池投资 收益除了抽调保险平调基金外,会员分红。  相似文献   

对综合杂种优势,以前常采用多元线性混合模型等数理统计的方法分析,这需要大量的数据,计算也较复杂,本提出一种关联分析方法,简单易学,且可对各杂交组合的优势一次排出顺序,便于应用。  相似文献   

Levy S  Kafri M  Carmi M  Barkai N 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2011,334(6061):1408-1412
Cells use transporters of different affinities to regulate nutrient influx. When nutrients are depleted, low-affinity transporters are replaced by high-affinity ones. High-affinity transporters are helpful when concentrations of nutrients are low, but the advantage of reducing their abundance when nutrients are abundant is less clear. When we eliminated such reduced production of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae high-affinity transporters for phosphate and zinc, the elapsed time from the initiation of the starvation program until the lack of nutrients limited growth was shortened, and recovery from starvation was delayed. The latter phenotype was rescued by constitutive activation of the starvation program. Dual-transporter systems appear to prolong preparation for starvation and to facilitate subsequent recovery, which may optimize sensing of nutrient depletion by integrating internal and external information about nutrient availability.  相似文献   

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