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深化林业科研改革 增强各级科研活力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本刊记者从1988年元月10日在北海市召开的全区林科所所长会议上获悉:我区的各级林业科研所,在科学技术体制改革中,取得了较大成绩。林业科研工作开始从封闭型走向开放型。针对林业生产上存在的各种技术问题,开展了丰富多彩的技术活动。在技术承包、技术转让、技术培训、技术咨询、多种经营等方面都很活跃。  相似文献   

我国森林资源动态变化影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林资源是林业发展的基础,一定时期内森林资源动态变化是这一时期森林经营利用效果的真实反映.近年来,国家对造林绿化事业日益重视,开展了一系列林业重点生态工程,这为开展森林资源动态变化的研究提供了良好的条件.文章探讨了影响我国森林资源动态变化的主要因素,以期为今后我国林业发展以及相关决策提供依据.  相似文献   

林业教育关系到我国林业从业者的基本素质,是提高我国林业核心竞争力的重要因素之一.随着现代远距离传输技术的日新月异,成人远程教育在我国林业教育,尤其是在林业成人教育和林业职工终身教育中扮演着越来越重要的角色.构建和完善我国林业成人远程教育体系,可以从资源建设、技术支持、平台管理和质量保障四大体系入手,根据林业成人远程教育的特点分步实施,最后构建起独立的评价机构和有效的评价机制.同时,对我国林业成人远程教育体系开展科学合理的评估,可以促进我国林业成人远程教育的健康快速发展.  相似文献   

介绍新西兰开展碳排放交易的背景、制度设计和运行模式以及林业参与碳排放交易的政策安排和启示意义,总结我国碳交易的相关政策实践和发展进程,结合我国林业实际提出推进我国林业碳汇交易的总体思路和政策建议。  相似文献   

在我国五大产业中,林业占据着极为重要的位置.而随着我国国民经济的快速发展,我国林业经济也面临着诸多困难.为了可以和时代发展保持同步,我国林业产业应以自身实际情况为出发点,改革和调整相关经济发展模式,使林业经济发展的可持续发展顺利实现.对此,结合甘肃省林业经济管理中存在的问题,并对相应的解决策略进行探讨,以供参考.  相似文献   

鉴于当代低碳经济的发展需要,林业碳汇的发展无疑是应对气候变化、发展低碳经济的重中之重.笔者简要论述了我国开展林业碳汇项目的现状及意义,在此基础上重点讨论湖北省开展林业碳汇的优势和前景,分析湖北省发展林业碳汇应注意的问题,并探讨湖北省开展林业碳汇的研究方向和研究内容.  相似文献   

我国企业开展境外林业投资,是适应经济全球化、利用世界资源、开拓国际市场、加快现代林业发展、促进全球森林资源可持续经营的现实要求和必然选择。介绍了我国企业对外林业投资概况,分析了面临的主要问题,提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

指出了在我国当前社会经济快速发展的过程当中,林业生产建设工作的开展,为当前社会可持续发展理念的落实提供了可靠的生态基础。作为林业生产中非常重要的一个组成部分,林业调查规划设计工作的开展,本身对于整体林业建设工作的推进的影响是十分重大的。结合当前林业发展的形势,分析了林业调查规划设计工作中存在的问题和不足,并且探讨了如何更好地落实好相关林业调查规划设计工作,以而满足当前林业发展的需求,提升林业生产水平。  相似文献   

通过对我国企业境外林业投资的现状分析,总结我国企业对外林业投资的若干特点,以及林业企业走出去开展对外投资合作的主要问题。从政策、财税金融、服务等方面提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

指出了我国林权制度改革的主要目的及林权流转的相关概念,分析了集体林权流转的重要现实作用,根据集体林经营的特点,探讨了集体林权流转过程中应该注意的问题,为集体林权制度改革开展和集体林业经营提供参考.  相似文献   

美国林务局技术转移现状及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在知识经济时代, 知识流动对技术创新的作用日趋重要, 加强技术转移体系建设已经成为世界各国创新体系建设的重点。然而, 长期以来, 技术转移是我国国家创新体系建设中的薄弱环节, 缺乏良好的体制、机制和政策环境, 成为提高我国企业自主创新能力的主要障碍。美国林务局以服务公众利益、促进经济发展和提高全球竞争力为目的, 一直致力于自身科研创新成果的技术转移和商业化, 在长期的实践过程中形成了完善的技术转移机制, 其成功经验值得我国林业行业学习和借鉴。文中总结分析了美国林务局技术转移机制、政策措施和取得的成效, 提出了促进我国林业技术转移的启示, 对于国内相关政府部门和林业科研机构具有参考价值。  相似文献   

世界森林可持续经营发展近况、趋势及我国的原则   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
本文对世界森林可持续经营的近况,特别是环发大会以来的进展情况进行了总结,对森林可持续经营的发展趋势,如林业科技发展趋势和法律化趋势进行了分析,并提出了我国针对森林可持续经营的有关问题应采取的原则和立场。  相似文献   

Community forest management (CFM) has received increasing worldwide attention from governments, researchers and educational institutions over the past two decades. Many governments, especially in developing countries, have prioritized CFM over traditional forest management systems. In Thailand, CFM is not recognized by the legal system; however, there are de facto CFM practices under common property resource regimes. CFM has in essence been practiced here for hundreds of years by local people, and represents an important aspect of Thai culture. This study aims at evaluating CFM in Thailand in the context of sustainable development. To meet the objective, the study gathered information through focus group discussions with various stakeholders: academics, Forest Department staff, and members of the Chang Tok Tay community forests. From the study, it emerged that forest resources are critical for the livelihoods and survival of rural people, and so they have protected forests to ensure sustainable livelihoods. This study identified that prospects for sustainable CFM in Thailand are bright because: (i) community members are highly motivated and are sufficiently interested to protect trees because they are well aware that their livelihoods are under threat from depleting forests; (ii) tradition and culture of rural people support their relation with nature; (iii) non-timber forest products (NTFPs) play a crucial role in local livelihoods for subsistence and necessitate protection of the forest watershed, which is vital to support their occupations; (iv) spiritual rituals such as those where Buddhist monks bind yellow cloth on trees play a vital role in protecting trees, something rare in other countries. The study further identified various hindrances to achieve sustainable CFM: (i) legal support for CFM is absent; (ii) the Royal Forest Department (RFD) cannot transfer appropriate technology to community people due to lack of legal support; (iii) scope for developing effective strategies for sustainable CFM by combining traditional knowledge with existing scientific knowledge is limited; (iv) a formal institutional arrangement for CFM does not exist; and (v) community members’ access to the hard technology of CFM is limited. Therefore, in addition to legalizing CFM, a formal institutional framework for elaboration, implementation and control of CFM is essential to achieve sustainable CFM in Thailand.  相似文献   

论中国花卉产业的可持续发展   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
在科技浪潮的推动下,世界花卉产业得到了迅猛发展,呈现出一些新的发展趋势,这为中国花卉产业的可持续发展带来了契机。文章对花卉产业的发展现状进行了概述,中国花卉产业的可持续发展有着优越的条件,如花卉种质资源丰富、环境优越、科技力量雄厚、劳动力廉价等。同时也存在着制度不完善、成果转化慢、发展不平衡、生产盲目性大等制约因素。对此提出了相应的对策,通过政策的保障性、法律的调控性来保证花卉、人才资源利用的可持续性以及花卉商品相关技术、信息的完善性,真正依靠科技进步来发展花卉产业,为实现中国花卉产业的可持续发展创造良好的条件。  相似文献   

In this study, we developed a comprehensive index system for forestry sustainability of Heilongjiang Province, which includes forest resources sustainability,sustainable economic development, sustainable social development and sustainable advancement in science and technology. Based on this system and the regional forest development, we further evaluated the sustainability of Heilongjiang Province for year 2008–2013. The results show that even though the regional forestry has been preliminarily on the track of sustainable development, it is fragile. Four indicators, e.g. soil and water retention rate,forest stand growth(per unit area), the proportion of national investment and the annual carbon sequestration have important impact on the sustainability, with a weight of 39.0 % in all the indicators. We also analyzed the factors hindering the sustainable development. It turns out that soil and water retention rate, forest stand growth(per unit area),the proportion of science and technology funds, per capita GDP and the proportion of the tertiary industry production are the main factors hindering regional sustainable development, which accounts for 50.94 % of the total obstacle degrees in the system. At last, we discussed how to promote the regional sustainable development from the perspectives of forest resources sustainability, economic development sustainability, society development sustainability and the sustainable advancement of science and technology.  相似文献   

桉树是我国南方最重要的人工林树种之一,因具有广泛的适应性而得到大力发展,已成为我国林业史上引种最为成功的树种之一,也是永林公司主要造林树种。因此,本文以永林公司经营区桉树人工林为例,在深入进行桉树引种风险分析的基础上,建立了桉树人工林可持续经营技术措施体系,从而为永林公司桉树人工林可持续经营提供了有力的技术保障,也为我国桉树可持续发展提供了参考。  相似文献   

当前森林资源和林业可持续发展的重要性及目前的严峻状况要求将可持续发展的理念深入到林业建设的各个层面,生物质固体成型燃料技术是生物质能可持续开发利用的一项重要技术,具有广阔的发展前景。笔者通过分析林区采伐剩余物利用上存在的问题,及不同采伐类型和产品类型的出材量、采伐剩余物总量等,对重点林区采伐剩余物重量进行了估算分析,阐述了生物质固体成型燃料技术在我国推广应用的可行性。  相似文献   

竹子援外培训是中国对外援助的重要组成部分。自20世纪末以来,埃塞俄比亚积极参与中国举办的各类竹子援外培训项目,培养了一大批具有第一手实践经验的竹产业人才。文章概述了埃塞俄比亚国家及竹产业发展的基本情况,详细阐述了中国对埃塞俄比亚的竹子培训及其在人才培养、技术进步、机构与政策建设、绿色发展方案以及扩大双边合作5个领域中取得的成效。中国竹子援外培训推动了埃塞俄比亚竹产业的可持续发展,带动了整个非洲的竹产业发展繁荣,有利于深化南南合作,并对实现联合国千年发展目标做出了贡献。  相似文献   

在对广州市林业现状、发展定位深入分析的基础上,提出了广州市科技创新平台与关键技术体系的构架,针对广州林业科技含量不高,科研积累不足,优秀人才匮乏,资源共享性较差的实际,阐述了广州林业科技未来发展的总体思路和建设重点是成果转化与推广、林业信息化管理和林业碳汇交易平台等重点领域以及生态建设、生物利用、信息化等关键技术,这对于落实科学发展观,树立生态文明观,提升广州市林业科技自主创新能力,提高综合发展实力,实现城市林业的可持续发展意义重大。    相似文献   

In the past few decades there has been growing concern about the exhaustibility of non-renewable soil resources in developing countries in the tropics to meet the needs of present and future generations. Land degradation is a major problem in many parts of the tropics, including subSaharan Africa, mainly owing to overexploitation of vegetation and soil resources and adoption of inappropiate farming methods. The challenge is to increase the sustainable agricultural productivity of the land with acceptable inputs to meet increasing human needs, while maintaining the soil resource base and minimising environmental degradation. One technology that can meet this need for rainfed upland farming with low external chemical inputs is the alley cropping system. This technology integrates trees and shrubs in spatial zonal arrangements with food crops in the production system. The presence of woody species in the alley cropping production system has been shown to contribute to (1) nutrient recycling, (2) reduction in soil nutrient leaching losses, (3) stimulation of higher soil faunal activities, (4) soil erosion control, (5) soil fertility improvement and (6) sustained levels of crop production. These experiences can be utilised in developing sustainable and environmentally friendly agroforestry systems.  相似文献   

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