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Overpopulation and the pressure on land-based resources have driven the aquaculture sector to increase its production since the 1980s. To address such demands, new aquafeed technologies have been developed relying on natural and artificial ingredients that are commercially viable. In addition, current global sustainable initiatives require feed technologies to reduce the pressure on limited wild fisheries and minimize negative environmental effects. Although there are numerous studies on abalone nutrition, most tend to focus on animal growth and nutrient utilization. A more holistic research approach to ensure a sustainable future for this industry will require the development of feeds that provide integrated nutrition and health benefits. In this review, we aim to synthesize the most recent scientific literature on the nutritional and health benefits and shortcomings of two main abalone feeding approaches (seaweed and formulated feeds) within aquaculture production practices. We also identify major research gaps and future directions for the development of sustainable abalone feeds.  相似文献   

Fishmeal is being trusted as the most reliable protein source due to its nutritional quality in terms of attractability, palatability, digestibility, excellent nutrient profiles to fulfil the dietary requirement of aquatic species. The aquaculture sector consumes >70% of global fishmeal, though aqua feeds constitute only 4% in total industrial feed production (900–1,000 Mt in 2018). The global fishmeal production has shown a downward trend of 26.50% during 2000 to 2018 due to the occurrences of El Niño–Southern Oscillationsand other climatic events, which in turn increased the fishmeal price from 452 USD/t (2000) to 1596.54 USD/t (2018). The increasing trend of aquaculture production along with reduced fish‐in/fish‐out ratios (0.63 in 2000 to 0.33, 0.22 in 2010 and 2015 respectively) indicates the resilience of the aquafeed sector for fishmeal replacement. The wide availability, reasonable price and reliable nutrient content made an interest in plant protein sources, but their utilization was limited due to poor digestibility, imbalanced profiles of essential nutrients and the presence of anti‐nutrients. Numerous methodologies are invented in recent times to enrich the nutritional qualities for maximizing the utilization of plant proteins in aquafeed formulations. The present review concludes that the aquafeed sector should use climate economics and technological innovations for substituting fishmeal to formulate the cost‐effective feeds.  相似文献   

To support the expected increase in aquaculture production during the next years, a wider range of alternative ingredients to fishmeal is needed, towards contributing to an increase in production sustainability. This study aimed to test diets formulated with non‐conventional feed ingredients on gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) growth performance, feed utilization, apparent digestibility of nutrients and nutrient outputs to the environment. Four isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets were formulated: a control diet (CTRL) similar to a commercial feed and three experimental diets containing, as main protein sources, plant by‐products, glutens and concentrates (PLANT); processed animal proteins (PAP); or micro/macroalgae, insect meals and yeast (EMERG). Diets were tested in triplicate during 80 days. The EMERG treatment resulted in lower fish growth performance, higher FCR and lower nutrient and energy retentions than the other treatments. The lowest protein digestibility was found for the EMERG diet, which caused increased nitrogen losses. The PLANT and PAP treatments resulted in better fish growth performance, higher nutrient and energy retentions, and lower FCR than the CTRL treatment. The significant improvement in FCR found for fish fed PLANT and PAP diets and the high protein digestibility of these diets contribute towards minimizing the environmental impacts of seabream production.  相似文献   

Intensification of cyprinid production has resulted in substantial increases in aquafeed demand for these species and a requirement for studies on new protein sources. Increased availability of presscakes from biodiesel crops may help to meet this requirement. The suitability of detoxified Jatropha curcas kernel meal (JKM), in combination with a dietary organic acid/salt blend (NDF), was tested in practical diets for juvenile common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Four treatment diets contained between 0% and 13.5% fishmeal with the fishmeal protein replaced by JKM (0%, 30%, 70%, and 100%). Four further diets of the same composition but including 0.5% NDF were also prepared, and all diets were fed to carps for eight weeks. There were no statistical differences in growth between diets containing JKM and the control. Furthermore, addition of dietary NDF significantly improved final weights, specific growth rates, feed conversion ratios, and protein efficiency ratios. Body composition analysis showed a significant impact of dietary JKM inclusion on increasing body lipid content. The addition of NDF showed a tendency to lower body lipid content (P = 0.11). JKM is a suitable protein source in diets for carp, and the inclusion of 0.5% of NDF proved to be beneficial.  相似文献   

Fisheries management and sustainability assessment of fisheries more generally have recently expanded their scope from single‐species stock assessment to ecosystem‐based approaches, aiming to incorporate economic, social and local environmental impacts, while still excluding global‐scale environmental impacts. In parallel, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has emerged as a widely used and recommended framework to assess environmental impacts of products, including global‐scale impacts. For over a decade, LCA has been applied to seafood supply chains, leading to new insights into the environmental impact of seafood products. We present insights from seafood LCA research with particular focus on evaluating fisheries management, which strongly influences the environmental impact of seafood products. Further, we suggest tangible ways in which LCA could be taken up in management. By identifying trade‐offs, LCA can be a useful decision support tool and avoids problem shifting from one concern (or activity) to another. The integrated, product‐based and quantitative perspective brought by LCA could complement existing tools. One example is to follow up fuel use of fishing, as the production and combustion of fuel used dominates overall results for various types of environmental impacts of seafood products, and is also often linked to biological impacts of fishing. Reducing the fuel use of fisheries is therefore effective to reduce overall impacts. Allocating fishing rights based on environmental performance could likewise facilitate the transition to low‐impact fisheries. Taking these steps in an open dialogue between fishers, managers, industry, NGOs and consumers would enable more targeted progress towards sustainable fisheries.  相似文献   

黄海玉筋鱼资源及其可持续利用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈昌海 《水产学报》2004,28(5):603-607
近几年来,玉筋鱼(Ammodytespersonatus)已成为黄海的一种重要中上层渔业资源,由于过度捕捞,这一资源目前已呈现衰退。该鱼种在伏秋两季潜沙,冬季进入沿岸浅水产卵,均不能形成大规模的渔汛,汛期仅在春末夏初。围绕我国渔业生产,对重要渔业资源进行渔业生物学研究已有数十年的历史[1],研究玉筋鱼的生物学及生态学特征,阐明目前资源衰退的原因和过程,提出确实可行的合理捕捞措施,以实现玉筋鱼资源的可持续利用。1 材料和方法1.1 材料1999-2003年以来,产卵场样品均取自长山列岛近岸的定置张网。索饵场样品逐月取自青岛…  相似文献   

This paper reports on the use of plant protein in cod diets, and where corn gluten meal, soybean meal, a mixture of these, or a mixture of wheat gluten meal and soy protein concentrate, substituted fish meal in a regression design up to 440 g kg?1 plant ingredients. Feeding lasted for a period of 20 weeks. High growth rates were obtained, and fish were able to maintain growth in all groups by increasing feed intake when plant proteins exerted high amounts of the protein fraction. This was confirmed by increased feed conversion ratio (FCR) values. The apparent digestibility measured by means of faecal stripping, showed high apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) for fat, starch and protein. Small decreases in protein ADC and larger decreases in fat ADC were observed with high levels of plant protein ingredients. No histopathological changes were found, neither in liver nor in the different sections of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, for any of the diet groups. Expression of stress genes (heat shock protein 70 and 90 (HSP70 and HSP90)) in liver showed no response to high levels of plant protein. Invasion of gut‐bacteria in the distal part of the GI tract was substantial, but independent of diet level of plant ingredients. Gut evacuation analysis showed that the time for a meal to pass through the stomach and the GI tract was more than 72 h, with no variation dependent on diet plant protein level. The major conclusion is that cod shows a high tolerance to the plant protein sources investigated in this experiment, and consequently that Atlantic cod safely can be fed diets holding up to 440 g kg?1 of the present investigated plant protein ingredients without any adverse effects on intestinal or liver function. There seems to be no gain if feeding frequency exceeds more than one large meal every 24 h at 6–7°C.  相似文献   

Globally, one‐sixth of landings from marine capture fisheries are destined for the production of fishmeal and fish oil (FMFO), which are currently overwhelming utilized by fed aquaculture. Many different species are used globally for the production of FMFO, but little concern has been given to the divergent environmental and ecological impacts of FMFO products based on species, ecosystem and fishing gear used in their capture. We evaluated the variable environmental performance of FMFO products from a wide range of fisheries whose products are either primarily intended for reduction or whose by‐products are redirected to reduction. Assessed fisheries accounted for 44% of global reduction fishery landings in 2014. Analysis was conducted on the basis of two measures: the carbon footprint (i.e., greenhouse gas [GHG] emissions) and the marine footprint (i.e., primary production required [PPR]). We found large differences between the impacts of FMFO products across the 18 reduction fisheries examined. Cumulatively, we estimate that reduction fisheries emitted 4.6 million tonnes of CO2‐e GHGs in 2014, and appropriated over 4% of primary production in some ecosystems, demonstrating a non‐trivial impact. As demand for aquafeeds grow, the sustainable sourcing of raw material inputs will be of great importance. Results here suggest that the source of FMFO inputs can have dramatic effects on the environmental performance of fish feeds and fed aquaculture. We recommend further research on the environmental and ecological impacts of food production systems, and specifically to understand these results in relation to global production and sustainable boundaries.  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted with juvenile rainbow trout (15–16 g initial weight) to assess the effects of including single‐cell protein (SCP) produced from Methylobacterium extorquens in trout feeds. Three isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets were produced: a control diet and two experimental diets containing 5% or 10% bacterial protein meal replacing soybean meal. Triplicate tanks, each containing 35 fish, were fed each diet to apparent satiation in a constant‐temperature (15°C), flow‐through tank system for 12 weeks. No statistically significant differences in final fish weight or other fish growth parameters were observed. Similarly, feed efficiency parameters showed no significant differences among groups. Nutrient retention indices (protein, fat, energy) were relatively high and similar among fish in each dietary treatment group, as were whole body proximate compositions. Fish survival was high, with a small but statistically significant increase for the 10% SCP diet. Overall, results demonstrate that SCP from M. extorquens is a safe and effective alternative protein for rainbow trout diets at the low inclusion levels tested. Slightly lower weight gain in fish fed the 10% SCP diet was largely due to lower feed intake, suggesting that adding palatability‐enhancing ingredients to feeds may allow higher levels of M. extorquens SCP to be used without compromising fish growth.  相似文献   

Access to marine feed ingredients is considered a limiting factor for the rapidly growing aquaculture industry. With increasing inclusion of vegetable feed ingredients in aquafeeds, new challenges have arisen. Substituting marine oils and meals with vegetable ingredients has decreased the level of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in marine farmed fish such as Atlantic salmon. Consequently, this shift in feed ingredients has led to increased levels of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in aquafeeds. Several of the PAHs listed are on EFSAs and EPAs list of priority substances. Not only are the carcinogenic and genotoxic properties of PAHs of concern, but also their ability to interact with and disrupt metabolic pathways such as vitamin metabolism and signalling. The interactions, and the potential depletion of vitamin stores that follows, are of particular interest as marine ingredients are naturally rich in micronutrients such as vitamins A and D. This study has summarized the current knowledge on the effect of PAHs commonly found in vegetable feed ingredients on vitamin metabolism/signalling and their possible implications in fish.  相似文献   

The present trials aimed to investigate the effects of replacing fish meal with plant proteins in diets for cod, using a regression design where fish meal constituted the control. The plant protein diets were formulated to meet the amino acid requirements according to NRC (1993) and contained corn gluten meal, soybean meal, a mixture of these, or a mixture of wheat gluten meal and soybean concentrate. The plant protein fraction constituted up to 440 g kg−1 of the extruded diet. Two feeding experiments were conducted, one at high (11 °C) and one at low (6.5 °C) temperature. High growth and feed utilization were obtained in all diet groups at both temperatures. However, only in Exp.1 (11 °C), growth and feed utilization were linearly reduced by increases in dietary soybean and corn gluten meal, while no such effect was detected in Exp.2 (6.5 °C). Reductions in protein retention were seen at both temperatures with use of all evaluated plant protein sources. Due to large amounts of plant protein ingredients in diet, differences in diet amino acid composition were seen. These were partly reflected in the muscle free amino acid pool. Dietary plant ingredients did not affect whole body, liver or muscle proximate compositions, or liver indices. In both experiments, blood parameters were within the range of earlier reported normal values and indicated, together with low mortality, good fish health status. The results show that there is high potential to use protein‐rich plant ingredients in diets for Atlantic cod.  相似文献   

Four experimental diets with different inclusion levels of plant proteins and fish protein hydrolysates were compared with a commercial diet for meagre (Argyrosomus regius) ongrowing at optimal and suboptimal water temperature. Results in terms of growth in length and weight, conversion efficiency, dietary feed intake and utilization, body composition (whole fish and liver) as well as enzyme and immunological activities are presented. Fish growth was significantly reduced by the inclusion of plant proteins, although further addition of fish protein hydrolysates improved the results. Daily feed intake was not affected by plant protein inclusion in the diets, although the group fed the highest inclusion level showed lower ingestion than the rest of the groups, probably as a consequence of a reduced dietary palatability. The decrease in water temperature during the second part of the experiment had a negative effect on feed intake and fish growth. Gross visceral morphology of meagre fed the experimental diets was not affected, but muscle weight was significantly reduced. Whole body and liver composition was not affected with plant protein inclusion. However, the inclusion of fish protein hydrolysates resulted in a significant increase in fat content, especially in liver cholesterol and steryl esters, with a parallel reduction in protein. Brush border enzymes were affected by plant protein inclusion as well as serum lysozyme that significantly increased in the fish fed the highest inclusion level. As a conclusion, up to 315 g kg?1 plant protein (76.2% of total protein content) can be included in the diet for meagre without affecting growth or feed utilization. Higher inclusion levels can also be used if at least 5% fish protein hydrolysate is also included.  相似文献   

The reform of the European Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in 2013 decides whether the European fisheries can be put on a sustainable course in the next 10 years. The CFP reform must halt overexploitation of fish resources and stop harm to the marine environment by fishing activities. The European Commission published a reform proposal just recently. This proposal is already an important first step in the right direction, but is under threat of being watered down by the Fisheries Council. Necessary improvements of the current CFP include among others a binding definition of a sustainable stock management, a discard ban for all fish species, transferable fishing concessions and a cessation of all aid for building new vessels. These modifications pave the way for placing micromanagement in the hands of regions and fisheries so as to foster self‐responsibility among fishers and give greater consideration to regional circumstances.  相似文献   

以不同比例大豆浓缩蛋白和花生麸为混合植物蛋白源替代不同水平鱼粉,并添加包膜赖氨酸和蛋氨酸,饲喂斑节对虾(Penaeus morlodoll)[(1.27±0.02)g]56d,研究不同鱼粉含量饲料对斑节对虾生长及非特异性免疫力的影响。结果表明:1)斑节对虾增重率(245.02%)、特定生长率(2.58%·d^-1)均在对照组获得最大值,显著高于除F1和F2组外的其他各组(P〈0.05)。当对虾摄食F1组饲料时饲料系数最小,显著小于F3~F5组(P〈0.05)。成活率在F4组最低,显著低于F0~F2组(P〈0.05),但与其他各组无显著性差异(P〉0.05);2)混合植物蛋白替代不同水平鱼粉的饲料对虾体成分无显著性影响(P〉0.05);3)肝脏中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性在F2组最高,显著高于对照组(P〈0.05),与其他各组差异不显著(P〉0.05)。肌肉中S01)活性在F5组最高,显著高于其他各组(P〈0.05),酸性磷酸酶(ACP)活性在F1组最高,显著高于F2~F4组(P〈0.05),溶菌酶(LSZ)活性在F4和F5组最高,显著高于F1D~F3组(P〈0.05)。根据斑节对虾的增电率和特定生长率得出用混合植物蛋白并添加包膜氨基酸可替代饲料中20%的鱼粉,且随着饲料中植物蛋向含量的增加,对虾非特异性免疫力增强。  相似文献   

As part of a project to develop least‐cost diets with low levels of fish meal, silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus Mitchell) fingerlings (mean weight, 11.8 g) were stocked at a density of 7500 fish ha−1 into 0.1‐ha earthen ponds and fed one of two diets containing 33% digestible protein, 13 MJ kg−1 digestible energy, similar nutrient specifications, but with different levels of fish meal and plant proteins. The reference diet SP35 had 27% fish meal, 28% wheat, 20% soybean and 11% sorghum, while the diet silver perch least‐cost (SPLC) had 10% fish meal, 20% peanut meal, 19% wheat, 17% lupins, 16% canola, 8% soybean and 5% blood meal; there were three replicate ponds for each diet. Fish were fed a restricted ration up to 5% body weight day−1 and cultured for 10 months. Survival ranged from 85.9% to 94.3% and was not affected by diet. The mean weight (550 g), specific growth rate (SGR; 1.28% day−1), absolute growth rate (AGR; 1.9 g fish−1 day−1) and production rate (4.5 tonnes ha−1 year−1) were significantly higher (P<0.05) and feed conversion ratio (FCR=1.8) was significantly lower for fish fed SP35 compared with fish fed SPLC (413 g, 1.18% day−1, 1.4 g fish−1 day−1, 3.3 tonnes ha−1 year−1, 2.4). From October (spring) to March (autumn), turbidity was significantly lower (P<0.05) in SPLC ponds than in SP35 ponds, and fish were observed avoiding or ingesting and then expelling SPLC pellets. In February and March, infestations of the ectoparasitic copepod Ergasilus sp. were found on silver perch fed SPLC, and there was 5% post‐harvest mortality of these fish. The high inclusion levels of plant proteins, particularly peanut meal and canola in SPLC, may have provided anti‐nutritional factors and/or reduced the palatability and intake of the diet, adversely affecting the performance and health of silver perch, and water quality in the ponds. Our study demonstrates the value of evaluating new aquaculture diets under practical conditions over a complete growing period.  相似文献   

鱿鱼加工副产物综合利用研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
综述了近年来国内外利用鱿鱼皮、内脏、软骨、墨汁、鱼眼、精巢等副产物为原料开发胶原蛋白、鱼油、核酸、酶、软骨素、透明质酸、鱼精蛋白等一系列生化制品的研发状况,展望了几种鱿鱼副产物的应用前景和发展趋势.  相似文献   

Ecotourism ventures in developing countries are often among the few alternatives for enhancing sustainable livelihoods without altering traditional ways of life. The best way forward is to continually develop and implement best practice guidelines and, in particular, to flexibly develop them to suit individual cases. We conduct a multidisciplinary assessment of best practice guidelines required to develop and sustain sportfishing tourism in developing countries, while enhancing local livelihoods and promoting environmental stewardship. In general, best practice guidelines should be developed around a sustainable livelihood framework that includes short‐term coping mechanisms and longer‐term capacity building. Sportfishing development that conforms to ecological and socially orientated criteria, founded on site‐specific research that captures local environmental and social complexities, has the potential to provide mutual benefits to tourists and local people, fuelling community development and enhancing the cultural experience of tourists. Best practice guidelines for sportfishing that do not address these dimensions are unlikely to result in a viable industry. Given the current interest and growth of sportfishing in developing countries, the proposed guidelines can help a range of end users manage, conserve and maximize livelihood benefits from their fishery.  相似文献   




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