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《Field Crops Research》1995,40(2):119-127
Seasonal patterns and vertical distributions of alfalfa root systems were investigated with field experiments and a simulation model. We carried out root excavations on an established alfalfa stand at Davis, California, in 1982 and 1983. Thirty-six soil cores to a depth of 150 cm were taken seven times in 1982 and seventy-two soil cores to 30 cm were taken nine times in 1983 over the growth seasons. Live fine roots were recovered through six (in 1982) or seven (in 1983) procedures, including detailed hand sorting for removing debris. Our studies revealed that fine root mass was generally greatest in spring and fall and least during summer. Secondary minima were found within each harvest cycle. At all samplings, root mass declined exponentially with depth.A simulation model was developed for studying dynamics of alfalfa fine roots. The model has two components: root growth and death. Actual growth rate of fine roots was determined by potential growth rate and dependent on soil temperature, water and carbohydrate supply. Root death was controlled by the maximum death rate and influenced by soil temperature and nonstructural carbohydrate in roots. Through differential changes in simulated growth and death rates, the model predicted well the temporal and vertical distributions of fine root mass. A high amount of fine root mass was maintained in spring by rapid growth and moderate death rates. Frequent harvests reduced root mass in summer. Root mass increased in fall again due to a prolonged high growth rate. Sensitivity analyses indicated vertical distributions varied strongly with carbohydrate supply and soil temperature.  相似文献   

在温室中采用体积分别为57,26,15L的塑料盆栽培杨桃(AverhoacrmbdaL,品种为马来西亚甜杨桃),探讨根域容积对杨桃生长发育的影响。结果表明∶随根域容积的增加,根系和枝梢生长量都呈比例增加。大盆总根重分别是中盆和小盆的1.55和3.12倍,大盆地上部干重分别是中盆和小盆的1.61和3.01倍。小的根域容积可以显著促进细根的生长,增加根长密度,对地上部的生长表现为减少抽梢次数和生长量,但对叶片的大小形状没有显著影响。根域容积变小不影响根冠比例。小盆栽培的杨桃开花和结果分别比大盆提早49,61d。小的根域体积会减少花穗数和单穗花量,但不影响果实发育及果实品质。各处理间果实外观、单果重及果肉可溶性固形物没有显著差别。在本试验条件下,中盆开花最多,座果率最高,产量最高。对盆栽杨桃而言,25L 左右的根系空间可获得最好的栽培效果。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of soil compaction on the herbage yield and root growth of lucerne ( Medicago sativa L.). A field experiment was conducted on a silty loam Mollic Fluvisols soil in 2003–2006. Herbage yield and root morphology, in terms of root length density, mean root diameter, specific root length and distribution of dry matter (DM) in roots, were measured. Four compaction treatments were applied three times annually by tractor using the following number of passes: control without experimental traffic, two passes, four passes and six passes. The tractor traffic changed the physical properties of the soil by increasing bulk density and penetration resistance. Soil compaction also improved its water retention properties. These changes were associated with changes in root morphology and distribution of the DM in roots. Soil compaction resulted in higher proportions of the DM in roots, especially in the upper, 0–10 cm, soil horizon. Decreases in the root length density were observed in a root diameter range of 0·1–1·0 mm. It was also found that roots in a more compacted soil were significantly thicker. An effect of the root system of lucerne on soil compaction was observed. The root system of lucerne decreased the effects of soil compaction that had been recorded in the first and the second year of the experiment. An increase in the number of passes resulted in a decrease in the DM yield of herbage in the second and third harvests each year.  相似文献   

Development of simulation models of grazing beef cattle requires measurement of the components of the ingestive process and the establishment of relationships between these components and the structure of the sward. The ingestive behaviour of eight half-sib Angus steers (live weight (LW), x?= 270 kg) grazing alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) was studied at three stages of maturity (26, 40 and 47 days of regrowth) and at four allowances of herbage dry matter (DM) (1·0, 1·5, 20 and 2·5 kg per 100 kg LW) at each of two daily grazing sessions. A tethering system of grazing was used in which the experimental unit was a tethered steer and its plot for one grazing session. Grazing sessions commenced at 08.00 and 14.00 h EDT. Intake (DM) increased linearly from 1·98 kg per steer session at a DM allowance of 1 kg (100 kg LW)?1 to 2 89 kg steer session at an allowance of 2·5 kg (100 kg LW) ?1 as utilization of herbage declined linearly from 0·69 to 0·43. Herbage DM in take per bite increased from 1 0 g at 1 kg (100 kg LW) ?1 allowance to 1·5 g at 2·5 kg (100 kg LW) ?1 allowance. Rates of biting were not affected by herbage allowance and averaged 21 bites min?1. Dry matter intake increased from 1·77 to 3 41 kg per steer session as the alfalfa matured and herbage mass changed from 1500 to 4656 kg ha?1. Mean rates of biting were 24 bites min?1 for steers grazing the youngest alfalfa and 16 bites min?1 for steers on the oldest forage. Herbage DM intakes per bite were 1·1 g and 1·7 g at the same stages. Rates of DM intake approached 2 kg h?1 and maximum daily DM intake was estimated at 2 75 kg (100 kg LW) ?1. Intake of alfalfa was limited by allowance and mass of herbage above a canopy horizon of 20 cm and, to a lesser extent, by the length of fast.  相似文献   

Total sulphur was determined in seed meal of 30 chickpea and 24 pigeonpea cultivars by the wet digestion procedure and by using the Leco sulphur analyser. Methionine and cystine were determined after performic acid oxidation in an amino acid analyser. The two methods used for total sulphur determinations were highly correlated (r=0.943). Percent meal protein was significantly correlated (r=0.476) with total sulphur in chickpea but not in the case of pigeonpea. Total sulphur content exhibited a significant positive correlation (r=0.651) with sulphur amino acids of pigeonpea when expressed as percent of protein but not in the case of chickpea. Correlation coefficients between total sulphur and sulphur amino acids when the results were expressed as percent of sample were positive for both chickpea (r=0.494) and pigeonpea (r=0.534). The amount of sulphur in methionine and cystine accounted for 54.8% of the total sulphur in chickpea and for 75.5% in pigeonpea. In both chickpea and pigeonpea, methionine was positively and significantly correlated with cystine when they were expressed either as percent of sample or as percent of protein.Submitted as J.A. no. 159 by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT).  相似文献   

This species study was to investigate the differentiation level among 26 populations in which 12 are locals originating from the Tunisian South and 14 introduced from Italy, Austerely, France and Morocco with two SSR markers. These highly polymorphic and co dominant markers, together with recent population genetic statistic extended to autotetraploids, offer tools to analyse genetic diversity in alfalfa. The number of alleles per locus varied between 8 and 9. The genetic similarity between these various populations is estimated by the index of Rogers and Tanimoto. Genetic diversity is analysed by two statistical procedures: Hierarchical classification and Correspondence Factorial Analysis (CFA). Four large groups were obtained.  相似文献   

Theories suggest that incorporating alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.; Alf) or birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.; BFT) into endophyte‐infected tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceas Schreb.; E+TF) pasturelands may improve livestock production. We investigated how planting configuration might influence plant secondary metabolites (PSM) and nitrogen concentration in these forages. Total nitrogen (N), in addition to condensed tannins (CT), saponins and ergovaline (EV), was compared in BFT, Alf and E+TF, respectively, when forages grew in monocultures and all possible two‐way “mixtures” using a block design with repeated measures in three blocks. Ergovaline (< .01) and N (< .001) concentrations in E+TF were greater when growing adjacent to legumes than when growing in monoculture, and N and EV concentrations in E+TF were positively correlated (r = .51; = .001). No differences in saponins or CT were found when Alf or BFT grew in monoculture or in two‐way mixtures (> .10). We conducted an in vitro trial to determine whether CT or saponins isolated from BFT and Alf, respectively, would bind to EV in water. Ergovaline bound to saponins to a greater extent (39%; SE = 0.25) than CT (5.1%; SE = 5.13; < .05). Because EV was lower in E+TF monocultures than in E+TF–legume mixtures, and because CT and saponins may form complexes with EV which may alleviate fescue toxicosis, animals may benefit from systems which allow them to graze monoculture patches of E+TF and Alf or BFT rather than grass–legume mixtures.  相似文献   

In vitro direct plant regeneration of lucerne was achieved by simultaneous application of thidiazuron (TDZ) and 6‐benzyladenine (BA) in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. Seedlings were germinated and grown for 6 d on growth regulator–containing MS medium. The shoot tip, consisting of the apical meristem along with parts of the cotyledonary leaves and hypocotyl, was then cultured on a medium containing the growth regulator(s). Adventitious budding of the shoot tip was promoted synergistically by treatment with TDZ and BA, and a maximum of thirty‐five shoots per explant was obtained on a medium supplemented with 2 mg L?1 TDZ and 1 mg L?1 BA. Plant regeneration frequency varied from 67 to 93%, and five Indian lucerne cultivars responded well to the regeneration protocol. The Agrobacterium‐mediated transformation frequency from co‐cultivated explants was 13% following multiple shoot induction. Southern analysis of the T0 plants and T1 progenies confirmed stable inheritance of the hpt marker gene. Agrobacterium infection of the explant caused a significant reduction in the plant regeneration frequency (23%) and the number of shoots induced (11) when compared with uninfected explants. A single shoot tip provided sufficient material to regenerate and establish twenty‐seven lucerne plants, whereas only nine plants could be regenerated from an Agrobacterium co‐cultivated explant. This transformation protocol could represent a valuable improvement over existing ones for lucerne.  相似文献   

A rising plate meter (RPM) is an instrument used for the measurement of compressed sward height and estimation of yield on grasslands. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of an RPM to evaluate lucerne height as an agronomic trait enabling yield estimation. Compressed height (CH), stem length, plant and stem density and yield measurements were recorded from the late‐vegetative stage to flowering in the first cut and from the late‐bud stage to flowering in the second and third cuts, during three successive years. For lucerne maximal stem‐length prediction, CH could be used successfully (with R 2 over 0·90) in developmental stages before flowering and for stem lengths up to 80 cm, irrespective of stand density or order of cut. The dry‐matter yield of lucerne was better predicted using CH (R 2 = 0·72) than maximal stem length (MSL) (R 2 = 0·53). The recommended number of observations was 7–9 per treatment in the first cut and twice this in subsequent cuts because of higher variability in stand structure. The use of RPM to measure CH of lucerne is not recommended when MSL exceeds 80 cm, or in the case of lodging. RPM may also be suitable for similar forage crops with erect or semi‐erect stems, subject to consideration of disc weight and diameter. Heavy discs are unsuitable for lucerne height prediction but could be more suitable for yield prediction.  相似文献   

 用水稻短根突变化RM1、RM2与原品种Ohchikara杂交配成两个组合的P1、 P2、 F1、 F2、 B11、B'11、B12、 B'12 以及F3世代,调查冠根长度,研究短根性状的遗传。结果表明,RM1和RM2的短根性状均受单个位点稳性核基因(srt1srt1),并且RM1和RM2的短根基因是等位的。讨论了srt1基因在杂交稻和中子纯度快速鉴定中的应用。  相似文献   

为了解低氮胁迫下氮效率差异油菜在根系形态及养分吸收累积方面的差异,以一对氮效率差异油菜种质为材料,通过水培研究在低氮胁迫下苗期根系形态和养分累积的变化及差异。结果表明,在不同氮浓度处理下,两个材料根系和养分累积量都存在显著差异(P<0.01)。低氮胁迫下(N浓度为0.38mmol/L),油菜主根长和侧根长显著增加,根系木质化程度降低,养分累积量显著下降。与氮低效油菜种质相比,氮高效油菜总根长、根表面积、根体积、侧根数及主根长,分别高出30.96%、22.02%、24.13%、28.20%和40.62%,且植株氮、磷、钾累积量分别是氮低效油菜的2.02、1.89、3.37倍。此外,氮高效油菜根尖分生区细胞分裂数目增加,伸长区细胞长度增加,可能导致了油菜主根的伸长生长。综上所述,与氮低效油菜相比,氮高效油菜对低氮胁迫耐受力更强,根系较为发达、养分累积 量降低幅度小。因此,氮高效油菜种质可能通过更发达的根系和更多的养分累积来应对低氮胁迫。  相似文献   

A range of papers report a major effect of agronomic procedures on the growth, biomass, fibre yield and fibre quality of hemp. The aim of this paper is to examine the influence of sowing date, seed density and year on histological characteristics of hemp (size of the different layers in the cross section of the stem, area of primary fibre cells and their cell lumen, size of fibre cell wall). It was realised that a higher seed density resulted in a reduction of almost all layers in the cross section of the stem. A similar effect was caused by the drought 1998, whereas the sowing date had almost no influence on the size of the various layers. The area of primary fibre cells was smaller in 1998. Sowing date and seed density did not affect the fibre cell area and area of cell lumen in the way mentioned above during the 2 years of the trial. During this period the size of cell wall was mainly determined by climatic conditions. Higher elongation and higher tensile strength of hemp planted at higher seed density is probably caused by differences in primary cell morphology.  相似文献   

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants contain water-soluble substances that are autotoxic as well as allelopathic to other plants. Laboratory experimentation through a petri dish assay with imbibed seeds was conducted to evaluate the phytotoxic effects of alfalfa cv. “Vernal” leaf extracts, coumarin, trans-cinnamic acid, o-coumaric acid, and hydro-cinnamic acid on the seedling growth and anatomical responses of 6 day-old alfalfa and barnyard grass. With increasing concentration, the alfalfa leaf extracts significantly reduced root lengths of alfalfa and barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli, Beauv. var. oryzicola Ohwi). Coumarin, trans-cinnamic acid, o-coumaric acid, and hydro-cinnamic acid at 10−4 M significantly reduced root lengths of alfalfa and barnyard grass. The root systems, especially root tips of alfalfa, were stunted and swollen by the aqueous alfalfa leaf extracts at 30 g l−1 and coumarin at 10−3 M. This research suggests that alfalfa plant extracts significantly affected root growth and morphological differentiation of susceptible plants, resulting in reduction of their biomass in the presence of either autotoxic or allelopathic compounds. The results may have value in enabling weed control based on natural plant extracts.  相似文献   

Forage plants constitute the primary food source for ruminants, and their aboveground growth and belowground growth depend on mineral nutrient supply. The objective of this study was to identify and quantify variation in morphology, production and nutritional status in Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia and Stylosanthes guianensis cv. Mineirão grown with varying levels of S availability. In an experimental setting, plants of both species received rates of S calculated to reflect suboptimum, adequate and excessive levels of the element. S had a direct effect on morphology and production in both species. S limitation altered the allocation of photosynthates between the aboveground and belowground portions of Guinea grass and stylo, and was associated with lower root dry mass production. Guinea grass plants increased root surface area as an adaptive mechanism when S was limiting in the growth medium. The relative chlorophyll index of recently expanded leaves was correlated with aboveground dry mass production. After the initial growth, Guinea grass and stylo plants showed similar S requirements and use efficiency to achieve the maximum of aboveground productivity, although leguminous plants have a substantially higher capacity for store S in the shoot tissue as compared to gramineous plants growing under similar availability of S in the medium. While applying S was necessary for increasing dry mass production in both species, planting these species together is a promising strategy for guaranteeing high yields of forage with a nutritional value that satisfies the S requirements of ruminants.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):337-346

The effects of nitrogen (N) application (32, 72 and 112 kg N ha-1 in 2000, and 32, 92 and 152 kg N ha-1 in 2001) and water-saving irrigation and their interaction on grain yield and yield components of the rice cultivar Champa-Kamphiroozi, which is a local cultivar in a semi-arid area in the south of Islamic Republic (I.R.) of Iran, were investigated. The plants were cultivated under sprinkler irrigation (1.0 ETp and 1.5 ETp), intermittent flooding (1-day and 2-day intervals) and continuous flooding (control). The experiments were conducted on a clay loam-clay soil under a semi-arid environment using four replications in a split plot design with irrigation method as main plots and N levels as subplots. The results indicated that intermittent flooding irrigation at 2-day intervals was as effective as continuous flooding for grain yield, showing high water-use efficiency (WUE). The soil moisture tension in the root zone before each irrigation under this condition was –300 to –400 cm. Sprinkler irrigation and intermittent flooding increased WUE by 20 to 60%, compared with continuous flooding, and the increase in N application rate to 112-152 kg ha-1 increased grain yield under any irrigation condition. Under sprinkler irrigation, grain yield was low and percentage of unfilled grain was high, although WUE was high. However, by adopting sprinkler irrigation, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer application necessary for cultivation was reduced. Furthermore, when nitrogen application must be limited due to groundwater pollution, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer necessary for cultivation can be reduced.  相似文献   

This study determined the impact of a change in grazing system on beef production from lucerne pastures in Argentina. One system (T500) used the traditional recommendation to commence grazing in spring when lucerne was near to 10% flowering. The grazing interval was ~ 500 growing degree-days (GDD; above a base temperature for growth of 5°C) from mid-spring to mid-autumn. In contrast, the T350 system commenced grazing 11–15 days earlier at ~ 1,000 kg DM/ha and the grazing interval was ~ 350 GDD from mid-spring to mid-summer, and from mid-summer to mid-autumn, it was ~ 500 GDD. Total live-weight production was ~ 30% or 185 and 115 kg/ha higher in T350 than T500 in Years 1 and 2 respectively. This was due to a higher live-weight production per head and a higher stocking rate, because T350 produced 1,600 kg DM ha−1 year−1 more forage. Plant population (~70 plants/m2) and perennial biomass (root plus crown) at the end of the second year did not differ between treatments. This suggests that lucerne persistence was not affected by the more intensive spring grazing of T350, because an adequate period of autumn recovery was allowed. This work quantified the live-weight gain (+30%, +150 kg/ha) when the grazing management of lucerne during the spring–summer period was based on crop growth status (i.e. standing biomass, canopy height) rather than on crop phenology.  相似文献   

The effect of different combinations of time of sowing and depth and width of soil cultivation using a rotary slot‐seeding machine to introduce red clover (Trifolium pratense) was determined for some characteristics of newly established red clover plants in a lowland Dactylis glomerata‐dominated grassland in the Czech Republic. Sowing was carried out on four sowing dates in one growing season: 11 May; 21 June (after the first cut); 9 August (after the second cut); and 19 September. The experimental treatments consisted of all combinations of four depths (5, 10, 15 and 20 cm) and four widths (5, 10, 15 and 20 cm) of soil cultivation. Measurements were made of number of plants, weight and height of plants, weight and height of roots. Measurements at 2 months after sowing showed fewer seedlings for the 11 May sowing than for later sowing dates. The number of red clover plants increased as the row width was increased up to 15 cm, regardless of the depth of slot. Positive effects of slot width on weight and height of plants and weight and length of roots were recorded. A highly positive correlation was found between weight of plants and weight of roots. Width of row was the key factor for the successful establishment of seedlings into the existing sward by slot‐seeding. A row width of 10 cm and depth of slot of 5 cm was considered a satisfactory combination.  相似文献   

《Crop Protection》1986,5(4):245-249
In a field study, the effects of phosphorus and potassium fertilization on damage caused by the potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris), and alfalfa weevil, Hypera postica (Gyllenhall), to alfalfa, Medicago sativa L., were studied. Potato leafhopper and alfalfa weevil populations were either controlled with insecticides or allowed to develop as untreated controls. Insect management treatments were applied to alfalfa managed under high and low soil fertility regimes. Alfalfa grown under high soil fertility appeared more favourable for alfalfa weevil populations but was able to tolerate more defoliation. Populations of alfalfa weevil larvae were 34% higher on fertilized stands. On the other hand, potato leafhopper populations were as much as 43% higher on low-fertility stands. Alfalfa weevil damage caused a carry-over effect which reduced both plant height and yield of the second cutting. Fertilization negated this effect on height but not on yield. Stands damaged by potato leafhopper recovered more slowly after harvest, but fertilization reduced this effect. Yields from first-cutting alfalfa (which is not infested by the potato leafhopper) the following year were 10% greater on fertilized stands where leafhopper control had been applied the previous season. Plots infested by potato leafhopper suffered greater yield losses under low-fertility management. Leafhopper control and fertilization, alone and in combination with one another, negated these effects.  相似文献   


To characterize the protection effect of silicon against excessive transpiration in rice plants (Oryza sativa L.), we investigated the factors responsible for transpiration, such as cuticular conductance (gc), leaf surface wax content (WC), and stomatal movement in response to environmental stimuli, using leaves of plants grown in nutrient solution with silicon (+Si) and without silicon (–Si). The rate of transpiration of whole plants (E) under field conditions was clearly reduced by application of silica. The gc of –Si leaves under precisely regulated conditions was 33% higher than that of +Si leaves, reflecting higher adaxial gc. Silicon has little effect on WC, a factor responsible for regulation of cuticular resistance to water flux in rice leaves. These results suggest that silicon is one of the main factors responsible for regulation of gc, but that its effect was not due to an increase in the WG. Leaf conductance (gl) of –Si leaves tended to decrease more slowly than that of +Si leaves over time after changes from high to low light intensity. Moreover, it was always higher over the entire duration of the experiment, irrespective of irradiation intensity. The gl of –Si leaves was higher at lower relative humidity (RH) and the initial response to a subsequent increase in RH was slower than that of +Si leaves. A comparison of gl and gc between +Si and –Si leaves showed that the higher gl of –Si leaves was due to higher stomatal conductance. These results indicated that the reduction in E by application of silica was mainly attributable to reduction in the rate of transpiration through stomatal pores.  相似文献   

施磷对花生根系生长发育和产量的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用盆栽方式,研究了施磷对花生根系生长发育和产量的影响。结果表明,花生出苗45d后根系干物重、根系活力、根瘤数和根瘤鲜重逐渐增大,在出苗后85d(饱果初期)达到最大值,以后逐渐降低。增施磷肥有利于提高花生根系干物重、根系活力、根瘤数和根瘤鲜重,最终提高了荚果产量、生物产量和经济系数。  相似文献   

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