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Clinical assessment of selenium status of livestock.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Assessment of the selenium status of livestock is an important aspect of production medicine, but variations in reported values between laboratories and between methods may be > 30%. Reliable interpretations require considerable experience with an assay and an extensive database from field and research case samples of a variety of species. The Michigan State University Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory (MSU-ADHL) has offered Se analyses by acid-digestion and fluorometric detection since 1982. This laboratory expects serum Se values (nanograms per milliliter) of livestock to increase gradually with age from starting ranges for neonates of 50 to 80 for calves and sheep and 70 to 90 for foals and pigs. Expected or "normal" values for the adults are in the ranges of 70 to 100 for cattle, 120 to 150 for sheep, 130 to 160 for horses, and 180 to 220 for swine. Normal liver Se concentrations are considered to range between 1.2 and 2.0 micrograms/g on a dry weight basis, regardless of the species or age. Based on samples submitted to MSU-AHDL between September 1990 and August 1991, contemporary feeding practices in the Michigan area resulted in mean serum Se values (nanograms per milliliter) of 75 +/- 19 for adult Holsteins, 170 +/- 27 for adult swine (mixed breeds), and 137 +/- 30 for adult race horses. Within that period of time, two field cases of Se toxicity were diagnosed. One involved feeder pigs with a recorded high serum Se value of 1,525 ng/mL due to a commercial premix manufacturing error.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare effects of oral supplementation with an experimental potassium-free sodium-abundant electrolyte mixture (EM-K) with that of oral supplementation with commercial potassium-rich mixtures (EM+K) on acid-base status and plasma ion concentrations in horses during an 80-km endurance ride. ANIMALS: 46 healthy horses. PROCEDURE: Blood samples were collected before the ride; at 21-, 37-, 56-, and 80-km inspection points; and during recovery (ie, 30-minute period after the ride). Consumed electrolytes were recorded. Blood was analyzed for pH, PvCO2, and Hct, and plasma was analyzed for Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca2+, Mg2+, lactate, albumin, phosphate, and total protein concentrations. Plasma concentrations of H+ and HCO3-, the strong ion difference (SID), and osmolarity were calculated. RESULTS: 34 (17 EM-K and 17 EM+K treated) horses finished the ride. Potassium intake was 33 g less and Na+ intake was 36 g greater for EM-K-treated horses, compared with EM+K-treated horses. With increasing distance, plasma osmolarity; H+, Na+, K+, Mg2+, phosphate, lactate, total protein, and albumin concentrations; and PvCO2 and Hct were increased in all horses. Plasma HCO3-, Ca2+, and Cl- concentrations were decreased. Plasma H+ concentration was significantly lower in EM-K-treated horses, compared with EM+K-treated horses. Plasma K+ concentrations at the 80-km inspection point and during recovery were significantly less in EM-K-treated horses, compared with EM+K-treated horses. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Increases in plasma H+ and K+ concentrations in this endurance ride were moderate and unlikely to contribute to signs of muscle fatigue and hyperexcitability in horses.  相似文献   

Six mature horses were used in a 6×6 Latin Square design experiment to study the effects of varying dietary cation-anion differences (DCAD) on the acid-base status and energy digestibility of horses fed varying levels and sources of starch. Rolled corn, whole oats, or dehydrated alfalfa meal were used to make up the concentrate portions of the diets. Three diets had a DCAD above 300 meq/kg DM, and three below 160 meq/kg DM. This trial consisted of 11-day adjustment periods followed by 72-hour experimental collection periods. During that time, venous blood samples were drawn for analysis of pH, pCO2, HCO3, pO2, and lactate concentrations. Total urine was collected and measured for pH and mineral content. Representative feed and fecal samples were taken to determine energy digestibility. Blood lactate concentration showed no variation among treatments. Energy digestibility showed no variation with respect to DCAD, but did vary with starch intake. Urine pH, blood pH and blood HCO3 concentrations were significantly lower for horses consuming diets with a low DCAD as compared with high DCAD diets regardless of starch source or intake. Thus, it may be possible to reverse any metabolic acidosis caused by high starch intake by increasing the DCAD of the diet.  相似文献   

Nine adult bullocks were used for this study. The auricular artery was found to be convenient for collecting arterial blood samples. Samples were also taken from the jugular and auricular veins. The mean values of blood gas analyses from these animals are recorded.  相似文献   

Nine adult bullocks were used for this study. The auricular artery was found to be convenient for collecting arterial blood samples. Samples were also taken from the jugular and auricular veins. The mean values of blood gas analyses from these animals are recorded.  相似文献   

Peter Stewart criticized the traditional theory of the acid-base status by Henderson-Hasselbalch as too simple and incomplete. He developed a new model with 3 independent variables: (1) pCO2, (2) SID (strong ion difference) and (3) Atot (Acid total). In healthy and ill dogs the diagnostic usefulness of both acid-base models were compared. This study included n=58 healthy dogs and 3 clinical cases of sick dogs.The age of the healthy dogs was 5.0 (2.0-7.0) years (= median (1.-3. quartil)).The 3 clinical cases included (1) a dog with septic shock, (2) with acute renal insufficiency, and (3) with hypovolaemic shock due to gastric torsion.Venous blood was taken of all dogs and the acid-base parameters were determined within < or =30 minutes. Electrolytes and albumin were determined in blood serum and used for calculation of the Stewart variables. Limits of reference intervals (x+/-1.96 - s) were determined for the healthy dogs yielding pCO2 = 3.6-6.5 kPa, [SID3] = 33.1-50.9 mmol/l resp. [SID4] = 31.8-49.6 mmol/l and [Al = 8.5-13.1 mmol/l. In Case 1 the Henderson-Hasselbalch parameters demonstrated the presence of a strong metabolic acidosis with mild respiratory influence (pH, [HCO3-], [BE] and PCO2 at upper range of normal). Analysis of the Stewart variables [SID3] resp. [SID4] revealed an electrolyte imbalance with [Cl-] and [lactate-] as the reason for metabolic acidosis. Case 2 showed a metabolic acidosis with respiratory compensation (pH, [HCO3-], [BE] and PCO2). Analysis of the Stewart variables with [SID3] resp. [SID4 caused by [K+], [Na+] and [lactate-]demonstrated the acidotic metabolism due to a renal malfunction. Case 3 had a metabolic acidosis (pH-value in the lower range) caused by electrolyte imbalances ([SID4]. The Stewart variables allow a better understanding of the causes of acid-base-disturbances in animals with implications for successful therapy via infusion.  相似文献   

Four mature, sedentary geldings were used in a 4x4 Latin square design experiment to study the effects of dietary cationanion balance (DCAB), defined as meq ((Na + K) - C1)/kg of dietary dry matter, on urine pH, blood pH and blood gasses. Four diets with actual DCAB levels of +21 (Low, L), +125 (Medium Low, ML), +231 (Medium High, MH) and +350 (High, H) were fed for a 21-day adjustment period and a 72 hour collection period. Total urine output was collected every 4 hours post feeding for 72 hours, and like times across days were combined for analyses. Arterial and venous blood samples were drawn, via indwelling catheters, hourly for 12 hours beginning at feeding. All samples were analyzed immediately after collection for pH, blood gasses and blood acid-base measures. Urine pH was lower (p<.05) at all measured intervals when geldings consumed diet L than when they consumed diets MI, MH and H. Least squares means for urine pH ranges from 5.40 to 5.86 on diet L, 6.79 to 7.30 on diet ML, 7.35 to 7.63 on diet MH and 7.52 to 8.14 on diet H. Blood pH, pCO2 and HCO3 values were also significantly lower in both arterial and venous samples when geldings consumed diet L than when fed diets MH and H. Results of this trial indicate that horses consuming highly anionic diets may experience a nutritionally-induced metabolic acidosis.  相似文献   

Blood samples were collected by microhematocrit tube from posterior medial margin of the shaved, but otherwise untreated, canine ear. Acid-base and blood gas values of these samples were compared with the values of samples obtained simultaneously from the carotid artery. The arterialized nature of capillary blood from the canine ear was demonstrated under various degrees of chemical restraint and during conditions of extreme hypoxic acidosis to hyperventilatory alkalosis. Once a week determinations of acid-base and blood gas status with such arterialized capillary blood from a group of awake dogs showed within-subject variance to be significantly less (P less than 0.05) than between-subject variance; thus, uniqueness of individual dogs was reliably revealed. This technique also was used to demonstrated breed differences for acid-base and blood gas characteristics.  相似文献   

Experiments have been carried out on 20 adult fat-tailed ewes to determine the effects of thiopental sodium, methoxyflurane and halothane on acid-base status of the saliva loss during prolonged surgical anaesthesia. The rate of loss of base in saliva depends on the volume of saliva produced, which fell sharply at the onset of anesthesia with the volatile anaesthesia. Plasma pH and plasma pvCO2 excess were both increased by the volatile anaesthetics but fell sharply during thiopental anaesthesia. Plasma pH and plasma PvCO2 showed no consistent relationship.  相似文献   

Metabolic acidosis is reported to be a common complication of feline chronic renal failure (CRF) but acid-base status of feline patients with this disease is rarely assessed by general practitioners. A cross-sectional study involving 59 cases of naturally occurring feline CRF was conducted to determine the prevalence of acid-base disturbances. Cases were categorised on the basis of their plasma creatinine concentrations as mild, moderate or severe. A group of 27 clinically healthy, age-matched cats was assessed for comparison. A low venous blood pH (<7.270) was found in 10 of the 19 severe cases (52.6 per cent), three of the 20 moderate cases (15 per cent) and none of the 20 mild cases. Acidaemia was associated with an increased anion gap contributed to by both low plasma bicarbonate and low chloride ion concentrations. Biochemical analysis of urine samples showed urine pH to decrease with increasing severity of renal failure. Urinary loss of bicarbonate was not associated with the occurrence of acidaemia and there was a tendency for urinary ammonium ion excretion to decrease as the severity of renal failure increased. Cats with naturally occurring CRF do not show plasma biochemical evidence of acid-base disturbances until the disease is advanced.  相似文献   

Determination of intracellular acid-base status is reported in this paper by the example of erythrocytic haemolysate in dog. The difference between intracellular and extracellular acid-base ratios is highly significant and is of clinical relevance. Differences between species and the need for further experimental verification of the method are discussed in some detail. Reference values are suggested for orientation, on the basis of 20 experimental dogs.  相似文献   

Changes in blood gases, pH, and plasma electrolyte concentrations in response to intravenously infused sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and sodium acetate (NaCH3CO2) solutions (1.34 mEq/mL) in 5 light breed mares were investigated. Jugular venous blood samples were collected before and after completion of the infusions in 20-minute intervals for 200 minutes. Infusion of sodium bicarbonate and sodium acetate caused significant (P < .00l) increases in blood pH and bicarbonate ion concentration that persisted throughout the collection period. The elevation in blood pH and bicarbonate ion concentrations was greater (P < .01) for sodium bicarbonate than for sodium acetate immediately after the completion of the infusions but was not different (P > .05) thereafter. There were significant reductions (P < .01) in plasma-ionized calcium and potassium after infusion of both sodium bicarbonate and sodium acetate. This study found that significant metabolic alkalosis in horses and corresponding shifts in electrolyte concentrations can be induced by intravenous infusion of solutions of either sodium bicarbonate or sodium acetate, and they persist for at least 3 hours. These data show that the short-term elevation in pH and bicarbonate ion concentration is momentarily higher after infusion of sodium bicarbonate. This is likely due to the direct infusion of bicarbonate ions in the sodium bicarbonate treatment, such that further metabolism is not required to be effective. However, the longer-term alkalosis did not differ between isomolar solutions of sodium bicarbonate and sodium acetate.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary electrolyte balance on pigs fed lysine- or tryptophan-adequate or tryptophan-deficient diets was investigated in four experiments using 8- to 12-wk-old pigs. Electrolyte balance, expressed as Na+K-Cl in meq/kg of diet, was varied by altering dietary levels of Na and Cl while holding all other minerals constant. In two experiments in which the basal diet contained a balance of 135 meq/kg, simple lysine or tryptophan deficiences caused depressed growth, feed intake and efficiency of feed utilization, but none of these responses was altered by dietary supplementation with NaHCO3. In one experiment in which the electrolyte balance of the basal diet was 61 meq/kg and in which both lysine and tryptophan were limiting. NaHCO3 supplementation significantly increased growth and feed intake. This did not occur if the diet was also supplemented with tryptophan. A final experiment was conducted to determine the response of pigs to a range of electrolyte balance (-85 to 341 meq/kg) in a practical corn-soy diet containing adequate levels of all amino acids. Growth and feed intake appeared to be maximal for balances of 0 to 341 meq/kg Na+K-Cl, but were decreased at -85 meq/kg (P less than .05). Acid-base balance was adversely affected at 0 meq/kg. The results suggest that the response of lysine-deficient pigs to sodium bicarbonate is dependent upon the electrolyte balance of the diet, and also is influenced by other dietary amino acids.  相似文献   

The acid-base status of 58 calves (all in normal anterior presentation) was determined from venous blood samples before the onset of traction and immediately after vaginal delivery. Calves were assigned to one of three groups according to their blood pH value: group 1 - normal, pH greater than 7.2; group 2 - acidotic, pH 7.2 to 7.0; group 3 - severely acidotic, pH less than 7.0. Before the onset of traction (i.e. during the 30 minutes following the appearance and rupture of the membranes), 43 calves (74.1%) had normal acid-base values, 14 (24.1%) had slight acidosis, and only 1 (1.7%) had severe acidosis. At birth the three groups of calves showed the following distribution: 23 (39.7%) were normal, 29 (50%) had slight acidosis, and 6 (10.3%) had severe acidosis. Seven calves (12.1%) died during birth or within 48 hours after birth; 2 were normal shortly before birth, 4 were acidotic shortly before birth, and 1 was severely acidotic even before the onset of traction. Traction was significantly longer for cows that delivered severely acidotic calves compared to cows in the other two groups.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of hyperosmotic sodium bicarbonate (HSB) administration on arterial and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) acid-base balance and cardiovascular function in calves with experimentally induced respiratory and strong ion (metabolic) acidosis. Ten healthy male Holstein calves (30-47 kg body weight) were instrumented under halothane anesthesia to permit cardiovascular monitoring and collection of blood samples and CSE Respiratory acidosis was induced by allowing the calves to spontaneously ventilate, and strong ion acidosis was subsequently induced by i.v. administration of L-lactic acid. Calves were then randomly assigned to receive either HSB (8.4% NaHCO3; 5 ml/kg over 5 minutes, i.v.; n=5) or no treatment (controls, n=5) and monitored for 1 hour. Mixed respiratory and strong ion acidosis was accompanied by increased heart rate, cardiac index, mean arterial pressure, cardiac contractility (maximal rate of change of left ventricular pressure), and mean pulmonary artery pressure. Rapid administration of HSB immediately corrected the strong ion acidosis, transiently increased arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (P(CO2)), and expanded the plasma volume. The transient increase in arterial P(CO2) did not alter CSF P(CO2) or induce paradoxical CSF acidosis. Compared to untreated control calves, HSB-treated calves had higher cardiac index and contractility and a faster rate of left ventricular relaxation for 1 hour after treatment, indicating that HSB administration improved myocardial systolic function. We conclude that rapid i.v. administration of HSB provided an effective and safe method for treating strong ion acidosis in normovolemic halothane-anesthetized calves with experimentally induced respiratory and strong ion acidosis. Fear of inducing paradoxical CSF acidosis is not a valid reason for withholding HSB administration in calves with mixed respiratory and strong ion acidosis.  相似文献   

Reported in this paper are changes in the acid-base state and lactic concentration of blood and muscle samples taken from 28 pigs prior to, during, and after high-intensity exhausting stress applied at ambient temperatures between 17 degrees C and 21 degrees C and at 35 degrees C. Close correlations were found to exist between acid-base states, on the one hand, and lactic acid concentrations, on the other. The lactic acid concentrations reached in blood plasma were between 30 and 40 mHol/1, pH being below 7.0 and BE values being smaller than -22 mHol/1. Close relationships were established between the lactic acid concentration of venous blood plasma, blood pH, and the pH of the musculus longissimus dorsi. Respiratory compensation was of minor importance with ambient temperatures between 17 degrees C and 21 degrees C, but it was of considerable effectiveness at 35 degrees C.  相似文献   

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