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中国北方牧区草原牧业生态经济学透视   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
本文采用生态经济学的理论和方法 ,揭示了中国北方牧区草原雪灾背后的生态经济问题 ,中国北方草原牧业生态经济系统的主要特点是结构脆弱 ,功能低下。随着人口的高速增长 ,经济系统对生态系统的干预大大超过生态系统的自我调节能力 ,不合理的人类经济活动破坏了生态经济平衡 ,使草原生态系统严重退化 ,牧业经济系统陷于困境 ,系统抗灾能力降低。在缺乏有效生态经济管理的情况下 ,生态效益的外部性将不可避免地使生态经济系统矛盾更加尖锐化 ,系统运行陷入双轨恶性循环 ,并最终阻碍牧业经济持续发展  相似文献   

草原生态安全理论与评价研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文探讨了草原生态安全的内涵和草原生态安全评价的原理,介绍了相关的评价方法。重点在草原生态安全评价的标准与指标体系研究中,讨论了评价标准选取的原则、建立方法、来源以及草原生态安全指标体系构建的原则,依据草原生态系统以及牧区社会经济发展的特点,借鉴驱动力—PSR生态环境系统服务的概念框架设计了草原生态安全评价的概念框架,并由此构建了草原生态安全评价指标层次结构体系。草原生态安全概念的提出丰富了生态安全研究的领域、进一步完善了生态安全的研究体系。  相似文献   

生态安全作为一种非传统的安全越来越受到国际社会的广泛关注。我国21世纪初生态安全形势非常严峻,进行生态安全相关领域的研究已迫在眉睫。文中提出草原生态安全概念,着重于草原生态安全模糊评价方法的研究,构建了草原生态安全评价指标层次结构体系并建立草原生态安全模糊评价模型。以甘肃天祝县高寒草原为例进行了草原生态安全模糊评价的实例研究。研究表明,天祝高寒草原生态安全状况总体上处于比较安全的状态。研究实践表明:采用模糊综合评价方法对草原生态安全程度进行评价是切实可行和适宜的,该方法将为其他区域或生态系统的生态安全研究提供有益的方法参考;而草原生态安全概念的提出也丰富了生态安全研究的领域、进一步完善了生态安全的研究体系。  相似文献   

以草原生态保护补助奖励机制为主体的草原生态补偿政策对于草原生态保护和促进牧区发展具有重要作用.基于内蒙古490户牧户的样本数据及34个样本嘎查的草场承包数据,对按照面积抑或人口分配草原生态补偿资金的问题进行了研究.研究结论表明,导致补偿方式选择问题的原因在于牧民草场承包面积的差异化,政府部门确定政策实施方式时需要考虑多重目标,而牧民作为受偿主体主要根据自身经济利益最大化选择合理的补偿方式.通过对草原生态补偿政策目标的探讨,研究认为按照草场承包面积进行补偿资金分配相对更能确保政策的生态保护效率.  相似文献   

新疆草原生态补偿政策实施效应评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过选取18个指标构建草原生态补偿政策实施效应评价指标体系,运用层次分析法、熵值法以及模糊综合评价等方法,对新疆草原生态补偿政策实施成效以及效应间协调度进行定量评价。结果表明:(1)从各种效应的重要性来看,草原生态补偿政策实施的生态效应最为重要;(2)从各种效应的变化趋势来看,新疆草原生态补偿政策实施效应呈上升趋势;(3)从各种效应间的协调性来看,生态效应、经济效应与社会效应之间具有较高的协调性,三者间基本处于优质协调。总之,草原生态补偿政策的实施不仅改善了生态环境,也促进了新疆牧区经济发展和社会进步。  相似文献   

文中根据环境库兹尼茨曲线(EKC)的思想,试图分析我国草原生态环境与草原地区经济增长的关系,从理论上提出草原生态环境库兹尼茨曲线(GEKC)的概念,并以内蒙古为例,模拟草原生态环境库兹尼茨曲线的形状。模拟结果显示:近年来,草原地区经济增长与草原生态环境恶化呈线性正相关关系。文中根据草原生态补偿对GEKC影响机理的理论分析,提出草原生态补偿是优化GEKC的有效途径,从横向上分析,有效的草原生态补偿机制可以缩短达到GEKC顶点的时间,即缩短草原生态环境进一步恶化的时间;从纵向上分析,草原生态补偿可以降低草原EKC顶点的高度,即可以降低草原生态环境恶化的程度。  相似文献   

甘肃省夏河县草地退化驱动力及可持续发展对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
天然草地是牧区居民赖以生存和发展的重要的物质基础和生态屏障。由于牧区长期的超载、过牧及对草地缺乏有效的管理与保护,致使草原退化导致的区域生态、经济问题越来越突出。本文采用20世纪50年代至今的文献数据资料和实地调查资料,对甘肃省夏河县草地退化的驱动力进行了研究,结论是自然原因是草地退化的潜在条件,而不合理的人类活动和不完善的经济、体制则是草地退化的主要驱动力,并据此提出以社会-经济-自然复合系统协调发展的对策。  相似文献   

草原是我国重要的自然资源,承担着生产、生态和生活等多种功能,在构建生态屏障、促进牧业经济以及维系社会稳定等方面具有重要意义。近几十年来,受全球气候变化和人为过度利用草原的共同影响,我国草原发生大范围退化。草原退化提高了啮齿动物栖息地适合度,促使其种群数量增加,最终导致草原鼠害发生。草原害鼠采食牧草降低草地生产力,掘洞造丘消弱草原固碳、水土保持等生态功能,携带病菌威胁人畜健康。因此,控制草原鼠害事关退化草原治理修复和社会经济的可持续发展。尽管国家开展了一系列草原鼠害研究和工程实践,取得了阶段性成果,但由于草原生态系统的复杂性和社会经济发展需求的不断提升,现有草原鼠害防治成果难以满足草原生态保护与建设的需求,相关理论和技术体系尚未完全形成,学科交叉、技术集成等亟待加强。本文总结了中国草原鼠害发生和防治的现状,并对草原鼠害防治存在的问题进行了讨论,最后从管理和技术层面对加强草原鼠害防治工作进行了展望。  相似文献   

草原生态奖补政策有助于保护草原生态,促进畜牧业的发展转型,有利于民族地区的和谐稳定。生态奖补政策的实施对牧民生计、基层社会治理等方面也产生了一些负面影响。未来的政策实践过程中,需要建立政策评估反馈机制,不断提高生态奖补标准,完善奖补资金发放办法,着力调动地方政府积极性,力求实现奖补手段的多样化,不断提高政策的法制化、系统化水平。  相似文献   

草原旅游发展的生态环境影响研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
人们认为草原旅游是草原利用与生态环境保护有效结合的发展模式之一,对草原生态环境建设存在着诸多积极意义,在草原旅游发展的实践中也的确如此。与此同时,旅游发展对草原生态环境的消极影响也不容忽视。本文通过对草原旅游发展的生态环境影响机制分析,复杂的内在反馈机理分析,并在基于生态环境保护的基础上,提出草原旅游发展对策。  相似文献   

Based on a database of more than 40 years of second production process and energy flow records for Maduo,Qumalai and Yushu counties,a dynamic model of the stress within grassland ecosys-tems was established using a nonlinear regression method for this source regions of the Yangtze and Yel-low Rivers.The results show that dynamic curves of stress within grassland ecosystems in the three coun-ties were in the shape of an inverted "U" during the period 1965-2007.It also revealed that the variation in actual amount of livestock inventories reflected the general trends of the stress within the grassland eco-systems in the source regions,although there were many other factors for the increase or reduction in grassland ecosystem stress.  相似文献   

为比较城市与草地生态系统大气氮沉降的差异,分别在内蒙古呼和浩特和锡盟赛罕塔拉两个地区采用雨量收集器收集了连续两年的降水,并测定了大气氮素沉降物中的全氮的含量,分析了不同地区大气氮素沉降与降雨量的关系,以及大气氮沉降的氮浓度、总氮量的变化规律。结果表明:呼和浩特市年降雨量集中在夏季7-8月份,占全年降雨量的一半以上。呼和浩特市大气氮沉降的浓度在4-8月份呈递减趋势。其它月份则无太明显的变化,在降雨量最大的7、8月份,沉降氮浓度降到全年的最低值;锡盟赛罕塔拉草原5-10月份的大气氮沉降浓度变化趋势与呼和浩特市基本一致,城市与草原没有显著差异;呼和浩特市氮沉降输入的总氮量2005年与2006年度间差异不显著,但是每月变化量较大。降水量对沉降总氮量影响较大。  相似文献   

Snow cover is an important water source for vegetation growth in arid and semi-arid areas,and grassland phenology provides valuable information on the response of terrestrial ecosystems to climate change.The Mongolian Plateau features both abundant snow cover resources and typical grassland ecosystems.In recent years,with the intensification of global climate change,the snow cover on the Mongolian Plateau has changed correspondingly,with resulting effects on vegetation growth.In this study,using MOD10A1 snow cover data and MOD13A1 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI)data combined with remote sensing(RS)and geographic information system(GIS)techniques,we analyzed the spatiotemporal changes in snow cover and grassland phenology on the Mongolian Plateau from 2001 to 2018.The correlation analysis and grey relation analysis were used to determine the influence of snow cover parameters(snow cover fraction(SCF),snow cover duration(SCD),snow cover onset date(SCOD),and snow cover end date(SCED))on different types of grassland vegetation.The results showed wide snow cover areas,an early start time,a late end time,and a long duration of snow cover over the northern Mongolian Plateau.Additionally,a late start,an early end,and a short duration were observed for grassland phenology,but the southern area showed the opposite trend.The SCF decreased at an annual rate of 0.33%.The SCD was shortened at an annual rate of 0.57 d.The SCOD and SCED in more than half of the study area advanced at annual rates of 5.33 and 5.74 DOY(day of year),respectively.For grassland phenology,the start of the growing season(SOS)advanced at an annual rate of 0.03 DOY,the end of the growing season(EOS)was delayed at an annual rate of 0.14 DOY,and the length of the growing season(LOS)was prolonged at an annual rate of 0.17 d.The SCF,SCD,and SCED in the snow season were significantly positively correlated with the SOS and negatively correlated with the EOS and LOS.The SCOD was significantly negatively correlated with the SOS and positively correlated with the EOS and LOS.The SCD and SCF can directly affect the SOS of grassland vegetation,while the EOS and LOS were obviously influenced by the SCOD and SCED.This study provides a scientific basis for exploring the response trends of alpine vegetation to global climate change.  相似文献   

Grassland ecosystem is an important component of the terrestrial carbon cycle system. Clear comprehension of soil organic carbon(SOC) storage and potential of grasslands is very important for the effective management of grassland ecosystems. Grasslands in Inner Mongolia have undergone evident impacts from human activities and natural factors in recent decades. To explore the changes of carbon sequestration capacity of grasslands from 2000 to 2012, we carried out studies on the estimation of SOC storage and potential of grasslands in central and eastern Inner Mongolia, China based on field investigations and MODIS image data. First, we calculated vegetation cover using the dimidiate pixel model based on MODIS-EVI images. Following field investigations of aboveground biomass and plant height, we used a grassland quality evaluation model to get the grassland evaluation index, which is typically used to represent grassland quality. Second, a correlation regression model was established between grassland evaluation index and SOC density. Finally, by this regression model, we calculated the SOC storage and potential of the studied grasslands. Results indicated that SOC storage increased with fluctuations in the study area, and the annual changes varied among different sub-regions. The SOC storage of grasslands in 2012 increased by 0.51×1012 kg C compared to that in 2000. The average carbon sequestration rate was 0.04×1012 kg C/a. The slope of the values of SOC storage showed that SOC storage exhibited an overall increase since 2000, particularly for the grasslands of Hulun Buir city and Xilin Gol League, where the typical grassland type was mainly distributed. Taking the SOC storage under the best grassland quality between 2000 and 2012 as a reference, this study predicted that the SOC potential of grasslands in central and eastern Inner Mongolia in 2012 is 1.38×1012 kg C. This study will contribute to researches on related methods and fundamental database, as well as provide a reference for the protection of grassland ecosystems and the formulation of local policies on sustainable grassland development.  相似文献   

草地生态系统在全球碳循环中起着极为重要的作用。但是实测数据十分匮乏,文中利用2008年全国草原地面监测数据,以及卫星遥感数据,对2008年中国草地的碳储量进行了估算。主要结论如下:中国草地总面积约为341.7×104km2,2008年中国草地总有机碳为35.96Pg,其中地上生物量有机碳为0.1613Pg,地下生物量碳为0.7395Pg,地下根系储存的碳是地上碳储量的5倍左右,中国草地土壤有机碳为35.06Pg。  相似文献   

Mowing is an important land management practice for natural semi-arid regions.A growing body of empirical evidence shows that different mowing regimes affect the functioning of grassland ecosystems.However,the responses of plant functional traits to long-term mowing and their allometric scaling under long-term mowing are poorly understood.For a better understanding of the effects of mowing on grassland ecosystems,we analyzed the allometric traits of leaves and stems of Leymus chinensis(Trin.) Tzvel.,a dominant grass species in eastern Eurasian temperate grassland,at different mowing intensities(no clipping,clipping once every two years,once a year and twice a year).Experiments were conducted on plots established over a decade ago in a typical steppe of Xilinhot,Inner Mongolia,China.Results showed that most of the functional traits of L.chinensis decreased with the increased mowing intensity.The responses of leaves and stems to long-term mowing were asymmetric,in which leaf traits were more stable than stem traits.Also significant allometric relationships were found among most of the plant functional traits under the four mowing treatments.Sensitive traits of L.chinensis(e.g.leaf length and stem length) were primary indicators associated with aboveground biomass decline under high mowing intensity.In conclusion,the allometric growth of different functional traits of L.chinensis varies with different long-term mowing practices,which is likely to be a strategy used by the plant to adapt to the mowing disturbances.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to explore the dynamic changes of greenhouse gas(GHG)from grasslands under different degradation levels during the growing seasons of Inner Mongolia, China.Grassland degradation is associated with the dynamics of GHG fluxes, e.g., CO_2, CH_4 and N_2O fluxes. As one of the global ecological environmental problems, grassland degradation has changed the vegetation productivity as well as the accumulation and decomposition rates of soil organic matter and thus will influence the carbon and nitrogen cycles of ecosystems, which will affect the GHG fluxes between grassland ecosystems and the atmosphere. Therefore, it is necessary to explore how the exchanges of CO_2,CH_4 and N_2O fluxes between soil and atmosphere are influenced by the grassland degradation. We measured the fluxes of CO_2, CH_4 and N_2O in lightly degraded, moderately degraded and severely degraded grasslands in Inner Mongolia of China during the growing seasons from July to September in 2013 and 2014. The typical semi-arid grassland of Inner Mongolia plays a role as the source of atmospheric CO_2 and N_2O and the sink for CH_4. Compared with CO_2 fluxes, N_2O and CH_4 fluxes were relatively low. The exchange of CO_2, N_2O and CH_4 fluxes between the grassland soil and the atmosphere may exclusively depend on the net exchange rate of CO_2 in semi-arid grasslands. The greenhouse gases showed a clear seasonal pattern, with the CO_2 fluxes of –33.63–386.36 mg/(m·h), CH_4 uptake fluxes of 0.113–0.023 mg/(m·h) and N_2O fluxes of –1.68–19.90 μg/(m·h). Grassland degradation significantly influenced CH_4 uptake but had no significant influence on CO_2 and N_2O emissions. Soil moisture and temperature were positively correlated with CO_2 emissions but had no significant effect on N_2O fluxes.Soil moisture may be the primary driving factor for CH_4 uptake. The research results can be in help to better understand the impact of grassland degradation on the ecological environment.  相似文献   

锡林郭勒盟不同生态地理区气候变化特点分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文中利用1960-2007年锡林郭勒盟及其周边地区17个气象站的降水、气温数据,利用统计学的原理及方法,对比分析了锡林郭勒盟四个生态地理区气候变化的规律及区域差异,阐明全球气候变化在锡林郭勒盟不同区域的具体表现。研究结果对于认识草原区气候变化特点与加强草原生态环境保护等方面都具有极其重要的理论与实践价值。  相似文献   

Mountainous ecosystems are considered highly sensitive and vulnerable to natural disasters and climatic changes.Therefore,quantifying the effects of elevation on grassland productivity to understand ecosystem-climate interactions is vital for mountainous ecosystems.Water-use efficiency(WUE)provides a useful index for understanding the metabolism of terrestrial ecosystems as well as for evaluating the degradation of grasslands.This paper explored net primary productivity(NPP)and WUE in grasslands along an elevational gradient ranging from 400 to 3,400 m asl in the northern Tianshan Mountains-southern Junggar Basin(TMJB),Xinjiang of China,using the Biome-BGC model.The results showed that:1)the NPP increased by 0.05 g C/(m2·a)with every increase of 1-m elevation,reached the maximum at the mid-high elevation(1,600 m asl),and then decreased by 0.06 g C/(m2·a)per 1-m increase in elevation;2)the grassland NPP was positively correlated with temperature in alpine meadow(AM,2,700-3,500 m asl),mid-mountain forest meadow(MMFM,1,650-2,700 m asl)and low-mountain dry grassland(LMDG,650-1,650 m asl),while positive correlations were found between NPP and annual precipitation in plain desert grassland(PDG,lower than 650 m asl);3)an increase(from 0.08 to 1.09 g C/(m2·a))in mean NPP for the grassland in TMJB under a real climate change scenario was observed from 1959 to 2009;and 4)remarkable differences in WUE were found among different elevations.In general,WUE increased with decreasing elevation,because water availability is lower at lower elevations;however,at elevations lower than 540 m asl,we did observe a decreasing trend of WUE with decreasing elevation,which may be due to the sharp changes in canopy cover over this gradient.Our research suggests that the NPP simulated by Biome-BGC is consistent with field data,and the modeling provides an opportunity to further evaluate interactions between environmental factors and ecosystem productivity.  相似文献   

基于P-S-R模型,分别采用层次分析法和信息熵法确定指标权重,利用最小信息熵原理综合为组合权重;采用属性识别模型进行指标评价,建立草原生态安全评价的熵组合权重属性识别模型(AR-CWE)。结果表明:甘南黄河水源补给区的整体草原生态安全状况处于较差状态;草原生态环境恶化的乡镇集中于纯牧区,较差乡镇集中于半牧区,而较好的乡镇则集中于农区;通过对各乡镇的草原生态安全状况分析,发现降水和气温变化、人口素质、农牧民收入方式、牲畜超载率和草原退化率是影响各乡镇草原生态安全的主要因素。  相似文献   

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