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Among the complex factors affecting grain nutritional quality, protein and mineral content are highly important. A two-year study was conducted in eastern North Dakota to determine the influence of fertility on the protein and mineral content, test weight, and yield of two hard red spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. Zero, medium (56, 12, and 47 kg/ha), and high (280, 122, and 465 kg/ha) rates of N, P, and K, respectively, were applied in a complete factorial arrangement to ‘Era’ (a semi-dwarf) and ‘Waldron’ wheat (a tall type) in 1977. Seven of these treatments were repeated in 1978. Micronutrients and S were also applied to most treatments in 1977, and micronutrients but no S to all treatments in 1978. In 1977 on a site with high residual NO3-N, additions of N reduced yields and test weight but increased protein, P, Ca, Zn, Mn, and Fe content. At this site application of P increased grain yield, P, K, and Mg contents but reduced protein and Zn; fertilizer K increased Mn and Fe content and reduced yield, P, K, and Mg. In 1978, N additions increased grain yield, protein, Ca, and Fe but reduced Zn. The application of P and K had little influence on the composition of the grain in 1978. The two cultivars acted the same both years, with Waldron exceeding Era grain in protein (15%), P (12%), Mg (12%), Mg (12%), Zn (17%), Mn (30%), and Fe (12%). Era surpassed Waldron in test weight (2%), K (2%), and Ca (27%). Era proved to be more responsive to fertilizer additions for most grain parameters. Drier weather conditions and lower soil N status for the 1978 experiment produced grain higher in test weight and P, K, Ca, Mg, and Fe content but lower in yield, protein, and Zn. Many highly significant fertilizer-grain and grain-grain interactions were observed. Since wheat grain composition may often be altered by fertilizers and cultivars, the range of these changes should become known through investigations by soil scientists, agronomists, and nutritionists; additional research should be conducted to determine if their changes are of nutritional significance.  相似文献   

不同基因型小麦产量和氮利用效率的差异及其相互关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为给氮高效利用小麦品种的选育提供科学依据,通过土培盆栽试验,以河南省大面积种植的20个小麦品种为材料,比较分析了不施氮(N0)、施纯氮180 kg·hm-2 (N180)、360 kg·hm-2 (N360)三种施氮水平下不同基因型小麦产量、氮素积累量、氮利用效率和氮响应度的差异及其相互关系.结果表明,在同一施氮水平下,不同基因型间、相同基因型不同施氮水平间小麦产量、氮积累总量、氮利用效率和氮响应度存在显著差异.与N0相比,施氮处理的籽粒产量、生物学产量、籽粒氮素积累量、氮素积累总量均显著提高,大多数品种的收获指数表现为施氮处理大于不施氮处理,但多数小麦品种的氮素收获指数却随施氮水平增加而降低.相关分析表明,籽粒产量与氮素积累量呈极显著正相关(rN0=0.944**,rN180=0.919**,rNs60=0.981**),氮利用效率与氮素积累量之间亦呈极显著正相关(rN0=0.944*,rN180 =0.919*,rN360=0.982*).以氮利用效率和氮响应度为指标进行系统聚类分析,将供试基因型划分为高效弱响应、高效强响应、低效弱响应和低效强响应4种类型.由此说明,在现代高产小麦的育种过程中,高肥育种兼顾低肥水平下的表现,在一定范围内可同时对小麦氮高效利用和氮强响应型进行遗传选择.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Winter- und Sommerweizen — insgesamt 29 Sorten dreier Standorte sowie 9 Sorten dreier Düngungsstufen von nur einem Standort — wurden ein- bzw. zweijährig versuchsmäßig angebaut. Bei Proben dieser Versuchsreihen bestimmten wir die Gehalte an Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2 und Niacin, ferner zur Ergänzung Kornerträge und Tausendkorngewichte der Weizencaryopsen. Folgende Ergebnisse wurden erzielt:1. Es bestehen sortenbedingte Unterschiede in den Gehalten an Vitamin B1, B2 und Niacin.2. Neben dem Sorteneinfluß zeigt sich auch eine Auswirkung des Standorts — genauer der Witterung an den Standorten — vor allem auf die Gehalte an Vitamin B1. Standortbedingte Unterschiede im Gehalt an Niacin sind dagegen ungerichtet, beim B2 liegen sie noch innerhalb des normalen Schwankungsbereichs.Die Winterweizensorte Firlbecks I — auf 2 Standorten angebaut — rangiert in beiden Fällen in der Spitzengruppe mit höchsten Gehalten an Vitamin B1. Hingegen liegen bei dieser Sorte die Werte für Vitamin B2 und Niacin nur im unteren bzw. im mittleren Bereich.Am niederschlagsreichen Standort Roggenstein zeichnete sich die Winterweizensorte Authari in 2 Anbaujahren dadurch aus, daß sie bei allen drei Vitaminen der B-Gruppe hohe Gehalte aufweist (Mittelwerte von 1960 und 1961: Vitamin B1=0,468, Vitamin B2=0,164 und Niacin=6,6 mg/100 g Frischsubstanz).Bei insgesamt 5 Sommerweizensorten von einem nord- und einem südwestdeutschen Standort liegt Opal bei den drei B-Vitaminen überwiegend in höheren, NOS Nordgau in den unteren Gehaltsbereichen.3. Steigerungen in der NPK-Düngung (30 kgN : 60 kgP2O5 : 90 kg K2O/ha; 60 : 120 : 180; 90 : 180 : 270) wirken sich im Mittel von 5 Winterweizensorten — einjährig an einem Standort (Roggenstein) durchgeführt — deutlich positiv auf die Gehalte der Caryopsen an Vitamin B2 und Niacin aus. Dies trifft für Vitamin B1 nicht zu, da bei der 2. Düngungsstufe eine deutliche Abnahme der Gehalte, bei der 3. Stufe nur eine unwesentliche Zunahme gegenüber der 1. Stufe zu verzeichnen ist.Im Mittel von 4 Sommerweizensorten ist am gleichen Standort und im gleichen Jahr nur beim Niacin ein ähnliches, ungerichtetes Verhalten wie beim Vitamin B1 der Winterweizensorten zu beobachten. Bei den Gehalten an Vitamin B1 und B2 ergibt sich dagegen ein eindeutig positiv gerichteter Einfluß der NPK-Düngungsstufen.4. Eine Beziehung zwischen den Vitamin B-Gehalten und der als sortenspezifisch bekannten Backqualität kann im allgemeinen nicht nachgewiesen werden. Die nur auf einem Standort vertretene Winterweizensorte Authari mit guten Backeigenschaften (A-Sorte) weist allerdings überdurchschnittliche Gehalte bei allen 3 untersuchten B-Vitaminen auf; die an 2 Standorten vertretene Rimpaus Bastard II hat — ebenso wie die nur an einem Standort angebaute Format — überwiegend unterdurchschnittliche Vitamin B-Gehalte. Beide Sorten gehören der C-Gruppe (schlechte Backeigenschaften) an.Sorten der A- und C-Gruppen scheinen auf Standort- und Düngungseinflüsse sehr verschieden zu reagieren.5. Teilweise scheint eine negative Korrelation zwischen der Caryopsen-Größe (Tausendkorngewicht) und der Höhe der Gehalte an Vitamin B1 und Niacin zu bestehen.So korrelieren bei der Winterweizensorte Heines VII (C-Sorte) die hohen Vitamin B1-Werte des Standorts Rethmar und die niedrigen am Standort Roggenstein eindeutig negativ mit den niedrigen Tausendkorngewichten (Rethmar) und den relativ hohen (Roggenstein).6. Weiterhin kann eine positive Beziehung zwischen der Niederschlagshöhe, insbesondere im Juni, und den Gehalten an Vitamin B1 festgestellt werden. Bei hohen Niederschlagsmengen werden die Caryopsen offenbar in ihrer Entwicklung gehemmt, so daß der Anteil der Vitamin B1-reichen Randschichten an der Gesamtcaryopse steigt. Dies führt zu höheren Gehalten.7. Die Unterschiede in den Gehalten an den geprüften drei B-Vitaminen sind bei den einzelnen Weizensorten weit größer als die Differenzen zwischen den Proben verschiedener Standorte und NPK-Düngungsstufen. In Übereinstimmung mit anderen Autoren stellen wir fest, daß der Sorteneinfluß überragt. Allerdings können die sortenspezifischen Gehalte an Vitamin B1, -B2 und an Niacin durch umweltbedingte Einflüsse, z.B. die des Standorts und der Düngung, innerhalb gewisser genetisch gesetzter Grenzen fluktuieren.8. An den Standorten mit maximaler Schwankungsbreite für die drei B-Vitamine enthält die thiaminreichste Winterweizensorte 90% mehr Vitamin B1, die riboflavinreichste 54% mehr Vitamin B2 und die niacinreichste bis zu 113% mehr Niacin als die an dem jeweiligen Standort ermittelte vitaminärmste Sorte.Anstelle einer Vitaminierung der Getreidemehle sollten Vitamin B-reiche Sorten mit guter Backqualität (A-Sorten) bevorzugt angebaut und verarbeitet werden. Ferner sind Gesichtspunkte der Standorteignung sowie Art und Höhe der Düngung im Hinblick auf Steigerung der B-Vitamingehalte im Brotgetreide zu berücksichtigen.In diesem Zusammenhang muß aber auch immer wieder auf das Problem der zu geringen Ausmahlung unserer Getreide mit ihren abträglichen Folgen erheblicher Verluste an Vitaminen der B- und E-Gruppe hingewiesen werden.
Summary By way of experiment, we cultivated for one resp. two years autumn wheat and springsown wheat — totally 29 sorts on 3 different areas and 9 sorts with 3 different fertilizing grades on the same area. By tests in these experiment series, we made evaluations of the contents of vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and of niacin, furthermore as an accomplishment, the earning counted in grains and the weights per 1000 grains of the wheat caryopsis. Here follow the results:1. There are variations in the contents of vitamin B1, B2 and niacin according to the differences of sorts.2. Besides the influence of the sort, we have stated that the cultivated area — precisely the area's climate — has an effect mainly on the content of vitamin B1. The variations of content of niacin owing to cultivated area have no certain tendency, regarding vitamin B2 they stay within the normal limits of variations.The autumn wheat sort Firlbecks I was cultivated in two regions and both were ranked in the leading group with the highest content of vitamin B1. On the other hand, the figures for vitamin B2 of this sort stay in the lower range, for niacin in the middle range.The autumn wheat Authari cultivated for two years in the region of Roggenstein, which is rich of precipitation, has been remarkable for its high content of all of the three vitamins of the group B. (Average figures 1960 and 1961: B1=0.468, B2=0.164, niacin=6.6 mg/100 g fresh substance).Among totally 5 sorts of springsown wheat from a region in northern Germany and another in south-western Germany, Opal shows figures for all of the three B-vitamins mainly in the higher range, NOS Nordgau in the lower range of contents.3. The increase of the NPK-fertilizing (30 kg N: 60 kg P2O5: 90 kg K2O/ha, 60: 120: 180; 90: 180: 270) made during one year in one region (Roggenstein) shows on an average of 5 sorts of autumn wheat an evident positive effect on the caryopsis contents of vitamin B2 and niacin. Regarding B1 this is not the case, as one notices after the second fertilizing step an obvious decrease of the content, and after the third step, only a very small increase, as compared to the first step.In an average of 4 sorts of springsown wheat from the same region and the same year, an effect without certain tendency, similar to vitamin B1 in the autumn wheat, can be observed only with regard to the niacin. Regarding the contents of vitamin B1 and B2, however, a clear positive influence of the NPK fertilizing steps is stated.4. Generally, no relationship between the contents of B-vitamin and the baking characters, that are known to be dependant of the sort, can be proved. But the Authari autumn wheat, which was represented in only one region and is a sort with good baking character (A-sort), shows higher figures than the average for the contents of all of the three tested B-vitamins. On the other hand, the Rimpaus Bastard II represented in two regions, as well as the Format cultivated in only one region, have a content of B-vitamins mainly below the average. Both of them belong to the group C (bad baking characters).It seems that the sorts of the A-group and the ones of the C-group react rather differently on influences from cultivating areas and fertilizing.5. Partially, it seems that there exists a negative correlation between the caryopsis (weight per 1000 grains) and the contents of vitamin B1 and niacin.In this way, the high content of vitamin B1 in autumn wheat Heines VII (C-sort) from the region of Rethmar, and the low content from the Roggenstein area correlate clearly negative to the low weight per 1000 g (Rethmar) and the relatively high weight (Roggenstein).6. Furthermore, a positive connection can be noticed between the largeness of precipitation, especially in June, and the content of vitamin B1. Obviously, the caryopsis is stunt by large precipitations, and consequently the share of the outward layers of the grain, which are rich in vitamin B1 increases in the total caryopsis. The result is that the content becomes higher.7. The variations of contents of the three B-vitamins tested are much larger between the different sorts than the variations caused by different cultivation areas and NPK fertilizer grades. In conformity with other authors, we state that the influence of sort is dominating. Nevertheless, it can happen that the contents of vitamin B1, B2 and niacin, specific for certain sorts, fluctuate within certain genetically based limits, owing to influences from the surroundings, e.g. cultivating area and fertilizing.8. At the cultivating areas with the largest fluctuations of contents regarding the three B-vitamins, the sort of autumn wheat that was richest in thiamine, contained 90% more of vitamin B1 than the sort from the same area that was the meagrest one in vitamins, the richest in riboflavin contained 54% more vitamin B2 and the richest in niacin contained up to 113% more niacin than the analogous sorts.Instead of reinforcing the contents of vitamins in cereal flours, one should rather cultivate and use qualities which are rich in B-vitamins and have good baking characteristics. Furthermore, points of view have to be considered regarding the advisability of the cultivation areas as well as the fertilizers quality and quantity with regard to an increase of B-vitamin content in the cereals.In this connection, attention must again and again be drawn to the problem of not milling out cereals to the full extent possible and the injurious consequences thereof, i.e. considerable losses of vitamins of the groups B and E.

Résumé A titre d'expérience, on a, pendant un an respectivement deux ans, cultivé du blé d'hiver et du blé de printemps, au total 29 espèces dans trois régions ainsi que 9 sortes représentant 3 degrés de fertilisation dans la même région. Grâce à des analyses de cette série, nous avons déterminé les teneurs en vitamine B1, B2 et en niacine, ainsi que la récolte des grains et les poids par 1000 grains de la caryopse de blé Nous sommes arrivés aux résultats suivants:1. Il y a, selon l'espèce, des variations dans les teneurs en vitamine B1, et B2 et niacine.2. En sus de l'influence de l'espèce, la région de cultivation — plus précisement dit le climat de la région — a un effet avant tout sur les teneurs en vitamine B1. Les variations causées par la région dans les teneurs en niacine n'ont, par contre, pas de tendence homogène. En ce qui concerne la vitamine B2, elles se tiennent dans les limites normales.La catégorie de blé d'hiver Firlbecks I a été cultivée dans deux régions, et tous les deux ont été classés dans la classe supérieure des teneurs en vitamine B1. Les teneurs en vitamine B2 et en niacine de cette espèce se sont tenues, par contre, dans les classes plus basses respectivement moyennes.Dans la région de Roggenstein où il pleut abondamment, on a remarqué dans l'espèce de blé d'hiver Authari pendant deux ans de cultivation de fortes teneurs dans toutes le troits vitamines du groupe B (valeurs moyennes des années 1960 et 1961: vitamine B1=0,468, vitamine B2=0,164 et niacine=6.6 mg/100 g de substance fraiche).Parmi quelques espèces de blé de printemps, au total 5 sortes, originaire d'une region de l'Allemagne septentrional et d'une région de l'Allemagne du sud-ouest, les teneurs dans toutes les trois vitamines B de l'OPAL se trouvent plutôt dans les classes supérieures, les teneurs de NOS Nordgau dans les classes inférieures.3. Les augmentations de fertilisant NPK (1)30 kg N: 60 kg P2O5: 90 kg K2O/ha,2)60: 120: 180,3)90: 180: 270) ont eu les effets suivants: Après qu'on les eut appliquées pendant une année dans une seule région (Roggenstein), on a remarqué sur une moyenne de 5 espèces de blé d'hiver, un effet clairement positif sur les teneurs de la caryopse en vitamines B2 et niacine. Quant a la vitamine B1, au contraire, on a constaté après l'application suivant le point 2) une réduction marquante des teneurs, et après l'application suivant le point 3) l'augmentation des teneurs était minime en comparaison avec le point 1).Dans la même région et pendant la même année, on a observé sur une moyenne de 4 sortes de blé de printemps, dans la niacine un effet analogue à celui de la vitamine B1 dans le blé d'hiver, c.a.d. sans tendence homogène. Quant aux vitamines B1 et B2, cependant, une tendence clairement positive était le résultat de l'augmentation du fertilisant NPK.4. D'une manière générale, on n'a pas pu démontrer un rapport entre les teneurs en vitamines B et la qualité de la cuisson qui est spécifique pour chacque sorte. En effet, l'espèce de blé d'hiver Authari qui est représentée dans une seule région possède de bonnes qualités de cuisson (classe A) et montre des teneurs dans toutes les trois vitamines B analysées qui sont supérieures à la moyenne. L'espèce Rimpaus Bastard II cultivée dans deux régions ainsi que l'espèce Format cultivée dans une région, montrent surtout des teneurs en vitamine B audessous de la moyenne; tous les deux appartiennent à la classe C (mauvaise qualité de cuisson) Il semble que les sortes appartenant aux classes A respectivement C réagissent d'une manière différente aux influences de la région et de la fertilisation.5. Il semble que, partiellement, un rapport inverse existe entre le poids par mille grains (caryopse) et les teneurs en vitamine B1, B2 et niacine.Par example l'espèce de blé d'hiver Heines IV (classe C): La forte teneur en vitamine B1 de la région de Rethmar et la faible teneur de la région de Roggenstein ont un rapport clairement inverse avec le poids de mille grains plutôt petit de Rethmar et le poids plutôt élevé des grains de Roggenstein.6. D'ailleurs, on a pu constater un rapport positif entre la quantité de précipitations atmosphériques, surtout au mois de Juin, et les teneurs en vitamine B1. Evidemment, par de grosses précipitations, le développement des caryopses est retenu et la proportion d'écorce du grain qui est riche en vitamine B1 devient plus grande dans la caryopse totale. Il en résulte des teneurs plus fortes.7. Les variations des teneurs des trois vitamines B analysées entre les différentes espèces de blé sont beaucoup plus grandes que celles entre les échantillons provenant de différentes régions ou de degrés de fertilisation variés. Conformément aux résultats obtenu par d'autres auteurs, nous avons constaté que l'influence de la sorte est dominante. En effet, les teneurs en vitamine B1, B2 et niacine spécifiques pour certaines sortes peuvent subir des fluctuations dans certaines limites génétiques a cause de l'influence du milieu, par ex. de la région et de la fertilisation.8. Dans les régions dont les variations des teneurs en les trois vitamines B sont les plus larges, l'espèce de blé d'hiver la plus riche en thiamine contient 90% de plus en vitamine B1 que la sorte la plus pauvre en vitamines originaire de la même région. La catégorie la plus riche en riboflavine contient 54% de plus en vitamine B2 et la plus riche en niacine 113% de plus en niacine que les espèces analogues les plus pauvres.Au lieu de vitaminer les farines de blé, on devrait plutôt favoriser la culture et l'usage de sortes riches en vitamines B et de bonne qualité de cuisson. En outre, il faudra tenir compte qu'il faudra choisir les régions les plus convenables ainsi que la qualité et la quantité de fertilisant à l'égard de l'augmentation des teneurs en vitamines B du blé.A ce sujet, nous devons tout le temps attirer attention sur le degré de mouture trop faible et sur les conséquences malsaines résultant des pertes considérables en vitamines B et E.

mit 1 Fig.

Die Arbeit ist ein Teil einer von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bad Godesberg, finanziell geförderten experimentellen Untersuchung. Der größte Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit lag der naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, als Diplomarbeit (M. Kling) im Mai 1964 vor. Sie wurde für die Veröffentlichung ergänzt und entsprechend gekürzt. Der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft sei auch an dieser Stelle für die Unterstützung gedankt.  相似文献   

氮钾配比对寒地玉米干物质积累、产量及品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
通过田间小区试验,研究不同氮钾配比对玉米不同生育期和不同器官的干物质积累、分配、运转和产量及对品质的影响。结果表明,施氮量为150 kg/hm2、施钾量为100 kg/hm2的处理在成熟期茎、叶、穗干物质量、阶段子粒干物质积累量、茎部转运量、转运率、贡献率以及玉米子粒产量、子粒蛋白质与淀粉含量均高于其他处理。因此,氮、钾肥施用量为150 kg/hm2和100 kg/hm2有利于寒地玉米的干物质积累、产量及其品质的提高。  相似文献   

Summary Five potato cultivars were subjected to water deficits as well as to excess water and to corresponding amounts of nitrogen top dressing (N.t.) applied in the irrigation water. The rates of growth in response to water-N. t. were highest for all cultivars whenK p=1.06 (pan evaporation coefficient) and N.t=173 kg/ha. In the drier treatments (0.87>K p>0.14 and 127>N.t.>12 kg/ha) and in the wetter treatment (K p=1.27; N.t.=201 kg/ha), the growth rates decreased. The cultivars differed in their haulm size, especially atK p=1.0, N.t.=173 kg/ha. At 70 days after planting cv. Cardinal had about half the haulm weight of cv. Désirée. Nevertheless, both cultivars exhibited similar bulking rates. On the other hand, cv. Spunta, which had high bulking rates at the earlier stage of growth, had a marked advantage in yield production in the drier treatments (K p=0.29−0.14; N.t.=44−12 kg/ha). The maximum leaf area indices (LAI) were obtained atK p=1.06, N.t.=173 kg/ha and were similar for all cultivars. LAI and leaf area duration (LAD) decreased with increasing water stress. In Cardinal, Désirée, Spunta and cv. Up-to-Date there was a common linear function relating to tuber weigth and to LAD; in cv. Alpha, this function had lower values of tuber weight. Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. No. 840-E, 1983 Series.  相似文献   

不同施磷水平对春玉米产量、养分吸收及转运的影响   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
通过两年田间试验,研究不同施磷条件下玉米产量、养分吸收利用及转运的变化。结果表明,玉米产量随施磷水平的提高先增后降,以施磷90 kg/hm~2处理最高。依据玉米产量(y)和施磷量(x)二次曲线拟合,得出最佳施磷范围为90.1~103.1 kg/hm~2。在施磷水平30~90 kg/hm~2范围内,抽雄期各养分积累量与转运量呈正比;当施磷水平提高至120 kg/hm~2,各养分向子粒转运量出现负效应。相关分析表明,除苗期外,玉米其他生育期氮、磷、钾的积累间及转运间均存在显著或极显著的正向相关性,氮、磷、钾积累、转运与产量间也存在显著或极显著的正向相关性,灌浆期氮、磷、钾素积累与产量间的相关系数最大。玉米磷肥生理利用率和农学利用率随施磷水平的提高先增后降,玉米磷素吸收效率、当季回收率和偏生产力随施磷水平的提高而降低。  相似文献   

杨锦忠  张洪生 《玉米科学》2015,23(5):136-141
按照Meta分析原理,汇集近年来的玉米田间试验数据共722组,进行稳健统计、梯度和等值线分析。氮、磷、钾、水和二氧化碳共5个数据集的玉米产量中位数变化在7.91~10.61 t/hm2之间,生产百公斤玉米子粒N、P2O5、K2O、CO2、H2O的资源需求量分别为1.98、0.85、2.12、298.8 kg和44.2 m3。产量偏导数比值(资源利用效率的偏导数/积累量的偏导数)有3种表现,水与氮归为一类,产量偏导数比值大多数都在1/2以下,少数值为1,说明在大多数情况下,积累量的增产作用是资源利用效率的2倍以上,少数情况下二者作用相当;钾与磷为一类,产量偏导数比值以1最多,1/2和2次之,说明以资源利用效率和积累量的作用相当为主,但是,也有不少利用效率的作用是积累量的2倍以上,或者相反;二氧化碳绝大多数产量偏导数比值在2以上,较少部分的值为1,说明在绝大多数情况下资源利用效率的增产作用是积累量的2倍以上,少数情况下二者作用相当。当代玉米百公斤子粒的资源需求量明显下降,资源积累(消耗)量和利用效率对产量的相对重要性因二者组合所处的区域而异,不同资源因子对产量的作用格局不同。  相似文献   

吉林省不同肥力黑土玉米平衡施肥研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
在吉林省黑土区3种不同肥力土壤上研究平衡施肥效果。结果表明,平衡施肥对玉米具有较好的增产增收效果,其增产顺序为低肥力黑土中肥力黑土高肥力黑土。高肥力黑土施肥适宜用量分别为N145kg/hm2、P2O546kg/hm2、K2O90kg/hm2;中肥力黑土施肥适宜用量分别为N90kg/hm2、P2O569kg/hm2、K2O60kg/hm2;低肥力黑土施肥适宜用量分别为N200kg/hm2、P2O592kg/hm2、K2O30kg/hm2。氮肥对玉米的增产增收效果最好,是玉米高产的主要限制因子。玉米子粒吸收的养分随施肥量的增加而增加,肥料利用率随施肥量的增加而降低。  相似文献   

N、P、K对高淀粉玉米产量及营养品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用二次正交旋转组合设计,在N、P2O5、K2O施用量分别为102~276 kg/hm2、13.8~138 kg/hm2、8.6~138 kg/hm2条件下,探讨N、P、K对高淀粉玉米华单208产量和营养品质的影响。结果表明,对玉米产量,N的影响为开口向下的二次曲线,K为正线性关系,K与N存在负向互作;对粗淀粉含量,N的影响为开口向上的二次曲线,存在最低含量的施N量,P、K则为负线性关系,P与K存在负向互作;对粗脂肪含量,N、K的影响均为开口向下的二次曲线,P则为负线性关系,P与K存在正向互作。  相似文献   

为确定北疆小麦适宜的播种模式,以北疆主栽冬小麦品种新冬18号和新冬41号及春小麦品种新春44号和新春48号为材料,设置晚播冬小麦(10月8日播种,用B1表示)、极晚播冬小麦和冬播春小麦(10月28日播种,用B2表示)以及春播春小麦(4月4日播种,用B3表示)三种播种模式,比较分析了播种模式间小麦的生育进程、总茎数、叶面积指数、光合势、干物质积累量、经济系数、产量及水分利用效率的差异。结果表明,B2处理的冬小麦较B1处理晚熟约7 d,生育期缩短162 d,出苗率、最高总茎数、LAI、总光合势、干物质积累量及总耗水量分别降低27.6个百分点、17.1%、11.5%、9.6%、3.7%和15.9%,而水分利用效率提高15.7%,平均经济系数和产量与B1处理无显著差异;B2处理的春小麦较B3处理早熟7 d,生育期延长约4 d,出苗率、最高总茎数、LAI和总耗水量分别降低28.1个百分点、7.6%、5.2%和12.3%,总...  相似文献   

Information is required on nitrogen (N) fertility and seedpiece management for new cultivars and advanced breeding lines. Interactions amongst N fertilizer rate, genotype, and seedpiece spacing are complex, and can affect tuber yield, quality, and storability as well as N fertilizer efficiency. A field study was carried out in 2001 and 2002 at MSU Montcalm Research Farm in central Michigan. Tuber yields and post-harvest quality characteristics were evaluated for five potato genotypes (MSG227-2, MSE192-8Rus, Jacqueline Lee, Liberator, and Snowden) in response to a factorial combination of three N levels (200 kg N ha-1, 300 kg N ha-1-, and 400 kg N ha-1) and two seedpiece spacings, narrow (0.20 m or 0.25 m) and wide (0.33 m or 0.38 m). Narrow seedpiece spacing consistently produced the highest U.S. No. 1 yields in all genotypes tested (37 and 34 t ha-1, narrow vs wide spacing, respectively). There was a tradeoff between seedpiece spacing and N level in 2001 as tuber yields were enhanced by higher N levels at wide seedpiece spacing, but not at narrow spacing. In 2002, tuber yield was not enhanced, but petiole nitrate-N and tuber-N increased as N fertilization increased. Genotype was the major factor that influenced tuber quality characteristics at harvest and for stored tubers (e.g., specific gravity, internal defects, bruising, chip color rating, sucrose, and glucose). Spacing had minimal effects, whereas higher levels of N slightly reduced specific gravity both years, reduced internal defects in 2001 and enhanced sucrose at harvest in 2002. The cultivars tested demonstrated excellent storage characteristics for different N fertility levels and seedpiece spacing combinations. Overall, the recommended N fertilizer level for moderately long-duration potato cultivars in Michigan (200 kg N ha-1) and a narrow seedpiece spacing optimized yield and tuber quality performance while conserving N fertilizer.  相似文献   

Summary The response of five potato cultivars (Alpha, Cardinal, Désirée, Spunta and Up-to-Date) to a range of amounts of irrigation nitrogen top dressing (N.t.) in a rainless region was studied by means of the line-source sprinkler method. The irrigation-to-evaporation ratio,K p, ranged from 0.14 to 1.27 and N.t. from 12 kg/ha to 201 kg/ha, respectively. In all cultivars, the yield increased linearly up toK p=1.0; at higher ratios there was a yield decline in all cultivars except for Cardinal, in which the yield function flattened off. Spunta was the highest yielding cultivar (16t/ha) in the dry range (K p=0.14; N.t.=12 kg/ha). Désirée was the highest yielding cultivar (64 t/ha) in the wet range (K p=1.0; N.t.=201 kg/ha), and Alpha was the lowest yielding cultivar in both the dry and wet range (9 and 46 t/ha, respectively). Leaf permeability, leaf water potential and photosynthesis rate decreased, and tuber dry matter percentage increased with decreasingK p: these indices also varied with plant age, and among cultivars. Yields were adversely affected when soil water potential at the 30-cm depth dropped below −0.4 bar. Contributon from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. No E-811, 1983 Series.  相似文献   

Burning of rice straw is a common practice in northwest India, where rice–wheat cropping system is extensively followed. The practice results in loss of nutrients, atmospheric pollution and emission of greenhouse gases. A field experiment was conducted at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India during the rabi season (November to April) of 2002–2003 to evaluate the efficacy of the various modes of rice straw recycling in soil in improving yield and soil fertility and reducing not only carbon dioxide emission but also nitrous oxide (N2O) emission. The treatment with no rice straw incorporation and application of recommended doses of fertilizer (120, 26 and 50 kg N, P and K ha−1, respectively), gave the highest yield of wheat. Treatments with the incorporation of rice straw at 5 Mg ha−1 with additional amount of inorganic N (60 kg N ha−1) or inoculation of microbial culture had similar grain yields to that of the treatment with no straw incorporation. The lowest yield was recorded in the plots where rice straw was incorporated in soil without additional inorganic N and with manure application. All the treatments with rice straw incorporation had larger soil organic C despite the effect on the mineralisation of soil organic matter. Emission of N2O was more when additional N was added with rice straw and secondary when straw was added to the soil because of higher microbial activity. The study showed that burning of rice straw could be avoided without affecting yield of wheat crop by incorporating rice straw in soil with an additional dose of inorganic N or microbial inoculation. However, the reduction of N2O emission due to avoiding burning is in part counterbalanced by an increase in emission during the subsequent wheat cultivation.  相似文献   

施氮量对强筋春小麦氮素代谢、产量和品质的影响   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
为给春小麦合理施肥提供依据,在肥力中等的土壤上设置了不同施氮水平的春小麦肥料试验,对东北地区春小麦氮素代谢特性、氮素与春小麦产量和品质的关系进行了研究。结果表明,施氮量对产量的影响呈二次曲线关系,y=2024.2+24.095X-0.0958X^2(R^2=0.9856,P=0.0039)。获得春小麦最高产量的施氮量为125.8kg/ha,产量达3539.3kg/ha;最佳经济施氮量为107.5kg/ha,产量这3507.3kg/ha。在一定氮肥用量范围内,随着施氮量的增加,小麦叶绿素含量和硝酸还原酶活性(NRA)均呈增加趋势,小麦品质特性也得到了明显改善。处理间相比,以施氮量120kg/ha处理的小麦籽粒品质及面团流变学特性表现较好,小麦籽粒蛋白质、淀粉、湿面筋含量及沉淀值分别为17.3%、64.7%、42.5%和65.2mL。因此,在肥力中等的土壤上,为获得春小麦的最佳产量与品质,氮肥施用量应控制在120kg/ha左右。  相似文献   

氮磷钾配比对高产夏玉米产量、养分吸收积累的影响   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
通过大田试验研究了高产夏玉米土壤养分限制因素及植株养分吸收积累规律。结果表明:各施肥处理均比不施肥显著增产,增产7.3%~15.9%,氮磷钾推荐施肥(OPT)处理产量最高,达到12 051.2 kg/hm2,增产1 651.2 kg/hm2;施用氮肥、钾肥能显著提高夏玉米的产量,N、K是高产夏玉米主要养分限制因素。高产夏玉米植株体内氮、磷、钾的积累量均随生育期的延长而增加,养分积累量的大小顺序为N>K>P,从拔节期至大喇叭口期是氮素、磷素和钾素吸收量和吸收速率最大的时期,整个生育期,高产夏玉米能持续吸收N、P、K养分。N当季回收率为18.05%,P2O5为14.55%,K2O为18.34%,每生产100 kg经济产量需吸收的N、P2O5、K2O的量分别为1.62、0.69、1.83 kg。  相似文献   

The response of potato plants to banding and broadcasting of N was evaluated under sprinkler irrigation utilizing well water containing 20 to 24 ppm NO3-N. A potato crop was grown for three consecutive years on a Wasco sandy loam soil at rates of 67, 134, 202, and 269 kg N/ha, as (NH4)2SO4. At each rate of N, 58 kg P/ha as superphosphate, and 112 kg K/ha as K2SO4, were included. Differences in PO4-P or K concentrations in petiole tissue were minimal with no consistant differences in NO3-N concentration whether N was banded or broadcast. With each increment of N the NO3-N concentration increased. Total or U.S. No. 1 yields of potatoes were not consistently different whether N was banded or broadcast. Total yields increased when N was increased from 67 to 202 kg/ha. Neither yield of U.S. No. 1 grade or dry matter content of potatoes was improved when N was increased above 134 kg/ha.  相似文献   

生态肥与化肥配施对中筋小麦产量和品质的调节效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为给生态肥的合理使用提供依据,采用生态肥与等量N、P2O5和K2O不同比例配施与传统施肥方式比较,研究其对中筋小麦产量、品质的调节效应.结果表明,不同肥料配置可使中筋小麦产量比常规施肥对照(CK)提高4.7%,综合各种因素,以29.7 kg/h生态肥与纯N、P2O5和K2O各45.23 kg/h的处理表现最好,比CK增产5.1%;同时可改善籽粒部分主要品质指标,其中吸水率和面筋指数分别提高1.8和9.0个百分点,稳定时间、湿面筋、蛋白质、沉淀值和降落值依次降低32.4%、0.4个百分点、1.7个百分点、2.7%和2.0%.其养分利用效率比对照提高2.1倍,单位货币产量比对照提高了1.14倍.改变传统的施肥结构,不但有利于提高中筋小麦产量,还有利于提高肥料效益,降低生产成本.  相似文献   

Grazed sward surface height was controlled within the range 3·25–4·75 cm during spring and summer in two experiments. In Experiment 1, the effects of stocking two breeds of ewe of similar size but different potential levels of reproductive performance [Brecknock Cheviot (C) and Beulah Speckled Face (B)] at different annual stocking rates of twelve (SR12) and twenty (SR20) per hectare, rates of nitrogen fertilizer of 100 (N100) and 200 (N200) kg N ha?1 annum?1 and different lamb:ewe ratios (C1·2, B1·2 and B1·5) were measured in four treatments (SR20N200C1·2; SR20N200B1·2; SR20N200B1·5; SR12N100C1·2) replicated three times. In each of three years animal performance and yield of silage from areas of pasture surplus to grazing requirements were measured. In Experiment 2, breed B was compared with the Welsh Mule (W) breed, a larger with a higher potential reproductive performance, at two stocking rates, two rates of nitrogen fertilizer and two lamb:ewe ratios set on the basis of results from Experiment 1 (SR18N200B1·5; SR12N100B1·5; SR18N200W1·5; SR18N200W1·7). The treatments were replicated three times. The same terminal sire (Suffolk) was used in both experiments. A primary aim of the experiments was to test the validity of the experimental procedures used for comparing breeds of sheep where nutrition is provided predominately from grazed pastures. In Experiment 1, there was no difference between breeds C and B in the live weights of individual lambs at weaning at the same SR (20), N rate (200) and lamb:ewe ratio (1·2). Breeds C and B produced similar total yields of lamb (633 kg lamb ha?1± 10·5) and silage (193 kg DM ewe?1± 37·7), but breed B had a higher level of potential reproductive performance (1·59 vs. 1·37 lambs ewe?1: P < 0·001). The treatments SR20N200B1·5 and SR12N100C1·2 produced, respectively, greater and lesser yields of lamb (725 vs. 384 kg lamb ha?1, P < 0·001) and lesser and greater yields of silage (123 vs. 327 kg DM ewe?1, P < 0·001). In Experiment 2, the live weight of lambs at weaning from breed W were heavier than from breed B (29·1 vs. 26·2 kg lamb?1, P < 0·01) but there was no significant difference in total yield of lamb weaned between breeds W and B at the same SR (18), N rate (200) and lamb:ewe ratio (1·5) (747 kg lamb ha?1± 19·2), or in the yield of silage (66 kg DM ewe?1± 16·4), but breed W had a higher potential reproductive performance (1·85 vs. 1·58 lambs ewe?1, P < 0·05). The treatments SR18N200W1·7 and SR12N100B1·5 produced, respectively, greater and lesser yields of lamb (840 vs. 473 kg lamb ha?1, P < 0·001) and similar and greater yields of silage (60 vs. 141 kg DM ewe?1, P < 0·05). The experimental approach adopted and the management protocols used provided a basis for ranking the performance of the breeds of ewes examined at appropriate levels of annual stocking rate, N-fertilizer input and lamb:ewe ratio.  相似文献   

西北绿洲氮磷配施对冬小麦产量及养分利用效率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解氮磷配施对西北地区冬小麦产量和养分利用效率的影响.在甘肃凉州区黄羊镇甘肃农业大学试验农场开展了4个施肥处理(N165 P105:165 kg N·hm-2 +105 kg P2O5·hm-2;N165 P165:165 kg N·hm-2 +165kg P2O5·hm-2;N225 P105:225 kg N·hm-2+105 kg P2O5·hm-2;N225 P165:225 kg N·hm-2 +165 kg P2O5·hm-2)的大田试验.结果表明,4个施肥处理中,N165 P105、N225 P165和N165 P165三个处理间产量差异不显著,但均显著高于N225 P105;N165 P105是河西绿洲冬小麦高产节肥的最佳施肥处理.少施N肥有利于WUE的提高(7.89%),而氮磷合理配施才能获得较高的WUE.多施N、P肥可增加N(36.72%)和P(58.94%)的消耗量,但明显降低N(44.48%)、P(53.50%)利用效率,不同处理间N、P利用效率差异显著或极显著,但N、P肥在养分利用上彼此影响不大.因此,肥料的合理配施是提高养分利用效率、实现西北地区高产的主要途径.  相似文献   

通过田间试验,在氮磷钾等养分量条件下,研究牛粪、鸡粪、猪粪替代25%化肥氮和秸秆全量还田配施化肥对0~100 cm土层硝态氮淋溶和积累及玉米产量构成的影响。秸秆全量还田配施化肥、牛粪替代25%化肥氮处理土壤硝态氮淋溶作用较小,完熟期0~40 cm土层硝态氮累积量分别为86.2 kg/hm~2和73.1 kg/hm~2,均显著高于其他有机肥替代化肥处理。习惯施肥、鸡粪替代25%化肥氮、猪粪替代25%化肥氮处理土壤硝态氮淋溶较强,完熟期0~40 cm土层硝态氮累积量分别为54.2、65.4、68.5 kg/hm~2。鸡粪替代25%化肥氮处理玉米产量最高,为13 616.9kg/hm~2,比习惯施肥增产13.6%,与其他有机肥替代化肥处理产量差异均达显著水平。在等养分量条件下,有机肥替代25%化肥氮及秸秆全量还田配施化肥均可增加0~40 cm土层硝态氮累积量,减少淋溶损失。  相似文献   

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