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蛋白质营养是蚕成长和泌丝的物质基础.明确饲料在不同蛋白质含量条件下,蚕对氨基酸的吸收和利用情况,对于改进人工饲料配方,提高饲料效率和经济效益,具有重要意义.本试验用五种不同含量的脱脂大豆粉配制的人工饲料,饲养5龄雌蚕.结果表明:随着饲料蛋白质含量从9.12%增至37.18%,每头蚕的氨基酸排出量,从54.92毫克减至37.18毫克.但蚕体对亮氨酸(Leu)、苯丙氨酸(Pne)、缬氨酸(Val)、苏氨酸(Thr)、组氨酸(His)、谷氨酸(Glu)等的吸  相似文献   

选取市场销售的其中7种不同牌子的蚕用营养饲料,4龄饷食后第二天起连续添食,发现:试验B的全茧量、茧层量、万头收茧量和万头茧层量略低于对照,其他试验区蚕的发育经过、结茧率、虫蛹生命率、全茧量、茧层量、茧层率、万头收茧量、万头茧层量、上车茧率、一茧丝长和干茧出丝率与对照相仿。试验结果表明:本试验用的蚕用营养饲料对家蚕没有增产和增丝效果。  相似文献   

用桑树害虫的虫口叶饲养家蚕,从3龄起每天4次给桑叶,其中两次喂虫口叶。其饲养结果表明:正常叶区对4龄结茧率。4龄健蛹率和茧层量1991年分别在93%、81.7%、0.42克以上;1992年分别在89%、82%、0.43克以上。而虫口叶区1991年分别在80%、69%、0.39克以下;1992年分别在76%、68%、0.4克以下。可见用虫口叶养蚕,不仅降低茧丝质,而且增加了蚕的发病率,降低了蚕体质。  相似文献   

含豆腐渣粉末的小蚕人工饲料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验以降低1~3龄小蚕人工饲料的成本为目的,使用豆腐渣粉末代替人工饲料中的部分原料。经1~3龄一回给饵法无菌饲育,结果说明小蚕对干物中含15%豆腐渣粉末的低成本人工饲料,比对普通人工饲料的取食量大,生长速度快,3龄眠蚕体重重。且豆腐渣粉末可明显改善不含琼脂和纤维素的饲料的物理性状,值得进一步探讨利用。  相似文献   

为探究亚致死剂量茚虫威对家蚕生长发育的影响,采用浸叶法对家蚕2个龄期(分为2龄至3龄末染毒,4龄后改喂无毒桑叶和5龄染毒两个龄期)饲喂染毒桑叶,调查茚虫威对家蚕眠蚕体重、熟蚕体重、全茧量、茧层量、茧层量和蛹重的影响.结果表明:2龄至3龄末时期饲喂毒叶对眠蚕体重和熟蚕体重无显著性影响.5龄时期饲喂毒叶能够显著降低熟蚕体重,并且5龄摄入药剂比2龄至3龄末摄入反应更为明显.茚虫威对家蚕结茧化蛹功能无直接影响,凡是能存活并结茧上蔟均能正常化蛹.同时茚虫威对家蚕茧质和蛹重的影响表明,2龄至3龄末染毒时期,各处理组的全茧量、茧层量和蛹重与空白对照组无显著影响.5龄染毒时期,3个高浓度处理组(0.156 mg a.i./L、0.233 mg a.i./L、0.350 mg a.i./L)雌雄家蚕的全茧量、茧层量和蛹重显著低于空白对照组,并且茚虫威对家蚕吐丝结茧功能的影响无雌雄差异.  相似文献   

文章报告了2017年中秋蚕期间皓月×菁松和优食一号蚕品种1~2龄人工饲料育与1~3龄人工饲料育试验情况。结果表明,皓月×菁松和优食一号蚕品种1~2龄饲料育试验区和1~3龄饲料育试验区,各龄经过和全龄发育经过基本相同;1~3龄饲料育试验区比1~2龄饲料育试验区张种产茧量下降;公斤茧粒数增加,蚁蚕结茧率下降;良蛹率相近,茧层率略增;粒茧丝长相仿、解舒率良好、茧丝纤度相近,但鲜毛茧出丝率略有上升。说明两对试验品种对1~2龄和1~3龄饲料育较为适应,生产中可用来采用小蚕人工饲料共育。且优食一号蚕品种蚁蚕结茧率、良蛹率、粒茧丝长、鲜毛茧出丝率等都高于皓月×菁松,说明优食一号蚕品种对小蚕人工饲料共育技术适应性良好。  相似文献   

为了调查含吡丙醚类农药对两广二号的眠性、营茧功能和蚕茧成绩的影响,试验通过给4龄第2 d的蚕和5龄第1 d的蚕分别添食不同浓度的吡丙醚和吡丙·虫螨腈1次,饲养至上蔟结茧,观察两广二号蚕的眠性并调查蚕茧成绩。试验结果表明,两广二号食下吡丙醚类农药,不会发生急性中毒症状,但部分蚕的眠期推迟1 d;食下浓度较高的吡丙醚类农药会导致蚕儿不能上蔟结茧,甚至不能化蛹,食下微量浓度的吡丙醚类农药会导致蚕儿结茧率低、化蛹率低、死笼率高。  相似文献   

家蚕不同发育阶段对微粒子孢子的感染性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
从蚁叠至5龄末期不同发育阶段,经口食下一定量的微粒子孢子,均可使蚕感染发病,发病率的高低与食下微粒子孢子数量呈正相关。同一龄期,起蚕比食桑24小时后的蚕对微粒子孢子的感染发病率高。蚕在1龄期食下大量的微粒子孢子,则全部在幼虫期发病死亡,无结茧个体;食下量较少可结茧化蛾,但蛾的微粒子孢子检出率可高达71.43~100%。4龄后期至5龄末期(5龄6足天)食下微粒子孢子虽在幼虫期内不发病死亡,能结茧,但在死蛹和蛾中微粒子孢子检出率均较高。  相似文献   

韦廷秀 《广西蚕业》2003,40(1):49-49
由多化性寄生蝇的幼虫(蛆)寄生引起的蚕病,称蝇蛆病。其症状是:当蝇产卵在蚕体的环节皱折处,卵经1~2天即孵化成幼虫,在幼虫钻入蚕体后,蚕体皮肤上产生不规则的黑色病斑,黑斑内有幼蛆,被寄生处环节常肿起、弯曲,3、4龄蚕被寄生后在大眠中不能蜕皮变黑而死,5龄蚕前期被害后出现早熟蚕,一般虽能结茧或结薄皮茧,但都不能化蛹而死于茧中,五龄后期寄生的蛆体常在蚕儿结茧后发育成熟,咬破蚕的皮肤、茧壳钻出,造成蛆孔茧,不能作缫丝原料。  相似文献   

分别在家蚕4龄眠起与5龄眠起时推迟饷食以及在5龄第3天进行饥饿处理,调查蚕体的生长发育、产茧和产卵情况,为制定新的家蚕共育模式技术规范以及一代杂交种生产的发蛾调节技术规范等提供试验依据。4龄起蚕推迟8 h饷食对幼虫5龄经过、全茧量、茧层量、茧层率、蛹体质量及蚕蛾羽化率、产卵量和良卵率均没有不利的影响;推迟16 h、24 h饷食,雌蚕的5龄经过延长及熟蚕体质量、全茧量、蛹体质量等性状成绩显著下降(P0.05),对雄蚕的影响较小(P0.05)。5龄起蚕分别推迟8 h、16 h、24 h饷食,5龄经过延长,熟蚕体质量、全茧量、茧层量、蛹体质量及产卵量、良卵数量等均显著下降(P0.01)。5龄第3天幼虫分别饥饿12 h、24 h,熟蚕体质量、全茧量、茧层量和蛹体质量均显著下降(P0.01);饥饿48 h后结茧率显著下降(P0.01),雌蚕和雄蚕分别仅为60.67%、42.66%。依据试验结果建议:农村养蚕如采用集中共育至4龄起蚕的模式,为方便共育蚕的分发配送,可适当推迟4龄起蚕的饷食时间,但推迟时间不应超过8 h;家蚕一代杂交种生产过程可将4龄起蚕饷食时间推迟8~16 h,调节对交品种发育进度;无论丝茧育还是种茧育,均不宜使旺盛生长期的5龄幼虫遭受饥饿,需预先调节好桑叶的充足供给。  相似文献   

天蚕人工饲料及饲育方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王蜀嘉  王福贵 《蚕业科学》1997,23(4):221-225
研制出实用的天蚕人工饲料配方,其蚁蚕吃食率达94%以上;查明了稚蚕人工饲料育的最佳环境为温度28℃、湿度90%~93%、全部遮光黑暗的条件;确立了合理的饲育方法,即1~2龄人工饲料混合饲育,3龄分发给农户改鲜叶单头有既防病又省力;找出了室内有营绿色茧的感光时期和时间,以及简便易行的感光方法。连续4年用上述方法人工饲料共育15万头,结茧率达70%。  相似文献   

人工饲料中脱脂大豆粉的精制度对小蚕的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用精制程度不同,色泽自淡褐至白色,蛋白质含量分别为42.4%(A)、48.9%(B)、54.2%(C)和65.8%(D)的4种脱脂大豆料,配制成人工饲料饲养小蚕。收蚁后24小时疏毛率分别为52.1%、88.0%、100%和98.5%;收蚁后第10日体重分别为0.204、0.245、0.274和0.209克,第10日的存活率、三眠与四龄起蚕占蚕百分率均以含C饲料为最高,分别为96.1%和68.8%,而以含A饲料为最低,仅为54.4%和38.9%。结果说明小蚕饲料用大豆粉以精制程度适中的淡黄白色C为最好。A经甲醇、乙醇或水抽提后,蚕的疏毛率、存活率和生长发育速度均得到显著改善,其3种抽提物均对小蚕的取食和生长发育有阻碍作用。  相似文献   

为探讨有色茧色素物质在蚕体内的代谢机制,检测了有色茧主要色素物质的含量及其在家蚕5龄幼虫不同时期中肠、血液、丝腺组织中的消长变化,分析色素物质从中肠进入血液再转运到丝腺的时序差异。有色茧中,黄茧的色素以类胡萝卜素化合物为主,绿茧的色素以黄酮类化合物为主。黄酮类化合物、类胡萝卜素化合物在家蚕5龄幼虫中肠、血液、中部丝腺、后部丝腺中的含量均呈现龄初低、龄末高的趋势,其中,黄酮类化合物在熟蚕组织中的含量是中肠>血液>中部丝腺>后部丝腺;类胡萝卜素化合物在熟蚕组织中的含量是中部丝腺>后部丝腺>中肠>血液。2种色素物质含量变幅最大的是后部丝腺组织,结黄茧蚕和结绿茧蚕的黄酮类化合物分别增加406.55%、202.50%,类胡萝卜素化合物分别增加211.80%、250.84%。黄酮类化合物在5龄幼虫丝腺组织的绝对含量是结绿茧蚕大于结黄茧蚕,类胡萝卜素化合物在5龄幼虫丝腺组织的绝对含量是结黄茧蚕显著大于结绿茧蚕,与在不同颜色蚕茧中检测到的2种色素物质含量一致。研究结果提示:黄酮类化合物在5龄幼虫中肠组织中积累较多,类胡萝卜素化合物在丝腺组织中积累较多;丝腺组织中2种色素物质的含量与茧色密切相关;来自桑叶中的2种色素物质经中肠消化吸收后,再通过血液进入丝腺组织并产生累积效应。  相似文献   

1. Two hundred and sixteen laying hens of two strains were given diets containing ZnO to provide 0, 0.5, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 3.00 or 4.00 g added Zn/kg. These diets were given ad libitum for 5 consecutive 28-d periods. All hens subsequently received the control diet with no added ZnO for 5 weeks. 2. Four hens from each treatment were killed 0, 1 and 5 weeks after substitution of the ZnO-supplemented diets by the control diet. 3. The adverse effects of the ZnO-containing diets on body weight, food intake, egg production, pancreas, gizzard, oviduct and ovary weights/kg body weight were reversed by removal of the ZnO from the diets. 4. Five weeks after withdrawal egg production of the group which had received the diet with the highest concentration of added ZnO was only 50% of that of the control birds. 5. The beneficial effect of the added ZnO on internal egg quality was not maintained after withdrawal of the ZnO-containing diets.  相似文献   

用methoprene的250倍(5μg/ml)和500倍(2.5μg/ml)液对三、四、五龄,四、五龄及五龄的各龄初期雌蚕作体表涂布,并用硫堇作丝腺活体染色和摄食阻害剂皂角苷作添食试验证明,JHA对蚕体和丝腺的发育有延缓作用,但这种延缓作用只在五龄期有明显表现,处理区比对照区经过延长24—34小时,食下量、消化量和体重等在处理后暂时低于同时期的对照区,旋即回升并超过对照,最大体重是五龄500倍区重(4.98g/头),最后体重以五龄250倍区最大(4.513g/头)。JHA的生理效应,不像皂角苷只是起因于食下量减少,而是通过影响蚕体内分泌平衡所引起。JHA的处理能使茧重增加23—46%,茧层增加13—35%,但茧层率下降4—18%,从五龄积算食下量,消化量看处理区显著增加,而饲料效率对茧层低,对蛹体高,JHA浓度过高还出现畸形蛹和永久幼虫。  相似文献   

人工饲料育家蚕中肠和血液中几种消化酶活性变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
消化酶的活性强弱与饲料的吸收利用有密切关系,而饲育方式、饲料组成等因素对消化酶活性有一定影响。本试验对几种消化酶活性和蚕品种的饲料效率进行了测定和调查,结果表明人工饲料育蚕与桑叶育蚕中肠消化液淀粉酶、磷酸酶活性变化有明显差异,海藻糖酶以及蛋白酶等活性变化差异不大。人工饲料育,5龄蚕的食下量、消化量及茧质成绩均劣于桑叶育,但消化率、茧重转换效率及茧层转换效率高于桑叶育。  相似文献   

Three diets, containing nearly 12.5 MJ/kg (3.0 kcal ME/g) and 14.6, 11.3 and 9.1 % crude protein, were fed to 1680 light‐hybrids from 12 to 18 weeks of age. Body weight at 18 weeks was depressed by 5 and 9% and age at sexual maturity delayed by 2.4 d and 2.8 d for groups fed the intermediate and lowest protein diets respectively. Mortality during the experiment was slightly higher in the group receiving the higher protein diet. There were no consistent or significant treatment differences in mortality during the laying period. Both hen‐day rate of lay and egg weight decreased slightly and insignificantly but progressively with decreasing protein level of diets fed in the 12‐ to 18‐week period. Savings in food costs in the 12‐ to 18‐week period from feeding the cheaper lower‐protein diets were more than offset by the reductions in egg output and returns which resulted.  相似文献   

1. Laying performance, egg quality, fertility and hatchability, and fat deposition in liver and abdomen were recorded in broiler breeders (29 to 48 weeks of age) fed on diets containing perarl millet (Pennisetum typhoides) (PM), broken rice (BR) or yellow maize (YM) (600 g/kg diet). Constant ratios of metabolisable energy (ME) to other nutrients were maintained in all the diets. Food grade choline chloride (50%) was added to the diets at 3 concentrations (0, 760 and 1,520 mg/kg). Each diet was offered to 3 replicate groups of 15 birds (12 hens and 3 cockerels), maintained in deep litter pens, to provide 1.46 MJ ME/bird/d. 2. Neither the source of energy nor dietary choline content had any influence on hen-d egg production, fertility or hatchability. Food efficiency and egg weight were significantly reduced in BR-fed groups compared to those fed on the other energy sources. 3. The efficiency of energy and protein utilisation increased and liver fat content was decreased significantly by dietary choline supplementation. 4. Haugh unit score, egg shell weight, liver weight and intestinal weight were not influenced by either supplementary choline or the source of energy. However, the yolk colour index was significantly reduced in PM- or BR-fed groups compared to those fed on the maize-based diet. 5. Deposition of abdominal fat was significantly greater in BR-fed birds compared to those fed on the YM-based diet, while liver fat content was significantly greater in the birds fed on the PM-or BR-based diets than those based on YM. Although supplementation of the diet with choline had no influence on abdominal fat deposition, liver fat content was significantly reduced in birds given diet containing 760 mg supplemental choline/kg diet. 6. The present study indicates that PM or BR can be used as principal energy sources in place of YM in broiler breeder diets without affecting egg production, fertility or hatchability. Liver fat content can be reduced by adding choline at 760 mg/kg to diets based on different energy sources.  相似文献   

1. Six hundred and seventy‐two light‐hybrid pullets aged 6 weeks were allocated to eight experimental treatments and cage‐reared to 18 weeks of age when they were transferred to single‐bird battery cages and fed on a common layer diet.

2. In the 6‐ to 12‐week period four dietary treatments were applied: a diet containing about 160 g crude protein (CP)/kg with or without 50 g dried poultry manure (DPM)/kg (diets 2 and 1 respectively) and a diet containing about 140 g CP/kg with or without 50 g DPM/kg (diets 4 and 3). In the 12‐ to 18‐week period two additional diets were fed: diets 1 and 3 supplemented with 10 g urea/kg (diets 5 and 6 respectively). Diets containing DPM were formulated to utilise the CP, energy, calcium and 50% of the phosphorus content of DPM.

3. Pullets fed on diets 1, 2 and 5 (high‐protein) were significantly heavier at 18 weeks than those fed on diets 3, 4 and 6 (low‐protein). In the laying period total estimated egg weight, food intake and conversion were significantly greater, and the age at first egg was significantly less (2.4 d).

4. Dietary DPM had no significant effect on the 18‐week body weight but food consumption was significantly less and conversion was significantly improved. There were no significant effects on subsequent laying performance. Dietary urea caused no significant effects on rearing or laying performance.  相似文献   

Laying hens were fed on a diet containing 0-9 g sodium/kg until 34 weeks of age, then groups were fed on diets containing 0-2, 0-3,0-4, 0-5, 0-6 or 0-9 g sodium/kg for 16 weeks before that containing 0-9 g sodium/kg was reintroduced for all birds. 2. Egg production and food consumption were depressed by the low-sodium diets in proportion to the dietary sodium content. 3. Birds receiving 0-3 to 0-6 g sodium/kg diet lost weight initially but subsequently gained weight; birds receiving 0-2 sodium/kg diet lost weight continouosly. 4. In birds receiving 0-2 g sodium/kg diet, the reproductive organs were completely regressed, whereas these organs resembled those of point-of-lay pullets in birds fed on 0-3 or 0-4 g sodium/kg. 5. When the control diet was reintroduced, birds which had received the low-sodium diets resumed normal egg production and food consumption and regained body weight. 6. The optimal range of dietary sodium for inducing a pause in egg laying is 0-3 to 0-4 g/kg.  相似文献   

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