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Ten susceptible and ten resistant pigs to malignant hyperthermia were used to observe the effects of exercise and ambient temperature on selected physiological parameters. Pigs were submitted to a ten minute exercise on a treadmill operating at a speed of 1.8 km/h and inclined to 11 degrees. Exercise in the first group was at an ambient temperature of 14 degrees C, and in the second at 29 degrees C. The right carotid artery was previously cannulated for blood pressure measurements and for repeated blood sampling during exercise. Arterial pressure, heart rate, rectal and cutaneous temperatures were recorded. Levels of cortisol, creatine kinase and its isoenzymes were measured. At 14 degrees C, exercise caused some physiological adjustments in susceptible animals; heart rate, skin temperature and cortisol levels increased (P less than 0.05). In resistant pigs, only the heart rate was elevated significantly following exertional stress at 14 degrees C. Exercise at 29 degrees C produced severe stress and marked physiological changes: heart rate, rectal and skin temperatures and cortisol levels increased significantly in both susceptible and resistant swine. At 29 degrees C, susceptible pigs also had higher levels of serum cortisol, total creatine kinase and MM isoenzyme (P less than 0.05) compared to resistant pigs. The results indicate that, following exertional or thermal stress, susceptible pigs undergo more extensive physiological changes than do resistant pigs. Similar levels of stress prior to slaughter may trigger physiological changes which in the susceptible pigs would likely result in pale, soft exudative myopathy.  相似文献   

We investigated the in vivo and in vitro effect of prolactin (PRL) on porcine adrenal cortex function. The in vivo study was performed on 10 multiparous sows. Blood was sampled every 4 h beginning on the 17th day of the estrous cycle and continuing for 6 subsequent days. Plasma was stored at -20 degrees C until steroid hormones analysis was completed. PRL or saline were administered iv for 48 h in 2 h intervals. Injections of PRL began 4-20 h after the preovulatory LH surge. At the end of the sampling period sows were slaughtered and adrenals were immediately dissected. Adrenals were frozen at -70 degrees C for determination of adrenal cortex steroid hormones content. At the end of PRL treatment period mean plasma level of cortisol in control sows was significantly lower than that of PRL-treated sows. Moreover, the area under the mean plasma cortisol concentration curve was significantly higher in PRL-treated sows in comparison to controls. The mean cortisol adrenal content was significantly higher in adrenal cortex of PRL-treated sows than that of controls. PRL did not affect adrenal cortex concentration of androstenedione (A(4)), testosterone (T), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and estradiol (E(2)). Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) was not found in porcine adrenal cortex. In the in vitro experiment adrenal glands were removed immediately after slaughter of 6 crossbred gilts. Dispersed adrenocortical cells were incubated for 8 h with or without porcine PRL. Prolactin stimulated cortisol secretion in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that PRL is one of the key factors involved in the regulation of adrenal cortex function in pigs.  相似文献   

Stress susceptible pigs develop pale, soft, exudative pork as a consequence of exposure to natural stress or exposure to halothane. Hyperstimulation of glycolysis is a major component of the stress reaction. Whether natural and artificial stress have other similarities was investigated by exposing pigs to halothane or to physical exercise, and measuring their blood composition. There were many similarities between the two groups but the significant differences suggest that although both halothane and exercise induce glycolysis, the mechanisms involved are different.  相似文献   

By the halothane test we determined the development of the syndrome of malignant hyperthermia in pigs of the Belgian Landrace breed with body weight of 20 kg. We found that from 27 animals that were subjected to the test 12 positively reacted to Narcotan - Spofa anaesthesis. Pigs with the syndrome of malignant hyperthermia had considerably higher rectal temperature after anaesthesis, lower PH of venose blood, higher concentration of lactic acid and glucosis in the blood plasma. Halothane-negative animals did not produce and conspicuous changes of these indices. Most differences were statisticaly highly significant.  相似文献   

In halothane-susceptible (Hal+) and halothane-resistant (Hal-) Belgian Landrace pigs, the influence of immobilization stress on cytotoxic activity of natural killer (NK) cells was evaluated. Four hour immobilization causes biphasic changes in cytotoxicity, i.e. an initial increase followed by a subsequent depression. In both groups of pigs stress-induced suppression of NK cell activity lasted for several days in the post stress period. Throughout the experiment, i.e. before, during and after stress, the level of cytotoxicity was higher in Hal+ than in Hal- pigs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if HAL-1843-normal pigs that respond abnormally to halothane anesthesia were more likely to become nonambulatory (NA) when subjected to rigorous handling than pigs that exhibit a normal response to halothane. After a 1,100-km transport, pigs exhibiting low (HS-L; n = 33), intermediate (HS-I; n = 10), and high (HS-H; n = 47) sensitivity to halothane were moved through a 36.6-m long aisle that was 2.1 m wide at each end and 0.6 m wide in the middle 18.3 m. Ten groups of 8 pigs were briskly moved down the aisle and back 4 times, receiving a minimum of 1 electrical prod per pass (8 prods/pig). Before testing, rectal temperature was measured, open-mouth breathing and skin discoloration were visually evaluated, and a blood sample was collected from each pig. After the test, the pigs were returned to their pens, and the same measurements were taken immediately posttest and 1 h posttest (no blood at 1 h posttest). Pigs that were HS-H were more prone to becoming NA compared with HS-L pigs (P < 0.02). Regardless of halothane status, a greater number of pigs exhibited open-mouth breathing and skin discolorations immediately posttest than at the pretest or 1 h posttest times (P < 0.05). No differences were observed in blood metabolites between the different halothane sensitivity categories. However, pigs that became NA had elevated blood levels of creatine phosphokinase, lactate, glycerol, nonesterified fatty acids, ammonia, and urea nitrogen before testing (P < 0.05). Collectively, these data suggest HS-H pigs are more susceptible to becoming NA than HS-L. The elevated pretest blood metabolites of NA pigs suggest that they were in a hypermetabolic state that predisposed them to becoming NA.  相似文献   

Eight- and nine-week-old Hungarian Landrace pigs were tested with halothane as described by Laky et al. (1985). Immediately after the test blood samples were taken for determination of the activity of serum creatine kinase (CK), creatine kinase MB (CK-MB) isoenzyme, aldolase (ALD), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and alpha-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (alpha-HBDH). Elevated creatine kinase, creatine kinase MB isoenzyme and aldolase activities indicating enhanced susceptibility to stressors were found in 92% of the halothane reacted and 16% of the halothane non-reacted animals. In these individuals the activities of lactate dehydrogenase and alpha-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase were also high. Data of the literature show a close relationship between enhanced susceptibility to stressors and halothane reaction in pigs. It was suggested, therefore, that determination of the activity of appropriate serum enzymes might be used for detecting this enhanced susceptibility.  相似文献   

Blood flow to the adrenal glands was measured with radioactive microspheres labeled with85Sr in 25–37 kg pigs following the intravenous infusion of physiological saline solution or histamine solution (2 ug/kg/min) for 60 minutes. Total blood flow averaged 2.28 ml/min/gland for control pigs and 4.38 ml/min/gland for histamine-treated pigs (P<.0005). Mean blood flow to the adrenal glands of histamine-treated pigs (3.15 ml/min/g) was 82% higher than that of control pigs (1.73 ml/min/g); the difference was highly significant (P<.0005). The result of this study showed that histamine caused an increased blood flow to the porcine adrenal glands.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that lymphocytes from swine with susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia (MH) had calcium extrusion activity higher than unaffected swine. Cytoplasmic concentration of ionized calicum was determined by use of dual emission spectrofluorometry and measurement of the ratio of free to calcium-bound form of the fluorescent calcium dye indo-1. Net calcium accumulation and unidirectional calcium extrusion rate were dependent on intracellular calcium concentration. Calcium extrusion from calcium-loaded lymphocytes was monitored while calcium influx was inhibited by suspending the cells in calcium-free medium with a calcium chelator. Net calcium accumulation of untreated lymphocytes was monitored in calcium-replete medium. A novel method of calculation of ionized calcium was used. This method confirmed our previous findings of lower ionized calcium concentration (86 +/- 40 and 370 +/- 216 nmol/L; P less than 0.01) and slower rates of calcium accumulation 39 +/- 16 and 127 +/- 52 nmol/L/min) in untreated lymphocytes from MH-susceptible swine compared with controls. These changes were attributable to calcium extrusion activity two- to three-fold higher in lymphocytes of MH-susceptible swine (154 +/- 36 and 408 +/- 47 nmol/L/min at 175 nmol/L; 972 +/- 111 and 1,690 +/- 505 nmol/L/min at 425 nmol/L). These data were compatible with our model of higher calcium extrusion activity being a compensatory adaptation of MH-susceptible swine lymphocytes to their hypersensitivity to stimuli that increase cytoplasmic calcium concentration.  相似文献   

The acute and long-term quantitative and qualitative effects of halothane anesthesia on equine platelet performance were studied in fourteen horses. Horses were anesthetized with only halothane in O2 for about 8.0 MAC hours. Platelet numbers declined during the anesthetic period but returned to normal within 24 h. Platelet aggregation was significantly diminished during the anesthetic period and for up to 4 days after anesthesia. A period of hyperaggregability occurred at the 7th day.  相似文献   

Post mortem glycolysis patterns were investigated in healthy pigs and in pigs with malignant hyperthermia syndrome (MHS). The beginning of glycolysis in the muscle of MHS-sensitive pigs is shifted, it is earlier than in the muscles of MHS-resistant animals. This earlier beginning is documented by lower glycogen values, higher lactate values, and also by the lower pH value as soon as 15 minutes after the slaughter of animals in this group. In the muscles of pigs with malignant hyperthermia syndrome the process of glycolysis is accelerated by the pre-slaughter stress. This is demonstrated first of all by a faster increase in the lactate content and by a faster decrease in the pH value in all periods of investigation. No discernible acceleration in the glycolysis pattern following the stress was observed in the MHS-resistant pigs. Glycogen depletion occurred in both groups of animals in all three types of muscles, the highest loss was recorded in white fibers.  相似文献   

Malignant hyperthermia (MH) and the mycotoxin cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) are each associated with abnormal calcium homeostasis in skeletal muscle, a key underlying factor in the development of pale, soft, and exudative (PSE) pork. To determine whether the natural presence of CPA in livestock feed ingredients contributes to the varying incidence of PSE in the pork industry, various levels of CPA (.1 to 50 mg/kg of diet) were included in the diets of market weight hogs (n = 52) of defined malignant hyperthermia genotype (NN = normal, Nn = a MH carrier, and nn = MH-positive). Animals with two copies of the MH mutation (nn) displayed improved live animal performance compared with NN and Nn animals (increased feed intake, average daily gain, and feed efficiency) but yielded lower quality loin chops as indicated by lower 45-min pH (P<.01), higher Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE) L* color coordinate values (P<.05), and higher drip losses (P<.01). The effects of CPA varied. In the first feeding trial, conducted under normal outside temperatures (2 degrees C), CPA had no effect (P> .2) on either live animal performance or meat quality. During the second trial, conducted under extreme outside temperatures (-18 degrees C), CPA-dependent reductions (P<.05) in feed intake, average daily gain, and 45-min pH in nn hogs support the possibility of interactions between malignant hyperthermia and dietary CPA on skeletal muscle calcium homeostasis and the development of PSE pork. These results suggest that this interaction may require stressful environmental conditions or the ingestion of CPA doses much higher than occur under natural conditions.  相似文献   

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