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大学校园内流浪狗伤害过往行人的事件时有发生,对校园师生和居民的健康与人身安全构成了严重威胁,也给学校校园环境卫生带来严重隐患。阐述了大学校园流浪动物出现的原因以及对学校师生造成的各种危害,并针对性地提出了治理校园流浪动物的有效措施。  相似文献   

高校流浪动物管理是高校管理的薄弱环节,尚未有很好的解决方案。为帮助高校实现科学、有效和可持续的流浪动物管理,结合移动互联网技术,提出了流浪动物管理的数字化解决方案,构建了流浪动物集中管理的数字化平台,通过设计一款多功能公益型APP,实现了以动物管理、园区运营、公益科普等内容的高效管理,在保障校园安全、人文教育和动物福利的前提下,实现了高校人文和动物保护的协同共赢。  相似文献   

我国宠物数量的快速增长,带来庞大了的流浪动物群。流浪动物群体的不断增长不仅影响着城市面貌,也给社会公共卫生安全埋下了隐患,引起了广泛的社会关注。通过研究我国流浪动物现状及不同国家和地区对流浪动物的立法及管理措施,针对我国流浪动物存在的隐患和管理问题,探讨我国流浪动物的管理措施和对策,以提高我国流浪动物管理水平,维护公共卫生安全。  相似文献   

流浪动物一直是棘手的社会问题,国外非常重视对流浪动物的救助工作,其救助策略值得我们借鉴。笔者在分析国外流浪动物救助策略的基础上,提出了我国流浪动物救助问题的解决方法,希望能够推动我国流浪动物救助机制的构建与完善。  相似文献   

为了解流浪动物现状、流浪动物收容所现状,本文通过沟通交流和问卷调研相结合的方式,对山东省泰安市、济南市、聊城市、青岛市、烟台市等地的流浪动物收容所、宠物医院进行实地探访、数据收集、分析总结。调查结果显示,各地流浪动物收容所收容压力大,人力财力物力十分紧张,收容动物数量多、密度大;29%的人同意设立流浪动物收容所,62%的人认为流浪动物存在携带病菌、袭击人等威胁,同时85%的人认为人为弃养宠物是造成流浪动物泛滥的主要原因。结果表明,流浪动物收容所的收容呈饱和甚至过饱和状况,流浪动物持续增多,对环境、人们生活存在不良影响,流浪动物收容所的建立存在必要性。提高社会对流浪动物关注度,增强公众社会责任意识,加强宣传教育,从源头解决流浪动物问题。  相似文献   

流浪动物管理关乎公共卫生、社会治安,是一个城市文明程度的具体表现,是每个城市亟待解决的民生问题。本文详细探讨了当前社会流浪动物管理现状,结合农业农村部门职责职能,分析存在问题并提出可行性建议,为政府进一步加强流浪动物管理提供参考。  相似文献   

关注城市流浪动物——为犬猫实施免费绝育手术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流浪动物主要是指散布在城市各大公园、社区以及城乡结合部人口较少地区的无主人的犬和猫.由于多年来流浪动物问题没有得到有效的解决,导致近年来流浪动物数量不断增加,出现的管理问题日益突出.据保守估计,目前北京市流浪动物数量已有近40万只.为此,北京市农业局已在西城区试行对3 000余只犬类注射芯片的举措,实现电子化管理,并计划在2008年2季度在市属9个区全面推行实施.同时可容纳1 000只流浪猫的市级非犬类流浪动物收容中心已建成并投入使用.  相似文献   

微信应用的快速发展,使得微信公众平台逐渐走入学校,成为各大院校继微博平台之后对学生了解校园动态的又一选择。借助微信公众平台可以向外界宣传学校、实现各高校间的信息交流及将校园动态信息资讯传递给全校师生。  相似文献   

流浪动物的日益增多已经严重影响了动物的生存境遇,同时,对建设人与自然、人与人、人与社会和谐相处的和谐社会也造成了一定的阻碍。对流浪动物的生存权利破坏的根源进行深层次的剖析显得尤为重要。这不仅可以探索出一条动物生存权利保障的正确出路,更是对生命的平等进行的思考。  相似文献   

我国家养宠物数量逐步提高,使得流浪动物数量也日渐增多。本文旨在剖析流浪动物背后的成因与存在的隐患,尝试从完善法规、科学管控、加强宣传等方面提出针对性的解决措施。分析认为:城市流浪动物的大量出现与宠物被遗弃、遗弃后自然繁衍、诊疗费过高、缺乏相关制约法律有关;而流浪动物存在攻击伤人、传播人兽共患病、引发交通事故、嚎叫影响居民生活、排泄物及尸体污染公共卫生等隐患。提出了采用TNR绝育措施,建立收容机构及领养制度,健全配套法律法规,规范宠物交易市场,加强文明养宠宣传教育等建议,以此加强流浪动物监管。  相似文献   

x构建高校和谐校园是落实科学发展观,培养社会主义合格建设者和可靠接班人的必然要求。高校青年教师承担着教书育人的重要任务,对于构建高校和谐校园具有重要意义。文中通过问卷调查,揭示了青年教师在和谐校园建设中表现出的一些不和谐因素,分析了其形成的原因,井提出了如何发挥高校青年教师在建设和谐校园中的作用,最大限度减少不和谐因素的五种具体措施。  相似文献   

随着我国社会变革和经济转轨的进一步深入发展,生活节奏的不断加快,社会竞争的日益激烈,人们的心理压力越来越大,作为社会特殊群体的大学生也日益受到心理问题及疾病的困扰。加强大学生心理健康教育已经成为高校教育工作者非常重要的一项工作。文中指出了加强大学生心理健康教育的重要性和紧迫感,对造成大学生心理障碍的原因进行了分析,并提出了加强大学生心理健康教育的对策。  相似文献   

针对科学精神、人文精神的内涵,阐述了科学精神与人文精神相结合的必要性,并从大学生思想现状需求、具有巨大社会功能、符合高等教育改革趋势和利于培养学生创新精神四个方面揭示了培养大学生科学精神与人文精神的重要意义。因此要深刻认识任务的重要性和紧迫性,采取切实有效措施,努力建设和谐校园。  相似文献   

根据高校人才培养目标,结合本科生学习的心理特点,对高校青年教师讲授动物解剖学课程的教学内容和教学方法进行了思考。从动物解剖学课程的特点出发,从改革讲授内容的重点、提高教师自身的教学能力和素质、改善实验教学条件、利用多媒体技术和网络平台以及考核方法改革等方面对课程教学建设提出了相应的建议,以期能够提高高校青年教师讲授动物解剖学课程的水平,激发学生对课程的学习兴趣,最终达到提高本科教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

随时代发展变化,成才要求日益提高,大学生却产生了不同程度的厌学情绪。新形势下如何更好地调动学生的积极主动性自然成了高校教学中尤为重要的课题。本文试图探析青年教师如何成功地进行角色转换和教学组织的创新,采取科学的方法,在取得教学最佳效果的同时达到塑造人才的目的。  相似文献   

建设高校和谐校园是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要组成部分。高校党组织作为和谐校园建设的决策者与领路人,如何调动和发挥高校党组织及广大党员在和谐校园建设中的作用,营造以人为本的高校校园,成为教育改革与发展的重要课题。针对高校师生党员的理想、信念淡化等问题,提出应从切实加强高校思想政治教育、强化队伍建设、创新高校党组织设置、健全长效机制以及建设和谐校园文化等方面,加强高校党组织建设,探索构建和谐校园的有效途径。  相似文献   

There is a vast array of learning tools and approaches to veterinary education, many tried and true, many innovative and with potential. Such new methods have come about partly from an increasing demand from both students and teachers to avoid methods of teaching and training that harm animals. The aim is to create the best quality education, ideally supported by validation of the efficacy of particular educational tools and approaches, while ensuring that animals are not used harmfully and that respect for animal life is engendered within the student. In this paper, we review tools and approaches that can be used in the teaching of veterinary students, tools and approaches that ensure the dignity and humane treatment of animals that all teachers and students must observe as the very ethos of the veterinary profession that they serve. Veterinary education has not always met, and still often does not meet, this essential criterion.  相似文献   

流浪犬猫是生存于人类社会、介于宠物犬猫和野生动物之间的一类特殊动物,其生存、活动、繁衍与社区人群的利益有时会产生直接冲突.本文介绍了流浪犬猫福利的特征和内涵,指出了其存在传播狂犬病、易攻击人类、粪便污染、噪声污染等与人群利益的有关冲突,由此提出减少遗弃宠物遗弃,减少食物浪费,加强社区公共管理等人为因素控制措施,以及对流...  相似文献   

Guaraqueçaba city is a rain forest environmental protected area located on the southern coast of Brazil. Recently, the local Animal Health Service has noticed haematophagous bats feeding from humans and domestic animals, as well as bat colonies located in houses and public schools. In 2007, two non‐haematophagous bats were tested positive by direct immunofluorescence for rabies in a nearby city. Native fauna and environmental laws protect non‐haematophagous bats in Brazilian preserved areas such as Guaraqueçaba, making non‐haematophagous bat population control almost impossible. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to evaluate a simple and feasible educational protocol applied by a multi‐institutional task force in local elementary schools to prevent rabies transmitted by bats. Information was transmitted to children by video, lectures and oral question–answer section; evaluation was made by written questionnaires to teachers and students. Interinstitutional task force included public and animal health public services, a federal university and the city secretary of environment, of education, of agriculture and of animal health, and also participation of local community. Information was effectively absorbed by children when evaluated just after being given. As important, questionnaires showed that handling and playing with bats at day time was common in several elementary school students, exposing themselves to what may represent higher risk of rabies transmission than haematophagous bat feeding directly from humans. Training of teachers and students may effectively prevent rabies by bats in such communities. Insertion of this subject into science content of local elementary school educational programme was proposed in order to establish a continuing education programme on rabies transmitted by bats in environmental preserved areas.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence suggests that veterinary surgeons' mental health is often poorer than comparable populations and that the incidence of suicide is higher among veterinary surgeons than the general public. Veterinary students also appear to suffer from high levels of anxiety and stress, and may possess inadequate coping strategies when faced with adversity. Veterinary students may find it difficult to access central university support systems due to their heavy workload and geographical isolation on some veterinary campuses. A previous study of University of Edinburgh fourth-year veterinary students found that support services located several miles from the main veterinary campus was a barrier to students accessing counselling services. Consequently, a pilot project was initiated, which provided a counselling service at the University of Edinburgh's rural Easter Bush veterinary campus one afternoon a week during 2010. As part of the evaluation of this service, web-based questionnaires were delivered via e-mail to all veterinary staff and students towards the end of the 12-month pilot period to evaluate perceptions of barriers to student counselling and to investigate student-valued support services. Questionnaire responses were received from 35 per cent of veterinary students and 52 per cent of staff. Stigmatisation of being unable to cope was a potent inhibitor of seeking support within the veterinary environment, but counselling was perceived as valuable by the majority of staff and students. Provision of an on-site counselling service was considered important for increasing ease of access; however, students viewed friends and family as their most important support mechanism. Workload was cited as the main cause of veterinary student stress. The majority of staff and student respondents perceived veterinary students as having an increased need for counselling support compared with other students.  相似文献   

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