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Forty-five-day-old seedlings of sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) and Citrus macrophylla Wester, the most commonly used rootstocks in lemon orchards, were grown in nutrient solutions containing 1 (control), 10, 20, 30 or 60 mM NaCl for 14 days. The effects of salinity on growth, uptake, transport and accumulation of Cl- and Na+ ions in leaves, stem and four root segments were studied. The 60 mM NaCl treatment reduced leaf dry mass more in C. macrophylla (40%) than in sour orange (20%), whereas it reduced root dry mass more in sour orange (36%) than in C. macrophylla (20%). In C. macrophylla, Cl- and Na+ uptake rates were high at the beginning of the saline treatments, but low at the end of the 14-day experiment. In contrast, sour orange showed high uptake rates at the beginning and end of the experiment. In response to increasing salinity, root and shoot concentrations of Cl- and Na+ increased in sour orange, but not in C. macrophylla. Different loading characteristics of Cl- and Na+ were observed between young and old segments of the root system. In general, old root segments reached quasi-steady-states later than young root segments. These results suggest that sour orange and C. macrophylla have different regulatory mechanisms for uptake and transport of Cl- and Na+.  相似文献   

Because there are thousands of peach cultivars,cultivar classification is a critical step before starting a breeding project.Various molecular markers such as simple sequence repeats(SSRs) can be used.In this study,67 polymorphic primers produced 302 bands.Higher values for SI index(1.903) suggested higher genetic variability in the genotype under investigation.Mean values for observed alleles(Na),expected heterozygosity(He),effective alleles(Ne),Nei's information index(h),and polymorphic information content(PIC) were 4.5,0.83,5.45,0.83,and 0.81,respectively.The dendrogram constructed based on Jaccard's similarity coefficients outlined four distinct clusters in the entire germplasm.In addition,an analysis of molecular variance(AMOVA) showed that70.68% of the total variation was due to within-population variation,while 29.32% was due to variation among populations.According to this research,all primers were successfully used for the peach accessions.The EST-SSR markers should be useful in peach breeding programs and other research.  相似文献   

We evaluated photosynthetic gas exchange and the accumulation of iron, manganese and sulfur in seedlings of five mangrove species (Aegiceras corniculatum (L.) Blanco, Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh., Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.) Lamk., Hibiscus tiliaceus L. and Rhizophora stylosa Griff.) growing under anoxic soil conditions at low irradiance. Seedlings of the viviparous mangroves showed no significant responses to root anoxia. The presence of ferrous sulfate or manganous sulfate had a smaller effect on CO(2) assimilation, transpiration rate and stomatal behavior than the presence of sodium sulfide. Sodium sulfide inhibited photosynthetic gas exchange and caused complete stomatal closure in all species. Stomatal closure was probably the result of the damaging effect of sulfide ions on root cell membranes. Some leaf epinasty and wilting were also observed in response to the Na(2)S treatment in all species. A combination of FeSO(4), MnSO(4) and Na(2)S had a smaller effect on photosynthesis than Na(2)S alone, especially for Avicennia marina and Rhizophora stylosa seedlings, which maintained appreciable rates of CO(2) assimilation (2.49 and 3.84 &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1), respectively) in the presence of all three phytotoxins. Roots of phytotoxin-treated seedlings of all species accumulated significant amounts of the corresponding toxin compared with roots of the control plants. The FeSO(4) or MnSO(4) treatments had no effect on foliar concentrations of iron or manganese, whereas the Na(2)S treatment resulted in an accumulation of S in the leaves of all species. Interactions between Fe(2+) and Mn(2+) and sulfide in the culture medium appeared to reduce their uptake by the seedlings. We conclude that high concentrations of sulfides in mangrove sediments may adversely affect both growth and survival of mangrove seedlings at low irradiances.  相似文献   

Unproductive saline and waterlogged (WT) wastelands could be beneficially transformed into agroforestry systems using trees tolerant to these stresses. We studied the salinity and waterlogging tolerance of five Australian tree species (Acacia salicina, Casuarina glauca, Casuarina obesa, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Eucalyptus occidentalis) during seedling stage and their relationships with root and leaf ion concentrations. 8-month old plants were exposed for 5 months to five irrigation water salinity treatments (EC values between 2 and 22 dS m?1) and two waterlogging treatments (drained or WT). The salinity tolerance of the five species was high, although decreased in WT conditions. Irrespective of salinity, the two Casuarina species were more tolerant and the other three species were less tolerant to WT than drained conditions. In all species, salinity and waterlogging increased leaf Cl? and Na+ and decreased leaf Ca2+, but not leaf K+. Root Cl? and Na+ increased with salinity but not with waterlogging. Salinity tolerance was negatively correlated with Cl? and Na+ leaf accumulation rates per unit increase in salinity. Waterlogging reduced the ability of the seedlings to exclude Cl? and Na+ from the leaves. The two most salt tolerant Casuarina species under both drained and WT conditions showed the highest leaf Cl? and Na+ exclusion and the highest root Cl? and Na+ accumulation, suggesting that sequestration of these toxic ions in their roots was a significant salt-tolerant mechanism. Revegetation of saline and WT wastelands with these tolerant Casuarina species could be profitably used for biomass, biofuel and renewable energy production.  相似文献   

The pine-top weevil Pissodes piniphilus is known to be often associated with trees infected with resin-top disease. In this paper, the ability of the weevil to carry Endocronartium pini spores in laboratory conditions and its ability to infect pines in the field were studied. The weevil may carry spores and cause infection in healthy pines.  相似文献   

Spatial statistical analyses were performed to describe root distribution and changes in soil strength in a mature clonal plantation of Eucalyptus spp. in the Congo. The objective was to analyze spatial variability in root distribution. Relationships between root distribution, soil strength and the water and nutrient uptake by the stand were also investigated. We studied three, 2.35-m-wide, vertical soil profiles perpendicular to the planting row and at various distances from a representative tree. The soil profiles were divided into 25-cm2 grid cells and the number of roots in each of three diameter classes counted in each grid cell. Two profiles were 2-m deep and the third profile was 5-m deep. There was both vertical and horizontal anisotropy in the distribution of fine roots in the three profiles, with root density decreasing sharply with depth and increasing with distance from the stump. Roots were present in areas with high soil strength values (> 6,000 kPa). There was a close relationship between soil water content and soil strength in this sandy soil. Soil strength increased during the dry season mainly because of water uptake by fine roots. There were large areas with low root density, even in the topsoil. Below a depth of 3 m, fine roots were spatially concentrated and most of the soil volume was not explored by roots. This suggests the presence of drainage channels, resulting from the severe hydrophobicity of the upper soil.  相似文献   


Discovering mechanisms of plant–virus–vector interactions is fundamental to understand their ecology and evolution and to apply this knowledge in plant protection. To study the influence of varying Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) transmission efficiencies on host plant preference of Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) clones, we performed host choice experiments with two barley cultivars (BYDV susceptible cv. ‘Rubina’ and BYDV tolerant cv. ‘Vixen’) including healthy and virus-infected plants. For the susceptible barley cultivar ‘Rubina’, aphid clone R07 (high transmission efficiency) preferred BYDV-infected over healthy host plants after 24 h, while clones D10 (medium transmission efficiency) and R09 (low transmission efficiency) preferred neither host. In contrast, BYDV infection of ‘Vixen’ did not affect the plant’s appeal for aphid clone R07. Host plant access, indicated by ingestion and observed by electrical penetration graph technique for a period of 2 h, was facilitated on BYDV-infected cv. ‘Rubina’ for the clones R07 and D10, whereas an opposite effect was observed for the clone R09. For R07 and R09, the difference was not visible after a period of 5 h. As observed earlier for BYDV-infected wheat, enhanced emission of volatile organic compounds associated with virus-induced attraction was detected for BYDV-infected cv. ‘Rubina.’ It is concluded that host plant preference is possibly linked with a high BYDV transmission efficiency as observed for the clone R07, leading to a fitness advantage of this clone as indicated by early increased ingestion. This advantage is not present on BYDV-tolerant genotypes most likely due to the absence of infection symptoms.


The effects of some insecticides on Nephotettix virescens (Distant), a leafhopper vector of virus and MLO diseases, were studied with particular reference to their efficacy in affecting vector behaviour and transmission of rice tungro virus (RTV). When 10- and 15-day old seedlings from carbofuran-treated seeds were exposed to viruliferous vectors in cages, the percentages of transmission were 40 and 50, respectively against cent per cent in the control. Spraying of EC formulations of dimethoate, phosphamidon and methamidophos was not effective but decemethrin showed spectacular knockdown effect and gave absolute protection against RTV transmission upto 7 days. Since the transmission threshold of RTV is considerably shorter than of mycoplasmal diseases, the treatments affecting RTV transmission may reasonably be expected to be quite effective against MLO diseases like rice yellow dwarf and sandal spike, transmitted by N. virescens.  相似文献   

Element content and pH value in wood tissues of veneer grade logs of P. serotina Ehrh. were investigated with regard to wood colour variations, measured in the CIEL*a*b* system. The average pH value of heartwood tissue was about pH 4.0 and medium colour parameters of veneer sheets were determined at L* = 73, a* = 9.8, and b* = 23.5. Optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) analyses showed differences in the element contents between two regional forest sites coming from Pennsylvania and West Virginia, USA, respectively. The latter is mainly characterised by higher variations of micro-element content in the transition zone (influencing heartwood formation) and also pH value of wood tissue, which contributes to higher variations in colour response of industrially produced veneer sheets. Investigations under industrial conditions underline the correlation between length and intensity of heat treatment in veneer production and colour development: with increasing duration and temperature of hot water treatment, veneer surfaces become darker and wood colour is intensified (ΔL = 3.6, Δa = 2.1, comparing 12 and 72 h of hot water treatment at 60°C). However, no equalisation of wood colour was achieved by modifying the treatment conditions. Artificial radiation by UV–visible light, quickly and extensively darkens and intensifies wood colour (ΔL = 16, Δa = 3.5, and Δb = 4.0 after 15 h of artificial radiation), but variations in wood colour deriving from different treatment conditions during veneer production, were not reduced.  相似文献   

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