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Abstract. Nitrate leaching under newly planted Miscanthus grass was measured for three years. The crop received either no fertilizer-N or an annual spring application of 60 kg or 120 kg N ha-1. During three winters soil water was collected from porous cup probes installed 90 cm deep. Nitrate leaching was calculated from the mean drain flow recorded in two drain gauges multiplied by the mean nitrate-N concentration in the soil water solutions collected. In the first year soil water nitrate concentrations were high on all treatments and N losses were 154, 187 and 228 kg ha-1 respectively on the unfertilized treatment and those that received 60 or 120 kg N ha-1. Leaching losses in the second and third years were, in turn, 8, 24 and 87 kg ha-1 and 3, 11 and 30 kg ha-1 for the unfertilized treatment and for the 60 and 120 kg N ha-1 treatments respectively. Leaching losses were closer to those recorded under extensively managed grassland than arable land. The large losses in the first year were probably due to the previous agricultural management at the site and excessive inputs of N on the fertilized plots. In the second and third year, lower drainage volumes may also have influenced losses. The results show that Miscanthus , once established, can lead to low levels of nitrate leaching and improved groundwater quality compared with growing arable crops.  相似文献   

Two field experiments commencing in winter (December) and spring (April) were conducted to determine the fate of nitrogen (N) in cattle slurry following application to grassland. In each experiment three methods of application were used: surface application, and injection ± the nitrification inhibitor, nitrapyrin. Slurry was applied at 80t ha−1, (≡248 kg total N ha−1 in the winter experiment, and 262 kg N ha−1 in the spring experiment). From slurry applied to the surface, total losses of N through NH3 volatilization, measured using a system of wind tunnels, were 77 and 53 kg N ha−1 respectively for the winter and spring experiments. Injection reduced the total NH3 volatilization loss to ∼2 kg N ha −1. Following surface application, loss by denitrification, measured using an adaptation of the acetylene-inhibition technique, was 30 and 5 kg N ha−1 for the two experiments. Larger denitrification losses were observed for the injected treatments; in the winter experiment the loss from the injected slurry without nitrapyrin was 53 kgN ha −1, and with nitrapyrin 23 kgN ha−1. Total denitrification losses for the corresponding injected treatments in the spring experiment were 18 and 14 kg N ha −1. Apparent recoveries of N in grass herbage in both experiments broadly reflected the differences between treatments in total gaseous loss.  相似文献   

Abstract. Nitrate leaching and pasture ( Lolium perenne / Trifolium repens ) yields were measured on monolith lysimeters (80 cm diam. × 120 cm depth) of a Templeton sandy loam soil (Udic Ustochrept), following repeated applications of dairy shed effluent (DSE) or ammonium fertilizer (NH4Cl), under spray (50 mm/month) or flood (100 mm/month) irrigation. Applications of DSE at 400 kg N/ha per annum resulted in significantly less nitrate leaching (8–25 kg N/ha per yr) compared with NH4Cl (28–48kg N/ha per yr) ( P < 0.01). Over the two year period, the total mineral N (predominantly nitrate) leached was equivalent to 2.5–3.7% of the total N applied in the DSE and 8.7–9.8% of the N applied in the NH4Cl. There was a trend of slightly less nitrate leaching under the flood irrigation than under the spray irrigation, probably because of the greater potential for denitrification under the wetter conditions. Average nitrate concentrations in the leachate were generally below the drinking water standard except in the NH4Cl treatment under spray irrigation where it averaged 10 mg NO3-N/l over the two year period. DSE was equally as effective as NH4Cl in stimulating pasture dry matter production. Annual nitrogen uptakes were similar for the DSE (343 kg N/ha) and NH4Cl (332–344kg N/ha) treatments in the first year but were higher in the DSE (361–412 kg N/ha) than in the NH4Cl (324–340 kg N/ha) treatments in the second year. Pasture uptakes of phosphorus and sulphur were also higher in the DSE than in the NH4Cl treatments in the second year. The results emphasize the need to set different regulatory limits for land application of organic wastes of various types and for N fertilizers.  相似文献   

Abstract. A computer simulation model was used to estimate the effects of season, site, sowing date, residual-N after harvest, autumn-N and field drains on winter losses of nitrate from soils growing winter wheat. The simulations were based on weather data between 1970–71 and 1983–84 and soil data from Rothamsted and Woburn. The residual-N after harvest was predicted to have most effect on nitrate losses, followed by season and site. For the values of residual-N and autumn-applied fertilizer-N tested, the predicted average nitrate-N losses differed between seasons by up to 100 kg N ha-1, and the nitrate-N concentrations varied between 30 and 80 mg N l-1.  相似文献   

A combination of mathematical analysis and computer simulation, using parameters readily measured in a nitrogen-15 field experiment, is employed to determine rates of mineralization, immobilization and nitrification under a growing crop. The procedure also yields the proportion of crop nitrogen uptake occurring as ammonium and nitrate.
When applied to -results from grass lysimeters receiving 250 or 900 kg N ha–1 a–1 as ammonium nitrate, the analysis suggested that at 250 kgN ha–1 a–1 64–66% of crop nitrogen uptake was as ammonium; at 900 kg N ha–1 a–1 the figure was 43–49%. Nitrification at 250kgNha–1 was only 13–19kgN ha–1 over 160d while at 900 kg N ha–1 between 191 and 232 kg N ha–1 were nitrified.
The results suggested that the apparent inhibition of nitrification in grassland soils may simply reflect poor substrate competition by nitrifying bacteria. Finally, there was a suggestion that mineralization/immobilization was lower at the high fertilizer rate.  相似文献   

Abstract. The impact of three methods of pasture improvement on soil water chemistry were studied: ploughing plus 15 t ha-1 lime c. 40 years ago, 5 t ha-1 surface spread lime c. 20 years ago and surface cultivation with 7 t ha-1 lime plus compound fertilizer 10 years ago. Soil solution was sampled using tensionless lysimeters and porous ceramic cups. Concentrations of several solutes were higher in the treated soils than a control, including solutes not added in lime or fertilizers. Calcium, magnesium and bicarbonate concentrations showed the largest increases; these were apparent in all horizons, and all treatments. Bicarbonate had become the dominant anion. Solute concentrations varied between treatments and were related to the amount of an element added rather than time since treatment. Highest mean calcium concentrations, 6.25 mg l-1 were still low compared with drainage from lowland arable soils but could have a significant impact on the calcium-poor surface waters of the uplands.  相似文献   

In a field experiment with soil compaction by tractor traffic on a loam soil, the denitrification rate (using the C2H2 inhibition method), the soil structure, and the wheat yield were investigated. Tractor traffic on wet soil (> – 50 mbar matric potential) reduced the pore volume, doubled the percentage of large aggregates (> 20 mm), reduced the wheat yield by about 25%, and increased the N-loss through denitrification by a factor of 3–4. Neither of these parameters were affected by tractor traffic at low soil moisture content. The weight of the tractor (1800 kg vs 4800 kg) did not significantly alter the effect of compaction on the measured parameters. There was a factor of 2–6 between the measured denitrification rate in compacted and that in uncompacted soil, and this factor showed little dependence on the average activity level on each date of measurement. Accumulated values for the measured denitrification during 75 days (May 23-August 9) were 3–5 kg N ha–1 in uncompacted soil and 15–20 kg N ha–1 in soil which was compacted in wet condition.  相似文献   

Abstract. The success of organic cropping systems depends on symbiotic N2 fixation by leguminous crops, and it is important to explore new management systems to improve the nitrogen input through N2 fixation. During two growing seasons the possible advantage of growing fababean ( Vicia faba L.) in ridges was studied in comparison to the traditional method on flat soil. Differences in soil physical parameters resulted in a significantly greater microbial activity and a deeper root system at the flowering stage when grown in the ridge than on the flat. Consequently, the amount of fixed N at flowering was significantly greater in ridges than in flat soil. However, during the period from flowering until harvest, when the major part of the N uptake and N2 fixation took place, the differences between the treatments disappeared. Average values for the growing season of fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis, arylamidase activity and arylsulphatase activity were significantly greater in the ridge than on the flat, and the microbial biomass-C, derived from substrate induced respiration (SIR), was on average 232 and 223 μg C g−1 soil in the ridge and on the flat, respectively. Measured total-N uptake, including root N (0–30 cm depth), ranged from 206 to 247 kg N ha−1, of which 182–201 kg N ha−1 was fixed N. From 154 to 173 kg N ha−1 was removed in grain resulting in a soil-N balance of +28 kg N ha−1 in both years. However, by including estimates of total root N and rhizodeposition-N the soil-N balance ranged from +52 to +62 kg N ha−1.  相似文献   

(pp. 825–831)
This study was carried out to clarify the effects of soil nitrate before cultivation and amounts of basal-dressed nitrogen on additional N application rate and yields of semi-forced tomato for three years from 1998 to 2000. The amounts and timing of additional N dressing were determined based on diagnosis of petiole sap nitrate. The top-dressing was carried out with a liquid fertilizer when the nitrate concentration of a leaflet's petiole sap of leaf beneath fruit which is 2–4 cm declined below 2000 mg L−1.
For standard yield by the method of fertilizer application based on this condition, no basal-dressed nitrogen was required when soil nitrate before cultivation was 150 mg kg−1 dry soil or higher in the 0–30 cm layer; 38 kg ha−1 of basal-dressed nitrogen, which corresponds to 25% of the standard rate of fertilizer application of Chiba Prefecture, was optimum when soil nitrate before cultivation was 100150 mg kg−1 dry soil; 75 kg ha−1 of basal-dressed nitrogen, which corresponds to 50% of the standard, was optimum when soil nitrate before cultivation was under 100 mg kg−1 dry soil. A standard yield was secured and the rate of nitrogen fertilizer application decreased by 49–76% of the standard by keeping the nitrate concentration of tomato petiole sap between 1000–2000 mg L−1 from early harvest time to topping time under these conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract. A long-term lysimeter experiment with undisturbed monoliths studied leaching behaviour and balances of phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and nitrogen (N) during a seven year crop rotation on four types of soil receiving inorganic fertilizers, manure and grass compost respectively. It was shown that application of manure did not lead to any direct change in nutrient leaching, unlike the application of fertilizers to soils of normal fertility. However, soil type considerably affected the nutrient concentrations in the drainage water.
Manure applied in amounts equal to the maximum animal density allowed by Swedish legislation slightly oversupplied P and N (0.5–3.5 and 18–38 kg ha−1 y−1 respectively) compared to the crop requirement and leaching losses for most of the soils. The relationship between lactate-soluble P in the topsoil and the concentrations of dissolved P in the drainage water was very strong. However the strength of this relationship was dependent on just one or two soils. P losses from a fertile sandy soil were large (1–11 kg ha−1 y−1) throughout the crop rotation and average crop removal (13 kg ha−1 y−1) plus the leaching losses were not balanced (average deficit 3–6 kg ha−1 y−1) by the addition of fertilizer, manure or grass compost. No decreasing trend was found in the P losses during seven years. However, the K deficit (average 26 kg ha−1 y−1) led to a significant reduction in the leaching trend from this soil. The other soils that had a smaller K deficit showed no significant reduction in the leaching of K.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of especially frequent nitrogen (N) additions (from 1959 to 1986, totalling 860 kg N ha−1) and liming (in 1958 and 1980, totalling 6000 kg CaCO3 ha−1) on CH4 uptake by a boreal forest soil were studied in a stand of Norway spruce. Except for a forested reference plot, the stand was clear-cut in January 1993 and the following year one-half of each clear-cut plot was prepared by mounding. Fluxes of CH4 were measured with static chambers in the autumn before clear-cutting and during the following four summers. The average CH4 uptake during 1993–96 in the forested reference plot was 82 μg CH4 m−2 h−1(ranging from 10 to 147 units). In the first summer after clear-cutting, the cleared plot showed 42% lower CH4 uptake rate than the forested reference plot, but thereafter the difference became less pronounced. The short-term decrease in CH4 consumption after clear-cutting was associated with increases in soil NH4+ and NO3concentrations. Mounding tended at first to stimulate CH4 uptake but later to inhibit it. Neither liming nor N-fertilization had significant effects on CH4 consumption. Our results suggest that over the long term, in N-limited upland boreal forest soils, N addition does not decrease CH4 uptake by the soil.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper reports the growth and yield of grain and the utilization of fertilizer nitrogen applied on either one or two occasions in spring to a crop of winter barley established by direct drilling on a chalk soil in southern England. Nitrogen, as ammonium nitrate, was applied at rates of 0 to 140 kg N ha−1 in a range of proportions on two occasions (March and April 1981); nitrogen-15 was used to facilitate study of the nitrogen utilization by the crop.
When sampled before the second top-dressing in April, the greatest number of tillers were found on plants treated with 70 and 100 kg N ha−1 in March. The total above ground dry matter production at harvest was greatest when the split nitrogen dressing totalled more than 100 kg N ha−1, although the apparent efficiency of nitrogen usage (kg DM per kg N applied) was greatest when 60 kg N ha−1 was divided equally between the two application dates. Grain yield was heaviest (6.471 ha−1) at the largest rate of nitrogen applied (140 kg N ha−1); the lightest yield from the nitrogen treated crops was recorded from 100 kg N ha−1 applied as a single dressing in April that stimulated shoot production and decreased individual grain weight. The recovery in grain and straw of labelled fertilizer nitrogen applied only in March averaged 42.2% and was 49.8% when the nitrogen was applied only in April. The recovery of nitrogen applied in both March and April at the total rate of 100 kg N ha−1 but split 30/70 or 70/30 was 44.5% and 42.5% respectively. Non-fertilizer sources of nitrogen contributed 60.7–71.7% of the total nitrogen uptake by the crop at harvest.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of increasing rates of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on the yield response of 3 or 4 consecutive winter cereal crops after ploughing out grass was investigated at six field sites on commercial farms in England and Wales. Amounts of N required for an economically optimum yield (>3 kg of grain for each kg of fertilizer N applied) ranged from 0 to 265 kg ha−1 and were dependent on soil N supply, but not on crop yield. Optimum N rates were large (mean 197 kg N ha−1) at three sites: two sites where cereals followed 2-year grass leys receiving low N inputs (<200 kg N ha−1), and at one site where a cut and grazed 4-year ley had received c . 315 kg N ha−1 of fertilizer N annually. At the other three sites where 4 and 5-year grass leys had received large regular amounts of organic manures (20–30 t or m3 ha−1) plus fertilizer N ( c . 300 kg ha−1 each year), optimum N rates were low (mean 93 kg N ha−1) and consistently over-estimated by the farmer by an average of 107 kg N ha−1. Optimum N rates generally increased in successive years after ploughing as the N supply from the soil declined. Determination of soil C:N ratio and mineral N (NO3N+NH4N) to 90 cm depth in autumn were helpful in assessing fertilizer N need. The results suggest there is scope to improve current fertilizer recommendations for cereals after grass by removing crop yield as a determinant and including an assessment of soil mineralizable N during the growing season.  相似文献   

To evaluate the atmospheric load of reactive gaseous nitrogen in the fast-developing Eastern China region, we compiled inventories of nitrous oxide (N2O), nitrogen oxide (NOx) and ammonia (NH3) emissions from a typical rural catchment in Jiangsu province, China, situated at the lower reach of the Yangtze River. We considered emissions from synthetic N fertilizer, human and livestock excreta, decomposition of crop residue returned to cropland and residue burning, soil background and household energy consumption. The results showed that, for the 45.5 km2 catchment, the annual reactive gaseous emission was 279 ton N, of which 7% was N2O, 16% was NOx and 77% was NH3. Synthetic N fertilizer application was the dominant source of N2O and NH3 emissions and crop residue burning was the dominant source of NOx emission. Sixty-seven percent of the total reactive gaseous N was emitted from croplands, but on a per unit area basis, NOx and NH3 emissions in residential areas were higher than in croplands, probably as a result of household crop residue burning and extensive human and livestock excreta management systems. Emission per capita was estimated to be 18.2 kg N year−1 in the rural catchment, and emission per unit area was 56.9 kg N ha−1year−1 for NH3 + NOx, which supports the observed high atmospheric N deposition in the catchment. Apparently, efficient use of N fertilizer and biological utilization of crop straw are important measures to reduce reactive gases emissions in this rural catchment.  相似文献   

Abstract. We examined the effect on soil nutrient status and sustainability of water percolation through an irrigated paddy field in Japan, to the depth of drainage (40 cm). The difference between amounts of nutrients leached by percolation and those supplied by irrigation indicated that 25–130 kg ha−1 Ca, 8–24 kg ha−1 Mg, from −1 to 9 kg ha−1 K, and 8–17 kg ha−1 Fe, respectively, were lost each year from the 0–40 cm soil layer during rice cultivation, when the supply from fertilization and rainfall and the loss in grain harvest were not accounted for. When the supply of K from rainfall and the loss in grain harvest were taken into account, a total K loss of about 10 kg ha−1 was estimated. The electrical neutrality of inorganic ions in the percolating water was always maintained. From these results we estimate that the amounts of exchangeable Ca and Mg in the soil to a depth of 40 cm would decrease by 50% within 50–260 and 30–100 years, respectively, if similar management were continued without fertilization. The total amount of carbon dioxide (ΣCO2) leached in percolating water during the period of rice cultivation was 120–325 kg C ha−1, which corresponded to 0.47–0.94% of the soil organic carbon to 40 cm depth.  相似文献   

Emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitrogen gas (N2) from denitrification were measured using the acetylene inhibition method on drained and undrained clay soil during November 1980-June 1981. Drainage limited denitrification to about 65% of losses from undrained soil. Emissions from the undrained soil were in the range 1 to 12 g N ha–1 h–1 while those from the drained soil ranged from 0.5 to 6 g N ha–1 h–1 giving estimated total losses (N2O + N2) of 14 and 9 kgN ha–1.
Drainage also changed the fraction of nitrous oxide in the total denitrification product. During December, emissions from the drained soil (1.8±0.6 gN ha–1 h–1) were composed entirely of nitrous oxide, but losses from the undrained soil (2.7 ± 1.1 g N ha–1 h–1) were almost entirely in the form of nitrogen gas (the fraction of N2O in the total loss was 0.02). In February denitrification declined in colder conditions and the emission of nitrous oxide from drained soil declined relative to nitrogen gas so that the fraction of N2O was 0.03 on both drainage treatments. The delayed onset of N2O reduction in the drained soil was related to oxygen and nitrate concentrations. Fertilizer applications in the spring gave rise to maximum rates of emission (5–12g N ha–1 h–1) with the balance shifting towards nitrous oxide production, so that the fraction of N2O was 0.2–0.8 in April and May.  相似文献   

Abstract. Experiments were set up at two sites to measure nitrogen (N) leaching loss from applications of separated pig/cattle slurry and cattle farmyard manure(FYM), during winters 1990/91–1993/94 (site A) and from broiler litter and FYM, during winters 1990/91–1992/93 (site B). The manures were applied at a target rate of 200 kg ha-1 total N during the autumn and winter to overwinter fallow or top dressed onto winter rye. The total N in leachate was calculated from leachate N concentrations, in samples collected using ceramic cups buried at 90 cm, and an estimate of drainage volume. Nitrogen losses were greatest following manure applications in September, October and November but losses following applications in December or January were not significantly elevated above those from untreated controls. Losses were consistently lower from FYM than from broiler litter or separated slurry. The presence of a cover crop (winter rye) significantly reduced overall N leaching compared with the fallow, but only reduced the manure N leaching losses at one site during one winter when a high proportion of drainage occurred late. The incorporation of a nitrification inhibitor (DCD) with manures applied in October did not significantly reduce the manure N leaching.  相似文献   

Abstract. Machinery was designed specifically for relay-cropping on permanent raised beds (150 mm high and 1.5 m wide) in northern Victoria. This machinery enabled maize ( Zea mays ) to be successfully sown at 2, 4 and 5 weeks before harvest, and 1 day after harvest (Control), of wheat ( Triticum aestivum ). The sowing equipment consisted of a four-row cultivator, behind which were four precision seeders. The wheels (250 mm in diameter) were spaced at 1.5 m to track along the base of the furrows. In one pass on each bed, the sowing equipment tilled two strips (each 50 mm wide, 30 mm deep and 50 mm from the outer row of wheat) and sowed maize, with little damage to the wheat crop. We extended the axle of the trailed harvester so that the wheels (250 mm in diameter) were 3 m apart, and moved the drawbar 300 mm to one side so that all wheels ran along the base of the furrows. There were no significant differences between treatments in yield (mean 2.9 t ha-1) of dryland wheat, in final emergence percentage (mean 89%) or in early growth of irrigated maize. The maize yielded significantly less grain in the treatment sown at 5 weeks (9.6 t ha-1), but not 2 or 4 weeks (mean 10.6 t ha-1) before the wheat was harvested, than in the Control (10.8 t ha-1). The wheat and maize yielded more grain than those grown traditionally as sole crops in northern Victoria.  相似文献   

Abstract. Nutrient losses from arable land are important contributors to eutrophication of surface waters, and phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) usually act together to regulate production of Cyanobacteria. Concentrations and losses of both nutrients in drainage water from pipe drains were studied and compared in 15 crop rotations on a clay soil in southwest Sweden. Special emphasis was placed on P and it was possible to evaluate critical components of the crop rotations by flow-proportional water sampling. Total P concentrations in drainage water were generally small (0.04–0.18 mg L−1), but during two wetter years out of six, high P concentrations were measured following certain management practices, including ploughing-in lucerne ( Medicago sativa L.) and fertilizing in advance without incorporation into the soil to meet the needs of several subsequent crops. This resulted in average flow-weighted concentrations of total P between 0.3 and 0.7 mg L−1. In crop rotations containing green manures, green fallow or leguminous leys, there was also a risk for increased P losses after these crops were ploughed in. The losses increased in the order: cash crops < dairy with grass < dairy with lucerne < monoculture with barley < organic farming with cattle slurry < stockless organic farming with green manure. P balances varied between −9 and +8 kg P ha−1 and N balances between +4 and +35 kg N ha−1. The balances were not related to actual leaching losses. Phosphorus losses in drainage from set-aside were 67–82% of those from cash crops grown in ploughed and P-fertilized soil at the same site, indicating a high background P loss from this clay soil.  相似文献   

The cation composition of solutions and leachates from small-diameter laboratory soil columns was examined over a 23-week period after the addition of lime (0, 3 and 6 t ha–1) and/or nitrogen fertilizer (0 or 200 kg N ha–1) to an acid soil (pH 4.2). Water was applied at regular intervals to the surface of the columns and 17 leachate samples collected. Initially, the pH of the leachate was high (6.6) in all treatments (including those without lime) but fell rapidly to approach a steady value of 3.8. Large losses of calcium occurred from all columns; the total equivalent amounts of lime lost ranged from 0.88 (no addition) to 2.38 (with added lime) t CaCO3 ha–1 High concentrations of aluminium (181–325 μM) were present in leachates from all treatments; the addition of 200 kg N ha–1 increased the leaching of Al by 94%; addition of lime also increased the amounts of Al leached (by 52%).
The pH of the soil solution (separated by centrifugation) was influenced by treatment, especially in the top 0–40 mm of the column. Aluminium concentration was related to pH, but the form of the relationship differed amongst the treatments.  相似文献   

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