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通过分析城市滨水空间园林景观规划原则,结合国内外成功案例,归纳出城市滨水空间园林景观规划设计的新思路,力求为城市建设提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

如今经济持续发展和进步,人们对于城市建设的需求也在不断提升。其中滨水景观的绿化设计和现代城市建设有着紧密的联系,生态型城市建设得到了政府部门的高度重视。通过分析可知,城市滨水区存在较多的高楼,交通相对拥堵,如此不仅视觉效果交叉,且在进行景观设计时还存在较多的不足之处,所以需要参考生态原则改进滨水景观的绿化设计方法,也是现代城市建设需要应对的主要问题。  相似文献   

城市滨水景观是城市景观的重要组成部分,是城市文化与历史的展示平台,对城市建设与发展,打造多层次的旅游景观、深化当地的旅游资源都具有重要的意义。在城市滨水景观的建设中,避免现存的景观问题,理解其景观建设的必要性。从而营建出多层次、高质量且特色鲜明的城市滨水景观。  相似文献   

在城市建设高速发展的今天,城市滨水景观设计是比较敏感的问题之一,也是城市设计重要的研究和实践领域。本文从生态理念和景观意向学角度对城市滨水景观设计进行一些探讨,以期能够使目前城市滨水景观设计存在的问题得到协调。  相似文献   

杨懿 《现代园艺》2012,(24):114-115
城市滨水所处的地域、环境、文化背景、民族和族群等方面,在漫长的历史发展进程中,经各地文化的交溶、吸纳和影响受到广泛的瞩目。本文以设计学为切入点,通过对重庆滨水文化背景、渊源关系、生存环境、艺术特点等方面进行分析,探讨滨水城市的开发与设计,更好的为重庆滨水地区保护与发展。  相似文献   

来朝旭 《现代园艺》2012,(10):120-121
城市滨水景观区是反映城市独特风貌的区域之一,滨水区景观设计是城市生态规划和城市空间系统规划的重要部分。本文以山西新绛新城区滨水景观设计为例,旨在研究有关滨水景观设计的原则和方法,打造具有地方特色及人性化的景观环境。  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,我国的城市化水平大幅度提高,与此同时,城市居民对于城市滨水景观的设计要求日益加强。怎样使城市滨水景观设计与自然更加融合是摆在设计师们面前的重要课题。本文对城市滨水景观设计的趋势以及设计要点做了简要分析。  相似文献   

分析了设计的基础原则与方向,探讨了滨水景观规划设计的有效途径,提出了滨水带的景观生态建设措施。  相似文献   

将列举滨水景观带的设计原则,阐述地域文化在滨水景观带设计当中的具体体现。  相似文献   

滨水驳岸处理的灵活性、植物配置的丰富性、空间场所的公共性、功能内容的多样性、滨水景观的可亲性及生态性设计是滨水景观设计的重要方向。生态驳岸在现代滨水景观设计中,应该把它视作为提升滨水景观生态性和人性化的有效手段,使自然之旅始于足下。  相似文献   

在城市发展的过程中,滨河景观在现代环境设计中占据着重要位置,而好的滨河景观设计,能够引导人们产生对景观环境客体情感上的共鸣。湘乡市滨河情缘堤景观设计作为以"爱情"为主题的滨河景观设计,以其注入的诸多爱情元素为特色,并借用其硬质景观与软质景观引导人们产生不同的视觉心理感受。  相似文献   

According to the national policy, overall forest and agroforestry cover in Rwanda is to increase up to 30% land cover by 2020. On the other hand, demographic data reveal that Rwanda's urban areas are among the fastest-growing on the continent. Unfortunately, there is only little information of the effects of such a rapid urbanization on tree cover and green space structure, knowing that data on urban plant assemblages in the country are rather rare. The paper discusses developments in Kigali's green spaces with regard to its rapid rate of expansion. An integrated approach of research, combining results from interview sessions, desk-based investigations, walk-over and vegetation surveys, and photogrammetric analyses of remotely acquired imagery was applied. The findings suggest that the city green space network consists of plant assemblages largely dominated by alien species (75%). Tree cover fraction averaged at around 10–35%. No significant difference was observed between field-drawn and photogrammetric-based fraction of tree cover estimates; making the later a quick but cheap tool for rapid tree cover evaluation. Cultivated forests, urban woodlots and domestic garden tree stands are far the most dominant types of green spaces in terms of coverage of city surface area. Street tree communities and institutional gardens appear to be the most intensively designed green space layouts. Both distribution and species composition in domestic gardens were socioeconomic-driven. For instance, palm trees were characteristic of fortunate quarters while fruitbearing ornamental such as Psidium guajava and Persea americana were common within scattered and informal settlements. Markhamia lutea, Erythina abyssinica, Euphorbia candelabrum, Phoenix reclinata and Acacia sieberiana are among native taxa that thrive to keep a place in the city. Euphorbia tirucalli, a native tree that is widespread in home compound fences within informal settlements, is significantly declining as modern housing expands and concrete-based fences replace live enclosures.  相似文献   

结合宁波市滨海国际合作学校校园绿地规划设计案例,探讨现代生态校园的绿地规划设计。通过校园绿地设计思路分析,认为需要加强生态的渗透、增加空间个性化、校园人文精神的塑造等措施提升绿地整体规划水准。提出校园绿地整体布局为"一带两轴两核四片六点",对其他校园建设具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Research mapping is a method of organising research information as part of a process of formulating a research policy in a specific area. A research mapping project was undertaken in the UK, which aimed to map existing and future research into public and green space, to identify gaps in order to help set priorities for future research, and to develop a freely accessible and searchable database of this research. The mapping was structured around two axes. The first axis was of research themes based on The Value of Public Space but developed further and broken down into sub-themes. The second axis was a typology of green and public space based around Planning and Policy Guidance Note 17 (PPG17) with elaboration from Green Spaces, Better Places. Research dating back to 10 years was collected together with information on recently completed, ongoing and planned UK research. Only research meeting specific quality criteria was included. Some information was also collected at a seminar where attendees from a range of organisations were invited to offer their perspectives on where research priorities should be directed. All the material was analysed and the main trends were identified. Three key cross-cutting themes common to much of the research were identified. These are the general lack of baseline surveys against which to assess progress over time; methodological issues, especially the need to standardise data collection methods and techniques; the classification of social groups, currently considered to be too crude.It was found that most research has been undertaken on physical aspects, such as planning and on biodiversity. Economic values have also been a focus, but on a smaller scale. Social research is quite well covered but very patchy. Management is better covered than maintenance. By far the weakest area represented in the research is health and well-being, both in terms of social groups and types of green space. Priorities for further research were then identified.  相似文献   

Social statistics indicate that the proportion of disabled people in the economically developed societies of the Western world is increasing. Thus more and more people are relying on special assistance and services. Environmental pollution and individual stress pose significant burdens to the majority of the constantly increasing urban population, especially the disabled, because they are dependent on suitable environments to serve their needs. These problems need to be remedied through planning and management. An empirical survey of the Isle of Mainau, located on Lake Constance in Southern Germany, shows that people with officially recognised disabilities feel stigmatised by green space that is specially designed for visitors with handicaps. People with lighter handicaps would like to have more attention and services rendered to them. ‘Standard users’, particularly those of higher income with better education, are reluctant to concede the entire island park's design and infrastructure to accommodate the needs of disabled visitors.  相似文献   

Effective urban planning, and urban green space management in particular, require proper data on urban green spaces. The potential of urban green spaces to provide benefits to urban inhabitants (ecosystem services) depends on whether they are managed as a comprehensive system of urban green infrastructure, or as isolated islands falling under the responsibility of different stakeholders. Meanwhile, different urban green space datasets are based on different definitions, data sources, sampling techniques, time periods and scales, which poses important challenges to urban green infrastructure planning, management and research. Using the case study of Lodz, the third largest city in Poland, and an additional analysis of 17 other Polish cities, we compare data from five publicly available sources: 1) public statistics, 2) the national land surveying agency, 3) satellite imagery (Landsat data), 4) the Urban Atlas, 5) the Open Street Map. The results reveal large differences in the total amount of urban green spaces in the cities as depicted in different datasets. In Lodz, the narrowly interpreted public statistics data, which are aspatial, suggest that green spaces account for only 12.8% of city area, while the most comprehensive dataset from the national land surveying agency reveals the figure of 61.2%. The former dataset, which excludes many types of green spaces (such as arable land, private and informal green spaces), is still the most commonly used. The analysis of the 17 other cities confirms the same pattern. This results in broader institutional failures related to urban green infrastructure planning, management, and research, including a lack of awareness of green space quality (e.g. connectivity) and benefits (ecosystem services), and the related political disregard for urban green spaces. Our comparison suggests that a better understanding of green space data sources is necessary in urban planning, and especially when planning urban green infrastructure.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of green space health on local flooding based on the analysis of eighty-two watersheds in four Texas metropolitan statistical areas: Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, and Austin. The runoff records in October 2007 and October 2012 were selected for the assessment. The study met the methodological challenge posed by comparison by using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) datasets produced based on the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) imagery of the 250-m resolution as a proxy to represent the health of green space. Two linear regression models were employed to explain the variation in mean daily runoff depth in 2007 and 2012, while controlling multiple contextual variables.Results indicate that watersheds containing healthier green spaces were likely to generate lower amounts of runoff in both periods. Standardized coefficients of green space health also show that the NDVI is a powerful and significant predictor to explain variation in runoff. These findings illustrate the important role of urban green spaces in attenuating local flooding and may provide planners and decision-makers with a method to consider, using this kind of objective greenery index in further developing local and regional green infrastructure and land-use plans.  相似文献   

Extensive evidence exists on the benefits provided by urban green space (UGS) but evidence is lacking about whether and how socio-economic benefits accrue to all residents or disproportionally depending on their socio-economic status or residential location. We model joint effects of socio-economic and locational attributes on attitudes and use of UGS in Brussels (BE). The analysis is based on a survey conducted along an urban–suburban continuum with respondents sampled across non-park public space. Patterns of use are depicted by the frequency and the distance travelled to the most used UGS. Attitudes are analyzed along three dimensions: willingness to (i) pay for UGS, (ii) trade off housing for green space and (iii) substitute private for public green. Our results stress the importance of separating effects of attitudes from socio-economic and locational effects to quantify UGS use, and suggest endogenous effects of green space with residential sorting.  相似文献   

Smartphones can help researchers track how people use green spaces and understand how design features impact their behaviors. However, when using this data to evaluate green space designs, researchers should be aware of human perceptions of the features within these environments. We contribute a mixed method approach that allows for comparison between how people report using green space features intended to support wellbeing, with how often they are used in common daily routines. As an illustration of this approach, we present the results of a case study conducted on a university campus that compares how outdoor design features are used by students with how these features are reported as being used. Specifically, we compare perceptions of 362 students about which campus design features create a sense of wellbeing, and which are near locations they report using, with the use of these features recorded by the smartphones of a separate group of 62 students. We found that there were large differences between locations students reported using, and locations tracked students used regularly. Features that were used more often during daily routines (low walls, food retail outlets), did not match features reported as helping create a sense of wellbeing in the questionnaire (benches, trees, and sunshine). Of all the design features we modeled, only water features were positively associated with use in the tracking data and supportive of wellbeing in the questionnaire data. Our findings point to the importance of using tracking data together with response data from questionnaires in mixed-method studies if designers want to locate features that the public consider as supportive to their wellbeing, in locations that will be regularly used.  相似文献   

A green city image of urban green spaces can provide positive benefits such as a stronger local identity, better socio-cultural ecosystem services, and ultimately the creation of a green city brand that attracts tourism and investment. This paper studies how urban green spaces can become a green brand that encompasses health-related elements. The health-related elements form part of the Green Brand Hexagon (GBH), as proposed in previous studies, and are tested with a sample of Hong Kong citizens (n = 301). The empirical results confirm the interrelation between these attributes and other GBH elements. The interrelation reveals a moderate association between the health-related elements and other green brand elements through regression model formulation. The findings suggest an extension of the health promotion value of the green spaces to the brand elements, focusing on the quality and the landscape aesthetic function of urban green spaces. While the effort of the public sector is highly recognized by the citizens, there should be an opportunity to thematize and brand the green city attributes to the public so that some of the problems of environmental gentrification and socio-environmental disconnection can be alleviated.  相似文献   

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