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苹果树春季管理的关键技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李英 《落叶果树》2012,(3):26-26
做好苹果树春季管理工作是确保苹果树丰产、稳产和优质的重要环节。春季复剪对于过旺、适龄不结果的树,冬剪延迟到发芽后进行,以缓和树势。结果期树如花量过多,可短截一部分中长花枝、串花枝,疏除弱短花枝,增加预备枝。尽早疏蕾节省营养,利于坐果和春梢生长。于4月中下旬,花序露红至花序中心花含苞待放时,按花序间距20~28cm选留花序,所留花序保留中心花和1个侧花,其余花全疏除。  相似文献   

<正>1疏花和人工授粉1)疏花。梨树花芽为复合芽,每花序多达58朵花,开花消耗树体大量营养,疏除多余的花,可使树体营养供应集中,提高坐果率。在花序分离时即可疏花。疏花的标准是大型果每隔25 cm留1个花序,一般每20 cm留1个花序;树势较弱的树,留果应该更稀一些。疏花应该注意的问题:一是疏除小花、中心花及  相似文献   

1 疏花 疏花适用于花枝超过总枝量的50 %,且具有授粉保证、花期气候正常的果园,花期前后经常出现晚霜、春寒、大风或阴雨等不良天气的地区则不宜采用.疏花应先疏花芽,再疏花序,最后疏花朵.  相似文献   

为解决我县红星苹果座果率低(5-10%)的问题,于1985—1988年进行了疏花试验。于花序分离期对每个花序疏除边花仅留中心花,以不疏花为对照,单株小区,重复三次。试验结果,疏除边花留中心花较不疏花提高座率6.5倍,产量提高2.4倍;而且,果台基部叶片明显大而厚。该项技术操作简单,可在管理水平较好的果园推广。红星苹果疏除边花留中心花提高座果率和产量的试验@荣瑞信!山东省莒县 @陈维合!山东省莒县 @袁永坤!山东省莒县 @周子夏!山东省莒县  相似文献   

1疏花 1.1疏花序疏花序应在花序露出后进行,宜早不宜迟,在花朵小球前完成。先疏去顶头花序、腋花芽和弱花序,再根据各品种的留果量每隔25-35cm留1个花序。大型果留稀些、距离远些;  相似文献   

为使树体合理负担、保证果品质量和克服大小年,在花多、果多的年份必须进行疏花疏果。目前推广的方法是“以花定果”,即元帅系等大型果,每隔20cm方圆留1个花序,可在花序分离前进行,在谢花后15~30天之内再每花序留1个中心花,国光等中型果可留双花、双果。注意疏花疏果时多留10~15%作为保险系数,以防意外情况造成的落花落果。若采用化学药剂疏花,要先做浓度试验,掌握疏除量为应疏去花量的70%左右,然后辅助人工疏果。苹果为什么要疏花疏果 怎样进行——答山东省巨野县读者张守和 @宋修振  相似文献   

1999年 4月 13日在孝感市孝南区杨店园艺总场进行本试验。园地平坦 ,土壤微酸性 ,稍粘重 ,肥力中等。品种为露地栽培的全明星 ,株行距 2 0cm×2 5cm ,栽植密度 12万株 /hm2 ,定植 2年。设 3种处理 :A 疏花疏果后每花序留单花或单果 ;B 每花序留两花或两果 ;C 不疏花疏果 (对照 )。每处理 30株 ,随机排列 ,3次重复。因草莓花期不一致 ,分为三级序。本试验对第一级序花果进行处理 ,操作原则 :全是花的植株 ,疏除每花序两侧的花朵 ;花果相间的植株 ,疏花留果 ;全是果的植株 ,疏小留大 ,疏畸形果和病虫果 ,留匀称好果。草莓每株有 3~ …  相似文献   

正人工疏花和人工授粉是果树管理的重要环节。通过花果管理可以有效地抵御花期不良气候对坐果造成的影响,起到稳果丰产提质增效的作用。1人工疏花果树开花、坐果消耗的是冬前贮藏养分,由于开花时叶片尚无合成养分的功能,树体贮藏的有限养分就非常珍贵,如果树体养分缺乏,其结果必然是果个小品质差。为此,要通过人为干预把冬前树体贮藏营养集中用于目标花果上,这样就必须疏除多余的花序和花朵以减少无效消耗。疏除多余的花序(朵)  相似文献   

<正>疏花疏果既关乎当年果品的质量,又关乎次年果树的产量,具有一疏管两年的重要作用,因此操作时绝不能心慈手软。1早疏花蕾(1)疏蕾。在花芽露白时开始着手,依据树(枝)势,疏去一些过密,积累不好的劣质花芽,有效节约营养。(2)疏序。花序现蕾期开始,按20~25厘米的距离留一个花序,留优质的中,短枝花序,根据情况,也可留长枝花序,其余花序全部疏除。(3)疏花。花开后,保留中心花(梨树留边花),其余疏除,旺树除外。以上操作过程中,根据树势的不同,应当多留10%~15%的花量,提防落花,加大保险系数。2早疏幼果  相似文献   

<正>1疏花序和整形因葡萄一花序中可有3001500个花朵,大部分花朵要在坐果期落掉,所以应去除一部分花蕾和花朵。葡萄疏花,一般是通过掐花序尖和花序整形来实现的。通常不是疏除单个的花,而是疏除花序中的各级穗轴分枝(小穗)。掐穗尖和花序整形以在花前一同进行为宜,一般在开花前51500个花朵,大部分花朵要在坐果期落掉,所以应去除一部分花蕾和花朵。葡萄疏花,一般是通过掐花序尖和花序整形来实现的。通常不是疏除单个的花,而是疏除花序中的各级穗轴分枝(小穗)。掐穗尖和花序整形以在花前一同进行为宜,一般在开花前510d进行,将发育差的弱小花序和分布密或位置不适当的花序疏掉,使养分集中供  相似文献   


Inflorescences are known to be important physiological sinks especially when they set fruit. The effect, over two successive years, of inflorescence removal on one year old wood was investigated on apple (Malus domestica Borkh.). The study was carried out on medium vigour (around 30 cm) branches of cv. Granny Smith. On one set of branches (control) the inflorescences were untreated, while on two other sets, one-third and two-thirds of inflorescences (spur leaves, bourse-shoot and flower cluster) were removed at full bloom. The first analysis investigated the fruit setting ability of remaining inflorescences. The results generally confirmed previous results on the positive correlation between the number of leaves and flowers of the inflorescence and fruit set, and also the higher fruit set on two year old wood as compared with one year old wood. On one year old wood, inflorescence removal treatments tended to increase the fruit set of inflorescences with a low number of leaves and flowers leading to a level of fruit set similar to that of inflorescences with a larger number of leaves and flowers. On two year old wood, in the following year, only the two-thirds treatment increased fruit set consistently compared with the control. A second analysis investigated the effect of inflorescence removal on lateral shoot development. It was shown that the treatments had a little effect on quantitative growth (length, diameter) of the laterals per se. On the other hand, the removal of two-thirds of the inflorescence significantly stimulated the development of fruitful inflorescences the following year. Results are discussed in relation to the local versus global physiological integration at the branch level.  相似文献   

选择梨主栽品种‘丰水’、‘黄金’、‘新高’、‘鸭梨’、‘茌梨’和‘绿宝石’等为试材,对梨子花发育状况以及对果实品质的影响进行了调查研究。结果显示:梨不同品种子花发生率差异明显,‘丰水’、‘黄金’、‘新高’等砂梨系统品种子花发生率比‘鸭梨’、‘茌梨’和‘绿宝石’等白梨系统品种高;在结果枝类型上,短果枝的子花发生率比长果枝高;在结果母枝类型及生长势的强弱上,1年生弱枝的子花发生率比强枝高,2年生枝比3年生枝高;在同一花枝上中部子花发生率高;子花的开花期比母花晚 1 ~ 2 d,小花数在3 ~ 6朵之间,开花顺序与母花相反,为中心花先开,中心果发育最快。子花所结果实比母花果实小,商品价值低。因此,梨生产上子花的及早摘除有利于果品质量的提高。  相似文献   

Fruit weight is strongly correlated to ovary weight in olive as big-fruited cultivars have larger ovaries and flowers at bloom. We tested the hypothesis that larger ovaries imply stronger sinks and therefore reduce fruit set, expressed as number of fruits. Flower/fruit load per centimeter of shoot was assessed every month from flowering to harvest, on sample shoots of many different olive cultivars differing in fruit size. Data were taken for two years: 2007 and 2008. Additionally, in 2008, a fruit thinning experiment was carried out by leaving a single fruit per shoot, to assess the maximum potential fruit weight achievable by each cultivar. Results indicated that fruit size was mostly genetically determined as thinned fruits of small-fruited cultivars, although bigger than control fruits, never got as big as fruits from large-fruited cultivars, confirming that large ovaries are a prerequisite for large fruits. Among all cultivars, the number of flowers per inflorescence, the number of inflorescences, and the number of flowers per centimeter of shoot were not correlated to average flower weight while total flower mass per centimeter of shoot was positively correlated to average flower weight (i.e. large flowered/fruited cultivars had greater total flower mass). However, one month after bloom and thereafter, all parameters were negatively and exponentially correlated with fruit average weight across cultivars, except fruit mass per centimeter of shoot which was generally not correlated to fruit average weight, except in one year, at harvest, when fruit mass per centimeter of shoot was positively correlated to fruit average weight. These results suggest that fruit set is a consequence of, and inversely proportional to flower/fruit size in olive.  相似文献   

A typical olive (Olea europaea L.) inflorescence consists of about 20 flowers. However, in many cultivars, only one fruit develops. This is due to massive abscission of flowers and fruitlets, which occurs during the first month after anthesis. In this study, we used the olive cultivar 'Barnea' to characterize the abscission mechanism and to try to increase fruit set by increasing the number of developed fruit per inflorescence. Removing the lateral flowers 3 weeks before anthesis increased fruit set by more than 50%. Removing all inflorescences but one from a branch increased the number of developed fruits from 0.93 to 2.8 during 2017 and from 0.91 to 3.34 fruits per inflorescence in 2018. Sugar quantification in the pistil revealed that starch level is high on the day of anthesis and low 25 days later in abscised as well as in developed fruit. Soluble carbohydrates are low on the day of anthesis, low in abscised flowers/fruitlets 25 days after anthesis and high in developed fruit. Screening the natural variation found in the Israeli germplasm collection revealed that in most cultivars less than one fruit per inflorescence has developed. However, there are unique cultivars with a higher fruit set.  相似文献   

The influence of flower position on the inflorescence on opening day, gender, and petal persistence was studied in three olive cultivars: Manzanillo, Mission, and Frantoio. In each cultivar, 45 inflorescences were checked every morning from flower opening to petal fall. Perfect flowers opened mainly in the beginning of the flower opening period, and staminate flowers opened later. Flower position on the inflorescence had a highly significant effect on the opening day in all cultivars. Terminal flowers and the flowers located on the primary branches opened earlier than the flowers located on the secondary branches. Flower position had also a highly significant effect on gender in Manzanillo and Mission. In Manzanillo, the secondary branches had fewer perfect flowers than the primary branches. In Mission, the secondary branches had no perfect flowers at all. Among the primary branches, the branch arising immediately next to the terminal flower had the latest flowers to open and the lowest percent of perfect flowers. In Manzanillo, perfect flowers had significantly longer petal persistence than staminate flowers. To study flower competition within the inflorescence, the distal half of 120 inflorescences, on which the flowers tend to be perfect, in three trees of Manzanillo were removed about 1 month before full bloom. There was a highly significant effect on the percent of perfect flowers that opened on the proximal half. Flower competition may be a reason for pistil abortion in flowers located on secondary branches.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a 2 × 2 factorial experiment on bush snap beans ‘Oregon 1604’. The treatments were 2 contrasted irrigation regimes and 2 contrasted plant densities, and were applied in 1978 and repeated in 1979. Data were collected on the number of flowers and pods, and pod size, at each node of the terminal inflorescence (6-T) of the main stem, and at each node of the oldest inflorescence (2-A) at Node 2. High and low plant densities were 45 and 18 plants m?2 in 1978 and 54 and 33 plants m?2 in 1979. High temperatures, frequently above 32°C, prevailed during bloom and pod development in 1978, but for the most part occurred only during the week prior to bloom in 1979. Inflorescences 6-T and 2-A usually formed 4 and 3 RN's, respectively, in 1978 and 3 and 2 RN's in 1979. The flowers at the proximal nodes of each inflorescence all opened within a few days of one another (duration of flowering at proximal nodes between 3 and 5 days); the flowering-periods of adjacent nodes overlapped, and the flowering period increased acropetally within the inflorescence (duration of flowering at distal nodes between 7 and 13 days). In general, number of flowers, pods formed, pods harvested and percent set decreased acropetally within each inflorescence. The rate of acropetal decline was lessened by high irrigation or low plant density. In both years, high irrigation increased the percent set of all RN's of the 2-A inflorescences, but few other consistent effects between years were observed. The 2 most proximal RN's together produced 93% or more of the yield of each inflorescence. High irrigation significantly increased the total number of pods harvested from these RN's of inflorescences 6-T and 2-A, and low density had a similar effect on 2-A.  相似文献   

利用显微解剖和石蜡切片技术,对四季桂品种群中‘四季桂’(Osmanthus fragrans‘Sijigui’)不同季节的花芽分化及开花特性进行研究。‘四季桂’一年成花3次,分别于3月初、6月上旬和10月底开始花芽分化,4月下旬、8月底和11月底完成,分别历时约2个月、2个半月和1个月。6月开始的花芽分化和开花过程与秋桂品种群基本相似,分化后需要低温才能开花,最终形成聚伞花序,无总梗,花粉发育正常。而10月底分化的花芽在完成分化后随即开花,形成的花序有总梗,且有伸长与未伸长之分,长度分别为(0.80±0.11)cm和(3.50±0.71)cm。3月分化的花芽与新梢同时生长发育,分化完成后随即开花。春季和冬季的两次分化形成的均是圆锥状花序,具总梗,花粉均败育。结果表明‘四季桂’自身存在着不同的成花机制。  相似文献   

The effects of photoperiod (10, 12, 16, 20 or 24 h), day-temperature (12, 15, 18, 24 or 30 °C), the number of short days (14, 21 or 28 days), plant age (4, 8 or 12 weeks) and their interactions on flower and inflorescence emergence were investigated in strawberry cv. Korona. No flowers emerged in plants exposed to photoperiods of 16, 20 or 24 h or to a short-day treatment for 14 days. All plants exposed to short days at daily photoperiods of 10 or 12 h for 21 days or longer, emerged flowers at temperatures between 12 and 18 °C. A further increase in temperature led to a drastic decrease in the total number of flowers per plant. A short-day treatment (10 or 12 h photoperiod) of 28 days resulted in highest numbers of inflorescences and flowers per plant, while a short-day treatment of 21 days resulted in the highest numbers of flowers per inflorescence. Complete flower induction was observed in only 4-week-old runner plants. The number of inflorescences and the number of flowers per inflorescence increased with plant age. However, the start of flowering was delayed with increasing plant age.  相似文献   

核桃花器官变异研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
 观察胡桃花器官变异类型及其特点,制作石蜡切片对两性花变异类型的花芽分化进程进行了研究。用6个早实胡桃材料和2个晚实胡桃材料作亲本,选配10个杂交组合,得到2942个实生杂种苗。在具有早实胡桃为亲本的杂交组合和早实胡桃自然授粉的2648株实生单株中,到播种后第3a累计结实实率为20.34%,晚实胡桃294株实生后代无早结果现象。在538株早实杂种苗中,共有12个单株在2a生时发生了花器变异,变异类型包括两性花类型、穗状花类型、穗状花具分枝类型、穗状花雌雄同序类型、柱头变异类型和雌花序莲座状类型。连续5年观察表明,仅有来自于新1号×香玲杂交组合的C3单株二次花的雌雄同花变异在不同年份稳定表现。在一些早实品种(如香玲)的徒长枝上也具有两性花变异。胡桃两性花变异的形态发育进程属于向心式:花序原基-花原基-花被原基-雄蕊原基-雌蕊原基-子房原基。胡桃的花器官变异是早实胡桃二次开花过程发生的。早实胡桃花器官变异类型的存在为胡桃的早实特性和花器官发育研究提供了珍贵的材料。  相似文献   

The effects of photoperiod (12, 13, 14, 15 or 16 h), day temperature (12, 15, 18, 24 or 27 °C) and night temperature (6, 9 or 12 °C) and their interactions on flower and inflorescence emergence were investigated by exposing 4 week old runner plants of strawberry cvs. Korona and Elsanta during a period of 3 weeks. A daily photoperiod of 12 or 13 h resulted in the highest number of plants with emerged flowers. A photoperiod of 14 h or more strongly reduced this number, while no flowers emerged at a photoperiod of 16 h. Plants exposed to photoperiods of 12 or 13 h flowered earlier and had longer flower trusses. A day temperature of 18 °C and/or a night temperature of 12 °C were optimal for plants to emerge flowers and resulted in the shortest time to flowering. A night temperature of 6 °C strongly reduced the number of plants that emerged flowers, especially when combined with lower day temperatures. Photoperiod and temperature had no effect on the number of inflorescences, all flowering plants produced on average one inflorescence. The number of flowers on the inflorescence increased with decreasing day temperature and when photoperiod was raised from 12 to 15 h. In general, ‘Korona’ was more sensitive to photoperiod and temperature as ‘Elsanta’, and had a lower optimal day temperature for flower emergence. Results of this experiment may be used to produce high quality plant material or to define optimal conditions when combining flower induction and fruit production.  相似文献   

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