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随着经济的发展和社会的不断进步,人们越来越意识到了保护环境,维持生态平衡的重要意义和作用。人们逐步加强对环保设施的建设,以期通过这样的方式,来实现节约资源和保护环境的重要目的。而园林道路绿化中的植物配置就是一个重要的代表。鉴于此,本文主要针对园林道路绿化中的植物配置进行相关浅析,仅供参考。 相似文献
在道路绿化过程中,植物配置与绿化形式为必不可少的重要组成部分,为解决道路绿化中植物配置与绿化形式存在的问题,本文对国内城市道路绿化中植物配置与绿化形式进行研究,首先介绍道路绿化在现代化城市中的功能以及道路绿化的设计原则,分析当前国内城市道路绿化植物配置存在的问题,提出合理的植物配置与绿化形式,以期为国内城市化发展提供参... 相似文献
随着十九大顺利召开,乡镇化进程脚步不断加快,乡镇道路绿化在改变乡镇的面貌、环境的亮化、生态环境的保护等方面起了十分重要的作用。从乡镇道路绿化的作用入手,总结乡镇道路的绿化现状,植物配置形式及原则,为乡镇道路绿化设计提供实际参考。 相似文献
本文主要对乐清市道路绿化中的植物配置进行了较为全面的分析,首先,是对现阶段我国整体各个城市的道路绿化的发展情况进行了论述,分析了目前城市中进行道路绿化出现的一些问题,然后根据乐清市的具体环境条件,分别从道路绿化中基本原则、植物的配置方式以及植物养护管理等几方面进行了研究分析,最后是对城市道路绿化的意义进行了简单的论述,讲述了城市道路绿化对整个生态环境发展的重要性。 相似文献
城市道路绿化与人们的生活息息相关,其绿化植物选择与配置怎样才能做到科学合理也受到人们的普遍关注。本文就此对城市道路绿化植物选择与配置的现状做了详细介绍,同时阐述了城市道路绿化植物选择与配置的原则及方式。 相似文献
本文根据城市道路绿化的功能及特点,结合城市道路绿化的发展现状,以创建优美的人居环境,构建和谐社会为目标,以"因地制宜、合理布局"等为主要原则,探讨了如何选择好道路绿化树种,才能充分展现城市道路绿化的效果及功能,从而做好城市道路绿化工作。 相似文献
针对道路城市绿化建设中植物配置的多样性,结合理论实际,在分析道路绿化建设中植物配置现状的基础上,阐述了绿化建设中植物配置多样化的途径。随着我国社会经济的发展,城市化进程日益加快,对道路绿化建设中配置提出了更高的要求。近年来,道路绿化建设工作越来越得相关部门的重视,并逐渐落实到各地的重点项目建设中。植物配置多样性和科学性建设道路绿化体系统的关键所在,也是提升绿化质量实现城市景观多样化前提,基于此,研究道路绿化建设中植物配置的多样性就显得尤为重要。 相似文献
秋色叶树种进入秋季后,其叶片色泽较为均匀地由绿色转为其他颜色,具有较强的观赏价值,在园林景观中被广泛应用。文章在充分调研和借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,提出秋色叶植物在园林景观中的5种配置模式:色块法、混交法、对比法、国画法、分赏法,旨在为秋色叶植物配置提供参考。 相似文献
论述西溪国家湿地公园植物配置的可行性、合理性和景观效果,结果表明,所选湿地植物颜色、形态搭配合理,营造出的湿地景观独特且美丽。 相似文献
武汉市垂直绿化植物种质与配置调查研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过随机选取武汉市内的采样点进行垂直绿化植物的采样,识别并记录植物名,植物种质及配置等情况,估测植物的占地面积与生长状况及周边达到的绿化效果。大致了解本市垂直绿化的实施与应用情况,并结合国内外各大城市垂直绿化的一般情况做出对比与分析,进一步研究市内的垂直绿化概况及优缺点,从而提出合理的建设性意见,为城市绿化建设做贡献。 相似文献
简述彩叶植物的定义、分类和彩叶植物在国内外园林中的发展概况;阐述彩叶植物在造景中应遵循的原则,以及彩叶植物在造景设计中如何选择、运用和处理好背景的问题。 相似文献
Habitat configuration has important implications for the persistence of faunal and floral populations at a variety of spatial
scales. Forest harvesting alters habitat configurations. However, measuring and predicting such alterations remains challenging,
in part because previously developed metrics of habitat configuration are often not statistically independent of habitat amount.
Thus, their ability to measure independent effects of habitat configurations and habitat amount on ecosystem components such
as wildlife populations has been limited. Here, we evaluate habitat configuration based on newly developed metrics that are
independent of habitat amount but do not depend on regression residuals of abundance and configuration relationships on any
population of landscapes. We use these new metrics to measure and predict changes in habitat configuration following forest
harvesting in the boreal forest of Alberta, Canada. Our findings clearly demonstrate changes in habitat configuration resulting
from forest harvesting can be predicted precisely with information about initial habitat patch structure and harvesting patterns.
Because forest harvesting has significant implications for habitat configuration, accurately predicting these changes is critical
for determining if forest harvesting strategies are sustainable for ecosystem components and processes. This study provides
a set of novel, robust metrics for tracking landscape-scale changes in habitat configuration in harvested boreal forests. 相似文献
草酸对人体的影响和伤害为大家所熟知,草酸在人体内不容易被氧化分解掉,经代谢作用后形成的产物,可导致人体内酸碱度失去平衡,并影响对钙和锌的吸收。而在工业中被广泛应用的草酸,在小区中也不时会被用到,比如清洗外墙瓷砖或者地面大理石铺装等,对园林植物或多或少会造成一些影响,因此,需采取一些措施,使影响和伤害减到最低。 相似文献
Plants in parks emit different fragrances. How will these fragrances affect us? How can we better allocate these plants? In this paper, five kinds of traditional fragrant plants in northern China were selected for fragrance analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC–MS) and the fragrance types and diffusion process were analyzed by a smell-walking method. Subjective evaluation of fragrance perception was carried out in outdoor plant communities using a semantic differential method. At the same time, the application of fragrant plants was discussed. The purpose was to explore the relationship between smellscape and perception and provide a reference for smellscape map drawing and landscape application of fragrant plants. Study plants were shown to plants present different fragrance types: monoterpense, syringaldehyde, β-ionone and acetic acid phenylmethyl ester were the main compounds of magnolia, syringa, osmanthus and wintersweet, and linalool was also the major compounds of tree peony, osmanthus and wintersweet. Smell-walking survey reported that magnolia and tree peony exhibited a woody and light medicinal fragrance, syringa emitted a powerful hyacinth-like odor, osmanthus had a strong sweet smell, and wintersweet had a fresh sweet smell. And subjective evaluation of fragrance perception was positive; the evaluation value of osmanthus was the highest, followed by magnolia and wintersweet, and finally syringa and tree peony. Further, subjects found tree peony to be less pleasant because of its mixed fragrance. We also found that fragrance concentration and diffusion were related to plant density, tree height, receptor location and spatial range. Other factors, such as surrounding plants, landscape architecture, rockery and water also affected fragrance diffusion. Our findings show that these myriad factors should be considered comprehensively in plant allocation. 相似文献
对南宁市22条主要城市道路绿化中的彩叶植物进行调查,结果表明,南宁市现有道路绿地主要应用的彩叶植物共有16科、31种,其中乔木4科、9种;灌木9科、12种;草本6科、10种.根据色彩在叶面上的分布可将其分成单色叶类、双色叶类、斑叶及花叶类、镶边类和彩脉类.文章在研究结果基础上,针对目前南宁市道路绿化彩叶植物应用存在的问题,提出相应的建议与对策. 相似文献