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时代的发展与进步,不仅表现在物质生活水平得到极大提高,人们对美的探究亦是其中的重要一环.城市植物景观环境的展现,离不开色彩与景观植物的搭配,张家口市作为冬奥协办城市,国际地位得到显著提高,为了营造冬奥氛围,展示冬奥城市风采,张家口市景观植物色彩搭配显得格外重要.以植物色彩理论为依据,分析了植物色彩在不同季节、不同环境中...  相似文献   

刘勇 《现代园艺》2011,(13):123
人的视觉观察第一看到的是色彩,色彩是调节气氛,书写并传达自我感情的方式。给景观建筑作色彩分析是必要的,以黄桷坪涂鸦一条街为例,重点讨论黄桷坪涂鸦街501艺术基地的色彩的心理生理感知、色彩的对比与调和方面的建筑色彩在运用。  相似文献   

杨思学 《花卉》2021,(8):36-37
我国是工业型国家,大部分城市的工业建设比较发达,这就不可避免的带来众多的生态问题,尤其是雾霾和扬尘等恶劣天气还严重威胁着城市居民的健康.为了解决这种不良生态问题,加强城市的绿化,本文就北方城市种植的冷季型草坪问题展开分析,针对其在发展中存在的问题提出了相应的种植和养护措施,以便提高城市绿化的质量,希望可以对园林工作者提...  相似文献   

本文针对居住区的特点,就居住区景观中色彩设计相关问题进行探讨,旨在为今后的居住区色彩设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>8月份,是我地区冷季型草坪夏季斑病的高发期,要及时采取措施做好预防。夏季斑病也叫夏季斑枯病,是危害草坪草的一种严重病害。近年来,凡是种植草地早熟禾的草坪均有发生,危害严重时,造成整株死亡,使草坪出现秃斑,严重影响草坪景观。  相似文献   

衣食住行和人们的日常生活息息相关,而住宅小区是和我们的生活关系密切的一个重要组成部分,对于每一个人来说都具有重大的意义。毋庸置疑,景观设计中关于色彩的设计和应用对于小区居民的身心健康也起到了至关重要的作用,所以如何更好地利用景观的色彩设计来为满足居民对于居住环境的不同需求,也成为了住宅小区景观设计者要考虑的一个重要问题。  相似文献   

黄若之  张涛 《中国园艺文摘》2012,28(3):35-36,180
摘要:植物色彩是秋季植物景观最为重要的观赏因素。以沈阳市秋季植物景观为例,着重对植物的色彩属性进行调查研究。并运用问卷调查的方式对大众进行色彩喜好的研究,了解色彩因素对大众审美的影响,从而总结出符合大众审美的秋季植物景观的色彩运用规律。  相似文献   

谈佳畅 《现代园艺》2013,(20):133-133
色彩景观设计在园林整体设计中扮演着重要角色,色彩的设计搭配对人们的心理有一定的影响。针对现阶段城市园林设计中色彩景观设计存在的问题,本文从影响色彩景观设计的因素,以及色彩景观设计应该遵守的原则加以分析,以不断提高园林设计的整体水平。  相似文献   

分析了色彩景观在园林设计中的原则,探讨了色彩景观在园林设计中的应用。  相似文献   

对草地早熟禾、紫羊毛、多年生黑麦3种类型13个品种在长春地区的引种情况进行了研究比较,提出了适宜于该地区的品种以及混播建坪的依据:  相似文献   

涂艳艳 《现代园艺》2014,(24):202-204
如何才能造就一项令人满意的园林景观,施工过程中控制不可或缺。施工细节处理得当对于提升景观过程的质量与品质具有现实的意义。本文对景观过程中的硬质铺装是和景观植物施工的细节处理进行可简要梳理,供大家参考。  相似文献   

西南区野生马蹄金坪用景观价值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
费凌  干友民  陈燕 《北方园艺》2008,(1):165-169
以23份分别采自四川、云南、贵州的野生马蹄金为材料,美国引进品种普通马蹄金为对照,参考禾本科草坪草的五级9分制对其进行坪用景观价值系统评价,测定其叶面积、均一性、叶色、绿色期、草层高度、成坪速度、叶平展度和绒毛等指标.结果表明:23份野生马蹄金根据其评价结果可聚为四类,其中GD200503、SD200513、GD200502景观价值得分较高.  相似文献   

孙永俊 《现代园艺》2013,(16):184-185
本文从园林工程的角度出发,阐述了项目目标的动态控制内容,深入分析了项目目标动态控制的工作程序,并进一步探讨了项目目标动态控制的纠偏措施和动态控制的应用,试图为现今园林工程项目目标的动态控制提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Mapping and analyzing landscape patterns   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Landscapes were mapped as clusters of 2 or 3 land cover** types, based on their pattern within the clusters and tendency for a single type to dominate. These landscapes, called Landscape Pattern Types (LPTs), were combined with other earth surface feature data in a Geographic Information System (GIS) to test their utility as analysis units. Road segment density increased significantly as residential and urbanized land cover components increased from absent, to present as patch, to present as matrix (i.e., the dominant land cover type). Stream segment density was significantly lower in LPTs with an urbanized or residential matrix than in LPTs with either a forest or agriculture matrix, suggesting an inverse relationship between stream network density and the prevalence of human development other than agriculture in the landscape. The ratio of average forest patch size to total forest in the LPT unit decreased as agriculture replaced forest, then increased as residential and urban components dominated. Wetland fractal dimension increased as agriculture and residential land cover components of LPTs increased. Comparison of LPT and LUDA land cover area statistics in ecoregions suggested that land cover data alone does not provide information as to its spatial arrangement.  相似文献   

A novel use of the lacunarity index to discern landscape function   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Discerning the function of a landscape involves comparing landscape use with spatial patterns. To do this requires both quantification of landscape use and landscape pattern and a means of comparing the two. An index of lacunarity has been used to quantify spatial pattern (specifically, habitat contagion). We demonstrate a new way of using the lacunarity index to quantify landscape function as well. We calculated lacunarity to describe landscape patchiness of experimental landscapes with respect to patterns of habitat and non-habitat areas (the previous use of lacunarity) as well as to describe patterns of patch use by animals in those landscapes, irrespective of habitat-patch patterns (a novel application of lacunarity). We demonstrate a disparity between landscape pattern and landscape use. This finding suggests that drawing generalizations of, and making predictions about, how animals respond to landscape spatial structure may not be straightforward.  相似文献   

数字时代的到来,必将使园林景观设计发生革命性的变化。虚拟现实技术是一种新兴的计算机辅助技术,在园林景观设计中,其优势主要体现在辅助设计和概念的表达。在概念设计过程中应用虚拟现实技术,人与情景之间能够充分互动,有利于全面了解设计师的意图和理念。文章在阐述虚拟现实技术概念及组成的基础上,探讨虚拟现实技术在园林景观设计中应用的意义及瓶颈问题,以期为园林景观设计提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

Effects of sensor spatial resolution on landscape structure parameters   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
We examined the effects of increasing grain size from 20 m to 1100 m on landscape parameters characterizing spatial structure in the northern Wisconsin lake district. We examined whether structural parameters remain relatively constant over this range and whether aggregation algorithms permit extrapolation within this range. Images from three different satellite sensors were employed in this study: (1) the SPOT multispectral high resolution visible (HRV), (2) the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM), and (3) the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR). Each scene was classified as patches of water in a matrix of land. Spatial structure was quantified using several landscape parameters: percent water, number of lakes (patches), average lake area and perimeter, fractal dimension, and three measures of texture (homogeneity, contrast, and entropy). Results indicate that most measures were sensitive to changes in grain size. As grain size increased from 20 m using HRV image data to 1100 m (AVHRR), the percent water and the number of lakes decreased while the average lake area, perimeter, the fractal dimension, and contrast increased. The other two texture measures were relatively invariant with grain size. Although examination of texture at various angles of adjacency was performed to investigate features which vary systematically with angle, the angle did not have an important effect on the texture parameter values. An aggregation algorithm was used to simulate additional grain sizes. Grain was increased successively by a factor of two from 20 m (the HRV image) to 1280 m. We then calculated landscape parameter values at each grain size. Extrapolated values closely approximated the actual sensor values. Because the grain size has an important effect on most landscape parameters, the choice of satellite sensor must be appropriate for the research question asked. Interpolation between the grain sizes of different satellite sensors is possible with an approach involving aggregation of pixels.  相似文献   

Resource utilization scales and landscape pattern   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The spatial patterning of resources constrains the movement of consumers on the landscape. Percolation theory predicts that an organism can move freely if its critical resource or habitat occupies 59.28% of the landscape. Sparse resources require an organism to operate on larger resource utilization scales. Multiple critical resources necessitate larger scales, while substitutable resources ease the scale requirements. Contagious spatial patterns require larger scales to permit movement between resource clusters. The study indicates a strong link between spatial pattern and ecological processes on a landscape.  相似文献   

Turf management on golf courses entails frequent maintenance activities, such as mowing, irrigation and fertilisation, and relies on purchased inputs for optimal performance and aesthetic quality. Using life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology, this study evaluated energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from management of two Swedish golf courses, divided into green, tee, fairway and rough, and identified options for improved management. Energy use and GHG emissions per unit area were highest for greens, followed by tees, fairways and roughs. However, when considering the entire golf course, both energy use and GHG emissions were mainly related to fairway and rough maintenance due to their larger area. Emissions of GHG for the two golf courses were 1.0 and 1.6 Mg CO2e ha−1 year−1 as an area-weighted average, while the energy use was 14 and 19 GJ ha−1 year−1. Mowing was the most energy-consuming activity, contributing 21 and 27% of the primary energy use for the two golf courses. In addition, irrigation and manufacturing of mineral fertiliser and machinery resulted in considerable energy use. Mowing and emissions associated with fertilisation (manufacturing of N fertiliser and soil emissions of N2O occurring after application) contributed most to GHG emissions. Including the estimated mean annual soil C sequestration rate for fairway and rough in the assessment considerably reduced the carbon footprint for fairway and turned the rough into a sink for GHG. Emissions of N2O from decomposition of grass clippings may be a potential hotspot for GHG emissions, but the high spatial and temporal variability of values reported in the literature makes it difficult to estimate these emissions for specific management regimes. Lowering the application rate of N mineral fertiliser, particularly on fairways, should be a high priority for golf courses trying to reduce their carbon footprint. However, measures must be adapted to the prevailing conditions at the specific golf course and the requirements set by golfers.  相似文献   

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