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广西猪圆环病毒2型感染的流行病学调查   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
结合流行病学、临床症状、病理变化,采用PCR技术,对2004年1月至2005年5月采自广西14个市97个疑似猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)感染发病猪场的197份组织病料(脾、肺、淋巴结)进行了PCV2检测;同时,对鉴定为PCV2阳性的组织病料和猪场进行了猪生殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)、猪瘟病毒(CSFV)、猪流感病毒(SIV)和猪伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)的检测,另外,对6个地(市)11个生猪屠宰场采集的外观健康屠宰猪的295份组织样品(脾、肺、淋巴结)进行了PCV2检测。结果显示,在197份组织样品中检出PCV2阳性病料108份,平均阳性率为54.82%(108/197),阳性猪场62个,平均阳性率为63.92%(62/97)。PCV2与PRRSV、CSFV、SIV、PRV混合感染的组织病料总阳性率为42.13%(83/197),混合感染的猪场总阳性率为57.73%(56/97)。从21头外观健康屠宰猪的组织样品中检测到PCV2,阳性率为7.10%。由此可见,PCV2感染在广西猪群中已普遍存在,混合感染和健康带毒现象使病情更加复杂。  相似文献   

用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测了西宁市8个规模养殖场和部分散养户的161份猪血清样品的猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)抗体。结果显示,所有被检猪场均有PCV2抗体阳性猪存在,161份血清样品中PCV2抗体阳性率为86.95%。从上述样品中随机抽取28份样品,用PCR方法检测了PCV2ORF1基因;结果,从13份血清中扩增到了特异性PCV2ORF1基因,阳性率为46.42%。证实,西宁市猪场和散养猪群中存在PCV2感染。  相似文献   

Colostrum-deprived piglets inoculated with rotavirus 24 h after birth developed a profuse diarrhoea that spread to non-inoculated, colostrum-deprived litter mates and, occassionally, to colostrum-fed piglets. Case fatality rates in these 3 categories of piglets were 63.2%, 35.7% and 8.3%, respectively. Surviving piglets recovered in 1-2 weeks, but shedded virus via the faeces for up to 3 weeks p.i. The D-xylose test revealed severe malabsorption, with extremely flat absorption curves for up to 3-4 weeks p.i. Malabsorption was more marked in piglets with a long-lasting faecal virus excretion than in piglets where virus disappeared from the faeces within 10 days p.i. Infected piglets (colostrum-fed and colostrum-deprived) had decreased weight gains and were 5 days older at a bodyweight of 25 kg than non-inoculated controls. It is concluded that rotavirus is probably of significance in diarrhoeal syndromes in suckling piglets, alone or in combination with E. coli or other pathogens.  相似文献   

Rotaviruses are known as major causal agents of diarrhea in humans and animals. They affect young animals in intensive rearing and cause great economic losses. This study evaluated the infectivity of porcine rotavirus maintained for 32 months at approximately 10 degrees C in the original stool specimens. Thirty stool specimens of 1-4-week-old piglets from breeding farms located in the southwest of the State of Parana were selected for this study. They were randomly chosen from stool samples positive for rotavirus RNA by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) at the time of collection. The thirty stool samples maintained for 32 months were re-tested by PAGE and 11 out of 30 were still positive showing physical integrity of the eleven segments of viral RNA. In order to demonstrate the maintenance of viral infectivity processed fecal homogenates were inoculated in MA-104 cell cultures. After an average of three blind passages 5 out of 11 samples demonstrated cytopathic effect similar to that of a simian rotavirus (SA-11) used as positive control. To confirm these findings an immunofluorescence test was performed and typical cytoplasmatic granular fluorescence was observed. Electron microscopy of stool samples showed that most of the virus particles were single-shelled and some were found to be in advanced state of degradation. The viral nucleic acid extracted from six fecal specimens out of those that showed physical integrity of rotavirus RNA by PAGE were also amplified when submitted to RT-PCR demonstrating stability of viral RNA. We therefore concluded that porcine rotavirus infectivity is maintained for a long period of time in stool specimens at low temperature.  相似文献   

本研究根据猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)ORF2、猪巨细胞病毒(PCMV)gB基因和TTV2非编码区序列合成引物,利用PCR方法对2009年来自江苏、浙江、上海、广东和广西等5个省市76个患病猪群的仔猪病料进行了病原学检测。结果显示,PCV2阳性率64.5%(49/76),TTV2阳性率47.4%(36/76),PCMV阳...  相似文献   

猪轮状病毒感染研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
猪轮状病毒感染是由猪轮状病毒(Porcine rotavirus,PRV)引起的主要以仔猪厌食、呕吐、腹泻、脱水和酸碱平衡紊乱为特征性症状的疾病。在我国,猪轮状病毒分布广泛,给畜牧业造成巨大的经济损失。因此,对猪轮状病毒进行有效的防治是降低仔猪发病率,提高养猪业效益的有效手段。  相似文献   

为分析G9型猪轮状病毒(RV)的遗传变异情况,本研究根据GenBank中VP7序列设计合成一对扩增VP7基因的引物,采用PCR方法对2011年~2012年分离的部分RV VP7基因进行扩增、克隆和序列测定,并进行比对和遗传进化分析.结果表明:531份病料中RV阳性份数为39,阳性率为7.34%;而在检测的121个猪场中,共有23个猪场显示阳性,猪场阳性率为19%.VP7基因全长1 062 bp,含有一个982 bp的开放阅读框,编码326个氨基酸.与参考病毒株VP7全长基因核苷酸比较,同源性为91.5%~99.3%.在31nt、56 nt、75 nt、82 nt、191 nt、215 nt等位置均存在点突变,无插入和缺失.核苷酸系统发育进化树表明:黑龙江省哈尔滨市、桦南、绥化,辽宁省大连市、内蒙古自治区采集病料样品的基因间差异较小,与采集自中国广西、浙江、贵州、北京的病料样品基因相比差异性较大,这表明VP7基因存在地域差异.  相似文献   

猪轮状病毒的分离鉴定及部分特性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从吉林省某猪场发生腹泻的猪群粪便中,用MA-104细胞培养,分离到一株猪轮状病毒,盲传至4代,感染细胞出现明显病变,经电镜观察,见有典型的轮状病毒颗粒.其RNA电泳型为4:2:3:2型,属A群轮状病毒,同时对其蚀斑特性和血凝特性进行了初步研究,这株病毒被命名为JL94株.  相似文献   

猪轮状病毒的分离与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
将疑似感染猪轮状病毒的内蒙古某猪场的腹泻仔猪粪便样品在MA104细胞上分离培养,得到一株能产生明显细胞病变的毒株(命名为PRV L1株).经纯净性检测,该毒株无菌生长、无支原体污染及外源病毒污染.特异性检测结果显示该PRV L1株能被猪轮状病毒单特异性血清中和,并可被猪轮状病毒单克隆抗体识别,其VP7基因序列与G5型猪轮状病毒VP7基因序列同源性为99%.动物回归试验结果表明,该毒株口服攻击3日龄仔猪,可引起典型的猪轮状病毒病发病症状,并能在发病仔猪小肠内容物中检测到猪轮状病毒.  相似文献   

广西猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒感染状况调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用RT-PCR技术,对2004年1月至2005年4月期间,广西13个市104个疑似猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)感染猪场,无菌采取231头病、死猪的组织病料(肺脏、淋巴结、脾脏)进行了病毒检测。同时,对鉴定为PRRSV阳性的组织病料和猪场进行了猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)、猪瘟病毒(CSFV)和猪伪狂犬病毒(PRV)的检测,以确定猪群中PRRSV与PCV2、CSFV和PRV混合感染情况。结果从12个市的115份组织病料中检出PRRSV,病料的平均阳性率为49.78%(115/231),猪场的平均阳性率为61.54%(64/104),不同地市有一定的差异。PRRSV与PCV2、CSFV和/或PRV二重或多重混和感染的组织病料总数为53份,猪场总数为39个,混合感染的组织病料和猪场的总阳性率分别为22.94%(53/231)和37.50%(39/104)。混合感染的组织病料占PRRSV阳性组织病料的46.09%(53/115),混合感染的猪场占PRRSV阳性猪场的60.94%(39/64)。其中以PCV2和PRRSV混合感染的组织病料和猪场数最多。由此可见,PRRSV感染在广西猪场已普遍存在,与其他病毒混合感染现象逐渐趋向复杂化。  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The aim of this study was to assess transmission of Taenia solium cysticercosis in Palmarito Arriba, a small village in the rural area of the Portuguesa...  相似文献   

There is a paucity of quantitative data on the status of porcine cysticercosis in Venezuela, information which is essential for understanding the level of disease transmission. This study was, therefore, conducted in a typical small rural community in Yaracuy State, Venezuela, where previous cases of human Taenia solium taeniasis/cysticercosis had been reported and where the free-ranging pig management practices and the lack of rudimentary sanitary facilities indicated an obvious risk for transmission of the disease. Serum samples from 52 village pigs were screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for anti-cysticercal antibodies (Ab-ELISA), using T. solium cyst fluid as the antigen and the HP10, monoclonal antibody-based, antigen trapping ELISA for parasite antigen (HP10 Ag-ELISA). Significantly, a high proportion of the animals (65.4% for the Ab-ELISA and 42.3% for the HP10 Ag-ELISA) were sero-positive. Five of the pigs, which were selected on that basis of positive tongue palpation, were killed for autopsy, and large numbers of viable cysticerci were found in the carcases. This unequivocal documentation of porcine cysticercosis in Venezuelan pigs presents clear evidence that T. solium is actively transmitted in Venezuela. Further detailed studies and implementation of appropriate control measures are therefore indicated.  相似文献   

2005年7月,在四川省资阳、内江等地相继发现一种以发病急、高热、伴有头痛等全身性中毒症状,严重者出现中毒性休克、脑膜炎为主要临床表现的病例。几乎所有病例与病死猪有关。在1个月内,共报告人感染204例,其中死亡38例,分布在以资阳、内江为主的12个市37个县。经确诊系由猪链球菌2型引起。在此期间,猪发病死亡647头,分布在8个市21个县。  相似文献   

Experimental rotavirus infection in three-week-old pigs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Thirteen 3-week-old pigs that had been allowed to nurse for the first 16 to 18 hours after birth were orally inoculated with 1 x 10(6.5) TCID50 of porcine rotavirus. All developed diarrhea, anorexia, and vomiting by postinoculation (PI) hour 30. These signs had abated by PI day 6. Villus blunting in the small intestine was most severe in the jejunum and ileum of pigs euthanatized between PI days 3 and 5. Villi had returned to nearly normal length by PI day 6, although fused villi were seen in a few locations in the distal portion of the jejunum and in the ileum. Virus was detected in the feces of inoculated pigs by isolation in cell cultures and by electron microscopy during the 7-day course of the experiment. There was 1 extraintestinal virus isolation from the lung of 1 pig at PI day 2. Infection and disease developed in the presence of serum-neutralizing antibody obtained by nursing seropositive sows. There was no significant change in neutralizing antibody titers in the 3-week-old pigs over the course of the experiment. In this experimental work, a model to study rotavirus infection in 3-week-old pigs has been developed.  相似文献   

猪轮状病毒性腹泻病主要引起猪的腹泻,对幼龄猪危害最大,以4周龄仔猪最易感。本文对猪轮状病毒腹泻病的临床诊断、电镜观察诊断、免疫学诊断以及基因分子诊断等方法的研究状况作了详细的论述。  相似文献   

兰州地区犊牛轮状病毒性腹泻的流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确甘肃省兰州地区犊牛轮状病毒性腹泻的流行动态,从该区的3个大型奶牛场采集1月龄以内的犊牛粪便样品19份,利用轮状病毒酶标诊断试剂盒检测技术对粪便进行检测,并对粪便特征和防治药物进行调查分析.结果表明:该地区犊牛轮状病毒性腹泻的发病率为36.84%;腹泻犊牛粪便颜色多为黄白或浅黄绿色水泻样;防治药物以抗生素为主(占60%),辅助治疗药物占24%,中药制剂占16%.  相似文献   

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