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An inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP/MS) method was used for the evaluation of thallium transfer from naturally (pedogeochemically) and artificially contaminated soils into rape. Two sets of three different types of top soils (heavy, medium, and light) were used for pot experiments. The first set was collected from areas with high levels of pedogeochemical thallium (0.3, 1.5, and 3.3 mg kg(-1) DM). The second set of three soils with naturally low content of thallium was artificially contaminated with thallium sulfate to achieve five levels of contamination (0, 0.4, 2, 4, and 6 mg kg(-1) DM Tl). The soil samples and the samples of winter and spring rape (straw, seeds) from both sets were collected and analyzed. Plant and soil samples from fields were collected at 42 selected sites situated in South Bohemia and in Czech-Moravian Highlands where higher pedogeochemical content of thallium was expected. More intensive transport (better availability) of Tl was observed in the case of artificially contaminated soils. The physicochemical form and the total content of Tl in soil were found to be the main factors influencing its uptake by plants. The concentration of Tl in rapeseeds in the field samplings was mostly 45% of its content in the particular soil. Nevertheless the uptake of Tl from soils with naturally high pedogeochemical content can be high enough to seriously endanger food chains. These findings are very important because of the high toxicity of Tl and the absence of threshold limits for Tl in soils, agricultural products, feedstuffs, and foodstuffs in most countries including the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

油菜长效专用配方肥施用效果研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
2012~2013年在冬油菜主产区布置15个田间试验研究油菜长效专用配方肥(N-P2O5-K2O-B:20-7-8-0.2,及5%的其他中、微量元素)的施用效果,为油菜一次性施肥配方的推广及改进提供依据。结果表明,与不施肥处理相比,常规施肥与专用肥均能明显提高油菜籽产量、收入及养分吸收量。与常规施肥相比,在减少总养分用量且肥料一次性施入的情况下,油菜长效专用配方肥在85%以上的试验点表现出增产或稳产效果,平均增产量为133 kg/hm2,增产率为8.1%,增加经济收益1 624元/hm2。施用油菜长效专用配方肥促进了油菜对养分的吸收,N、P2O5、K2O累积量较常规施肥分别增加10.8、2.1、7.9 kg/hm2。研究表明,油菜长效专用配方肥对油菜产量的贡献率平均为51.8%,农学利用率平均为5.5 kg/kg,均高于常规肥料。整体而言,施用油菜长效专用配方肥能提高油菜产量和施肥效益,可作为油菜轻简化施肥技术进行推广应用。  相似文献   

Selenite is a form of selenium (Se) commonly found in Se-excessive soils. To regulate the Se content in plants in high-Se areas, a potted soil experiment was performed on oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) to evaluate the effects of varied amounts of sulfur (S) on the biomass, accumulation and distribution of Se in B. napus under the conditions of different amounts of Se in the soil. The results showed that the seedlings of B. napus were more sensitive to Se than the mature plants were. The addition of S significantly alleviated the growth inhibition in seedlings and facilitated the growth of mature plants under higher Se (15 mg kg?1) conditions. S treatment significantly decreased soil pH within the range of 0.22–0.60. An appropriate moderate amount (150 mg kg?1) of S exerted the strongest inhibition on Se concentration and accumulation in B. napus at the seedling stage, but a higher amount (300 mg kg?1) of S led to a more significant decrease in the mature plants under higher Se conditions, with the maximum reduction in various parts of B. napus reaching 51.3–60.9% and 42.5–53.4%, respectively. The application of S only affected the uptake of Se, and not the translocation of Se; the accumulation of Se in B. napus follows the sequence of pod ≈ stem > rapeseed > root, and the distribution ratio is approximately 1.00:0.97:0.69:0.49. Overall, the application of S alleviated the inhibitory effect on growth caused by excessive Se by reducing the Se concentration in B. napus and facilitating its growth, suggesting that S treatment is a suitable and highly cost-effective method to regulate the content of Se in B. napus.  相似文献   


Phytoremediation is a good technique for removing cadmium (Cd) from farmland soils. To remove Cd from these soils effectively, it is necessary for Cd ions to be transported to the shoot organs for later harvest. However, the mechanism of Cd translocation to shoot organs via xylem vessels has not yet been elucidated. We selected oilseed rape plants (Brassica napus L.) and established a method to collect xylem exudates from these plants. After 3 days of Cd treatment (10 µmol L?1 and 30 µmol L?1) the Cd concentrations in the xylem exudates were approximately 6.5 µmol L?1 and 16 µmol L?1, respectively. The detection of Cd in the xylem exudate indicated that Cd was moving to shoot organs via xylem vessels. The effect of these Cd treatments on the amino acid, organic acid and protein composition of xylem exudates from oilseed rape plants was investigated. The level of amino acids and organic acids detected was enough to bind Cd transported via the xylem. Sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis revealed that proteins with molecular weights of 36 kDa and 45 kDa clearly increased in the exudates with Cd treatment. The possibility that these compounds are binding Cd in the xylem exudates was discussed.  相似文献   

直播是油菜轻简化、机械化生产的重要环节,为了明确生长季施肥管理对油菜种子萌发特性的影响,通过室内种子萌发试验研究了田间条件下不同施肥处理收获后油菜种子萌发的差异,结合种子养分含量以及可溶性糖等生理指标初步揭示了其作用机制。研究结果表明,不同施肥处理显著影响油菜种子养分含量,其中种子氮、磷含量变化最大。与平衡施肥处理相比,不施肥各处理种子氮和磷含量分别降低了5.9%~16.9%和0.0%~27.6%。不同施肥处理种子的萌发存在明显差异,以平衡施肥处理各项指标最高,与平衡施肥处理相比,不施氮和不施硼处理显著降低了种子发芽势和正常苗率,不施磷处理的畸形苗率最高为27.7%。相关分析表明,油菜种子的氮、可溶性蛋白含量与种子未成苗率呈显著的负相关,而种子的发芽率和发芽指数则与种子磷、硼以及可溶性糖含量密切相关,种子磷含量的降低会增加油菜种子畸形苗率。因此,直播油菜育种应加强养分管理,尤其是氮、磷和硼肥的施用,以改善油菜种子的质量,提高直播油菜的产量。  相似文献   


A two-year experiment was conducted on oilseed rape in 2004–2005 and 2005–2006 in north Iran. Treatments were 0, 50, 100, and 150 kg N ha?1 as urea (F0 to F150, respectively), 100 kg N ha?1 as urea +50 kg N ha?1 as manure (F100M50), 50 kg N ha?1 as urea +100 kg N ha?1 as manure (F50M100), and 150 kg N ha?1 as manure (M150). Results indicated that seed yield in M150 was significantly lower than in F150 in both years. Seed protein content in the inorganic fertilization system (F150) was significantly higher than in the organic (M150) and integrated systems (F100M50 and F50M100). Seed oil content, however, was higher in the organic treatment than in the inorganic treatment. Less N uptake in F100M50 compared with F150 in the first year and in F50M100 compared with F150 in the second year did not result in similar differences in grain yield. Owing to the low content of soil-available Zn, the association between Zn and N concentration in shoot in the inorganic treatments was low. In spite of a significant increase in soil-available Zn under the organic and integrated treatments, no significant increase was observed in Zn concentration of shoot in these treatments compared with F150. It appears that the excessive availability of P in M150, F50M100, and F100M50 has reduced either Zn uptake or its translocation from root to shoot. Overall, it could be concluded that in order to increase Zn uptake under manure application in a Zn-deficient soil, N availability should increase.  相似文献   

Site-specific nitrogen (N) fertilizer strategy based on soil mineral N (Nmin) test is crucial for maintaining high crop yield and high N-use efficiency. A two-year field experiment was conducted to develop a site-specific N fertilizer management for winter oilseed rape in the 2011–12 and 2012–13 seasons in Wuhan, central China. In contrast to fixed N fertilizer recommendation (FN), the use of the Nmin test could optimize the N fertilizer inputs in time to fulfill crop N uptake during different growth stages and achieve high seed yield. Despite annual variations in seed yields and N fertilizer recommendations, the N recovery efficiency of the site-specific N fertilizer (SN) treatment was higher than that of the FN treatment. Consequently, the soil-based N strategy matches crop N uptake and soil N supply and achieves high yield depending on the site-specific soil-crop conditions.  相似文献   

Soil was amended with 14C-labelled unripe straw only (C:N ratio ca. 20), with 14C-labelled unripe straw plus unlabelled ripe straw (C:N ratio ca. 100) or with 14C-labelled unripe straw plus glucose. Half the samples with 14C-labelled straw and half the samples with 14C-labelled plus unlabelled straw were cropped with rape plants. A decreased rate of mineralization of the 14C-labelled straw was found in the planted soil compared with the unplanted soil. The reduction was most profound in the soil amended with both labelled and unlabelled straw, indicating that at least part of the reduction was due to competition between plants and microorganisms for mineral N. No other explanations for the decrease in mineralization in the presence of plants were found. The soil amended with glucose which simulated the effect of root exudates showed an increased rate of mineralization. Therefore, the reduction in the presence of plants was probably not due to microbial use of the rhizodeposition in favour of the labelled straw. Only a minor part of the reduction was apparently due to uptake of labelled C by the plant, as only small amounts were found in the roots and shoots at harvest. The difference in 14C mineralization between treatments was not reflected in the number of bacteria in the soil at harvest. The number of bacteria, which was determined by plate counts and direct microscopy, was the same in all the soils, rhizosphere soils as well as bulk soils.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the effect of the experimental factors on the seed quality of three winter oilseed rape cultivars. The following factors were studied: I-three winter oilseed rape morphotypes: population, hybrid restored characterised by a semi-dwarf growth pattern, hybrid restored characterised by a conventional growth pattern; II-two sowing methods: a spacing of 22.5?cm, a spacing of 45.0?cm; III-four types of biostimulants: control-no biostimulants, the biostimulant Tytanit®, Asahi®SL, Silvit®. Seed samples were subjected to chemical analysis to determine: crude oil, total protein and crude fibre. Natural stimulants of plant growth and development contributed to an increase in crude oil ranging from 7.4 to 9.5?g?kg–1 d.m., on average, compared with control. The biostimulants applied did not affect total protein content which was, however, affected by meteorological conditions in individual study years as well as the genetic factor. Biostimulants increased crude fibre content compared with control.  相似文献   

在土培条件下,研究了不同硼效率甘蓝型油菜基因型镁的吸收、分配以及硼镁关系.结果表明,镁的吸收、分配及镁硼比值等存在基因型差异,硼对镁有一定影响.镁含量高效品种<低效品种,镁吸收量高效品种>低效品种,提高硼水平,镁含量下降,吸收量增加.在镁的分配、运转能力上,高效品种>低效品种,且硼对高效品种的促进作用较大.镁硼比值为高效品种<低效品种,镁硼比值B1>B2>B3.  相似文献   

肥料运筹方式对冬油菜生长及产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以湘杂油763为供试材料,研究了不同肥料运筹方式对冬油菜产量和部分农艺性状的影响。结果表明:氮肥运筹方式对油菜生长的影响较大,以基肥:苗肥:薹肥 = 5:2:3处理的籽粒产量最高,其次是基肥:苗肥:薹肥 = 6:2:2处理,基肥:苗肥:薹肥 = 10:0:0处理的产量最低,其差异达到了显著水平,单株角果数、每角果粒数、绿叶数、茎粗、最大叶长和叶宽、叶片叶绿素含量等指标也有类似的变化趋势,而氮肥运筹方式对千粒重的影响不显著。磷肥和钾肥运筹方式对油菜生长的影响较小,在不同磷钾肥运筹方式下籽粒产量、产量构成因素、茎叶性状均没有显著差异。在本试验所设的8种处理中,以氮肥的基肥:苗肥:薹肥 = 5:2:3、磷肥和钾肥的基肥:苗肥:薹肥 = 10:0:0 处理和氮肥的基肥:苗肥:薹肥 = 5:2:3、磷肥的基肥:苗肥:薹肥 = 6:2:2、钾肥的基肥:苗肥:薹肥 = 10:0:0 处理的籽粒产量并列最高。  相似文献   

不同磷效率油菜根际土壤磷活化机理研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
筛选和培育耐低磷植物是缓解磷矿资源缺乏和提高磷肥利用效率的有效途径之一。本研究在前期材料筛选的基础上,通过根箱试验研究不同磷效率油菜根际土壤磷活化机理,其结果如下:在施磷和不施磷处理条件下,磷高效油菜品种B56(HG)的吸磷量和生物量均高于磷低效品种B10(LG);两油菜品种根际土壤中的NaHCO3-Pi, NaHCO3-Po和 NaOH-Pi,NaOH-Po四种磷素形态均有显著的亏缺现象;磷高效品种(HG)根际土壤上述四种磷素形态亏缺程度大于磷低效品种(LG),但Resin-P则出现富集,并且HG的富集程度大于LG,这可能与HG具有较高吸磷能力有关。两油菜品种根际土壤HCl-Pi 和 残渣态磷(Residual-P)没有发生明显的亏缺现象。相比较而言,HG能分泌更多的酸性磷酸酶,该酶活性与NaHCO3-Po含量呈显著的负相关,说明酸性磷酸酶对有机磷矿化起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

生物降解膜促进冬油菜养分吸收减少土壤硝态氮累积   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
针对普通地膜覆盖导致的农田环境污染和土地退化问题,通过2 a田间试验,从土壤有机质含量、硝态氮累积与分布、作物养分吸收和籽粒产量等层面出发,进行了普通地膜覆盖(PM)、生物降解地膜覆盖(JM)和露地(CK)栽培冬油菜的对比研究。结果表明,播种后60和150 d,JM处理的土壤有机质含量、土壤硝态氮的累积和分布与PM处理无显著差异;播种后240 d,JM处理的土壤有机质含量显著大于PM处理,土壤硝态氮的累积量显著小于PM处理,且PM处理土壤硝态氮的淋洗下移峰值更大。PM和JM处理冬油菜的产量及地上部各器官的氮、磷、钾吸收量均显著大于CK,且PM和JM无显著差异。与PM处理相比,JM处理在播种后240 d时土壤有机质质量分数提高7.0%,土壤硝态氮累积量减少34.1%。可见,PM处理在冬油菜生育后期过分消耗地力,且残留在土壤中的硝态氮含量较高。该研究从土壤营养和作物养分吸收利用方面为生物降解地膜应用于农业生产的可行性提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

We investigated introgression in a mixed weedy population ofoilseed rape (Brassica napus) and itsrelative B. rapa usingspecies-specific AFLP-markers. The population wassituated in a field relayed from conventional to organic cultivation11 years ago. One-hundred-and-twoB. napus orB. rapa-like plantswere collected in a 3 m2 plot. Of these, onewas a first generation hybrid (F1) and nearlyhalf (44 plants) were introgressed, having bothB. napus andB. rapa specific markers.The remaining plants apparently corresponded to pure species, with 50having only B. rapa-and seven having only B.napus-specific markers. We compared thenumber of markers in the plants from the weedy population with thenumbers in controlled backcross generations (BC1 andBC2). The marker distribution in the weedy populationresembled the distribution in the second backcross generation mostclosely. Together with the cultivation history of the field, thissuggests that the introgression process in the weedy mixed populationhas been in progress for some time. This study is the first to showintrogression between B.napus and B.rapa under natural conditions.  相似文献   

The Czech Republic is characterized by a low Se soil content, resulting in Se deficiency in crops, humans, and animals. This study investigated the response of oilseed rape to foliar application of selenate solution in a microscale field experiment conducted at two locations differing in soil and climatic conditions but with comparable total Se contents. Sodium selenate (Na2SeO4) was applied at two rates (25 and 50 g Se ha?1). The potential effect of Se application on the uptake of essential elements was also evaluated. The foliar Se application resulted in an effective stepwise increase in the Se contents of all the plant components studied (leaves > stems > roots > siliques ~ seeds), as expected. No significant influence of Se fortification on the other investigated macro- and microelements was observed. However, the soil and climatic conditions influenced the Se uptake, such that a higher Se content was observed in plants grown in the most acidic location (Cambisol soil) that had a higher oxidizable carbon content and higher average annual rainfall compared to the less acidic location (Luvisol soil). These observations indicated the necessity to optimize the Se application for the particular soil and climatic conditions to achieve a maximum biofortification effect.  相似文献   

A genetic marker system based on the S1 Short Interspersed Elements (SINEs) in the important commercial crop, oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L.) has been developed. SINEs provided a successful multilocus, dominant marker system that was capable of clearly delineating winter- and spring-type crop varieties. Sixteen of 20 varieties tested showed unique profiles from the 17 polymorphic SINE markers generated. The 3' or 5' flank region of nine SINE markers were cloned, and DNA was sequenced. In addition, one putative pre-transposition SINE allele was cloned and sequenced. Two SINE flanking sequences were used to design real-time PCR assays. These quantitative SINE assays were applied to study the genetic structure of eight fields of oilseed rape crops. Studied fields were more genetically diverse than expected for the chosen loci (mean H T = 0.23). The spatial distribution of SINE marker frequencies was highly structured in some fields, suggesting locations of volunteer impurities within the crop. In one case, the assay identified a mislabeling of the crop variety. SINE markers were a useful tool for crop genetics, phylogenetics, variety identification, and purity analysis. The use and further application of quantitative, real-time PCR markers are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of progressive phosphorylation by phosphorous oxychloride upon the conformation of the 300 kDa storage protein (cruciferin) from rapeseed has been studied using chemical analysis, SDS-PAGE, HPLC, analytical ultracentrifugation, viscometry, fluorescence spectroscopy, and hydrophobicity measurement. The amount of phosphorous in the protein increased with the excess of phosphorous oxychloride and the pH of reaction. The bulk of phosphorus was only loosely bound to the protein and was removed by washing with cold perchloric acid. The more stably bound phosphorus groups after reaction at pH 8 were found to be nearly equally attached to amino and hydroxyl groups, whereas phosphorylation at pH 10-11 led to predominant O-phosphorylation as detected by studying the acid- and alkali-lability of the protein-phosphorous bonds. A 50 kDa component appeared as a product of covalent cross-linking of the constituent alpha- and beta-polypeptide chains. A 2.5S fraction appeared as the main product of dissociation, which takes place after a critical step of modification. The higher the extent of phosphorylation, the larger was the percentage of higher molecular weight products, the percentage of which was most significant after modification under strongly alkaline conditions. They may be attributed both to products of chemical cross-linking and to noncovalently linked aggregates formed by interactions of partially unfolded derivatives exhibiting an increased surface hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of crop residues from winter oilseed rape on N2O emissions from a loamy soil and to determine the effect of different tillage practices on N2O fluxes. We therefore conducted a field experiment in which crop residues of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L., OSR) were replaced with 15N labelled OSR residues. Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and 15N abundance in the N2O were determined for a period of 11 months after harvest of OSR and in the succeeding crop winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivated on a Haplic Luvisol in South Germany. Measurements were carried out with the closed chamber method in a treatment with conventional tillage (CT) and in a treatment with reduced soil tillage (RT). In both tillage treatments we also determined N2O fluxes in control plots where we completely removed the crop residues. High N2O fluxes occurred in a short period just after OSR residue replacement in fall and after N‐fertilization to winter wheat in the following spring. Although N2O emissions differed for distinct treatments and sub‐periods, cumulative N2O emissions over the whole investigation period (299 days) ranged between 1.7 kg and 2.4 kg N2O‐N ha?1 with no significant treatment effects. More than half of the cumulative emissions occurred during the first eight weeks after OSR replacement, highlighting the importance of this post‐harvest period for annual N2O budgets of OSR. The contribution of residue N to the N2O emission was low and explained by the high C/N‐ratio fostering immobilization of mineral N. In total only 0.03% of the N2O‐N emitted in the conventional tillage treatment and 0.06% in the reduced tillage treatment stemmed directly from the crop residues. The 15N recovery in the treatments with crop residues was 62.8% (CT) and 75.1% (RT) with more than 97% of the recovered 15N in the top soil. Despite our measurements did not cover an entire year, the low contribution of the OSR residues to the direct N2O emissions shows, that the current IPCC tier 1 approach, which assumes an EF of 1%, strongly overestimated direct emissions from OSR crop residues. Furthermore, we could not observe any relationship between tillage and crop residues on N2O emission, only during the winter period were N2O emissions from reduced tillage significantly higher compared to conventional tillage. Annual N2O emission from RT and CT did not differ.  相似文献   

Nitrate‐N uptake from soil depends on root growth and uptake activity. However, under field conditions N‐uptake activity is difficult to estimate from soil‐N depletion due to different loss pathways. We modified the current mesh‐bag method to estimate nitrate‐N‐uptake activity and root growth of two oilseed‐rape cultivars differing in N‐uptake efficiency. N‐efficient cultivar (cv.) ‘Apex' and N‐inefficient cv. ‘Capitol' were grown in a field experiment on a silty clayey gleyic fluvisol near Göttingen, northern Germany, and fertilized with 0 (N0) and 227 (N227) kg N ha–1. In February 2002, PVC tubes with a diameter of 50 mm were installed between plant rows at 0–0.3 and 0–0.6 m soil depth with an angle of 45°. At the beginning of shooting, beginning of flowering, and at seed filling, the PVC tubes were substituted by PVC tubes (compartments) of the same diameter, but with an open window at the upper side either at a soil depth of 0–0.3 or 0.3–0.6 m allowing roots to grow into the tubes. Anion‐exchange resin at the bottom of the compartment allowed estimation of nitrate leaching. The compartments were then filled with root‐free soil which was amended with or without 90 mg N (kg soil)–1. The newly developed roots and nitrate‐N depletion were estimated in the compartments after the installing period (21 d at shooting stage and 16 d both at flowering and grain‐filling stages). Nitrate‐N depletion was estimated from the difference between NO ‐N contents of compartments containing roots and control compartments (windows closed with a membrane) containing no roots. The amount of nitrate leached from the compartments was quantified from the resin and has been taken into consideration in the calculation of the N depletion. The amount of N depleted from the compartments significantly correlated with root‐length density. Suboptimal N application to the crop reduced total biomass and seed‐yield formation substantially (24% and 38% for ‘Apex’ and ‘Capitol’, respectively). At the shooting stage, there were no differences in root production and N depletion from the compartments by the two cultivars between N0 and N227. But at flowering and seed‐filling stages, higher root production and accordingly higher N depletion was observed at N0 compared to N227. Towards later growth stages, the newly developed roots were characterized by a reduction of root diameter and a shift towards the deeper soil layer (0.3–0.6m). At low but not at high N supply, the N‐efficient cv. ‘Apex’ exhibited higher root growth and accordingly depleted nitrate‐N more effectively than the N‐inefficient cv. ‘Capitol’, especially during the reproductive growth phase. The calculated nitrate‐N‐uptake rate per unit root length was maximal at flowering (for the low N supply) but showed no difference between the two cultivars. This indicated that the higher N‐uptake efficiency of cv. ‘Apex’ was due to higher root growth rather than higher uptake per unit of root length.  相似文献   

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