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兰岚 《福建茶叶》2016,(9):132-133
我国茶文化历史悠久,而茶具研究更是源远流长。功夫茶具是具有中国特色的艺术形式,其造型设计颇具艺术特色。本文从功夫茶具的分类、设计进行分析,并结合现代人文理念,对功夫茶具的造型研究进行浅要分析,旨在给读者了解功夫茶具提供参考。  相似文献   

吴光荣 《中国茶叶》2013,(11):35-35
装饰工艺是提高传统陶瓷质量和艺术价值的极为重要的手段。尤其是宜兴紫砂壶,因里外不施釉,就需要有较高的制作水准及装饰,以满足不同层次使用者的需求。另一方而,装饰本身还具有时代性,它是当时社会、政治、经济、文化的反映;  相似文献   

本文介绍了功夫茶具主要分类,分析了功夫茶具传统的造型设计艺术,提出功夫茶具造型设计的现代创新举措如下:突出茶具的绿色环保主题;汲取更多其他艺术门类的灵感创新功夫茶具造型设计。  相似文献   

赵芬 《福建茶叶》2009,31(2):48-49
紫砂壶是人们日常生活中用以沏茶和饮茶的一种实用器具,起始于宋,盛于明清,流传至今.我国紫砂壶艺术的发展至今已有八百多年的历史,经历了古朴、华丽和淡雅的历史演变,明代中叶以后尤其是清代,逐渐形成了融文学、书法、绘画、篆刻、雕塑为一体的紫砂陶土艺术品,成为世界上无与伦比的陶中瑰宝而载人史册.……  相似文献   

胡付照 《中国茶叶》2010,32(4):34-37
宜兴的紫砂壶养壶文化由来已久。历史上流传下来的传说中,即有紫砂壶养壶文化方面的内容。如“刷洗后售卖茶壶而身价不名”的传说。虽然这一故事有失科学内涵,但经过良好滋养的紫砂壶泡茶功效优于其他陶瓷茶具已是不争的事实,而这些只发生在紫砂壶上的传说故事又说明了它和其他陶瓷茶具的不同。作为一件毫无生命特性的普通工艺美术品,经过了火的洗礼,从窑中取出带有“燥气”、“土腥之味”,生气未发,  相似文献   

紫砂壶上刻款、题识,是壶外艺术。最早制壶人的初衷,可能是想做个记号,记上自己的名字、制作年月。也可能是受书画家把自己的名款写在作品上的影响,  相似文献   

李敏芝 《福建茶叶》2016,(10):362-363
茶歌艺术作为非物质文化遗产的一部分,一直以来都是华夏民族极为宝贵的财富。茶歌文化既是采茶地区人们的精神娱乐方式,也是当地风情的真实写照。本文主要通过对茶歌艺术的文化源流进行深入调查,对茶歌的艺术特点及其文化价值进行详细的分析和探讨。  相似文献   

我国的茶文化发展有着悠久的历史,茶具作为茶文化的一个代表,也经历了不同的历史时期。从茶具的形状功能及工艺审美可以看出,茶具不仅在饮茶中发挥着重要作用,而且体现出深厚的文化内涵。随着时代的发展进步,茶具从传统的物质层面逐渐向精神层面转变,使更多的中国传统文化特色融入到茶具造型中,提升了茶具的艺术审美特性。  相似文献   

蒋海霞 《福建茶叶》2016,(5):173-174
我国古代茶具造型各异,兼有实用价值和艺术美感,是我国传统文化的结晶。在不同历史时期,社会价值观念和审美理念不尽相同,茶具在造型设计上也会有所差异。本文主要介绍了茶具的球体造型、浮雕叠透造型、单一线条造型以及方体搭配弧线造型,并对这四类茶具造型的美学价值进行评价。  相似文献   

陆小泥 《福建茶叶》2016,(11):166-167
禅宗佛教起源于古印度,后传入中国,并且唐代、宋代逐渐吸收融合了儒家、道家思想,最终实现了完美蜕变,形成了最具特色的中国文化,同时,它还涉及到哲学、文学、建筑、生活等各个方面。茶文化是我国独有的传统文化,是中国悠久的历史的体现,它以其独特的风味,受人欢迎,有些科学家认为茶文化是一种精神的象征。禅文化和茶文化两者关系密切,文化继承的不断发展,促使两个不同的文化相辅相成,并且,对现代茶具的设计产生了重要影响。本文主要针对禅宗文化对当代茶器具设计的影响进行研究分析,并且依据实际情况提出了一些看法,希望能够推动文化传承工作的发展。  相似文献   

Due to recent changes in EC subsidies for flax cultivation it has been difficult to grow short fibre flax profitably in the UK. The Texflax project aimed to demonstrate that high quality flax fibre can be produced and processed on short fibre cotton spinning systems. Initially 92 flax accessions were cultivated on test sites in the UK over three growing seasons to explore the range of fibre diameter found in fibre flax. The efficacy of applying a translocating herbicide at different stages of plant maturity for optimum fine fibre production was explored. A range of factors indicated that application at the midpoint of flowering stage is favourable for the desiccation of flax and onset of retting. Fibre was caustic extracted using a laboratory method developed at De Montfort University, and fibre evaluated in terms of diameter, length, consistency and cleanliness. At the end of the project five accessions from the original 92 were chosen as producing optimal quality fibre suitable for high value textile end uses. Improved agronomy and subsequent processing enabled yarns with a 50:50 cotton:flax blend to be spun at 26 N m yarn count, the normal blend ratio for this count being 70:30. The yarn properties show an improvement when compared to standard products and finer quality fabrics have been prepared using the yarns.  相似文献   

The fungusAspergillus flavus was used to evaluate the protein nutritive value of barley and wheat cultivars with a wide range in protein and amino acid concentrations. The biomass yield, after 72h incubation on isonitrogenous diets, also varied widely among barley or wheat cultivars. However, biomass was more closely associated with sample weight or glucose supplementation of the medium than with amino acid concentrations. Only threonine, serine and histidine in barley proteins gave low positive correlations with biomass yield at all energy levels in the diets, and no consistent correlations were found in the wheat experiment. Also biomass mycelium varied in nitrogen concentration, depending on diet, and biomass weight was not a consistent measure of nitrogen retention by the mycelum. It was concluded thatA. flavus was not a satisfactory organism for rapid screening of barley or wheat cultivars for concentration of available amino acids, essential for human nutrition.  相似文献   


Forty-seven lucerne varieties/lines were examined to quantify their morphological, production characteristics, and nutritive values in southeastern Australia. The experiment was established in 2015 with a randomized complete block design and four replications. The morphological and production characteristics were measured from January to October 2017, and nutritive values were measured in February 2017. The results showed that the cultivars differed significantly (P < 0.01) in morphological, production characteristics, and nutritive values. Total herbage yield was highest for Haymaster 7 (14,186 kg/ha) and lowest for Qingshui (5927 kg/ha). Plant height was highest for Cropper 9.5 (31.4 cm) and lowest for Qingshui (14.5 cm). SF 714QL had the greatest branch number (44.7 branches/15 cm row segment). AV1001 had longest leaf (2.3 cm) and greatest leaf area (16.68 cm2/10 leaves) whereas Force 10 and SARDI 10 SERIES 2 had widest leaves (1.3 cm). AV1005 had the highest leaf-to-stem ratio (5.64). Crude protein (CP) content was highest for SARDI 10 SERIES 2 (15.1%) and lowest for SF 714QL (8.0%). AV12 was highest in crude fat (4.5%). Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content was lowest in Stamina 5 (33.5%). Acid detergent fiber (ADF) content was lowest in Gannong 4 (29.3%). Relative feed value (RFV) was highest in Force 11 (193.0%). Calcium (Ca) content was highest for Titan 5 (1.8%). Phosphorous content was highest for AV1 and Gannong 6 (0.1%). Overall, Cropper 9.5, SARDI 10 SERIES 2, Haymaster 9, Titan 9, SF 714QL, Kaituna, Haymaster 7, AV1001, AV1002, and WL925HQ performed well based on their comprehensive scores.  相似文献   

Suaeda glauca is a potential feedstock for ruminants in north‐east China in areas of increasing salinity. The characteristics of S. glauca pasture from June to October and effects on intake, digestion and blood metabolites in lambs given increasing proportions of S. glauca in the forage component of a mixed hay/concentrate (50/50) diet were evaluated. Harvest date had a significant effect on dry matter (DM) yield. There were significant increases in DM content, total energy, neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre (ADF), but declines in leaf proportion, crude protein, total ash and sodium contents with maturity. Inclusion of 25%S. glauca hay in a diet significantly improved daily intake of DM, organic matter (OM) and energy compared with T0% and T50% groups. Supplementation at 25 or 50% significantly increased the digestibility of energy, DM, OM and ADF compared with the T0% group. Water intake, urinary excretion, water content of fresh faeces and sodium excretion from urine linearly increased with increasing S. glauca content, but potassium excretion from urine decreased. K and Mg serum contents were significantly increased compared with T0% group when S. glauca made up 50% of diet. This study indicates that S. glauca is a suitable hay when added as 25% of the lamb diet.  相似文献   

The changes in proximate composition, phytate phosphorus, thiamine and ascorbic acid content of finger millet, pearl millet and foxtail millet during progressive germination were studied. Germination resulted in a slight decrease in total protein and minerals, a marked fall in phytate-phosphorus and a significant increase in the ascorbic acid content of the millets. An increase in lysine and tryptophan but no appreciable changes in threonine and sulfur amino acid content of the millets were observed as a result of germination. However, the protein efficiency ratio values of ungerminated control seeds, 48 h germinated green malt and kilned malt were not significantly different.  相似文献   

Although the efficiency ratio (PER) of vegetable proteins can be improved by supplementation with the limiting free amino acids, the digestibility of these proteins remains lower than that of animal proteins. The digestibility of a rapeseed protein concentrate measured in rats was improved from a value of 81 to 87% by water solubilization and ammonium sulfate precipitation. 2S and 12S fractions were also prepared from a rapeseed protein concentrate by a method based on differences of solubility in ammonium sulfate solutions. Protein digestibility of the rapeseed protein concentrate was found to be 82%, as compared to 87% and 89% for 2S and 12S fractions. A reduction of protein efficiency ratio was also recorded and was found to result from losses in amino acids.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the chemical composition and nutritive value of Prangos ferulacea, a plant found in the Mediterranean and Middle‐east regions, where it is used as animal fodder. Samples of mature plants were collected from S.E. Turkey. Metabolizable energy (ME) values were estimated from in vitro gas production measurements and from chemical composition. ME concentrations of the whole plant, leaves and stems were estimated to be 12·2, 11·9 and 12·7 MJ kg?1 dry matter (DM) respectively, which compares favourably with high‐quality forages commonly used in ruminant feeding. The DM degradability of the whole plant, leaves and stems increased up until 48 h of in situ incubation, 866, 915 and 784 g kg?1 DM respectively, but changed little between 48 and 72 h. In vitro DM and organic matter digestibility of the whole plant, leaves and stems were 0·769 and 0·806, 0·773 and 0·790, and 0·740 and 0·840 respectively. The results show that P. ferulacea may be regarded as a high‐energy forage, but further research is needed on its intake characteristics and the levels of animal performance that can be achieved from its inclusion in the diet.  相似文献   

From the proximate composition ofSauropus androgynus leaf it was observed that its nutritive value is superior to other commonly consumed leafy vegetables in India. In an attempt to popularise this vegetable for human consumption, certain preparations (traditional recipes in Andhra Pradesh, India) were made with the leaf and palatability tests conducted. These tests showed that the leaf was quite acceptable to the consumer. Sauropus androgynus leaf was previously reported to contain considerable amounts of the alkaloid papavarine (580 mg per 100 gm fresh leaf [2]). Excessive consumption of the leaf reportedly caused dizziness, drowsiness, constipation, etc. [6]. Before it could be recommended for wide and frequent use, further work on the subject is necessary to set safe levels for its consumption.A thesis submitted to the Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University (APAU) by P. Padmavathi for her M.Sc. (Foods & Nutrition) at the College of Home Science, Hyderabad, India.  相似文献   

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