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1 冬前弱苗诊断 1.1 缺氮弱苗 首先看腋芽即分蘖点、找主茎,依据叶与蘖的同伸关系,第4片叶与第1个一级分蘖同时出现,若第4片叶长长了,而第1个一级分蘖仍很短,一般只有第4叶一半时,即为缺氮弱苗.  相似文献   

水稻中位蘖的分蘖规律与生产力研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
经冀粳14号的主茎和不同蘖位1 ̄4次分蘖为材料,研究了水稻中位蘖规律与生产力。结果证实,。中晚熟水稻品种主茎有两个蘖位转折期,依此将主茎蘖位划分为下、中、上3部分;水稻主茎3 ̄n-1蘖位为中部蘖位。在中位蘖中,主茎n蘖位上一次分蘖与主茎n-2蘖位下一次分蘖具有n-2的蘖、蘖同伸规律,即经向上主茎每长2片叶,横向上分蘖次数增加1次的规律,在所有1次分蘖中,n-1和n-2蘖位1次分蘖生产潜力最大;在所有2次分蘖中n-3和n-4用中位蘖2次分蘖生产潜力最大;在所有3次分蘖中n-5和n-6蘖位3次分蘖生产潜力最大;合理利用中位蘖优势具有14.9%左右的增产潜力。  相似文献   

在不同种植密度下,于拔节期前后测定兰考矮早八主茎和一级分蘖的第一分蘖(分蘖I)和第二分蘖(分蘖II)各时期上部第一片完全展开叶内吲哚乙酸(IAA)、玉米素核苷(ZR)和脱落酸(ABA)含量。结果表明,叶片内IAA和ZR含量表现为主茎>分蘖I>分蘖II,其分蘖与主茎的差距在拔节前期开始加大;叶片内ABA含量表现为分蘖>主茎,其差距开始加大的时期比其他激素晚6~12 d。各激素含量在主茎与分蘖间的差距随密度的增大而增加,且差距达到一定程度时导致分蘖衰亡。激素间平衡与分蘖成穗关系更为密切,分蘖叶片中IAA/ABA和ZR/ABA比值低不利于分蘖最终成穗。激素含量比值在分蘖和主茎叶片中出现差距的时间要早于单一激素含量在分蘖与主茎中出现差距。与单个激素含量相比,激素之间的平衡以及分蘖与主茎激素平衡的差距可能与分蘖成穗的关系更为密切。分蘖中IAA/ABA和ZR/ABA比值占主茎中相应比值的比例可使判断成穗蘖和衰亡蘖出现差距的时间提前至二棱末期,比单一激素含量判断提前6~22 d。  相似文献   

杂交籼稻机械化种植的分蘖特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探明不同播期杂交籼稻机械化种植的分蘖特性及其与产量的关系, 以F优498为材料, 采用二因素裂区设计, 研究了早播与迟播2个处理下机直播、机插、手插3种种植方式的杂交籼稻分蘖发生与成穗特点及各分蘖穗的穗部性状。结果表明: (1) 一次分蘖群对产量贡献大且稳定, 均在58.67%~63.82%之间; 主茎对产量贡献率以机直播最高, 手插最低; 机插和手插二次分蘖群占产量比例均显著高于机直播。(2) 不同种植方式分蘖发生与成穗规律不同, 机直播与机插分蘖发生均属一次高峰型, 手插属二次高峰型。机直播分蘖发生早而快, 一次分蘖群发生在主茎第1~第8叶位, 其中第1~第4叶位分蘖成穗率较高, 二次分蘖成穗以第1、第2叶位为主。机插分蘖发生晚、起点低, 但比较集中, 一次分蘖群以3/0~8/0发生为主, 3/0~6/0分蘖成穗率较高, 二次分蘖群成穗以第3~第5叶位为主。手插秧田与本田均发生分蘖, 分蘖发生叶位数多, 持续时间长, 一次分蘖群发生在主茎第1、第2、第4~第8叶位, 其中第1、第2、第4、第5和第6叶位成穗率较高, 二次分蘖群发生与成穗主要在第1、第2叶位。分蘖成穗叶位数和产量均随播期延迟而减少。(3) 3种种植方式的主茎及中低叶位一次分蘖枝梗数和每穗粒数多, 粒大, 单穗重高; 高叶位一次分蘖和二次分蘖枝梗数和穗粒均较少, 稻穗小。机直播优势叶位为第1~第4叶位, 机插为第3~第6叶位, 手插为第1、第2、第4、第5和第6叶位, 对产量贡献率分别达70.51%、73.83%和76.81%。优势叶位分蘖发生与成穗率高, 稻穗大, 对产量贡献率高, 应优化农艺措施挖掘其增产潜力。  相似文献   

为探明不同栽培方式水稻在长江下游稻-麦两熟制条件下的分蘖特性及其与群体生产力的关系,以超级稻淮稻9号和徐稻3号为材料,比较研究旱育中苗壮秧精量手栽、小苗机插、直播3种栽培方式水稻分蘖发生与成穗特点及其生产力和对产量的贡献。结果表明,不同栽培方式水稻产量差异极显著,手栽稻最高,直播稻最低。机插稻和直播稻主茎和一次分蘖群对产量贡献大,尤其是直播稻,主茎产量比例达27.5%,二次分蘖群仅5%左右,而手栽稻主茎产量比例小(16.7%),二次分蘖群产量占近20%。一次分蘖群产量比例不同栽培方式间变化幅度较小,都在65.84%~67.09%之间。手栽稻分蘖发生叶位数多,且茎蘖成穗率高,单株成穗数多;一次分蘖群发生在主茎第1至第10叶位,其中第5至第8叶位分蘖发生率与成穗率较高,二次分蘖群以1/5、1/6、1/7发生和成穗为主。机插稻分蘖发生比较集中,一次分蘖群发生在主茎第3叶至第7叶位,第4至第7叶是分蘖发生与成穗的优势叶位,二次分蘖群发生以1/4、2/4、1/5为主,但主要依靠1/4成穗。直播稻一次分蘖群发生在主茎第1至第5叶位,其中第1至第4叶位分蘖发生率与成穗率较高,二次分蘖发生较多,但仅在1/1、2/1、1/2有成穗,且成穗率很低。3种栽培方式均未见三次及三次以上分蘖发生。各栽培方式主茎及优势叶位分蘖群生产力高、穗部性状好,对产量贡献大,产量的85%以上来自这些茎蘖。说明不同栽培方式水稻分蘖发生与成穗规律是不同的,提高茎蘖成穗率,增加单株成穗数,充分发挥分蘖群的调控作用,对提高产量具有重要意义;同时生产中应根据各种栽培方式的实际,应用各自配套的管理技术措施,通过肥水等的精确合理调控,促进优势叶位分蘖早发、多发,抑制无效叶位分蘖发生,提高群体质量,发掘优势叶位的增产潜力,从而实现不同栽培方式水稻的高产高效生产。  相似文献   

一株麦苗的主茎和各分蘖的心叶(-1叶)和它里边的一片叶(-2叶)的长度比率,称为-1/-2叶差距。以叶差距为指标反映分蘖、蘖群和植株的生长势,即叶差距小,表示当时和进一步的生长趋势是增强;叶差距大,则表示减弱。一个蘖群中各个分蘖的生长势,在分蘖期,一般表现为子蘖优势,但也有的蘖群和植株表现为亲蘖优势,这一差异可以考虑用于  相似文献   

机插早稻分蘖成穗特性及基本苗公式参数研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为精确定量机插早稻适宜的群体起点,合理利用分蘖成穗,以4个早稻(株两优30、株两优189、中嘉早17和嘉早311)品种(组合)为材料,研究了机插早稻分蘖成穗特性及基本苗公式参数。结果表明,机插早稻一次分蘖主要发生在主茎第3~6叶位,第4、第5叶位为分蘖发生与成穗的优势叶位;二次分蘖发生较少,以1/3、2/3、1/4为主,但均不能成穗;单株分蘖成穗数杂交稻约3.1个,常规稻约2.2个;主茎及优势蘖位穗部性状较好,产量高,对总产量贡献大。早稻在三叶期左右移栽,杂交稻移栽分蘖缺位叶龄(bn)为1.7~1.8,校正系数(a)为−1.2~ −1.1,有效分蘖发生率(r)为0.75左右;常规稻bn为2.5~2.7,a为−1.3~ −1.1,r为0.7左右。生产中机插早稻应在保证足够基本苗的基础上,争取分蘖早生多发,充分发挥优势叶位的分蘖成穗优势,并合理利用动摇分蘖成穗,以获取较多的有效穗而实现高产。  相似文献   

水稻蘖位优势的形成规律与高产利用研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
地水稻主茎不同蘖位上分蘖成穗后的穗粒数变化情况的分析结果表明,随主茎第一蘖位向上移动,蘖位优势呈出由强→弱→强→弱的变化规律,当一个主茎蘖位上利用一个一次分蘖和两个二次分蘖成穗时,优势蘖位的上限为主茎叶片数减去10,利用一个一次分蘖成穗时,优势蘖位的上限为主茎叶片数减去7,在相同密度条件下,利用中位蘖栽培,能提高每穗粒数5.44%以上,表现出具有较大的增产潜力。  相似文献   

冬小麦分蘖衰亡过程中内源激素作用的研究   总被引:19,自引:6,他引:13  
马兴林  梁振兴 《作物学报》1997,23(2):200-207
1990~1992年在大田条件下研究了分蘖衰亡过程中,主茎及各蘖位分蘖内源吲哚乙酸(IAA)、细胞分裂素类物质——玉米素核苷(ZR)和玉米素(Z)及脱落酸(ABA)的变化动态。结果表明,分蘖衰亡过程与内源激素变化有密切关系。不同蘖位分蘖虽然开始衰亡的时间不同,但开始形态衰亡之前都表现出共同规律,即各蘖位分蘖ZR Z的含量和ABA含量与主茎相应激素的差异显著加大,成为该蘖衰亡的先兆。在分蘖衰亡过程中,这种差异继续加大,直至该蘖枯亡。IAA的变化较晚发生,几乎与分蘖的形态衰亡同步进行。凡没有发生衰亡的分蘖,其内源激素含量与主茎的差异始终保持相对稳定,成为分蘖成穗的重要基础。研究初步认为,分蘖衰亡前ZR Z和ABA的这种变化是导致分蘖衰亡的主要原因,而IAA的变化则是伴随原因。因此,缩小主蘖间ZR Z和ABA含量上的差距是争取分蘖成穗的重要途径。  相似文献   

以氮素营养特性差异较大的3个品种为材料,研究了水稻不同生育期顶部4片展开叶中叶片总氮、叶绿素和游离氨基酸及叶鞘总氮含量的叶位分布特点。各生育期叶片和叶鞘总氮含量均以顶1叶最高,而游离氨基酸和叶绿素的最高含量叶位随品种和生育期而异。抽穗前游离氨基酸的最高含量叶位随品种和生育期变化较大,而抽穗后以顶1叶含量  相似文献   

株型对棉株14C同化物生产及运转分配的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用 14 C示踪技术 ,研究了简化整枝与早打主茎顶心、少留果枝改变株型对 14 C同化物生产分配的影响。结果表明 ,简化整枝蕾期、花铃期果枝叶的光合作用强度和14 C同化量均低于对照 ,且 14 C同化物向主茎和果枝的分配比例也较对照降低。简化整枝早打主茎顶心 ,可提高花铃期果枝叶、叶枝叶的光合作用强度和 14 C同化物向叶枝的分配比例。反映到产量和产量构成因素上 ,表现为简化整枝主茎结铃减少 ,叶枝结铃可弥补其损失 ,单铃重和衣分略有降低 ;简化整枝早打主茎顶心增加了叶枝结铃数 ,且单铃重和衣分略有提高。但处理间的皮棉产量均无显著差异  相似文献   

Two-year field trials with winter wheat under nine nitrogen (N) fertilizer treatments were conducted at TU Munich's research station in Southern Bavaria. The study investigated N uptake and N utilization of wheat stands for varying N fertilizer strategies, with emphasis on N application during stem elongation. N use was analysed in individual plants, separated into main stems and tillers to estimate the effect on the tiller category. While grain N uptake showed only slight differences, substantial differences were recorded for N uptake of straw, leading to significant variation in N harvest index as affected by N fertilizer treatment. Individual plant analysis indicated that N harvest indices of tillers were lower than those of main stems due to high N uptake into the straw of tillers. This was not modified by any of the N fertilization strategies. It is presumed that for tillers the translocation of nitrogen from straw into kernels is less effective than for main stems since ears of tillers produce a lower sink size. N fertilization with emphasis on stem elongation led to a below-average number of tillers and above-average N harvest indices for main stems as well as tillers. This was confirmed by a negative correlation between plant density and N harvest index. High N content in straw was not found to be necessary for achieving high N content in kernels. In addition to economical benefits, a N fertilization strategy with emphasis on application during stem elongation has environmental benefits in intensive wheat production systems.  相似文献   

The number of productive tillers is an important yield component in wheat and is affected by water stress and genetic factors. A greenhouse experiment was conducted during spring 1992 at ICARDA, Tel Hadya, Syria, with eight genotypes representing two Triticum species ( Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum and Triticum aestivum L. ssp. aestivum ) under four soil-moisture regimes (95 %, 75 %, 55 %, and 35 % field capacity) to study the effect of water deficit on tiller development and tiller contribution to grain yield. In the highest watering regime appearance of Tiller 1 was delayed in both species. Also Tiller 2 was suppressed in this treatment in durum , while its appearance was delayed in aestivum. In the driest treatment, a majority of the tillers were suppressed and the ones which emerged were delayed. In durum , the heat units required to produce successive leaves on the tillers were higher than that for the main stem and increased with increasing water stress, causing high rate of tiller abortion. In aestivum , each tiller, once produced, developed leaves at the same rate as on the main stem. Phyllochron of tillers as well as main stem was not affected by water stress in aestivum. In aestivum , contribution by tillers to yield was higher than that of durum in all treatments. Results indicate that early appearance of tillers and faster rate of leaf appearance under water stress result in higher tiller survival and greater tiller contribution to final yield. Hence, tiller dynamics under water stress can be used as a selection criterion for breeding for drought tolerance.  相似文献   

To clarify the influence of post-jointing drought on the ear-bearing and seed-setting characteristics of the main stem and tillers of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), a pot experiment was conducted with cultivars “Shannong 29” (SN29) and “Heng 0628” (H0628), and five water regimes: mild drought (WR1) and severe drought (WR2) for 0–5 days after jointing, mild drought (WR3) and severe drought (WR4) for 0–10 days after jointing and adequate water supply as a control (CK). The present study focused on primary tillers (appear in the axils of main stem leaves: T1, T2, T3, T4, etc.), as well as on secondary tillers (appear from the bud in the axil of the prophyll: T10 and T20; appear in the axil of the first leaf of the primary tiller T1: T11). The yield components of tillers showed a downward trend with increasing tiller position and drought degree and duration, and the kernels per spike, single kernels weight and grain yield per spike of tillers T2, T3, T10 and T4 decreased more than those of the other tillers. These outcomes may be related to the spike developmental stages at the time of the drought period. Severe drought during the period from when the stamen primordium is first present (Waddington’s stage 4) to when the carpel extends around the three sides of the ovule (Waddington’s stage 5) significantly decreased the seed set of tillers, but short-term (5 days) mild drought during this period and even a short-term severe drought before Waddington’s stage 4 had little effect on the seed set of tillers. The ear-bearing capacity of tillers was determined not only by the spike developmental stage, but also by the gap from the main stem and the competition of nutrition and space between tillers. Although the ear-bearing rate of tillers T3 and T10 decreased rapidly after the short-term mild drought, the increase in the ear-bearing rate of tillers T20 and T11 effectively compensated for the loss of the number of spikes per plant. Therefore, the short-term mild drought at the jointing stage had no significant effect on the grain yield of the two cultivars. The tillers T2, T3, T10 and T4 were sensitive to soil moisture in the jointing stage and had high plasticity. During this period, if timely irrigation improves soil moisture, it is expected to increase the ear-bearing rate and seed set of these tillers, thereby increasing grain yield.  相似文献   

水稻移栽后苗期茎叶光合产物运转与分配特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用3H核素示踪方法,研究了水稻移栽后苗期茎叶光合产物的运转分配特性。结果表明,栽后4 d标记的茎鞘3H同化物在标记后10 d,有7.6%~9.8%运往新根,6.7%~15.6%运往主茎新叶,6.9%~9.9%运往分蘖茎叶;标记后30 d,约12%分配至新根,10%~14%分配至分蘖茎叶。标记后10~30 d参与再分配的同化物主要来自主茎茎鞘,输入器官主要为分蘖和新根。移栽后20 d标记叶片的3H同化物在标记后10 d,19%~28%分配至主茎新叶,4.6%~13.4%分配至分蘖,3%~5%运往新根。3个品种中,冈优22茎、叶光合产物分配到主茎中的比例较高,K优047分配到分蘖的比例较高,Ⅱ优162输送到新叶中的比例最大。  相似文献   

棉花株冠光合特性的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对棉花盛铃期的株冠结构进行了不同层次的光合特性分析,用放射性同位素整株标记法研究了棉花株冠不同层次光合器官的相对光合强度,~(14)C—同化物的运输和分配以及棉花群体的相对呼吸强度;揭示了棉花盛铃期复杂株冠结构与光合特性的联系,为高产育种和栽培提供了部分理论依据。  相似文献   

Triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) is a cereal that can be simultaneously used for forage and for grain, but this dual purpose is currently limited by a lack of information concerning the effects of forage removal on grain production. Thus, the effect of one or two successive cuttings (simulated grazing) on grain yield, yield components in the main stem and tillers, leaf area and biomass development were studied in four hexaploid triticales grown under irrigation and with high soil fertility. Forage removal reduced grain yield and grain weight per plant in proportion to the number of cuttings, mainly by reducing the number of tillers with spikes at harvest. Whereas foliage reduction did not affect the number of spikelets per spike, kernels per spike, or floral fertility in the main-stem spike, these yield components were drastically reduced in the spikes of tillers. Forage removal affected mean weight per kernel to approximately the same extent in the main stem as in the tillers. The Leaf Area Index (LAI) at anthesis showed significant loss due to cutting, mainly because of a decrease in the number of leaves per plant and in the green area per leaf. This caused similar decreases in the Leaf Area Duration (LAD) from anthesis to maturity. A strong inverse relationship was found between the percent of loss in LAI at anthesis and the final grain yield, suggesting that grain yield was largely dependent upon the ability of the crops to produce new leaf tissue rapidly in the time between cutting and anthesis.  相似文献   

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