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一、缸套活塞组的故障缸套、活塞组在最繁重的条件下工作并承受冲击载荷,活塞环和缸套应使气缸工作空间有足够的密封性并能把热量急速地传到冷却系统。随着缸套活塞组的磨损,气缸压力下降,表现为起动困难(在其它机构正常时),机油烧损,曲轴箱窜气。诊断部位:用大螺丝刀在配气机构对面,由气缸壁处向下沿着缸筒的全长进行听诊。听诊方法:发动机由低速逐渐变化到标准转速发出的喑哑的敲击声变化或消失,  相似文献   


In order to improve the properties of rice straw fiber film, one factor contrast test method was employed. Plasticizer type was chosen as input variable, dry tension strength and elongation, wet tension strength and elongation, bursting strength and tearing strength were chosen as indexes. The results showed that there were significant differences among the means of dry tension strength, dry elongation and bursting strength of different plasticizers; there were not significant differences among the means of wet tension strength, wet elongation and tearing strength of different plasticizers; for dry tension strength and elongation, glycerol had a significant difference with sorbitol and PEG, no significant difference was observed between sorbitol and PEG, dry tension strength added glycerol had been reduced 6.8% compared with that added sorbitol, reduced 9.5% compared with that added PEG; elongation had been improved 6.1% and 9.4%, respectively; for bursting strength, sorbitol had a significant difference with glycerol and PEG, no significant difference was observed between glycerol and PEG; bursting strength added glycerol and added PEG had been improved 6.9% and 5.6%, respectively compared with that of the added sorbitol. The results provided a theoretical reference for further improving the straw fiber film manufacturing process.  相似文献   

刘超  胡昌勤  金少鸿 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(12):6947-6949,6996
[目的]研究自制的利福昔明杂质A和杂质B与利福昔明在不同条件下的变化规律。[方法]在酸、碱、氧化、高温的条件下,采用高效液相色谱法测定利福昔明及其有关物质含量。[结果]在1 mol/L HCl和1 mol/L NaOH溶液条件下,杂质A和杂质B均不稳定,在1 ml双氧水的条件下,杂质A非常稳定,而杂质B不稳定。杂质B在100℃下可部分转化为杂质A。[结论]在较高温度下,杂质B可部分转化为杂质A,在酸、碱条件下杂质A和杂质B均不稳定。  相似文献   

本文提出一种由群、拓扑、偏序定义的抽象耗散动态系统理论,以统一文所分别研究的连续耗散动态系统与离散耗散动态系统理论.  相似文献   

<正>10月12日中国氯化钾批发价格指数(CKPI)为2184.97点上周(10月8日-10月10日),国庆假期结束后,氯化钾市场总体稳定,中国氯化钾批发价格指数略有上扬。10月12日,中国氯化钾批发价格指数(CKPI)为2184.97点,环比上涨20.10点,涨幅为1.01%;同比上涨96.91点,涨幅为4.64%;比基期下跌1105.62点,跌幅为33.60%。供应情况:国产钾肥方面,盐湖基准产品60%晶体到站价仍为2300元/吨,含13%增值税,目前前期货源仍在发运中,青海钾肥小厂价格稳定,到站价为2000元/吨。港口方  相似文献   

一般的案件都按照当事人所在地与其所在地法案的隶属关系来确定管辖,称为一般地域管辖。  相似文献   

Orthogonal Test About Biogas Upgrading by Pressured Water Scrubbing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biogas is a kind of regenerable energy which is inexpensive and friendly to the environment, but the potential ofbiogas is difficult to develop fully in China, for most biogas have badly qualities and the utilization of it is monotonous. The suitable operation term about biogas upgrading by pressurized water scrubbing was researched through the orthogonal test in this study. Two sorts of scrubber packing included the random multidimensional hollow sphere packing and the structured screen packing were also used, and the effects of experiment factors included packing, water temperature, gas flow speed, water flow speed and washing pressure were studied. The results showed that better effect was got when the screen structured packing was used; all the five test factors affected the processing significantly in the arrange as before and had better and better significant effects.  相似文献   

An excellent Lonicera edulis strain, L1-8 that was bred by Northeast Institute of Geography and Agro-ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, was used as material in this research. The axillary buds of its dormant branches were used as explants. A fourfactor and four-level orthogonal test was designed in order to choose the best differentiation medium for providing the technical support of Lonicera edulis micropropagation. The results showed that the culture medium and concentration of 6-BA were the main factors, and the best differentiation condition was MS culture medium containing 2.0 mg · L-1 6-BA, 0.3 mg · L-1 IBA and 1.5 mg · L-1 GA3.  相似文献   

柴油是柴油发动机的燃料。柴油发动机较汽油发动机热效率高,功率大,比较经济,故应用日趋广泛。柴油品质的好坏关系到发动机的使用寿命,下面简要谈一下柴油的污染与净化问题。  相似文献   

蜂密主含果糖和葡萄糖,还含有蛋白质及其水解产物,蜡质、酶类、有机酸、乙酰胆碱、多种维生素和微量元素。内服有营养、润肺、滑肠、补中、解毒等功能。因此,广泛应川于滋补药物的制药工业上。但在去年我厂收购的部分蜂密中,有些含有不同程度的杂质,严重影响口服液成品的澄明度。为了使药液澄明,又不影响蜂密的质量,开展了去除蜂密中杂质的研究。  相似文献   

拉姆今年32岁,印度南部城市班加罗尔人。8年前来到中国,先后在中国的北京、重庆、新疆等地闯荡;4年前来到广州,从此喜欢上了这座城市,开始推销享誉印度的名小吃“印度飞饼”做了一个地道的街头小生意人。  相似文献   

文章研究三株生防酵母菌Cryptococcus albidus 63(Ca63)、Cryptococcus albidus 64(Ca64)和Candida parapsilosis yett1006对番茄灰霉病病原菌B.cinerea t08016b防治效果。番茄果实贮藏试验表明,三株生防酵母菌均有贮藏防腐效果,其中C.albidus 64防腐效果最好,好果率达45.83%。生防酵母菌对番茄灰霉病离体果实防治效果试验表明,三株生防酵母菌均可抑制番茄灰霉病,其中C.albidus 64防治效果最好,单一菌液处理对番茄灰霉病菌防治效果达95.83%,同时接种生防酵母菌和灰霉病菌对番茄灰霉病菌防治效果达69.57%。三株生防酵母菌对番茄灰霉病诱导抗性试验结果表明,三株生防酵母菌均可诱导番茄果实中防御相关酶如多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性且活性氧(H2O2、O2-)含量产生明显提高,可增强番茄对灰霉病抗病能力。  相似文献   

<正>本周国内液氨市场涨跌互现,局部趋于区域化运行。华中地区受氨量收紧支撑局部推涨,但涨幅放缓,企业挺价为主。山东等地受雾霾天气影响运输不畅出货受阻,局部承压运行。山西晋城地区受重污染天气橙色预警影响,出货一般。西南地区限气影响逐渐显现,部分企业开工负荷较低,价格有所推涨。  相似文献   

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