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反刍家畜过食谷物(所谓盗食)瘤胃内产生大量乳酸,引起乳酸酸中毒,病情危重时,病牛出现神经症状,常常导致死亡,通常对瘤胃酸中毒采用投服健康牛胃液法和洗胃法等。本试验以改善病牛胃内环境为目的,采用了活性炭口服疗法,同时,利用实验牛进行了活性炭效果试验,其概要如下。  相似文献   

家畜氢氰酸中毒是由于过量食入含有氰苷的饲料或新鲜的植物嫩芽引发的中毒病,常见于反刍类家畜.春季各种植物幼苗萌发,家畜极易误食,是此病高发季节.  相似文献   

1.凡是反刍家畜均饲喂尿素饲料。反刍家畜能够利用尿素,主要依赖瘤胃中的微生物群落,能以尿素为氮源合成自身的菌体蛋白。6月龄以内幼畜的瘤胃尚未得到发育,微生物群落还不健全,此时如饲喂尿素饲料不仅会造成饲料的浪费,阻碍生长,严重者还会造成畜体的中毒。  相似文献   

姜华 《农家致富》2012,(10):40-41
一、羊青贮饲料瘤胃酸中毒1.症状病羊群发,表现为不采食、精神沉郁、结膜潮红、反应迟钝、不反刍,触诊回弹性强,粪便稀软酸臭,脱水明显,眼窝凹陷,尿少色浓或无尿,步态蹒跚,卧地不起,头颈侧屈或后仰,昏睡乃至昏迷。若不救治,多在3~5天内死亡。  相似文献   

瘤胃酸中毒是由于奶牛采食不当(精饲料过量)而引起前胃机能障碍的一种营养代谢性疾病,严重影响奶牛的生产性能甚至危及奶牛的生命健康。微生态制剂作为一种抗生素替代品,被广泛应用在奶牛瘤胃酸中毒治疗中且能够取得良好效果。从瘤胃酸中毒的原因、微生态制剂的作用以及在治疗奶牛瘤胃酸中毒中的应用几方面对瘤胃酸中毒的治疗方法进行综述,以期为广大同行提供参考。  相似文献   

羊发生尿素中毒,当波尔山羊喝下过量尿素水溶液时,经过15—50分钟就会出现中毒症状:续发口流沫状唾液,臌胀,腹痛,反刍及瘤胃蠕动停止:最后,肛门松弛,瞳孔放大,窒息而死。现将1例波尔山羊中毒情况报告如下:  相似文献   

瘤胃酸中毒使胃内微生物群活性降低,引起前胃机能障碍,导致全身中毒为主要症状的反刍动物(牛羊)疾病。  相似文献   

介绍了反刍家畜利用非蛋白氮饲料的机制以及反刍家畜对非蛋白氮饲料的合理利用方法,以期为非蛋白氮在反刍家畜生产中的合理利用提供参考。  相似文献   

蕨类植物在霜冻或干旱脱落前依然能保持新鲜绿色,且多生于开阔林地,所以易于被放牧动物优先采食,因此放牧动物采食蕨类植物中毒的情况十分常见。蕨类植物本身具有潜在放射性物质,可直接造成动物骨髓损伤,且能够致癌,例如其在引发反刍家畜动物尿道肿瘤、地方性血尿中毒症方面非常普遍。所以针对牛、羊等草食家畜的蕨类植物中毒诊断和防治不容忽视。  相似文献   

<正>瘤胃酸中毒主要是因为牛、羊体内摄入的碳水化合物在瘤胃内部聚集、发酵,这种疾病会造成腹部疼痛、脱水等情况,如果不及时治理可能会引发死亡。作为畜牧人员,必须要对牛、羊瘤胃酸中毒病症进行控制,从预防、治疗等多个环节入手,全面分析病症特点和病症原因,为瘤胃酸中毒治理提供理论依据。一、病症特征牛羊瘤胃酸中毒的病症会随着时间的推移呈现出不同的病症特征,主要可以分为以下几个阶段:第一阶段,饱食后12-36小时内,出现食欲不振的情况,严  相似文献   

Metabolic aspects of acid-base change   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The state of metabolic acidosis involves changes of a varied and subtle nature in other organs as well as in the kidney. This fact has been illustrated in metabolic studies with glutamine, a major substrate of the kidney and of various other organs. In addition to the well-described increase in renal glutaminase enzymes, the hexose monophosphate-shunt enzymes also are much more active during metabolic acidosis; this phenomenon is limited to the kidney; its exact meaning remains speculative, but its possible relation to renal excretion of acid, lipogenesis, and gluconeogenesis during acidosis has been discussed. In the kidney there are metabolic changes associated with ammonium chloride acidosis that affect the basic mechanisms of gene-directed growth. There is a renal regenerative process during this kind of acidosis that resembles in some respects the compensatory hypertrophy in the remaining kidney after unilateral nephrectomy, from which it also differs in important ways. Lastly, we must now regard the role of glutamine in renal metabolism as an affair that goes well beyond the specific needs of formation of ammonia during the normal and acidotic states. Glutamine enters the general metabolic mill of the kidney, its carbon skeleton is incorporated into all the major tissue components, and it is an important source material for gluconeogenesis in the kidney; all of these renal functions of glutamine are increased during metabolic acidosis. Thus there is a fruitful field of exploration ahead, not only in the biochemical aspects of the renal response, but also in the metabolic interrelations among different organs during various types of acid-base change. This article, in concentrating on metabolic acidosis, gives only a glimpse of a broader picture to come.  相似文献   

奶山羊瘤胃酸中毒主要特性的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
试验采用大剂量玉米粉投服法诱发奶山羊瘤胃酸中毒,首次测定了投报前、报服后4、8、12、24、36、48h瘤胃液、血液、尿液中乳酸、内毒素、组织胺等主要指标的变化。结果显示:投服8h后3项指标均显著高于投股前测定值(P〈0.05或P〈0.01),并呈逐渐上升趋势,均为奶山羊瘤胃酸中毒的致病因素。  相似文献   

对130例牛瘤胃酸中毒、牛马原发生肠炎和消化不良腹泻及马类动物大肠阻塞临床病例进行了水、电解质和酸碱失衡研究。结果表明:马类动物大肠阻塞初期和中期病例,脱水和代谢性酸中毒发生缓慢,程度较轻,可用不加葡萄糖的口服补液盐液防治;牛马原发性肠炎和消化不良腹泻易发生脱水、代谢性酸中毒和低血K、Na、Cl,一般病例可用口服补液盐液防治,严重病例应静脉输液治疗;牛瘤胃酸中毒脱和代谢性酸中毒发展快,且严重,轻症病例可用不加葡萄糖的口服补液盐液防治,严重病例应静脉输液抢救。水、电解质和酸碱失衡的诊断应根据病种、病史、体征及化验指标综合判断。  相似文献   

Lactic acidosis, a clinical syndrome caused by the accumulation of lactic acid, is characterized by lactate concentration in blood greater than 5 mM. Therapy usually consists of intravenous sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), but resultant mortality is greater than 60 percent. The metabolic and systemic effects of NaHCO3 therapy of hypoxic lactic acidosis in dogs were studied and compared to the effects of sodium chloride or no therapy. Sodium bicarbonate elevated blood lactate concentrations to a greater extent than did either sodium chloride or no treatment. Despite the infusion of NaHCO3, both arterial pH and bicarbonate concentration decreased by a similar amount in all three groups of dogs. Additional detrimental effects of NaHCO3 were observed on the cardiovascular system, including decreases in cardiac output and blood pressure that were not observed with either sodium chloride or no treatment. Thus there is evidence for a harmful effect of NaHCO3 in the treatment of hypoxic lactic acidosis.  相似文献   

Intracellular acidification of skeletal muscles is commonly thought to contribute to muscle fatigue. However, intracellular acidosis also acts to preserve muscle excitability when muscles become depolarized, which occurs with working muscles. Here, we show that this process may be mediated by decreased chloride permeability, which enables action potentials to still be propagated along the internal network of tubules in a muscle fiber (the T system) despite muscle depolarization. These results implicate chloride ion channels in muscle function and emphasize that intracellular acidosis of muscle has protective effects during muscle fatigue.  相似文献   

Studying feeding behaviour of ruminants often implies the definition of eating bouts or the characterisation of meals. However, due to the difficulties encountered to define meal criteria there is a need for other ways of analysing feed intake. The aim of this paper was firstly to develop a new method to analyse feed intake without the need to define meals and secondly to use the obtained characteristics of the kinetic to discriminate between healthy animals and animals suffering from bouts of acidosis. The proposed method is broken down into two steps: a segmentation method is proposed first to detect changes in the slope of the kinetic representing changes in the feeding behaviour. Secondly, all the segments were clustered in eight groups according to the intake rate measured within the segment. This method was applied to the analysis of 15 h intake kinetics automatically recorded every 2 min in 12 goats in individual crates, during a period of 46 days. The present analysis showed that ruminal perturbations (acidosis) could influence the feeding pattern of goats and that it was possible to differentiate animals experiencing or not a bout of acidosis, through their feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

Physiological homeostasis is essential for organism survival. Highly responsive neuronal networks are involved, but their constituent neurons are just beginning to be resolved. To query brain serotonergic neurons in homeostasis, we used a neuronal silencing tool, mouse RC::FPDi (based on the synthetic G protein-coupled receptor Di), designed for cell type-specific, ligand-inducible, and reversible suppression of action potential firing. In mice harboring Di-expressing serotonergic neurons, administration of the ligand clozapine-N-oxide (CNO) by systemic injection attenuated the chemoreflex that normally increases respiration in response to tissue carbon dioxide (CO(2)) elevation and acidosis. At the cellular level, CNO suppressed firing rate increases evoked by CO(2) acidosis. Body thermoregulation at room temperature was also disrupted after CNO triggering of Di; core temperatures plummeted, then recovered. This work establishes that serotonergic neurons regulate life-sustaining respiratory and thermoregulatory networks, and demonstrates a noninvasive tool for mapping neuron function.  相似文献   

研究了雅安地区以腹泻症状为主的羔羊疾病。结果表明该病为瘤胃酸中毒。过量单一饲喂玉米面是导致发病的根本原因。病羊表现出精神沉郁、腹泻、脱水、虚弱和全身衰竭。其血中乳酸浓度显著升高(P<0.01),血液浓缩,血细胞压积升高,瘤胃液pH值降低,纤毛虫数量显著减少,活性显著降低。防制原则为减少玉米面喂量,补充体液和纠正酸中毒。  相似文献   

It is established that calves predisposed to the development of omphalitis on the first day of life are provided with the main trace elements to a lesser degree. Phenomena of oxidative stress are more expressed in them, and the longer state of acidosis characteristic for them leads to disturbance of the absorption of colostrum immunoglobulins and formation of colostrum immunity, which is one of the principal causes of development of omphalitis in neonates.  相似文献   

Lowering of pH from 7.40 to 6.60 significantly decreased the rate of glycerol formation in fat cells incubated with either 1-norepinephrine or theophylline. When these cells were incubated with both 1-norepinephrine and theophylline, the glycerol formation proceeded at maximal rate and was quite similar at pH 7.40 and 6.60. These results indicate that the inhibitory effect of acidosis on the lipolytic action of 1-norepinephrine is exerted on the process which activates lipase.  相似文献   

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