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我们从1983年开始,连续三年进行毛白杨地膜覆盖硬枝扦插育苗试验。结果证明,地膜覆盖能有效地提高毛白杨扦插成苗率,三年平均成苗率达60.1%,而对照(未覆膜)的成苗率只有24.9%,覆膜是对照的241%,同时,覆膜比对照苗木高生长量提高了8—38%。为培育优质壮苗,缩短育苗周期创造了条件。试验地选在运城市大渠乡北张村,土壤为轻壤土,排灌方便。育苗地需深耕细整。将1年生毛白杨种条截成20厘米长的插穗放于清水中浸泡5—7天后,  相似文献   

为缩短移植容器育苗的周期,找出移植容器育苗的最佳育苗周期,以油松、侧柏为研究对象,于2005、2006、2007年对其裸根苗及移植容器苗进行3次育苗试验。结果表明:油松、侧柏移植容器苗14d苗木即可成活,缩短了油松、侧柏的容器育苗周期。速成移植容器苗,新生根数量明显的多于常规移植容器苗。新生根平均长度低于常规苗,不窝根,容器外无苗根;苗木无新梢生长,苗木抗恶劣环境高。油松、侧柏速成移植容器苗的育苗和造林成活率均为98%,明显的高于常规容器苗的成活率。  相似文献   

详细总结了七叶树冬季播种育苗的母树选择、种子采集、种子处理、贮藏、整地、播种、覆膜及土、肥、水管理等技术。采取七叶树冬季播种育苗技术,减少了种子的贮藏时间,节约了贮藏成本,降低了因贮藏时间过长,可能出现的种子腐烂风险。通过对比试验,七叶树冬季播种育苗,种子发芽出土时间提前,缩短了种子发芽出土苗周期,提高了种子出苗率和苗木质量。  相似文献   

我局于一九七八年春开始,在影壁进行了落叶松等五个树种的塑料大棚容器育苗试验。试验表明,塑料大棚容器育苗能缩短育苗周期,加强苗木生长,是提高育苗、造林质量的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

旱柳覆膜育苗技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对旱柳覆盖地膜扦插育苗试验,结果证明:旱柳覆盖地膜育苗,缩小了昼夜温差,保水、保墒能力增强,苗木成活率提高,生长量增大,育苗周期缩短,经济效益显著,具有较高的推广价值。  相似文献   

采用秋季播种育苗方法,用地膜覆盖与稻草、麦秸覆盖对比试验.结果表明地膜覆盖连翘生育苗效果好,覆膜的比稻草、麦秸覆膜的提前出苗18d,出苗率高出16%,苗木高度、地径、根长分别高出16.2cm、0.18cm、9.2cm,覆膜苗质量明显高于稻草、麦秸覆盖苗,增产效果明显.  相似文献   

杏树常规育苗,是当年的种子经冬季层积处理,第二年春才能播种。我们用赤霉素处理鲜杏种解除休眠,对加速繁殖,缩短育苗周期,取得了明显的效果,在生产上具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

根据银中杨扦插育苗成活率比较低的特性,大胆尝试了使用覆膜育苗,通过对比试验,总结了银中杨覆膜扦插育苗的成功经验,阐述了银中杨覆膜扦插育苗技术与管理措施。  相似文献   

板栗一直采用直播和嫁接繁殖,周期长。经3年扦插试验,筛选出用嫩梢、嫩枝经激素处理后在地窖式温棚中育苗的方法,生根率可达65%。该方法育苗既节约了种子又缩短了育苗周期。  相似文献   

通过对温室大棚内和常规露天培育美国山核桃实生苗育苗试验表明:大棚育苗平均出芽率、成活率分别比常规育苗高出18和20个百分点,1年生苗高和地径分别是常规育苗的1.69倍和1.23倍。利用大棚育苗能促进苗木快速生长,缩短育苗周期,实用性强,方法简单。  相似文献   

白皮松地膜覆盖育苗试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白皮松是我国北方的特有树种,目前已成为城市和庭园绿化的优良树种。根据其生物学特性,在朝阳县林场苗圃地,进行了地膜覆盖育苗试验,取得了较好效果,文章就该树种的地膜覆盖育苗技术进行了报道。经不同时期的苗木生长情况比较看出,不覆膜的对照区,苗木速生期比覆膜的迟到10多天;从苗木质量来看,覆膜的苗木顶芽封顶已达92.3%,而对照区很少形成顶芽;从产量看,覆膜育苗的产苗量达165万株/hm^2,而对照区仅为130.5万株/hm^2。  相似文献   

在乌江峡谷瘠薄山地的典型地段设立了两个造林试验点,采用不同的种植穴土壤覆盖保水措施进行了夹竹桃、柏木、刺桐、黄葛树、黄花槐5个树种的植苗造林试验,结果表明:不同的种植穴覆盖措施对不同树种当年的植苗造林成活率及成活植株3年生时的保存率均产生显著影响,地膜覆盖的当年植苗成活率最高,而杂草覆盖保存率最高。种植穴经用杂草覆盖后,5个树种3年生幼树期的高生长都存在一定优势,不同覆盖措施对5个树种3年生幼树期的地径生长影响不大。试验结果表明:刺桐和黄花槐较适宜用作乌江峡谷瘠薄山地的造林树种。  相似文献   

Weed control is fundamental in plantations of valuable broadleaved species. The most common weeding techniques are repeatedly applied herbicides and removable plastic mulching, both raising environmental concerns. We studied the performance of these techniques on a hybrid walnut plantation, compared with three biodegradable mulch alternatives: a prototype bioplastic film, a layer of composted woodchips and a layer of ramial chips. The durability and effect of the treatments on tree performance (survival, growth, physiological traits) and soil features (moisture and temperature) were evaluated over 4 years. Herbicide yielded the best results, while all the mulching treatments provided better results than controls for nearly all the variables. The performance of plastic and bioplastic films was similar, suggesting that the latter could replace plastic mulching. The performance of the two chip mulches was similar and slightly below that of the films, probably because of the excessive thickness of the former (13–14 cm). In summary, biodegradable mulches showed high effectiveness in controlling weeds and so could offer an alternative to herbicide application and plastic mulching when these are contra-indicated technically (accessibility, repeatability), economically (labour cost), legally or environmentally.  相似文献   

落叶松小棚育苗是改变传统的育苗方式,变裸根露天培育为露天小棚培育。早春架设棚架,用塑料薄膜将床面覆盖,可提前化冻,提高地温,人为造成落叶松的适生环境。它可以克服北方的高寒天气,幼苗在棚内度过低温霜冻,增强了苗木的抗性。同时,由于采取了早播的方法,延长了苗木的生长期,缩短了育苗年限,使苗木当年出圃,提高苗木产量,增加经济效益。  相似文献   

The effects of mulching materials (black plastic and straw) and herbicide application (glyphosate) on growth and nitrogen nutrition of butternut (Juglans cinerea), white ash (Fraxinus americana) and bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) were studied in a plantation established in an abandoned field in southern Québec (Canada) since 1987. To ascertain the efficiency of mulching materials on the performance of tree seedlings, a herbicide (glyphosate, 6 l ha−1) was applied in half of the experimental plots in June 1990 and 1991. Soil parameters (temperature, moisture) and soil nitrate and ammonium concentrations were measured during the growing season in 1991. In summer 1991, nitrogen nutrition of the seedlings was monitored using enzyme assays (nitrate reductase activity (NRA), glutamine synthetase activity (GSA)) of the leaves of the three deciduous tree species. Mulching affected soil parameters, with black plastic producing the highest soil temperature (23.4°C) and straw the highest soil moisture (183.6 g kg−1) in June. NRA varied in relation to tree species, herbicide application, mulching material and time. GSA was poorly correlated to silvicultural treatments. Butternut showed the highest NRA, especially in herbicide plots irrespective of mulching material. Bur oak NRA showed less variation between herbicide and non-herbicide plots and reacted more to the mulching treatments. White ash NRA only showed an herbicide effect in June. All species reacted positively to the addition of an herbicide around the mulching material, but not to the same degree. Height and diameter increment ratios (with/without glyphosate application) indicate that butternut growth was the most improved by herbicide applications, followed by white ash and bur oak. This indicates that the effectiveness of mulching alone decreases in the following order: bur oak > white ash > butternut. The utilization of mulching material in abandoned fields as an alternative to herbicide application is closely linked to the species chosen. Enzyme assays (NRA) were shown to be a valuable tool for monitoring physiological status of planted trees subjected to environmental changes brought on by silvicultural practices.  相似文献   

华北石质低山阳坡油松造林技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在华北石质低山干旱阳坡,提高油松植苗造林成活率及生长量的关键,在于蓄水保墒。较大规格的反坡鱼鳞坑整地,辅以覆膜、覆草,可提高早春的地温,维持较高的土壤含水率,为油松苗木的成活及生长创造适宜的微域生态条件。  相似文献   

猕猴桃多为野生,为适应大田栽培对其优良苗木的需要,研究猕猴桃育苗技术很有必要。于是1996年-2000年在山西省猕猴桃主产区平陆县,进行了猕猴桃播种、扦插、压条等育苗试验,结果表明,在当地大量繁育猕猴桃,以采用根系发达、抗逆性强的硬毛猕猴桃种子,进行塑料弓棚播种育苗为好。  相似文献   

覆膜对酒竹干旱季节移栽和越冬的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过应用覆膜技术对酒竹生长影响的研究,旨在探索酒竹在移栽和越冬的技术措施。结果表明:覆膜可以提供干季移栽酒竹林土壤的水分含量,加快根系伤口的愈合和新根产生;可以提高土壤在冬季平均温度,同时,促进枝叶数量有不同程度的提高,冠幅面积增加。  相似文献   

松山区国有苗圃育苗 ,由于树种不同 ,收入也有差异。本文应用 Fuzzy预序分析 ,对各树种不同育苗收入进行了分析 ,从而为科学安排育苗、确定最佳方案提供了依据  相似文献   

为了解不同覆盖物对红松播种苗床土壤日蒸发量、土壤表层温度和种子出苗率及幼苗生长的影响,开展了不同覆盖物红松播种试验.结果 表明:不同覆盖物下土壤日蒸发量由大到小依次为CK、河沙、草炭土、松针、锯末和豆秸;河沙覆盖的土壤表层温度最高,其次是松针覆盖,豆秸覆盖的最低,锯末和草炭土覆盖下的土壤温度两者相差不大;松针、草炭土、...  相似文献   

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