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A 16-week-old, male border terrier was presented for urinary incontinence. Intravenous urography demonstrated a right-sided, extravesical ectopic ureterocele. Neoureterocystostomy and ureterocele omentalization were performed. Urinary incontinence persisted after surgery. Retrograde urethrography revealed communication between the ureterocele and urethra. Urinary incontinence resolved following partial ureterocelectomy and reconstruction of the proximal urethra.  相似文献   

Major resections of the tongue have not been commonly performed in animals because of concerns about the unfavorable postoperative effects of diminished lingual function. Five dogs were retrospectively reviewed to determine prehensile function and quality of life after glossectomies. Examinations were performed 1 week to 8 years after glossectomy, and owner interviews were conducted 10 months to 8 years after the surgery. All five dogs had acceptable and functional outcomes. Based on these five cases, glossectomy was well tolerated by dogs and may be a viable treatment option for aggressive tongue tumors and other conditions that render the tongue unsalvageable.  相似文献   

A 7-month-old, female English cocker spaniel was examined because of a complaint of urinary incontinence. Excretory urography revealed a small right kidney and right-sided hydroureter, ectopic ureter, and ureterocele. Ureteronephrectomy and ovariohysterectomy were performed, but the distal ureter and ureterocele were left in situ. Recurrent urinary tract infections and intermittent urinary incontinence persisted after surgery. Vaginourethrography demonstrated the presence of a urethral diverticulum associated with the ureterocele. Ureterocelectomy was performed, and the dog remains continent 4 years after ureterocelectomy. Persistent urinary incontinence and urinary tract infection were attributed to failure to resect the ureterocele.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old, mixed breed, intact male dog showed signs of left carpal joint swelling and weakness of the forelimbs one month before presentation. The symptoms gradually progressed to bilateral carpal and tarsal joint swelling and tetraparalysis. There were a number of radiographically identified lytic-proliferative bone lesions noted on the axial skeleton. Hypertrophic osteopathy of the metacarpi and all distal long bones was also evident. Because of the deteriorating quality of life and guarded prognosis, the patient was euthanized and a complete necropsy was performed. Renal cell carcinoma, with metastasis to the lung, thoracic vertebrae, ribs, and the right adrenal gland, was diagnosed. To our knowledge, renal cell carcinoma with bone metastases and hypertrophic osteopathy has not been reported in dogs.  相似文献   

Polyarteritis in the dog: a case report   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A case of hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing's Syndrome) in a 7-year-old female Miniature Poodle is presented. The methods of diagnosis and treatment are also described. The case was complicated by respiratory problems associated with probable dystrophic calcification of the lungs.  相似文献   

Pleural effusion caused by post-traumatic extravasation of urine from the abdominal cavity to the pleural cavity (urothorax) is an uncommon complication following traumatic injury. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of a case of traumatic urothorax in a dog presented with pleural and abdominal urine effusion. Combined urothorax and uroabdomen should be included in the differential-diagnosis list for dogs with recent trauma and a bicavitary effusion. The diagnosis can be confirmed by elevated creatinine concentrations in both effusates, compared to its serum concentration.  相似文献   

Osteomyelitis of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae and ribs was diagnosed in a mature German Shepherd dog. Klebsiella pneumoniae and Clostridium sp. were isolated from a rib biopsy. Treatment with an extended course of chloramphenicol resulted in recovery, both clinically and radiographically.  相似文献   

A dog presented with cutaneous nodules, enlarged lymph nodes and oedema in limbs, face and abdomen. The diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis was established by identification of Leishmania amastigotes within macrophages from skin and popliteal lymph node biopsies. At necropsy, lesions were found in different organs, but it was particularly striking to observe large areas of pallor in the myocardium. Histological examination revealed an intense chronic inflammatory reaction in many organs, and numerous macrophages were found to contain amastigote forms of Leishmania. The inflammatory reaction was especially severe in the heart, where large areas of the myocardium appeared infiltrated with huge numbers of mononuclear immune cells, causing cardiac muscle atrophy and degeneration. Despite the severe inflammation, the number of parasitized macrophages was low in the myocardium, as revealed by immunohistochemical staining of Leishmania amastigotes. Because cardiac involvement is not usually described in this condition, this dog represents a very rare case of canine visceral leishmaniasis with affection of the myocardium.  相似文献   

True thymoma in the dog: a case report   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Congenital multilobar bullous emphysema is described in a ten-week-old Labrador Retriever bitch. The condition was characterized by progressive dyspnoea and cyanosis. Abdominal respiratory effort was marked but no air movement was heard on auscultation of the chest. Radiographic examination revealed multiple loculated gas densities throughout most lung lobes. The radiographic appearance and pathology are discussed, together with the possible causes.  相似文献   

A frontal mucocoele in a 1-year-old dog resulted from trauma which caused obstruction to the naso-frontal opening. Patency of the naso-frontal opening was re-established surgically. The dog was in good health 2 years post-operatively.
Résumé. A la suite d'un traumatisme, un mucocèle frontal causait une obstruction de l'orifice nasofrontal chez un chien âgé d'un an. Par une intervention chirurgicale on a pu dégager l'orifice naso-frontal. Deux ans après l'opération le chien était encore en bonne santé.
Zusammenfassung. Eine frontale Mucocele bei einem 1 Jahr alten Hund war die Folge eines Traumas, welches Obstruktion der nasofrontalen Öffnung verursachte. Die Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der nasofrontalen Öffnung wurde chirurgisch vorgenommen. Der Hund befand sich 2 Jahre nach der Operation in gutem Gesundheitszustand.  相似文献   

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