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小麦的铝毒及耐性 总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11
为探明Al的毒性和忍耐机理 ,比较了Scout 66和Atlas 66Al敏感和抗性的 2个小麦品种的根对Al的积累模式、根细胞壁对Al的吸附以及Al诱导的有机酸的分泌。结果表明 ,Al对Scout 6 6根伸长的抑制作用较Atlas 66明显。根系吸收的Al主要积累于 0至 5mm根尖处。Scout 6 6的根尖及Al处理后分离的根尖细胞壁对Al的积累量大于Atlas 6 6。但是 ,Al处理前分离根尖细胞壁 ,Al处理后细胞壁对Al的吸附量两品种间无显著差异。Al可诱导Atlas 6 6的根系分泌苹果酸 ,而Scout 6 6的分泌物中未发现Al诱导的有机酸。这些结果表明 ,Atlas 6 6的根尖及其细胞壁较Scout 66积累较少的Al,这种差异与Al诱导的有机酸分泌有关 ,而与根尖细胞壁固有的吸附Al的能力无关 相似文献
水稻镉耐性差异及镉低积累种质资源的筛选 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
比较水稻亲本材料的镉耐性差异, 筛选镉低积累水稻种质资源, 为水稻镉安全品种(Cd-safe cultivars, CSCs)的培育提供遗传材料。以收集的具有明显遗传差异的145种水稻亲本材料为研究对象, 通过水培试验, 研究水稻植株生长性状和镉积累特征, 比较不同材料的镉耐性和镉积累差异, 并以耐性指数和镉含量为指标, 筛选镉低积累种质资源。结果表明: (1)在镉胁迫条件下, 水稻生物量和株高受到不同程度的抑制, 根长和根冠比呈不同程度增加。(2)恢复系各材料间镉含量和积累量最大值分别为最小值的2.79倍和6.45倍, 保持系各材料间镉含量和积累量最大值分别为最小值的2.00倍和2.98倍。(3)根据耐性指数差异将恢复系和保持系各分成耐性不同的5类, 并将耐性较强材料进行镉积累差异分类, 得到恢复系镉低积累种质资源13种, 分别是"MR183"、"MR86"、"R047"、"R364"、"泸恢602"、"泸恢615"、"泸恢17"、"GR548/M63//527_2"、"R18"、"成恢838"、"GR548/M63//M63_5"、"GRL17/IRBN95-199_3"和"GRL17/ATTP//L17_3"; 保持系镉低积累种质资源2种, 分别是"玉香B"和"D62B"。(4)镉耐性较强材料中, 高积累材料的镉含量和镉积累量表现为恢复系中分别为低积累材料的1.97倍和2.03倍, 保持系中分别为低积累材料的1.43倍和1.40倍; 镉含量和镉积累量在两系的低积累材料间无明显差异。筛选镉低积累材料培育镉安全品种将成为解决镉安全威胁的关键。 相似文献
不同品种对水稻铅汞耐性和富集能力的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
选取2种类型水稻土(黄泥土和红泥土)和9个水稻品种,通过温室盆栽试验,研究Pb(250 mg/kg)、Hg(0.6 mg/kg)污染条件下,水稻品种对水稻Pb、Hg耐性和富集能力的影响。结果表明,Pb污染处理显著降低了水稻产量,在红泥土和黄泥土中,水稻产量的降低幅度分别为3.6%~29.8%和2.3%~16.9%;Hg污染处理下,水稻产量略有下降,但差异不显著。不同品种水稻对Pb、Hg污染的耐性和富集能力差异显著。在Pb污染处理下,宁粳1号产量降幅较小,耐性较高;天协6号产量降幅较大,耐性较低;在Hg污染处理下,宁粳1号耐性较高,浙1500耐性较低。在2种类型水稻土中,特三矮2号稻米Pb的富集系数较高,对Pb污染较敏感;浙1500稻米Hg的富集系数较高,对Hg污染较敏感;宁粳1号稻米Pb、Hg的富集系数均较低,对Pb、Hg污染均不敏感。水稻品种、土壤类型和污染类型对水稻Pb、Hg耐性的影响不同,3个因子的相对贡献率分别为36.5%、18.3%和27.1%。 相似文献
几种禾本科作物对铝的敏感性或耐性 总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14
黎晓峰 《广西农业生物科学》2002,21(1):16-20
通过调查几种禾本科作物根的伸长,根尖的铝含量、铝诱导其根系有机酸的分泌,探讨作物耐铝(铝敏感)性及作物对铝毒害的抵御机理。结果表明,水稻、黑麦是耐铝的作物,而大麦、小麦(Scout 66)是对铝敏感的作物,玉米和高梁对铝敏感性较小麦弱。小麦和玉米品种间对铝的敏感性差异显著,而高梁对铝的敏感性品种间差异性较小。铝能够诱导水稻、黑麦和耐铝的玉米及小麦品种的根系分泌柠檬酸和/或苹果酸。这表明铝诱导有机酸的分泌是它们抵御铝毒害的机理。 相似文献
硅对减轻水稻的铝胁迫效应及其机理研究 总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27
通过分析溶液中Al离子形态变化和根内Al的分布 ,探讨Si对减轻水稻Al胁迫的效应及其机理。结果表明 ,pH4.5的溶液培养条件下Al在短时间内即可明显地抑制水稻根系的生长 ,加入不同形态的硅酸可有效地减轻Al对水稻的胁迫 ,根的伸长量接近或达到对照处理的水平。加Si降低了溶液中单质态Al离子的浓度 ,改变了溶液中Al的形态。分子筛柱层析分离和离子交换树脂吸附分析发现 ,溶液中产生了新的Al化合物 ,阳离子交换态Al的比率由 78%降低到 48% ,而交换态Si的比率由 0 %增加到 20%。Al主要聚集于根质外体特别是细胞壁中 ,加入低分子态硅酸增加了根全Al和质外体Al的含量 ,但是却降低了细胞壁Al的含量 ,而加入高分子态硅酸明显地降低了根全Al、质外体、共质体和细胞壁Al的含量 相似文献
镉胁迫对耐性不同的水稻幼苗膜脂过氧化和保护酶活性的影响 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
自20世纪60年代日本“痛痛病”被确认是通过食物链传递而对人体健康造成威胁以来,人们对土壤-植物系统的重金属污染问题十分关注,并进行了大量的研究,其中植物对重金属的耐受性及其机制成为研究的热点之一。一些研究者从不同侧面探讨了植物耐受重金属胁迫的机理,如植物对重金属 相似文献
采用添加pH指示剂溴甲酚紫的琼脂糖凝胶平板技术, 检测了铝胁迫下水稻幼苗根尖表面pH和根尖细胞有机酸含量的动态变化。铝胁迫下, 幼苗根尖表面颜色在处理第1 h、3 h、6 h无明显变化; 而对照处理第1 h时水稻幼苗根尖表面颜色已发生明显变化, 呈浅橙色, 处理第3~6 h幼苗根尖表面变为橙红色。表明在正常条件(pH 4.4)下水稻幼苗根尖表面pH有碱化趋势, 铝胁迫条件下(pH 4.4)水稻幼苗根尖表面pH碱化的趋势被抑制。在测定的铝胁迫水稻幼苗根尖细胞细胞质10种有机酸中, 发现3种有机酸含量的变化趋势不同。草酸含量无明显变化; 柠檬酸含量在铝处理0~3 h内变化不明显, 处理3 h后迅速提高, 处理12 h达最大值后转而下降, 铝胁迫24 h时柠檬酸含量比胁迫12 h时降低16.27%, 差异达显著水平, 胁迫24 h后的柠檬酸含量变化不大但仍高于胁迫6 h的柠檬酸含量; 铝处理3 h后苹果酸含量较胁迫前下降幅度不大, 差异不显著(P>0.05), 3 h后显著下降, 6 h后下降趋势不明显。 相似文献
水稻(Oryza sativa L.)铝毒害与耐性机制及铝毒害的缓解作用 总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7
铝 (Al) 毒是广泛存在于热带亚热带地区酸性土壤上的主要的生产力限制因子之一。水稻Al毒害主要发生在新开垦的旱地酸性土壤上。本文较详细地总结了: (1) 水稻发生Al毒的环境条件,水稻Al毒害的可见症状和Al毒害的部位;(2) 水稻耐Al指标,营养元素的吸收与分配对水稻耐受Al毒害的影响,以及Al胁迫下根系分泌物、根际pH的变化等对水稻耐Al的贡献,水稻耐Al基因的定位等;(3) 水稻Al毒害的缓解作用机理及可能的解决措施。最后对水稻Al毒害和水稻耐Al机制研究中存在问题进行了分析探讨,同时对今后的研究作了展望。 相似文献
铝胁迫下磷对水稻苗期生长的影响及水稻耐铝性与磷效率的关系 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
选用两个耐铝性差异较大的水稻品种武运粳7号(耐铝品种)和扬稻6号(铝敏感品种)作为实验材料,利用水培铝-磷交替处理试验研究了磷对水稻铝胁迫下苗期生长的影响及水稻耐铝性与磷效率之间的关系。结果表明,从水稻铝-磷交替处理下的生物量和根系形态等指标来看,P缓解了Al对两个水稻品种的毒害作用,且对敏感品种扬稻6号的缓解作用更加明显。铝-磷交替处理下,武运粳7号的体内磷含量显著高于扬稻6号的,而根部铝含量显著低于扬稻6号,因此武运粳7号体内的P/Al显著高于扬稻6号;同时,虽然两个品种间根表及根自由空间中Al浓度没有差别,而武运粳7号根表及根自由空间中P浓度显著高于扬稻6号,表现出耐铝品种更强的质外体解铝毒能力,这可能与武运粳7号较强的磷吸收效率有关。此外,与耐铝品种武运粳7号相比,铝敏感品种扬稻6号虽然磷吸收效率低,但利用效率高,即两个水稻品种的耐铝性与水稻的磷吸收效率和利用效率不一致,这为酸性土壤水稻育种提供了理论基础,即选育适应酸性土壤的水稻基因型不仅要关注其耐铝性还要关注其磷利用效率。 相似文献
为选育籽粒中对Pb低积累或低吸收水稻品种提供依据,本研究采用盆栽试验方法,比较了不同类型水稻品种及植株不同部位在胁迫和对照条件下对Pb的吸收积累特性。结果表明,供试品种不同部位中Pb含量的变异系数较高,变幅在18.34%~35.57%。不同部位中Pb的含量差异明显,根系对Pb具有较强的积累能力。胁迫条件下,根系中Pb的平均含量为287.616mg·kg^-1,约是茎叶和糙米含量的58倍和1267倍;对照条件下,根系中Pb的平均含量为9.078mg·kg^-1,约是茎叶和糙米含量的3倍和50倍;胁迫条件下根系中Pb的含量是对照的36.34倍,而茎叶和糙米分别是对照的1.65倍和1.36倍。不同品种对Pb的积累能力存在显著差异,同一品种在胁迫与对照条件下对Pb的含量也存在明显差异,其中,宁54146对Pb胁迫较敏感。相关分析表明,对照和胁迫条件下,植株不同部位中Pb的含量均不存在相关性。 相似文献
Hongyun Liu Hongsheng Zhang Guiping Wang Zhenguo Shen 《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(1):121-136
ABSTRACT To study tolerance of rice (Oryza sativa L.) to excessive copper (Cu), 167 varieties were screened for Cu tolerance or sensitivity. Based on the elongation of the root, No. 1139 and No. 1195 were chosen as Cu-tolerant and Cu-sensitive variety. Compared with the control (0.32 μ mol L? 1 Cu), treatments with 5 and 8 μ mol L? 1 Cu for 10 days had no significant effect on the root and shoot dry masses of Cu-tolerant variety No. 1139, but significantly decreased root and shoot dry masses of variety No. 1195. Copper at 5 and 8 μ mol L? 1 also significantly decreased contents of chlorophyll and carotenoid and the ratio of variable to maximal chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) in the leaves of the Cu-sensitive variety No. 1195. Roots and shoots of variety No. 1139 contained significantly higher the concentration of Cu than variety No. 1195 exposed to 5 and 8 μ mol L? 1 Cu. However, variety No. 1139 had higher Cu proportions on the cell walls in shoots and roots than variety No. 1195. 相似文献
铝毒和磷缺乏是酸性土壤上作物生产的主要限制因子。本研究中我们探究了5个粳稻和5个籼稻品种的磷利用效率和耐铝性之间的相互关系。结果表明,粳稻品种的耐铝性显著高于籼稻品种。对于耐铝性强的水稻品种,施加磷肥后地上部生物量显著增加,而铝敏感的品种对磷肥响应较小,这可能是由于其耐铝性差而酸性土壤中的铝毒导致根系结构和功能受损,从而影响养分的吸收和利用。不同水稻品种的耐铝性和磷吸收效率呈正比而与磷利用效率呈反比,且粳稻的地上部磷浓度及磷吸收效率高于籼稻,但磷利用效率则低于籼稻。这些结果对于酸性土壤中筛选耐铝和磷高效利用的水稻品种具有重要意义。 相似文献
水稻和两种野生植物对酸性硫酸盐土耐性及矿质元素吸收 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
酸性硫酸盐土是发育于还原性硫化物成土母质的一种恶劣土壤类型,虽然其分布区气候条件十分有利于水稻生长,但由于土壤条件限制,水稻生产潜力难以发挥。为筛选出适应该土壤的水稻品种,在酸性硫酸盐土(pH 3.69)上种植了240个水稻品种,但是所有水稻品种均未获得经济产量,却发现两种野生植物在该土壤中生长茂盛。经形态和分子鉴定,两种野生植物为野荸荠(Eleocharis kuroguwai)和五棱飘拂草(Fimbristylis quinquangularis)。进一步分析了水稻和两种野生植物的根际和非根际土壤性质、根部和地上部矿质元素含量。结果表明,根际土壤pH、交换性铝和有效锰含量不能解释水稻和两种野生植物耐性差异,锰毒和缺氮亦不是酸性硫酸盐土限制植物生长的关键因子,而植物地上部矿质元素含量与植物耐性差异相关。铝毒、铁毒和较低的养分(磷、钾、钙、镁)吸收是酸性硫酸盐土中水稻生长不良的主要因子。相反,两种野生植物对铝毒和铁毒的耐性较强,对养分吸收能力较强,所以生长良好。 相似文献
Rice is the principal crop of northeastern region of India, where a considerable range of diversity exists. The germplasm
collection has also unfold the occurrence of large number of rice landraces in the region. Between 1985 and 2002, a total
2639 accessions of rice germplasms including their wild relatives have been collected. Most of these germplasm material have
been conserved in the National Gene Bank, New Delhi following their necessary characterization and evaluation. With the establishment
of the Regional Gene Bank Module with medium-term storage facilities (6–7°C with 40–45% relative humidity) at Barapani, Meghalaya,
the rice germplasm conservation (ex situ) have been initiated in the region. 相似文献
内生真菌枫香拟茎点霉(Phomopsis liquidambaris,B3)能够与水稻建立互惠互利关系,但是两者之间的互作关系是否会受到土壤中有效磷含量的影响尚不清楚。本研究以水稻-B3共生体系为研究对象,在低磷(LP)、中磷(MP)、高磷(HP)三个磷水平中分别设置未接菌组(E-)、接菌组(E+),共六个处理,探讨在室外盆栽试验与温室试验下,不同磷水平对植物-内生真菌互作关系的影响。室外盆栽试验表明,在低磷水平下,接种B3显著促进水稻生长,水稻产量提高7.05%;在中高磷水平下B3对水稻生长的作用减弱。为排除土壤中复杂环境的影响,设计温室试验,结果表明,在低磷水平下,与未接种处理相比,接种B3的水稻根冠比提高22.48%,磷含量增加39.98%,同时,B3显著增强叶绿素的含量以及水稻根部蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖积累量,然而,低磷环境会限制B3在水稻根部的定殖量;在中磷和高磷水平下,B3定殖量高但对水稻的促生作用减弱。以上结果表明,在低磷水平下,B3与水稻之间是低丰度互作平衡关系,在该条件下,B3在水稻根部的定殖量低但能显著促进水稻生长;而在中高磷水平下,B3与水稻是高丰度互作平衡关系,B3... 相似文献
Shuichi Fukuoka Tran Danh Suu Kaworu Ebana Luu Ngoc Trinh Tsukasa Nagamine Kazutoshi Okuno 《Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution》2006,53(4):753-761
Phenotypic variation of agronomic characters in aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) was analyzed in order to elucidate the genetic diversity of the populations of rice landraces. Thirteen populations in
Namdinh province, in the Red River Delta of Vietnam, were studied in both of farmers fields and an experimental field. Only
small differences were found in agronomic characters among the populations, including populations containing different varieties.
Variations among the populations in the frequency distributions of several characters suggested different degrees of diversity
among the populations even among populations with the same variety name. The phenotypic profiles of farmers fields were different
from those in an experimental field suggesting the environmental differences between them. One variety cultivated in the Myloc
district had different phenotypic characters from the other varieties in the Haihau district more clearly in the experimental
field. Since the small phenotypic variation in each of farm might be due to the genetic drift and selection by the farmers,
on farm conservation of the landraces of rice is considered to be under a force to decrease phenotypic diversity. The present
study suggests that the targeting several farms with different phenotypic profiles contribute to the conservation of regional
genetic diversity of the landraces of rice. 相似文献
One hundred and forty-seven Chinese barley varieties maintained at the Gene Bank of the National Barley Improvement Centre,
Zhejiang, and 84 progenies from these varieties were tested at the seedling stage for their reaction to 32 selected pathotypes
of Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei. Eighteen resistance spectra were identified comprising single or combined resistances from eight known (Ml(Bw), Ml(Ch), Mla7, Mla8, Mla9, Mla13, MlaRu4 and Mlg) and six unknown resistance genes. The most frequent gene was Ml(Bw), which was found in 69 varieties and previously detected in only a few European winter barley varieties. The genes Mla8 and Ml(Ch) were also often present, but other resistance genes were rare. After inoculation, considerably fewer pathogen colonies were
observed in ‘Aiganqi’ and one line of ‘Tong5’. Twenty varieties were composed of lines with different resistance genes. China
is likely to be a region of origin of the genes Ml(Bw), Mla7, as well as three unknown genes found in original landraces and perhaps another three unknown genes detected in cultivars
bred in China. The resistances of varieties from the Zhejiang province and those originating from 11 other Chinese provinces
were quite different. Unfortunately, none of the varieties are promising sources of resistance to powdery mildew and China
does not seem to be a region suitable for identifying such sources. 相似文献
本研究以pCAMBIA1300质粒为基础,构建了植物冷诱导表达载体pCAMBIA1300-rd29A-ICE1,利用农杆菌介导法导入粳稻品种空育131中.PCR、RT-PCR和Southern杂交检测结果表明,ICE1基因已经成功整合到水稻基因组中,并正常表达.与对照相比,低温处理后超表达ICE1基因的水稻转基因株系存活率和脯氨酸含量明显增加,丙二醛含量积累速率明显下降,提高了抗低温胁迫能力. 相似文献
Asako Kobayashi Kaworu Ebana Shuichi Fukuoka Tsukasa Nagamine 《Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution》2006,53(3):499-506
Landraces of rice (Oryza sativa L.) are valuable sources of genetic variation that have been lost in advanced cultivars. Seeds of a rice landrace stored
for almost 100 years were found on Sado Island in Niigata prefecture, Japan. This report aims to present basic data on the
genetic variation of this landrace, which was known as ‘Echizen’. Five samples of ‘Echizen’, consisting of two old samples,
one sample maintained on farm, and two lines regenerated from old seeds were compared with other advanced cultivars and landraces
using 19 microsatellite markers. Among the five samples of Echizen, the two stored samples showed greater diversity than the
other samples. Cluster analysis based on the UPGMA method also showed that old Echizen was a diverse landrace that could cover
the genetic diversity of most Japanese rice cultivars. 相似文献
Here, we investigated the transferability of 60 microsatellite markers characterized for cultivated rice Oryza sativa L. in three wild Oryza species representing different genome types: O. rufipogon Griff. (AA), O. officinalis Wall. et Watt. (CC), and O. granulate Nees et Arn. ex Watt. (G). The results indicate the 60 rice SSR loci tested produced homologous amplification products to
different extents in O. rufipogon (100%), O. officinalis (90%) and O. granulata (73.3%). Proportions of polymorphism for successfully amplified loci ranged from 0.983 via 0.667 to 0.364 in O. rufipogon, O. officinalis and O. granulata, respectively. The utility of these microsatellite markers was tested for the characterization of genetic diversity in 117
genotypes of these four Oryza species. The values of genetic diversity in cultivated rice are higher than the other two wild species O. officinalis and O. granulata, suggesting microsatellites tend to have more variability in the focal species than in non-focal species to which they are
applied. However, much lower levels of genetic variation were observed in rice than in its wild progenitor O. rufipogon, which indicates severe loss of genetic variation may reflect the ‘domestication bottleneck’ through which rice passed. The
observation that most of the rice microsatellites are able to detect allelic polymorphisms at different extent in Oryza species suggest that rice microsatellite loci should be useful for the analysis of genetic diversity and inter- and intra-specific
relationships in the genus. Therefore, high rates of successful cross-amplification of rice microsatellites among Oryza species with different genome types will offer excellent opportunities to investigate the population genetic structure of
wild rice species and explore their conservation genetics. 相似文献