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A new relaxation property is discussed on the basis of creep behavior of wet wood specimens pretreated with heating at various temperatures followed by quenching. The treated samples showed more marked relaxation than that of an untreated sample. The relationship between relaxation time and heating history was represented by an equation ln() = –( fk 1)T + [ln( g) + k 2], where ln() is the logarithmic relaxation time of wet samples after quenching, T is the difference between the heating temperature and the glass transition temperature (T g), ln( g) is the logarithmic relaxation time at T g, is a constant, f is the coefficient of thermal bulk expansion, and k 1 and k 2 are constants. It was concluded from the analysis of experimental results that the change in the relaxation property caused by heating and the following quenching is due to the temporary free volume created by freezing of molecular chain motion of wood components, most probably lignin, during quenching.This work was presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of Japan Wood Research Society, Gifu, April 2002  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to evaluate the mechanosorptive deflection of shear creep of nail-plate-jointed laminated-veneer lumber. The joint was composed of steel gusset and nails, 40 mm in length and 2.8 mm in diameter (Zn40). The specimens were loaded parallel (PA) and perpendicular (PE) to the grain. Shearing loads applied were 50 and 100kgf, and the load levels were 11% and 22% (PA) and 7% and 14% (PE) of the maximum strength obtained from static testing. The creep test specimens were loaded for 1500h. A few general conclusions could be drawn from this study: The mechanosorptive deflection (ms) is defined as ms = t — (c + sh) — o, where t, is total deflection, c is pure creep, sh is shrinkage-swelling behavior, and o is the initial deflection. Changes in relative humidity may cause more severe creep deflection than constant humidity, especially during the drying process. The mechanosorptive deflection is greater at the lower load level than that at the higher load level. The mechanosorptive effects seem to be somewhat more resistant in the parallel direction than in the perpendicular direction.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Die Intensität der Harzausscheidung ist kein sicheres Kriterium bei der vergleichenden Diagnose der Widerstandsfähigkeit verschiedener Kiefern-Arten gegen Schadinsekten. In dem Widerstandsmechanismus der Kiefer spielt nicht die Quantität des Harzes, sondern die Qualität eine Rolle und unbedingt seine biologische Aktivität.2. Kiefeinharz ist ein natürliches Schutzmittel des Baumes gegen. Insektenschäden. Verschiedene Kiefern-Arten enthalten Harz von qualitativ verschiedener biologischer Aktivität für Insekten. Das bezieht sich auch auf das Harz ein- und derselben Kiefernart bei unterschiedlichem physiologischen Zustand. Das Harz der geschwächten Kiefernbäume verliert seine Schutzeigenschaften und sein Geruch wirkt auf Insekten als ein Zeichen der Eignung des Baumes für ihre Ernährung und Entwicklung.3. Die biologische Aktivität des Harzes ist durch die in ihm vorhandenen ätherischen Öle, die auis Terpenoiden bestehen, bestimmt. Die Terpenoide besitzen für die Insekten verschiedene biologische Aktivitä t, welche von ihrer Menge, ihren Eigenschaften, den Beziehungen der Komponenten untereinander und optischen Isomeren abhängen, die insgesamt ihre Qualität als natürliche Schutzstoffe des Nadelbaumes bestimmen und den Widerstand gegen Insektenschäden in bestimmtem Maße bewirken.
1. . , , .2. . . , . , .3. , . , , , , , .

Summary It is demonstrated that there can be only one driving potential for the movement of water through wood and this will be a function of wood state. On the assumption that the driving potential is the partial pressure of water vapour, a theoretical expression is derived for the diffusion coefficient. Such expression is fitted to diffusion coefficients for Scots pine and a remarkably good fit is obtained.Symbols a reciprocal mean radius of curvature of a capillary meniscus; also taken to be the radius of the corresponding exposed liquid surface, m - b spacing between flow paths in the cell wall, m - D diffusion coefficient for water in wood with vapour pressure as the driving potential, kg/ms Pa - Da diffusion coefficient for water vapour through air, kg/ms Pa - D diffusion coefficient for water in wood with the driving potential - D diffusion coefficient for water in wood with the driving potential - D0 diffusion coefficient for water in wood with vapour pressure as the driving potential, which is associated with leakage paths through the wood, kg/ms Pa - Df diffusion coefficient for water in wood with vapour pressure as the driving potential, corresponding to fibre saturation and with no leakage paths, kg/ms Pa - Dc diffusion coefficient for water in wood with vapour pressure as the driving potential, which is associated with the constriction of the vapour flow as it approaches the cell wall, kg/ms Pa - D diffusion coefficient for water in wood with moisture content as the driving potential, kg/ms - diffusivity for water vapour in air, m2/s - F flux of water, kg/m2 s - p partial pressure of water vapour, Pa - R specific gas constant for water, J/kg K - r fractional relative humidity - T temperature, K - x length coordinate in direction of flow, m - the dimensionless ratio Df/Dc evaluated at r=1/e - arbitrary driving potential for movement of water in wood - cell spacing in the direction of water flux, m - density of liquid water, kg/m3 - coefficient of surface tension, N/m - arbitrary driving potential for movement of water in wood - fractional moisture content  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi wurde erstmals auch anFicus elastica undRodgersia aesculiformis nachgewiesen. Schäden und typische Befallssymptome werden beschrieben und abgebildet. Die Infektion erfolgte wahrscheinlich durch Erde, in der im Jahr zuvor Chrysanthemen wuchsen, die vonAphelenchoides ritzemabosi befallen waren.
Summary Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi has been recognised for the first time atFicus elastica andRodgersia aesculiformis too. Damages and typical symptoms of affected leaves are described. The infections atFicus elastica probably were due to the earth in which the year before grew Chrysanthemum attacked byAphelenchoides ritzemabosi.Samenvatting Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi werden voor het eerst ook vastgesteld aanFicus elastica enRodgersia aesculiformis. De schade en de typische symptomen van de aangevallen bladeren wordt beschreven. De infecties aanFicus elastica zijn waarschijnlijk te wijten aan de aarde in welke het jaar daarvoor Chrysanthemum groiden, die doorAphelenchoides ritzemabosi aangevallen waren.

Résumé Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi était constaté premièrement auxFicus elastica etRodgersia aesculiformis. Des dommages et des symptomes typique aux feuilles affectées sont déscrits. Les infections auxFicus elastica sont dues probablement à la terre dans laquelle l'année passée étaient planté des Chrysanthèmes saisis parAphelenchoides ritzemabosi.

(Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi) (Ficus elastica) (Rodgersia aesculiformis). . (Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi).

Summary The Outbreak of Himera pennaria L. in 1962, in Lower Austria and Burgenland, and Causes of its break-down.The Hornbeam Measuring Worm,Himera pennaria L., hitherto described but once in forest-entomological literature as a bigscale forest pest, performed mass-attacks in 1962 in the Leitha hills (1500 acres) and Maria-Ellend wood, even clean-eating several hardwood species, especially hornbeam and also oak. The outbreak which occurred about mid-May broke perfectly down as soon as early June. The paper characterizes several bionomical and morphological data obtained during the course of the outbreak from individual development stages, also discussing the possible causes of the outbreak illustrated by climatograms. In conclusion, the biotical factors of the breakdown are treated, pointing out a virus disease (cytoplasmic polyhedrosis of mesenteron) as playing the greatest part. Along withH. pennaria L., alsoHibernia defoliaria L.,Hibernia aurantiaria Esp., andCheimatobia brumata L., as well as 4 species ofNoctuidae and 1 species ofArctiidae occurred rather frequently in the above-mentioned area, especially in the marginal zones of the Hornbeam Measuring Worm's mass-attack.
Résumé La gradation de l'Arpenteuse du CharmeHimera pennaria L. — en 1962, en Basse-Autriche et au Burgenland, et les causes de la débâcle de la calamité.L'Arpenteuse du Charme,Himera pennaria L., signalée une seule fois dans la litérature entomologique forestière comme ravageur en masse, s'est manifestée en dimensions calamiteuses en 1962, dans les montagnes du Leitha (600 ha) et au bois de Maria- Ellend, dépouillant — par endroits même de leur feullage eiitier — différentes espèces de bois feuillus, surtout des charmes mais aussi des chênes. La gradation qui s'était manifestée vers la mi-mai, subit une débacle complète dès le début de juin. Le mémoire présente quelques données bionomiques et morphologigues, obtenues au cours de la gradation, sur les différentes phases du développement, tout en discutant à l'aide de climatogrammes quelles pourraient être les causes de la gradation. En conclusion, on traite spécialement les facteurs biotiques de la débâcle, parmi lesquels une maladie à virus (polyédrose cytoplasmique du mésentère) a joué le premier rôle. Em même temps que l'Himera pennaria L., les insectes suivants ont été trouvés dans le territoire en question, le plus fréquemment dans les zones marginales de l'aire de grádation de l'Arpenteuse du Charme:Hibernia defoliaria L.,Hibernia aurantiaria Esp.,Cheimatobia brumata. L., 4 espèces de Noctuides et l espéce d'Arcttides.

Himera pennaria L. 1962 . . . . ,Himera pennaria L., -- , 1962 . (600 .) , , . , , . , , , . , ( ). H. Pennaria L. Hiberia defoliaria L., Hibernia aurantiaria Esp., Cheimatobia brumata L., 4 Noctuidade 1 Arctiidae, .

Herrn Prof. Dr. A. Acatay zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Die Untersuchungen erfolgten in Zusammenarbeit mit der Landesforstinspektion für Niederösterreich, speziell mit der Bezirksforstinspektion Wien-Umgebung und der Landesforstinspektion für das Burgenland, wofür an dieser Stelle herzlichst gedankt sei.

Für Herstellung der mikroskopischen Präparate sei Frl. H. Meldt, für die Freilandaufnahmen und mikroskopischen Aufnahmen Herrn N. Maisner bzw. Herrn O. Baschny der Forstlichen Bundesversuchsanstalt Mariabrunn, für die Aufnahmen der elektronen-mikroskopischen Präparate Herrn Hayek vom Physikalisch-chemischen Institut der Universität Innsbruck gedankt.  相似文献   

Summary It is stated that in the spreading of epizooties among small wild animals, a factor of biocoenosis played a main role, first of all some phenomena among small rodents, the field mice. In the spreading of rabies infection, a role is ascribed to an insect, theNecrophorus vespillo.The author suggests a research work to be done in that respect, and perhaps in the regions where rabies was never registered and are still free of rabies, as to establish what in a such biocoenosis is lacking that could be a factor of rabies epizooty.
Résumé A l'extension de grandes épizooties chez les animoux féroces, on considère que le grand rôle joue le facteur de biocenose, tout d'abord certains phénomènes entre les menus rongeurs, souris de champs. On attribute surtout le rôle de l'extension de l'épizootie de rage à l'insectNecrophorus vespillo. On recommende de faire des recherches dans ce but avec les autres branches de sciences naturelles et peut-être dans ces regions du monde où il n'y en avait pas et il n'y a pas aujourd'hui de rage, pour établir ce qu'il manque dans une telle biocenose et que peut être pourrait on prendre en considération comme le facteur des épisooties de rage.

, — . Necrophorus vespillo L. . , .

Summary Larvae ofErnobius spp. and adults ofBrachyderes incanus were serious pests of shoots ofPinus silvestris andP. contorta at several localities of Rhine valley and near Meppen/Ems.In the same areas aphids(Lachninae) and their predators were very abundant.Protolachnus agilis Kltb. became very harmful on young pines in experiment field cages where predators had been excluded.Pineus sp. was frequent in the field cages and in young pine plantations near Meppen.
Résumé En divers endroits de la vallée du Rhin et près de Meppen/Emsland, des larves d'Ernobius spp. et des adultes deBrachydeles incanus furent observés comme étant de sérieux pour les jeunes pousses dePinus silvestris et deP. contorta.Dans les mêmes régions des pucerons(Lachninae) et leurs prédateurs étaient très abondants.Protolachnus agilis Kltb. divint très nuisible aux jeunes pins placés dans des cages expérimentales où les prédateurs avaient été enfermés.Pineus sp. é tait aussi abondant dans cages expérimentales et dans les plantations de jeunes pins près de Meppen.

Meppen/Emsland Eronobius spp. Brachyderes incanus, Pinus silvestris P. contorta. (Lachninae) Protolachnus agilis Kltb. , - .Pineus sp. - Meppen.

Summary For protection of agricultural crops, archards, forests and stored products a system of institutes for vegetative protection have been gradually built in Bulgaria within the last fifteen years. Now a leading part in the study of pests and diseases of plants are taking the Academy of Rural Economy Sciences and the Institutes for Plant Protection, for Forest Protection, the Zoological Institute by the Bulgarian Academy of Science, the Higher Rural Economy Institute and the Higher Forest Institute. Specialists of all ranks are working at these institutes: academicians, member correspondents, professors, senior and junior scientific collaborators and a great number of experts and assistants. Parallel with the studies of specific composition of pestilent insects, their biology is being explored and experiments are being made with insecticides. An inquiry is also being undertaken for utilization biologic combat against noxious insects. In aid of scientific institutes a dense network of services for heading the research work and combat on the terrain has been organized.
Résumé Pour la défense des cultures agricoles, des vergers, des forêts et des produits récoltés, un système d'instituts pour la défense végétale a été successivement dé veloppé en Bulgarie pendant les dernières quinze années. Actuellement l'Academie des sciences de l'economie rurale et les Instituts pour la défense végétale ont le rôle dirigeant dans les recherches de la nocivité et des maladies sur les plantes. Dans ces instituts travaillent des spécialistes de toutes les catégories scientifiques: des académiciens, des membres-correspondants, des professeurs, des travailleurs scientifiques supérieurs et plus jeunes, avec un grand nombre d'aides-spécialistes. Parallèllement à l'étude de composition specifique des insectes nuisibles on étudie sa biologie, de même on fait des expériences avec des insecticides. Aussi on cherche à utiliser la lutte biologique contre les insectes nuisibles. Pour faciliter les instituts scientifiques dans cette lutte et leur recherche sur le terrain, un immense service est organisé dans tous les plus grands emplacements peuplés du pays.

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Zusammenfassung Reflexionen zu dem offenen Problem, inwieweit Imagines necrophager Dipteren, — deren Maden im Zentralnervensystem von an Tollwut(Lyssa) verendeten Wirbeltieren zur Entwicklung gelangten —, logischerweise als eventuelle direkte (durch Kontakt-Infektion) oder indirekte (z. B. als Beute von Fledermäusen) Vektoren dieser Virose verdächtigt werden könnten —?
Summary Reflections belonging the open problem, how far imagines of necrophagous dipters, — if theirs maggots developed in the nervecentre-system of such vertebrats, which succumbed by lyssa —, logically are suspected, perhaps to be vectors of this virose, either directly (by contact-infection) or indirectly (for example to be prey to the bats) —?

Résumé Rèflexions à ce propos de discuter le problème ouvert, jusqu'à quel point les individues volants des diptères necrophages, — dont mites se developpaient au milieu du système nerveux central de vertébrés, succombés par lyssa —, sont soupçonnés logiquement d'être peut-être des vectors de cette virose, ou directement (par mettre en contact infectieux) ou indirectement (par exemple d'être butin des chirotères) —?

, , (Imagines), —, , (Lyssa) — ( ) ( ) .

Summary During the application of several acaricides to manifest their effectivness againstPanonychus ulmi Koch living on the apple trees in Lebanon, it could be clearly noticed that a kind of resistance to the phosphoric acid organic preparations occurs, where these mentioned chemicals are regularly used against the mites. The control succes by means of some acaricides and ovicides combinations is here discussed. AsTetranychus urticae Koch in some apple plantations infests the different weeds growing together with the trees there and it wanders in summer to overrun the apple trees; the question of the mite control by means of respective sprays or by means of weed eradication is also discussed.
Résumé L'étude de l'efficacité d'une série d'acaricides dePanonychus ulmi Koch sur pomme en Liban a démontré une certaine résistance de groupes des parathions, lá où ceux — ci sont appliqués régulièrement depuis des années. Les résultats de combat de quelques acaricides et combinaisons par des ovicides sont discutés. PuisqueTetranychus urticae Koch occupe les herbes, les plus différentes, et depuis — là en été change sur les pommiers la question d'un combat de cet acarien nuisible par des application ultérieures ou par l'extermination d'herbes est discuté e.

, Pannonychus ulmi Phosphorsäureester. Akarizide Ovizide. Tetranychus urticae , .

There is growing interest in research to develop potential agroforestry models for temperate climates. In Washington State, recent studies and anecdotal information suggest that agroforestry is already employed by land managers, and if so, this experience should inform future research efforts. Because this population is not well defined, a mail survey was designed to: 1) Assess Washington land manager awareness of agroforestry, 2) assess perceptions of agroforestry as a land management tool, 3) assess the perceived potential opportunities or obstacles for land managers to practice agroforestry, and 4) identify landowner groups believed to be practicing agroforestry in Washington State.Three groups of land managers were surveyed: employees of the Soil Conservation Service (SCS), Washington State University Cooperative Extension Service (WSUCE) and OTHER, consisting of university faculty, private land managers, State and Federal land managers and owners of small natural resource businesses.Agroforestry was not a new concept for most (94%) respondents, further 55% of those familiar with agroforestry were practicing agroforestry or providing advice to landowners who were practicing agroforestry. Use in (government mandated) soil conservation plans on farmland (100% of all respondents) was the most frequently cited potential application for agroforestry in the state followed by range and pasture land and managing non-commercial forest land (both 84%), use on commercial forest plantation (83%) and fruit and nut orchards (61%).Diversifies land use (25%), enhanced productivity (18%), aesthetics (13%) and income diversity (13%) were the four most frequently cited potential advantages to practicing agroforestry. Lack of information (28%), lack of technical assistance (18%), establishment costs (14%) and not an established practice (14%) were the most frequently identified potential obstacles to practicing agroforestry. Respondents suggested there is great potential for application of agroforestry throughout the state, and non-industrial private forest land owners were selected for future study of this potential.  相似文献   

Summary The reaction of ferric chloride with the lignin model guaiacol affords primarily a complex mixture of coupled guaiacol oligomers. Major components were the symmetrical carbon-carbon coupled dimer 3,3-dimethoxy-[1,1-biphenyl]-4,4diol and the trimer 3,3,5-trimethoxy-[1,1:3,1-terphenyl]-4,4,4-triol which were isolated by preparative HPLC and characterized by 1HNMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. An unstable component believed to be a 4,4-diphenoquinone derived from the trimer was also prominent. The reaction of chromium trioxide with guaiacol yields the same dimer, trimer and diphenoquinone as well as 2-methoxy-p-benzoquinone. The major product with chromium trioxide, however, is an inert, highly insoluble polymer which was shown by degradation to contain guaiacol oligomers bound or crosslinked by hydroxylated chromium species. Magnetic susceptibility measurements clearly indicated that the valency of chromium in the polymer was + 3. It is postulated that similar complexes formed from phenolic lignin units are responsible for the weather resistance of chromium trioxide treated wood surfaces. In a broader context this study is relevant to the fixation of hexavalent chromium from a range of widely used wood preservative formulations.The authors wish to thank the following: Tom Syers (CSIRO Division of Forest Products) for technical assistance, Mary Reilly (CSIRO Division of Forest Products) for NMR spectral determinations and Ivan Vit (CSIRO Division of Chemicals and Polymers) for mass spectral determinations  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurden in Kiefernkulturen Untersuchungen über die Tagesdynamik des Harzdruckes und der Intensität der Harzabsonderung geführt und die Ergebnisse in Beziehung zum Befallsgrad des KiefernknospentriebwicklersRhyacionia buoliana Schiff. gesetzt.Im Verlauf eines Tages variierte der Harzdruck wenig, die Intensität der Harzabsonderung dagegen stark. Die höchste Harzfluß-Intensität fällt in den Zeitraum zwischen 13 und 16 Uhr. Die Flugzeit des Wicklers, nach 18 Uhr, liegt somit außerhalb der Zeit des stärksten Harzflusses.Weder der Index der Harzfluß-Intensität noch jener des Harzdruckes zeigten eine Beziehung zur Stärke des Wicklerbefalls. Sie sind daher als Kriterien der Widerstandsfähigkeit einer Kulturkiefer gegenRh. buoliana, zumindest unter den Verhältnissen der Süd-Ukraine, nicht verwendbar.
Summary Studies on the diurnal rhythm of resin pressure and resin secretion in connection with the degree of pine-infestation byRhyacionia buoliana Schiff.In the course of one day pines in the age of 15 years showed only a small variation in resin pressure but a great one in secretion of resin. The maximal intensity of secretion was observed early in the afternoon. The moths ofRh. buoliana are flying after this time when the secretion of resin is low.There was no connection between resin pressure and secretion of resin on the one hand and the degree of pine-infestation byRh. buoliana on the other. The two factors are not suitable for indicating the degree of pine-infestation by this tortricid.

- . / 0 26 / /., , . , 13 15 . , , , , .

In response to the request of its member countries from the Latin America and the Caribbean to help promote agroforestry, FAO has initiated a number of activities in the region. These include a regional project Demonstration and Training in Agroforestry in Latin America, an International Workshop on the Formulation of a Project on Demonstration and Training in Agroforestry for the Amazon, held in January 1993, and the project Participative Forestry Development in the Andes. Currently, FAO assistance to the countries of the region in their efforts to promote agroforestry include The Latin American Technical Cooperation Network on Agroforestry Systems, FAO's country-specific technical cooperation projects, and assistance in obtaining development-bank loans through missions of the FAO Investment Center.  相似文献   

A method to estimate the content of -carbonyl structures in lignin was developed. This method consists of two successive treatments: NaBD4 treatment of pulp to reduce an -carbonyl structure in lignin, and nitrobenzene oxidation. NaBD4 was used to convert an -carbonyl structure to a deuterium-labeled hydroxymethine structure. The ratio of D-vanillin [(HO)(H3CO)C6H3CDO] to H-vanillin [(HO)(H3CO)C6H3CHO] or that of their syringyl analogues obtained by nitrobenzene oxidation was used as the measure of the content of -carbonyl structure. Model experiments demonstrated that when sodium hydroxide was used as alkali for the nitrobenzene oxidation, the retention of deuterium at the side chain -position was very low due to the displacement of deuterium with hydrogen by an unknown reaction mechanism. In order to depress this unexpected displacement, the reaction conditions of the nitrobenzene oxidation were modified. The modified nitrobenzene oxidation employs 0.5mol/l of lithium hydroxide as a reaction medium instead of 2.0mol/l sodium hydroxide. By this modification, this method could successfully trace the formation and the degradation of the -carbonyl structure in milled wood lignins.This paper was presented in part at the 11th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Nice, France, June 2001 and at the 46th Lignin Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, November 2001  相似文献   

Chemically synthesized (1 5)--d-glucofuranan, (1 5)--d-galactofuranan, (1 5)--d-xylofuranan, (1 5)--L-arabinofuranan, natural xylan, and curdlan were sulfated to investigate their inhibitory activities on B16-BL6 lung metastasis and anticoagulant activities. (1 5)--d-Glucofuranan sulfate, (1 5)--d-galactofuranan sulfate, xylan sulfate, and curdlan sulfate had binding abilities with B16-BL6 melanoma lysate. The inhibitory activities of sulfated polysaccharides on B16-BL6 lung metastasis selected by heparin binding assay were in the order (1 5)--d-galactofuranan sulfate > (1 5)---d-glucofuranan sulfate > xylan sulfate curdlan sulfate. Furthermore, (1 5)--d-galactofuranan sulfate, (1 5)--d-glucofuranan sulfate, and xylan sulfate had not only high inhibitory activity on B16-BL6 lung metastasis but also low anticoagulant activity. The correlation between chemical structure and biological activity is discussed.Part of this paper was presented at the 10th International Synposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Yokohama, Japan, June 1999  相似文献   

Previous papers have quantitatively indicated that the total movement of cement bonded particleboard (CBPB) is equal to the sum of the movement of its components. This paper examined the efficacy of the law of mixtures when applied to the movement of a wood-cement composite under internal swelling or shrinkage stresses. Abundant data generated in companion papers were first manipulated to develop the universal formulae for predicting the movement of components. In conjunction with previous numerical results from image analysis of the structure of CBPB, and the orientated elasticity and stress algorithms, the models for theoretically predicting mass and dimensional changes of CBPB were derived. Validation studies were conducted and these demonstrated an excellent agreement of the theoretical predictions with experimental data for both mass and dimensional changes of CBPB due to internal swelling or shrinkage stresses during adsorption and desorption. The success also implied that CBPB can be treated as a composite and its properties can be well derived by the law of mixtures even though CBPB is an unusual type of composite having a very high volume fraction of wood chips, but a very high mass fraction of cement paste.Notation ERT Mean transverse modulus of elasticity of wood - EL Longitudinal modulus of elasticity of wood - Ep Modulus of elasticity of cement paste - Ewa Modulus of elasticity of embedded wood chips at angle - E Modulus of elasticity of wood chips at direction - E Modulus of elasticity of wood chips at direction - GLRT Mean transverse shear modulus of wood - L(T)cp Length/width (thickness) change of CBPB at angle - L(T)p Length (thickness) change of cement paste - mpf Mass fraction of cement paste in unit mass of CBPB - mwf Mass fraction of wood chips in unit mass of CBPB - Mcpj Mass change of CBPB at the various conditions tested - Mpj Mass change of cement paste at corresponding conditions - Mwj Mass change of wood chips at corresponding conditions - M(L; T)w/P Mass, length or thickness changes of wood chips or cement paste at various conditions - t Duration of exposure - LRT Mean transverse Poissons ratio of wood - Vpf Volume fraction of cement paste in unit mass of CBPB - Vwf Volume fraction of wood chip in unit mass of CBPB - cp Density of CBPB - k Density of wood chip or cement paste - cp Overall stresses of CBPB at angle - L Stress in the longitudinal direction of wood - RT Mean stress in the transverse direction of wood - p Stress of cement paste - w Stress of the wood chips at angle - Stress of the wood chips at direction - Stress of the chip at direction - cp Strain in CBPB - p Strain of cement paste - WL Strain in the length of wood chips - WT Strain in the thickness of wood chips - w Strain in wood chips - Angle between the longitudinal direction of wood chips and surfaces or edges of CBPB - Angle between wood chips and edges (length direction) of CBPB - Angle between wood chip and vertical coordinate - A, B, C Coefficients related to the feature of materials and exposure conditions The senior author wishes to thank Professor W.B. Banks of University of Wales, Bangor for his constructive discussions and assistance and the British Council for partly financial support.  相似文献   

The relationship between physical hydrodynamic processes and nutrients dynamics was investigated in Mida creek, a groundwater influenced mangrovefringed creek in Kenya between March 1996 and May 1997. The research involved spot and timeseries measurement of nitrate–nitrite, ammonia, silicates, phosphates, salinity, temperature, sealevel as well as tidal currents at seven stations located in the front, middle and backwater zones of the creek. Groundwater level as well as total dissolved solids' concentration, salinity, temperature and nutrients' concentration were also measured once every month in shallow wells (watertable<5m) located in the upper region of the creek. Results of the study show that nutrient concentrations vary with the tide and that, though there is no river drainage, they are of the same magnitude as in mangrove creeks with substantial river runoff. The peak concentrations of NH 4 + –N (5.45M), NO 2 –NO 3 (5.63M), PO 4 3– –P (0.58M) and SiO 3 2– –Si (81.36M) in the creek occurred during flood tide, 2–3h before high waters. The (NO 2 + NO 3 )–N concentrations declined rapidly during ebb tide, reaching the minimum levels during low water. Contribution of groundwater seepage to the net nutrients flux (particularly on nitrite–nitrates) is largest in dry seasons. The study shows that groundwater outflow sustains the mangroves during periods of severe salinity stress and nutrients deficiency in dry seasons. This is essentially by limiting salinity increase and by boosting nutrient supply in dry seasons.  相似文献   

Xylan prepared from culms of kumaizasa (Sasa senanensis Rehd.), a representative species of bamboo grass, was hydrolyzed with-xylanase ofStreptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86. Four arabinoxylo-oligosaccharides and two glucuronoxylo-oligosaccharides were isolated from the enzymatic hydrolysate of the xylan by chromatography on a charcoal column, a Dowex 1-x8 column, a Toyo-pearl HW-40S column, and a LiChrospher 100 NH2 column and on preparative paper chromatography. The results of the structural analyses of the saccharides showed that the isolated oligosaccharides had the structures of 32--l-arabinofuranosyl-xylobiose, 32--l-arabinofuranosyl-xylotriose, 32--[-d-xylopyranosyl-(1 2)-l-arabinofuranosyl]-xylobiose, 33--[-d-xylopyranosyl-(1 2)-l-arabinofuranosyl]-xylotriose, 23--4-O-methyl-d-glucuronosyl-xylotriose, and 23--d-glucuronosyl-xylotriose. From the structural analysis of the oligosaccharides derived from the xylan, kumaizasa xylan was concluded to be a kind of arabinoglucuronoxylan having not only stubs of singlel-arabinose and singled-glucuronic acid but also stubs of disaccharide units such as-d-xylopyranosyl-(1 2)-l-arabinofuranose.  相似文献   

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