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Field trials were carried out on an Oxic Paleustalf in the humid zone of southwestern Nigeria withLeucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit,Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Steud. andSesbania grandiflora (L.) Pers. alley cropped with maize and cowpea. The three leguminous woody species were grown in hedgerows spaced at 2 m. Trials were carried out one year after establishment of the hedgerows using a split-plot design with four replications. TheLeucaena trial had twenty pruning combinations consisting of five pruning heights (25, 50, 75, 100 and 150 cm) and four pruning frequencies (monthly, bi-, tri- and six-monthly). TheGliricidia andSesbania hedgerows were subjected to nine pruning intensities consisting of three pruning heights (25, 50 and 100 cm) and three pruning intensities (monthly, tri- and six-monthly).For the three woody species, biomass, dry wood and nitrogen yield from the hedgerow prunings increased with decreasing pruning frequency and increasing pruning height. Biomass, dry wood and nitrogen yields were in the following orderLeucaena >Gliricidia >Sesbania.The various pruning intensities had no effect on survival ofLeucaena plants. Pruning frequency had a larger effect than pruning height on survival ofGliricidia andSesbania plants. With monthly pruning, about 25 percent of theGliricidia and all of theSesbania plants died within six months of repeated pruning. Even with lower pruning frequencySesbania plants showed lower survival rates thanGliricidia orLeucaena.The various pruning intensities of all the hedgerow species had more pronounced effects on the grain yield of the alley cropped cowpea than on maize grain yield. Higher maize and cowpea yields were obtained with increasing pruning frequency and decreasing pruning height.IITA Journal paper number 335  相似文献   

Alley cropping is increasingly becoming accepted as an appropriate technology with the potential to provide stable and sustainable food production in the tropics. However, only a few of the potential trees/shrubs have been tested. The performance of Calliandra calothyrsus (Meissn) as an alley cropping species was evaluated on an Oxic Paleustalf. The treatments were: prunings removal, prunings application; and three N levels, 0,45, and 90 kg N ha–1, in a factorial arrangement. The cropping sequence was maize (main season) follwed by cowpea (minor season). Nitrogen fertilizer treatments were applied to the maize crop only. Four annual prunings of Calliandra hedgerows produced a total of 6 t ha–1 of dry matter prunings containing about 200 kg ha–1 of N. Maize yields were increased by the application of prunings but no benefits were obtained by supplementing the prunings with inorganic N. An average maize grain yield of 3.1 t ha–1 per year was maintained without any chemical fertilizer input. However, without any prunings, maize yields were substantially increased by the application of inorganic N. Cowpea yield did not respond to application of prunings but plants grown adjacent to the hedgerows had reduced yield probably due to shading. Our results suggest that six rows (0.57 m inter-row spacing) between Calliandra hedgerows spaced at 4 m are optimum for this cowpea variety. The performance of Calliandra was comparable to that of Leucaena which has been widely shown to be effective in alley cropping systems of the region.  相似文献   

The effect of alley cropping with seven combinations of Acioa and Leucaena hedgerows and a control (no hedgerow) treatment on sequentially cropped maize and cowpea was studied in 1985 and 1986. The trial was carried out on an Alfisol in the humid zone of southwestern Nigeria. Hedgerows were established in 1983, using 4 m inter-hedgerow spacing and pruned to 25 cm height during cropping. Highest dry matter, wood, and nutrient yields of prunings of Acioa and Leucaena hedgerows were obtained with sole cropping. Growing Leucaena and Acioa in the same hedgerow suppressed dry matter production and nutrient yield of Acioa more than of Leucaena owing to the latter's faster growth. Total pruning dry matter yield was reduced as the proportion of Acioa increased in the combination. Leucaena prunings had higher nutrient yield than Acioa. Under 22-month old uncut hedgerows, weed biomass declined in the presence of Leucaena, either alone or in combination with Acioa. Weed weight under sole Leucaena hedgerows was about a third of that in the control plot. There was no significant effect of alley cropping on weed biomass, although alley cropping with Acioa and Leucaena hedgerows resulted in the dominance of broadleaf weeds while the control had a mixture of broadleaves and grasses. Alley cropping with various combinations of Acioa and Leucaena hedgerows increased maize and cowpea yields compared to control. Nitrogen application in both years increased maize grain yield. Mean yield increase due to N application in both years was highest in the control (47.2%) followed by the sole Acioa hedgerow (25.2%) and less in hedgerows with Leucaena. The results of observations over two years do not show any advantage for the tested Leucaena and Acioa combinations on maize and cowpea crops as compared to the sole hedgerows. B.T. Kang (IITA), c/o Miss Maureen Larkin  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of alley cropping of Leucaena leucocephala and Faidherbia albida on wood biomass, maize grain yield and soil nitrogen status. The treatments were: trees planted alone at 1 × 5 m spacing; trees intercropped with maize and a sole maize crop. Mulch biomass averaged 6.18 and 0.97 t ha−1 for L. leucocephala and F. albida, respectively. Corresponding wood production was 1.71 and 1.11 t ha−1. Both total N and inorganic N (NO 3 –N plus 4 + –N) were higher under F. albida and lowest under L. leucocephala. Similarly, foliar N concentration in maize was higher in plots intercropped with F. albida and least in L. leucocephala intercropping. Maize grain yield was little affected by the tree intercrop as competition for resources was reduced through periodic pruning and clean weeding. There was no gain in maize grain yield due to the presence of L. leucocephala and F. albida. These results suggest that alley cropping in Gario is justified for wood production but not for increasing maize grain yield. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Maize growing next toErythrina hedgerows had 44% lower biomass (p<0.01) and 35% lower N content (p<0.1) than maize growing in the middle of the alleys. Maize growing next toGliricidia hedgerows had the same biomass but 56% higher N content (p<0.1) than maize growing in the middle of the alleys. However these differences did not develop until 2 months after sowing of the maize.Spatial variability in soil nitrogen mineralization and mulch nitrogen release did not explain any of the differences in growth or N uptake of the maize with respect to distance from the trees. It is hypothesized that the slower growth of the maize next to theErythrina trees after 2 months is due to increasing light and/or nutrient competition from the trees as the trees recover from pollarding. The apparent lack of competition fromGlirigidia may be due to different rates of regrowth or different shoot and root architecture.A theoretical model is described demonstrating that if a crop is to take advantage of the higher nutrient availability under alley cropping it must complete the major part of its growth before the trees recover significantly from pollarding, and start competing strongly with the crop.  相似文献   

Although N-rich leaf biomass of multipurpose trees is known to be a good source of N to crops, integrating such trees into crop production systems is a major challenge in the development of viable agroforestry systems. An approach to integrating calliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus Meissner) and leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit), two promising agroforestry tree species, into maize (Zea mays L.) production system was investigated in the subhumid highlands of central Kenya during four maize-growing seasons from 1994 to 1996. The experiment consisted of maize plots to which tree prunings obtained from hedgerows grown either in situ (alley cropping) or ex situ (biomass transfer from outside) were applied. When alley-cropped with leucaena, maize produced significantly higher yields compared to maize monoculture (both non-fertilized and fertilized) treatments, but when alley-cropped with calliandra, the yield of maize was less than that of the monocropped unfertilized control. Application of ex situ grown calliandra and leucaena prunings with or without fertilizer resulted in higher maize grain yield than in the nonfertilized and fertilized treatments. Yields of calliandra alley- cropped maize were 11% to 51% lower than those of nonalley-cropped treatments receiving calliandra prunings from ex situ grown trees; the decrease was 2% to 17% with leucaena, indicating that calliandra hedges were more competitive than leucaena hedges. The alley-cropped prunings-removed treatments produced the lowest maize yields. The study showed that, in the subhumid tropical highlands of Kenya, inclusion of calliandra hedges on cropland adversely affected maize yields. On the other hand, alley cropping with leucaena was advantageous. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Monitoring populations of pests and their natural enemies under different management situations and seasonal weather parameters provides extremely useful information for taking preventive measures against pest outbreaks. The abundance, spatial and temporal distributions of herbivorous insects and arthropod natural enemies on Alnus species were monitored at four sites in Kabale district, Uganda between June 1999 and August 2000. Chewing insects, dominated by Coleoptera (75%), constituted the majority of insect herbivores sampled. Dominant and potentially serious pests of Alnus included Apion globulipenne, an unidentified Chrysomelidae (Coleopt. 27), Phymateus viridipes, Coloborrtics corticina and a Cacopsylla species (Homoptera: Psyllidae). Spiders were the predominant natural enemies accounting for 64% of the total natural enemies encountered, followed by parasitic Hymenoptera (30%). There were marked spatial and temporal variations in arthropod abundance. Among sites, mean abundance of total insect herbivores and total natural enemies on A. acuminata over 15 months ranged from 3.8–8.5 and 3.3–4.7 individuals per 1-m branch length respectively. Over the same period, mean number of total insect herbivores and total natural enemies on A. nepalensis that was studied at only one site were 11.9 herbivores and 4.2 natural enemies per 1-m branch length. Populations of most insect orders increased in the wet season although the greatest herbivore abundance was evident in the dry season. Further studies are necessary on the impact and management strategies of the potentially important insect pests and natural enemies on Alnus.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Reductions of up to 90% in weed biomass was observed under Leucaena leucocephala alley cropping with varying tree between (2,4 and 8 m) and within-row spacing combinations when compared to crop-only control. An increase of 24 to 76 % in maize yields of alley cropped plots compared to the crop-only control was also recorded. The 2m alley widths closed canopy faster than the 4 and 8m, and hence realized highest weed biomass reduction during the short-fallow period between two cropping seasons. At the end of the short fallow period, substantial fuelwood (up to 8 t ha –1) was realized.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of alley cropping vegetable crops with Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit for two seasons on a sandy loam Oxic paleustalf in southwestern Nigeria. Four vegetable crops (Amaranthus cruentus L.; Celosia argentea L.; Okra, Hibiscus esculentus L.; and tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) were grown in control plots and in 4-m wide alleys between established Leucaena hedgerows without and with fertilizer (30 N-13 P-24 K kg ha–1). Leucaena prunings yielded large dry biomass and nutrients during both seasons. Yield of four vegetable crops responded more to fertilizer in control than in alley cropped treatments. Better yield of vegetables in alley cropped plots was in part due to following effect of the Leucaena hedgerows. Fertilizer application increased mean yields of Amaranthus, Celosia, okra and tomato by 325, 164, 47 and 94% in control plots and by 36, 26, 4 and 20% in alley cropped plots, respectively. For both seasons, yields were not significantly different between alley cropped with and without fertilizer and the control with fertilizer treatments. Yield was least in control without fertilizer. Alley cropping with Leucaena can reduce fertilizer requirement for vegetable production. Cost and return analysis using 1988 prices indicated that alley cropping with vegetable crops can be profitable.c/o Miss Maureen Larkin, L. W. Lambourn & Company, 26 Dingwall Road, Croydon CR9 3EE, England  相似文献   

The effects of leucaena hedgerows, mulching with leucaena foliage (0,50 and 100% of harvested foliage), cowpea intercropping and adition of dairy cattle slurry (55 t ha–1 per maize crop) on the yield of maize from a sandy soil were assessed. The four-year results from five maize crops are reported.Except in the first year, yields of maize grain and stover were significantly reduced by 30% in the presence of leucaena hedgerows. Use of leucaena mulch eliminated this effect; application of all the harvested leucaena mulch (100%) increased the total maize grain yield of the five crops by 44% over sole maize. Hedgerow and mulching management required an additional 36 mandays labour ha–1 which was more than compensated by the increased maize yields. Furthermore leucaena hedgerows substantially depressed the growth of weeds between cropping seasons.Intercropping with cowpea significantly depressed yields of maize grain and stover when both crops were sown together, but not in later seasons when cowpea was sown four weeks after the maize. Application of slurry increased the total yields of maize grain and stover by 35 and 37%, respectively. The grain yield of maize in leucaena hedgerow treatments fertilized with slurry did not respond to application of more than 50% of leucaena foliage, which suggested that half of the foliage could be spared for feeding to livestock. The cumulative yield of maize grain from the highest yielding organic system was 85% of the yield from the fertilizer treatment.The study, which is continuing, demonstrates that large increases in agricultural productivity are possible through the intercropping of maize with woody forage and grain legumes and the integration of dairy cattle production into the system. It thus shows the importance of exploiting crop/livestock interactions.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study into the influences of spacing on the early performance and biomass production of Gliricidia sepium in an alley cropping system in southern Sierra Leone. Four between-row spacings of 2, 4, 6 and 8 m were combined with three within-row spacings (0.25, 0.50 and 1.00m) in a split plot experimental design.Survival, tree height and leaf nitrogen content were not affected by between- or within-row spacings. For the other parameters measured, namely root-collar diameter, branch production, total biomass and nitrogen yields per hectare, it was found that for equivalent tree densities, the lower the rectangularity of planting, the better the performance of the individual trees, and consequently the greater the yields per hectare.Total biomass production per unit area was, expectedly, greatest where the spacings between hedgerows were closest, while production per plant decreased with closer within-row spacings. The total fresh and dry weights of leaves and stems, as well as leaf nitrogen yields per unit area were strongly influenced by between-row spacing and less so by within-row spacing.  相似文献   

Yields under alley cropping might be improved if the most limiting nutrients not adequately supplied or cycled by the leaves could be added as an inorganic fertilizer supplement. Three historic leaf management strategies had been in effect for 3 years ina Leucaena leucocephala alley cropping trial on the Lilongwe Plain of central Malawi : 1) leaves returned; 2) leaves removed; and 3) leaves removed, with 100 kg inorganic N ha−1 added. An initial soil analysis showed P status to be suboptimal under all strategies. A confounded 34 factorial experiment was conducted with the following treatments: leaf management strategy (as above), N fertilizer rate (0, 30, and 60 kg N ha−1), P fertilizer rate (0, 18, and 35 kg P ha−1), and maize population (14,800, 29,600, and 44,400 plants ha−1). Both N and P were yield limiting, and interacted positively to improve yields. The addition of 30 kg N and 18 kg P ha−1 improved yields similarly under all leaf management strategies by an average of 2440 kg ha−1. Increasing the rates to 60 kg N and 35 kg P ha−1 improved yields an additional 1990 kg ha−1 in the ‘leaves returned’ and leaves removed + N’ strategies, but did not improve yields under the ‘leaves removed’ strategy. Lower yields were related to lack of P response at the highest P rate in this treatment, which may have induced Zn deficiency. Plots receiving leaves had higher organic C, total N, pH, exchangeable Ca, Mg, K, and S, and lower C/N ratios in the 0–15 cm soil layer than did plots where leaves had been removed. Leaf removal with N addition was similar to leaf removal alone for all soil factors measured except for organic C and total N, which were higher where N had been added. The results show that N and P were the primary yield-limiting nutrients. Historic N application maintained the soil's ability to respond to N and P on par with leaf additions.  相似文献   

Maize/cassava were intercropped between hedgerows of Senna spectabilis [(DC.) Irwin and Barneby], Flemingia macrophylla [(Willd.) Merrill] and Dactyladenia barteri [(Hook f ex Oliv.) Engl.] for five consecutive years on an Ultisol in southern Cameroon. Crop yields and hedgerow biomass production in the third to fifth year of cropping are reported. S. spectabilis produced more biomass than F. macrophylla and D. barteri in all years. Cumulative maize grain and cassava tuber yields were highest in F. macrophylla alley cropping, outyielding the no-tree control consistently by 42 to 67% (average 56%). Between hedgerows of D. barteri and S. spectabilis, crops yielded 17% and 16% more than the no-tree control, respectively. However, between S. spectabilis hedgerows, yields were highly variable between years (–15% to +35% compared to the no-tree control) and thus the system is at risk of failure. F. macrophylla is recommended for continuous alley cropping of maize/cassava intercrop. The use of D. barteri may require fallow phases for biomass accumulation followed by cropping phases with rigorous pruning. Although this may lead to lower cumulative yields, the products of the fallow phase, such as stakes and firewood, may provide some compensation.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Young leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) de Wit) and gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Steud) alley-cropped with food crops on farmers' fields in southwestern Nigeria showed marked variability in growth and foliage coloration. A field study was undertaken to determine whether variability in soil fertility was responsible for the differential growth of the two tree species. Plant height of leucaena and gliricidia at 6 and 9 months after planting (MAP) were significantly correlated with soil organic C and total N. Dry matter yield at 12 MAP was also significantly correlated with plant height, soil organic C and total N for leucaena but not for gliricidia. Soil and plant N concentrations were significantly higher in farms with normal than those with chlorotic plants.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the soil chemical and physical properties in seven-year-old alley cropping trial containingLeucaena leucocephala andFlemingia congesta in Northern Zambia is described. There was a strong correlation between the maize yield and the total amount of nitrogen applied, both from prunings and fertiliser, suggesting that a major reason for the observed benefit from alley cropping, particularly withLeucaena, was due to an improvement in nitrogen supply.Leucaena produced significantly more biomass, and its leaves had higher concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium and lower C/N and C/P ratios than did those ofFlemingia. There was also evidence that the trees had a beneficial effect on other soil chemical properties; under the hedgerows, particularly those ofLeucaena, there were higher levels of organic carbon, Mg, K and ECEC, and pH values were also highest.It is suggested that higher levels of organic carbon in the alley crop treatments were responsible for the improvements observed in soil physical properties. Lower bulk density, lower penetration resistance, and a higher infiltration rate and pore volume fraction were measured in the alley crops, although there was no significant change in the soil water release parameters.A deteriorating effect of constant applications of nitrogen fertiliser on soil fertility was observed; as the level of urea application increased, there were significant decreases in Mg, K and pH, increases in Al and soil acidity, and higher penetrometer resistance. These results highlight the urgent need for further research on biological methods of maintaining soil fertility.  相似文献   

Although alley cropping has been shown elsewhere to permit continuous cropping, it has not been widely tested in the highlands of east and central Africa where it has the additional potential of controlling soil erosion. The effect of four rates (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha–1) of inorganic N on the performance of alley cropping using Leucaena diversifolia as the hedgerow species was studied in the central highlands of Burundi. Significant increase in maize yield (average of 26%) due to alley cropping was only first realised in 1992, three years after the commencement of the trial. In 1993, the average yield advantage of the alley cropping plots was 21%. The prunings augmented the response of maize yield to inorganic N in 1992 and 1993. Compared with the control, economic benefits over the five-year period for all the treatments were negative.  相似文献   

在撒哈拉以南的非洲地区,黄独脚金寄生杂草(Strigahermonthica)侵扰是限制小农产自给性农业生产的主要因素之一。土壤肥力低加之总体环境退化是寄生杂草侵扰产生的重要原因。引入改良的耕作制度来解决寄生杂草侵扰和土壤肥力下降的问题势在必行。本文对肯尼亚西部双峰高原地区内,用豆科植物--印度田菁改良的休耕地对玉米产量和农田寄生杂草侵扰的作用进行了研究。实验处理分阶段进行,处理包括田菁改良6和18个月的休耕地、未经耕作自然植物再生6和18个月的休耕地、连续种植玉米未施肥的耕地和连续种植玉米同时施加氮和磷肥的耕地。结果表明,与未施肥玉米地相比,田菁改良休耕地明显(p〈0.5)增加玉米产量.除草管理降低了第一季度(428000&#177;63000株&#183;hm-2)、第二季度(51000&#177;1500株&#183;hm-2)玉米地寄生杂草植株种群。实验周期内,除草管理降低玉米地土壤中寄生杂草种子种群数。短期田菁改良休耕地对玉米产量的促进作用明显好于未施肥的玉米地,但是短期杂草休耕地对玉米产量无显著影响。种植玉米和除草控制寄生杂草效果要好于休耕。  相似文献   

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