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Cover crop residue is generally applied to improve soil quality and crop productivity. Improved understanding of dynamics of soil extractable organic carbon (EOC) and nitrogen (EON) under cover crops is useful for developing effective agronomic management and nitrogen (N) fertilization strategies.

Materials and methods

Dynamics of soil extractable inorganic and organic carbon (C) and N pools were investigated under six cover crop treatments, which included two legume crops (capello woolly pod vetch and field pea), three non-legume crops (wheat, Saia oat and Indian mustard), and a nil-crop control (CK) in southeastern Australia. Cover crops at anthesis were crimp-rolled onto the soil surface in October 2009. Soil and crop residue samples were taken over the periods October?CDecember (2009) and March?CMay (2010), respectively, to examine remaining crop residue biomass, soil NH4 +?N and NO3 ??CN as well as EOC and EON concentrations using extraction methods of 2?M KCl and hot water. Additionally, soil net N mineralization rates were measured for soil samples collected in May 2010.

Results and discussion

The CK treatment had the highest soil inorganic N (NH4 +?N?+?NO3 ??CN) at the sampling time in December 2009 but decreased greatly with sampling time. The cover crop treatments had greater soil EOC and EON concentrations than the CK treatment. However, no significant differences in soil NH4 +?N, NO3 ??CN, EOC, EON, and ratios of EOC to EON were found between the legume and non-legume cover crop treatments across the sampling times, which were supported by the similar results of soil net N mineralization rates among the treatments. Stepwise multiple regression analyses indicated that soil EOC in the hot water extracts was mainly affected by soil total C (R 2?=?0.654, P?<?0.001), while the crop residue biomass determined soil EON in the hot water extracts (R 2?=?0.591, P?<?0.001).


The cover crop treatments had lower loss of soil inorganic N compared with the CK treatment across the sampling times. The legume and non-legume cover crop treatments did not significantly differ in soil EOC and EON pools across the sampling times. In addition, the decomposition of cover crop residues had more influence on soil EON than the decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM), which indicated less N fertilization under cover crop residues. On the other hand, the decomposition of SOM exerted more influence on soil EOC across the sampling times among the treatments, implying different C and N cycling under cover crops.  相似文献   

培养试验研究了2种温度下紫色水稻土有机碳的矿化特征以及添加不同植物残体对其矿化的影响。结果表明, 62d的培养过程中,有机碳累积矿化量在28℃条件下为C 66.79 mg/g;40℃条件下为C 86.99 mg/g,差异达到极显著水平。用一级动力学方程对植物残体的矿化速率进行拟合表明,28℃条件下,植物残体的分解速率常数(k)为蚕豆秸秆玉米秸秆水稻秸秆,而40℃条件下则为水稻秸秆玉米秸秆蚕豆秸秆。温度状况和植物残体化学组分的差异影响了紫色水稻土中有机碳的动态变化,最终导致了碳累积矿化量的差异。  相似文献   

 We studied the influence of soil compaction in a loamy sand soil on C and N mineralization and nitrification of soil organic matter and added crop residues. Samples of unamended soil, and soil amended with leek residues, at six bulk densities ranging from 1.2 to 1.6 Mg m–3 and 75% field capacity, were incubated. In the unamended soil, bulk density within the range studied did not influence any measure of microbial activity significantly. A small (but insignificant) decrease in nitrification rate at the highest bulk density was the only evidence for possible effects of compaction on microbial activity. In the amended soil the amounts of mineralized N at the end of the incubation were equal at all bulk densities, but first-order N mineralization rates tended to increase with increasing compaction, although the increase was not significant. Nitrification in the amended soils was more affected by compaction, and NO3 -N contents after 3 weeks of incubation at bulk densities of 1.5 and 1.6 Mg m–3 were significantly lower (by about 8% and 16% of total added N, respectively), than those of the less compacted treatments. The C mineralization rate was strongly depressed at a bulk density of 1.6 Mg m–3, compared with the other treatments. The depression of C mineralization in compacted soils can lead to higher organic matter accumulation. Since N mineralization was not affected by compaction (within the range used here) the accumulated organic matter would have had higher C : N ratios than in the uncompacted soils, and hence would have been of a lower quality. In general, increasing soil compaction in this soil, starting at a bulk density of 1.5 Mg m–3, will affect some microbially driven processes. Received: 10 June 1999  相似文献   

Decomposition of crop residues under laboratory conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. A laboratory study was designed to provide data on the decomposition of rape, sunflower and soyabean residues put in bags buried in soil. The residue bags were removed at intervals during 1 year, analysed for remaining total mass, organic and water-soluble C, water-soluble sugars, as well as for volatile acids and phenolic compounds. The decomposition dynamics of total mass, total organic and water-soluble organic C, and water-soluble sugars were reproduced satisfactorily by a double-exponential model of the first-order type. Generally, no large differences in the rate and magnitude of decomposition among the residues were observed; the greatest losses of both total mass and chemical components occurred in the first month of the study, during which the volatile acids and phenolic compounds disappeared almost completely. Of the three residues, soyabean showed the lowest loss of organic carbon, losing 66% of the original content over the course of the year compared with 73 and 75% for sunflower and rape, respectively.  相似文献   

Without some form of regenerative life support system, long duration space habitation or travel will be limited severely by the prohibitive costs of resupplying air, water, and food from Earth. Components under consideration for inclusion in a regenerative life support system are based on either physicochemical or biological processes. Physicochemical systems would use filtration and elemental phase changes to convert waste materials into usable products, while biological systems would use higher plants and bioreactors to supply crew needs. Neither a purely biological nor strictly a physicochemical approach can supply all crew needs, thus, the best each approach can offer will be combined into a hybrid regenerative life support system. Researchers at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Advanced Life Support Breadboard Project have taken the lead on bioregenerative aspects of space life support. The major focus has been on utilization of higher plants for production of food, oxygen, and clean water. However, a key to any regenerative life support system is recycling and recovery of resources (wastes). In keeping with the emphasis at KSC on bioregenerative systems and with the focus on plants, this paper focuses on research with biologically-based options for resource recovery from inedible crop residues.  相似文献   

We conducted a two‐year experiment to evaluate the effects of fresh pepper residues (CR treatment) on soil properties and broccoli yield compared with the application of chemical fertilizers (CF treatment). Soil‐state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR) spectroscopy was used to characterize the organic composition of added residues and surface soil. We also measured total and soluble organic carbon and different biochemical properties associated with the C cycle. The results show that large application rates of CR increased microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and arylesterase and β‐glucosidase activities compared with the control. There was a significant increase in MBC for the CF treatment only with the greatest application rate. No differences in soil organic carbon composition and structure were found between treatments with soil organic C, soluble C, basal soil respiration, arylesterase and β‐glucosidase activities correlated positively with the soil carboxylic region and negatively with the aromatic region of the spectra. Broccoli yield was significantly more for the second crop cycle with maximum values for the greatest application rates of CF and CR indicating that crop residues with a minimum amount of chemical fertilizers can be used to obtain an adequate yield. The use of pepper residues as an organic amendment improved biochemical properties of the soil with positive effects on broccoli quality and had no negative impact on yield.  相似文献   

水稻-油菜轮作模式下秸秆还田替代钾肥的效应   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
【目的】研究稻-油轮作条件下秸秆还田配施钾肥对水稻和冬油菜产量、 地上部钾素累积量、 钾肥利用率以及土壤钾素含量的影响,明确长期秸秆还田替代钾肥的效果,为秸秆还田下稻-油轮作中钾肥的合理施用提供科学依据。【方法】2011~2014年在湖北省粮油主产区-江汉平原选择土壤供钾能力较高的农田,布置水稻-冬油菜轮作定位试验。试验共设7个处理,分别为: 1)CK(-K); 2)+K; 3)+S; 4)S+1/4K; 5)S+1/2K; 6)S+3/4K和7)S+K。其中K和S分别表示钾肥和还田秸秆,K2O用量为90 kg/hm2。【结果】 1)与不施钾(-K)相比,施用钾肥和秸秆还田均不同程度地增加了水稻和冬油菜年均产量和钾素吸收量,尤以秸秆还田配施钾肥处理(S+K)的水稻和冬油菜产量和地上部钾素吸收量最高,与对照(-K)相比增产率分别为12.8%和19.1%; 地上部钾素(K2O)累积吸收量增幅分别达到35.7%和79.3%。2)在当前推荐钾肥用量条件下,秸秆还田对水稻和冬油菜的钾肥吸收利用率没有显著影响,但均使两种作物的钾素吸收利用率显著降低。与秸秆不还田相比,秸秆还田后水稻季的钾肥与钾素农学利用率明显降低,而冬油菜季则分别显著提高与持平; 秸秆还田后,水稻季的钾素农学利用率显著降低,而冬油菜季则持平。3)通过对秸秆还田条件下钾肥用量与增产率、 地上部吸钾量增幅的相关分析得出秸秆还田后当前的推荐钾肥用量偏高。根据肥效模型并结合实际产量和农田钾素养分平衡拟合得出,水稻和冬油菜的年均适宜钾肥用量分别为52.0和61.9 kg/hm2,比推荐用量可分别减少42.2%和31.2%。【结论】在土壤钾素含量较高的情况下,稻-油轮作区开展连续秸秆还田不仅能够降低钾肥投入量,获得较高的粮油经济产量,还可以提高土壤有效钾含量并维持农田系统养分平衡以及秸秆钾素资源的良性循环。  相似文献   

农业废弃物及其制备的生物质炭对酸性土壤的改良作用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The liming potential of some crop residues and their biochars on an acid Ultisol was investigated using incubation experiments. Rice hulls showed greater liming potential than rice hull biochar, while soybean and pea straws had less liming potential than their biochars. Due to their higher alkalinity, biochars from legume materials increased soil pH much compared to biochars from non-legume materials. The alkalinity of biochars was a key factor aflecting their liming potential, and the greater alkalinity of biochars led to greater reductions in soil acidity. The incorporation of biochars decreased soil exchangeable acidity and increased soil exchangeable base cations and base saturation, thus improving soil fertility.  相似文献   

One way to increase the amount of carbon sequestered in agricultural land is to convert conventional tillage into no‐tillage systems. This greatly affects the location of crop residues in soil. To investigate the impact of the location of residues on soil physical and biological properties and how the interactions between those properties influence the fate of carbon and nitrogen in soil, we did a laboratory experiment with repacked soil in columns. Doubly labelled 13C15N oilseed rape residues were incorporated in the 0–10 cm layer or left on the soil surface. The columns were incubated for 9 weeks at 20°C and were submitted to three cycles of drying and wetting, each of them induced by a rain simulator. The location of the residues affected the water dynamics and the distribution of C and N in the soil, which in turn influenced microbial activity and the decomposition rate of the added residues. After 9 weeks of’incubation, 18.4 ± 1.5% of the surface applied residue‐C and 54.7 ± 1.3% of the incorporated residue‐C was mineralized. We observed a nitrate accumulation of 10.7 mg N kg?1 with residues at the soil surface, 3.6 mg N kg?1 with incorporated residues and 6.3 mg N kg?1 without addition of fresh organic matter, which entailed net N mineralization in soil under mulch and immobilization of N with residue incorporation compared with the control soil. We concluded that application of oilseed rape residues at the soil surface increased the storage of fresh organic C in soil in the short term, compared with the incorporation treatment, but increased the risk of nitrate leaching.  相似文献   

The goal of agricultural nematologists is usually considered to be the prevention of harmful nematode populations from reaching levels that cause noticeable yield losses in field crops. Usually, it is the plant-parasitic nematodes that are attributed with constraining plant growth and development. Not nearly as well understood is the impact on crop plants of the non-plant-parasitic and bacteria-feeding nematodes. This latter group can interact with plant-growth-promoting bacteria to improve soil fertility and improve crop productivity. The challenge has become finding methods to develop and maintain those systems that build-up beneficial nematode populations while simultaneously suppressing plant-parasitic nematodes and associated plant pathogens. Beneficial soil nematodes are usually more abundant in crop management systems subjected to sophisticated crop sequences, cultivation practices and organic amendments. Models to predict the population dynamics of a nematode species have been developed. However, the inadequacies of nematode identification, compounded by the irregular distribution of nematodes in soil, have made it difficult to obtain reliable data on nematode distribution and abundance with which to refine these simulation models. Since many different nematode extraction methods are in use today it also becomes extremely difficult to meaningfully compare quantitative data from different laboratories. As the number of factor variables affecting soil nematode populations is large and monitoring seasonal populations awkward, nematode influence on crop health and yield determination is seldom fully recognized. Thus, it is usually only those catastrophic nematode outbreaks that are recognized, while systematic benefits are rarely recognized or appreciated. Perhaps, with the utilization of molecular biotechnology it will become possible to better elucidate nematode plant–host interactions. Clearly, these root zone relationships will increasingly become a key component in understanding soil ecosystem function and lead to better cropping system design.  相似文献   

农田生态系统是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,在维系生命的生长发育和环境的动态平衡等方面起着至关重要的作用,在其生长发育和环境演变的过程中储存大量的环境变化信息,能够反映古农业的发展变迁。植硅体是一种长期稳定存在于土壤中的非晶质二氧化硅颗粒物,它可以指示气候变化。近年来,植硅体分析主要应用在农业考古、古气候重建、生物地球化学循环和全球碳汇潜力估算的研究中。世界上作物分布广泛,作物栽培历史悠久,研究作物植硅体与植硅体碳,对探讨农业起源与发展,估算农田生态系统植硅体碳汇潜力,应对全球气候变化具有重要意义。本文在查阅国内外与作物植硅体研究相关文献的基础上,综述了作物植硅体的形态研究、植硅体在考古学中的应用、作物植硅体碳含量与分布、碳汇潜力以及植硅体碳汇在全球碳汇中的贡献,阐明了作物植硅体未来的研究方向。1)不同作物产生的植硅体形态不同,而且对作物植硅体形态的研究较多处于优势的禾本科中,其他作物的研究较少;2)作物植硅体碳含量与其本身的固碳能力和效率有关,不完全由植硅体含量的多少决定,此外,植硅体碳含量的多少也可能受生长环境和植物基因型的影响;3)不同生态系统中气候、地表植被、土壤环境等诸多因素直接或间接地影响区域植硅体的碳汇潜力;4)农田生态系统不同作物植硅体碳汇存在显著差异,施加硅肥或硅-磷复合肥、种植高植硅体含量和高植硅体碳含量的作物等均可显著提高农田生态系统碳汇潜力。今后应进一步研究不同作物植硅体碳汇,以帮助识别过去的农业碳汇,评估当前农业碳汇潜力;加强植物、根系、土壤迁移规律的探讨,进一步分析不同作物植硅体积累与碳汇效应;阐明不同植物吸硅机制、植物根系硅化过程与其植硅体含量、植硅体碳含量间的关系;了解西南喀斯特生态脆弱区农业碳汇潜力,以期为作物科学种植、农田生态系统碳汇估算等提供参考。  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide emission from soils after incorporating crop residues   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Abstract. Emissions of N2O were measured from different agricultural systems in SE Scotland. N2O emissions increased temporarily after fertilization of arable crops, cultivation of bare soil, ploughing up of grassland and incorporation of arable and horticultural crop residues, but the effect was short-lived. Most of the emission occurred during the first two weeks, returning to 'background' levels after 30–40 days. The highest flux was from N-rich lettuce residues, 1100 g N2O-N ha−1 being emitted over the first 14 days after incorporation by rotary tillage. The magnitude and pattern of emissions was strongly influenced by rainfall, soil mineral N, cultivation technique and C:N ratio of the residue. Comparatively large emissions were measured after incorporation of material with low C:N ratios. Management practices are recommended that would increase N-use efficiency and reduce N2O emissions from agricultural soils.  相似文献   

Energy crops are increasingly cultivated in agricultural management systems world-wide. A substitution of food crops (e.g. cereals) by energy crops may generally alter the biological activity and litter decomposition in soil due to their varying structural and chemical composition and subsequently modify soil functioning. A soil microcosm experiment was performed to assess the decomposition and microbial mineralization of different energy crop residues in soil compared to a food crop, with or without earthworms. Residues of the energy crops winter rape (Brassica napus), maize (Zea mays), miscanthus (Miscanthus giganteus) and the food crop oat (Avena sativa) were each provided as food source for a mixed earthworm population, each consisting of one individual of Lumbricus terrestris, Aporrectodea caliginosa, and Octolasion tyrtaeum. After 6 weeks, the rate of litter loss from the soil surface, earthworm biomass, microbial biomass-C and -N, microbial activity, and enzyme activities were determined. The results emphasized, that litter loss and microbial parameters were predominantly promoted by earthworms and were additionally influenced by the varying structural and chemical composition of the different litter. Litter decay by earthworms was highest in N-rich maize litter treatment (C-N ratio 34.8) and lowest in the case of miscanthus litter (C-N ratio 134.4). As a consequence, the microbial biomass and basal respiration in soils with maize litter were higher, relative to other litter types. MBC-MBN ratio in soil increased when earthworms were present, indicating N competition between earthworms and microorganisms. Furthermore, enzyme activities responded in different ways on the varying types of litter and earthworm activity. Enzymes involved in the N-cycle decreased and those involved in the C-cycle tended to increase in the presence of earthworms, when litter with high C-N ratio was provided as a food source. Especially in the miscanthus treatments, less N might remain for enzymatic degradation, indicating that N competition between earthworms and microorganisms may vary between different litter types. Especially, an expansion of miscanthus in agricultural management systems might result in a reduced microbial activity and a higher N deficit for microorganisms in soil.  相似文献   

Irrigated red-brown earths in northern Victoria were surveyed to relate water-stable aggregation and organic carbon in the surface horizon to cultural practices. One or 2 seasons of commercial cropping with tomatoes decreased the water-stable aggregation by 36% and organic carbon by 14%, when compared with permanent pasture.

In one experiment, a cultivated red-brown earth was left untilled for 6 months over winter; the water-stable aggregation increased by 48%; the growth of ryegrass for 6 months in the same soil increased the water-stable aggregation by a further 35% when compared with the untilled bare control.

In a second experiment, the effects over 4 years of 2 different systems of soil management for continued row-cropping on the physical and biological properties of a red-brown earth are described. Both systems included reduced cultivation (compared with commercial systems) of permanent beds, slow wetting of the soil from furrows, traffic confined to permanent furrows, and barley grown in the winter and sunflowers in the summer. In one system (MC40), organic residues were retained each year and the soil cultivated to a depth of 40 mm; in the other system (NC150) organic residues were not retained and soil was cultivated to a depth of 150 mm. After 4 years in MC40, the stability was 38% higher and 10% lower than that found in commercial soils used for tomatoes and pasture respectively. In NC150, the stability was 12% higher and 28% lower than commercial soils used for tomatoes and pasture respectively. The bulk density and penetrometer resistance tended to increase with time in all plots, but were still within limits suggested for unrestricted root growth. Each summer, water reached the centre of all beds within 8 h of irrigation. Populations of earthworms decreased in all plots, and probably reflect the unusually wet winter in 1981, and the unusually dry winter in 1982. The ratio of earthworms from MC40:NC150 increased to 3:1 by October 1982. The yields of sunflowers (2–3 Mg ha−1) in all plots compared favourably with commercial yields of crops grown on less fragile soils in northern Victoria.  相似文献   

作物叶片表面农药残留的便携式检测仪器的设计与试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对现有的农药残留检测仪器只能检测水溶液体系中的农药残留和检测对象较为单一的问题,该研究以不同植物叶片啶虫脒农药残留为研究对象,探究了利用荧光强度检测叶片表面农药残留的可行性,设计了一款叶片表面农药残留的便携式检测仪器。首先,通过啶虫脒农药叶片表面喷洒试验,采集叶片的荧光光谱并进行特征分析,发现啶虫脒农药的最佳激发波长和最佳发射波长分别为355 和500 nm,从而确定光源和光电信号接收源的特征波长分别为350和500 nm。然后,通过获取最佳光源照射角度以及光照距离,优化光路结构减少叶片表面杂散光的干扰。同时,设计相关检测电路(光源电路、信号调理电路、控制电路等)测出表征反射光强度的电压值,构建电压值与农药残留值之间的线性方程,设计便携式检测仪对农药残留进行检测。结果表明:1)荧光强度与农药浓度在1~5 mg/L的范围内成正比;2)确定了检测仪器最佳光照角度为45o,光源和待测叶片之间的最佳垂直距离为3.46 cm;3)方程决定系数达到了0.875,均方根误差为0.405 mg/L。该研究所设计的便携式荧光光谱仪能够快速、准确、无损检测叶片表面农药残留。  相似文献   

Cover crop (CC) residues protect the soil from erosion and their permanence on the surface is largely influenced by their biochemical constituents. In this study, the dynamics of CC residue decomposition by applying mathematical models was described. The kinetics of decomposition of residues was obtained from a laboratory incubation experiment. Three CC shoot residues were applied on the soil surface and incubated for 362 days (with eight sampling times). Oats and vetch residues decomposed the most than clover, where k values were 3.6 × 10?3, 3.7 × 10?3 and 5.3 × 10?3 day?1, respectively. The three-compartment model (nonstructural carbohydrates, cellulose–hemicellulose and lignin) to simulate residue decomposition presented a close fit between simulated and measured data. The decomposition rate constant (k) of CC can be used to estimate how long residues will remain in the field and how they could affect soil organic carbon.  相似文献   

Impact of very low crop residues cover on wind erosion in the Sahel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the Sahel, with average annual precipitation in the order of 500 mm yr− 1, wind erosion occurs mainly on cultivated millet fields whose surfaces are only partially covered by crop residues. The impact of these residues on wind erosion was not clearly established. The objective of this study is thus to quantify the actual amount of crop residues in traditional Sahelian fields and to determine their impacts on wind erosion by reference to a bare surface throughout the seasonal cycle over several years.  相似文献   

Summary Phosphomonoesterase (both acid and alkaline) and phosphodiesterase activity was either activated or inhibited in a soil treated with different crop residues. Phosphotriesterase activity remained unaffected. The kinetic parameters (V max and K m) of treated soil samples were modified in the same way: Increases or decreases in the V max values corresponded to increases or decreases in the K m values. The V max values, rather than the K m values, were found to have a predominant effect on phosphatase activity, thus indicating a fundamental role for the enzyme concentration. A positive and generally significant correlation was found between the activity of each phosphatase, which suggests an unspecific source of these enzymes. The values of the determination coefficients (R 2 × 100) show that a low percentage of the variability may be ascribed to interactions among phosphatase activities.  相似文献   

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