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Poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG) is the enzyme which degrades poly(ADP-ribose) polymers synthesized by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). Both enzymes are activated in response to different stimuli like oxidative stress and are involved in DNA repair processes. The retention of bovine foetal membranes (RFM) is supposed to be connected with oxidative stress conditions. The aim of the study was to detect the presence of PARG protein in bovine placenta in order to find the relationship between the process of releasing, retaining placenta and DNA repair. Placentomes, collected alter spontaneous delivery or caesarian section were divided into maternal as well as foetal part of placenta, homogenized and subjected to electrophoresis. Animals were divided into six groups as follows: A--caesarian section before term with RFM; B--caesarian section before term without RFM; C--spontaneous delivery at term with RFM; D--spontaneous delivery at term without RFM; E--caesarian section at term with RFM; F--caesarian section at term without RFM. PARG protein was detected in nitrocellulose membranes using commercially available bovine anti-PARG antibody and Western blotting technique. Single bands referred to bovine PARG standard were observed in all examined tissues as well as in human placenta used as the control of procedure. In addition, the intensity of staining was stronger in retained than properly released term placenta and in foetal than in maternal part of the placenta. These results may suggest the differences in enzyme protein content and careful conclusions can be drawn that the activities of PARG may be altered between compared groups of animals. It may confirm the presence of oxidative stress conditions and their consequences on metabolic pathways, the content of biologically active substances and processes of proper releasing placenta. Further experiments on PARG activity in bovine foetal membranes with respect to proper and improper placental release are necessary.  相似文献   

Contents Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) synthesizes poly(ADP-ribose) in response to DNA strand breaks using NAD+ as a substrate. It leads to consequences for metabolism not only on a cellular level, but also on a tissue level, among others: NAD+ and ATP depletion. Retention of foetal membranes (RF) in cows is supposed to be connected with the imbalance between production and neutralization of reactive oxygen species, leading to oxidative damage to DNA, lipids and proteins. The aim of this preliminary study was to detect the presence of PARP in bovine placenta and to describe the enzyme with respect to type of placental tissue, time and mode of delivery. Placentomes, collected after spontaneous delivery or caesarian section, were divided into maternal and foetal parts of placenta, homogenized, and subjected to electrophoresis. Cows were divided into six groups as follows: (A) caesarian section before term with RF, (B) caesarian section before term without RF, (C) spontaneous delivery at term with RF, (D) spontaneous delivery at term without RF, (E) caesarian section at term with RF, (F) caesarian section at term without RF. PARP was detected by Western blotting using commercially available bovine anti PARP antibody. Bands referred to as bovine PARP standard were present in all examined tissues as well as the products of its cleavage. However, the patterns of bands were different with respect to type of tissue, time, and mode of delivery. Further experiments on detailed relationship between PARP activity and the process of releasing and retaining of bovine placenta are necessary.  相似文献   

Tissue‐specific protein profile is determined by its function, structure, intensity of metabolism and usefulness. This profile remains under hormonal control. Any disturbance in the general metabolism may be reflected in changes in both protein quantity and quality. These changes can be of low or high specificity, and some can be used as clinical markers of pathological conditions. The aim of this study was to describe and to compare the protein profile of caruncle and foetal villi of bovine placenta that was either properly released or retained. Placental tissues were collected from healthy cows, divided into releasing and retaining foetal membranes, homogenized and subjected to 1D and 2D electrophoresis. Computer‐aided analysis of gel images showed essential qualitative and quantitative alterations in protein profile between tissues that were properly released and retained. Alterations concerned both the number of fractions and spots as well as the intensity of staining. This preliminary study provides a general overview of the differences in the protein profile between released and retained foetal membranes. It may allow for selecting the group of proteins or single molecules, which should be further analysed in detail as possible markers differentiating the retention of foetal membranes in cows from placentas that were released spontaneously. The continuation of the study for the identification of particular spots detected in 2D gels is necessary.  相似文献   

本文结合本场的生产实际,讨论了母牛胎盘的特点,胎衣不下的症状与诊断;着重讨论了本病的发病率及其影响因素,并将病因分析、归纳成一个示意图;最后综述了多项治疗和预防胎衣不下的措施,如灌服羊水,注射激素,用维生素A、D、E和亚硒酸钠,灌服中药,手术剥离以及电刺激等。  相似文献   

奶牛在产后经常会患上胎衣不下的疾病,可能引发子宫内膜炎和败血症等严重并发症,甚至危及其生命。因此,如果不及时治疗,会对养殖业造成巨大的损失。在奶牛场实习期间,治疗了四头患有胎衣不下的奶牛。采用促进子宫收缩、手术剥离和药物治疗等方法让胎衣成功排出,并防止了感染腐败化脓情况的发生,均取得了比较良好的治疗效果。进一步探索并优化诊断与治疗方案,这对于进一步探究奶牛胎衣不下的诊断和治疗方法具有很大意义。  相似文献   

奶牛胎衣不下的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奶牛胎衣不下是奶牛场的常见病,多发病。尤其在青粗饲料喂量不足的奶牛场发病率更高。胎衣不下的奶牛容易继发产后子宫内膜炎及其他疾病,导致奶牛不孕,对奶牛场危害极大。奶牛胎衣不下防治方法较多。笔者采用产后肌注雌二醇十催产素进行防治奶牛胎衣不下效果很好,介绍如下:1材料与方法1.1病牛为合肥市两牧场中国荷斯坦母牛。分娩后3- 6小时,检查胎衣不下或胎衣未下尽 134头,随机分组,用药组78头,未用药组56头。l.2药物:苯甲酸雌二醇,南京动物激素厂生产[兽用],批号980520;催产素,蚌埠康达生物医药有…  相似文献   

在奶牛养殖领域有不少牛因为长时间胎衣不下滞留在子宫中造成终身不孕,使奶牛利用年限极大缩短,养殖场淘汰率显著升高。为进一步探明青海省门源县奶牛产后胎衣不下的主要原因,于2020年对门源县养殖的奶牛胎衣不下进行深入调查,并明确了造成胎衣不下的主要原因,提出相应的防治措施。  相似文献   

本调查对伊宁市郊区部分小规模牛场和养殖户饲养的奶牛进行跟踪记录,将一年内的奶牛胎衣不下情况进行统计分析.结果表明:奶牛胎衣不下的发生呈季节性,而产公犊的奶牛发病率略高于产母犊,并随着奶牛胎次的增加,奶牛患有胎衣不下的概率增高;产双胎的母牛胎衣不下的发病率明显高于产单胎的母牛,差异极显著(P<0.01).怀孕过长或过短与正常怀孕时间的奶牛胎衣不下发病率有显著差异(P<0.05).另外,本文结合生产实际对胎衣不下的治疗与预防措施做简要的介绍,以期为有效防治该病提供参考.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the distribution and phagocytotic function of macrophages in bovine caruncles during pregnancy. Pregnant Holstein caruncles obtained at a slaughterhouse and by Caesarean section just before the onset of parturition were used. Macrophages in these caruncles were observed immunohistochemically and histochemically. Macrophages were present in the parenchyma of caruncles throughout pregnancy. The macrophages were irregular in shape, and exhibited thin, long processes along the main and intermediate septa of caruncles. Macrophages increased as the gestation period progressed. Acid phosphatase activity of the macrophages appeared at 5-6 months of gestation and remained until the end of gestation period. In particular, macrophages showed strong acid phosphatase activity at the peripheral region of the caruncles just facing the chorionic villi. In addition, they were conglomerated in the hyperplastic prominences of caruncles. These results indicate that caruncle macrophages maintain the appropriate size and shape of each caruncle during pregnancy.  相似文献   

胎衣不下指母畜在娩出胎儿后,胎衣在第三产程的生理时限内未能排出,这是牦牛养殖中的一种常见疾病,本人以白牦牛胎衣部分不下、轻症全部不下、重症全部不下为例,运用益母草汤加减治疗20例,对目前白牦牛胎衣不下疾病防控措施和治疗效果进行了探究,以期为白牦牛胎衣不下提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Retained placenta is a worldwide recognized clinical condition in puerperal cows, which can significantly affect their health and fertility. Available treatment modalities are often of questionable efficacy or associated with time constraints, practicality or monetary considerations for their wide application in a routine dairy practice. The objective of this study was to compare and assess the efficacy of different treatment options, including a novel ozone treatment, for the retained placenta. Two hundred cows diagnosed with retained placenta were divided into five treatment groups, each receiving a different treatment option. Group A (n = 40) was given a combination treatment of intrauterine ozone and parenteral cephalexin; group B (n = 40) was given intrauterine ozone; group C (n = 40) was given a combination of parenteral cephalexin and intrauterine antibiotic tablets; group D (n = 40) was given only parenteral cephalexin and group E (n = 40) was given parenteral prostaglandins in 11‐day intervals. The control group (group Z, n = 200) included cows that gave birth without assistance and were not diagnosed with a retained placenta. The ozone treatment (groups A and B) was found to be the most effective modality resulting in the shortest period of days open, the smallest number of artificial inseminations until pregnancy, the smallest number of animals diagnosed with fever within 10 days post‐calving, the highest percentage of animals pregnant within 200 days after calving and the smallest number of animals culled because of infertility, when compared to the other treatment groups. The intrauterine ozone flush therefore has a potential as an efficacious and cost‐effective treatment option for retained placenta, with an overall positive effect on puerperal health and fertility in cows.  相似文献   

奶牛胎衣不下是指奶牛在产后12~24小时内胎衣不能自然完全脱落者,它是奶牛的常见病之一。我国有关资料显示,在一般奶牛场中,此病的发病率为10%~25%,有些地区高达40%以上。据美国1996年有关报道,发病率平均为7.4%。据文献报道:胎衣不下患牛中,有80%以上牛只会继发感染子宫内膜炎,结果导致奶牛产后发情延迟和配种次数增加;40%以上牛只会继发感染乳房炎及产后代谢病,产奶量下降,淘汰率增加。1胎衣不下的原因1.1生理性因素1.1.1胎衣不下具有遗传性,即此胎发生的,下胎发病的概率会增加。1.1.2初产牛难产会使胎衣不下的发病危险程度提高3~4倍。1.1…  相似文献   

奶牛胎衣不下的原因和诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胎衣不下是指母畜在胎儿产出后一定时间内胎衣不能排出的一种家畜产科疾病,是舍饲奶牛产后的常见病。该病的发病率约占分娩奶牛的8.2%,饲养管理不善的奶牛场甚至可高达25%~40%。此病一般不引起死亡,但可引起子宫内膜炎和不孕,迫使有些母牛被提早淘汰[1]。  相似文献   

为了探讨归芎益母散治疗奶牛血瘀型胎衣不下的作用,将40头血瘀型胎衣不下奶牛,随机分为4组,每组10头,分别为归芎益母散高、中、低剂量组(分别为800、400、200 g/头),以及药物对照组(250 g/头,益母生化散),经口灌服给药,每天1次,用药1 d~3 d。另选10头健康奶牛作为空白对照组。结果表明,与药物对照组(治愈率为70%)比较,高、中、低剂量组治愈率为90%、90%、50%(P>0.05),给药后第0天,与空白对照组比较,患病奶牛ET-1、TXB2显著升高(P<0.01,P<0.05),NO、6-keto-PGF显著降低(P<0.01),ET-1/NO、TXB_2/6-keto-PGF显著增大(P<0.01)。用药后第7、14、21天,与药物对照组相比,高、中剂量组ET-1、TXB_2水平降低,NO、6-keto-PGF水平升高,ET-1/NO、TXB_2/6-keto-PGF减小。说明归芎益母散能够通过对抗内皮功能紊乱和血小板功能紊乱,缓解患牛血瘀状态,从而改善子宫血液循环及微循环障碍,调节子宫节律性收缩,促进子宫内滞留胎衣排出,临床推荐使用剂量为400 g/头,经口灌服,每天1次,用药1 d~3 d。  相似文献   

Placenta is the link between the fetus and the maternal body during pregnancy.Therefore, the pregnancy outcome of the key was related by the normal development of the placenta.Wnt signaling pathway plays an important role in the development of embryo and placenta formation, several Wnt pathways which have been clear study and the formation process of early embryo and placenta in cattle are reviewed in this article,the early expression of the Wnt pathway components in the somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) cattle and normal insemination of bovine embryos is introduced. The expression of DKK-1 and Fzd4 have a special role in the formation and development of early placenta, but its molecular mechanism is not clear. In addition, the Wnt signaling pathway is activated by inhibiting the MAP2K and GSK3, led to the inner cell mass and trophoblast cell number increased and blastocyst development speed. But it is similar to the extent of phosphorylation of E-cadherin and beta-catenin protein in the early placenta of cows with SCNT and normal insemination, therefore, the role of Wnt signaling pathway in the early formation and development of bovine placenta should be further understood and studied.  相似文献   

胎盘是哺乳动物在妊娠期间胎儿和母体之间的联系枢纽,因此,胎盘发育是否正常在妊娠中起着关键的作用。Wnt信号通路在胚胎发育和胎盘形成的过程中有着重要的作用,作者通过回顾几条已经研究较为清楚的Wnt信号通路和牛早期胚胎和胎盘的形成过程,介绍了Wnt信号通路的组成部分在体细胞核移植(somatic cell nuclear transfer,SCNT)牛和正常人工授精的牛的胚胎早期表达,提出了DKK-1和Fzd4的表达对于早期胎盘形成和发育有特殊的作用。此外,抑制MAP2K和GSK3信号可以激活Wnt信号通路,增加内细胞团和滋养层细胞的数量,加速囊胚的发育。SCNT牛和正常人工授精的牛早期胎盘中E-cadherin和β-catenin蛋白的磷酸化程度相似,所以对于Wnt信号通路在牛胎盘的早期形成和发育中的作用还需进一步的了解和研究。  相似文献   

DNA甲基化调控牛AQP1基因的胎盘特异性印记   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为揭示牛AQP1 (aquaporin 1)基因在不同组织及胎盘中的印记状态,以及DNA甲基化修饰在印记中的调控机制,本研究采用基于SNP的PCR产物直接测序的方法,对32头健康雌性成年荷斯坦奶牛心组织及15个自然分娩后的胎盘试验样本进行检测,确定了5头杂合子个体牛和3个杂合子胎盘,对其组织(心、肝、脾、肺、肾、肌肉和...  相似文献   

The paper aimed to analyze and validate the function of differentially expressed ENO1 in the cow with retained foetal membrane.In our research,we chose three healthy Holstein dairy cows and three Holstein dairy cows with retained foetal membrane of similar age,foetal times,weight and milk yield and divided them into two groups.The total protein of maternal placenta was extracted in the control and retained foetal membrane of cow.The differential expression of proteins were found out by the 2-DIGE,and the differential expression of ENO1 was validated by the Western blotting and Real-time quantitative PCR.The results showed that ENO1 was significant expression and large multiple in the two groups,and it was significant increased expression in the retained foetal membrane of cow after Western blotting and Real-time quantitative PCR (P=0.015<0.05;P=0.001<0.01).The ENO1 participated in the energy homeostasis,immune and fibrinolysis process which related to the retained foetal membrane of cow.It suggested that ENO1 was likely connected with the retained foetal membrane.  相似文献   

试验通过对胎衣不下奶牛母体胎盘组织中差异α-烯醇化酶(enolase,ENO1)的分析验证,探讨ENO1在胎衣不下中的作用。本研究选取了年龄、胎次、体重和泌乳量均相近的产后胎衣不下和产后胎衣正常排出奶牛各3头,分为两组,提取了胎衣不下组与胎衣正常排出组母体胎盘组织中的总蛋白,采用双向凝胶电泳的方法筛选出差异蛋白,并利用Western blotting及实时荧光定量PCR的方法对其中差异表达量大的ENO1进行验证。结果发现,胎衣不下组和胎衣正常组母体胎盘组织中ENO1差异表达量大且倍数较大,Western blotting及实时荧光定量PCR验证发现ENO1在胎衣不下奶牛母体胎盘中的表达量升高,t检验结果分别为P=0.015<0.05,差异显著;P=0.001<0.01,差异极显著。该基因参与机体的能量调节、免疫和纤溶等过程,而这些过程与奶牛胎衣不下密切相关,提示ENO1可能参与该病的发生发展。  相似文献   

胎衣不下又叫胎衣停滞 ,是指奶牛在产出胎犊后的一定时间内 ,胎衣不能自行脱落而滞留于子宫内。在现场 ,由于各地饲养管理水平不同 ,胎衣不下的发生率也各不相同 ,发生率约为 12 %~ 4 0 %。由于胎衣不下易引起子宫内膜炎 ,导致产后发情时间延迟 ,配种次数增加 ,极大地影响了繁殖率 ,给奶牛生产造成了很大损失。我们在临床过程中对胎衣不下的病例采取了中西医结合的综合治疗 ,取得了满意的效果 ,现将治疗结果报告如下。1 材料与方法1.1 材料的来源和分组情况试验主要在奶牛场和大型养牛户中进行 ,选取发生胎衣不下的奶牛 90头 ,随机将其分…  相似文献   

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