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Chipping potatoes are an important market for the processing industry. Of the traits influencing chip quality,chip color is market limiting since other traits have diminished value without light chip color. Cold (4 °C) storage can reduce storage losses and cultivars producing light colored chips directly from cold storage are needed for this reason. Selection for cold chipping cultivars is traditionally practiced by visual evaluation of progeny the first few years in the field, followed by selection for cold chipping in years 4–5. Early generation selection for cold chipping may reduce cultivar development time by identifying good chipping progeny, families and parents earlier in the breeding cycle. Progeny from 175 4x × 4x families were evaluated from three early generations. They were greenhouse grown tubers (GGT) evaluated after6 mo. storage using randomly selected progeny, and field grown single hills propagated from either seedling transplants (FTR), or from greenhouse grown tubers (FGT). Progeny from field grown generations were selected first by visual evaluation, and then by random selection and chipped after6 mo. (visual selections) or 3 and 6 mo. storage (random selections). Cold chipping progenies were found in all three early generations. The earliest generations for selection are GGT or FTR, but may be less efficient than FGT. Correlations suggest that reliable parent and family selection is possible using GGT data. Visual selection eliminated 4/5 of the good chipping progeny, while identifying 8 of 11,714 genotypes combining visual merit and cold chipping potential. Increased genetic variation and sexual polyploidization are possible strategies for increasing the number of desirable genotypes. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary From tubers of 34 varieties of Solanum tuberosum, extracts were prepared and analysed for crude protein and coagulable protein by the Kjeldahl method. Content of coagulable protein was 0.37–1.24%. From the same material, juice was prepared with a juice centrifuge and analysed for coagulable protein by the Kjeldahl and microbiuret method. The average amount of coagulable protein in the juice was 81.8% of the total coagulable protein. The correlation coefficient between coagulable protein in the juice and total coagulable protein was 0.956. The correlation coefficient between Kjeldahl and microbiuret data for coagulable protein in the juice was 0.956. Analysis of tuber juice by the microbiuret method is recommended as a rapid screening technique for coagulable protein.Relationships between protein data of the 34 varieties and earliness, yield and content of dry matter were analysed statistically. Content of coagulable protein in fresh material correlated with content of dry matter (rs=–0.756), yield of fresh potatoes (r=–0.615) and earliness (r=–0.361) but not significantly with yield of dry matter (rs=–0.309). Coagulable protein in dry matter correlated with fresh yield (r=–0.525), but not significantly with content of dry matter (r=–0.260), yield of dry matter (r=–0.131) and earliness (r=–0.054). Path coefficient analysis showed that 67% of the variation in coagulable protein in fresh material was statistically determined by earliness, content of dry matter, fresh yield and content of uncoagulable protein in fresh material, whereas only 34% of the variation in content of coagulable protein in dry matter was determined by these components. A high content of coagulable protein in fresh or dry matter can be combined with early maturity and with high yield of dry matter. Coagulable protein in dry matter seems to be a more suitable criterion of selection than coagulable protein in fresh material.  相似文献   

J. Brown 《Euphytica》1987,36(3):711-718
Summary The efficiency of single plant selection in the initial selection stage of a potato breeding programme was examined. A random sample of potato clones was grown in single plant plots and also in tworeplicates of five plant plots. After harvest, each plot was visually assessed by three potato breeders; total tuber weight and number of tubers per plant were also recorded, from which mean tuber weight was calculated. The error variances of the single plant plots were found to be significantly greater than from the five plant plots for total tuber weight, mean tuber weight and number of tubers per plant, but not significantly different for breeders' preference. Coefficients of correlation between single and five plants plots were significantly greater than zero for all traits examined, but they were lower than the corresponding correlations between the two replicates of five plant plots. Although a random sample of clones was examined, each clone had been assessed for breeders' preference the previous year. When the clones were grouped according to the previous years preference scores, it was found that the correlation coefficients between single and five plant plots for breeders' preference were inversely related, in magnitude, to the mean preference score of each group. It was concluded that single plant selection was generally ineffective, particularly when only the better clones, from the previous years assessment, are examined.  相似文献   

B. Maris 《Euphytica》1988,37(3):205-224
Summary The main objective was to determine the reliability of selection in early generations of a potato breeding programme. To that end data were recorded in the seedling generation, an early and a late harvested experiment of the first clonal generation and the late harvested second clonal generation on up to 30 genotypes of 55 populations from crosses of three Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum cultivars and seven selected S. tuberosum ssp. andigena clones, adapted to the northern temperate zone. Phenotypic correlations were computed per population in almost all possible combinations within and between characters between and within generations. The mean across 55 comparable correlation coefficients was considered to be the best estimate of the relationship concerned.In all four experiments data were collected on number of tubers, tuber yield and mean tuber weight; in the three experiments of the two clonal generations in addition on date of emergence, number of stems, plant height, haulm type, and general impression of the underground plant parts and in the two late harvested clonal generations on date of maturity and under water weight.The results confirmed that general impression which is largely decisive for the selection in early generations, is a little reliable measure. However, from the magnitude of the mean correlations between experiments within characters it must be concluded that selection for most of these separate characters is hardly more reliable. An exception was date of maturity for which a mean correlation was determined of r=0.78 between the two clonal generations. The second strongest mean correlations, perhaps surprisingly, were for tuber yield, viz. r=0.52 between the seedling generation and the late harvested first as well as the second clonal generation and r=0.63 between the late harvested clonal generations. From the correlations between characters it appeared that for a high tuber yield, besides its components, in particular an early emergence, a large plant height, an attractive haulm type and a late maturity are of importance.The main conclusion is that, as long as not enough seed tubers are available for the layout of statistically sound experiments, a negative instead of a positive selection should be applied to avoid the rejection of most of the valuable genotypes in an early stage. On the basis of the results directives for the application of such a negative selection are given.  相似文献   

Summary Tuber characteristics of potato clones (Solanum tuberosum L.) regenerated from cultured leaf, rachis or stem pieces of cv. Desiree were assessed in field trails over three years. In the first two seasons, when the crop was grown for seed potato production, tuber numbers and the tuber yields were normally distributed and the population means of the clones were about the same as those of the controls. When 78 of the clones were grown as a ware crop in a replicated field trial there were statistically significant differences between most clones and the controls in total yield (generally lower) and ware yield (generally higher), brought about by alterations of the size distributions of tubers. In all years the population of clones had fewer scab (Streptomyces scabies) lesions than the controls. Clones with consistent differences in flesh colour and eye depth were also observed. Two out of 78 clones, in 1984, had significantly higher dry matter content. No stable decrease in susceptibility to the cyst nematode Globodera pallida was observed amongst 167 clones tested. These potato plants regenerated from explants clearly show that somaclonal variation can include agronomically relevant changes.  相似文献   

Summary It was investigated what potentialities for mutation breeding of potato are offered by using adventitious sprouts that arise in vitro from leaf explants (rachis, petiole, leaflet-disc) after X-irradiation. Mutation frequency and chimerism were studied in subterranean and aerial parts in three vegetative generations (vM1, vM2, vM3). Plants obtained from irradiated series produced a very high mutation frequency, a wide mutation spectrum and a very low rate of chimerism. Mutations were observed also in control series, especially in plants derived from the rachis and petiole explant group.  相似文献   

Summary Using an amylose-free (amf)mutant of diploid potato (Solanum tuberosum), diploid and tetraploid clones with different genotypes at the amf-locus were produced. In order to make use of the diploid material in analytic breeding of amf-potatoes, clones were selected that produced a considerable frequencies of 2n-pollen and 2n-eggs. Successful attempts were made to select normal synaptic as well as desynaptic clones producing 2n-gametes. Based on the phenotype of starch in the microspores, tetraploid clones with nulliplex, simplex and duplex genotypes at the amf-locus were selected. Prospects of using this material in conventional as well as in analytic breeding of potato are discussed.  相似文献   

H. Vermeer 《Euphytica》1990,49(3):229-236
Summary Coefficients of variation for genotypic differences, genotype-location, genotype-year and genotype-location-year interaction were computed from reported data of potato trials in order to use them in a decision support system. The obtained coefficients of variation not only varied considerably between traits, but also between trials within traits. It is argued that only parameter values representative for the pertaining breeding situation should be used for optimising a selection programme.  相似文献   

To improve efficiency of selection in first year clones, investigations were carried out on the use of two-plant plots instead of one-plant ones. Extended plot size did reduce the environmental variance of characters connected with tuber yield, but had only a slightly positive effect on the selection result, as was concluded from a comparison between the first and the second clonal generation. Only lowering selection pressure in the first year clones seems to be a solution for optimizing selection efficiency, as could be concluded by comparing simulated selection percentages of about 5%, 20% and 50%.Owing to genotype × harvest time-interaction for the majority of traits important to either seed or ware potatoes, assessments at both harvest times are necessary for proper evaluation.  相似文献   

Early generation selection for chip colour may accelerate potato chipping cultivar development. The research objective was to measure the response from early generation selection for light potato chip colour. Progeny from 175 4×× 4× families were propagated to the field using greenhouse grown tubers or seedling transplants. Tubers from progeny were made into potato chips after 3 and 6 months’ storage at 4° C. Chip colour was rated as 1 = light to 10 = dark. Genotypes were categorized as retained (≥ 4) or discarded (> 4) based on the 6‐month chip colour, then field grown a second year at two locations and re‐evaluated for chip colour. Positive selection responses resulted, but were lower in the seedling transplants. Interaction between genotype and environment, and genotype and storage duration reduced responses. Selected genotypes should be evaluated over multiple environments and storage conditions to insure reliable performance. Expanding variation by introgressing favourable alleles from wild species may further enhance breeding success.  相似文献   

B. Maris 《Euphytica》1986,35(2):465-482
Summary Fifty-five populations from crosses of three Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum cultivars and seven selected S. tuberosum ssp. andigena clones adapted to the northern temperate zone have been studied in the seedling and the first and second clonal generation. This paper only deals with the effect of seed tuber weight on various important agronomic characters which are selected for in early clonal generations, independently of the type of crosses.The results showed that a distinction has to be made between the effects of differences in seed tuber weight within and between seedlings, i.e. genotypes. The effects on the first clonal generation of differences in weight of the tubers within seedlings and those of the first heaviest tubers between seedlings were similar and comparable to seed tuber weight effects within cultivars. In contrast to the within seedlings effects the between seedlings effects proved to be heritable. This is concluded from the fact that, on average, independent of seed tuber weight seedlings with larger first heaviest tubers performed better in the second clonal generation than those with smaller ones. Notably plant height, general impression, date of maturity and particularly tuber yield and mean tuber weight in the second clonal generation were related to the weight of the first heaviest tubers of the seedlings. The potentialities of these findings for an early generation selection are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Striking similarities appear to exist between selected protoplast-derived variants (PD-clones) of the potato cultivar Russet Burbank, and commonly occurring somatic potato sports, called bolters. A limited survey of individuals involved in the certification of Russet Burbank, revealed that bolters do commonly occur in this variety, are highly variable, and sometimes occur at high frequency. It is therefore suggested that bolters and the more promising selected PD-clones of Russest Burbank may be one and the same, arising from the same type of macromutation.One selected PD-clone, three different Russet Burbank bolters, and two controls were analyzed for 15 isozymes in the hope of determining if bolters and promising PD-clones belong to the same class of variants. No isozyme variation between Russet Burbank and its subclones was observed. The breeding value of protoplast-derived variation is discussed in this light.Approved by the Director of the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station for publication as Journal paper No. 3554, Oct. 19, 1983.  相似文献   

Summary Four clones of the Chilota Potato Collection from the germplasm bank of the Universidad Austral de Chile, with potential combined resistance to PVX, PVY and PVS, were mechanically inoculated with these viruses in order to demonstrate wether they were truly resistant or not. Virus coat protein in the inoculated clones was determined by means of NCM-ELISA, DAS-ELISA, Western Blot and NASH.Two of the four inoculated clones were resistant to both PVY and PVS. This information will allow the utilization of these two clones in plant breeding programs.Abbreviations NCM-ELISA Nitrocellulose membrane enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - DAS-ELISA double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - NASH nucleic acid spot hybridization  相似文献   

Developing disease resistant cultivars is one of the major objectives for a potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) breeding program, but many resistant clones have not achieved commercial acceptance because of late maturity and non-marketable tuber characteristics. Selection for tuber quality should have greater emphasis inbreeding disease resistant cultivars. The objectives of this study were 1) to evaluate the ability of late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary) resistant parents to transmit chip-processing (tuber appearance, specificgravity, and chip-color) or tablestock (tuber appearance) quality to the offspring and 2) to compare selecting for tuber quality in single-hill versus eight-hill generations. We made crosses among eight unadapted potato cultivars (B0718-3,Bertita, Bzura, Greta, Libertas, Stobrawa, Tollocan, and Zarevo) with reported late blight resistance with adapted susceptible cultivars/breeding clones to generate 95populations (4,750 seedlings). Approximately 10% of the progeny from each cross were selected from single-hill plots based on tuber appearance, number, shape, and internal defects. These selected clones (408) were evaluated for tuber appearance, specific gravity, and chip-color. The same evaluations in the following year were made on tuber samples from eight-hill plots. Libertas and Tollocan were the best parents for transmitting chip-color; B0718-3, Zarevo, and Tollocan for transmitting tuber appearance; and Bzura, Libertas, and Zarevo for transmitting high specific gravity to the highest percentage of the offspring. Overall, 50% and 56% of the clones based on single- and eight-hill generation, respectively, were considered to possess chip-processing quality; over 90% of the clones had acceptable tablestock quality. A total of 71% of the clones possessing acceptable chip-processing and 95% of the clones possessing acceptable tablestock quality selected in both generations were identified in single-hill plots. The evaluation of tuber quality characteristics in single-hill generation not only permitted the identification of clones with acceptable chip-processing and tablestock, but also increased the amount of clonal information for the following generation of selection. In crosses between late blight resistant and susceptible clones, selection for tuber quality traits can be initiated in single-hill generation using a moderate selection intensity and precede late blight testing. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Results of testcrosses and seed set data of the dihaploid breeding program at the Potato Research Institute in Gross Lüsewitz, Germany, indicate that the low level of female fertility could hinder success in crossing work. With the objective to reveal major components of female fertility, the behavior of 47 outstanding potato dihaploids (S. tuberosum ssp. tuberosum, 2n=2x=24) was assessed in testcrosses over a period of 3 years. Analysis of variance was carried out for the traits: number of seed per berry (S/B), number of intact seed per berry (IS/B), and number of non-germinable seed per berry (NGS/B). Significant sources of variation included cross combinations, years, and cross combination-year interactions. More than 20 S/B were obtained in 25.4% of all cross combinations performed over 3 years using up to three pollinators. Berry set was not correlated to seed set, but was in general determined by the pollinator used. The number of seedless berries (SLB/F) was related to neither total berry set nor seed production. The trait S/B remained stable over different years, and thus it deemed to be most useful as a measure of the level of female fertility in practical breeding work. Selection for female fertility in early generations of a breeding program is recommended to avoid limitations in the production of variability via sexual recombination.  相似文献   

A. E. F. Neele 《Euphytica》1990,48(2):159-166
Summary The inheritance of potato tuber yield was studied considering the seasonal course of harvest index. Harvests of several progenies and their parents were performed at intervals and fresh weight of foliage, underground stems, tubers and stolons was assessed.Tuber yield depends on the time of tuber initiation and the proportion of the assimilates allocated to the tubers, as reflected in the increase rate of harvest index. The time of tuber initiation of the progenies was associated with the time of tuber initiation of the earliest tuberizing parent. The mean increase rate of the harvest index of the progenies was in most cases equal to the mean values of parents, however in crosses combining early with late maturing parents the rate equaled the value of the maternal parent. Using these relations, differences in harvest index between progenies can be predicted with a high degree of precision by using the harvest index parameters of the parents. This estimated harvest index showed a fairly good correlation to tuber yield at mid-September and can be used in the prediction of the yield of the progeny. The use of the mid-parent value for this purpose is not suitable.  相似文献   

H. Vermeer 《Euphytica》1991,53(2):151-157
Summary A model for optimising single-stage and single-trait selection is presented. The model is based on the expected selection response model, extended with parameters describing the nature of the environment and with variables allowing a manipulation of selection schemes. As an example, the model is used to optimize tuber yield selection in potato breeding.Estimated parameter values have an uncertainty, which may bias the model outcome. Sensitivity analysis shows that the sensitivity to unrealistic parameter values for optimal allocation is less than the sensitivity for the selection response.  相似文献   

Summary Traditional potato breeding is a laborious process in which, by intercrossing, valuable traits from different parental clones are combined in a progeny genotype. Depending on the availability of genes, molecular techniques can be used to add specific genes to existing cultivars that, although otherwise satisfactory, lack a lew commercially important traits. For virus resistance the gene for the coat protein of a given virus transplanted into the genome of the plant renders the plant resistant to that virus. In conferring such resistance to potato varieties it proved to be possible to preserve their intrinsic properties.  相似文献   

R. A. Jefferies 《Euphytica》1996,88(3):207-213
Summary Salt-tolerance in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) was selected on the basis of germination and survival of seed sown in trays of perlite suspended in either 75 or 150 mM NaCl. Salinity reduced the germination of seed. Genetic differences in salt-tolerance were apparent with salt reducing germination more in seed collected from cv. Cara than in that collected from cv. Maris Piper. Progeny from the seedling selection were then grown to maturity to produce tubers.The relative tolerance of the parental cultivars and of unselected and selected progeny to long-term exposure to salinity was examined in a pot experiment in which plants were irrigated with either fresh water or 50 mM NaCl solution from one week after plant emergence. In this experiment, salinity significantly reduced leaf conductance, total dry matter production and partitioning of assimilate to tubers. Salinity reduced dry matter production and assimilate partitioning to tubers to a greater extent in Cara than in M. Piper. Progeny selected for short-term salt-tolerance did not exhibit greater long-term salt-tolerance than unselected progeny, and both were more sensitive than M. Piper.These results demonstrate genetic variation in salt-tolerance in potato. However, although there was a correlation between the performance of the parent to long-term salinity and survival of progeny in the seedling selection, there was no correlation between short- and long-term salt-tolerance. This suggests that characters underlying short-term tolerance may contribute to long-term tolerance but do not of themselves confer long-term tolerance. Future progress in selecting for improved salt-tolerance depends on understanding the effects of salinity on the physiological processes underlying growth and carbon partitioning.  相似文献   

Summary The objective of this study was to investigate the response to selection for chip colour after harvest (CH), storage at 12.8°C (CR) and at 3°C (CC) in three hybrid populations. Population 1 was derived from crossing ND860-2 (cold chipper) with F58089 (regular chipper), Population 2 was obtained from crossing ND860-2 with Russette (nonchipper), and Population 3 was derived from crossing Russette with F58089. Eighty-five to ninety-six random clones for each population plus ten check cultivars were planted in 1991 at two locations in East Canada. For CH, Population 3 had the highest predicted gain. No genetic variation for this trait was detected in Population 1. The potential genetic advance by selection within Population 1, as measured by the predicted mean of the selected clones, however, was similar to the others because Population 1 has a higher mean. For CR, Populations 2 and 3 had similar expected response estimates. Population 1 had no genetic variation for CR but showed similar potential advance to Population 2 and higher than Population 3. For CC, Population 2 had the highest predicted gain. The predicted means of selected clones of Populations 1 and 2 were higher than that of Population 3. Consequently, Populations 1 and 2 had greater potential for improvement for CC than Population 3.  相似文献   

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