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New Forests - Advance regeneration of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) is scarce in many forest stands, due to past clearcuts and heavy harvesting of large seed trees in partial cuts. Understory...  相似文献   

We investigated how partial overstory retention, understory vegetationmanagement, and protective Vexar® tubing affected the frequency andseverityof biotic injuries in a two-storied stand underplanted with western redcedar(Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don), Douglas-fir(Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, grand fir(Abies grandis (Dougl.) Lindl), and western hemlock(Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.). The most prevalentsource of damage was browsing by black-tailed deer (Odocoileushemionis columbiana); deer browsed over 74% of Douglas-fir and over36% of western redcedar seedlings one or more times over the four years of thisstudy. Neither the spatial pattern of thinning (even or uneven) nor the densityof residual overstory affected browsing frequency. Spraying subplots may haveslightly increased browsing frequency, but the resulting reduction of theadjacent understory vegetation increased the volume of all seedlings by 13%,whether or not they were browsed. Vexar® tubing did not substantiallyaffectseedling survival, browsing damage frequency, or fourth-year volume. Greaterlevels of overstory retention reduced frequency of second flushing. Chafing bydeer and girdling by rodents and other small mammals began once seedlingssurpassed 1 m in height. Essentially all grand fir seedlingsexhibited a foliar fungus infection.  相似文献   

A greenhouse trial was carried out to improve the knowledge of how forest organic matter could be utilized in site preparation and the choice of planting spot for Picea abies (L.) Karst. One-year old Norway spruce seedlings were grown for 26 weeks in pots containing pure mineral soil, forest organic matter in three different states of decomposition and combined treatments where the organic matter was mixed with or placed on the surface of the mineral soil (volume proportions of organic:mineral of 1:2). Watering was adapted to the water retention characteristics of each growing medium in order to keep the soil water potential between -4 and -5 kPa in all pots.In its pure form as well as combined with mineral soil, the moderately decomposed mor organic matter gave a higher seedling dry weight increment than the corresponding growing media containing the more decomposed humus. Adding mor or humus to mineral soil increased the seedling dry weight increment by 30–140% and 10–40%, respectively. The largest seedlings grew in the pure mor and humus. Mixing these forms of organic matter with mineral soil appeared to reduce seedling growth as compared to placing them on the mineral soil surface. The increment increase compared to plain mineral soil mostly consisted of proleptic growth and was probably due to the improved nutrient availability of the growing media. Fresh organic matter (chopped needles and twigs) seemed to impair seedling root function and reduced the dry weight increment by 30–50% as compared with pure mineral soil.The results suggest that as long as the water and temperature requirements are fulfilled planting Norway spruce seedlings without scarification and/or gathering extra mor and humus to the planting position should improve seedling growth as compared to the growth following scarification. Unmixed fresh needles and twigs or fresh needles and twigs combined with plain mineral soil should be avoided when planting Norway spruce seedlings.  相似文献   


This study examined the impact of increased irrigation efficiency on the hardening and frost tolerance of 2-year-old containerized white spruce seedlings in the context of groundwater protection, irrigation management and the maintenance of seedling quality in northern climates. The seedlings were grown under three different irrigation regimes (IR =30%, 40% and 55% v/v; cm3 H2O/cm3 substrate) and were hardened under conditions of natural photoperiod and temperature. After being subjected to artificial frost tests on four sampling dates during autumn, the seedlings were compared for bud development and frost tolerance. IR had no influence on frost tolerance as determined by measurements of physiological (electrolyte leakage, root water loss) and morphological (shoot damage, root initiation) variables. At the end of the second growing season, there was no significant difference between IRs in seedling height, root collar diameter, shoot dry mass and root dry mass. The results indicate that the amount of water applied to large-dimension 2-year-old white spruce seedlings during the growing season can be significantly decreased without prematurely impeding their growth or hindering their acquisition of frost tolerance.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of shelterwood conditions on water relations and growth of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings on two harsh sites in eastern Texas. Site I was harvested to provide four overstory density treatments (0, 2.3, 4.6 and 9.2 m(2) of residual basal area per ha). To quantify the effects of overstory competition, trenched and nontrenched subplots, each containing 25 one-year-old seedlings, were established within each overstory treatment plot, and predawn and midday water potentials (Psi(w)), seedling growth and survival were measured during the growing season. Leaf area and seedling biomass partitioning were measured at the end of the growing season. Site II was harvested to provide two overstory density treatments (0 and 6.9 m(2) ha(-1)) and planted with one-year-old loblolly pine seedlings. Seedling Psi(w), stomatal conductance (g(wv)), transpiration flux density (E), leaf area, height and survival were determined. On Site I, seedling Psi(w) increased with increasing overstory basal area, whereas trenching only substantially affected Psi(w) of seedlings in the 9.2 m(2) ha(-1) overstory treatment. Growth was not affected by overstory treatment or trenching. On Site II, Psi(w) and g(wv) were highest during the morning hours and lowest in the afternoon, whereas E peaked in the afternoon. Vapor pressure deficits and photosynthetic photon flux density were major factors in determining g(wv) differences between treatments. On individual days, the presence of an overstory increased Psi(w) and reduced both g(wv) and E. On Site II, leaf area was affected by overstory treatment throughout most of the study. We conclude that the presence of an overstory can have ameliorative effects on harsh sites at the western fringe of the loblolly pine natural range.  相似文献   

Many forest plantations in the humid neo-tropics are established on degraded soils in abandoned pasture land and, with some exceptions, the species planted have not grown successfully. Studies of adaptability and growth under these conditions are scarce, particularly for native species. In this paper we present data on growth and tree form at 3 years of age for 11 species planted in abandoned pastures. The research plantation was established at La Selva Biological Station, in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica (10° 26′N, 83° 59′W). Survival, diameter at breast height (DBH), total height, basal area, volume index and tree form were used to evaluate the species performance. After 3 years, Vochysia guatemalensis displayed a survival significantly higher (98%) than that of the other species. The lowest survival was 75% for Pinus tecunumanii. There were significant differences in growth measures among species. Acacia mangium exhibited significantly higher growth rates than the other species. Although this species grew rapidly, it did not develop straight single stems. About 14% of trees of A. mangium had bifurcation below DBH and more than 50% showed multiple axes or branches as large in diameter as the principal axis. The native species with the highest growth rate was Vochysia guatemalensis (DBH 12.7 cm, total height 7.5 m, volume index 55 m3 ha−1 at 3 years of age). Vochysia ferruginea exhibited a slightly lower growth rate. Both Vochysia species were ranked highly with regard to tree form, with more than 80% straight single stemmed trees. The lowest growth rates were exhibited by Pentaclethra macroloba, Pithecellobium macradenium and Virola koschnyi; however, the latter two species formed straight single terms. Pentaclethra macroloba and Inga edulis failed to form straight single stems. In general, the growth rates of the species studied were high in comparison with results reported from other tree plantations in the tropics. In spite of this, it is not prudent to draw final conclusions on the basis of these 3 year measurements.  相似文献   

Effects of site preparation, shelterwood density and planting depth on the survival and growth of planted beech and oak seedlings were studied. Experiments were performed in one oak and one beech stand in southern Sweden. Two areas with different densities of shelterwood and one clearcut were established in each stand. Growth, damage and survival of the planted seedlings were observed for three years. Soil water potential was recorded weekly and radiation and soil temperatures were recorded continuously during the growing seasons.Neither site preparation methods nor planting depth affected oak seedling growth, when planting was carried out on fresh clearcuts or in shelterwoods, while growth of beech seedlings was positively affected by mounding. Growth of oak seedlings was inhibited by the shelterwood treatments. In beech seedlings, growth was lowest in dense shelterwood, while there was no difference in growth between seedlings on the clearcut area and in the shelterwood of low density. Differences in growth may be explained by differences in radiation and soil water potential.When planting was carried out on a one-year-old clearcut, site preparation improved the subsequent growth of oak and beech seedlings.  相似文献   

A pine forest in the south of Sweden was treated with lime and wood ash. In early June, 12 months after the ash treatment and 18 months after the lime treatment, one year old Pinus syhestris L. seedlings were planted. Four months later six différent ectomycorrhizal types had infected the seedlings in all the treatments. A mycorrhizal type designated “pink”; was more than twice as common in the lime treatments as in the control and ash treatments. Piloderma croceum Erikss. & Hjorts. was significantly more abundant in limed soil than in ash treated soil. The results were compared to those from a bioassy performed in the laboratory, where P. syhestris seedlings had been grown in soil from the same forest. Similar soil pH values in the two studies resulted in different relative infection rates of the mycorrhizal types found. One additional mycorrhizal type, designated “white”; was found in the field experiment. This suggests that mycelial connections to the mature host plants may significantly alter the ability of different fungi to colonize host plant roots in competition with each other compared to when the fungi infect from propagules in the soil.  相似文献   

Logistic problems of large-scale reforestation necessitate freezer-storage of conifer seedlings. Frozen stock is typically thawed slowly at low temperatures for up to several weeks before shipping to the plantation site, but the necessity of this practice is questionable. Experiments were conducted to study effects of different thawing regimes on photosynthetic recovery, frost hardiness, water relations and growth initiation in interior spruce (white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) and Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii Parry) hybrid complex). One year-old container-grown seedlings were planted after 9 days post-storage thawing at 5–15 °C or still frozen, directly from the freezer. During a 29 day observation period after planting, both groups showed changes in xylem water potential (w), carbon fixation (A), stomatal conductance (g s ), chlorophyll a fluorescence and xanthophyll cycle pigments. Treatment differences in fluorescence and pigments peaked within one hour after planting. All differences in w, A, g s , ratio of internal to external CO2 concentration (Ci/Ca), fluorescence, pigments and root number disappeared after 5 to 8 days. Terminal bud burst occurred 2.6 days earlier in the pre-thawed seedlings. When seedlings were rapidly thawed in the dark at 21 °C they achieved maximum w (–0.2 MPa) in 3–4 hour. When evaluated 45 min after planting, A, g s , Ci/Ca and fluorescence values of rapidly thawed seedlings were intermediate between those for seedlings planted frozen or after 9 days slow thawing, showing that the recovery process was well underway a few hours after removal from the freezer. These results suggested that a suitable on-site operational protocol for rapid thawing might be to lay frozen bundles on the ground at ambient temperature overnight. In field trials of this method, rapidly thawed seedlings broke bud 3.3 days later than slowly thawed stock and also had greater frost hardiness at time of planting. Height, shoot and root mass did not differ after 3 months growth.  相似文献   

The impacts of different methods of mechanical site preparation (MSP) on performance and foliar nutrition of planted white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) seedlings were examined at two mixed-wood boreal forest sites (Judy Creek, Fox Creek) in Alberta, Canada. The treatments included three types of MSP: disc trench, ripper plough, and bladed, the latter including thin and thick microsites (based on depth of remaining organic matter); as well as a harvested-control (no MSP). Seedlings were planted in June 1991, four months after MSP, and foliar N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Mn, Fe, and Al were assessed in the second and third growing seasons (13, 25, and 28 months later). Nutrient concentration and relative (among treatments) foliar nutrient content scaled up to the level of the whole seedling were examined. Following analysis of variance, significant responses were interpreted using vector analysis. MSP did not significantly affect seedling survival, height or unit needle weight. There was a non-significant trend of higher foliar biomass for seedlings in MSP areas than for control seedlings. Overall, the impact of MSP on foliar nutrient status on these sites was minimal. The only consistent positive effect of MSP on seedling nutrition was increased foliar Mg concentrations in blade-thin sites at Fox Creek. Indications of possible negative impacts of MSP include: increased Fe and Al concentrations in MSP areas at both sites; reduced P and K concentrations at both sites; and reduced Mn concentration and content at one site. The ripper treatment had the greatest positive effect on foliar nutrient status (P, K, Mn concentration). Blading (particularly blade-thin) resulted in the lowest concentrations of foliar P, K and Mn and the greatest increases in foliar Fe and Al.  相似文献   

为了解种源间的生长特性,调查分析了华北落叶松25份种源的2a生苗高和地径生长动态,结果表明:华北落叶松种源间苗高和地径年生长量均存在显著差异,具有很大的改良潜力;种源24、7、2和20的苗高年生长量均大于20cm,种源7和2的地径年生长量均大于2.9mm;综合评价苗期生长情况,华北落叶松种源2、21、24、7和15表现优良。  相似文献   

不同种源乌桕苗期生长特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为选择优良的乌桕苗木,通过收集不同种源优株乌桕种子进行播种育苗,观测种子及其幼苗植株生长特性,分析不同种源子代苗高、地径生长差异及其相关性。结果表明:不同种源子代幼苗在6月中旬进入速生期,7月进入生长高峰期,8月中旬进入缓慢生长期,10月生长速率下降且较快;不同种源优株子代苗高、地径生长呈显著差异;依据生长状况将子代幼苗划分为4类,其中编号21为种苗中最优。  相似文献   

Balisky  Allen C.  Burton  Philip 《New Forests》1997,14(1):63-82
A field trial was conducted investigating the single season growth response of 1+0 313 PSB Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii Parry ex Engelm.) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud.) seedlings planted into two different soil thermal regimes at three high-elevation locations spanning 200 km in the Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir (ESSF) biogeoclimatic zone in the Cariboo Mountains of central British Columbia. Temperature treatments represented the extremes of soil temperature commonly found in high-elevation clear-cuts. A warm soil treatment (clear day, mid-afternoon soil temperature in mid-summer of 18 to 25 °C at –10 cm) consisting of a bare mineral soil hummock (average dimensions of 100 cm × 100 cm × 40 cm) was contrasted with a cool soil treatment (clear day, mid-afternoon soil temperature in mid-summer of 10 to 13 °C at –10 cm) comprised of organic forest floor overlying mineral soil. By the end of the growing season, seedlings of both species planted into the warm treatment generally exhibited greater root, stem, foliage, and total seedling biomass than cool treatment seedlings. Measurements of root growth at 30, 60, and 90 days after planting showed that total root number and total root length were consistently greater for warm treatment seedlings than for cool treatment seedlings. Root growth was greater from the bottom rather than from the side of the root plug for all seedlings. These results suggest that the effect of low soil temperatures on outplanted styroblock conifer seedlings is pronounced and may be limiting growth performance in high-elevation plantations in British Columbia. We recommend silvicultural treatments that secure natural regeneration, ensure that warmer microsites are always planted, and utilize seedling stocktypes able to make rapid lateral root growth into warmer surface organic horizons.  相似文献   

Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) and broadleaved mixed forest in Northeast China has been changed regressively into secondary forest with almost no conifers. Planting Korean pine trees under the canopy of secondary forest is a feasible approach for recovering Korean pine and broadleaved mixed forest. For establishing an effective growth promotion method for under-canopy planted young Korean pine trees, two stands were selected as the experiment plots, Stand A (planted in 1989) and Stand B (planted in 1982), and an experiment of microenvironment regulation was conducted relying mainly on Opening degree (K=1, K=1.5, K=2, CK) in 2004. The results were shown that the adjustment had promoted growth of diameter and height of Korean pine planted in Stand A and Stand B, and had a significant influence on the growth rate of basal diameter, diameter at breast height and height in the two growth stands. The four years periodic increment of mean diameter and height of Korean pine planted in 1989 and in 1982 after regulation in K=1 level were 63.4% (D0) and 82.7% (H), 64.8% (D1.3) and 69.7% (H) higher than that of control respectively. Quantitative regulation had significant influence on specific leaf area of Korean pine planted in 1989, and the current year specific leaf area (SLA) was lager than perennial year SLA. Quality indexes of natural pruning capacity, normal form quotient and crown size was not significantly changed but shown a positive tendency. The regulation scheme of Opening degree K=1 might be proper for adjusting the microenvironment of Korean pine trees planted under the canopy of secondary forest when the Korean pine trees were in the growth period of 15 to 26 years old in the experiment region.  相似文献   

Takenaka A 《Tree physiology》2000,20(14):987-991
To examine the mechanisms underlying crown development, I investigated the dependence of shoot behavior on light microenvironment in saplings of the evergreen broad-leaved tree species, Litsea acuminata (Bl.) Kurata, growing on a forest floor. The local light environment of individual shoots (shoot irradiance) and plants (plant irradiance, defined as the shoot irradiance of the most sunlit shoot of a plant) were analyzed as factors affecting shoot behavior. Daughter shoots that developed under partially sunlit conditions were longer and less leafy than daughter shoots developed under shaded conditions. Shoot production increased with increasing shoot irradiance. Terminal shoots receiving 5% or less of full sunlight produced 0.67 daughter shoots on average, whereas shoots receiving 10% or more of full sunlight produced 1.72 daughter shoots. In terminal shoots receiving 5% or less of full sunlight, the probability of producing no daughter shoots was about 63% when other shoots on the plant received 10% or more of full sunlight, but was < 35% where the rest of the plant was also shaded. Shoot death was observed only in shoots receiving 5% or less of full sunlight. The mortality of shaded shoots was higher in plants growing in high irradiance than in plants growing in low irradiance. The ecological significance of correlative inhibition (the enhanced mortality and reduced production of new shaded shoots in the presence of partially-sunlit shoots) is discussed.  相似文献   

Plantations provide a micro-climate that can facilitate the regeneration of other forest species. Often exotic species have been tested for these kinds of functions. To determine the potential for indigenous trees as plantation species for their ability to foster forest species regeneration, this study was undertaken in a mixed indigenous plantation stand. Understories of the stand at 8?years of age were surveyed for plant diversity. The species richness increased by 24% per 1,000?m2 between 2001 and 2008 and the number of families represented increased by 48%. The Shannon Diversity and Simpson Index values confirm a greater diversity 8?years after the plantation was established. The most abundant species in study plots were Chromolaena odorata and Cedrela odorata, which collectively represent about 54% of all species identified in the plots. The most species-rich families were Fabaceae and Euphorbiaceae representing 31% of the total species recorded. Asteraceae and Meliaceae were the two most dominant families, which collectively represent about 55% of all species identified in the plots. 47 forest tree species were found per 1,000?m2 but those classified as ??saplings?? occurred in low densities. The 47 tree species included pioneer species such as Entandrophragma angolensis, Milicia excelsa, and Ceiba pentandra. Growth rates of planted species were differed, with half of the tested species having similar growth capacity to the exotic species. Generally, planted indigenous species enhanced habitats for other forest tree species in degraded sites. The observed growth of indigenous species, if planted and protected, shows that they may help in biodiversity recovery within agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

该文报道了薄壳山核桃大田播种育苗和火箭盆、无纺布、塑料钵容器等育苗方式对苗木生长及根系结构的影响。结果表明:不同育苗方式对薄壳山核桃苗木高度和地径生长影响显著,其中火箭盆容器培育的苗高、地径生长量最大,为39.14 cm和0.96 cm;无纺布容器苗和大田播种苗次之;塑料钵容器苗的苗高、地径生长量最小。多重比较分析表明,不同育苗方式对薄壳山核桃苗木的主根长度、主根直径、1级侧根数、1级侧根平均长度、根鲜质量、根干质量、茎鲜质量、茎干质量、根茎鲜质量比和根茎干质量比等指标影响显著,火箭盆容器和无纺布容器培育的苗木侧根系发达,根系质量好;而大田播种苗和普通塑料容器苗的主根发达,侧根少,根系质量较差。  相似文献   

人参作为一种珍贵的药材具有极高的药用价值,近年来被广泛用于林下种植。本溪县南营房村林下参种植产业发展迅猛并取得良好经济收益,该文对南营房村林下参的开发现状进行论述,并分析林下参产业特点及发展前景,总结了经验及存在问题,并提出发展建议,为林下参产业发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

We examined the influences of selected environmental variables on stomatal behavior and regulation of transpiration in 26-month-old Acacia koa Gray (koa) stands planted at spacings of 1 x 1 m or 2.5 x 2.5 m and grown without irrigation. Field measurements were made during recovery from an extended 60-day dry period with only 38 mm of precipitation. Biomass and leaf area were also measured at 3-month intervals over the first 24 months after planting and again following completion of the transpiration (T) and stomatal conductance (g(s)) measurements at about 26 months after planting. Transpiration was measured as sap flow through intact branches by a heat balance method. After a 22-day period during which 130 mm of rain were recorded, average T was substantially higher in the 2.5 x 2.5 m stand on both a leaf area and ground area basis even though leaf area index was about 3.5 times higher in the 1 x 1 m stand. After an additional 25 mm of rain during an 8-day period, T was still slightly higher on a leaf area basis in the 2.5 x 2.5 m stand but was about 3 times higher on a ground area basis in the 1 x 1 m stand. A strong stomatal response to humidity limited the increase in T with increasing evaporative demand. Values of g(s) in koa phyllodes were comparable to those reported for leaves of other mesic tropical forest trees, but were several times higher than those reported for Acacia species native to arid and semi-arid regions. The 1 x 1 m planting yielded three times more biomass per unit ground area than the 2.5 x 2.5 m planting. However, greater stand density, which resulted in more rapid depletion of soil water between rainfall inputs, was associated with lower growth efficiency and lower radiation conversion efficiency.  相似文献   

Direct seeding and planting of European beech (Fagus sylvaticaL.) are two common techniques for the conversion of pure Norwayspruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) stands into mixed stands. Thisstudy tested whether the growth of sown beech seedlings differsfrom that of planted seedlings of two stock types. Thereforeat two experimental sites repeated measurements were made ofheight, stem and first order branch diameter on sown and plantedseedlings over a period of nine years. The results showed thatthe growth responses of planted and sown seedlings to the environmentalconditions below the canopy of overstorey Norway spruce wererather similar. No differences between planted and sown seedlingswere found in their diameter and their estimated abovegrounddry weight. For all three batches the ratio between the estimatedbranch dry weight and the estimated main stem dry weight (branch-shoot-ratio(BSR)) was increased with age. Due to intraspecific competitionBSR was lowest for the sown seedlings irrespective of theirage. Differences in growth dynamics between planted and sownseedlings were found. For example, differences in the heightor the estimated aboveground woody dry weight between sown andplanted seedlings at a given age were not constant. Height,diameter and estimated dry mass of the seedlings in relationto age could be modelled precisely by a second-order polynomialfunction in the hitherto studied period.  相似文献   

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