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The efficacy of a nerve muscle pedicle (NMP) graft in restoring upper airway function was evaluated in exercising horses with induced left laryngeal hemiplegia. The NMP graft was created from the first cervical nerve and the omohyoideus muscle and transplanted into the left cricoarytenoideus dorsalis muscle. Seven adult Standardbreds were trained to exercise on a treadmill inclined at 6.38 degrees. With the horses at rest and exercising at 4.2 and 7.0 m/s, the following variables were recorded: peak inspiratory and expiratory transupper airway pressures (defined as the pressure difference between a lateral tracheal catheter and a mask catheter), peak inspiratory and expiratory air flow, inspiratory and expiratory impedance, tidal volume, minute ventilation, heart rate, and respiratory frequency. Measurements were made before left recurrent laryngeal neurectomy (LRLN), 28 days after LRLN, and 12, 24, and 52 weeks after the NMP graft (n = 5) or sham operation (n = 2). Before LRLN, exercise increased inspiratory and expiratory air flow and transupper airway pressure, whereas the impedance was unchanged. After LRLN, transupper airway inspiratory pressure and impedance were significantly greater and inspiratory air flow was significantly less than baseline values at 7.0 m/s. The sham operation did not improve airway function. Twelve weeks after insertion of the NMP graft, inspiratory impedance and inspiratory air flow were significantly different (improved) from LRLN values. Twenty-four weeks after insertion of the NMP graft, inspiratory impedance was not significantly different from LRLN values.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A limbal, epibulbar melanocytoma was treated by use of a full-thickness eyewall resection. The resulting defect was repaired by use of a synthetic graft of polytetrafluoroethylene. The graft remained in place for 7 weeks and was well tolerated, but failed to be incorporated by the surrounding tissues. New, healthy tissue did grow beneath the graft and allowed the graft to be surgically removed at 7 weeks.  相似文献   

A 7-and-a-half-year-old-dog was presented with progressive unilateral exophthalmos. Computed tomography imaging revealed an orbital mass that was surgically excised by lateral orbitotomy to preserve vision. The tumor was diagnosed histologically as a hemangiopericytoma. Twelve months postoperatively there were no signs of a local recurrence. This is the first case report of a hemangiopericytoma involving the orbit of a dog.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old male Golden Retriever presented with progressive weight loss, tachycardia, hyperthermia, polyuria and polydipsia. A freely movable mass, 4.5 x 4 cm in size, was palpated at the cranioventral cervical region. Hormonal study revealed high levels of serum thyroid hormones, and a tentative diagnosis of hyperthyroidism due to a thyroid tumor was made. The tumor was removed surgically and diagnosed histopathologically as thyroid gland adenoma. Serum thyroid hormone levels decreased after surgery with improved clinical signs. At 12 months after surgery, the dog maintained a good physical condition with no evidence of recurrence.  相似文献   

A 1.5-year-old, intact, male dog was presented for degloving wounds to the distal pelvic limbs due to vehicular trauma. Treatment involved serial debridement of the wounds and use of the scrotal skin as a full thickness, meshed skin graft applied to the dorsal aspect of the left pes with a successful outcome.  相似文献   

The treatment of large skin defects of the distal limbs of dogs and cats can be difficult due to the lack of skin available for primary wound closure or the creation of local skin flaps. Distant pedicle skin flaps provide an acceptable alternative for wound closure with full thickness skin and provide a cosmetic result. Fourteen animals (10 dogs and four cats) that had distant pedicle skin flaps are reviewed. The technique allowed 100 per cent wound coverage in 10 of 14 animals and greater than 95 per cent skin flap survival occurred in 12 of 14 animals. Complications associated with the procedure were most commonly wound infection and partial suture line dehiscence, however these did not detract from the final outcome. Flap release was in one or two stages, however the outcomes did not appear to be affected by the release protocol.  相似文献   

A 2-month-old dog was presented with injuries involving both hind paws. Only the 5th digit and its digital pad were present on the right paw. Following a full-thickness skin graft, the 5th digital pad was transferred distal to the metatarsal bones. The transferred pad permitted weight-bearing on the limb.  相似文献   

A schwannoma of the sixth cervical spinal nerve in a 5-year-old Shetland Sheepdog was surgically excised, sparing the thoracic limb and resulting in long-term survival. The dog had been referred because of slowly progressive left thoracic limb lameness. The lesion was localized to the left suprascapular and musculocutaneous nerves or the C6 and C7 spinal nerves on the basis of neurologic examination, electrodiagnostic examination, and myelography. Surgical exploration revealed a mass, which was excised and identified histologically as a schwannoma. Three and a half years later, the dog was normal except for mild gait abnormality, focal muscle atrophy, and a focal area of decreased cutaneous sensation of the left thoracic limb.  相似文献   

A nine-year-old, spayed female crossbred dog sustained a traumatic skin lesion to the right proximal pelvic limb, extending to the extensor surface of the stifle. Surgical management of the wound included primary closure using a body skin flap fashioned from the right caudolateral abdominal wall. To achieve closure and prevent tension on the wound, the coxofemoral and stifle joints on the affected side needed to be immobilised in flexion. Flexion immobilisation of the stifle was achieved using the anatomical principle of muscle reciprocation. The ipsilateral tarsal joint was immobilised in flexion using a uniplanar-bilateral (type II) transarticular external skeletal fixator and this resulted in the automatic flexion of the stifle. The fixator was removed six weeks postoperatively when the wound had healed. There were no apparent complications associated with the fixator either during its use or in the longer term following its removal.  相似文献   

昆明某动物医院接诊1条杂交犬,因车祸造成皮肤大面积的缺损,利用有蒂皮片移植技术进行治疗。在邻近的供皮部位皮肤切割一块与创口形状相同、稍大于创口的有蒂皮片,通过单侧旋转的方法将有蒂皮片牵拉、覆盖在创口的受皮部位表面,用丝线进行缝合。经过20多天术后护理,患犬的皮肤预后良好。  相似文献   

A 12-year-old male neutered Yorkshire Terrier presented for coughing and respiratory distress. Transthoracic echocardiography initially misdiagnosed the patient with pericardial effusion; repeat echocardiography increased suspicion for neoplasia. A definitive diagnosis was not apparent. Findings on thoracic computed tomography and thoracic ultrasound were consistent with a diffusely thickened, heterogenous, hypoechoic soft tissue structure surrounding the heart. Fine needle aspirates were obtained using ultrasound guidance and routine cytology of the intrapericardial mass was consistent with neoplasia, with pericardial mesothelioma most likely. These novel findings highlight the importance of thoracic ultrasound and potential limitations of echocardiography in diagnosis of pericardial neoplasia.  相似文献   

A 12 yr old castrated male Yorkshire terrier was presented with a history of an inoperable pheochromocytoma. Physical examination revealed a large, midabdominal mass. Neurologic examination was normal at presentation. An abdominal computed tomography scan revealed a 215 cm(3) mass in the region of the right kidney. Forty-eight hours after IV injection of 370 megabecquerels (MBq, equivalent to10 millicuries [mCi]) of metaiodobenzylguanidine labeled with radioactive iodine ([(131)I]MIBG), standard planar scintigraphy was performed. A diffuse area of moderate uptake was noted in the midabdominal region. The dog experienced stable disease for 1.5 mo after injection based on a follow-up computed tomography (CT) scan; however, 5 mo after injection, repeat CT imaging revealed progression of the tumor, and a second IV injection of 370 MBq (10 mCi) of [(131)I]MIBG was administered. The dog died 3 wk after the second injection as a result of gastrointestinal blood loss that was believed to be caused by compression-induced bowel ischemia by the mass. A full necropsy was not performed, but the mass was removed for histologic evaluation, which confirmed the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. This report is the first to document the treatment of canine pheochromocytoma using [(131)I]MIBG.  相似文献   

A 25 year-old American Paint gelding was referred to the Onderstepoort Academic Veterinary Hospital with an ulcerated lesion of nonpigmented skin at the right lateral aspect of the perianal region. An infiltrating squamous cell carcinoma was suspected. Surgical excision and ablation with sharp surgical excision and a diode laser was performed although complete excision was not possible due to the tumour location. Intralesional chemotherapy was performed at the completion of the surgical excision and continued in the post-operative period. Histological examination of the excised lesion confirmed a diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma and revealed incomplete resection margins at the medial, dorsal and ventral aspects of the surgical site. The surgical site healed uneventfully and a re-examination at 6 months post-surgery revealed the gelding to have normal clinical parameters with no perianal lesions.  相似文献   



Sir, — The leptospiral serovars that have been cultured in New Zealand are pomona, copenhageni, ballum and hardjo. (Anon., 1951 Anon. N.Z. Dept Agric. A. Rep. 1950–1 1951 28 28  [Google Scholar]; Kirschner and Gray, 1951 Kirsch, W. 1974. Clinical observations in infection with L. tarassovi. Proc. int. Symp. on Leptospiroses, Smolenice, : 277279. Czechoslovakia, September 11 to 13, 1973 [Google Scholar]; Anon., 1967a Anon. Leptospiral Serotype Distribution Listsaccording to Host and Geographical Area U.S. Dept of Health, Education and Welfare. Public Health Service 1966  [Google Scholar]; Lake, 1973 Kirschner, L. and Gray, W. G. 1951. Leptospirosis in New Zealand. N.Z. med. J., 50: 342351.  [Google Scholar], respectively.) Serological evidence of serovar tarassovi has been published (Russell and Hansen, 1958 Rogers, R. J., Flanagan, M. and Hill, M. W. M. 1972. A survey of infectious causes of reproductive failure in beef cattle in north-eastern Australia. Aust. vet. J., 48: 203207.  [Google Scholar]) but it is believed that until now no members of this serogroup have been isolated in New Zealand.  相似文献   

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