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霞多丽干白葡萄酒品种香和发酵香成分变化的比较研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本研究对确立宁夏贺兰山东麓原产地葡萄酒质量的感官体系标准,以及对葡萄酒生产工艺优化和质量评价有着重要实用价值。采用溶液萃取法提取霞多丽品种果实与干白发酵香气成分,用气相色谱-质谱进行分离测定,结合计算机检索技术对分离化合物进行鉴定,应用色谱峰面积归一法测定各成分的相对含量。实验结果:果实和干白葡萄酒中分别分离出81和33个峰,鉴定出78和32个香气化学成分,共占其色谱流出组分总量的98.89%和98.97%;成熟果实的挥发性物质,主要是2-呋喃甲醛等脂肪醛、2-呋喃乙酮等脂肪酮和十六碳酸等脂肪羧酸类。经过发酵工艺处理原酒中挥发性物质,主要有3-甲基丁醇、丁二酸二乙酯、辛酸、苯乙醇等。相对含量较高的香气成分种类相似,而微量特征香气成分差异较为显著,从而构成不同产区同一品种葡萄酒相似和独特香气与风格。本结果将对不同原产区优质葡萄酒酿造工艺生产,最大限度的释放游离态芳香物质的能力,提高干白葡萄酒的果香,有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

Grape chitinase was found to be the primary cause of heat-induced haze formation in white wines. Chitinase was the dominant protein in a haze induced by treating Sauvignon blanc wine at 30 °C for 22 h. In artificial wines and real wines, chitinase concentration was directly correlated to the turbidity of heat-induced haze formation (50 °C for 3 h). Sulfate was confirmed to have a role in haze formation, likely by converting soluble aggregates into larger visible haze particles. Thaumatin-like protein was detected in the insoluble fraction by SDS-PAGE analysis but had no measurable impact on turbidity. Differential scanning calorimetry demonstrated that the complex mixture of molecules in wine plays a role in thermal instability of wine proteins and contributes additional complexity to the wine haze phenomenon.  相似文献   

Monovarietal white wines from Maria Gomes and Bical Portuguese Bairrada varieties were prepared according to different maceration and pectic enzyme clarification procedures. The polysaccharide-rich extracts, obtained by wine concentration, dialysis, and lyophilization, were fractionated by graded ethanol precipitation. A wide range of fractions rich in polysaccharides were obtained. Using the spectral region between 1200 and 800 cm(-)(1) of the FTIR spectra of the wine polysaccharide dry extracts, using PCA and CCA chemometric methods, it was possible to discriminate the extracts on the basis of their polysaccharide composition. Moreover, it was possible to identify the wine-making processes involved and their influence on the wine polysaccharides. Furthermore, a calibration model using a PLS1 was proposed for the quantification of mannose in the samples obtained by precipitation with 60% ethanol aqueous solutions. This information will allow an expeditious assessment and monitoring of the polysaccharide composition and modifications that occur during the wine-making processing and evolution.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of total sulfite in shrimp, potatoes, dried pineapple, and white wine by flow injection analysis (FIA) was collaboratively studied by 8 laboratories. In the method, the sample solution is reacted with sodium hydroxide to liberate aldehyde-bound sulfite. The sample stream is acidified to produce SO2 gas, which diffuses across a Teflon membrane in the gas diffusion cell into a flowing stream of malachite green. The degree of discoloration of the malachite green is proportional to the amount of sulfite in the sample solution. Red wine was included in the study but interlaboratory precision for these samples was not satisfactory and correlation with Monier-Williams results was poor. The present method is not recommended for use with these samples. For shrimp, potatoes, dried pineapple, and white wine, average reproducibility (RSDR) of results was 25% for samples at 10 ppm SO2 and 10% for samples at greater than 50 ppm. Overall average reproducibility was 14%. Recoveries of sulfite added to samples averaged 80%. Comparison of FIA with the Monier-Williams method indicated comparable results by the 2 methods. The FIA method has been adopted official first action for determination of greater than or equal to 5 ppm total sulfite in shrimp, potatoes, dried pineapple, and white wine.  相似文献   

Although smoke exposure has been associated with the development of smoke taint in grapes and subsequently in wine, to date there have been no studies that have demonstrated a direct link. In this study, postharvest smoke exposure of grapes was utilized to demonstrate that smoke significantly influences the chemical composition and sensory characteristics of wine and causes an apparent 'smoke taint'. Verdelho grapes were exposed to straw-derived smoke for 1 h and then fermented according to two different winemaking treatments. Control wines were made by fermenting unsmoked grapes. Sensory studies established a perceivable difference between smoked and unsmoked wines; smoked wines were described as exhibiting 'smoky', 'dirty', 'earthy', 'burnt' and 'smoked meat' characteristics. Quantitative analysis, by means of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, identified guaiacol, 4-methylguaiacol, 4-ethylguaiacol, 4-ethylphenol, eugenol, and furfural in each of the wines made from smoked grapes. However, these compounds were not detected in the unsmoked wines, and their origin is therefore attributed to the application of smoke. Increased ethanol concentrations and browning were also observed in wines made from grapes exposed to smoke.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze the origin of proteins of a Chardonnay wine. Three various polyclonal antibodies raised against must, yeast, and bacteria proteins were produced. For microorganisms, only the secreted macromolecules were used. To this end, yeast and bacteria were cultured in a model medium under conditions close to those of winemaking. Results obtained using these specific antibodies indicate that most of the wine proteins came from grapes and many of them were glycoproteins. Some proteins of this Chardonnay wine came from the yeast; they were released during the alcoholic fermentation and consisted of high molecular weight mannoproteins. In contrast, no bacteria proteins were detected in this Chardonnay wine.  相似文献   

The effects of a white wine enriched with polyphenols (PEWW) from Chardonnay grapes and of a sparkling red wine (SRW) from Pinot Noir and Chardonnay grapes were studied for the first time on early atherosclerosis in hamsters. Animals were fed an atherogenic diet for 12 weeks. They received by force-feeding PEWW, SRW, ethanol 12% (ETH), or water as control (mimicking a moderate consumption of approximately 2 red wine glasses per meal for a 70 kg human). Plasma cholesterol concentrations were lower in groups that consumed PEWW and SRW accompanied by an increase in the ratio apo A-1/apo B. Liver-specific activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase were significantly increased by PEWW (38 and 16%, respectively) and by SRW (48 and 15%, respectively). PEWW and ETH significantly increased plasma antioxidant capacity and vitamin A concentrations. Aortic fatty streak area (AFSA) was significantly strongly reduced in the groups receiving PEWW (85%) and SRW (89%) in comparison with the control. AFSA was reduced by ethanol to a lesser extent (58%). These data suggest that tannins from the phenolics-enriched white wine induce a protective effect against early atherosclerosis comparable to that produced by sparkling red wine containing tanins and anthocyanins and dissociated from the antioxidant action of these compounds.  相似文献   

The effect of process and formulation on sensory perception and flavor release was investigated on salad dressing models. Oil/vinegar emulsions (phi = 0.5, droplet size > 10 microm) with thickeners and a whey protein concentrate were prepared with different fat droplet sizes and different distributions of fat droplet size. The effect of the amount of emulsifier was also tested. Sensory profile analysis was performed by a trained panel and flavor release quantified by dynamic headspace analysis. When the droplet size is increased, the lemon smell and citrus aroma significantly increase, whereas the egg note, mustard, and butter aroma significantly decrease. The concentrations of alcohols and acids significantly increase when droplet size increases, whereas those of other compounds such as limonene or benzaldehyde significantly decrease. The dispersion of the droplet size has a small effect on flavor perception, and the effect of the increase of the amount of emulsifier is noticed only by instrumental analysis.  相似文献   

抗氧化剂对辐照猪肉理化和感官品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为减少猪肉辐照灭菌后产生的异味和脂肪氧化,研究了叔丁基对苯二酚、虾青素、维生素E、茶多酚4种抗氧化剂对辐照猪肉理化和感官品质的影响。采用2 g/L抗氧化剂浸泡处理,透氧包装,辐照剂量2.6 kGy,冷藏10 d。分析测定辐照猪肉感官品质、过氧化值、硫代巴比妥酸反应物、挥发性物质、抗氧化剂对羟自由基清除能力,筛选出适合猪肉辐照的高效抗氧化剂。结果表明:叔丁基对苯二酚在储藏期可以很好地减轻辐照异味并抑制脂肪氧化,效果优于虾青素、维生素E、茶多酚。叔丁基对苯二酚和维生素E可以有效地降低脂肪辐照后产生的挥发性物质含量。叔丁基对苯二酚(0.5 g/L)对羟自由基的清除率为52.5%,高于其他抗氧化剂,可抑制猪肉辐照过程中羟自由基参与的反应。  相似文献   

Tannin content and composition are critical quality components of red wines. No spectroscopic method assessing these phenols in wine has been described so far. We report here a new method using Fourier transform mid-infrared (FT-MIR) spectroscopy and chemometric techniques for the quantitative analysis of red wine tannins. Calibration models were developed using protein precipitation and phloroglucinolysis as analytical reference methods. After spectra preprocessing, six different predictive partial least-squares (PLS) models were evaluated, including the use of interval selection procedures such as iPLS and CSMWPLS. PLS regression with full-range (650-4000 cm(-1)), second derivative of the spectra and phloroglucinolysis as the reference method gave the most accurate determination for tannin concentration (RMSEC = 2.6%, RMSEP = 9.4%, r = 0.995). The prediction of the mean degree of polymerization (mDP) of the tannins also gave a reasonable prediction (RMSEC = 6.7%, RMSEP = 10.3%, r = 0.958). These results represent the first step in the development of a spectroscopic methodology for the quantification of several phenolic compounds that are critical for wine quality.  相似文献   

A Chardonnay white wine enriched in polyphenols was obtained by modification of winemaking and characterized by its enrichment in total polyphenolic content (1346 mg/L as compared to 316 mg/L for traditional Chardonnay) and in various individual polyphenols (catechin, epicatechin, procyanidins dimers B1-B4, gallic acid, cafeic acid, and caftaric acid), as determined from HPLC coupled to a diode array detector. The polyphenols-enriched white wine (W) or its ethanol-free derivative (EFW) was then administered by gavage (10 mL/kg, twice a day) for 6 weeks to rats that have been rendered diabetic by a single iv injection of streptozotocin (55 mg/kg). Treatments had no effect on the symptoms associated with hyperglycemia. However, while a reduction in plasma antioxidant capacity was associated with the diabetic state, administration of W or EFW restored plasma antioxidant capacities to a level not significantly different from that of nondiabetic control animals. In addition, the effect of both treatments was manifested by the enlargement of mesenteric arteries, as determined by quantitative histomorphometry. In summary, our study indicates that white wine, when enriched in polyphenols, is able to induce ethanol-independent in vivo effects in a model of insulin-deficient diabetes characterized by a major oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Adsorption method may play an important role to remove ochratoxin A (OTA) from wine by bentonite (B), nonylammonium bentonite (NB), dodecylammonium bentonite (DB), KSF-montmorillonite (KSF), and chitosan bead (CB). The optimum conditions of OTA adsorption from synthetic solutions were revealed at room temperature and pH 3.5. The adsorption equilibria of B and NB were almost established within 120 and 240 min, respectively. DB, KSF, and CB had about 90 min of equilibration time. The adsorption efficiency carried out in the synthetic OTA solution did not change remarkably when the amounts of adsorbents were 25 mg for bentonite, DB, and KSF and 100 mg for NB and CB. Furthermore, 25 mg of adsorbents was used at all adsorption studies in synthetic solution. The adsorption isotherm was fitted with mostly a Freundlich equation with respect to the correlation coefficients. The adsorption data were evaluated using Langmuir and Freundlich equations having Kf values ranging from 0.011 to 9.5 with respect to correlation coefficients (R2 = 0.900-0.977). DB and KSF have the highest adsorption capacity for OTA in synthetic solutions. In wine, the removal of OTA was succeeded at a percentage of 60-100 by KSF and CB. Furthermore, the highest adsorption capacity of OTA for red wine was obtained by using 250 mg of KSF, which caused less damage to the nature of wine and also low adsorption of polyphenols and anthcyans.  相似文献   

Wine contains a number of biologically active compounds with beneficial effects on human health. The antibacterial action of commercial red and white wines against oral streptococci responsible for caries development and against S. pyogenes responsible for pharyngitis was studied. Its postcontact effect against S. mutans was also studied. Both wines displayed activity. The compounds responsible for such activities were succinic, malic, lactic, tartaric, citric, and acetic acid. The synthetic mixtures of the organic acids tested at the concentrations found in wine had greater antibacterial activity than the beverages, indicating that in wine they are inhibited by other components. Wine polyphenols displayed no activity against oral streptococci or S. pyogenes. Findings show that wine is active against oral streptococci and S. pyogenes and suggest that it enhances oral health.  相似文献   

Protein haze formation in white wine is dependent on the presence of both wine protein and other unknown wine components, termed factor(s) X. The ability to reconstitute protein haze upon heating artificial model wine solutions (500 mg/L thaumatin, 12% ethanol, 4 g/L tartaric acid) to which candidate components were added was employed to identify factor(s) X. No protein haze was formed in the absence of additives. The individual or combined addition of caffeic acid, caftaric acid, epicatechin, epigallocatechin-O-gallate, gallic acid, or ferulic acid at typical white wine concentrations did not generate protein haze. However, PVPP fining of commercial wines resulted in a reduction in protein haze, suggesting that phenolic compounds may play a modulating role in haze formation. To elucidate the nature of the unknown factor(s) wine was fractionated and fractions were back-added to model wine and tested for their essentiality. Wine fractions were generated by ultrafiltration, reverse-phase chromatography, and mixed-mode anion-exchange and reverse-phase chromatography. The only purified fraction containing the essential component(s) was free of phenolic compounds, and analysis by mass spectrometry identified sulfate anion as the dominant component. Reconstitution with KHSO4 using either commercially available thaumatin or wine proteins confirmed the role of sulfate in wine protein haze formation. The two main wine proteins, thaumatin-like protein and chitinase, differed in their haze response in model wines containing sulfate. Other common wine anions, acetate, chloride, citrate, phosphate, and tartrate, and wine cations, Fe(2+/3+) and Cu(+/2+), when added at typical white wine concentrations were not found to be essential for protein haze formation.  相似文献   

This collaborative study on the determination of glucose and fructose in wine was performed by 18 laboratories on 4 matched pairs of commercial wine. The method uses the enzymes hexokinase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and phosphoglucose isomerase and the coenzyme nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate. Both glucose and fructose can be determined in the same sample without separation. The method is simple but care is necessary to ensure precise transfer of small volumes. Repeatability and reproducibility standard deviations for glucose ranged from 2.6 to 14.6 mg/L and 4.7 to 16.5 mg/L, respectively. Repeatability and reproducibility values for fructose ranged from 2.4 to 16.1 mg/L and 6.0 to 21.3 mg/L, respectively. The method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study the evolution of the phenolic composition of red wine during vinification and storage and its relationship with some sensory properties (astringency and bitterness) and antioxidant activities. Thus, red wine was made by a classic vinification method with Castela?o and Tinta Miu?da grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) harvested at maturity (3:2; w/w). Samples were taken at 2 and 7 days of maceration, at second racking, at the time of bottling and at 6 and 14 months after bottling. The total polyphenols extract (TPx) in each sample was isolated by column chromatography. The phenolic composition (anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins), in vitro antioxidant activity, and sensory property (astringency, bitterness) of the isolated TPx from different winemaking stages were evaluated through high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhidrazyl radical test, ferric reducing antioxidant power assay, total phenolic index, MWI (polyphenol molecular weight index), TSA (tannin specific activity), and sensory panel tasting. The results showed that the phenolic composition of red wine varied significantly during winemaking. The intensity of astringency (IA) and the intensity bitterness (IB) of the isolated TPx from different winemaking stages increased from 2 days of maceration until second racking and then decreased. Furthermore, MWI and TSA are positively correlated with IA and IB. The in vitro antioxidant activity of the isolated TPx from different winemaking stages maintained unchanged after alcoholic fermentation, which was independent of the variation of phenolic composition and sensory properties.  相似文献   

不同干燥方法对即食扇贝柱理化及感官品质的影响   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
为了解不同干燥方法对即食扇贝柱干燥后品质的影响,以海湾扇贝柱为原料,研究了微波干燥、真空冷冻干燥、自然干燥和烘箱干燥4种方法对即食扇贝柱理化特性和感官品质的影响。结果表明:不同干燥方法所得产品在水分活度、pH值、硬度、咀嚼性和黏聚性方面存在着显著性差异,不同干燥方法对产品的色泽和弹性影响均不显著;烘箱干燥产品感官品评得分8.82分,其氨基酸总量最高,微波干燥氨基酸总量最低;真空冷冻干燥后产品中必需氨基酸和呈味氨基酸含量最高,自然干燥最低。综合考虑,烘箱干燥是即食扇贝柱较适宜的干燥方法,产品感官品质和氨基酸总量较高。较佳的烘箱干燥参数为:80℃干燥2 h。研究结果可以为即食扇贝柱的工业化生产提供参考。  相似文献   

The potential for iron(III) tartrate to act as a photoactivator in light-induced oxidative degradation of white wine is described. Using a tartaric-acid-based model wine system containing 5 mg/L iron, exposure to light from a xenon arc lamp led to the oxidative degradation of tartaric acid and the production of glyoxylic acid. The critical wavelength of light for the degradation process was found to be below 520 nm. No glyoxylic acid was formed in the absence of iron and/or light. Flint glass offered little protection from the light-induced photodegradation of tartaric acid. Antique Green glass offered more protection but did not stop the photodegradation process.  相似文献   

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