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As a macroelement to plant, potassium (K) absorption mechanism has been widely studied. However, as for cotton genotypes with different K efficiency, how they related to the absorption patterns under K starvation is not fully understood. In this hydroponic experiment, plants were grown at different K levels: low (K1, 2 mg/L) and adequate K level (K2, 20 mg/L) for 2 weeks. K+ absorption kinetic parameters were got by Michaelis–Menten equation. By applying K channel-blocking agent, tetraethylammonium and protein modifying reagent N-ethylmaleimide, we evaluated the differences in K absorption mechanisms for two typical cotton genotypes (K-efficient genotype 103 and K-inefficient genotype 122). Results showed that higher affinity to K+ and better root formation of genotype 103 resulting in better adaptation in low-K+ condition, whether grown in low or adequate K+ environment. Further study with K+ absorption inhibitors suggested the two genotypes grown in low-K+ environment absorbed K+ mainly by high-affinity K+ absorption systems, and for seedlings grown in adequate K condition, genotype 103 absorbed K+ with both K channels and high-affinity proton and mainly by high-affinity K channels, while genotype 122 absorbed K+ by K channels. These results indicated that the low-K condition could induce higher affinity to absorb K+, and the two cottons with different K efficiency mainly due to different low-K adaptation and absorb K+ with different patterns. This could provide a possible theory for the selection of K-efficient varieties.  相似文献   

A rhizobox experiment was conducted to compare the differences of soil potassium (K) distribution and absorption between two cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) genotypes under drought and K‐deficit conditions. Treatments included two levels of water (drought and optimum soil moisture: 25% and 35% volumetric water content) and K fertilizer rates (0 and 0.48 g potash kg?1 soil) applied to two cotton genotypes (namely HEG and LEG). Both the genotypes showed significant differences in total K accumulation without exogenous K addition. After absorption, soil content of the readily available potassium (RAK) decreased rapidly. This promoted the conversion of the mineral K into slowly available potassium (SAK). Drought significantly decreased the cotton growth and K use efficiency, and thereby reduced the effect of K fertilizer. Consequantly, the contents of RAK and SAK were greatly increased. However, K bioavailability was decreased under water stress conditions. Differences in root parameters and soil microorganisms between two cotton genotypes were significantly increased and had marked relations with available soil K contents. This study provides important information for understanding the mechanism of K use efficiency, especially under water and K stress.  相似文献   

A greenhouse hydroponic experiment was conducted to study the effects of cadmium (Cd; 0, 0.1, 1.0, 10 μM in nutrient solution) on yield and yield components as well as Cd concentration and accumulation in three cotton genotypes (Simian 3, Zhongmian 16, Zhongmian 16–2). The results showed that Cd concentration in different organs increased with increasing Cd levels in the nutrient solution in the following order: root > petiole > xylem > fruiting branch, leaf > phloem in vegetative organs and seed coat, seed nut > boll shell > fiber in reproductive organs. There were significant genotypic differences in functional leaf and petiole Cd concentrations at 1 and 10 μM Cd treatments, with the cultivar Simian 3 showing higher Cd concentrations and greater reductions in lint yield than the other two genotypes.  相似文献   

Potassium (K) plays a major role in the basic functions of plant growth and development. In addition, K is also involved in numerous physiological functions related to plant health and resistance to biotic and abiotic stress. However, K deficiency occurs widely resulting in poor growth, lost yield, and reduced fiber quality. This review describes the physiological functions of K and its role in stress relief and also provides some agronomic aspects of K requirements, diagnosis of soil and plant K status, and amelioration. The physiological processes described include enzymes and the regulation of organic‐compound synthesis, water relations and stomates, photosynthesis, transport, cell signaling, and plant response to drought stress, cold stress, salt stress, as well as biotic stresses. The agronomic aspects of K fertilization include the K requirements of cotton, K uptake, and soil characteristics, genotypic variation in K uptake and use, and characteristics of K deficiency in cotton. In addition, diagnosis and amelioration of K soil and plant status is discussed.  相似文献   

To examine the combined effects of phosphorus (P) nutrition and CO2 on photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence (CF), and nutrient utilization and uptake, two controlled‐environment experiments were conducted using 0.01, 0.05 and 0.20 mM external phosphate each at ambient and elevated CO2 (aCO2: 400 and eCO2: 800 µmol mol?1, respectively). The CF parameters were affected more by P nutrition than by CO2 treatment. Photoinhibition of photosystem II (PSII) was due to increased minimal CF (Fo′) and decreased maximal CF (Fm′), and efficiency of energy harvesting (Fv′/Fm′). In addition, reduced electron transport rate (ETR), the quantum yield of PSII (ΦPSII) and CO2 assimilation ( ), and overall photochemical quenching in the P‐deficient leaves led to reduction in the efficiency of energy transfer to the PSII reaction center. Stimulation in the ΦPSII/ and photorespiration (ETR/Pnet) was found under P deficiency, whereas the opposite was the case under CO2 enrichment. On average, photosynthetic rate (Pnet) and stomatal conductance declined by 50–53% at 0.05 mM P and by 70–72% at 0.01 mM P as compared to the 0.20 mM P treatment. However, P deficiency, especially at eCO2, tended to increase the intrinsic water‐use efficiency. In the P‐deficient plants, the decline in the P and N utilization efficiency (up to 91%) of biomass production was mainly associated with greater reduction in the biomass relative to the tissue P concentration as the P supply was reduced. However, it was significantly stimulated by eCO2 especially at higher P supply. The CO2 × P interaction was observed for some parameters such as Fo′, Fm′, P utilization efficiencies of photosynthesis and biomass production that might be attributed to the irresponsiveness of these parameters to eCO2 under low P treatment. Thus, P deficiency limited the beneficial effect of eCO2. A close relationship between total biomass and photosynthesis with the P and N utilization or uptake efficiencies was found. The P utilization efficiency of Pnet appeared to be stable across a range of leaf P concentrations, whereas the N‐utilization efficiency markedly increased with leaf P and differed between CO2 levels. An apparent effect of both the treatments (P and CO2) on N‐uptake and utilization efficiency also indicated the alteration in N acquisition and assimilation in cotton plants.  相似文献   

Potassium (K) is an essential macronutrient for plant growth and development. Plant growth and development can be seriously affected by K deficiency. However, plants with different K efficiencies behave differently. It is still not fully understood how plants with higher K efficiency could maintain better growth in a low K environment and what is the relationship between K recycling and photosynthesis metabolism. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the difference in K re-translocation and photosynthesis transportation can explain genotype differences in K efficiency between K-efficient genotype 103 and K-inefficient genotype 122. Results of this study showed that the dry matter accumulation of genotype 122 decreased much more than that of genotype 103 affected by K deficiency environment. Root growth of the two genotypes was inhibited by K deficiency, but genotype 122 was affected more than genotype 103. Using the K utilization index as an evaluation factor for K efficiency, it was found that genotype 103 was significantly higher than genotype 122. Potassium affected the K distribution in plants for both the genotypes. Potassium was distributed more to the stem and leafstalk in a normal K environment whereas it was more to the leaf and root in a low K environment, especially for genotype 103. Potassium also affected photosynthetic products’ distribution. The leaf of genotype 122 accumulated most of its photosynthetic product while genotype 103 had better ability to transport it into the root to maintain better growth under a K-deficient environment. Results of this study indicated that more K recycling into the root and more efficient transport of the photosynthetic product into the root contribute to better root growth and therefore increased tolerance to K deficiency.  相似文献   

【目的】钾是植物生长发育所必需的营养元素之一,缺钾影响棉花的生长。钠与钾有一些相同的生理功能,钠钾替代和协同作用是提高作物钾效率有效途径之一。研究钠钾替代对不同基因型棉花钾效率的影响,旨在为生产中科学高效利用钾肥提供依据。【方法】于2013~2014年在华中农业大学利用盆栽试验,筛选并获得了钾高效高增产潜力棉花基因型103和钾低效低增产潜力棉花基因型122为试验材料,采用营养液培养对不同K+、Na+浓度处理条件下棉花苗期农艺性状(株高、根长和叶片数)、干物质积累与分配、各部位(根、茎、叶和柄)钾钠含量和钾钠积累量等进行了研究,探讨了钠钾替代作用对其钾素利用效率的影响。【结果】缺钾的条件下,施钠增加了两个基因型的根长,且103增加的幅度大于122;增加了103和122各部位干重和根冠比,而减少了根和茎的钾含量,对各部位钾积累量影响不明显,施钠还能显著提高基因型棉花103的钾利用效率,其为不施钠时的1.37倍。另外,适钾的条件下施钠,两个基因型的根长都有所增加,且103增加的幅度大于122;103和122各部位干重和总干重都显著增加,但二者根和叶钾含量显著降低,除了叶和柄其他各个部位的钾积累量都不同程度的提高;同时,103和122的钾利用效率均增加,103增加了28%,大于122的19%。此外,钾钠交互作用对根长和株高的相对生长速率,各部位干物重和根、叶中钾、钠含量和积累量以及全株钾利用效率都有显著影响。【结论】无论是否施钾、施钠均能增加两个基因型棉花的根长,通过促进根系的伸长来提高棉花对钾的吸收和生物量的积累。缺钾时施钠显著增加了103的钾效率,且适钾时施钠高效基因型103的钾效率增加幅度大于低效基因型122,表明钠钾替代和协同效应对钾高效基因型103比低效基因型122更显著。  相似文献   

Silicon (Si) and salicylic acid (SA) foliar applications can benefit cotton yield especially if there is stress during cultivation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the foliar application of Si and SA on the photosynthetic variables and cotton yield. The experimental design used was randomized complete block, constituted by Si foliar application in potassium and sodium balanced silicate form (0 and 3.6?g L?1 of Si) and SA (0 and 210?mg L?1). The treatments were applied in three leaf sprays during the reproductive stage that coincided with water stress in tillage. Therefore, the Si foliar application associated with SA favors the physiological variables, increasing the photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and water use efficiency reflecting on the increase of cotton yield.  相似文献   

嫁接对不同棉花基因型钾效率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用全生育期土培盆栽试验,在研究2个棉花基因型钾吸收效率和利用效率的基础上,对未嫁接和经嫁接的自根苗(接穗和砧木为同一基因型)处理的棉花干物质和钾的积累、分配进行比较。结果表明:自根苗植株与未嫁接植株相比,不同棉花基因型在不同钾水平下干物质和钾的积累及分配不同。高效基因型103经过嫁接后营养器官中的干物质和钾比例增加,生殖器官中的干物质和钾减少,产量和钾利用指数下降;低效基因型122经过嫁接后营养器官中的干物质和钾比例减少,生殖器官中的干物质和钾增加,产量和钾利用指数升高。吸收效率因钾水平而异,高效基因型103嫁接后施钾时吸收效率降低,缺钾时升高;而低效基因型122嫁接后施钾时吸收效率升高,缺钾时降低。嫁接对不同棉花基因型产生的效应不同,通过嫁接使不同棉花基因型物质分配趋于平衡。  相似文献   

不同钾硼水平下棉花生长及钾硼利用效率的差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
用鄂抗8号棉花为试验材料,以水培的方法研究了不同钾、硼水平下棉花的生长状况及钾、硼的利用效率。结果表明:与正常处理(K 20 mg/L,B 0.2 mg/L)棉花相比,(1)缺钾(K 2 mg/L,B 0.2 mg/L)阻碍棉花地上部正常生长、干物质的积累,叶绿素合成受阻,但促进了根的伸长,缺钾不利于棉株对硼的吸收和利用,增加钾供应量可以促进硼的吸收利用。(2)缺硼(K 20 mg/L,B 0.002 mg/L)不利于棉株生长,棉株干物质积累量减少,不利于棉花对钾的吸收利用。(3)缺钾缺硼(K 2 mg/L,B 0.002 mg/L)时,棉花的生物量、SPAD值和钾、硼积累量均显著降低,钾的利用效率升高了143%,但对硼的利用受到抑制。研究结果表明,缺钾阻碍棉花对硼的吸收利用,缺硼不利于棉花对钾的吸收利用,而缺钾缺硼时,棉花对钾的利用受到促进,对硼的利用受到抑制。  相似文献   

为探明秸秆还田配施腐熟剂对水稻产量及钾素利用率的影响,提高秸秆还田利用效率。通过田间试验,对比分析了4个处理[配方施肥无钾肥对照(N-P_2O_5-K_2O=270-90-0 kg·hm~(-2))+秸秆不还田+不施用腐熟剂(T1)、配方施肥(N-P_2O_5-K_2O=270-90-135 kg·hm~(-2))+秸秆不还田+不施用腐熟剂(T2)、配方施肥(N-P_2O_5-K_2O=270-90-135 kg·hm~(-2))+秸秆还田+不施用腐熟剂(T3)和配方施肥(N-P_2O_5-K_2O=270-90-135 kg·hm~(-2))+秸秆还田+腐熟剂(T4)]的水稻钾素吸收累积量、水稻产量及钾素利用效率。结果表明:(1)与配方施肥相比,秸秆还田处理使水稻抽穗期钾素总累积量和净吸收量分别提高了15.3%和13.9%(P0.05);水稻成熟期钾素含量提高了5.5%,钾素总累积量和净吸收量分别提高了21.5%和50%;(2)在相同的施钾水平下,秸秆还田与秸秆还田配施腐熟剂处理对水稻均有显著的增产效果,产量增量分别为649.7和1 110.5kg·hm~(-2),增幅分别为6.4%和10.4%;(3)秸秆还田配施腐熟剂处理的钾肥贡献率、农学利用率、偏生产力和吸收利用率较配方施肥分别比对照提高了9.2%、45.5%、10.4%和39.0%(P0.05)。可见,秸秆还田配施腐熟剂可增加水稻钾素吸收量,提高钾肥利用效率,实现增产效果。  相似文献   

不同形态钾肥配比对油菜生物量及钾肥利用率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用盆栽试验方法,研究了不同形态钾肥配比对油菜生物量及钾肥利用率的影响。结果表明,与对照不施钾处理相比,不同形态的钾肥配比均能显著提高油菜生物量、钾素含量、钾素积累量,且含枸溶性钾的钾硅肥处理效果好于水溶性钾肥处理。油菜总生物量以含25%水溶性钾的钾硅肥处理最高,较对照不施钾处理显著增加66.3%。随着水溶性钾比例的增加,油菜钾素含量、钾素积累量及钾肥利用率有先上升后下降的趋势,在水溶性钾比例为25%和50%时均较高。综合结果表明,含25%~50%水溶性钾的钾硅肥效果较好。  相似文献   

湖北省早、中、晚稻施钾增产效应及钾肥利用率研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
2006~2009年,在湖北省18个县(市、区)布置多点田间肥效试验,研究在当前生产条件下推荐施用钾肥对早、中、晚稻产量及其构成因素的影响,分析当前水稻生产中的钾肥吸收和利用状况。结果表明,在氮、磷肥的基础上,早、中、晚稻施用钾肥的增产量平均分别为716、679和691 kg/hm2,增产率平均分别为12.6%、9.6%和12.0%,钾肥对产量的贡献率平均分别为10.8%、8.2%和10.3%。说明当前生产条件下,高产水稻生产必须施用钾肥。施钾之所以增产,早稻主要由于单位面积有效穗数增加,中稻主要由于单位面积有效穗数和每穗粒数增加,而晚稻主要由于每穗粒数增加和结实率提高所致。施用钾肥促进了水稻总吸钾量及百千克子粒吸钾量的提高和钾素收获指数的下降。在当前生产条件和推荐施钾量水平下,早、中、晚稻百千克子粒吸钾(K2O)量平均分别为2.96、3.45和2.72 kg,钾肥(K2O)农学利用率分别为9.6、8.2和7.2 kg/kg,偏生产力分别为92.3、101.5和75.4 kg/kg,吸收利用率分别为47.1%、53.8%和46.3%,生理利用率分别为21.1、24.1和23.7 kg/kg,土壤钾素依存率分别为78.0%、83.0%和70.4%。3种类型水稻对钾素的吸收和利用虽有不同,但其吸收的钾都主要来自于土壤,因此改善土壤供钾能力是提高水稻产量和节约钾肥资源的有效措施。  相似文献   

以甘薯品种"商薯19"为试验材料,研究了两种钾肥(硫酸钾、氯化钾)不同用量对甘薯生长和产量的影响。结果表明,甘薯施用两种钾肥均能提高单株块根鲜重,对甘薯干物率无明显影响。施用钾肥有利于提高甘薯商品薯率,显著提高商品薯及鲜薯产量。试验条件下,硫酸钾和氯化钾均在施钾(K_2O)135 kg/hm~2时,商品薯和鲜薯产量达到最高,最高商品薯产量分别为31 690.8和30 363.4 kg/hm~2;最高鲜薯产量分别为33 439.7和32 740.4 kg/hm~2。在施钾量(K_2O)为90~135 kg/hm~2范围内,钾肥品种对产量无明显影响。  相似文献   

通过田间试验研究了钾肥用量(K2O 75、150、225 kg/hm2)与种类对棉花产量、养分吸收及经济效益的影响。结果表明:施硫酸钾与硫酸钾镁都能增加产量,提高养分含量及经济效益,两者相比,在低、中、高3个水平上棉花产量前者比后者分别提高3.5%、3.2%和1.4%;相比硫酸钾镁,施硫酸钾可使棉花对氮、磷的吸收量增加,棉花根的氮含量平均增加13.9%,茎的磷含量平均增加2.7%,但对钾、钙、镁、硫的吸收量影响较少。施用硫酸钾比施用硫酸钾镁所获的效益平均高540元/hm2,且在施K2O 75 kg/hm2处理所获效益最高,比不施钾肥多获效益10 350元/hm2。  相似文献   

盆栽选取四川、重庆典型的砂岩黄壤、灰岩黄壤、酸性紫色土为供试土壤,田间选取在砂岩黄壤上生长了25年的茶园,连续5年研究了施用钾肥(硫酸钾)对茶园土壤钾库及钾素平衡的影响。结果表明:施用钾肥能显著提高土壤钾库的各类钾素,但其绝对含量都呈逐年下降的趋势。土壤中各类钾素的变化因土壤类型而异,土壤各类钾素的增量均为灰岩黄壤砂岩黄壤酸性紫色土。不施钾肥(CK)的盆栽茶树、田间茶树分别每年从土壤取走钾素0.10.g/kg。盆栽三种土壤的钾素年平均流失量分则别为0.18.g/kg(灰岩黄壤)、0.09.g/kg(砂岩黄壤)、0.07g/kg(酸性紫色土),可见种植茶树施用K肥很有必要。  相似文献   


Cotton is critical for phosphorus demands and very sensitive for its deficiency. However, identifying the effect of low-phosphorus tolerance on cotton growth, yield, and fiber quality by reducing phosphorus consumption. This may help to develop phosphorus-tolerant high-yielding cotton cultivars. In a two-year repeated (2015 and 2016) hydroponic experiment (using 0.01 and 1 mM KH2PO4), two cotton cultivars with phosphorus sensitivity (Lu 54; a low-phosphorus sensitive and Yuzaomian 9110; a low-phosphorus tolerant) were screened on the base of agronomic traits and physiological indices through correlation analysis, cluster analysis and principal component analysis from 16 cotton cultivars. Low phosphorus nutrition reduced the plant height, leaf number, leaf area, phosphorus accumulation and biomass in various organs of seedlings. The deficiency negatively affected the morphogenesis of seedlings, as well as yield and fiber quality. Further, these screened cultivars were tested in a pot experiment with 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 kg P2O5 ha?1 during 2016 and 2017. It was found to have a significant (P< 0.05) difference in boll number, lint yield, fiber strength, and micronaire at the harvest. Furthermore, after collectively analyzed the characteristics of Lu 54 and Yuzaomian 9110, there were six key indices that could improve the low phosphorus tolerance of cotton cultivars. These were root phosphorus accumulation, stem phosphorus accumulation percentage, leaf and total biomass of seedlings, seed cotton weight per boll and fiber length.  相似文献   

为了探讨根区施用钾肥对黄淮烟区石灰土烤烟产量和钾素吸收利用的影响,采用田间试验,研究根区枸溶性钾肥与硫酸钾配施对烟叶产量、钾含量以及钾素吸收利用的影响。试验共设9个处理,分别为CK、CP_1、CP_2、WP_1、WP_2、CW_(1-50%)、CW_(2-50%)、CW_(1-75%)与CW_(2-75%)(CK表示对照,CP表示只施用枸溶性钾肥,WP表示只施用硫酸钾,CW表示枸溶性钾肥与硫酸钾配施;数字1、2表示施用量分别为225、300 kg/hm~2,百分数表示硫酸钾的配施比例)。结果表明,烟叶钾含量随生育期推进呈下降趋势,不同施肥处理各时期烟叶钾含量均高于CK;不同施肥处理下土壤钾素在垂直和水平方向上迁移距离较小,根区钾肥施用可直接有效的增加根区土壤速效钾含量;施钾(K_2O)300 kg/hm~2与225 kg/hm~2相比,可显著提高烟叶钾含量和钾肥利用效率(P0.05);CW_(2-75%)处理下烟叶钾含量、土壤速效钾含量和钾肥利用率最高,而CW_(2-50%)处理下烟叶产量最高。综上所述,根区施用含75%硫酸钾的枸溶性钾肥300 kg/hm~2(CW_(2-75%)处理)可有效改善黄淮烟区石灰土钾素养分,提高该区烤烟产量、钾含量与钾肥利用效率,达到优质高产。  相似文献   

农作物品种的高产稳产和广适性一直是产量育种的主要目标,而农作物品种多环境试验中普遍存在的基因型与环境互作效应增加了广适性品种选育的难度,科学评价品种的高产稳产和适应性有助于提高新品种的选育和应用效率。本研究采用GGEbiplot~?软件分析了2012—2013年长江流域国家棉花品种区域试验中‘鄂杂棉30’等参试品种丰产性、稳产性和适应性,并采用"成对比较"功能图比较了‘鄂杂棉30’与对照品种‘鄂杂棉10号’在目标区域的适应性表现。结果表明:1)‘鄂杂棉30’在两年多环境品种试验中的丰产性突出,稳产性表现优良。2)‘鄂杂棉30’在两年区域试验中的高产稳产性综合表现(即理想指数)显著优于对照品种‘鄂杂棉10号’及其余各参试品种。3)‘鄂杂棉30’为所有参试品种中适应性最广的品种,其最适宜种植区域涵盖了长江流域大部分棉区。4)‘鄂杂棉30’在长江流域的绝大部分棉区都比对照品种更有产量优势,同时也优于其余参试品种,在长江流域棉区种植优势明显。本研究展示了GGE双标图在品种的丰产性与稳产性分析和适宜种植区域划分等方面的应用效果,明确了‘鄂杂棉30’是兼备丰产性、稳定性和广适性的理想品种,可为‘鄂杂棉30’的合理利用提供理论依据,也为其他作物品种的综合评价提供了参考方法。  相似文献   

[目的]香蕉生长快,需要及时充足的水肥供应,特别是钾素的供应.研究滴灌条件下减量施钾对香蕉产量品质、钾肥利用率、钾素平衡及经济效益等的影响,为制定适合香蕉生产的水肥一体化施肥方案提供依据.[方法]2016-2018年,在福建漳州进行了为期3年的田间定位试验.在施用等量氮磷肥的基础上,以不施钾肥(K0)和常规灌溉施钾14...  相似文献   

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