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Several nitrogen (N)‐rate field experiments were carried out in cotton to define dilution curves for critical N concentrations in individual plants (i.e., the minimum N concentration required for maximum growth at any growth stage). Nitrogen application rate had a significant effect on aboveground dry matter, N accumulation, and N concentration. As expected, shoot N concentration in plants decreased during the growing period. These results support the concept of critical N concentration in shoot biomass of single plants as described by Lemaire et al. (2007) and reveal that a dilution curve for critical N concentrations in cotton plants can be described by a power equation. The pattern of critical–N concentration dilution curves was consistent across the two sites. Nitrogen concentration for a given biomass varied greatly with the supply of N. After initial flowering, the N‐nutrition index (NNI) for aboveground biomass of individual plants increased with increasing N rates. Relationships between plant total N uptake and accumulated dry matter in the aboveground biomass can be described by the allometric‐relation equations for each dose of N. Nitrogen‐dilution curves can be used as a tool for diagnosing the status of N in cotton from initial flowering to boll opening. The relationship can also be used in the parameterization and validation of growth models for predicting the N response and/or N requirement of cotton. 相似文献
关中平原不同降雨年型夏玉米临界氮稀释曲线模拟及验证 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
过量施氮和降雨变率大是陕西关中平原夏玉米种植中常见的2大问题,临界氮稀释曲线模型是诊断作物氮营养状况的有效手段。该研究选取关中平原主栽的6个夏玉米品种,设置了N0(0)、N1(86 kg/hm2)、N2(172 kg/hm2)和N3(258 kg/hm2)共4个施氮水平,在2013年(生育前期正常,后期大旱)和2014年(生育前期大旱,后期偏涝)这2种降雨年型下构建和验证了基于全生育期干物质的夏玉米临界氮稀释曲线。结果表明:2 a条件下临界氮浓度与地上生物量均符合幂指数关系,但模型参数存在部分差异,基于临界氮稀释曲线所建立的氮营养指数可用来诊断夏玉米氮盈亏状态,诊断结果表明氮营养指数均随着施氮量的增加而增加,且年型之间存在差异,最优施氮量介于86~172 kg/hm2之间。制定不同降雨年型下夏玉米临界氮稀释模型对于指导精确施氮及生育季氮诊断具有重要的意义。 相似文献
华北平原夏玉米临界氮稀释曲线的验证 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
YUE Shan-Chao SUN Fu-Lai MENG Qing-Feng ZHAO Rong-Fang LI Fei CHEN Xin-Ping ZHANG Fu-Suo CUI Zhen-Ling 《土壤圈》2014,24(1):76-83
The concept of critical N concentration (Nc) has been widely used in agronomy as the basis for diagnosis of crop N status, and allows discrimination between field situations of sub-optimal and supra-optimal N supply. A critical N dilution curve of Nc= 34.0W-0.37, where W is the aboveground biomass (Mg DM ha-1) and Nc the critical N concentration in aboveground dry matter (g kg-1 DM), was developed for spring maize in Europe. Our objectives were to validate whether this European critical N dilution curve was appropriate for summer maize production in the North China Plain (NCP) and to develop a critical N dilution curve especially for summer maize production in this region. In total 231 data points from 16 experiments were used to test the European critical N dilution curve. These observations showed that the European critical N dilution curve was unsuitable for summer maize in the NCP, especially at the early growth stage. From the data obtained, a critical N dilution curve for summer maize in the NCP was described by the equation of Nc = 27.2W-0.27, when aboveground biomass was between 0.64 and 11.17 Mg DM ha-1. Based on this curve, more than 90% of the data for the N deficiency supply treatments had an N nutrition index (NNI) 〈 1 and 92% of the data for the N excess supply treatments had an NNI 〉 1. 相似文献
Ke ZHANG Jifeng MA Yu WANG Weixing CAO Yan ZHU Qiang CAO Xiaojun LIU Yongchao TIAN 《土壤圈》2022,32(3):463-474
Nitrogen (N) dilution curves, a pivotal tool for N nutrition diagnosis, have been developed using different winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) tissues. However, few studies have attempted to establish critical nitrogen (Nc) dilution curves based on the leaf area ratio (LAR) to improve the monitoring accuracy of N status. In this study, three field experiments using eight N treatments and four wheat varieties were conducted in Jiangsu Province of China from 2013 to 2016. The empirical relationship of LAR with shoot biomass (expressed as dry matter) was developed under different N conditions. The results showed that LAR was a reliable index, which reduced the effects of wheat varieties and years compared with the traditional indicators. The N nutrition index (NNI) based on the LAR approach (NNI-LAR) produced equivalent results to that based on shoot biomass. Moreover, the NNI-LAR better predicted accumulated N deficit and best estimated the relative yield compared with the other two indicator-based NNI models. Therefore, the LAR-based approach improved the prediction accuracy of Nc, accumulated N deficit, and relative yield, and it would be an optimal choice to conveniently diagnose the N status of winter wheat under field conditions. 相似文献
作物临界氮浓度是作物达到最大生长的植株最小氮浓度。临界氮浓度随地上部植株干物质积累量增加而下降,可以用幂函数模型Nc=a×Wmax-b表示。已建立了数十种作物临界氮稀释模型,根据作物收获器官的特点,分为收获籽粒、收获鲜果实、收获块根块茎和收获地上部营养体4类,不同类型临界氮浓度稀释模型在模型参数和氮素诊断应用方面各有特点。临界氮浓度稀释模型除了植株临界氮浓度-植株干重这一典型形式外,还有器官临界氮浓度-器官干重、植株临界氮浓度-器官数量指标(叶片干重、茎鞘干重、LAI、叶面积持续期)等形式。因此,提出评价选择临界氮浓度稀释模型类型的基本原则。由于不同气候条件、不同作物类型,甚至同一作物不同品种的生育特性、氮素营养特性和干物质生产力差异很大,建立某一大类作物甚至某一种作物在各个气候区域的通用模型是困难的,应以一定生态区域某一作物特征相近品种类型作为建模基本单元。作物临界氮浓度稀释模型的应用包括计算氮营养指数(NNI)进行氮素营养诊断,计算临界氮积累量、亏缺量和氮肥需要量,预测作物产量和品质等。分析了以植株干物质重驱动的氮素... 相似文献
关中地区玉米临界氮浓度稀释曲线的建立和验证 总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5
基于临界氮浓度稀释曲线推导的氮素营养指数既可以诊断出氮素供应不足也可以诊断出氮肥供应过量。该文在整理分析关中平原8 a氮肥大田试验的基础上,分别构建了关中灌区夏玉米和渭北旱塬春玉米的地上部生物量的临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型。结果表明,关中玉米地上部临界氮浓度与生物量符合幂函数关系。利用独立试验资料对建立的临界氮稀释曲线模型进行检验,结果表明:该模型能准确诊断该区玉米植株的氮营养状况,施肥量和施肥时期对玉米植株的氮素营养状况影响较大,一般随着施氮量的增加氮素营养指数值会增大,只基施氮肥或前期施氮过多都会使玉米在生长过程中营养失衡。该研究建立的关中地区玉米的临界氮稀释模型为该区玉米氮素营养诊断和优化管理提供了较好的技术途径和理论参考。 相似文献
以黄瓜津春5号为试验材料,采用随机区组设计,2016和2017年分别设置了5个氮浓度梯度,构建了黄瓜地上部生物量的临界氮浓度稀释模型,在此基础上建立了氮素吸收模型和氮营养指数模型。结果表明,黄瓜地上部临界氮浓度与地上部最大生物量之间符合幂指数关系,%Nc=4. 539 7x-0. 06,相关系数为R2=0. 749 6。基于临界氮浓度建立的设施栽培黄瓜氮素吸收(Nupt)模型、氮素营养指数(NNI)模型,可作为设施栽培黄瓜氮素营养状况的判别指标,本试验条件下295. 7~305. 5 kg/hm~2为黄瓜最佳施氮量。 相似文献
不同氮效率夏玉米临界氮浓度稀释模型与氮营养诊断 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
【目的】建立豫中地区玉米临界氮稀释曲线,比较不同氮素利用率玉米品种模型差异,探讨基于此的氮营养指数用于诊断、评价玉米氮素营养的可靠性,为实现玉米合理施用氮肥提供理论依据。【方法】以伟科702和中单909两个不同氮利用效率的品种为试验材料进行连续三年的田间定位试验,共设5个氮肥水平(0、120、180、240和360 kg/hm^2),分析不同施氮量对两个玉米品种拔节期、大喇叭口期、吐丝期、收获期干物质的影响,基于不同时期干物质和植株氮浓度建立两个品种临界氮稀释曲线,分析不同氮利用率品种玉米临界氮稀释曲线模型的差异和氮营养指数及其与相对地上部生物量和相对产量的关系。【结果】中单909的氮利用率显著高于伟科702。在各生育时期,两个玉米品种地上部生物量随施氮量变化表现为N0 –0.341,中单909 Nc=30.801DM–0.370)具有很好的稳定性。相比中单909的模型参数,伟科702的参数a提高了15.70%,参数b降低了7.84%,且参数a变化值大于参数b。同一时期两个品种基于此模型的氮营养指数均随施氮量的增加而上升;施氮量低于180 kg/hm^2时,随着玉米生育时期的推进,氮营养指数随施氮量的增加呈先升高再降低的趋势,当施氮量超过240 kg/hm^2时,氮营养指数一直升高。氮营养指数与相对地上部生物量、相对产量相关性均达到显著水平。【结论】本文建立的豫中地区的两个品种玉米临界氮稀释曲线模型及氮营养指数,可以很好地诊断和评价玉米植株氮素营养状况。不同氮利用率品种间临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型参数存在差异,氮高效的品种具有较低的单位生物量氮浓度和较高的曲线斜率,其各时期临界氮浓度低于氮利用率低的品种。 相似文献
基于叶面积指数构建滴灌玉米营养生长期临界氮稀释曲线 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
明确宁夏引黄灌区基于叶面积指数(leaf area index,LAI)的滴灌玉米临界氮稀释曲线模型及其适用性,探讨以氮营养指数(nitrogen nutrition index,NNI)为监测指标对滴灌水肥一体化模式下玉米氮素营养状况诊断的可行性。该研究于2017-2018年开展了不同施氮量(0~450 kg/hm^2)下4个田块的试验,采用系统分析和统计建模的方法,分析了LAI和植株氮浓度(plant nitrogen concentration,PNC)的定量关系,构建和验证基于LAI的临界氮稀释曲线模型,并建立理论框架,将基于LAI的临界氮曲线与基于植株干物质(plant dry matter,PDM)的临界氮浓度曲线关联,比较基于LAI和PDM的临界氮曲线之间的差异。结果表明,玉米营养生长期临界氮和LAI符合幂函数关系,拟合模型的评价指标均方根误差(root mean square error,RMSE)和标准化均方根误差(normalized RMSE,n-RMSE)的结果分别为0.09和4.13%,模型具有较好的稳定性。在试验氮素水平范围内,不同生育时期NNI随施氮量的增加而增加,变化范围为0.53~1.34,NNI可以准确地反映滴灌玉米氮素营养状况。在非限氮处理下,玉米植株氮素吸收与LAI成正比,LAI与PDM的异速生长参数接近理论值2/3。构建的基于LAI的临界氮曲线可以有效地识别玉米拔节期至吐丝期植株所需的氮状态,为宁夏滴灌玉米氮肥精确管理提供了一种新的评价方法。 相似文献
Bernardo Melo Montes Nogueira Borges Thiago Batista Firmato De Almeida Renato De Mello Prado 《Journal of plant nutrition》2016,39(6):793-803
The objective was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen, associated to silicon, on soil chemical properties, nutritional status and yield of the second sugarcane ratoon. The experiment was carried out at a Haplustox, loamy texture. The treatments consisted of urea rates of 0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg ha?1 and two sources of correctives: silicate and lime. The use of nitrogen (N) associated with silicate and lime did not affect soil fertility; however, the use of silicate increased soil silicon content at harvest. Growth variables were not affected by the application of the treatments, except stalk number at harvest, which increased in the presence of silicon. N rates and the correctives did not affect the crop nutritional status, but affected the N and Si accumulation in the plant. The N rates increased the sugarcane ratoon yield regardless the use of silicate; however, they did not affect its technological quality. 相似文献
Rodrigo Oliver 《Journal of plant nutrition》2018,41(6):722-736
The current study aimed to verify the effect of the inoculant constituted by diazotrophic bacteria applied in different ways, associated to different nitrogen (N)-fertilizer doses, on the yield and N utilization efficiency of sugarcane ratoon. The use of inoculant did not affect the N content in leaves, the chlorophyll content, tiller number, stalk diameter, or any of the other assessed technological attributes. However, the use of inoculant associated to doses of 60 and 90 kg N ha?1 promoted increase in stalk yield, dry matter, and N accumulation and efficiency of N fertilizer, and, on the other hand, the association of inoculant with 120 kg N ha?1 caused reduction of these parameters. 相似文献
Andressa Freitas de Lima Rhein 《Journal of plant nutrition》2017,40(2):227-238
Soil hydric availability and nitrogen fertilization are important environmental factors that influence sugarcane production. In the present study, the physiological attributes SPAD index, maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm), leaf area index (LAI), chlorophyll and carotenoid content, and sugarcane productivity were assessed under different nitrogen doses (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg N ha?1) applied in the form of urea via subsurface drip fertigation. The physiological attributes were determined 38, 121, 208, 291, and 381 days after the third harvest (DAH), and stalk and sugar productivity at 381 DAH. The 100 kg N ha?1 dose has produced better results for the sugarcane physiological attributes. Increasing doses of nitrogen applied via subsurface drip fertigation increased the productivity of stalks and sugar considerably. 相似文献
降雨波动大和过量施氮是限制渭北旱地冬小麦生产中氮肥高效利用和高产稳产的主要因子。该研究旨在构建2种降雨年型下冬小麦临界氮浓度稀释曲线,分析氮营养指数诊断冬小麦氮素营养状况的可行性,为考虑降雨条件下旱地冬小麦精准施氮提供理论依据。于2017—2021年在陕西合阳县开展4 a定位施氮试验,以晋麦47为试验材料,设置0、60、120、180、240 kg/hm2 5个施氮水平,其中2017—2018年和2020—2021年为平水年,2018—2019和2019—2020年为欠水年。研究2种降雨年型下施氮量对冬小麦氮素利用、产量及产量构成因素的影响,基于2种降雨年型下地上部生物量与植株氮浓度之间的关系,构建临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型和氮营养指数(nitrogen nutrition index,NNI)优化施肥方案。结果表明:1)施氮量、降雨年型及其二者互作效应对穗数、千粒质量、产量影响显著或极显著。2)2种降雨年型下冬小麦临界植株氮浓度和地上部生物量均符合幂函数关系,但模型参数之间存在差异(模型参数a在平水年和欠水年分别为3.33、2.79 g/kg,参数b在平水年和欠水年... 相似文献
关中地区大蒜临界氮浓度稀释曲线及验证 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
过量施氮是关中地区大蒜生产的突出问题。构建针对关中地区主栽大蒜品种的临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型,进行氮素营养诊断和调控,对大蒜减氮稳产十分必要。基于2 a的大田试验,选用关中地区2个代表性主栽大蒜品种(苍山和改良蒜),设置施氮水平0(N0)、60(N60)、120(N120)、180(N180)、240(N240)、300(N300)kg/hm2(基追比4:4:2),分析不同施氮水平对地上部干物质和植株氮浓度的影响,分别构建了2个品种大蒜的临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型。结果表明:关中大蒜地上部临界氮浓度与最大干物质符合幂函数关系。使用基于临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型构建的氮营养指数模型对各处理氮素营养状况进行诊断,N240处理的氮营养指数接近于1,且可以获得最大的地上部干物质和相对产量。同时,氮营养指数与相对地上部干物质、相对产量的相关性均达到极显著水平。因此,240 kg/hm2可以作为关中地区大蒜施氮量的重要参考,该研究构建的大蒜临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型和氮营养指数模型对于大蒜的氮素营养诊断和精确施氮具有重要的意义。 相似文献
AbstractSweetpotato is an important tuber crop for the food security in Island countries of the South Pacific. The allometric relationship between tissue nitrogen (N) concentration and aerial dry matter is unknown. We determined critical N (Nc) content from vegetative stage to harvesting, and estimated the range of variation in N nutrition index (NNI) from two field experiments with varied rates of N (0, 25, 60, 125 and 180?kg N ha?1 in 2015 and 0, 50, 125, 175 and 250?kg N ha?1 in 2017). A unified critical N curve (Nc = 3.338?W?0.307) where W?=?aerial dry matter with W?≥?1.38 t ha?1, was constructed based on the N concentration in the aerial dry matter. The calculated NNI ranged from 0.69 to 1.23 in 2015 and 0.54 to 1.17 in 2017. The preliminary Nc dilution curve and NNI determined could potentially be used as a parameter for N management. 相似文献
基于临界氮浓度模型的日光温室甜椒氮营养诊断 总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4
临界氮浓度稀释曲线是诊断作物氮营养状况的有效手段。该研究基于2 a温室小区试验,以参考作物蒸发蒸腾量(reference crop evapotranspiration,ET0)为基准,设置4个灌溉水平(105%ET0、90%ET0、75%ET0、60%ET0)和4个氮素水平(300、225、150、75 kg/hm2),构建和验证基于地上部生物量的甜椒在不同水分条件下的临界氮浓度稀释曲线经验模型。结果表明,植株氮素吸收量、地上部生物量、经济产量和水分利用效率(water use efficiency,WUE)随灌水量增加呈先增加后减小的趋势;灌溉水平75%ET0和90%ET0下,最优施氮量差异较小,且可获得较高经济产量和WUE,但经济产量和WUE不能同时达到最佳。75%ET0灌溉水平可获得高于90%ET0灌溉水平约11%的水分利用效率,且经济产量仅降低约3%,鉴于研究区水资源较短缺,灌水量75%ET0施氮量190 kg/hm2左右为最佳策略。该研究可为西北地区温室甜椒实时精准灌水施氮提供理论依据和技术支持。研究可为西北地区温室甜椒实时精准灌水施氮提供理论依据和技术支持。 相似文献
滴灌番茄临界氮浓度、氮素吸收和氮营养指数模拟 总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8
作物的氮浓度随生物量的增加而下降,临界氮浓度是指在一定的生长时期内获得最大生物量时的最小氮浓度值。该文在滴灌条件下,基于3a不同的氮素水平试验,构建了加工番茄地上部生物量的临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型。结果表明,临界氮浓度与地上部最大生物量之间符合幂指数关系,相关系数为R~2=0.947,加工番茄最高(%Nmax)、最低(%Nmin)临界氮浓度稀释模型亦符合幂指数关系,相关系数分别为R~2=0.959、R~2=0.925。基于临界氮浓度建立了加工番茄氮素吸收模型(Nupt)、氮素营养指数模型(NNI),可作为加工番茄氮素营养状况的判别指标,氮素吸收和氮营养指数模型对新疆北疆加工番茄种植区的适宜施氮量诊断结果一致,均以300kg/hm2为最佳施氮量。该研究所建立的临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型较前人建立的模型更具机理性,因此,该模型所得出的分析结果是合适和可靠的,并且可用于指导加工番茄动态精准施肥及为氮素优化管理的建立提供参考。 相似文献
The relationship was assessed between the period of K15 NO3 application and the level of 15N in the blossoms of ‘Royal’ apricot (Prunus armen iaca L.). Late summer applications of K15NO, resulted in a 34 fold greater 15N enrichment of apricot blossoms the following year than K15NO3 applied during the dormant period. In contrast, 15N enrichment was 60% higher in vegetative shoots 30 days after anthesis when K15NO3 was applied during the dormant period as occurred following summer applications. Thus, fertilizer nitrogen applied in summer may support the early development of fruit to a greater extent than nitrogen applied during the dormant period. When K15NO3 was applied in Jan, 15N accumulation in reproductive organs occurred after anthesis and corresponded with the period of shoot elongation and leaf expansion. It appears that fertilizer N must be absorbed prior to leaf fall to reach reproductive organs during anthesis. 相似文献
基于叶片SPAD估算不同水氮处理下温室番茄氮营养指数 总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4
为了探讨临界氮稀释曲线模型在西北地区温室番茄不同水分处理下的适用性以及采用SPAD仪快速准确诊断氮营养状况,该研究以"丽娜"番茄为材料,2013-2015年在陕西省杨凌区温室内进行水分和氮素处理试验,水分处理设置4个水平,分别为全生育期充分灌水处理、仅苗期亏水50%、苗期开花期连续亏水50%和全生育期亏水50%;氮素处理设置3个水平,施氮量分别为0、150和300 kg/hm2,通过2013-2015年试验数据对临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型进行率定和验证,并将该模型参数与番茄全生育期平均日耗水量建立相关关系,提高了临界氮浓度稀释模型在不同水分条件下的适用性。结果表明通过番茄全生育期平均日耗水量和临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型估算得到的临界氮浓度估算值和实际计算值有较好的一致性,其绝对误差为0.13~0.34 g/(100 g),标准误差为0.14~0.39 g/(100 g),决定系数为0.94~0.99,因此采用该方法可以对西北地区温室番茄不同水分处理下临界氮浓度稀释进行准确估算。通过2013-2015年试验数据分析番茄不同叶位叶片SPAD值和氮营养指数(nitrogen nutrition index,NNI)之间相关性,结果表明番茄中位叶片SPAD值与氮营养指数(NNI)有良好的线性相关性(决定系数为0.77~0.98),且该相关系数值与番茄日耗水量呈极显著相关关系,因此通过番茄日耗水量可以估算出NNI与中位叶片SPAD值之间的线性关系,估算出NNI=1时的中位叶片SPAD值,并以此SPAD值进行氮营养诊断。该研究可为西北地区温室番茄实时氮营养诊断和优化氮素管理提供了较好的理论参考。 相似文献
为了优化膜下滴灌微咸水条件下棉花生产氮素管理。于2017–2019年在新疆库尔勒市开展3 a定位施氮试验,以新陆中棉花为试验材料,设置施氮水平0(NF0)、150(NF1)、250(NF2)、300(NF3)、350(NF4)、450(NF5)kg/hm2,各试验处理灌水量均为487.5 mm,分析施氮量对棉花地上部干物质量、氮素累积吸收量、产量和氮肥利用效率的影响,构建了膜下滴灌微咸水棉花临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型。结果表明:棉花氮素累积吸收量随生育期进程的推进而增大,棉花临界氮浓度与最大地上部干物质量符合幂函数关系。氮肥农学利用率和表观利用率均与施氮量呈二次多项式变化关系,氮肥生理利用率和偏生产力均与施氮量呈线性关系。氮浓度稀释曲线模型参数a和b分别为3.967和-0.227。NF1、NF2和NF3处理的氮素营养指数均小于1,表明氮素营养供应不足,棉花生长受到氮素限制。NF4和NF5处理的氮素营养指数接近于1,说明棉花氮素营养状况较好,但NF5产量和氮素利用效率较低,NF4获得最高产量和较高的氮素利用效率。因此,350 kg/hm2为南疆膜下滴灌微咸水棉花生育期推荐施氮量,该研究构建的临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型对田间施氮管理具有重要意义。 相似文献