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Several different Microbial source tracking methods (MSTs) can be used to distinguish human from animal fecal contamination in water; In this study, experiments were carried out to test the effectiveness and reliability of three bacteria based approaches (the fecal coliforms to fecal streptococci ratio, antibiotic-resistant Clostridium perfringens, and human bifidobacteria) in a simulated groundwater micro-environment. The methods were evaluated in three phases: initially, the specificity of each indicator was validated on groundwater samples affected by known pollution source; then the variation of performance with time of each method was determined, and finally, the die-off coefficients for pure species of Clostridium perfringens and Bifidobacterium adolescentis were measured. The results indicate that only the determination of human bifidobacteria concentration can be considered reliable in distinguishing human from animal pollution in groundwater at the conditions applied. Nevertheless, human bifidobacteria were detectable only for two weeks after the contamination event. This study also shows that antibiotic resistant Clostridium perfringens detected using the Shahidi-Ferguson medium is not source specific, whereas it confirms that this species can be useful for timing general fecal contamination events.  相似文献   

The results of investigations carried out in the forests of Kola peninsula subject to long-term air pollution by the nickel industrial enterprises are presented. Samples of rainwater from the open sites, from under the coniferous (pine) trees crowns and of the stemflow were collected at various distances from the emission sources. The highest levels in pollution of rainwater are detected over the area adjacent to the smelters. Researches of contamination of the precipitation in the vicinity of the two nickel enterprises of Kola peninsula show that concentrations of pollutants vary significantly (up to an order of magnitude) depending upon the meteorological conditions. The area of impact on forests of Kola peninsula is restricted by the radius of 30–40 km from the emission sources.  相似文献   

高产农田土壤硝态氮淋失与地下水污染动态研究   总被引:25,自引:5,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
对桓台县区域农田监测研究表明,水肥管理不同的2个监测区域郭家区、李家区高产农田土体内NO_3~--N淋失迁移动态有差异,地下水污染亦不同。春天始土体内NO_3~--N含量趋于持续降低,浅层地下水NO_3~--N含量则持续升高,雨季后地下水中NO_3~--N含量尤剧烈升高,并达年内最高值,表现出农田N肥对地下水的直接污染,这可能与李家区灌溉次数多、土壤质地较轻和地下水位较浅有关。  相似文献   

A specifically designed field trial was carried out in an apple orchard by applying Reldan 50 EC (active ingredient, chlorpyrifos-methyl) according to registered uses in Hungary to study the variability of results derived from supervised field trials. Two types of composite samples (A, size 24; and C, size 12) were taken at days 0, 3, 7, 10, and 14 after application to study the uncertainty of estimated residue values derived from supervised trials. In the case of type A the sampling officer selected the fruits from the specified quadrant of the tree, whereas for type C the fruits were taken from the vicinity of the marked position at consecutive sampling times. An evaluation model applying various formulas for the linearization of the decline curves of pesticide residues was applied, which enabled using the statistics of linear regression for calculating the best fit and confidence intervals for the experimental data. The results indicated that the uncertainty of sampling contributed approximately 84-90% of the combined uncertainty of the results (24-30%). In the decline studies performed simultaneously on the same field, the estimated time required to decrease the initial concentration to half ranged from 0.64 to 4.7 days. Despite the fact that the sample size of type C is half that of type A, both sampling methods provided similar results.  相似文献   

Soil microbial processes play an important role in relation to pesticide pollution of groundwater, and may be strongly influenced by hydrological and geochemical properties. The consequences of such heterogeneous environments on bacterial biomass, enzymatic activities, carbon utilisation patterns, and pesticide mineralisation potentials in the unsaturated zone of a sandy loam and a coarse sandy soil profile were studied. In sandy loam soil profiles the number of bacteria decreased from 109 cells g-1 in the surface layers to about 107 cells g-1 at 1.5-5 m depth. Simultaneously, the hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetate and arylsulfatase activity decreased to below the detection limit at about 1.5 m depth, and carbon utilisation patterns showed that bacterial populations from surface soil were significantly different from those from 4 m depth. Bacterial biomass and activity in macropore soil tended to be slightly higher than in matrix soil, and the carbon utilisation patterns of bacterial populations extracted from macropore soil and from matrix soil seemed to be different. Maximally 3% of 14C-labelled mecoprop and isoproturon was mineralised in soil from the 1-1.5 m depth, and less than 1.5% was mineralised in soil from the 3.5-4 m depth. The macropore soil tended to have a higher degradation potential than the matrix soil. The total number of bacteria in the coarse sandy soil profile decreased from about 108 in the plough layer to 107 cells g-1 at 0.4-2 m. The enzymatic activities and the degradation potentials of 14C-labelled mecoprop and isoproturon were significantly correlated (r2 >0.79) and showed a distinct decrease at about 0.4 m. In addition to the depth variability, a horizontal heterogeneity in this soil was observed as horizons or compartments that differed in colour, i.e. with different chemical composition and concentrations of Fe and organic matter. Counts of viable bacteria and measurements of fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis and arylsulfatase activity confirmed a high variability of microbial biomass and activity in the sandy soil profile.  相似文献   

Groundwater samples were collected from shallow aquifers underneath an industrial complex in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Arsenic (As) concentrations in the groundwater samples varied between 10?8.6 and 10?6.8 M (0.18 and 11.14 µg L?1), with an average of 10?7.5 M (2.19 μ L?1). The analysis of variance for the analytical data showed that sampling locations had significantly affected As concentrations in the groundwater samples. Analytical and thermodynamic calculations showed that H2ASO4 ? was the most predominant As species in acidic groundwater samples, and HAsO4 2? was the most abundant species in alkaline groundwater samples. Concentrations of H3AsO4° and AsO4 3? were too low to be important in this study. Reduced As chemical forms were also expected to be very low. All the groundwater samples were undersaturated with respect to the thermodynamic solubility isotherms of Ca3(AsO4)2(c), Fe3(AsO4)2(c), and Mn3(AsO4)2(c) minerals. Lack of reliable thermodynamic data for these arsenates could be responsible for differences between the theoretical and measured concentrations of As in the shallow groundwater samples. The general trend in the distribution of HAsO4 2? activities in the groundwater samples was parallel to that of the Ca3(AsO4)2 solubility isotherm but different from those of Fe3(AsO4)2(c), and Mn3(AsO4)2(c). These data suggest that As concentrations in the groundwater samples were probably controlled by the precipitation and dissolution of Ca3(AsO4)2 type mineral. A three step hypothesis for As interactions in groundwater/soil system is proposed that combines both solid phase formation and adsorption of As onto the solid colloidal surfaces. This hypothesis is expected to better represent As behavior in groundwater/soil environment.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - The aim of this study is the assessment of Ni, Mn, Cd, Cu, Pb, Cr and Zn accumulation by different herbaceous species and soils on the technogenic areas around...  相似文献   

Pyrites extraction at Aljustrel mines, south Portugal, is causing severe metal pollution of soil, water and air, leading to a growing concern with environmental degradation in the mining area and its surroundings. In this work we measured levels of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Pb in leaves and fruits of holm-oak (Quercus rotundifolia Lam.) trees growing at the outskirts of the mining area. The trees showed pronounced stunting, reduced leaf size and extensive necrotic and chlorotic spotting. The leaves from trees growing in the area under study had much higher concentrations of metals than the controls — ca. 50 times higher for Cu, 20 times for Pb and Zn, 10 times for Fe, and 2 times for Mn — but is is possible that part of the metals associated with the leaves are actually retained in the dense hair cover present on their lower surface. The acorns from the contaminated areas were also metal polluted, particularly with Fe, Zn, and Cu, and this finding raises the threat of animal and human health hazards, since these fruits are commonly used for feeding livestock and are occasionally consumed directly by man.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to evaluate black spruce (Picea mariana) as an indicator of environmental aluminum contamination. The territory studied extends to a radius of 100 km around the Alcan aluminum refinery in Jonquiere, Quebec, Canada. Samples of wood were taken from the trunks of trees at 26 sites at distances of 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 100 km from the refinery. Five trees were sampled at each site. Each sample was cut into 25 pieces corresponding to 50 yr growth. These were analyzed for aluminum by neutron activation. Soil samples taken near the bases of the trees were also analyzed and significant variations in exchangeable aluminum were observed as a function of direction from the refinery and distance. The pH of organic and mineral horizons show no significant difference. Exchangeable aluminum increased with soil acidity. The most contaminated sites showed important correlations (r2=0.73) between exchangeable aluminum in soil and aluminum in bark. We observed greater aluminum concentrations in tree rings corresponding to the last 20 yr, especially at sites directly exposed to environmental contamination along prevailing winds. In conclusion, black spruce appears to be a better spatial than chronological indicator of aluminum contamination.  相似文献   



The intersections of the terrestrial and aquatic systems (water-level fluctuation zones, WLFZs) suffer from the increasing pressure of hydroelectric construction and operation. Taking WLFZs upstream and downstream of Manwan Dam (first dam completed in Lancang River) as an example, the dam operation impacts on the heavy metals in soils in WLFZs were assessed.

Materials and methods

In December 2011, 117 soil samples were collected in the WLFZs and infralittoral reference zones (IRZs) with respect to heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) and metalloid (As) concentrations. Their concentrations were determined with the application of inductively coupled plasma atomic absorption spectrometry, ICP-AES. Enrichment factor (EF), ecological risk index (RI) and principal component analysis (PCA) were employed for element contamination and ecological risk assessment and source identification, respectively. The multivariable statistic approaches, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and a paired-samples T test were performed in the data analysis.

Results and discussion

Parts of element concentrations in the upstream were significantly higher than those in the downstream and significant differences existed between the WLFZs and IRZs. No significant difference was detected between the different water elevations in the WLFZs. Compared to the soil quality guidelines, As and Cd exceeded the standard in both the WLFZs and IRZs. In addition, the water-level fluctuation during the submergence increased the enrichment degree and risk level in the WLFZs. The sources of the studied elements could be divided into natural factors and anthropogenic inputs. In addition, the submergence changed the major contaminants in the upstream WLFZs.


The results verified that dam operation had an effect on the heavy metals in the soils in WLFZs. In addition, this study proposed a useful tool (modified enrichment factor) to assess the enrichment degree caused by the water-level fluctuation. Assessing the heavy metal contamination of soils in WLFZs could be an important first step to the rational management of the dam operation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Dietary surveys of 11- to 12-year-old Northumbrian children in 1980 and 1990 revealed that consumption of non-milk extrinsic sugars (NMES) was 16-17% of energy intake. This study reports dietary sugars consumption in 2000 and compares it with data collected in 1980 and 1990, using identical methods. DESIGN: A repeat cross-sectional dietary survey of children aged 1-12 years attending the same schools as in the 1980 and 1990 surveys. SETTING: Seven middle schools in south Northumberland. SUBJECTS: All children aged 11-12 years old attending the seven schools. METHOD: Food consumption was recorded using two 3-day diet diaries. Food composition tables were used to calculate energy and nutrient intakes. NMES, and milk and intrinsic sugars were calculated using previously described methods. RESULTS: The numbers of children completing the surveys in 1980, 1990 and 2000 were 405, 379 and 424, respectively; approximately 60-70% of eligible children. Total sugars provided 22% of energy consistently over the three surveys. NMES consumption in 2000 provided 16% of energy compared with 16% in 1980 and 17% in 1990. Sources of NMES changed over the three surveys. NMES from soft drinks doubled from 15 to 31 g day(-1), and from breakfast cereals increased from 2 to 7 g day(-1) over the 20 years. Confectionery and soft drinks provided 61% of NMES. Over 20 years, the proportion of energy from fat decreased by 5% and from starch increased by 4%, creating a welcome tilt in the fat-starch see-saw, without an adverse effect on sugars intake. CONCLUSIONS: Consumption of NMES in 2000 was substantially higher than recommended, and there has been little change over 20 years. Continued and coordinated efforts are required at a national, community and individual level to reduce the intake of NMES.  相似文献   

The research area was the Fuhrberger Feld aquifer (FFA) in northern Germany. It is situated about 30km northeast of the city of Hannover and covers about 300km2. Six multilevel sampling wells along a representative strip under predominantly arable land along a groundwater flow-line were sampled from the groundwater table down to a depth of 10m below the soil surface. We measured N2O, CO2, NO3, SO42−, DOC, pH, redox potentials and O2 concentrations.N2O accumulated at four out of six wells close to the groundwater table. About 20% of N2O that occurred between the groundwater table and 7–8m below it resided in the top 0.4m. An exchange zone for N2O at the interface between the saturated and the unsaturated zone extended 0.55 ± 0.22m below the groundwater table and acted as a source and sink for N2O. N2O below the exchange zone cannot be transferred from the groundwater to the atmosphere. The upward fluxes from the exchange zone into the unsaturated zone at the six wells ranged between 0.0009 and 0.3kg N2O ha− 1 year− 1. The yearly downward fluxes into the exchange zones had about the same order of magnitude as the upward fluxes. The upward and downward fluxes of N2O at the (fluctuating) water table did cancel out each other, but this does not yet imply, that the N2O fluxes at the soil surface also cancel out each other.N2O–N:NO3–N ratios were highly variable ranging from 0.0002 to 0.0417.A multiple regression for the monthly N2O amounts in the exchange zone could explain 66% of the yearly variation. The significant variables were NO3, CO2, pH, and O2. Therefore, a combination of the land use (NO3), the geochemical boundary conditions (pH) and the type of denitrification reaction (O2 and CO2 indicate the importance of a heterotrophic denitrification process) governed the N2O dynamics in the surface groundwater of the FFA and its transfer into the unsaturated zone.  相似文献   

Maghemite with an unusual habit was identified in the sandy fraction of two Alfisols and one Ultisol by X-ray and electron diffraction. Hematite was also present. Morphological analyses by scanning and transmission electron microscopy showed needle-like particles of maghemite with average lengths of 200–500 nm depending on the degree of the crystallinity. Those particles are arranged in star-like patterns as shown by ultrathin sections. Experimental synthesis of maghemite was successfully attempted in the presence of quartz sand with the freshly-formed crystals displaying the same particular morphology. Formation of acicular maghemite catalysed by quartz surfaces is, therefore, postulated.  相似文献   

Over 3 yr of particulate measurements were made at two high elevation sites in the southern Appalachian Mountains of Tennessee and Virginia. Both dichotomous samplers and filter packs were used to obtain day and night, week-long samples for subsequent elemental and ionic analysis. Total No inf3 sup? (HNO3 + No in3 sup? ) and SO inf4 sup2? averaged, respectively, 1.1 and 5.0 µg m?3 at Look Rock, Tennessee and 2.0 and 6.4 µg m?3 at Whitetop Mountain, Virginia. At Whitetop Mountain, the spring and summer seasons had the highest average SO inf4 sup2? concentrations. Seasonally, total N03 varied little. The diurnal variation of elements and SO inf4 sup2? was small. Only total NO inf3 sup? varied substantially with highest values during the day. The fine fraction (particle diameter < 2.5 µm) accounted for about 67% of the total mass. Fine mass and elemental concentrations were generally higher at Look Rock. The elements comprising the principal mass fraction of the coarse samples (2.5 gm < particle diameter < 10 to 15 µm) were of crustal origin (e.g., Al, Si, Ca, Fe) while the element comprising the principal mass fraction of the fine samples (i.e., S) was of manmade origin. Cluster analysis identified two groups of elements at Whitetop Mountain. These groups, in both the coarse and fine fraction, were associate with a soil and an automobile emission component. At Look Rock, only a soil component was obvious.  相似文献   

Providing an appropriate negative control for the experimental factor arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) is a fundamental methodological problem. Therefore, the nonmycorrhizal (myc ) and nonnodulating (nod ) pea (Pisum sativum L.) mutant P2 was studied together with the parental symbiotic isogenetic variety Frisson in three experiments: (1) growth response to water supply in a climate chamber under nonsymbiotic growth conditions, (2) field evaluation at three sites in the Alentejo, South Portugal, and (3) growth response to P supply in a soil low in available P in a greenhouse‐chamber experiment. In the climate chamber at high NPK levels, mutant P2 achieved the same biomass as Frisson at 80% and 40% water‐holding capacity, respectively. For the field evaluation, three sites were chosen with normal arable use (Évora), extensive use as Montado (Portel), and intensive horticultural use (Mitra). The colonization of pea roots with AM fungi ranged from 4% (Mitra) to more than 90% (Portel), probably caused by differences in P availability. The plant density of mutant P2 was generally 25% lower than that of Frisson . Yield indices were all lowest at Portel, despite the same NPK fertilization. Grain and shoot yield of mutant P2 did not reach the level of Frisson at any site. Differences in N and P concentrations between the two isolines were insignificant in most cases. Differences in the amount of shoot P per plant consistently mirrored the mycorrhizal status of the three sites. Roughly 50% of the yield depression per m2 could be attributed to the lower plant density of mutant P2, the remaining 50% must be caused by AM‐fungal colonization or other factors. In the final pot experiment using the soil with low P availability from Portel, the main benefit of AM for peas was enhanced P uptake. Central questions could not be answered using a nonmycorrhizal control. However, mutants remain one interesting tool, best be used in combination with other approaches to estimate the effects of mycorrhization.  相似文献   

The behavior of dissolved (<0.45 μm) inorganic compounds during infiltration of river water into the adjacent aquifer (unconsolidated glacio-fluvial sediments) was investigated at the Glatt River, Switzerland, field site. The water was sampled in the river and from wells at distances of 2.5, 5, 13, and 110 m along an estimated groundwater flow line. Sodium, K, Ca, Mg, Sr, Cr, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Cl?, NO3 ?, SO4 2?, and PO4 3? were measured using AAS, NAA, and ion chromatography. Groundwater concentrations of these species are mainly determined by the concentrations in the river. However, the concentrations of NO3 ?, (PO4 3?), Cr, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb are also subject to seasonal variations in the near infiltration field (≤ 5 m). These variations are probably triggered by temperature dependent biological processes which influence parameters such as pH, redox potential and complexing agents. The redox potential controls the chemical behavior of Mn, which influences the solubility of heavy metal compounds. The extent of inorganic pollution in the investigated system is still much below drinking water standards, but for Cd, reaches the toxicity limit for aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

应用人力资本法、防护支出法和支付意愿调查法评估了华北高产粮区桓台县地下水农业面源硝酸盐污染的环境经济损失,并分析了不同评估技术对农业面源硝酸盐污染地下水环境价值损失评估的适用性,其适用性优先序为防护支出法的深井工程法>脱硝工程法≥人力资本法>支付意愿调查法。2 0 0 2年该县由农业地下水硝酸盐污染造成的年环境价值损失约为880万元(86 0 .8~1170 .1万元/浕) ,占当年农业总产值的1.1%~1.5 %。  相似文献   

Long term flux measurements of different crop species are necessary to improve our understanding of management and climate effects on carbon flux variability as well as cropland potential in terrestrial carbon sequestration. The main objectives of this study were to analyse the seasonal dynamics of CO2 fluxes and to establish the effects of climate and cropland management on the annual carbon balance.CO2 fluxes were measured by means of the eddy correlation (EC) method over two cropland sites, Auradé and Lamasquère, in South West France for a succession of three crops: rapeseed, winter wheat and sunflower at Auradé, and triticale, maize and winter wheat at Lamasquère. The net ecosystem exchange (NEE) was partitioned into gross ecosystem production (GEP) and ecosystem respiration (RE) and was integrated over the year to compute net ecosystem production (NEP). Different methodologies tested for NEP computation are discussed and a methodology for estimating NEP uncertainty is presented.NEP values ranged between −369 ± 33 g C m−2 y−1 for winter wheat at Lamasquère in 2007 and 28 ± 18 g C m−2 y−1 for sunflower at Auradé in 2007. These values were in good agreement with NEP values reported in the literature, except for maize which exhibited a low development compared to the literature. NEP was strongly influenced by the length of the net carbon assimilation period and by interannual climate variability. The warm 2007 winter stimulated early growth of winter wheat, causing large differences in GEP, RE and NEE dynamics for winter wheat when compared to 2006. Management had a strong impact on CO2 flux dynamics and on NEP. Ploughing interrupted net assimilation during voluntary re-growth periods, but it had a negligible short term effect when it occurred on bare soil. Re-growth events after harvest appeared to limit carbon loss: at Lamasquère in 2005 re-growth contributed to store up to 50 g C m−2. Differences in NEE response to climatic variables (VPD, light quality) and vegetation index were addressed and discussed.Net biome production (NBP) was calculated yearly based on NEP and considering carbon input through organic fertilizer and carbon output through harvest. For the three crops, the mean NBP at Auradé indicated a nearly carbon balanced ecosystem, whereas Lamasquère lost about 100 g C m−2 y−1; therefore, the ecosystem behaved as a carbon source despite the fact that carbon was imported through organic fertilizer. Carbon exportation through harvest was the main cause of this difference between the two sites, and it was explained by the farm production type. Lamasquère is a cattle breeding farm, exporting most of the aboveground biomass for cattle bedding and feeding, whereas Auradé is a cereal production farm, exporting only seeds.  相似文献   

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