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[目的]研究菲胁迫下活性氧和抗氧化物质的变化规律,探究蒿柳抗氧化系统的防御机制,为提高其对多环芳烃(PAHs)的抗性及加强植物修复的研究提供理论依据。[方法]以蒿柳扦插苗为试验材料,采用水培方式,研究其在0、1.0 mg·L-1菲处理下活性氧、抗氧化酶、抗氧化剂以及丙二醛(MDA)的动态变化,处理时间为16 d。[结果]研究表明:(1)菲处理后第4天,H2O2含量和氧自由基(O2·-)生成速率迅速增加,MDA含量升高,过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性显著上升;第8天超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性显著升高;第16天时,H2O2含量下降到与对照无显著差异,O2·-和MDA的增加量下降。(2)还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)和谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)在处理后第4天即迅速上升,谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶(GST)呈缓慢上升趋势。(3)还原型抗坏血酸(AsA)含量在处理后第4天低于对照,但随着处理时间的延长呈上升趋势,在第16天时高于对照。[结论]菲胁迫下,O2  相似文献   

The impact of Melampsora rust on the growth of Salix burjatica‘Korso’was assessed. Comparisons were made between untreated plants and those where the disease had been partially controlled using fungicides. Fungicides delayed the onset of the disease and its effects on growth. Leaf loss was reduced whilst shoot growth and dry matter yields increased. The effect of secondary organisms was also reduced resulting in lower levels of shoot death in the following season.  相似文献   

Survival, growth, plant structure and insect damage of in vitro‐derived cuttings from two Salix clones (5. schwerinii and 5. viminalis) were compared in a field trial with performance of conventional cuttings of the same clones. No obvious morphological abnormalities were induced by in vitro treatment. The survival rate of in vitro‐derived cuttings of the S. schwerinii clone was much higher than that of conventional cuttings. In the 5. viminalis clone, height growth was slightly but significantly reduced for in vitro‐derived cuttings compared with conventional cuttings although stem basal area and estimated plant dry weight were unaffected. The number of stems per cutting, the number of side shoots per stem and gall midge damage did not appear to be affected by the type of cutting. Electrophoretic analysis of 12 enzyme systems revealed identical isozyme patterns for m vitro‐derived and conventionally propagated plants.  相似文献   

In order to find a nitrogen fertilization regime that is economically feasible in commercial short‐rotation forest stands of basket willow (Salix viminalis L.), a field trial was established on a clay soil near Västerås, central Sweden, in early 1990. A response surface design was used in which three levels of treatment were chosen for each single year: year 1—0, 30, 60, kg N ha?1; year 2—0, 60, 120, kg N ha?1; year 3—0, 90, 180, kg N ha?1; year 4—0, 60, 120, kg N ha?1. Thirty‐two combinations of these levels, out of 81 possible, were chosen and divided into four blocks. Thus, eight unique treatments were randomized to the plots within each block, providing no replicates at the end of the experimental period. This gave us a more flexible and informative experiment than many of those used earlier with rather few treatments, although they were replicated. After 4 years the willow stand was harvested and the accumulated stem production of each treatment was assessed. The effect of nitrogen fertilization on accumulated stem growth over the experimental period was found to be significant only for nitrogen applied in years 2 and 3, with a somewhat (statistically significant) larger effect in year 2. Growth response to nitrogen fertilization was best approximated with a function including terms with applied amount of nitrogen in years 2 and 3 and, furthermore, a term of interaction with negative coefficient between these years. The interaction between these years was interpreted as the system's ability to recycle nitrogen from one year to another.  相似文献   

Three test series were planted on sites selected for their contrasting properties to study the genotype × site interaction. Various clones of Salix alba (8 clones in the 1980 series), S. dasyclados (8 clones in 1982 series) and S. viminalis (6, 9, 13 clones in the various series) were included. Growth capacity, survival and infection by rust fungi were analysed. Interspecific variation was seen at some of the sites in the 1982 series but it was pronounced in the 1980 series where 5. viminalis outgrew 5. alba at all sites. Intraspecific variation could be seen for growth capacity, survival and rust resistance. A genotype × site interaction was detected for all variables studied. Some of the interaction, especially at the species level, can be explained by the variation in susceptibility to rust fungi and preference for soil types. In the breeding work with Salix the genotype × site interaction must be considered.  相似文献   

对在杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县白音诺勒乡设立的黄柳小红柳高立式活体沙障进行了调查及统计分析,结果表明。黄柳的最适埋条深度为75-90cm,小红柳沙障建植最适埋条深度为65—80cm。综合考虑2个树种沙障的地上地下生长状况、防风固沙能力、适应性以及柳编开发利用价值的大小.可以认为黄柳作为嫩江沙地的主要沙障材料更为适宜。  相似文献   


Spore germination, growth and appresssoria formation for Melampsora willow rust were studied for compatible and incompatible hosts to elucidate penetration specificity and prehaustorial events in the infection process. Rust originating from Salix dasyclados was inoculated on a compatible (S. dasyclados) and an incompatible (Salix daphnoides) clone and, for comparison, on the non-host plants tomato, tobacco and poplar. The same experimental procedure was also carried out for rust originating from poplar. Rust development was followed for 5 days at 20 h intervals using a microscope with fluorescent equipment. The study showed that the Melampsora rust can develop on, and penetrate, the leaf regardless of whether the rust was inoculated on compatible or incompatible willow plants. However, the fungus was able to infect and reproduce itself only in compatible interactions. For willow rust in the prehaustorial stage, the study indicated that specific recognition mechanisms were unnecessary to start the infection process.  相似文献   

The activity of cell wall-degrading enzymes, produced in poplar cultivars infected Melampsora laricipopulina Kleb., was studied. The results show that PMG, PMTE, CX and β-glucosidase played roles during the infection. After inoculation, the activity of PMG in both susceptible and resistant cultivars had two peak values in 2 dpi and 5 dpi. The activities of PMTE and β-glucosidase had a peak value in 3 dpi, and CX in 2 dpi. Among these cell wall-degrading enzymes, the activities of PMG and PMTE were higher and the activities of CX and β-glucosidase were relatively lower. The activities of these cell wall-degrading enzymes were significantly higher in susceptible cultivars than those in resistant cultivars. All these demonstrated that these cell wall-degrading enzymes played certain roles in the infection of M. larici-populina. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2008, 44(5): 79–83 [译自: 林业科学]  相似文献   

杨树与栅锈菌互作过程中光合、蒸腾作用变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用LI-6400便携式光合仪对受落叶松-杨栅锈菌 Melampsora larici-populina Kleb.侵染后的杨树寄主的光合、蒸腾作用进行了动态监测.通过对不同抗性的杨树寄主在不同接种时间段的光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)以及蒸腾速率(Tp)活体监测后发现,在受到栅锈菌侵染后,抗病品种和感病品种的净光合速率、胞间CO2浓度均随接种时间的延长而逐渐下降.其中抗病品种内下降的幅度要比感病品种小.蒸腾速率在寄主受侵后开始逐渐下降直到开始产孢,但是在产孢后蒸腾速率就开始持续上升并超过健康寄主,并在产孢高峰达到最大值.气孔导度在接种后迅速增加,在产孢前后又开始大幅度的下降.这4个基本生理指标变化说明,栅锈菌侵染寄主后对寄主的光合、蒸腾作用均有影响,而且在亲合性组合中影响显著.  相似文献   

几种柳树抗逆性调查初报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过连续3年对哈密石油基地柳属中国的不同种与变种的调查结果表明,垂柳和旱柳抗寒能力强,而抗病虫害能力以馒头柳为好,今后绿化造林,应选择垂柳和旱柳为主,馒头柳生长较好,抗病虫害能力也较强,但抗寒越冬干梢率高,可在小气候优越地段栽植。  相似文献   

The appearance of Melampsora spp. rust on a range of Salix spp. clones used for short rotation coppice was recorded. The progress of the disease and its subsequent effect on leaf fall was also recorded. Rust pustules from all the clones described were examined using the Stereoscan Elec-tron Microscope. This revealed no differences in uredospore architecture which could be consis-tently related to host.  相似文献   

Diurnal variation in leaf extension and biophysical parameters of leaf growth were measured in young leaves from a stand of Salix viminalis L. in southern Sweden over a two-day period of clear skies during late July. Leaf growth rate (irreversible extension) was greatest during the late afternoon and early evening, falling to negligible values during the night and early morning.Leaf water potential and leaf osmotic potential showed declining values in the morning with subsequent recovery in the late afternoon. Diurnal variation in osmotic potential (-1.3 to -1.7 MPa) was small compared with that of leaf water potential (-0.1 to -1.2 MPa). Calculated values of leaf turgor pressure during the night (1.2 MPa) were double the midday values. Growth rate correlated poorly with turgor, which (except on one occasion) was always above a calculated value of yield turgor at 0.53 MPa.Diurnal variation in extension growth rate was large compared with that in plastic extensibility of leaf tissue as measured by an Instron technique. Values of extensibility were low and showed little diurnal variation, which is consistent with a proposed negative feedback of expansive growth rate on extensibility. Extension growth rate correlated well with air temperature, suggesting that the rate of leaf expansion may have been limited by a temperature-dependent rate of cell wall loosening.  相似文献   

2008年柳州首次引入美花红千层(Callistemon citrinus)和垂枝红千层(Callistemon viminalis),经过4年多的栽培繁殖和观测研究表明:2种红千层能适应柳州市气候条件,能正常生长开花,花色鲜艳美丽,一年开2次花,观花期长达4~5个月。繁殖宜采用压条和扦插,其栽培应用技术为地栽和盆栽,是优良的观花园林树种,可在柳州及相应地区推广应用。  相似文献   

Specific leaf area (SLA), nitrogen and chlorophyll concentrations and photosynthetic characteristics were studied in upper and lower canopy leaves of Salix viminalis and S. dasyclados grown at two nutrition levels. Fertilization increased SLA and leaf mass-based nitrogen concentration in most cases. Positive effects of fertilization on leaf light-saturated photosynthetic rate (A max A ) and maximum carboxylation rate (V cmax) were not detected. Significant differences between the leaves from upper and lower canopy layers in area-based nitrogen, A max A , SLA, mass-based chlorophyll, V cmax and stomatal conductance were found for most plots. We attempted to estimate the fraction of non-photosynthetic nitrogen and found that it tended to be higher due to fertilization. Thus, the insensitivity of leaf photosynthesis to fertilization could be caused by higher proportion of non-photosynthetic nitrogen in the leaves of fertilized plots. Though leaf-level photosynthesis was not increased by fertilization, considerably higher leaf area index of fertilized plots still resulted in increased canopy carbon gain.  相似文献   

柳树在环境污染生物修复中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
柳树适应性强、根系发达、生物量大、生长速度快、萌芽更新能力强,耐水湿,可以吸取各种污染物,是环境遭受污染后的重要生物修复树种。深入地论述了柳树对重金属污染、有机物污染和水体富营养化的生物修复作用,以及对土壤污染、水体污染、大气污染的生物修复作用。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯地区沙柳生长状况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要对鄂尔多斯地区沙柳生长状况进行调查,分析了沙柳盖度与土壤含水率的关系,采用数理统计的主成分分析法分析了影响沙柳生物量的主要生长指标;树高、冠幅、地径、分枝数与沙柳盖度之间的关系;沙柳盖度与沙柳地上生物量之间的关系,进而确定了鄂尔多斯地区沙柳的适宜生长盖度是45%~55%,为造林生产中以水为主要影响因子的科学初植密度提供了基础理论依据。  相似文献   

中国城市植柳历史及文化象征意义   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
文章结合中国城市植柳历史,分析了柳树的文化象征意义,最后挖掘了柳树之魂,即柳树是体现女性——母亲的载体之一。    相似文献   

以圆叶柳即将萌动的生长点为材料,进行生长点生长与分化、试管苗生根、移栽和移植的研究,建立起圆叶柳无性系.结果表明:生长点生长培养的适宜培养基为MS+6-BA0.1 mg·L-1+GA30.5 mg·L-1+NAA0.2 mg·L-1;生长芽分化培养的适宜培养基为MS+NAA0.1 mg·L-1+6-BA0.5 mg·L...  相似文献   

The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 led to a significant increase of radionuclide content in the eastern part of central Sweden. Radioactive cesium (Cs-134 and Cs-137) have accumulated in the soil, waters and living organisms. In agriculture, farmers are looking for alternative crops also in areas with a high radioactive content. Biomass plantations for energy are potential candidates for such soils provided the cycling of radionuclides can be controlled. Nothing IS known so far about the behaviour of cesium in energy forest production systems. The ability to take up cesium and the distribution of Cs-134 and Cs-137 within plants were investigated in a selected fast-mowing willow clone. kesium-contaminatid soil was used as substrate for apot experiment with cutting-derived plants of Salix viminalis. The total plant uptake of Cs-134 + Cs-137 was approximately 0.2% of the cesium present in the soil substrate. Almost 90% of the assimilated cesium was found allocated to the roots. The total amount of cesium in the plants increased over time.  相似文献   

4种柳树苗木叶的PV水分参数对水分胁迫的响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在温室内研究了瑞典能源柳C号、2号柳、4号柳和陕北红皮柳苗木的抗旱能力。对其盆栽苗木施行水分轻度胁迫、中度胁迫、重度胁迫及正常(供水)生长4种处理,应用压力室和PV技术测定4种柳树苗木在不同处理状态下的叶组织多项水分参数,以此对其苗木的耐旱能力作综合评定。结果表明,在水分胁迫条件下,2号柳苗木叶吸收水分的能力最强;4种柳树的苗木均有一定的渗透调节和保持膨压能力,4号柳、2号柳、红柳的苗木能通过增加叶束缚水的含量来实现渗透调节,但其依靠改变苗木叶束缚水的含量来实现渗透调节的作用有限,红柳、4号柳苗木在土壤相对含水量降至61%时,2号柳苗木在土壤相对含水量降至46%时,其叶由束缚水含量所引起的渗透调节作用消失;在水分胁迫条件下,红柳、4号柳苗木通过改变叶组织细胞壁的弹性来保持其的膨压,2号柳、能源柳C号的苗木主要靠叶渗透调节来维持其的膨压。水分胁迫能增强红柳、能源柳C号、4号柳苗木保持最大膨压的能力,而降低2号柳苗木维持最大膨压的能力;4号柳能通过提高苗木叶细胞原生质忍耐脱水的能力来适应干旱,能源柳C号、红柳苗木叶细胞原生质耐脱水能力对水分胁迫的适应性差,在水分胁迫条件下其耐脱水能力减弱。通过对4种柳树苗木叶组织渗透调节和维持膨压能力的综合比较,其抗旱能力由强至弱依次为能源柳C号、2号柳、红柳和4号柳。  相似文献   

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