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木材变色的研究状况及展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了木材变色问题的国内外研究现状,给出了木材防变色方法和对已变色木材的除色方法,并对未来的研究方向提出了自己的看法和见解。  相似文献   

木材光变色及其防止的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了木材光变色的研究现状,包括木材光变色的变化规律和变色机理;抑制木材光变色的措施;以及所使用化学药剂的研究。展望发展趋势,为选择高效、低毒、环保的抑制木材光变色药剂及防止光变色的措施提供可靠的依据。  相似文献   

Similar gram-positive bacteria in the genera Bacillus and Actinomyces were isolated from sapwood and stage-one discolored wood of red maple. These isolates are unlike those previously reported from red maple wood in advanced decay.  相似文献   

由于木材变色已给木材工业带来较大的经济损失,因此,有效地保护木材,提高它的利用率就变得更加重要。本文对由长喙壳和其他真菌引起的木材变色,变色机理,为害,对木材性质的影响,以及我国主要木材变色病的研究进行了概述。  相似文献   

木材的变色   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本文论述了木材变色的特征及其防治措施 ,介绍了有代表性色调的变色特征、除色和防变色方法 ,同时探讨了已变色木材的普通除色方法、变色木材的利用以及药液处理时应注意的事项  相似文献   

The effectiveness of compartmentalization following wounding was tested in red spruce trees at two locations in the northeastern United States. The test provided a basis to rank the two forest stands on the basis of the effectiveness of compartmentalization.  相似文献   

三倍体毛白杨无性系木材两个切面密度的可视化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张文杰  程磊  张志毅 《林业科学》2004,40(4):211-216
This study uses two different mathematical models and gets two dimensional graphs of longitudinal and tangential section wood density at the same time by the radial wood density data measured by X-ray. The graph is direct and clear. It can be used to analyze the distribution and difference of wood density. It can also be done various kinds of transformation, including different angle, different colors, space and plane, part and entirety. This develops the visible analysis of wood density. Next the distribution of wood density of veneer will be simulated by new mathematical model and radial wood density data.  相似文献   

Natural durability of wood is determined by the European standard EN 252 for specimens in ground contact and EN 113 for basidiomycetes in the laboratory, but no test exists for above ground conditions. For above ground conditions, the European prestandard ENV 12037 and EN 330 are used to determine the durability of treated wood. The most important factors for fungal establishment on the surface and within wood are the moisture content, the surrounding temperature, and the relative humidity. Strength tests are the most sensitive for decay detection, but neither strength tests nor identification of fungi responsible for the decay are included in the standards of above ground durability in field tests. To detect decay, visual examination, pick or splinter tests, and mass loss determination are used. Identifying fungi with traditional methods, e.g., growth on solid medium, is time consuming and complicated. Molecular methods like polymerase chain reaction and sequencing do not require mycological skill for identification to species level, and furthermore the methods do not depend on the subjective judgement like most traditional methods, but are based on the objective information of the target organism (e.g., nucleotide sequences). The next generation of standard field tests will probably consider the drawbacks of standard tests today and be rapid and include both quality tests like molecular identification and nondestructive quantitative tests, e.g., acoustic tests. Laboratory tests can be improved by using fungi identified from field trials and by combining different fungi in the same test and thus simulate degradation in practice.  相似文献   

酸雨对杨树木材性质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
受酸雨危害和未受酸雨危害的杨树木材性质的对比表明:酸雨对杨树生长和木材性质产生显著的影响。与未受危害的健康材相比,危害材的木素和戊聚糖含量相对升高3.72%和1.43%,而综纤维素的含量相对减少3.45%,热水抽出热,苯-醇抽出物和1%NaOH抽出物含量明显高于健康材。  相似文献   

通过化学方法、材面色差分析法、扫描电镜观察和化学成分分析,研究了白桦木材的蓝变和黄变,探讨了变色的原因及主要类型。研究结果表明:白桦蓝变材的变色是由变色菌侵蚀木材引起的,变色深入木材内部。木材薄壁细胞腔内充满了大量的变色菌丝体,菌丝体本身的颜色及其分泌的色素是木材变色的原因。蓝变材部分半纤维素发生降解,其各项抽提物含量比正常材高;而黄变材是由于自然环境变化引起的创伤性木材变色,存在于木材局部区域,其部分导管和少量木纤维细胞被胶状物所填充,内含物增加,木材三大组分没有明显变化。  相似文献   

对引进11个毛白杨新无性系,在造林试验获取各无性系生长、形质指标,以及抗病性状等数据基础上,进行了多性状选择。结果BT17、51L-7、193、175、196、BT18、BT85等7个新无性系生长快、不蹲苗、破腹病率低,适应性强,材积生长比对照增益180.35%,是大连地区造林优良新品种,其中193、BT17、BT18为雄性不飞絮无性系,又是城镇绿化的好品种。  相似文献   

美洲黑杨新无性系生根性状的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对12个美洲黑杨无性系生根性状遗传变异的研究表明,不同无性系在最早生根时间、主根总数及主根总长等方面均存在极显著差异。水培不同时期主根总数、主根总长的广义遗传力在0.657 0~0.691 1、0.617 5~0.785 9之间,表明这两个生根性状在无性系间具有稳定的遗传变异,且受中等至强度遗传控制,具有较大的选择潜力。采用50~150 mg/L ABT溶液预处理对各无性系诱导根平均根数和平均长度有不同程度的促进作用,且以50 mg/L ABT溶液预处理后长势最好。  相似文献   

河北毛白杨木材纤维长度变异的研究   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
曾其蕴 《林业科学》1990,26(3):232-238
本文对毛白杨的木材纤维形态进行了测定分析,并着重对河北毛白杨(易县雌株)的不同栽植地区、树龄及树干不同部位的木纤维长度变异进行了研究。河北毛白杨的平均纤维长度可达1.50mm以上,是已知杨属木材中纤维长度最长的。其纤维长度变异与树龄、树干高度及栽培环境等有关。它早期速生,幼龄期纤维长度随树龄增加迅速,12—14年生以后,纤维长度达最大值后渐趋稳定,纤维长度随树龄变化可用y=1.0490+0.0377x-0.0006x~2的方程表示。是理想的制浆造纸和纤维用材树种,具有重要的应用前景。  相似文献   

为了满足辽宁省的杨树栽培需求,在分析辽宁省的自然条件、杨树的生物学和生态学特性基础上,采用田间调查和模糊聚类分析等相结合的方法,将辽宁省划分为4个杨树栽培区、3个杨树组,即慢生杨树组、中生杨树组、速生杨树组;列出4个栽培区适合栽植的杨树品种(无性系)。讨论了山地和盐碱地栽植杨树以及气候变暖对速生杨树栽培的影响等问题。该文为以后辽宁省各地区如何选择杨树品种造林提供了技术支撑,具有较大的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

The selection of drought-tolerant plants is an important aspect of plant breeding.We studied physiological and biochemical mechanisms of different ploidies of Populus ussuriensis Kom.that relate to drought stress tolerance.We used a 5%(v/v)polyethylene glycol(PEG-6000)solution to simulate drought stress.We recorded leaf phenotypes including color,dry area and curl degree.We evaluated sequential variations in some drought stress tolerance-related physiological and biochemical indices and compared these among diploid clones(CK),triploid clones(T12)and tetraploid clones(F20).T12 leaves exhibited slightly more drought stress damage than CK and F20 leaves.CK leaves suffered the most severe drought stress damage.The physiological and biochemical indices of the different ploidies differed significantly 12 days after drought stress treatment.The activities of superoxide dismutase,peroxidase,catalase and proline in the triploid(T12)leaves were the highest.The relative electric conductivity and malondialdehyde content of T12 leaves were the lowest.The index values of F20 were between those ofthe diploid and triploid.In consideration of these results,the drought resistance of the three different ploidies of P.ussuriensis can be ranked as T12>F20>CK.We speculate that the gene expression patterns of polyploid clones of poplar will change after genome doubling and that some of the drought stress tolerance-related physiological and biochemical indices will be improved,resulting in greater drought tolerance of polyploid clones.  相似文献   

杨树林分密度研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过查阅国内外有关杨树造林密度方面的文献,从林分密度与生长量、树冠结构、木材性质、耐荫性、耗水、病害发生等方面关系,综述了国内外杨树林分密度研究的现状。分析了在杨树造林实践中,选择适宜造林密度的重要性,并提出了杨树林分密度研究前景。  相似文献   

人工林毛白杨木材解剖构造与染色效果相关性的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
段新芳  鲍甫成 《林业科学》2001,37(1):112-116
为探讨木材构造和木材染色效果之间的相关性变化规律,本研究测字5株34块人工林毛白杨 的解剖构造及其木材染色效果,对二者的相关性进行了多元回归分析。结果表明,毛白杨木材染色效果与解剖因子之间有一定的相关关系,各染色效果指标与木材解剖因子间的复相关系数在0.4836-0.7998之间,采用比较多元回归分析标准回归系数的方法,确定了影响毛白杨木材染色效果的主要解剖因子为导管比量、木纤维比量和木射线量等因子。  相似文献   

从美国田纳西州、路易斯安那州引进599个无性系,通过3年苗期试验,对苗期生长表现较好的13个无性系进行生长量测定,结果表明:一根一干苗各无性系之间地径生长存在显著性差异,二根一干苗和三根一干苗各无性系之间地径生长存在着极显著性差异;苗高生长在各无性系之间均存在着极显著性差异;参试无性系的地径、苗高表型变异系数分别为12.638%和5.570%,广义遗传力分别为0.835和0.860,遗传变异系数分别为11.562%和5.150%。说明各性状遗传潜力较大,存在着广泛的遗传变异,具有获得较大遗传增益选择的潜力。  相似文献   

杨村新无性系木材物理力学性质的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了7个杨树新无性系和I-69杨的木材物理力学性质。结果表明,杨木新无性系的物理力学性质等主要指标均属于小至甚小级,无性系间物理力学性质差异显著,据此可用木材物理力学性质因子选育优良无性系。尽管新无性系的生长速度超过I-69杨,但由于其某些强度指标低于I-69杨,8年生的速生材尚不能完全替代11年生的I-69杨使用,因此不能作为建筑结构材使用。  相似文献   

山杨纸浆材优良种源的选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采集山杨主要分布区内15个种源171份材料,在黑龙江省迎春林业局进行种源试验,并进行生长与纸浆材性的综合分析,其结果表明:种源树高、地径、材积、新生长和冠幅等生长性状和纤维长、宽、长宽比、基本密度和纤维素含量等材性指标的差异达显著或极显著水平,通过综合指数法和PCA分析,初步选出适合黑龙江省营造山杨纸浆林的7个最佳种源。  相似文献   

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