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The biological control agent Rotstop® composed of a suspension of spores of Phlebiopsis gigantea (Fr.) Jül. is widely used for protecting conifer stumps from aerial infection by Heterobasidion species. The efficacy of Rotstop application on Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stumps was determined in several locations and at different seasons in Latvia. Mean efficacy in controlling natural infection by Heterobasidion spp. in spruce stumps was 64%, calculated on the basis of number of infected stumps, and 89%, calculated on the basis of area of infected wood on sample discs cut from the stumps. Corresponding proportions for pine were 82% and 95%. The results show that Rotstop can be successfully used for stump treatment in Latvia, although improved efficacy is desirable, particularly in spruce. A Latvian isolate of P. gigantea, selected from numerous isolates in preliminary tests, was included in one experiment and was shown to be as effective as the Rotstop isolate. In untreated spruce stumps Heterobasidion spp. and P. gigantea were present in the same stump three times more frequently than in untreated pine stumps. Heterobasidion spp. infection in untreated spruce stumps was low when P. gigantea covered more than 10% of stump dissection.  相似文献   

Two Norway spruce stands with heavy infections of Heterobasidion annosum were clear‐cut in 1957 and 1959 in Sweden. The stumps were extracted, the soil sifted to remove most of the roots, and young Norway spruce were planted. After 25 and 28 years, H. annosum had infected 1 % and 2% of trees on plots where stumps had been removed and 17 % and 12% of the trees on control plots, respectively. Several of the H. annosum clones fruiting on old‐growth stumps were also detected in decayed, standing trees. The same fungal clone was found to be infecting adjacent trees from several old‐growth stumps. In addition to old stumps, stumps from recent thinnings and diseased living trees were traced as infection sources. Their relative importance in spreading disease was estimated. Disease risk predictions based on the distance of a tree from various infection sources correlated well with observed frequencies of rot.  相似文献   

The variation in the basic‐density level of 45 stems of Sitka spruce from two Danish sites has been examined. It is shown that the basic‐density level, i.e. the basic density as a function of ring width, within the juvenile wood decreases with (1) increasing distance from the pith and (2) increasing height in the stem (same ring number from pith provided). Furthermore, the basic‐density level seems to decrease with increasing stand quality, which may affect the pattern of variation in basic‐density level if the stand quality class varies with age. The basic density of the juvenile wood is markedly higher in Sitka spruce than in Norway spruce, whereby the risk of stem cracks probably is reduced.  相似文献   

北半球针叶林最严重的森林病害是由广义的多年异担子菌(Heterobasidion annosum sensu lato)引起的干基白色腐朽病,但近年的研究表明多年异担子菌并不是单一的物种,目前在欧洲已分出3个独立的种,即原始多年异担子菌(Heterobasidion annosum sensu stricto)、小孔异担子菌(Heterobasidion parviporum)和冷杉异担子菌(Heterobasidi-on abietinum),它们生物学习性、形态结构,生态学,寄主范围和发生区域均有差异。应用大伏革菌Phlebiopsisgigantea对该类病害进行生物防治是较好的方法。将中国东北和西南(云南)的异担子菌单孢菌株与欧洲的三种异担子菌进行交配,结果表明中国东北和西南地区的异担子菌与原始多年异担子菌无性亲和反应,而与小孔异担子菌有性融合反应,因此中国东北和西南地区的异担子菌是小孔异担子菌,目前中国并不存在原始多年异担子菌。由于原始多年异担子菌和冷杉异担子菌均为严重的森林病原菌,应将其作为对外检疫对象。  相似文献   

In an experiment established on three Norway spruce sites in southern Sweden, the ability of five strains of Phlebiopsis gigantea, including the commercial strain Rotstop®, and two Trichoderma formulations to control natural Heterobasidion spp. spore infections was compared. At each site 160 trees were felled, and the resulting stumps were treated with spore suspensions of the seven fungal preparations. Twenty stumps at each site were left untreated as control stumps. When sampled 9 months after treatment, two of the P. gigantea strains (1984 and 1985) were the most effective at preventing infection by Heterobasidion spp. The other three P. gigantea strains were less effective, and two Trichoderma formulations did not significantly reduce Heterobasidion spp. infections.  相似文献   

长自鱼鳞云杉木材渗透性及苯-乙醇浸提对其影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用水上升置换气流法测定了长白鱼鳞云杉木材渗透性,并利用苯-乙醇对其进行浸提处理,探明浸提物对渗透性的影响及改善其渗透性的可能性。试验结果表明,长白鱼鳞云杉气干心材的气体渗透性为0.02872达西(darcy),属渗透性低、浸注难树种;苯-乙醇浸提对其心材气体渗透性的影响高度显著,浸提后渗透性得到明显改善,渗透性平均增加75%,而且可以增加渗透的均匀性。  相似文献   

The dynamic shear modulus and the loss modulus of Betula alba, Ulmus parvifolia, Quercus robur, Acer platanoides, Tilia cordata, Fraxinus excelsior and Pinus sylvestris wood were measured using an inverted torsion pendulum within a wide temperature range. The glass transition temperature of the lignin–carbohydrate complex and the decomposition temperature of the wood cellulose were estimated. The temperature band from 170°C to 240°С shows the transition of the lignin–cellulose complex from the glassy to the rubbery state. Mechanical properties of different types of wood are affected by moisture and anatomical differences, but glass transition and decomposition temperatures are the same. More than 5% of moisture in the wood stored at normal conditions were found. After drying, the increase of dynamic shear modulus of wood over the entire region of the glassy state was observed. The intensity of maximum peak of dynamic loss modulus is also increased due to activation of the segmental motion of macromolecules of the ligno-carbon complex. The decomposition temperature of the cellulose crystallites was unchanged for specimens containing moisture and for dried specimens.  相似文献   

Woodsurfaceroughnessisthemicrogeometrypropertycomposedbyalittlespacingandpeak-tovalley.Generallythesurfaceroughnesswascomposedbytheworkingmethodandotherfactorst123.Woodsurfaceroughnesswasnotonlyanimportantindexwhichmeasuredthesur-facesmoothextentofwoodproductandtheworkingqualitybutalsothewoodsur-fitceroughnessaffectedwoodsurfacefeel--lngandpsychologicalfeeling[3'4,lo,ll:.Th,'quantitativesurftlceproPertyparametersweretheimportantpartwhichmarkedthewoodsurfacevisualpsycho1ogicalmagni-tude,whichha…  相似文献   

温度及水分状态对美国红松弯曲弹性模量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用温度控制系统,对美国红松小试样规格材进行测试,检验木材温度及水分状态对木材弯曲弹性模量的影响.结果表明:温度对木材的抗弯性能具有显著影响,随着温度的升高,木材的抗弯性能逐渐减弱;相同承载条件下,含水率越高,冻结木材的抗弯曲性能越强.对于纤维饱和材,冰点以下其弹性模量随着温度的降低而迅速增加,在冰点以上则增加缓慢;对于非纤维饱和材,其弹性模量受温度影响变化幅度在冰点两侧区别不明显.冻结木材弹性模量相对于常温(20℃)情况下(相对弹性模量)受温度和含水率变化的影响十分显著,而非冻结木材的相对弹性模量对温度变化均表现不敏感.通过建立的相对弹性模量-温度试验模型,能较好地预测不同温度及含水率下的木材弯曲弹性模量相对于常温的变化幅度.该研究为不同温度条件下尤其是低温时的木材弹性模量测量结果修正提供了试验依据.  相似文献   

Woodisnaturalmaterial,naturegivewoodsurfacecolor,g]oss,grain,qualitysenseetc-,whichconsititutedwoodaesthet-icfeeling.Forthisreson,peoplealwaysusedwide]ywoodtomakefurnitureanddecorating,andstlldiedonthequntitativetestingofwoodsurfacevisualphysicalmagnitude.tl-8jTreeswereprocessedoperationbyaseriesofworkingprocesstoformthewoodsurfacewhichwesawandtouchedonfur-nitureanddecorating.Inthesekindsofworkingprocess,whetherthevisualphysi-calmagnitudeofwoodsurfacehadvaria-tionsorthisvariationschangedwoodna…  相似文献   


An IML-RESI PD 400 drilling tool and a standard spade drill bit (IML System GmbH, Wiesloch, Germany) were used to study the combined effect of wood moisture content (MC), drill bit rotational speed and feed rate on drilling resistance (DR) and feeding force (FF). Tests were made with Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) conditioned in a normal climate (20°C/65% RH), at 20°C/95% RH, vacuum-pressure impregnated in water, and oven-dried. Rotational speeds and feed rates had an impact on feed rate per cutting edge for the major cutting edge of the drill bit which was used for correlation with DR and FF for various MC. Impact of MC on DR and FF depended on rotational speeds and feed rates of the drill bit. For feed rates per cutting edge less than 0.09?mm, DR was higher for water saturated (WS) specimens. Negligible differences between DR for various MC were found for feed rates per cutting edge between 0.09 and 0.15?mm. DR was higher at low MC for feed rates per cutting edge which were higher than 0.15?mm. FF extremely increased in conditioned (20°C/95% RH) and WS specimens at feed rates per cutting edge less than 0.1?mm.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of girdling on the moisture content of small-sized trees for heat energy production was clarified. The moisture content was measured for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Norway spruce (Picea abies), and Downy birch (Betula pubescens) during two growing seasons after girdling. The trees were girdled at breast height for around 30 cm by removing the bark, phloem, and cambium from around the stem. At the beginning of the growing season the mean moisture content of the living Scots pine (P. sylvestris) and Norway spruce (P. abies) was 60%, and for Downy birch (B. pubescens) it was 50%. During the first growing season the effect of girdling on the moisture content was low, but during the second growing season the moisture content decreased significantly. The moisture content of the Norway spruce (P. abies) (23%) and Downy birch (B. pubescens) (33%) was at its lowest point at 14 months after girdling. There were no significant changes in the moisture content of the Scots pine (P. sylvestris) in this study. The results of this study can be used in basic research and in the development of energy wood production.  相似文献   

In this work, a set-up with a device measuring the mass of wood packages is examined as an aid to estimate the average moisture content (MC) of wood packages. As the basic density needs to be presumed in the set-up, an estimator of the basic density as a function of log diameter is determined for Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). In total, 1920 specimens were collected at two different sawmills and analysed for this purpose. Specimens collected at the butt-end of pine had the greatest variation in basic density and it is recommended that they should be omitted when sawmills create their own functions for basic density estimation. Furthermore, the variation in basic density was shown to have the greatest impact on the estimated MC. A maximum error estimator of the MC became 14% at a MC of 70% and 9% at a MC of 10%. It was therefore concluded that the described method should not be used to estimate the MC of packages after drying but can serve as a valuable indicator of average green MC of a drying batch.  相似文献   

针对杨树地膜覆盖扦插苗在苗床不同部位的生长差异现象,应用美洲黑杨湘林-75无性系1年生苗,采取不同苗木及苗床部位双因子试验设计方法,进行扦插育苗试验.结果显示:种苗不同部位扦插育苗的保存率、地径和苗高年生长量均无显著差异.在地膜仅覆盖苗床上面而裸露侧面情况下,由于地膜的边缘效应,边行土壤在8月中旬的土壤含水率比苗床中部...  相似文献   


Drying takes the largest share of energy in plywood production, and varying moisture content of veneers necessitates re-drying that often leads to over-dry veneers with deactivated surfaces, which may promote imperfect bonding. In order to decrease the drying time, reduce the need for re-drying of veneers, and improve the quality of plywood, birch and spruce veneers were subjected to pre-treatment by cold compression, incision, or a combination of the two. The effects of pre-treatment on the veneer and plywood quality were assessed by standard tests. Compression had a beneficial effect on water removal of the wettest veneers (spruce sapwood (SW) and birch), but some thickness reduction was observed in the veneers as well as the finished birch plywood. Compression led to thickness reduction of spruce veneers, but had no effect on SW plywood thickness likely due to higher viscoelasticity. Both compression and the combination of incising and compression levelled the moisture variation within the compressed stacks. Incision improved the modulus of elasticity of birch plywood, shear strength of SW plywood, and both bending and shear strengths of heartwood plywood. Higher surface pressure decreased the drying time of spruce SW in both plain compression and combined incision and compression pre-treatment.  相似文献   

Nieuwenhuis  M.A.  Wills  J.M. 《New Forests》2002,24(3):195-213
The research on the impact of soil cultivation/drainage practices upon root architecture of young Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) trees reported in this article was carried out in the period from 1995 to 1997. A total of 279 trees between five and eight years of age were excavated on three sites in the mid-west of Ireland. The general soil type was surface water gley. Horizontal and vertical root spread was found to be related to the size of the tree. Larger trees in the machine mound and mole and mound treated plots tended to have greater root spread compared to the smaller trees in the moled and uncultivated plots. Between the two sampling periods in 1995 (at the age of 5 years) and 1997 (at the age of 7 or 8 years) the percentage root distribution decreased close to the root stock and increased further out. However, at all three sites very little of the root cross sectional area was found beyond 60 cm from the root stock in either the vertical or the horizontal directions, even after 7 growing seasons. Generally the location of the centre of gravity of the tree root systems was not affected by cultivation treatment, nor was it found to differ significantly from the ideal co-ordinates of (0,0). Therefore, most of the root systems appeared to be symmetrical.  相似文献   

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