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The schumann resonance: a global tropical thermometer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Schumann resonance, a global electromagnetic phenomenon, is shown to be a sensitive measure of temperature fluctuations in the tropical atmosphere. The link between Schumann resonance and temperature is lightning flash rate, which increases nonlinearly with temperature in the interaction between deep convection and ice microphysics.  相似文献   

Daniels GH 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1967,156(3783):1699-1705
These early experiences of pure scientists will have an unmistakable ring of familiarity to anyone familiar with the current situation. Charles Sanders Peirce, with characteristic insight, had stated the fundamental dilemma of the pure scientist operating within a democratic framework. How can one ask the public to provide support, much less facilities, for the intellectual gratification of one select group? A part of the answer, of course, is simply that one cannot. As long as a group is dependent upon public support it must seek some means of contact with the values of the enveloping society, and the moment it does this it departs in some measure from the ideal purity. The schizophrenic attitude described by Dubos therefore became a professional necessity as soon as the new ideal was adopted. Since the time of Gould, scientists have been able to tell each other that the man who based science's claim to support on grounds of immediate practical utility was "no loyal follower and true friend of science" and, at the same time, to trust that the popularizers and technicians would convey a different message to the public. On the whole, they have not been disappointed in their expectation, and there has been little need for them to go beyond the standard formula : Utility is not to be a test of scientific work, but all knowledge will ultimately prove useful. Since the continued existence of scientists in this society depends upon the believability of that vague claim, there is little likelihood hood that the schizophrenia will disappear.  相似文献   

Plant canopy temperature is used in many studies of plant/environment interactions and non-contact measurement is often made with radiometric surface thermometers commonly referred to as infrared thermometers. Industrial-quality infrared thermocouples are widely available and often used in agricultural research. While research on canopy temperature has provided management tools for production agriculture, the high cost of the industrial-quality infrared thermocouples has limited their adoption and use in production agriculture settings. Our objective was to evaluate a low-cost consumer-quality infrared thermocouple as a component of a wireless thermal monitoring system designed for use in a production agriculture setting. The performances of industrial-quality and low-cost consumer-quality sensors were compared under controlled constant temperature and under field conditions using both grass and cotton canopies. Results demonstrate that under controlled constant-temperature the two types of infrared thermocouples were “significantly the same” at 10 °C, 20 °C and 30 °C and “significantly not the same” at 40 °C and 50 °C. Across the temperature range tested, the consumer-quality infrared thermocouples temperature reading was closer to the thermocouple reading than the industrial-quality infrared thermocouples. A field comparison of industrial-quality and consumer-quality infrared thermocouple sensors monitoring a grass canopy and a cotton canopy indicated that the two types of sensors were similar over a 13–35 °C range. The measurement of temperature made with two types of sensors would not differ significantly. Based on these results we conclude that the lower-cost consumer-quality infrared thermometers are suitable for use in production agricultural applications.  相似文献   

孔子理想的国度,人际关系是平等的,没有阶级,没有剥削,社会财富共有,主张“德治”,国家统治者应是“贤人”。柏拉图理想的国度,人际关系是等级森严的,是有剥削的,有奴隶存在的,主张“法治”,国家统治者应是“哲学王”。  相似文献   

Zircon thermometer reveals minimum melting conditions on earliest Earth   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Ancient zircons from Western Australia's Jack Hills preserve a record of conditions that prevailed on Earth not long after its formation. Widely considered to have been a uniquely violent period geodynamically, the Hadean Eon [4.5 to 4.0 billion years ago (Ga)] has recently been interpreted by some as far more benign-possibly even characterized by oceans like those of the present day. Knowledge of the crystallization temperatures of the Hadean zircons is key to this debate. A thermometer based on titanium content revealed that these zircons cluster strongly at approximately 700 degrees C, which is indistinguishable from temperatures of granitoid zircon growth today and strongly suggests a regulated mechanism producing zircon-bearing rocks during the Hadean. The temperatures substantiate the existence of wet, minimum-melting conditions within 200 million years of solar system formation. They further suggest that Earth had settled into a pattern of crust formation, erosion, and sediment recycling as early as 4.35 Ga.  相似文献   

中国人的理想环境模式及其生态史观   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
通过心理统计数据和考察中国古代寺庙及陵墓的选址规律,以及观察人们在环境中的日常行为,文章揭示了中国人心目中的理想环境模式;并以进化论及中国文化发展规律为依据,探讨了这种理想环境模式的深层意义,认为它的原型正是中国原始人类的“满意生态环境”和中国文化主要定型阶段所处的整体环境。这种原型环境具有多种生态效应,包括边缘效应、闭合效应和走廊效应,正是这些生态效应在中国人的内心深处构筑了理想环境模式。  相似文献   

利用两个不同基因型高粱分别进行人工改型,以求最佳株型结构.结果表明,改型后对产量有显著的影响,两品种产量最高的株型结构分别比对照增产31.85%和58.79%.其高产株型结构特征是上部1~4片叶紧凑上冲,或上部1~6片叶直立上冲,而下部叶片披散.其高产株型在千粒质量、粒梗比、穗粒质量、经济系数等方面均有所提高.  相似文献   

Two nitrogen-balance experiments were conducted to determine the optimum balance pattern among four amino acids (lysine, methionine, tryptophan and threonine) on a digestible basis in the diet of piglets (10 kg) treated with lipopolysaccharide or saline as control. The method of amino acid deletion was adopted. All pigs were of a single genetic background and geographical origin. In each group, fifteen Landrance × Rongchang castrated piglets were allotted randomly to one of five groups of dietary amino acid regimens. The positive control group was supplemented with four amino acids. One of the four amino acids was reduced by about 25% in the respective treatment groups. After finishing the nitrogen-balance experiments, the slaughter technique was used to determine the ideal amino acid digestibility of the positive control by using chromium oxide (3 g/kg) as the indicator. The results showed that the ideal amino acid pattern of lysine/methionine/threonine/tryptopham on the digestible basis was 100:27:29:59 for 10 kg pigs under immune stress, and 100:30:21:61 for piglets under normal conditions. Translated from Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 2006, 37(1): 34–37 [译自: 畜牧兽医学报]  相似文献   

Many agricultural studies rely on infrared sensors for remote measurement of surface temperatures for crop status monitoring and estimating sensible and latent heat fluxes. Historically, applications for these non-contact thermometers employed the use of hand-held or stationary industrial infrared thermometers (IRTs) wired to data loggers. Wireless sensors in agricultural applications are a practical alternative, but the availability of low cost wireless IRTs is limited. In this study, we designed prototype narrow (10°) field of view wireless infrared sensor modules and evaluated the performance of the IRT sensor by comparing temperature readings of an object (Tobj) against a blackbody calibrator in a controlled temperature room at ambient temperatures of 15 °C, 25 °C, 35 °C, and 45 °C. Additional comparative readings were taken over plant and soil samples alongside a hand-held IRT and over an isothermal target in the outdoors next to a wired IRT. The average root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) between the collected IRT object temperature readings and the blackbody target ranged between 0.10 and 0.79 °C. The wireless IRT readings also compared well with the hand-held IRT and wired industrial IRT. Additional tests performed to investigate the influence of direct radiation on IRT measurements indicated that housing the sensor in white polyvinyl chloride provided ample shielding for the self-compensating circuitry of the IR detector. The relatively low cost of the wireless IRT modules and repeatable measurements against a blackbody calibrator and commercial IR thermometers demonstrated that these wireless prototypes have the potential to provide accurate surface radiometric temperature readings in outdoor applications. Further studies are needed to thoroughly test radio frequency communication and power consumption characteristics in an outdoor setting.  相似文献   

医学类大学生的理想关系着其人生观、价值观和世界观的正确树立,对其以后职业的发展和我国卫生事业的发展有着极为重要的作用。本研究采用自编的医学类大学生理想现状研究的访谈提纲,借助MP4进行访谈记录,结果表明:医学类大学生对理想及其重要性有着深刻的认识,但对理想的结构及其影响因素认识不全面;自我理想的发展主要关注职业和生活理...  相似文献   

教育质量公平是教育事业在新形势下和谐发展的保障,也是教育事业所追求的理想状态;提高教育质量是实现教育质量公平的有效手段,也是当务之急。当前,需要把握教育质量公平内涵,在公平而差异对待机制下发挥政府的主导作用,同时要凸显学校在提高教育质量上的的主体地位,通过政府宏观指导,优化资源配置,建立健全积极差别对待机制,完善质量控制和评价体系,走向有质量的教育公平,促进教育和谐乃至社会和谐。  相似文献   

Glikson A 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2006,311(5762):779; author reply 779
Watson and Harrison (Reports, 6 May 2005, p. 841) proposed a model for early Earth magmatism based on crystallization temperatures of Hadean zircons. However, detrital zircon populations are skewed relative to the composition of their source terrains, Archaean isotopic and geochemical mantle signatures preclude reincorporation of Hadean continental crust into the early mantle, and the effects of early impacts should be considered.  相似文献   

Nutman AP 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2006,311(5762):779; author reply 779
Watson and Harrison (Reports, 6 May 2005, p. 841) interpreted low temperatures (approximately 700 degrees C) for Hadean zircons as evidence of the existence of wet, minimum-melting conditions within 200 million years of solar system formation. However, high-temperature melts (approximately 900 degrees C) are zircon-undersaturated and crystallize zircon only after substantial temperature drop during fractional crystallization. Zircon thermometry cannot distinguish between low- and high-temperature Hadean igneous sources.  相似文献   

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