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In soils of arid and semiarid climates, dissolution of primary (lithogenic) carbonate and recrystallization with CO2 from soil air leads to precipitation of pedogenic carbonates and formation of calcic horizons. Thus, their carbon isotope composition represents the conditions prevailing during their formation. However, the widespread use of the isotopic signature (δ13C, δ18O, Δ14C) of pedogenic carbonates for reconstruction of local paleovegetation, paleoprecipitation and other environmental conditions lacks knowledge of the time frame of pedogenic carbonate formation, which depends on climatic factors. We hypothesized that temperature-dependent biotic processes like plant growth and root and rhizomicrobial respiration have stronger influence on soil CaCO3 recrystallization than abiotic temperature-dependent solubility of CO2 and CaCO3.To assess the effect of temperature on initial CaCO3 recrystallization rates, loess with primary CaCO3 was exposed to 14CO2 from root and rhizomicrobial respiration of plants labeled in 14CO2 atmosphere at 10, 20 or 30 °C. 14C recovered in recrystallized CaCO3 was quantified to calculate amounts of secondary CaCO3 and corresponding recrystallization rates, which were in the range of 10−6-10−4 day−1, meaning that 10−4-10−2% of total loess CaCO3 were recrystallized per day. Increasing rates with increasing temperature showed the major role of biological activities like enhanced water uptake by roots and respiration. The abiotic effect of lower solubility of CO2 in water by increasing temperature was completely overcompensated by biotic processes. Based on initial recrystallization rates, periods necessary for complete recrystallization were estimated for different temperatures, presuming that CaCO3 recrystallization in soil takes place mainly during the growing season. Taking into account the shortening effect of increasing temperature on the length of growing season, the contrast between low and high temperature was diminished, yielding recrystallization periods of 5740 years, 4330 years and 1060 years at 10, 20 and 30 °C, respectively. In summary, increasing CaCO3 recrystallization rates with increasing temperature demonstrated the important role of vegetation for pedogenic CaCO3 formation and the predominantly biotic effects of growing season temperature.Considering the long periods of pedogenic carbonate formation lasting to some millennia, we conclude that methodological resolution of paleoenvironmental studies based on isotope composition of pedogenic carbonates is limited not by instrumental precision but by the time frame of pedogenic carbonate formation and hence cannot be better than thousands of years.  相似文献   

The origin of carbonate accumulations in termite mounds is a controversial issue. This study is an attempt to elucidate the processes of carbonate precipitation in Macrotermes mounds built on Ferralsols in Upper Katanga, D.R. Congo, whereby a differentiation between pedogenic and inherited carbonates is considered. Carbonate features were investigated for a 9 m deep termite-mound profile, and for an 18 m wide cross-section through a termite mound and the adjacent soil, using field and laboratory techniques. Field evidence for a pedogenic origin includes morphological type (soft powdery materials, nodules, and coatings on ped surfaces) and distribution patterns of the carbonates. Thin-section studies reveal that the carbonates occur predominantly as impregnative orthic nodules and less commonly as coatings, both clearly pedogenic; calcareous pellets are interpreted as locally reworked pedogenic carbonates. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDS) and stable isotope (δ13C) analyses show that all isolated carbonate features consist of high-Mg calcite (4.9-12.3 mol% MgCO3) with δ13C signatures ranging from − 13.2‰ to − 11.5‰. Weddellite (CaC2O4. 2H2O) is identified in a thin-section and by XRD analysis, and appears to be locally transformed into calcite. The stable isotope composition of carbon suggests that calcite precipitated in equilibrium with soil CO2 generated during decomposition of soil organic matter, and locally most likely during oxidation of oxalate. This study proves that carbonates which accumulated in Macrotermes mounds are pedogenic precipitates, whose deposition is partly related to microbial decay of organic matter, subsequently redistributed to some extent by abiotic dissolution-reprecipitation and termite activity.  相似文献   

Isotopic signatures of soil components are commonly used to infer past ecologic and climatic shifts in the soil record. The theory behind the fractionation of isotopes that occurs during ecosystem processes is well understood; however, few isotopic studies have explored ecosystem relationships in modern soils. We discuss relationships of stable carbon isotopic signatures in plant tissue, soil organic carbon (SOC), laboratory-respired CO2, and modern carbonates at 10 sites (seven containing pedogenic carbonates) along a C3-dominated climatic gradient (mean annual precipitation (MAP) ranging from 200 to 1000 mm) in the Palouse region of eastern Washington state.A horizon soil organic carbon (SOC) δ13C values varied from −24.3‰ to −25.9‰ PDB. Values in the arid portion of the gradient (200 to approximately 500 mm MAP) generally decreased and linear regression of SOM 13C vs. MAP was significant (r2=0.71, p=0.02). Trends in plant-13C of two grass species (Agropyron spicatum and Festuca idahoensis) found throughout this portion of the gradient were similar to that of SOC. Mean pedogenic carbonate δ13C values varied from −4.1‰ to −10.8‰ PDB. Linear regression was significant for carbonate 13C vs. MAP (r2=0.79, p=0.007), estimated above-ground productivity (r2=0.88, p=0.002) and soil carbon content (r2=0.83, p=0.004). Carbonate δ13C values at the most arid site exhibited higher variability than other sites (presumably due to greater spatial variation in plant respiration vs. atmospheric diffusion). Our data suggest that carbon isotopic relationships among ecosystem components may prove useful in determining ecosystem level properties in modern systems, and potentially in ancient systems as well.  相似文献   

Pedogenic carbonates in arid and semi-arid regions of the world have a great significance as palaeoecological and palaeoclimatological indicators and form a major pool in the carbon cycle. We analysed the ultra-microfabric and the stable isotope composition of C and O in pedogenic carbonates in colluvial soils derived from limestone in an arid region of central Iran. Our objective was to determine the conditions for the formation of soft pedogenic carbonate nodules and their co-existence with palygorskite in the palaeo-argillic horizon. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the calcite aggregates were matted with palygorskite. Ultra-microtome cuts, examined using transmission electron microscopy, provided more detailed information about the fundamental particle association of secondary carbonates and palygorskite. Although less abundant, other silicate clays were detected in both the acid-insoluble clay fractions and in ultra-cuts, mostly in fine clay size, suggesting the engulfing of palygorskite by growing calcite or illuviation of palygorskite during or after formation of the calcite. Coatings of illuvial clays on calcite crystals support the hypothesis that palygorskite was trapped by pedogenic carbonate when the climate was wetter than it is today to form an argillic horizon. However, electron microscopic evidence of the occurrence of fibres on the immediate pedogenic carbonate particle surfaces suggests the in situ formation of palygorskite. The δ13C and δ18O values of pedogenic carbonates suggest that these carbonates were formed in an environment with more available moisture and more C4 plants than now.  相似文献   

Soil pH and calcium carbonate contents are often hypothesized to be important factors controlling organic matter turnover in agricultural soils. The aim of this study was to differentiate the effects of soil pH from those related to carbonate equilibrium on C and N dynamics. The relative contributions of organic and inorganic carbon in the CO2 produced during laboratory incubations were assessed. Five agricultural soils were compared: calcareous (74% CaCO3), loess (0.2% CaCO3) and an acidic soil which had received different rates of lime 20 years ago (0, 18 or 50 t ha−1). Soil aggregates were incubated with or without rape residues under aerobic conditions for 91 days at 15 °C. The C and N mineralized, soil pH, O2 consumption and respiratory quotient (RQ=ΔCO2/ΔO2) were monitored, as well as the δ13C composition of the evolved CO2 to determine its origin (mineral or organic). Results showed that in non-amended soils, the cumulative CO2 produced was significantly greater in the limed soil with a pH>7 than in the same soil with less or no lime added, whereas there was no difference in N mineralization or in O2 consumption kinetics. We found an exponential relationship between RQ values and soil pH, suggesting an excess production of CO2 in alkaline soils. This CO2 excess was not related to changes in substrate utilization by the microbial biomass but rather to carbonates equilibrium. The δ13C signatures confirmed that the CO2 produced in soils with pH>7 originated from both organic and mineral sources. The contribution of soil carbonates to CO2 production led to an overestimation of organic C mineralization (up to 35%), the extent of which depended on the nature of soil carbonates but not on the amount. The actual C mineralization (derived from organic C) was similar in limed and unlimed soil. The amount of C mineralized in the residue-amended soils was ten times greater than in the basal soil, thus masking the soil carbonate contribution. Residue decomposition resulted in a significant increase in soil pH in all soils. This increase is attributed to the alkalinity and/or decarboxylation of organic anions in the plant residue and/or to the immobilization of nitrate by the microbial biomass and the corresponding release of hydroxyl ions. A theoretical composition (C, O, H, N) of residue and soil organic matter is proposed to explain the RQ measured. It emphasizes the need to take microbial biomass metabolism, O2 consumption due to nitrification and carbon assimilation yield into account when interpreting RQ data.  相似文献   

Incomplete combustion of organics such as vegetation or fossil fuel led to accumulation of charred products in the upper soil horizon. Such charred products, frequently called pyrogenic carbon or black carbon (BC), may act as an important long-term carbon (C) sink because its microbial decomposition and chemical transformation is probably very slow. Direct estimations of BC decomposition rates are absent because the BC content changes are too small for any relevant experimental period. Estimations based on CO2 efflux are also unsuitable because the contribution of BC to CO2 is too small compared to soil organic matter (SOM) and other sources.We produced BC by charring 14C labeled residues of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne). We then incubated this 14C labeled BC in Ah of a Haplic Luvisol soil originated from loess or in loess for 3.2 years. The decomposition rates of BC were estimated based on 14CO2 sampled 44 times during the 3.2 years incubation period (1181 days). Additionally we introduced five repeated treatments with either 1) addition of glucose as an energy source for microorganisms to initiate cometabolic BC decomposition or 2) intensive mixing of the soil to check the effect of mechanical disturbance of aggregates on BC decomposition. Black carbon addition amounting to 20% of Corg of the soil or 200% of Corg of loess did not change total CO2 efflux from the soil and slightly decreased it from the loess. This shows a very low BC contribution to recent CO2 fluxes. The decomposition rates of BC calculated based on 14C in CO2 were similar in soil and in loess and amounted to 1.36 10−5 d−1 (=1.36 10−3% d−1). This corresponds to a decomposition of about 0.5% BC per year under optimal conditions. Considering about 10 times slower decomposition of BC under natural conditions, the mean residence time (MRT) of BC is about 2000 years, and the half-life is about 1400 years. Considering the short duration of the incubation and the typical decreasing decomposition rates with time, we conclude that the MRT of BC in soils is in the range of millennia.The strong increase in BC decomposition rates (up to 6 times) after adding glucose and the decrease of this stimulation after 2 weeks in the soil (and after 3 months in loess) allowed us to conclude cometabolic BC decomposition. This was supported by higher stimulation of BC decomposition by glucose addition compared to mechanical disturbance as well as higher glucose effects in loess compared to the soil. The effect of mechanical disturbance was over within 2 weeks. The incorporation of BC into microorganisms (fumigation/extraction) after 624 days of incubation amounted to 2.6 and 1.5% of 14C input into soil and loess, respectively. The amount of BC in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was below the detection limit (<0.01%) showing no BC decomposition products in water leached from the soil.We conclude that applying 14C labeled BC opens new ways for very sensitive tracing of BC transformation products in released CO2, microbial biomass, DOC, and SOM pools with various properties.  相似文献   

To investigate C and N rhizodeposition, plants can be 13C‐15N double‐labeled with glucose and urea using a stem‐feeding method (wick method). However, it is unclear how the 13C applied as glucose is released into the soil as rhizorespiration in comparison with the 13C applied as CO2 using a natural uptake pathway. In the present study, we therefore compared the short‐term fate of 14C and 15N in white lupine and pea plants applied either by the wick method or the natural pathways of C and N assimilation. Plants were pulse‐labeled in 14CO2‐enriched atmosphere and 15N urea was applied to the roots (atmosphere–soil) following the natural assimilation pathways, or plants were simultaneously labeled with 14C and 15N by applying a 14C glucose–15N urea solution into the stem using the wick method. Plant development, soil microbial biomass, total rhizorespiration, and distribution of N in plants were not affected by the labeling method used but by plant species. However, the 15N : N ratio in plant parts was significantly (p < 0.05) affected by the labeling method, indicating more homogeneous 15N enrichment of plants labeled via root uptake. After 14CO2 atmosphere labeling of plants, the cumulated 14CO2 release from roots and soil showed the common saturation dynamics. In contrast, after 14C‐glucose labeling by the wick method, the cumulated 14CO2 release increased linearly. These results show that 14C applied as glucose using the wick method is not rapidly transferred to the roots as compared to a short‐term 14CO2 pulse. This is partly due to a slower 14C uptake and partly due to slow distribution within the plant. Consequently, 14C‐glucose application by the wick method is no pulse‐labeling approach. However, the advantages of the wick method for 13C‐15N double labeling for estimating rhizodeposition especially under field conditions requires further methodological research.  相似文献   

A natural‐13C‐labeling approach—formerly observed under controlled conditions—was tested in the field to partition total soil CO2 efflux into root respiration, rhizomicrobial respiration, and soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition. Different results were expected in the field due to different climate, site, and microbial properties in contrast to the laboratory. Within this isotopic method, maize was planted on soil with C3‐vegetation history and the total CO2 efflux from soil was subdivided by isotopic mass balance. The C4‐derived C in soil microbial biomass was also determined. Additionally, in a root‐exclusion approach, root‐ and SOM‐derived CO2 were determined by the total CO2 effluxes from maize (Zea mays L.) and bare‐fallow plots. In both approaches, maize‐derived CO2 contributed 22% to 35% to the total CO2 efflux during the growth period, which was comparable to other field studies. In our laboratory study, this CO2 fraction was tripled due to different climate, soil, and sampling conditions. In the natural‐13C‐labeling approach, rhizomicrobial respiration was low compared to other studies, which was related to a low amount of C4‐derived microbial biomass. At the end of the growth period, however, 64% root respiration and 36% rhizomicrobial respiration in relation to total root‐derived CO2 were calculated when considering high isotopic fractionations between SOM, microbial biomass, and CO2. This relationship was closer to the 50% : 50% partitioning described in the literature than without fractionation (23% root respiration, 77% rhizomicrobial respiration). Fractionation processes of 13C must be taken into account when calculating CO2 partitioning in soil. Both methods—natural 13C labeling and root exclusion—showed the same partitioning results when 13C isotopic fractionation during microbial respiration was considered and may therefore be used to separate plant‐ and SOM‐derived CO2 sources.  相似文献   

Carbonate pedofeatures of three chernozemic soils developed from loesslike loams in the foreststeppe zone of Lipetsk oblast under fallow plot (Luvic Chernozem (Clayic, Pachic)) and under forest (Calcic Chernozem (Clayic, Pachic)) and in the steppe zone of Dnepropetrovsk oblast (Calcic Chernozem (Episiltic, Endoclayic, Pachic)) were studied in the field and laboratory with the use of a set of methods, including the radiocarbon method, mass spectrometry, and micro- and submicromorphology. The morphological diversity of carbonate pedofeatures in these soils was represented by carbonate veins, coatings, disperse carbonates (carbonate impregnations), soft masses (beloglazka), and concretions. In the forest-steppe soils, disperse carbonates and soft masses were absent. The radiocarbon age of carbonate pedofeatures in the forest-steppe soils varied within a relatively narrow range of 3–4.3 ka cal BP with a tendency for a younger age of carbonate concretions subjected to destruction (geodes). In the steppe chernozem, this range was larger, and the 14C ages of different forms of carbonate pedofeatures were different. Thus, soft masses (beloglazka) had the age of 5.5–6 ka cal BP; disperse carbonates, 17.5–18.5 ka cal BP; and hard carbonate concretions, 26–27 ka cal BP. Data on δ13C demonstrated that the isotopic composition of carbon in virtually all the “nonlabile” carbonate pedofeatures does not correspond to the isotopic composition of carbon of the modern soil organic matter. It was shown that the studied chernozemic soils are polygenetic formations containing carbonate pedofeatures of different ages: (a) recent (currently growing), (b) relict, and (c) inherited pedofeatures. The latter group represents complex pedofeatures that include ancient fragments integrated in younger pedofeatures, e.g., the Holocene soft carbonate nodules with inclusions of fragments of the ancient microcodium.  相似文献   


The isotopic signal provided by differential discrimination against atmospheric carbon dioxide (13CO2) by C3 and C4 plant photosynthetic pathways is being widely used to study the processes of carbon (C) fixation, soil organic matter formation, and mineralization in nature. These studies have been facilitated by the availability of automated C and nitrogen (N) combustion analyzers (ANCA) combined with continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometers (CFIRMS). Analysis of 13CO2 in these instruments requires consistent sample mass for best precision, a requirement that is easily satisfied for soil and tissue samples by adjusting sample weight. Consistent CO2 sample size is much more difficult to achieve using gas handling systems for samples of headspace gases when CO2 concentrations vary widely. Long storage of gaseous samples also is difficult. Extended respiration studies are most easily conducted by trapping CO2 in alkali and conversion to an insoluble carbonate. Thermal decomposition of the carbonate in an on‐line ANCA allows consistent and optimal CO2 sample mass to be obtained. The use of precipitated carbonates also facilitates storage of samples and enables full automation of sample analysis using an ANCA interfaced to a CFIRMS. Calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), and barium (Ba) carbonates were tested. Strontium carbonate (SrCO3) with the addition of vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) as a combustion catalyst was found most suitable.  相似文献   

Pere Rovira  V. Ramn Vallejo 《Geoderma》2008,144(3-4):517-534
The current view on the relationship between the δ13C of pedogenic carbonates and soil organic matter is based on static studies, in which soil profiles are analysed at a given moment of their development. A dynamic approach to this question should also be possible by studying under field conditions how the δ13C of carbonates changes as organic matter decomposes. No such study has been undertaken owing to the slowness of the changes in the δ13C of carbonates, since it has been calculated that a detectable change will occur only after millenia. Nevertheless, this may not be true where soil CO2 efflux is intense, as expected in soil zones with high microbial activity. In this paper we test the latter assumption by incubating mixtures of plant material and carbonate-rich red earth in the field at depths of 5, 20 and 40 cm. Four types of plant material were tested: Medicago sativa, Eucalyptus globulus, Quercus ilex and Pinus halepensis. Because the isotopic composition of these plant materials is known, we can determine the isotopic composition of the respired C and study how it relates to the (expected) changes in the δ13C. After two years of field incubation, the changes in δ13C of carbonates were high enough to be reliably detected and quantified, thus showing that the isotopic composition of soil carbonates can change quite rapidly in biologically active soil horizons. The observed changes are possible only if we assume that the increase in δ13C in the overall path respired C → pedogenic carbonate is much higher than the usually applied standard factors (about 15‰). These enrichments can be explained by assuming, as does the currently accepted paradigm, that the precipitation of new carbonates occurs in an open system in which the penetration of free-air CO2 plays a major role. On the other hand, these enrichments can also be explained by an alternative interpretation, which assumes that the dissolution–precipitation carbonate cycles occur in systems that can be at least temporarily closed. Thus, we suggest that both possibilities (carbonate dissolution and precipitation in either an open or closed system) can coexist in a given soil, even though one or the other will dominate in any given time period.  相似文献   

Based on studying five agrochronoseries, including recent forest (dark) gray soils and soils plowed for 100, 150, and 200–240 and more years in the forest-steppe zone of the Central Russian Upland, the dynamics of the pedogenic carbon pool, including the Corg and Ccarb, are considered. In the 2-m-thick layer of the agrogenic soils studied, the pedogenic carbon pool was shown to increase by 15–30% (up to 50%) mainly due to the changes in the Ccarb content. The insignificant (by ~10%) growth of the Corg content was found in the soils that were plowed for more than 200–250 years. As the hydrothermal regime changed when passing from the forest to croplands, the Ccarb reserves increased due to the ascending of carbonates from the parent rock through the capillary pores, probably, in colloid solution-suspensions. This process proceeded without exchange with the soil CO2, since the 14C age and the content of the newly formed carbonates became higher. These carbonates may be called pedogenic-lithogenic agrocarbonates, since they appear in soils as a result of the (agro-) pedogenesis. In this case, their additional source is the lithogenic carbonates, which bring in the “old” carbon. The process of carbonates ascending could be referred to the rapid soil-forming ones with their implementation time being close to ≤50 years.  相似文献   

Dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2) constitutes half of the global carbonates. Thus, many calcareous soils have been developing rather from dolomitic rocks than from calcite (CaCO3)‐dominated limestone. We developed a physical fractionation procedure based on three fractionation steps, using sonication with subsequent density fractionation to separate soil organic matter (SOM) from dolomite‐derived soil constituents. The method avoids acidic pretreatment for destruction of carbonates but aims at separating out carbonate minerals according to density. The fractionation was tested on three soils developed on dolostone parent material (alluvial gravel and solid rock), differing in organic‐C (OC) and inorganic‐C (IC) concentrations and degree of carbonate weathering. Soil samples were suspended and centrifuged in Na‐polytungstate (SPT) solutions of increasing density, resulting in five different fractions: two light fractions < 1.8 g cm–3 (> 20 μm and < 20 μm), rich in OC and free of carbonate, and two organomineral fractions (1.8–2.4 g cm–3 and 2.4–2.6 g cm–3), containing 66–145 mg g–1 and 16–29 mg g–1 OC. The organomineral fractions consist of residual clay from carbonate weathering such as clay minerals and iron oxides associated with SOM. The fifth fraction (> 2.6 g cm–3) was dominated by dolomite (85%–95%). The density separation yielded fractions differing in mineral compositions, as well as in SOM, indicated by soil‐type‐specific OC distributions and decreasing OC : N ratios with increasing density of fractions. The presented method is applicable to a wide range of dolomitic and most likely to all other calcareous soils.  相似文献   

The closed-jar incubation method is widely used to estimate the mineralization of soil organic C. There are two C pools (i.e., organic and inorganic C) in calcareous soil. To evaluate the effect of additional carbonates on CO2 emission from calcareous soil during closed-jar incubation, three incubation experiments were conducted by adding different types (CaCO3 and MgCO3 ) and amounts of carbonate to the soil. The addition of carbonates significantly increased CO2 emission from the soil; the increase ranged from 12.0% in the CaCO3 amended soil to 460% in the MgCO3 amended soil during a 100-d incubation. Cumulative CO2 production at the end of the incubation was three times greater in the MgCO3 amended soil compared to the CaCO3 amended one. The CO2 emission increased with the amount of CaCO3 added to the soil. In contrast, CO2 emission decreased as the amount of MgCO3 added to the soil increased. Our results confirmed that the closed-jar incubation method could lead to an overestimate of organic C mineralization in calcareous soils. Because of its effect on soil pH and the dissolution of carbonates, HgCl2 should not be used to sterilize calcareous soil if the experiment includes the measurement of soil CO2 production.  相似文献   


Two properties that are detrimental to agronomic production with acid tropical soils are elevated aluminum concentrations and low phosphate availability. Direct application of carbonate apatites to acid tropical soils possessing low buffering capacity could possibly resolve this problem. The property that determines the effectiveness of directly‐applied carbonate apatites is the CO3/PO4ratio, which indicates the degree of anionic isomorphic substitution occurring within the mineral crystal lattice. Increasing ratios denote greater mineral solubility under acid‐soil conditions. Research was conducted to determine: a) fertilizer efficiency of three carbonate apatites (from North Carolina (NCPR), Central Florida (CFPR), and Kodjari, Upper Volta (KPR)), varying in CO3/PO4ratios, to that of triple superphosphate (TSP), and b) liming effects induced by the liberation of carbonates from each source, compared to CaCO3. Maize (Zea mays L.) was grown in pots containing 3 kg of a Dothan fine sandy loam (fine, loamy siliceous, thermic, Typic Paleudult). Yield was lower from carbonate apatite sources than from TSP during the first cropping period, but was equal to TSP treatments for the second cropping period with rocks possessing a CO3/PO4ratio greater than 0.14. The liming effect induced by liberation of carbonates and phosphates from NCPR (400 mg P kg‐1or 306 mg CO3kg‐1) equaled that from CaCO3(600 mg CO3kg‐1) during the first cropping period. Over experimental duration, the soil pH was increased by 0.60, 1.26, and 1.10 pH units with a resulting decrease of 0.13, 0.17, and 0.14 cmol(+) extractable Al kg‐1by CaCO3(600 mg CO3kg‐1), NCPR (306 mg CO3kg‐1), and CFPR (171 mg CO3kg‐1), respectively  相似文献   


There is increasing interest in use of isotopic tracers to study nutrient liberation and transformation in plant tissues and soils. We developed a technique for pulse‐labeling plants in the field with 14C. Spatial distribution of radioactivity was measured in plots of maize (Zea mays L.) plants exposed to 14CO2. Two clear polyvinyl chambers measuring 1 m wide × 2 m long × 1 m high were used to 14C‐ label maize plants in conventional tillage and no‐tillage treatments. A closed loop in‐line with a pump allowed injection of 14CO2 and unlabeled CO2, and subsampling through an infrared gas analyzer. Cooling and mixing of the air within the chambers was achieved through the use of a free‐standing automobile radiator with fan placed in the center of each plot. The specific activities of leaf tips differed by an order of magnitude among maize plants within the plot. Tillage and time after labeling within the first 48 h had no significant effect on specific activity of maize plants. Plant activity significantly differed by row. The row closest to the inlet and along the edge of the chamber was significantly lower in several plots. Despite differences among leaf tip specific activities, total aboveground activity was uniform within the plot. Plant allometry and plant sampling immediately after labeling would help in correcting for within chamber variability in future field labeling studies.  相似文献   

Urine patches are significant hot‐spots of C and N transformations. To investigate the effects of urine composition on C and N turnover and gaseous emissions from a Danish pasture soil, a field plot study was carried out in September 2001. Cattle urine was amended with two levels of 13C‐ and 15N‐labeled urea, corresponding to 5.58 and 9.54 g urea‐N l–1, to reflect two levels of protein intake. Urine was then added to a sandy‐loam pasture soil equivalent to a rate of 23.3 or 39.8 g urea‐N m–2. Pools and isotopic labeling of nitrous oxide (N2O) and CO2 emissions, extractable urea, ammonium (NH4+), and nitrate (NO3), and plant uptake were monitored during a 14 d period, while ammonia (NH3) losses were estimated in separate plots amended with unlabeled urine. Ammonia volatilization was estimated to account for 14% and 12% of the urea‐N applied in the low (UL) and high (UH) urea treatment, respectively. The recovery of urea‐derived N as NH4+ increased during the first several days, but isotopic dilution was significant, possibly as a result of stress‐induced microbial metabolism. After a 2 d lag phase, nitrification proceeded at similar rates in UL and UH despite a significant difference in NH4+ availability. Nitrous oxide fluxes were low, but generally increased during the 14 d period, as did the proportion derived from urea‐N. On day 14, the contribution from urea was 23% (UL) and 13% (UH treatment), respectively. Cumulative total losses of N2O during the 14 d period corresponded to 0.021% (UL) and 0.015% (UH) of applied urea‐N. Nitrification was probably the source of N2O. Emission of urea‐derived C as CO2 was only detectable within the first 24 h. Urea‐derived C and N in above‐ground plant material was only significant at the first sampling, indicating that uptake of urine‐C and N via the leaves was small. Urine composition did not influence the potential for N2O emissions from urine patches under the experimental conditions, but the importance of site conditions and season should be investigated further.  相似文献   

Applying pig slurry (PS) on agricultural soils is a common practice. However, its impact on soil organic C dynamics is not clear. This experiment investigated the use of natural 13C abundance to study the short-term C mineralization of anaerobically stored PS under field conditions. Measurements of δ13C-CO2 were made on soil air samples obtained from a bare sandy loam during 22 d following incorporation of either PS alone, PS+barley straw, or barley straw alone; an unamended treatment was used as a control. Slurry C was enriched in 13C (−20.0‰) because of the high corn (Zea mays L.) content of the animal diet. This value contrasted with δ13C of −28.4‰ for the soil organic matter and of −29.0‰ for the barley straw. A peak of high δ13CO2 values (average of −9.2‰) was observed on the day of PS application and was attributed to the dissociation of PS carbonates when mixed with the relatively acidic soil. After this initial burst, 36% of the evolved CO2 originated from the decomposing PS. After 22 d of incubation, approx. 20% of the PS-C had been lost as CO2. This short-term field study did not show any priming effect of PS on the mineralization of straw or native soil C. Due to its heterogeneity, the use of the isotopic composition of the evolved CO2 for estimating PS decomposition requires precaution either through the use of a specific experimental design involving comparable C3 and C4 treatments, or calculations to account for the presence of 13C-enriched inorganic C in the PS.  相似文献   

Partitioning the root‐derived CO2 efflux from soil (frequently termed rhizosphere respiration) into actual root respiration (RR, respiration by autotrophs) and rhizomicrobial respiration (RMR, respiration by heterotrophs) is crucial in determining the carbon (C) and energy balance of plants and soils. It is also essential in quantifying C sources for rhizosphere microorganisms and in estimation of the C contributing to turnover of soil organic matter (SOM), as well as in linking net ecosystem production (NEP) and net ecosystem exchange (NEE). Artificial‐environment studies such as hydroponics or sterile soils yield unrealistic C‐partitioning values and are unsuitable for predicting C flows under natural conditions. To date, several methods have been suggested to separate RR and RMR in nonsterile soils: 1) component integration, 2) substrate‐induced respiration, 3) respiration by excised roots, 4) comparison of root‐derived 14CO2 with rhizomicrobial 14CO2 after continuous labeling, 5) isotope dilution, 6) model‐rhizodeposition technique, 7) modeling of 14CO2 efflux dynamics, 8) exudate elution, and 9) δ13C of CO2 and microbial biomass. This review describes the basic principles and assumptions of these methods and compares the results obtained in the original papers and in studies designed to compare the methods. The component‐integration method leads to strong disturbance and non‐proportional increase of CO2 efflux from different sources. Four of the methods (5 to 8) are based on the pulse labeling of shoots in a 14CO2 atmosphere and subsequent monitoring of 14CO2 efflux from the soil. The model‐rhizodeposition technique and exudate‐elution procedure strongly overestimate RR and underestimate RMR. Despite alternative assumptions, isotope dilution and modeling of 14CO2‐efflux dynamics yield similar results. In crops and grasses (wheat, ryegrass, barley, buckwheat, maize, meadow fescue, prairie grasses), RR amounts on average to 48±5% and RMR to 52±5% of root‐derived CO2. The method based on the 13C isotopic signature of CO2 and microbial biomass is the most promising approach, especially when the plants are continuously labeled in 13CO2 or 14CO2 atmosphere. The “difference” methods, i.e., trenching, tree girdling, root‐exclusion techniques, etc., are not suitable for separating the respiration by autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms because the difference methods neglect the importance of microbial respiration of rhizodeposits.  相似文献   

Determination of the labile soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) fractions and measurement of their isotopic signatures (δ13C and δ15N) has been used widely for characterizing soil C and N transformations. However, methodological questions and comparison of results of different authors have not been fully solved. We studied concentrations and δ13C and δ15N of salt‐extractable organic carbon (SEOC), inorganic (N–NH4+ and N–NO3?) and organic nitrogen (SEON) and salt‐extractable microbial C (SEMC) and N (SEMN) in 0.05 and 0.5 m K2SO4 extracts from a range of soils in Russia. Despite differences in acidity, organic matter and N content and C and N availability in the studied soils, we found consistent patterns of effects of K2SO4 concentration on C and N extractability. Organic C and N were extracted 1.6–5.5 times more effectively with 0.5 m K2SO4 than with 0.05 m K2SO4. Extra SEOC extractability with greater K2SO4 concentrations did not depend on soil properties within a wide range of pH and organic matter concentrations, but the effect was more pronounced in the most acidic and organic‐rich mountain Umbrisols. Extractable microbial C was not affected by K2SO4 concentrations, while SEMN was greater when extracted with 0.5 m K2SO4. We demonstrate that the δ13C and δ15N values of extractable non‐microbial and microbial C and N are not affected by K2SO4 concentrations, but use of a small concentration of extract (0.05 m K2SO4) gives more consistent isotopic results than a larger concentration (0.5 m ).  相似文献   

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